Why doesn't the computer see the iPhone? The computer does not see the iPhone: causes and solution to the problem

Synchronization with a PC will help you unlock the potential of legendary Apple devices. Using a computer, you can equip your iPhone with many useful applications, download music, games, books and other content. Unfortunately, sometimes it happens that Apple devices are not detected via the USB port.

Why doesn't my iPhone see USB?

  • The synchronization cable is faulty (broken, contains obvious mechanical damage to the adapters or wires).

Diagnosis of the problem: connect the smartphone to the PC using a different USB cable.

Solution: replace the cable.

  • contamination of contacts (ingress of foreign particles, moisture and further oxidation of metal parts).

Diagnosis of the problem: detailed inspection of iPhone connectors and USB devices.

Solution: clean the oxidized contacts with an eraser or brush, carefully remove blockages using cotton swabs or a needle.

  • failure of the connection port.

Diagnosis of the problem: try connecting another device to the port.

Solution: connect your iPhone via a different USB channel, check the settings for connecting additional ports on your PC.

  • The USB output in the smartphone is faulty (the microcircuit is burned out, the connector is torn out or loose).

Diagnosis of the problem: visual inspection, breakdown investigation by a specialist.

Solution: contact the service center to replace the part.

  • charge controller defect.

Diagnosis of the problem: a message that the cable is not connected, although the plug is in the device connector.

Solution: replacing the controller.

  • iPhone software errors.
iOS Recovery

Solution: flashing or recovery operating system.

  • iTunes application software crashes on PC.

Solution: reinstall the program, roll back to the previous one, or update to the latest version.

  • inappropriate current level (when connecting the smartphone to the computer via extension cords).

Solution: sync your phone directly without unnecessary connectors and wires.

It is necessary to carefully study the settings; perhaps they prohibit the exchange of information with the computer. The above-mentioned aspects are universal methods for solving incorrect identification of iPhone 4s, 5 or 5s, 6 via USB channel.

"USB device not recognized" error

If the OS on your computer displays the message “USB device not recognized” when you connect a gadget, you need to change the connection port, reinstall the driver, reconfigure the settings in the registry, remove and reinstall the device in Device Manager. Effective method– disconnecting the PC from the main power board, and not a regular shutdown, but disconnecting the power cable for several minutes. These manipulations allow you to get rid of residual current in the system, which sometimes leads to minor circuit errors, as a result of which some PC functions are disabled and a message appears about the inability to recognize the USB device.

To automatically get rid of USB identification problems, you can use the Windows troubleshooting application - Diagnose and fix Windows USB problems automatically. Suitable for Windows Vista, 7, XP.

Possible problems

1. Controller malfunction

Solution: remove and reinstall all controllers, thereby restoring the USB port.

  • “Start” button -> “Run” menu item -> devmgmt.msc command -> “OK” button -> “Device Manager” -> “USB Controllers” item -> apply the “Delete” function in order to all controllers;
  • restart your PC. Reinstallation of the controllers will be carried out automatically by the Windows operating system, after which you can safely try to connect the iPhone to the system.

2. The iPhone driver is damaged, Windows identifies the smartphone as an “Unknown Device”.

Solution: Update the driver. Right-click to select “Properties” in the device’s context menu -> “Driver” tab -> “Update” or download the appropriate program from the Apple website.

3. Incorrect USB controller settings.

Solution: “Device Manager” -> call the context menu with the right mouse button -> “Properties” -> “Power management” -> uncheck “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power” -> “Ok” -> restart the PC.

Settings additional parameters USB ports

4. Failure of the USB controller integrated into the motherboard.

Solution: replace the part at a service center or purchase an external USB controller. Connect this board to the motherboard via a PCI port, having previously disabled the existing USB controller in the PC BIOS.

When diagnosing why the iPhone is not detected by the computer via USB, it’s worth working through everything possible reasons, starting with the simplest ones and moving upward. Hardware failures should be repaired by specialists, and only experienced users can intervene in the computer BIOS.

Working with Apple devices without iTunes is almost impossible. Sometimes a problem occurs when iTunes does not see iPhone 5S, 4S, 4 and other models. Today you will learn exactly how to get out of this situation.

