Folk signs and beliefs about the human body. Good and bad omens

Many of us believe that all signs and superstitions are a relic of the past. However, we are still afraid of black cats on the roads and broken mirrors. Let's look at the most famous signs and their meanings. Probably after this you will be able to answer the question: is it worth believing in omens?

Why can't we celebrate 40 years?

The origins of this sign stretch back to the times Kievan Rus. In ancient times, it was customary to check a buried person after forty days for incorruptibility. In this regard, the number 40 was included in daily life with special mystical meaning. And if you believe esotericists, then 40 is the number of death and corresponds to the “Death” card in Tarot fortune telling. It is believed that if a person celebrates his fortieth birthday, he will attract trouble to himself.

Why can't you give a watch?

Give a watch - Bad sign. This superstition came to us from Ancient China. Residents of this country still believe that the gift of a watch is an invitation to their funeral, and they will count down the minutes until the death of the person who gave such a gift.

Why can't you take out the trash from your house in the evening?

According to folk superstition, those who take out the trash from the house after sunset will become victims of gossip and gossip. The meaning of this sign and its origin are unknown. There is an opinion that people who took out the trash in the dark were hiding something. Curious neighbors saw everything and began to speculate about the contents of the trash can: after all, it’s not without reason that people take out trash in dark time days!

Why do dishes break?

Many people believe that broken dishes are a bad omen. However, it is not. The ancient Chinese believed that if, for example, a cup broke, it meant that it had accumulated a lot of negative energy and was broken because she could no longer withstand the pressure of negative emotions. Broken dishes must be collected immediately and thrown away from the house.

Why is my left palm itching?

People say that if your left palm itches, then this is a sign of monetary gain. If your right palm itches, then, on the contrary, you will have to give money. It is believed that the left palm is the taking one, and the right one is the giving one. So if you want to attract money, then scratch your left palm more often, then the profit itself will come to you.

Sprinkling salt - to a quarrel?

There is a popular saying that says: spill salt - expect a quarrel. This ancient sign arose at a time when salt was considered a delicacy. It was brought to the table only on holidays, as it was very expensive. If someone spilled salt, he was severely scolded for it and could even be beaten.

Breaking a mirror means grief?

The origin and meaning of this sign came to us from the ancient teachings of feng shui. A mirror, according to Chinese wisdom, is an indicator of the atmosphere in the house. If it breaks, it means that a lot of negative energy has accumulated in the house. It is believed that if you break a mirror, you will face seven years of bad luck. This consequence can be avoided if you do not look at the fragments, quickly collect them and throw them away from the house.

Is wearing clothes inside out a sign of trouble?

It is believed that wearing clothes inside out will attract trouble. In ancient times, holy fools wore their clothes inside out. Therefore, the meaning of this sign is completely justified: clothes inside out are a sign of an unlucky, sick and poor person.

Why can't you eat from a knife?

According to this popular belief, eating from a knife means being charged with negative energy. Since ancient times, knives were intended for hunting and war, so if you decide to eat from a knife, it will make you aggressive, angry and irritable.

Why can't you take pictures of people sleeping?

The meaning of this sign is still not fully understood. Many argue that it is impossible to photograph people sleeping only because in a dream a person’s soul leaves his body, and in this case the picture will show him without a soul, which can harm him.

The origin of these signs is associated with ancient beliefs, which currently have virtually no justification. But this is not a reason not to believe folk superstitions! Trust only good superstitions, then they will bring you good luck and happiness! We are waiting for your comments on the topic and do not forget to click on the buttons and

11.02.2014 15:23

Signs after death have been observed for many hundreds of years. Despite the prohibition of the church, many are trying to fulfill peculiar...

belief bad omens characteristic of residents different countries peace. For example, in China it is customary to avoid the number “4” because it is believed that this number symbolizes death. In Haiti, people do not sweep the floor at night, so as not to bring misfortune to their home. In India, you cannot wash your hair on Saturday and cut your nails on Tuesday.

