What do letters that do not represent any sounds mean? What letters are not needed in the Russian language? How to pronounce sounds

To complete this task correctly, you need to know that some letters of the Russian language can represent either one or two sounds. The letter “e” is one of these letters.

The letter e means one sound - ['e]

If it occupies a position after a consonant sound.

For example: l[’e]to, m[’e]tro, kal[’e]idoscope, b[’e]lka.

In this case, it indicates the softness [’] of this consonant.

The letter e stands for two sounds [y'e]

If in one of the following positions:

  1. at the beginning of the word: [y’e]dinitsa, [y’e]zhevika, [y’e]l, [y’e]not;
  2. after a soft dividing sign: p[y’e]sa, dress[y’e], health[y’e], kohl[y’e];
  3. after the dividing solid sign: съ[й’е]з, под[й’е]з, зadi[й’е]дінінії, ок[й’е]кт;
  4. after a vowel sound: su[y’e]ta, kli[y’e]nt, kari[y’e]s, po[y’e]l.

Let's get started with the task:

  1. Let us analyze the sound-letter composition of the given word “trip”.

The letter “e” in this word occupies a position after the vowel “o”, and, therefore, denotes two sounds - [y’e].

  1. We determine and write down the number of sounds denoted by the letter “e” in other words from the proposed list:
  • Za[y’e]khali – two sounds (“e” comes after a vowel);
  • Apt[’e]ka – one sound (“e” comes after a consonant);
  • S'[y'e]li - two sounds (“e” comes after the separating ъ);
  • L['e]yka - one sound (“e” comes after a consonant).
  1. We find and write down words in which the letter “e” denotes the same number of sounds as in the word “trip”, that is, two. These words will be: we stopped by, we ate.

It is worth noting that in addition to the letter “e”, two sounds can also represent the letters i, ё, yu. For example:

[y’a]block, behind [y’a]vka;

s[y’o]mka, [y’o]zhik;

[y’u]bka, v[y’u]nok.

The letter positions in which this can be observed are similar to those with the letter "e". In addition, the alphabet contains letters that do not represent any sounds - these are hard and soft signs. They perform the following service functions:

  • dividing (blizzard, weeds; volume, expression of will),
  • designation of softness of a consonant (piano, wedding, palm),
  • indicator of grammatical forms (night, hide, wide open).

Thus, there can be more sounds in a word than letters, and vice versa.

1. In accordance with what sounds are indicated by letters, all letters are divided into vowels and consonants.

There are 10 vowel letters:

2. In the Russian language, not all speech sounds are designated, but only the main ones. In russian language 42 basic sounds - 6 vowels and 36 consonants, whereas number of letters - 33. The number of basic vowels (10 letters, but 6 sounds) and consonants (21 letters, but 36 sounds) also does not match. The difference in the quantitative composition of basic sounds and letters is determined by the peculiarities of Russian writing.

3. In Russian, hard and soft sound denoted by the same letter.

Wed: sir[sir] and gray[sir].

4. The six basic vowel sounds are represented by ten vowel letters:

[And] - And (Cute).

[s] - s (soap).

[A] - A (May) And I (my).

[O] - O (my) And e (Christmas tree).

[e] - uh (This) And e (me l).

[y] - at (ku st) And Yu (yu la).

Thus, to designate the four vowel sounds ([a], [o], [e], [y]) there are two rows of letters:
1) a, o, e, y; 2) i, e, e, yu.


1) I, e, e, yu are letters, not sounds! Therefore they are never used in transcription.

2) The letters a and i, o and e, e and e indicate respectively: a and i - the sound [a]; o and e - sound [o], e and e - [e] - only under stress! For the pronunciation of these vowels in an unstressed position, see paragraph 1.8.

5. The letters i, e, ё, yu perform two functions:

    after a consonant they signal that the preceding consonant represents a soft consonant:

    Xia Du[from hell], se l[s’el], that's it[s’ol], here[s’ uda];

    after vowels, at the beginning of a word and after the separating ъ and ь, these letters denote two sounds - the consonant [j] and the corresponding vowel:

    I - , e - , e - , yu - .