Solving the problem with the iTunes iPhone application detecting it.

Let's figure out why iTunes doesn't see the iPhone. The reasons for this may be different, we will analyze each of them in detail.

Cable fault

If you are using a faulty or non-original cable, replace it with a intact and working one.

Lack of trust between devices

To correctly control the iPhone 5S and other models with a computer, trust must be established between them. To do this, after unlocking and connecting the smartphone to the PC, you will see a dialog box on the gadget where you need to click “Trust”. The same thing will appear on your computer, where you should click “Continue”.

Bugs in the operation of gadgets

This method of solving the problem very often helps when iTunes does not see the iPhone. Restart your computer and iPhone. Then reconnect the iPhone to the PC using the adapter.

Program failure

If after following the previous recommendations the problem is not solved, then perhaps the problem is a program failure. In this case, you need to completely remove iTunes. Read about how to do this correctly in one of the articles on our website. After this, you need to restart your computer and install the appropriate version of iTunes.

Apple device malfunctions

Usually this situation occurs after jailbreak. If this is the case, then you need to put your smartphone into DFU mode and try to restore it to its original state.

Conflict of other devices

If there are other devices connected to your PC that make the iPhone invisible to it, turn them off. Of course, there is no need to disable the mouse and keyboard. After this, you can try to synchronize your phone with your computer again.

What to do if iTunes does not see iPhone on Windows 10

Very often, many users encounter this problem on Windows 10. In the form of a small list, we will give you some recommendations:

  • update iTunes or check the compatibility of this version with your computer;
  • check for OS updates, and if there are any, install them;
  • check if your smartphone is turned on;
  • if you see a message asking you to trust the device, you must agree;
  • check the integrity of the USB cable;
  • reboot both gadgets;
  • disconnect other devices from the PC.

If none of the methods described in this article helped you, then contact Apple support. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

Despite the fact that all Apple products are quite high quality, they still cannot function correctly always and everywhere, without failures and errors. There are several options why the iPhone does not connect to the computer via USB. Let's look at them, and also look at methods for eliminating this problem.

So, the device was connected to the PC using a cable, but the iPhone was not connected to the computer? This could happen for several reasons.

  • You may have an older version of iTunes installed on your home computer. In this case, it is not at all surprising that she does not see the connected device.
  • Another problem is the non-working wire that connects the phone to the computer.
  • There could also be a malfunction in the PC software or, conversely, in the operation of the iPhone itself.
  • An equally common reason why a device may not be recognized is the operation of security and antivirus programs installed on the computer, as well as Jailbreak on the phone.

Methods for solving common problems

In order to correct an error, you must first identify what exactly caused it. This is possible only after some manipulations have been carried out.

Please note that the connection should only be made with the original cable. The copy will not be able to provide stable performance.

  • Be sure to connect your phone via USB cable to your home PC.
  • After that, download the latest version of iTunes. This is really necessary, otherwise the manufacturer would not release updates.
  • Open the program, go to the “Help” section, and then to “Updates”. If there are available ones, iTunes will find them on its own, all you have to do is click on the “Update” button.

If downloading updates does not fix the situation, then you should try restarting your computer. This will be very important in the event of a failure in the Windows operating system, since it is quite often unstable.

If this does not help, inspect the cable itself.

  • Check the USB you are using, for example, connect it to another device to make sure it is working properly. The charging option will not work, because there are several inside the cable. thin wires, but they are completely different for file transfer and voltage. It turns out that the phone may be charging, but the device will not be recognized on the PC.
  • Don't forget to look at the ports on your iPhone. If the phone was not purchased yesterday, then it is not at all surprising if it suddenly turns out that dust or dirt has collected at the cable connection point, which prevents the two devices from connecting properly. Take advantage with a thin needle or a cotton swab to remove excess. It is recommended to do the same with PC connectors, because they also tend to get clogged.

It happens that various antiviruses and operating system “defenders” against malware block the connection of other devices to the computer.

It is necessary to temporarily disable their operation, connect to the iPhone via a cable, and after all manipulations with the smartphone are completed, turn them on again. You should not leave your PC unprotected for a long time - there are a lot of programs on the Internet that have a detrimental effect on the software.