In Russia, too, there is a whole “bouquet” of bad omens, known to almost everyone. A grandmother with empty buckets walking towards you, a black cat crossing the road... But is there any meaning in these bad omens? It turned out that there is - they not only warn of approaching trouble, they help prevent misfortune.

TOP 10 worst signs

10. Spill salt . Let's start with the most harmless of harmful signs. Even small child it is known that . But where did this superstition come from? It turns out that in ancient times salt was worth almost its weight in gold. It was placed on the table only if a dear guest was expected. Therefore, it is quite natural that spilled salt could provoke family quarrel. To neutralize the effect of a bad omen, just sprinkle sugar on top of the salt.

9. Looking in the mirror after sunset . In Rus', mirrors have been considered an invention of the devil since ancient times. People believed that evil spirits could enter our world through the reflective surface.

Good Christians were not supposed to look at their reflection for a long time, especially after sunset, when the forces of darkness gain power over this world. Seeing a vague silhouette in the mirror at night is a very bad omen.

8. Spit on the ground (into the well). always gave people food, and springs and wells - water.

Therefore, those who spat in wells or on the ground actually showed black ingratitude towards Mother Nature. This resulted in an inevitable retribution - the person experienced “lean years.”

7. A black cat crossed the road . This bad omen has its own history. practically invisible in the dark. If she crossed the path of a horse rider, then the horse could get scared and bolt from surprise. In this case, the rider was exposed to serious danger. Over time, a sign was formed that says: if a black cat crosses your path, then it is better to postpone all matters for another time and return home.

6. Old woman (alternatively woman) with empty buckets .

This is a well-known omen of failure. If you saw a woman with empty buckets, this means that the planned business will not succeed.

Unfortunately, this bad omen has no effect protective equipment or conspiracies.

5. Say hello across the threshold . Greeting someone, as well as handing something over the threshold, means giving away your good fortune.

In Rus', it was not customary to say hello on the doorstep; the guest had to be invited into the house. This rule was observed even if the visitor was deeply unsympathetic to the owners. However, not everyone observed such etiquette.

4. Leave the knife on the table or eat it straight from the knife.

If a knife was left on the table after a meal, it was believed that a scandal was inevitable. However, our ancestors figured out how to ward off trouble. This required sticking a knife into the bread, or simply cutting off a piece of bread. Eating from a knife was not allowed for the reason that a person who began to do so regularly would inevitably deteriorate in character.

3. Borrow money after sunset .

Anyone who gives away money or salt from his home after sunset condemns himself to poverty. Together with money or another material item, you risk passing on your luck. If it is not possible to refuse the applicant, then when handing over money or an item, you should say to yourself: “I’m giving you (this and that), but I’m leaving the luck for myself.”

2. Leave nut shells on the table .

Another bad omen that can attract evil spirits into your home. Our ancestors believed that if you leave nut shells on the table after a meal, then evil spirits will definitely appear to crunch for fun. Everything would be fine, but evil spirits may want to stay in your house and begin to cause all sorts of troubles for you.

1. Bird hitting the window . If a bird hits the window, then expect trouble. Such a bad omen portends a serious misfortune - fire, ruin or even death. There was a special ritual to ward off trouble. It was necessary to go out into the field before dawn, throw a handful of wheat or other grain in front of you, and say: “Birds of the air, peck the grain, and forget about my house!” Fly all over the world, take your troubles and sadness with you.”

In Denmark It is not customary to throw away pieces of broken dishes. The shards are supposed to be kept for the time being, so that later they can be handed over to your loved ones. New Year. This is such a gift! The Danes believe that the more porcelain shards the owner of the house has, the more successful the coming year will be for him.

The Egyptians There is a strange superstition regarding scissors. They believe that if a person opens and closes scissors without cutting something, then he may get himself into trouble. In addition, scissors should not be stored open. And if a person is haunted by nightmares, then to help him get rid of unwanted dreams, you just need to put scissors under the pillow.