    For example:

    1. after vowels: chew t[zhujot], I shave t[br'eju t];

    2. at the beginning of a word: e l , I to ;

    3. after separators ъ And b: ate[сjé l], view n[v'jūn].


1) The letters i, e, e after the hissing letters zh and sh do not indicate the softness of the preceding consonant sound. Consonant sounds [zh] and [sh] in modern Russian literary language always solid!

Shila[shouled], tin[zhes’t’], walked[shol].

2) The letter and after the consonants zh, sh and c denotes the sound [s].

Shila[shouled], lived[zhyl], circus[circus].

3) Letters a, y and o in combinations cha, schcha, chu, schuh, cho, schuh do not indicate the hardness of the consonants ch and shch. The consonant sounds [ch’] and [sch’] in the modern Russian literary language are always soft.

Chum[ch'um], (five) pike[sh'uk], Part[h’as’t’], Shchors[Sh'ors].

4) b at the end of a word after a sibilant is not an indicator of softness. It performs a grammatical function (see paragraph 1.11).

6. The sound [j] is indicated in writing in several ways:

    after vowels and at the end of a word - with the letter th;


    at the beginning of a word and between two vowels - using the letters e, e, yu, i, which denote the combination of a consonant [j] and the corresponding vowel;

    E l , I to .

    The presence of the sound [j] is also indicated by the separating ъ and ь - between the consonant and vowels e, e, yu, i.

    Ate l[сjé l], view n[v'jūn].

7. The letters ъ and ь do not represent any sounds.

    Separating ъ and ь signal that the following e, e, yu, i designate two sounds, the first of which is [j].

    Non-separating b:

    1) indicates the softness of the preceding consonant:


    2) performs a grammatical function.

    For example, in the word mouseь does not indicate the softness of the preceding consonant, but signals that the given noun is feminine.

For more information about spelling ъ and ь, see paragraph 1.11. Use of b and b.

Exercises for the topic “Speech sounds and letters”

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Have you ever thought that there are letters in the Russian alphabet that could be completely dispensed with? Why are they needed?

b and b

Hard and soft signs do not indicate any sounds. The hard sign performs a dividing function and is used after prefixes ending in

consonants, as well as before the root of a word starting with e, e, yu or i (pre-anniversary, disheveled, weaning, sarcastic). For example, it helps us distinguish between the words “sat” and “ate.” The soft sign indicates the softness of the previous consonant: bindweed, monkey,

earlier, seven. Sometimes a soft sign helps to distinguish a masculine noun from a feminine one: for example, the word “thing” is feminine, and “horsetail” is masculine. In addition, it often contributes to the creation of different forms of the same verb: meet and meet.

But in the Old Russian language, soft and hard signs (er and er) meant very real sounds. The first meant the short sound “i”, and the second meant the same short “o”. Even before Russia adopted Christianity and the development of writing, the language had full, short and nasal vowels, and they all performed different functions. By the time of the baptism of Rus', nasal vowels had disappeared from the Russian language, but the letters to denote them remained. The former short vowels ь and ъ in some words found themselves in strong positions (for example, under stress, before a cluster of several consonants, in adjacent syllables with other short

vowels or far from stressed syllables with any vowels) and thus turned into full vowels o or e, and in others - in weak positions (at the absolute end of a word,

in adjacent syllables with stressed vowels) and gradually simply disappeared from use. Previously, the hard sign was in the word “connect” instead of “o”, the soft sign in the word “day” instead of “e”. In modern Russian there is such a thing as “fluent vowels”. This is the legacy of Old Russian. This is why texts in Old Russian are so difficult to read.

Do we need hard and soft signs? Hard to tell. In the Czech language, for example, they have long been replaced by diacritics. Language is subject to change, and it is possible that sooner or later ъ and ь will cease to exist as letters of the alphabet.

Vowels e, e, yu, i

If these letters appear after a soft or hard sign, at the beginning of a word or after a vowel, then they break up into two sounds:

For example, the word “yolka” is pronounced “yolka”.

If these vowels come after consonants, they are pronounced as follows:

e – e or i

I - and or and

For example, the word “meat” is pronounced “mistso”.

There was especially a lot of controversy about the letter e. After all, according to Soviet tradition, it was usually written as “e”. Thus, some words and surnames of foreign origin began to be pronounced incorrectly. For example, the surname Richelieu actually sounds like Richelieu, Roerich - Roerich.

The situation with the letters “ts” and shch is also interesting. The first consonant is pronounced as the combination ts, the second - as sch. Why then are these letters needed?..

But the consonants k, p, l, s, t, f, w are just a softened form of the consonants g, b, p, z, v, zh.

Theoretically, it would be possible to remove letters from the Russian alphabet that can be replaced with others. But this is not as easy as it seems at first glance. “Extra” letters appeared in the Russian language for a reason, but for convenience - to reduce the number of letters when writing words or to show the difference in pronunciation. However, the language changes over time, and both new ways of pronunciation and new letters may appear in it, while the old ones will die out.

When we talk, we make sounds. They are formed as a result of the movement of air from the lungs through the mouth and, depending on how the tongue and lips are located at this moment, have a different color.

They participate in the formation of words - linguistic units that have a certain semantic meaning and are used for the process of communication. Let's take a closer look at them!

What are letters and sounds

Everything we hear and pronounce is sounds. They are designated in a certain way in writing, and what we write and then read are letters.

But the sounds of speech and the letters by which they are designated vary greatly in number in the Russian language. IN oral speech We pronounce 43 basic sounds, but use only 33 letters to write them.

That is, all the letters of our language can be divided into 3 groups.

  1. Letters that do not represent sounds (these are “ь” and “ъ”). As an example, we can give: “stump”, which is pronounced [p´en´], and “move out” - [sy´ehat´].
  2. Letters representing 2 sounds. These letters include “ё”, “e”, “yu”, “ya”. Their pronunciation uses a pair of sounds: [й´о], [й´е], [й´у], [й´а].
  3. Letters that represent 1 sound (these are all other letters).

What is the difference between vowels and consonants?

There are two main groups of speech sounds - they are defined as Vowels are those sounds in the production of which only the voice participates. They are pronounced drawlingly, the sound does not meet any obstacles in the mouth.

Consonants are what we pronounce by combining both voice and noise (they are called voiced) or only noise (voiceless consonants). In addition, consonants can be either hard or soft.

Stressed and unstressed syllables

Vowel sounds of speech participate in the formation of syllables, while being stressed or in an unstressed position. Stress refers to the pronunciation of a syllable with greater force.

The Russian language is characterized by a change in the position of stress. It can appear on any syllable, unlike Polish or French, where a certain place is assigned to him. For example, in the word “whistle” the stress is on the first syllable, and in the word “whistle” - on the second.

What letters represent vowel sounds in Russian?

To indicate the basic vowel sounds of speech (there are six of them in our language), ten vowel letters are used:

sound [and] - indicated by the letter “and” (tiger);

[s] - the letter “s” (smoke);

[a] - with the letters “a” (mother) and “ya” (pit);

[o] - the letter “o” (nose) and “e” (hedgehog);

[e] - the letter “e” (echo) and “e” (day);

[y] - the letter “u” (kum) and “yu” (south).

Thus, it turns out that in order to designate 4 vowel sounds ([o], [a], [e], [y]) there are as many as two rows of letters in the alphabet. It can be:

  • a, o, e, y;
  • I, e, e, y.

In the second row, the letters perform two functions at once. They not only denote but also signal that the previous consonant was soft (mel - [m´el]).

If they are at the beginning of a word, located after vowels, or after a soft or hard separator, they denote a combination of sounds. For example, the word fir tree sounds [y´olka], and the word sings - [pai´ot].

How are they indicated in writing?

Speech sounds are involved in the formation of words and are there in a weak or strong position, which often has a direct impact on their designation in writing. Thus, the same letter in a language can denote different sounds. Example: the letter “n” can denote 2 sounds - [n] and [n´]: niche - [n´isha] or nyl [nyl].

And one letter “b” can denote 4 variants of sounds [b], [b´] or [p], [p´]. For example: was [was] - beat [b´il] or hump [gorp] - Ob [op´].

If a voiced consonant is written at the end of a word or placed before voiceless consonants, then it can indicate its paired voiceless sound. This position is called weak. Pay attention to how we pronounce: kadka - ka[t]ka (the sound is before the voiceless consonant) or eye - gla[s] (the sound is at the end of the word). This process is defined as stunning.

Voiceless consonants can sound like their paired - voiced - if they are in a strong position. For example: threshing sounds like molo[d´]ba, and in the word request you can hear the sound [z´] - pro[z´]ba. This, as you understand, is voicing.

It should be mentioned that in Russian the position of consonant sounds before vowels or before voiced consonants is considered a strong position.

How some consonants are indicated in writing

Some sounds of Russian speech are indicated in writing by a combination of letters. By the way, this situation causes a very large number of spelling errors.

For example, one sound [ш´] in a written word may look like сч, зч or Жч. We write - bill, but pronounce [sch´ot], we write - cabman, but say [cabster], we write - man, but it sounds like [man].

And the sound [ts] can be designated as a combination tts or dts, and as ts or ts. For example: read - read [ts]a, twenty - two [ts]at.

Letters do not always correspond to “their” sounds

As already mentioned, speech sounds are involved in the formation of words and are indicated in writing by certain letters. And it often turns out that different sounds can be “hidden” behind one letter. For example, at the root of a word, when its number changes, we write the same letter, but at the same time pronounce different sounds: stol (st[o]l) - tables (st[a]ly). That is, with one letter “o” we denote two sounds: [o] and [a].

But there are cases when different sounds are indicated by one letter. So, in both the word “treasure” and the word “raft” the same sound [t] sounds at the end, but it is designated, as you can see, in different letters: “d” and “t”.

The letter composition of words often does not coincide with the sound. For example, in the word “valiant” ten letters are written, but only nine are pronounced: [valiant]. In this and similar cases, the letter "t" is an unpronounceable consonant. That is, a letter that does not denote a sound. Here are some more examples of such letters: sun - [sontse], heart - [s´ertse].

Features of the combination of consonants and vowels

Hard ones in Russian speech cannot be combined with the vowel “i” that follows them, and soft ones cannot be combined with “y”. For example, in the word “dinner” there is always solid sound[zh] requires the sound [s] so we pronounce [uzhyn].

In some cases, there is a softening in speech of hard consonants paired with soft ones. So, if in the word carriage the sound [n] is hard, then in combination with the always soft [ch´] it sounds soft - trailer [car´ch´ik].

The same happens in situations with a combination with other soft consonants: fant - fa[n´t´]ik, forest - le[s´n´]ik, clean - chi[s´t´]it.

The use of hard and soft signs in Russian

The sounds of speech and letters in our language, as you probably already understood, often do not coincide. So, for example, a hard and soft sign in a letter does not indicate any sounds.

These letters, as a rule, signal that the e, e, ya, yu behind them are pronounced as two sounds (drinks [py´ot]). If ь stands after a consonant, then it indicates its softness (day [d´en´]).

In some cases, the soft sign plays only a grammatical role. For example, in the word “lie” it does not indicate the softness of the preceding consonant, but only indicates that the given noun belongs to the feminine gender.

Peculiarities of spelling and pronunciation of some borrowed words

In some words borrowed from other languages, before the letter e there is not a soft consonant, as is customary in the Russian language, but a hard consonant. Please note that in the word “tempo” we write e, but at the same time we pronounce a hard sound [t]. The pronunciation of this and similar words needs to be memorized or referred to a spelling dictionary.

Muffler - [ne], model - [de], claim - [te], relay - first syllable [re], dash - [re], test - [te], thermos - [te], tennis - [te].

As you can see, speech sounds (grade 1 or 11 are left behind) is a deep and serious topic that, if carefully studied, will help you understand the intricacies of pronunciation rules and the principles of writing many words that cause difficulties. Good luck!

As you know, the Russian alphabet includes 33 letters. Moreover, it is necessary to distinguish the concept of “letter” from sound. A letter is what we write and see, and a sound is what we hear and pronounce.

Of the 21st consonant letters, two (these are “b” and “b”) have no sound equivalents. Others are divided into several categories based on sounds, one of them is hissing. From the first grade, everyone learns a simple rule about them: “zhi” and “shi” are written with “i”, “cha” or “sha” is written with “a”, and the combinations “schu” or “chu” with “u”.

Classification of sounds in Russian

The phonetics of the Russian language includes vowels and consonants, indicated in writing by certain letters.

Key vowel sounds, which are under stress, there are only six:

Since there are more consonant sound formations in the Russian language, they are classified according to the following criteria:

  • way of education;
  • place;
  • according to the degree of participation of noise and voice.
  • sonorants and their soft pairs (p, m, l) and “th” without a pair;
  • noisy (voiced and unvoiced);
  • hissing (sch, h, sh and zh).

In this case, Zh and Sh are always hard, and Ch and Shch are only soft.

Features of hissing sounds

Sibilants have their own characteristics when pronounced. So, you need to tighten your lips and move them forward a little. They cannot be pronounced with closed lips, unlike some others (for example, M). The tip of the tongue is slightly pressed against the palate with its edges, leaving a small space in the center of the tongue. It is through this that the air passes, creating a hissing sound when pronounced.

Initially, hissing consonants were soft in the Old Russian language. They appeared as a result of the first palatalization, or when the combination of consonants with , ["zj] and other sounds changed.

The initial softness of these sounds determined the fact that in many literary monuments the letters that denoted them , pronounced followed by vowels or “ь”, For example:

  • husband;
  • nessshi;
  • hour;
  • comfort, etc.

However, in the process of formation language norms and the adverbs [w] and [zh] hardened, but “ch” still remained soft. The hardening of [w] took place around the 14th century. At this time, variants of writing the sounds [w] or [zh] with the letter “s” after them appeared in literary monuments. For example, “Shyshkin” or “hold.”

IN modern language traditionally writing a soft sign at the end or the letter “and” to denote the sound [s] in words such as:

  • disturb;
  • sew;
  • rye, etc.

Combinations such as soft [schtsch] or [zhj], which were common in antiquity, then lost the explosive element in such combinations in words such as “I’m looking for” or “yeast.”

Sample tasks on the topic of sibilant consonants

The teacher who will teach a lesson for first graders on this topic, should set itself the following tasks:

  • he is obliged to create conditions for children to learn the concept of hardness and softness of consonants, for example, that “zh” and “w” are always hard;
  • teach students to correctly formulate writing skills;
  • develop them written speech and coherent oral;
  • use new information technologies when teaching.

After the teacher explains the essence of the lesson, he can write several letters on the board (B, L, CH, K, R).

Then the question is asked which of the letters presented does not denote any sound, and the correct answer is b. You can also ask students to find the letter for the hissing sound.

  • children are asked to take turns reading the text (the skill of reading aloud is improved);
  • we select some words and invite the children to explain their meaning (at the teacher’s choice);
  • offer to find those words that contain letters denoting hissing consonants;
  • Have them say them out loud and write the letters on the board.

The next part of the lesson is to do working with images. Hang pictures on the board and ask students questions:

  • what objects are shown in the pictures;
  • what names contain hissing sounds;
  • Which of the listed sizzling ones are hard and which are soft.

Working with tongue twisters

Tongue twisters are a great warm-up for children, which perfectly develops their speech skills. In the educational process they are used in different ways, in particular, in the study of sibilant consonants.

Ask the children what hissing sounds they found in tongue twisters, whether they differ from each other, and what their main characteristics are.

Dictation Offer to write down one of them in your notebook and ask students to underline the hard (or soft) sibilants. Invite one of the students to do this at the board.

About partial written work was said above. It can also include homework. Sometimes workbooks contain tasks where you need to insert missing letters into words that contain certain sibilants. They should be emphasized.

So, we looked at what hissing consonant sounds are, how they can be identified, and with the help of what tasks you can teach a lesson at school on this topic.


Watch an interesting video lesson about sibilant consonants.