The Jailbreak program, which allows you to download almost any application to your phone completely free of charge, is also a protective application in some way. It may well prevent the phone from connecting to the PC.

What to do if the above did not help solve the problem, and the connection was never established? First of all, you need to use another computer. This is done to understand what exactly the reason is - in the PC or in the phone. If the smartphone is not detected on another device, then most likely you will have to take it to the service.

When to contact a service center

You should take your iPhone to a service center for diagnostics by professionals when all independent steps have been taken to fix the problem.

In most cases (with the exception of a maximum of 5%), the inability to connect the phone to the PC is associated precisely with the problems described above.

The other five percent are due to the breakdown of internal parts of the smartphone, which can be repaired without the help of workers service center almost impossible.

How to properly connect an iPhone to a computer via USB

If you really want to produce correct connection iPhone to PC, first of all, download the latest version of iTunes. Only with this program the phone is guaranteed to work stably. In addition, it greatly simplifies the process of synchronizing and downloading various content, and also eliminates many unnecessary steps.

  1. After the program is installed, connect the PC and phone using the original Apple product cable.
  2. Open iTunes, make sure it recognizes the device and it is now available.
  3. That’s it, it’s now possible to transfer various files between devices using iTunes.

Of course, a PC connected by cable to a smartphone without using the program will still recognize the connection to the new device. You can find it in the list of all drives in the “My Computer” menu.

In this case, it is possible to open a new drive and view images located on the iPhone, and even transfer them to the PC desktop. But that's all. You cannot delete or, conversely, download something to your phone. This is exactly why you should install iTunes, because this is the manufacturer’s program, and therefore it is the best option in case it is necessary to recognize an iPhone.

Hi all!

After I wrote several lessons about the iPhone, I began to get asked the following question more and more often: Sergey, why doesn’t the computer see the iPhone?. It’s one thing when you were asked about it once, but another thing when this question comes up regularly! I decided to look into this issue and, as it turned out, the reasons for this may be very different and, naturally, the approach to solving this problem may also be different.

I have collected 10 tips that I want to tell you about here. Let's get down to business right away!

Reinstall drivers on USB

One proven way to solve this problem is to reinstall USB drivers for iPhone. We need through device Manager remove them and then reinstall them.

First of all, use a USB cable to connect to iPhone computer. Next, go to Properties of the Computer section and open device Manager.

In the window that opens, find the USB Controllers section or it may also be a section Portable devices . Open it and look for Apple Mobile Device USB. You need to right-click on it and select Delete.

In the confirmation window, check the box " Remove driver programs for this device" and click OK.

The old, bad, unnecessary driver will be removed!

Now disconnect from computer USB iPhone cable and plug it in again. The driver will be installed again, as indicated by next window:

Also on the iPhone we should be asked for permission to give the computer access to photos and videos. Naturally, click Allow.

In most cases, when the computer does not see the iPhone, this method will solve the problem. But if this doesn't help you, then let's try other tips!

Update chipset drivers (USB)

Every computer has a motherboard and chipsets installed on it. So these chipsets are responsible for connecting to the computer various devices. For normal operation Chipsets also need drivers. In some cases, drivers begin to work unstably. Most often this can happen if from some.

It happens that the computer not only does not see the iPhone, it cannot detect any other phones or flash drives at all. This is exactly what happened to me on old Windows. Updating the drivers for the chipset helped.

What to do in this situation?

First option. First, open the website http://devid.info/ru and click on the green Download button to download the DevID agend program for quick installation and update of drivers.

When installing, uncheck the boxes to avoid installing unnecessary ones.

After starting the program, you can click Start Search and the program will scan the equipment and offer to update old drivers.

It would be good if there is a fresh version of the driver for the chipset. In this case, it will be updated. But if not, then try the following steps.

1.2 Download and install the chipset

The second option is to download the drivers yourself and install them. Depending on your motherboard, it could be an Intel chipset or an AMD chipset. Let's look at the installation using chipsets from Intel as an example.

On the official Intel website, at this link: https://downloadcenter.intel.com you can download the program for chipsets. Press the blue button Chipset.