Have you ever thought that you need to take care of your belly button? And in Japan every child knows this! They have a belief that if a person does not cover his belly during a thunderstorm, the god of thunder will appear and eat his belly button. Such a strange superstition... However, not the strangest thing. Residents South Korea believe that you should not leave it overnight closed room fan turned on. They believe that this electrical device can kill a person in their sleep.

Many people believe in omens. After all, fantastic things take place in our lives. Sometimes an absurd accident can radically change our entire destiny.

We saw a black cat, went another way - and here it is happiness! So superstitions can also be useful.

Bad omens

Let's list the main bad signs that promise trouble:

  • You cannot spit on the ground, otherwise in the next world you will have to lick a hot frying pan.
  • If you see a black cat or an old woman with brooms in her hand on the road, turn to the side, otherwise there will be problems.
  • If on the eve of some event a person has a lot of fun and laughs, then soon he will be bored and cry.

An unsown piece of land means trouble

  • Do not mention evil spirits and the devil closer to night.
  • Feeling superior to others leads to bitter tears.
  • You cannot leave an unsown piece of land on the field.
  • When sitting on a chair, do not cross your legs or swing your legs - you will attract evil spirits.
  • Before important event or on a long journey, don’t wash your hair and body - trouble is coming.
  • If you cut your own hair, you will shorten your own life.
  • You can’t install new windows in an old house - it will lead to death loved one.
  • After washing, do not shake the splashes from your hands, this is how evil spirits breed.
  • People don't build a new house when they're old.
  • Egg shells must be crushed, otherwise the demons will come to crunch them.
  • Putting a pillow on the floor means trouble.
  • You can’t leave half-eaten pieces on the plate - you leave anger.
  • You can't sweep a hut with two brooms.
  • During lunch you cannot change your glasses.
  • Washing the floor or sweeping it on the day of your loved one’s departure means sweeping it out of your life forever.

Wash the floor on the day of your loved one’s departure - sweep him out of your life

  • An uneaten piece of bread means a piece of lost happiness.
  • If you wear other people's things, you will change your destiny.
  • Never sit thirteenth at the table - there will be trouble.
  • Leaving a knife on the table overnight means trouble and quarrel.
  • When crossing the threshold, do not eat - an evil spirit may enter.
  • Keeping pieces of broken dishes is bad luck.
  • Leaving open dishes overnight means attracting demons.

Good omens

There are also many good signs that promise us happiness:

  • Broken dishes are fortunate.
  • If you saw a shooting star in the sky, make a wish. It will come true, and you will be happy.

Saw a shooting star - make a wish

  • Meeting a cross-eyed man is fortunate.
  • If during a conversation everyone suddenly suddenly fell silent, a new person was born.
  • The left hand itches to receive money.
  • The right eye itches, fortunately.
  • Right ear itching for praise.
  • Suddenly seeing a light in the house of your friends means good luck.
  • To bring good luck to new house, go around each room with a loaf of bread and a saucer of salt.
  • If a woman carries an acorn with her, she will remain young and beautiful for a long time.
  • It started to rain during a significant event - good sign. In ancient times it was believed that this was how God’s mercy was conveyed.
  • An itching in the nose means good news.
  • A woman with full buckets or a man with empty containers is a sign of a good day.
  • A spoon or piece of bread falls during dinner - a guest will come.
  • Sat on my hand ladybug and does not fly away for a long time - to a happy love story.
  • Many moles on the body are a happy fate. Particularly valuable are those moles that cannot be seen by yourself (on the back).

Many moles on the body - a happy fate

  • If a boy looks like his mother, he will be happy. But the girl should be like her father.
  • Did you step on manure? Get happiness.
  • If a newborn is placed on the mother's stomach, the child will be happy.
  • A bird pooping on your head means material wealth.
  • If you have an itchy mustache, expect a gift.
  • A fly hits a glass - good luck in business.
  • They spat on themselves - go for a new thing.
  • Dress with your left foot and your teeth will never hurt.
  • If you saw a spider, good news awaits you.

There are many different folk signs and beliefs, but special place Among them are signs and beliefs concerning the human body and everything connected with it. And this is understandable, because most often people saw their own and other people’s bodies, and therefore they tried to determine by the spill signs who was in front of them, what was bothering the person, and, of course, what awaited them in the future.

Folk signs and beliefs about warts and birthmarks

1. Warts can be removed by applying castor oil to them.

2. Warts can be reduced by smearing them several times a day with brewer's yeast, and you should not wipe them off, but should gradually allow the anointed areas to dry on their own - the warts will disappear in a very short time.

3. If there is a mole on the chest, he will have many love affairs, but few children;

4. If there is a mole on the stomach, he will be a drunkard and a glutton;

5. If there is a mole on the chin, move from place to place;

6. If there is a mole in such a place that you can see for yourself, it is not good; failures will always follow you.

7. If the mole is on the head, he will be the boss;

8. If the mole is on the hand, there will be many children;

9. If the mole is in such a place that you can’t see it, it’s good news; there will be a lot of happiness in life;

10. If the mole is located between the eyebrows, he will marry a pious girl;

11. If the mole is located above the heart, he will be a businessman;

12. Celandine juice helps against warts.

Folk signs and beliefs about hangnails

1. If hangnails appear frequently, it means that the person is prone to mental rudeness.

2. If hangnails cause severe pain, then this indicates that the person refuses to solve some problem, it seems to have caught on to him. We need to find the cause and eliminate it.

3. If hangnails constantly appear next to the index finger or thumb, it means that the person is suffering from severe mental trauma, which he does not tell others about.

Folk signs and beliefs about acne

1. If a pimple pops up on your nose, someone feels sympathy for you.

2. Pimples that appear for no reason are a sign of imminent changes in life, and the more prominent the place it appears, the more significant the changes will be.

3. If the pimples don’t go away for a long time, it means that the person’s conscience is tormenting him greatly for something, he needs to find the reason and apologize to the person he offended, then the pimples will go away.

4. If pimples constantly appear on the cheeks, this indicates that the person is addicted to some minor sins that he is ashamed of.

Folk signs and beliefs about eyes and eyebrows

1. He who has brown eyes is crafty, cunning.

2. Whoever has black eyes is a dangerous person.

3. Your eyes itch - you will cry.

4. The left eye itches - to the appearance of money, the right eye - to big losses.

5. Fusing eyebrows promise a person happiness and good luck.

6. The right eyebrow itches - for a date with a friend, the left - with a hypocrite.

Folk signs and beliefs about eyelashes

1. He who does not have eyelashes is involved in evil spirits.

2. If a hair falls out of the eyelashes, you need to put it in your bosom, then there will be a gift.

3. If someone guesses on which cheek he has a fallen eyelash, you need to take that eyelash in your palm, make a wish and blow it away - your plan will certainly come true.

4. A lover’s eyelash has fallen out - you can count on reciprocity and sympathy.

Folk signs and beliefs about the nose, cheeks and ears

1. A hooked nose is a man with his own mind.

2. Itching in the nose - good news.

3. The tip of the nose itches - to be honored or to drink wine, or to receive news.

4. If someone’s ears flare up while eating (and if at the same time that person eats in a hurry), he will have a business conversation.

5. Whoever’s ears are burning is being discussed by someone.

6. When your ears are ringing, make a wish and ask which ear is ringing. If they guess which one, then the dream will certainly come true.

7. Ringing in the right ear means warm and dry weather, in the left ear it means cold and cold.

8. Ringing in the ears in winter means a thaw, in summer it means bad weather.

9. Ringing in the right ear - praise or hearing good news, in the left ear - scolding or unpleasant, bad news.

10. A person suffering from ringing and noise in the ears should often walk under the belfry and stand there the entire time the bells are ringing, and in no case should he ring the bells himself, since this will intensify and prolong the illness.

11. If your cheeks are burning, someone is gossiping about you; if they are burning so much that it burns, it means that someone is spreading gossip about you.

12. If the right cheek is burning, someone is praising, if the left cheek is scolding. If both the left and right lights up, it means that your friends are plotting evil or spreading gossip about you.

Folk signs and beliefs about the throat and tongue

1. If the end of the tongue “chirps”, this foreshadows a conversation with someone who has come from the road.

2. If you bite your tongue, you will scold someone.

3. If you bite your tongue while talking, this portends a quarrel.

4. If someone gets a pimple on their tongue, it means they are slandering him and spreading gossip.

5. If you have a sore throat, someone will certainly rush to you.

Folk signs and beliefs about hair

1. Cut or lost hair should not be thrown away in such a way that an ill-wisher could take possession of it. It is best to burn them at the stake.

2. Long hair are considered to be the protection of their owner.

3. Hair braided in a braid, certainly parted in the middle, protects its owner from the evil eye.

Folk signs and beliefs about teeth

1. A tooth that has fallen out or pulled out cannot be thrown away; it must be buried where no one will find it. Otherwise, evil spirits can take possession of him and cause a lot of trouble.

2. All fallen milk teeth must be burned so that no one can damage them.

3. Those who have sparse teeth are angry or lie a lot.

4. Anyone who has double teeth can always spoil it or spoil it.

5. If your teeth grind while eating, it means that the next meal will certainly be at a party, or at least you will have to eat someone else’s bread.

6. He who has frequent teeth is amorous.

7. If a person grinds his teeth while sleeping, this means that he is powerlessly struggling with a crowd of devils that have surrounded him and are preparing to harm him.

8. If you catch a cold on the new moon, your teeth will hurt for a long time.

9. To prevent toothache all year round, when you hear the first thunder in the spring, you need to gnaw on the first stone you come across.

10. A tooth falls out in a dream with blood - the death of a loved one, without blood - a stranger.

Popular beliefs and signs about hands and fingers

1. Your hands are burning - you will hit.

2. Your hands get cold - someone is slandering you or spreading harmful rumors.

3. Hands are shaking - in the soul angels are fighting with devils.

4. Aching hands or any other cold parts of the body - a change in the weather.

5. He who walks and waves his arms is talkative.

6. A woman should not put her hands behind her back when walking - you will become a widow.

7. Don’t shake your hand over the threshold - you’ll quarrel with that person.

8. They offer their hand over the threshold if they want to stop pining after a person, that is, to get rid of painful and unrequited love.

9. Anyone who sweeps crumbs off the table with his hands or splashes water when washing his face will have hangnails on his fingers.

10. You cannot point your hand towards a sacred object, for example, a church, a cross, relics, etc., because the outstretched hand will suffer cramps or wounds will appear on it. This should be done by moving your head or eyes.

11. Wipe your hands on the tablecloth - there will be hangnails on your fingers or blisters on your palms.

12. After sleep, we must wash our hands immediately, because when we fall asleep, the unclean spirit is applied to our hands, and it is still on them.

13. Fingers get cold, get cold - to anxiety, doubts, great worries.

14. Fingers itch - to unnecessary fuss.

Popular beliefs and signs about nails

1. Nails “bloom” - a change in life.

2. White spots on the fingernails mean:

3. - on a large scale - work;

4. - on the index finger - care;

5. - on average - purchase;

6. - on the nameless one - a new thing;

7. - on the little finger - love.

8. You can’t cut your nails on days that have the letter “r” in their names (for example, Tuesday) - you’ll get hangnails.

9. Nails cannot be cut on Friday.

10. When cutting your nails, you cannot throw them anywhere, but you should certainly bury them in the ground or collect the cuttings in one place, so that in the next world you will have something to get into the kingdom of heaven (on Mount Zion). For the same reason, they are not ordered to beat cats - then they will provide them with their claws “out of friendship.”

Folk beliefs and signs about feet

1. Get out of bed with your right foot - you will have a good day, with your left - there will be some troubles.

2. Whoever gets out of bed with his left leg will be angry all day.

3. If, after getting out of bed, you begin to put on your shoes left leg- for worse, if on the right - for good luck.

4. If you step on a broom, broom, broom, brush or mop with your bare feet, your feet will hurt.

5. Put your left foot on first, and take off your right foot - your teeth will not hurt.

6. Swinging your legs under the bench is to amuse the devil.

7. Calluses on the feet hurt - it means rain.

8. Legs are burning - to the path.

9. On the road, the right foot will get cold before the left - for good or good news.

10. If your foot catches on something, someone is in a hurry to come to you: if with the left - with bad news, with the right - with good.

11. Accidentally stepping on a woman or girl’s foot - and not apologizing - will hurt for a long time.

12. If you step where an empty bucket stood, your legs will hurt.

13. Lying down with your feet in the front corner is a sin; serious illness may occur.

I admit honestly: when I read signs about a person, many of them make me smile. For example, a sign about grinding teeth while eating, itching of the mustache or heels, supposedly associated with the appearance of gifts or guests. Among the same folk arts- mysterious beliefs about dandruff, pimples and warts, signs about red-haired people, wide foreheads and hooked noses. By and large, many of these signs are just folk fantasy, seasoned with good humor.

However, some signs about a person really have a basis solid foundation from observations of life and its manifestations. Individual signs often unmistakably indicate certain events, the future behavior of a person and the world around him. Moreover, this has nothing to do with occult knowledge. If you want, call it superstition, or call it logic. But one thing is absolutely certain: sometimes it is enough to listen to folk wisdom in order to predict the development of events an hour, a day, a week and even a month in advance.

1. The right eye itches for laughter, the left for tears.

2. If you sneeze on an empty stomach on Monday, it’s a gift; on Tuesday - to visitors; on Wednesday - to news; on Thursday - to praise; on Friday - for a meeting, a date; on Saturday - to fulfillment of desires; on Sunday - to guests.

3. The right eyebrow itches - to joy, the left - to look at the sweaty horses (towards the road).

4. If a person hiccups, it means someone is remembering him. To find out who exactly remembers, they make a wish for someone they know and wet their little finger right hand saliva and pass it along the right eyebrow; if there is a hair on the finger, it means that the one for whom the wish was made remembers.

5. If an eyelash falls out, it means a gift.

6. After you wash your face, you should not shake the water from your hands - this causes devils to multiply: as many splashes fly, so many devils will appear

7. Teeth grind while eating - on someone else’s bread.

8. If you go to ask for something or receive a debt and stumble while doing so, you will not receive anything.

9. Don’t allow anyone to step over your outstretched legs - you won’t grow; If you didn’t follow and this happened, ask him to step back.

10. Lips itch - kiss or give a gift.

11. You can’t sleep at sunset: you won’t live long.

12. One person accidentally steps on another’s foot - to a quarrel; To prevent the omen from coming true, you need to lightly respond in kind.

13. The tip of the nose itches - drink wine, or get some news.

14. If someone choke or choke, he must certainly put a slice of bread on the crown of his head or rub the bridge of his nose with the index finger of his right hand.

15. Starting the morning on the right foot (getting out of bed, putting on shoes) means good luck for the whole day.

16. Right palm itches - to receive money, the left one - to give.

17. If someone hiccups easily, they remember him. If someone hiccups heavily, he is scolded.

18. In order to beg something from someone, you first need to walk around that person three times.

19. The right ear is on fire - they are praising or telling the truth; left - slander.

20. When a sick person begins to yawn, this means that his illness was caused by the evil eye.

21. If two people say the same word at the same time, it means that soon there will be guests or, at least, a stranger will come for something.

22. Don’t sew anything directly on yourself - you can sew up the memory.

23. Soles itch - towards the road. Legs are burning - on the way.

24. If a person is having fun and laughing on the eve of a big holiday, he will cry and be bored on the holiday.

25. If you step where an empty bucket stood, your feet will hurt

26. There’s a ringing in my ears—someone is calling me a dashing call.

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