1.3 Auto-selection of Intel drivers

Third option. You can also have Intel select the drivers needed for our system. To do this, they have a special utility on their website that will scan our equipment and install the necessary programs.

Click "Trust this computer"

Please note that when we connect our phone to the computer, a request appears on the screen where we must allow access to settings and data. Just click Trust.

Connect to another USB connector

Try changing the USB connector. Especially if you insert the cable from the iPhone to the connectors on the front panel of the system unit. Try connecting the cable to one of those connectors on the back of the system unit. These connectors are directly soldered into the motherboard, and they work as cool as possible!

Reinstall iTunes

I hope you know that in order to fully manage your iPhone on a computer, we need iTunes programs for Windows. If it doesn't work well for you, you need to reinstall it. Or you can just update.

Download the latest version and install over the old one. The program will be updated.

Restart Apple Mobile Device Service

Before performing this step, be sure to disconnect your iPhone from your computer and close iTunes. Now we need to restart Apple services. Because you never know, they suddenly become stupid.

Open the search bar by pressing the hot keys WIN+Q and enter Services in the search bar.

We launch the found program and find the Apple Mobile Device Service. Open it by double clicking the mouse.

We stop the service.

Now you need to make sure that the startup type is Automatic and then restart this service.

Open the computer section and find the iPhone

After updating iTunes and restarting the Apple service, the computer should definitely now see the iPhone. Open the Computer section and find your phone here.

In my case it is at the very top, but yours may be at the bottom. Be careful, what if the computer sees the iPhone, but you’re just not paying attention to it here!

Connect iPhone to another computer

If you connect your iPhone to another computer, you will immediately be able to understand where to dig next. If another computer sees the iPhone, then the problem is most likely on the side of your computer, which does not see the phone. If other computers or laptops don’t see the iPhone, then there’s definitely something wrong with the USB cable or with the phone itself! To be on the safe side, I would connect the phone to two different computers with different systems.


If none of the methods described above solved the problem and the laptop or computer still does not see the iPhone, then something has broken in the device itself. I think that the power connector into which the cable is inserted has simply failed.

Try, test and I hope everything works out for you.

Let me now tell you about the reasons why iTunes does not see your iPhone on a computer/laptop running Windows 10 or Mac OS.

This article is suitable for all iPhone Xs/Xr/X/8/7/6/5 and Plus models running iOS 12. Older versions may have different or missing menu items and hardware support listed in the article.

iTunes does not recognize iPhone

If, when you connect your iPhone gadget to your computer using a USB cable, the iTunes program does not recognize this device, then you can use the tips below. When an error with code 0xE appears, execute the following instructions, after each of the methods trying to connect the device:

  • We check that the iOS gadget is unlocked and the Home screen is shown on it.
  • Checking what is applicable latest version iTunes, which is compatible with your computer.
  • Windows and Mac must be installed on your computer a new version software.
  • The device must be turned on.
  • If the warning “Trust this computer” appears, then you should unlock the gadget and click on “Trust”.
  • We disconnect all USB accessories from the computer, except the iPhone. We are trying to connect the gadget to other USB ports. We use a different USB cable from Apple.
  • Reboot the computer and gadget.
  • Connect the iPhone to another computer. If you experience an identical problem, you should contact Apple technical support.

iTunes on Mac doesn't recognize iPhone

  • We connect the gadget and check that it is unlocked, the “Home” screen is shown on it.
  • On a Mac, hold down the Option button. At the same time, click on the Apple menu, then select the “System Report” or “System Information” section.
  • Select USB from the list on the left.
  • If the iPhone is shown in the USB device tree, then you need to remove third-party programs that are designed to ensure security. If they are not there, then contact Apple technical support.

iTunes on Windows 10 does not recognize iPhone

In Windows 10, after the update, a special Microsoft driver is installed, which is intended for Apple products. Because of this driver, many applications in Windows 10 cannot see connected gadgets. To correct this situation, you must manually install the correct driver.


When the reboot is completed, the iPhone will become visible to iTunes in Windows 10.

If iTunes is downloaded from the Apple website

To reinstall the driver, follow these steps: