Games for three in real life. Games for a fun company

It's no secret that children need attention. Sometimes adults wonder why a healthy, well-fed person just wants to attract attention in this way. As soon as you play with your child, instead of tears, a smile appears, and joyful laughter sounds in the house. Adults also sometimes like to play. It is important to choose the right entertainment program for each age group.

What can you play at home together with a child under 2 years old?

You need to talk a lot with the baby, show him household items, and tell him in a playful way what they are. Some children are afraid of noisy household appliances and begin to cry when their mother turns on the vacuum cleaner or mixer. Before you start using these home assistants, you need to play sounds with your baby. Tell your child that the vacuum cleaner will now make noise like this: “Rrrrr.” Let your child repeat these sounds with you. Before you start using the mixer, hum along with your favorite child. Your child will love this entertaining game and teach him not to be afraid of noisy devices.

What can you play at home together with a child of this age? Children of this age group enjoy assembling and disassembling pyramids. The game performs an important function - it develops motor skills and thinking. Show young children how to put matching shapes into a box with a hole. The baby will certainly be carried away by this.

He won't be able to entertain himself with one game for a long time. After the calm one, play a noisy and fun game with him. You can rock your child on a home swing or directly on your leg, while reciting familiar poems. If mother needs to do housework, she can put the baby in a high chair and play Magpie-Crow and Ladushki with him. Let him show with his fingers how the magpie cooked porridge, how the little hands flew and sat on their heads. Here's what you can play at home together with your baby.

From 2 to 7

Children of this age need more challenging games. Girls love playing with dolls. Sit down next to your daughter and show her how to feed the dolls from the toy set and put them to bed. Kids this age really like it role-playing games. You can buy your child a play kitchen set. There is a toy refrigerator, a stove and even kitchen utensils. Appliances for children. The baby will repeat everything after her mother and grow up to be a real housewife.

Boys like to play with cars and airplanes. Some already show the makings of real designers from childhood. You can play Lego with such children, showing them how to build this or that structure. Younger children buy large construction kit parts. For a 6-7 year old son, you can purchase smaller parts. He will build a garage complex and bring his vehicles, will put the little men, which are also included in the kit, the way he wants.

Kids also enjoy fun games at home for two. Take turns hiding an object with your child, playing “hot and cold.” Hide and seek will amuse your beloved child. It's amazing how many places there are for this entertainment in the apartment. If it happens in a country house, then there are even more of them in the open air.

From 2 to 7: we continue to have fun and develop

There are also houses. The kids like children's lotto with pictures, mosaics, and threading strings through figures of animals and plants. You can buy your child a whole toy farm and show him how to manage it. It’s interesting for the two of you to make up a story and role-play it using figurines or puppet theater characters.

Children of this age are bought educational computers. It’s also interesting to play with the electronic mind together. He will teach the baby to correctly pronounce letters, write and read. In a playful way, it is easy to learn words not only in Russian, but also in foreign languages.

The child will also enjoy playing with it. And at the same time, the mother can continue to do things, telling the child what word to form, and encouraging him for the correct answer.

From 7 to 12 and older

Now about being at home together at this age. These could be puzzles. When purchasing them, you need to take into account the child’s character. Some people can spend almost hours assembling small parts large paintings. Others quickly get bored with this activity. For the last group of children, it is advisable to purchase a puzzle consisting of several large pieces. Collect the picture together with your child, helping him.

Schoolchildren like games such as Mafia and Monopoly. They can also be played by two people, just like checkers and chess. This activity is suitable not only for children, but also for adults. If two friends don't know what to do, they can compete by playing these mind games.

Such pastime trains memory, teaches logical thinking, like the next game. For it, depending on whether children or adults are participating, 4-7 items are taken. One person remembers their location on the table and turns away, and the second at this time will change the position or swap 2-3 objects. The one who turned away must see and tell about the changes.

Let's play fun and wisely

As children get older, they are increasingly attracted to computers. You can play with this miracle of technology, but try to let your son or daughter spend a little time with it. Play computer games designed for two with your child. For example, in The Chronicles of Narnia. Together, you will complete the tours faster and complete the task. After quiet games- active.

If there is more than one child in the family, then you can immediately come up with games at home for two children (or more). After being at the computer, let them compete to see who can do 10 push-ups faster or unscrew an old shelf with a screwdriver. This is more suitable for boys. Girls can cook something tasty for dinner. This is how the game will be combined with benefit.

Adults in games also often become children. Some people worry when they lose. Two adults can play card games. There are many of them. Darts will help show the accuracy of the eye. You can practice your dexterity by playing Twister. In this case, the legs and arms are placed on circles of the same color as shown by the tape measure. Dominoes are a great game for two adults. If two girlfriends get together, they can try to sing to each other. First one, then the other will tighten the ditty.

Games for two at home: summing up the above

As you can see, there are games for each age category. Very young children enjoy playing with pyramids and soft toys. You can also offer children musical activities - sing a song or dance with them. Children of the older age group are unlikely to have fun in this way. They enjoy intellectual pursuits. They are attracted to the computer. It is important not to allow your child to sit at the computer for a long time, but to try to distract him with others. You can play cards with him, together make a model of a ship or airplane, and then try them out in action by launching them into the sky or sending them sailing at home in the bathtub. Many people like the “Young Chemist” (astronomer, botanist) sets. Adults will also find entertainment for themselves. You can start with the active game “Twister”, and end with a calm game - chess or cards.

Home games for the entertainment and development of children, schoolchildren, and preschoolers on the children's website Your!


Each of the players receives a pencil and a long strip of paper, on which he writes the name of someone present, folding the paper so as to cover what is written, and passes it to his neighbor sitting next to him. right hand, he describes someone’s appearance and passes the piece of paper on. Then, in the same order, write the answers to the following questions: what nature?, what did you do?, when?, where?, what were the consequences? Of course, no one should know what was written before. When each of the pieces of paper has gone around the players, one loudly rereads everything written, which excites a lot of laughter, since there are a lot of incongruous things.. To make the compositions come out a little smoother, you can distribute paper in two colors; Leaves of one color will be used to describe boys, and the other color will be used to describe girls.


One of the players writes some short story, leaving a space before each noun: of course, the others should not know what he is writing. Then each of the players says some adjective, which, one after another, is written in order into the left places in the story; in this case, such incongruities result that reading the story usually causes a lot of laughter.


All players sit around the table, on which they place their index fingers. One begins to name different flying birds and insects, with everyone throwing their fingers up, and suddenly mentions the name of a thing that cannot fly. Those players who lift their fingers from the table pay a forfeit.


One of the participants quietly transmits some phrase into the ear of his neighbor sitting on the right; he repeats this phrase to the next, etc. The last phrase is proclaimed out loud and is usually distorted beyond recognition, partly, perhaps, because of this; that someone didn’t hear it properly, or maybe someone deliberately distorted it.


Everyone sits in a circle. One throws a handkerchief to one of the players and pronounces a syllable. The person catching the handkerchief must immediately add one or more syllables so that a word can be formed with the first one. For example, the first says “sa”, the second adds “zha”, etc. Then he, in turn, throws the handkerchief to the other, naming some new syllable, etc. Whoever thinks or says a syllable that is not the same as the first makes up a word, the forfeit pays.


A sheet is fixed on the wall, in front of which one of the players sits. At the other end of the room, a lamp is placed on the table. All players take turns passing between the lamp and the guesser, who must recognize the person passing by the shadow, and he has no right to look back. Those passing by, of course, try to change the shadow as much as possible by raising their shoulders, hunching, changing their hairstyle, etc. The one whom the guesser recognizes from the shadow sits in his place.

And it was again voiced to us by an anonymous person, but I hope that they just forgot to log in. But let's hear it anyway:

Games on paper (using a piece of paper and a pencil). For one, for two, for company. It’s interesting to read and learn (find out the secrets, if there are such games) to play them.

I’m sure that even though these days are computerized and gadget-driven times, there are always situations when you have nothing but friends and a piece of paper :-) So remember or write it down! They will be here like everyone else famous games, so I hope that it’s new for someone. At one time, when, as you understand, there were no computers and mobile phones, I played almost everything!

1. Bulls and cows

The first player thinks of a four-digit number, so that all the digits of the number are different. The goal of the second player is to win this number. Each move, the guesser names a number, also four-digit and with different numbers. If a digit from the named number is in the guessed number, then this situation is called a cow. If a digit from the named number is in the guessed number and is in the same place, then this situation is called a bull.

For example, the first player thought of 6109, and the second player called 0123. Then the first player should say: one bull and one cow (1b,1k).

Each partner has his own say. They take turns. The one who guesses the opponent's number first wins.

“Executioner” is another popular puzzle game created specifically for two players. For this game you will need blank paper and a pen.

The first player thinks of a word. It must be an existing word, and the player must be confident that the other player knows the word and is familiar with its spelling. It depicts a series of blank spaces needed to write a word. Then he draws the following diagram, which depicts a gallows with a noose.

The game begins when the second player suggests a letter that can be included in this word. If he guesses correctly, the first player writes it in the correct blank space. If there is no such letter in the word, he writes this letter to the side and begins to finish drawing the gallows, adding a circle representing a head to the loop. The opponent continues to guess the letters until he guesses the entire word. For each wrong answer, the first player adds one body part to the gallows.

If the torso is drawn before the opponent can guess the word, the first player wins. If the opponent guesses the word correctly before the entire torso is drawn, he wins, and then it is his turn to think of the word.

3. Tic-tac-toe on an endless field

The expansion of the playing field allows you to free yourself from the predetermination of the result in Tic Tac Toe.

On an endless field (a sheet of paper will do just fine), the players take turns placing their sign (a cross or a zero). The game ends when one of the players wins or if the field runs out.

The winner is the one who manages to line up five of his signs along one line, straight or diagonal.

If you play computer games, then you can easily guess which of them the creators devoted a lot of time to this extended version of tic-tac-toe.

4. Labyrinth

The field can be square or pyramid shaped. If desired, you can come up with more bizarre shapes.

On the playing field, participants take turns placing lines one square long - vertically or horizontally.

The one of the participants who closed the square (placed the fourth line that makes it up) puts his sign (a cross or a zero) in this square and walks again.

The players' task is to place as many of their signs as possible; the one who has more of these signs after completely filling the field wins.

The more complex and larger the field, the more interesting and unpredictable the game.

5. Sea battle

The goal of this game is to destroy enemy objects (ships). Two people play. The events of the game take place on 2 square fields measuring 10x10. One of the fields is yours, the other is your opponent's. On it you place your own objects (ships) and the enemy attacks them. The enemy places his objects (ships) on another field.
Your armed forces, like those of the enemy, contain the following objects (ships):

1 deck (size 1 square) — 4 pieces
2-deck (2 cells in size) — 3 pieces
3-deck (3 cells in size) — 2 pieces
4-deck (4 squares in size) — 1 piece.

Objects (ships) cannot be placed closely, that is, there must be at least one free cell between two adjacent objects (ships) (note that the enemy also cannot place objects (ships) closely).

When all preparations are completed and the objects (ships) are placed, it is time to begin the battle.

The player whose objects (ships) are located on the left field has the first move. You select a square on the enemy’s field and “shoot” at this square. If you sank an enemy ship, then the opponent must say “-killed”-, if you wounded the ship (that is, you hit a ship with more than one deck), then the opponent must say “-wounded”-. If you hit an opponent’s ship, you continue “shooting.”
The game ends when one of its participants loses all ships.

6. Points

Dots is a game of wits for two or four people. However, it is best to play with just two people. For this game you will need blank paper and as many pens as there are players. The object of the game is to connect the drawn lines into squares, the player who creates the most squares wins the game.

To begin, create a field on a blank piece of paper, draw horizontal and vertical lines of small dots at equal distances from each other. Very quick game would consist of ten along and ten points across. You can make the field as large or small as you like, depending on the level of the game and the number of players.

Once the board is created, each player takes turns making a move, drawing one line at a time connecting two points. Points can be connected horizontally or vertically, but sometimes diagonally. Once a player completes a square, he places his initials inside the square and gets his next turn, and so on until he manages to create a square with one extra line.

There are two possible strategies in this game: first, you can stop your opponents from creating squares. Secondly, you can configure the field in such a way as to be able to create big number squares using one additional line.

7. Football

To play football you need a checkered piece of paper that will serve as a field. Two people play. The gate is six squares in size. The game begins at the central point of the field (sheet). The first move is played by lot.

A move is a broken line consisting of three segments, each of which is a diagonal or side of a cell.

You cannot cross the lines or touch them. If the player cannot make the next move, then the opponent shoots a penalty: a straight line of six cells (vertically, horizontally or diagonally).

If after a free kick the ball stops on an already drawn line, or the player cannot make a move, then another free kick is taken.

They play until the first goal.

8. Chain

The task is to come up with a chain of metagrams for a given pair of words that turns one of these words into another. Each subsequent word is obtained from the previous one by replacing exactly one letter. The winner is the one whose chain is shorter. This game was invented by Lewis Carroll, author of the book “Alice in Wonderland.” So, the GOAT turns into a WOLF, FOX, LEOPARD and other animals.

In 17 moves, NIGHT changes to DAY.

In 11 moves, the RIVER turns into the SEA.

In 13 minutes you can make a BULL from the DOUGH.

Traveling through time will take 19 turns: MIG will turn into an HOUR, then into a YEAR, then a CENTURY will arise and finally an ERA will appear.

The first player writes a letter, the next one adds a letter in front or behind the letter written, etc. The loser is the one whose substitution results in a whole word. Letters should not be substituted anyhow, when adding another letter, you must have in mind a specific word in which the combination of letters you wrote occurs. If the one who must make the next move cannot come up with a single word with the combination of letters that formed before his move, he must give up. In this case, the player who wrote the last letter must say what word he meant; if he cannot name the word, then he loses; if he named it, the one who gave up loses. The one who loses the first time gets the letter B, the second time - A, etc., until the word Balda is formed. The one who becomes the first Balda loses completely.

Naturally, you can play not only on paper, but also orally.

10 . Football 8x12

A field of 12x8 cells is drawn. The dots in the middle of the short sides are the gates. The first move is exactly from the center of the field. They take turns placing a line on one square (along a line or diagonally). If the move ends at a sketched point (that is, through which you have already walked - for example, the center of the field), then the right to another line is given, and so on, until the move ends at an empty point. The sides are considered to be sketched points (that is, the ball is “bounced” from the sides). The goal is to score the ball into the goal.
An additional rule that we came up with in class is that putting the ball into a position from which you cannot get out is an illegal move (for example, going into the corner). If this is the only move a player can make, then it is his loss.

Each field is played for one goal (if desired, for more, but practice has shown that it is still better to play for one goal). The convenience of this game compared to standard football is that it takes up little space and you can use a partially written piece of paper for it.

11. Labyrinth with objects

Two people are playing. Players draw two 10x10 fields. For convenience, you can assign designations to the cells: a, b, c, ..., i, k - horizontally and 1, 2, 3, ..., 9, 10 - vertically. (Helps with communication during the game). On one field, draw your own labyrinth through which your opponent will walk. The second, still empty, field is the opponent’s labyrinth, through which the player himself walks. It marks the objects of the enemy’s labyrinth explored during the game. The goal is to take the treasure out of someone else's labyrinth faster than your opponent takes the treasure out of yours.
Here you have the opportunity to simultaneously prove yourself both as an adventurer and as a “dungeon master.”

Labyrinth requirements:

Between the cells there may be walls, which, in fact, form a labyrinth. In addition, the entire perimeter of the labyrinth is also surrounded by a wall called the “maze wall.”

The labyrinth should contain:

1 Crossbow
1 Crutch
1 Trap
4 Pits
4 exits from pits (each pit uniquely corresponds to one exit)
3 False treasures
1 A real treasure
4 exits from the maze on each side.
In addition, each participant at the beginning of the game has 3 grenades.

Example map:

Game process.

Players tell each other the coordinates of the points from which they would like to start the game.
Players take turns. During a turn, a player can move one cell to the right, left, up or down, if the cell he is in and the one he wants to move to are not separated by a wall. If such a wall is still present, the player is informed about this and he remains on his cell until the next move. If this wall is a maze wall, this is reported separately. However, by prior agreement, there is no need to distinguish between internal walls and maze walls and exclude the concept of “maze wall”, but this can greatly delay the game. By spending one grenade, the player can eliminate any wall (including the wall of the labyrinth) until the end of the game. You don't need to discover it first to do this. For example, having intuitively felt that there is a wall on the right, the player may not waste a turn going to the right and making sure that it is there. He can immediately use a grenade, and then there will definitely be no wall there. But it may be that it was not there, then the grenade is still considered spent. Throwing a grenade is considered a move. You cannot throw a grenade and move in the same turn.

After the player has moved to a new cell, the enemy informs him what is on the new cell (and only one object can be on one cell).
These could be (with examples of notation):

A) crossbow("A"). After visiting this cell, the player begins to “limp” and the enemy can perform +1 action during his turn (which has already arrived) (move, throw a grenade, bump into a wall). The crossbow fires once, but its effect lasts until the end of the game.

b) crutch(“Y”) Visiting this cell allows the player himself, starting from the next turn, to perform 1 more action per turn. This is not a cure for the effects of a crossbow, but an independent object. The crutch works once, but its effect lasts until the end of the game.

The actions of the crutch and the crossbow stack. That is, visiting both of these cells gives the same result as not visiting either of them. If you find a crutch, and your opponent has a crossbow, then you can do three actions per turn (not four!).

V) trap(“K”). Allow three moves. Those. While you are getting out of the trap (more correctly, a trap), the enemy makes four moves, after which you can move again. Having an opponent with a crutch allows him to make eight moves. If you fall into a trap and were previously wounded by a crossbow, the enemy makes only four moves (permanently skipping moves does not work, because you still do not move). The trap is triggered every time a player visits a cell with it.

G) You've fallen into a hole No. 1, 2, 3 or 4. (“1,2,3,4”) – instantaneous movement (with the same move) to the cell “Exit from pit No. 1, 2, 3 or 4” (“I,II,III ,IV"), respectively. The exit coordinates are not communicated to the player. He continues the game from the cage with the exit from the pit and determines his location by indirect signs. If a player gets to the “exit from the pit” cell without falling into the pit itself, but simply “came across it,” he is informed about this. Now, having fallen into a hole with this number, he will know where he will appear.

d) You found a treasure. False (“O”) or true (“X”) can only be found out by leaving the maze.
To exit the maze, you can use any of the exits, which are available one on each side, or break through a new one using a grenade. (However, we can agree that grenades are not taken from the walls of the labyrinth, although they are wasted in the process).

A player who exits the maze on his turn (accidentally or intentionally) is told that he has exited the maze. If at the same time he has a treasure in his hands, it is reported what kind of treasure it is: false or real.

You can only carry one treasure at a time. In this case, the actions of a crossbow, crutch, or trap are not canceled. You can’t throw the treasure wherever you want, but you can exchange one for another. It is not necessary to take the treasure. If you find yourself on a cell with treasure and decide to take it, you need to inform your opponent about this.

The maze must be designed in such a way that you can visit each cell and exit the maze without using grenades, starting the game from any point. You cannot build traps: when a player, having fallen into a hole, comes out of it into a confined space, from which he cannot get out without using grenades. The trap can be placed anywhere.
After leaving the maze, the player can only enter the exit from which he left. However, the option of re-entering through any exit also has a right to exist. In this case, it is possible to fence off areas that can only be reached through a certain entrance to the maze, if the starting point is located outside them.

12. Nonsense

And even the seemingly stupid game “Nonsense” carries within itself deep meaning, if you play it with the whole family. Each player receives a piece of paper and writes at the top the answer to the question “Who?” (Winnie the Pooh, cat Behemoth, neighbor Uncle Vasya, etc.). Then the answer is folded in such a way that it cannot be read, and the sheets of paper are passed around. The next question is “With whom?” Then follow: “When?”, “Where?”, “What did you do?”, “What came of it?” When all the answers are written, the pieces of paper are unfolded and read. "So what's the point of all this?" - you ask. If the whole family laughs at the resulting nonsense, if parents and children are interested and having fun together - isn’t this the most important, most important meaning of any family games?

13. Virus war

"-War of Viruses"-. Game for two ( more is possible, but preferable even number players, otherwise one quickly becomes a victim), on a field 10*10 ( again, more is possible, then it’s even more interesting), “viruses” - means crosses, circles and other evil spirits (each player has his own color or shape). Three “viruses” are placed per turn. Viruses begin to reproduce from opposite corner cells of the field. You can display a “virus” only next to your other “live virus”. If the enemy’s “virus” is nearby, you can eat it by painting the cell in your color. The enemy cannot “overeat” this cell a second time. Such formations are called “fortresses”. If the “fortress” touches at least one living virus of its color, then from it you can further create new “viruses” in any place or there is an enemy. The goal of the game is the complete destruction of enemy forces. If both sides manage to hide their live viruses behind a fortress made from the enemy's eaten viruses, the game ends in a draw.

"-Bedbugs"-. Variation “-virus warriors”-. Can be played by 2 to 6 players, but optimally 4 players. They play on a notebook sheet, each player must have their own color. The game begins with drawing the “main bug” - a cross surrounded by a frame and the “headquarters” - the environment of the “main bug” - made up of 8 crosses in the corners of the sheet. Then you can make 5 “moves” per turn, and not 3 as in the “virus war”. The game is played to destroy the “main bugs”. But the most interesting thing in this version of the game is that the players, who play by default, each for themselves, have the right to enter into alliances and break them as the situation or personal preferences change. Often a good “political” intrigue in this variant brings more dividends than the combination class of the game. Possible addition: a player who has built a square of 8 bugs can place a new “main bug” in the center, and the old one is painted in the player’s color. Such a revolution allows you to save your army from defeat if the enemy gets close to the old “main” one.

"-War"-. A very complex variation of “virus warriors”. Can be played by 2 to 6 players, but optimally 4 players. They play on a notebook sheet, each player must have their own color. The game starts from “generals”, which are designated by the letter G and are located in the corners of the sheet. For each move, the player can place:
4 infantry (designated by the letters P) -
2 knights that are placed with a letter as in chess (and are designated by the letter K) -
2 tanks that move through one cell (can also be diagonal) (indicated by the letters T) -
1 plane that moves through 4 cells horizontally, vertically or diagonally (indicated by the letters C).
During any move, you can abandon one type of troops and make an extra move of another type. For example, you can immediately go 3 more times by plane in one turn, giving up all the infantry, all the horses and all the tanks, respectively.
Unlike the “war of viruses”, new fighters can be deployed only next to living fighters (or next to a “live” fortress) of the corresponding type, provided that they have a living connection with the general! That is, troops without control do not fight. Communication can be made through another type of military. They play, of course, to destroy the generals.

14. Pyramid

Two players play. They take turns writing words in the form of a pyramid according to the crossword rule; in addition, repeating the same words is prohibited. They start with a three-letter word; under the word you can write a word of the same length or one letter longer. Under each word you can only write a word of the same length once; the next word must be one letter longer. After the opponent’s move, the player carefully analyzes the resulting game word pyramid and tries to form a word of at least three letters, taking for it the first letter from an arbitrary level of the pyramid, the second from the next level below it, etc. one letter from each next level. This word must also be a common noun in the initial form and not an abbreviation (not an abbreviation like traffic police). The player who finds such a word adds to his score as many points as there are letters in this word. Then the next round begins, and so on, until a player scores 12 points. He becomes the winner.

An example of one round of this game with words: the 1st player writes the word HATCH, the 2nd writes the word MIG under it. The 1st player needs to find a 4-letter word, he writes the word SHAWL. Both players try to select words from already used letters in order to not give their opponent a chance to win the round. Here the 2nd player carefully looks to see if he can make up some word, but all sorts of nonsense comes out like KISH, LIL, YUM, etc. Then the 2nd player writes the 4-letter word SHILO (or he could write a 5-letter one):

The 1st player analyzes the pyramid... - He sees the words GAI, IL and YUG, which, according to the conditions of this word game, do not fit, and does not notice the word KILO! The pyramid has another level:

The 2nd player sees the words LIK and SPIKE, then notices the word KILO... - And suddenly he finds a beautiful 5-letter word LILY! It adds 5 points to the 2nd player's score.

Such games on paper with words develop attentiveness and the ability to combine words.

Two players draw 7-10 tanks each. or “starships?”, each on its own half of a double notebook sheet (preferably not in a box, but in a line or empty A4). Having placed the army, the players begin to fire at each other as follows: a shot is drawn on their half of the field, then the sheet is folded exactly in the middle, and the shot, visible in the open, is marked on the second half of the field. If it hit a tank, it was knocked out (the second? knocking out? is fatal), and if it hit it exactly, the tank was immediately destroyed.
Each successful shot gives the right to the next one - in some versions of the game, you cannot fire the next shot at the same tank.
After preliminary shooting, the game very quickly moves into the “blitz-krieg” stage, or rather, a rapid denouement. The winner, naturally, is the one who shoots the opposing army first.

16. Barriers

A simple tactical game, the essence of which is the positional struggle for space. On a field of 8x8 (i.e. size chessboard), players, one after another, draw small lines that overlap any 2 cells in a row: i.e. for example player 1 draws a vertical line occupying e2 and e3.
Player 2 does the same, but his line cannot cross or touch any existing “barricades”. As the field fills up, there is less and less free space, and at the end a sober calculation is required to finish the game. A player who can no longer place his line because... everything is already blocked, losing.

A simple and quite fun game, built on the same principles as Coin Parade, but completely different in form.
On a small field (it can be a square or rectangle of any size, it doesn’t really matter) the players place about 15-20 points in the most different places, although more or less evenly.
Then the first player draws a round but free-form rim that passes through at least 1 point. The maximum in the classic version is unlimited, although I would recommend giving a maximum of 4 points in the rim.
Next player draws his rim, the only limitation? it cannot intersect with those already drawn. The rims can be drawn inside the rims, or, conversely, surround existing ones, the main thing is that they do not intersect. After a while, there is very little space left, and the one who draws the last rim loses.
A variation of this game is the rule of drawing rims that cover only 1 or 2 points, no more.

19. Dots and squares

The author of this game, popularizer of mathematics and science Martin Garner, considered it ?the pearl of logic games?. Without sharing his opinion, however, it is quite possible to call the game one of the best tactical games, interesting at any age.
Playing field? rows of dots from 3x3 to 9x9. It’s better to start with a small field and, having felt the taste, increase the size. The rules are very simple: players connect two dots with a line, and when the player can close the square, he puts his sign in it (for example, the first letter of his name).
By closing a square, the player gains the right to an additional move until he draws a line that does not close anything. At the end of the game, it is counted who has closed the most squares, and the winner is determined.
Despite its apparent simplicity, the game provides a good space for combinatorial play, especially on fields of 5x5 and larger. The essence of winning tactics? force the field with half-closed structures, sacrifice, it is necessary, a few squares in favor of the opponent, and then, when there is practically nowhere to bet, force him to make an unfavorable move (not covering anything)? and then close most of the squares in one series.

The simplest word game, based on the tic-tac-toe principle, only with letters.
On a 3x3 field (then try other sizes), two players bet on any one letter each, and the one who, by the end of the game (when all the fields are filled in) will be able to write more well-known 3-letter words diagonally, vertically or horizontally, wins.
The game is useful for children who are learning to write. For adults there is quite little competitive value, but players with a sense of humor will have a lot of fun. For children, you can play the option: who will be the first to create a word, and not who will have more words.

21. Racing

A more complex and lengthy game, built on the same principle as other paper coordination games: moving a vertical pen along a sheet of paper with a light click.
On a sheet (single or double) drawn race track(Race), in the form of two curving, uneven circles, repeating each other’s outlines, 2-3-4 cells wide (depending on the number of participants). Then, in an arbitrary place of the resulting ring, a start/finish line is drawn, from which the racing cars start.
In short, neat strokes, the racers move around the ring, overcoming bends and special obstacles, flying into the ditch, entering the field again, and as a result, one of them comes to the finish line first and reaps the laurels.
Each time the driver's line touches or crosses the track boundary, a cross is placed at the intersection and the driver skips the next turn, turning his car around so it can continue the race. Each car has 5 such intersections in stock. (5 hit points), and the sixth encounter becomes fatal.
Besides this, could there be any obstacles on the route? for example, high-danger zones: upon flying into such a zone, the car receives more damage and loses two life points. Or special obstacles that protrude from the edges and make the passage narrower, or on the contrary, stand in the middle and force cars to squeeze through
It is also possible to enter touch points, or rather, small circles, which the car must hit when passing by (i.e., through which the line must pass). The picture shows all the listed complications of the track at once, and it is clear that the race is still far from over.
You can come up with and introduce your own rules, new obstacles, and if there are 4 or more participants, you can even arrange a racing series, making several tracks, and in between allowing players to purchase equipment for the amount of points depending on occupied space. For example, buy additional life points or attack spikes, and remove 1 life point from the car you are overtaking.

22. Golf

Players start from two spots next to each other at the bottom of a double piece of paper standing vertically (see picture).
Everyone plays with a pen of their own color, and what is everyone's task? in the minimum number of strokes (lines from the pen sliding along the sheet) get the ball into the hole. The hole is at the opposite end of the field, i.e. on top of the sheet. And a person with good coordination needed a maximum of 4-5 hits to drive the line into the hole.
But in advanced versions of Golf, the path to it is not so simple, because long straight lines are protected by hills that act as a buffer and do not allow the player. When hitting a hill, the enemy performs a rollback i.e. shoots the line of the offender in any direction, and he is forced to continue his series of blows from the place where this line came. Or perhaps 1 or 2 extra moves are added to the track of the one who hits the hill.

Article added: 2008-04-17

When I got married and I had my own home, where I became a full-fledged mistress, I was faced with a problem: how to entertain guests when they gather at our place for some holiday. After all, an ordinary feast - we drank, ate, drank, ate, drank again... - it’s so boring!

So I decided to urgently come up with something so that each celebration would be memorable and not similar to the previous one. I had to urgently buy various books on this topic and study the Internet.

As a result, I got a whole collection of sociable games. Moreover, every time I find something new and, naturally, I use this new product at the first opportunity.

Of course, no holiday goes by without karaoke and drinking songs, and as an addition to this (and a surprise for some guests, although many are already accustomed to the fact that you won’t get bored with us), we play various games.

Depending on the company we gather (sometimes just young people, and sometimes the older generation), I think through the game scenario in advance. This is done so that absolutely ALL guests can take part in the fun, and so that no one gets bored.

For some games you need to prepare props in advance, and it’s also very good if you have some funny souvenirs for the winners.

Yes, by the way, you shouldn’t play all the games at once. It's best if you take breaks (for example, it's time to serve hot food or sing a song). Otherwise, your guests will quickly get tired and everyone will no longer be interested and reluctant to play anything else.

“Table games” or I also call them “Warm-up games”. These games are best played at the beginning of the celebration, when everyone is sitting at the table, still sober :)

1. "Bowl of Hop"

This game is as follows: everyone sitting at the table passes a glass around in a circle, into which everyone pours a little of some drink (vodka, juice, wine, brine, etc.). Anyone whose glass is filled to the brim so that there is nowhere else to pour must say a toast and drink the contents of this glass to the bottom. The most important thing is that the glass is not very large, otherwise a person simply will not be able to drink it, because there will be a “hot” mixture. And if he drinks, then where can he look for this guest? :)

2. “Make your neighbor laugh”

Choose a host from among the guests (or take on this role yourself). His task is to perform such a funny action with his neighbor on the table (on the right or on the left) that could make someone present laugh. For example, the leader may grab his neighbor by the nose. Everyone else in the circle must repeat this action after him (with their neighbor, respectively). When the circle is closed, the leader again takes his neighbor, for example, by the ear or leg, etc. The rest repeat again. Those who laugh leave the circle. And the winner will be the one who remains alone.

3. “The main thing is that the suit fits.”

For this game you will need a medium sized box. It is desirable that it closes, but if this is a problem, then you can cut a hole in it on the side so that your hand can fit through. And if there is no box, then you can replace it with an opaque bag or bag. Then, items of clothing such as, for example, long johns, briefs and bras are placed in a box (bag). large sizes, a clown's nose, and other things that might make you laugh. That's it, the props are ready.

Next, when the guests relax a little and feel at home with you, you can start playing: the guests are sitting at the table, you tell them that many could use updating their wardrobe, and take a box (bag) with funny things. Then, while the music is playing, the box (package) is passed from one guest to another, but as soon as the music stops, the guest in whose hands the box (package) is must, without looking into it, take out some thing from there and put it on himself and don't take it off until the game is over. The duration of the game depends on the number of items in the box. As a result, all the guests will have an outfit that will make you laugh!

4. “And in my pants...”

This game is for those who are not shy. Before the game (or rather, before the party starts), you will need to make the following props: cut out interesting headlines from magazines and newspapers (for example, “The Iron Horse,” “Down and Feathers,” “Cat and Mouse,” etc.) . And put them in an envelope. Then, when you decide that it’s time to play, you run this envelope in a circle. The one who accepts the envelope must say loudly “And in my pants...”, take out a clipping from the envelope and read it out loud. The more interesting and funny the clippings are, the more fun it will be to play.

By the way, a joke on the topic:

- Give me money for a bra.
- For what? You have nothing to put there!
- You're wearing panties!

The following games are from the series “While everyone is still on their feet,” that is, when all the guests have already become fully emboldened and “warmed up”:

1. " Chinese Wall” or “Who has it longer.”

This game is good to play where there is enough space and there are at least 4 participants. You will need to create two teams: one with men, the other with women. At your signal, the players of each team begin to take off their clothes (whatever they want) and lay out removed items clothes in one line. Each team, accordingly, has its own line. The team with the longest line wins.

2. "Sweetie"

This game is best played by married couples and well-known friends. A victim (preferably a man) is selected and blindfolded. Then he (she) is informed that he (s) must, without using his hands, find the candy in the lips of the woman (man) lying on the sofa. The trick is that if the victim is a man, then it is not the woman who lies down on the sofa (as the victim is told), but the man. Likewise with the victim – a woman. But it's more fun with a man. It is not possible to describe here the actions that the victim takes when trying to find the candy. This is a must see! :)

3. "Spiritometer".

With this game you can determine which of the men is more drunk. To do this, you must draw a scale in advance on a large sheet of Whatman paper, where the degrees are indicated in increasing order - 20, 30, 40. Arrange the degrees like this: at the very top you should have smaller ones, and at the bottom - larger degrees. This Whatman paper with a drawn scale can be mounted on the wall, but not very high from the floor. Then, the men are given felt-tip pens, and their task is to bend down, reaching out to the “Spiritometer” between their legs, and mark the degrees on the scale with a felt-tip pen. And since each of them wants to be more sober than the other, they will stretch their hand higher in order to put a mark on a lower degree. The spectacle is indescribable!

4. "Kangaroo".

Here you will need to take another presenter to help you. Then, choose a volunteer. Your assistant takes him away and explains that he will have to imitate a kangaroo with gestures, facial expressions, etc., but without making a sound, and everyone else must guess what kind of animal he is showing. And at this time you tell the other guests that now the victim will show a kangaroo, but everyone must pretend that they do not understand what kind of animal is being shown to them. It is necessary to name any other animals, but not kangaroos. It should be something like: “Oh, so it’s jumping! So. It's probably a rabbit. No?! Strange, well then it’s a monkey.” After 5 minutes, the simulator will really resemble an enraged kangaroo.

5. “Where am I?”

For this game you will need to prepare in advance one or more signs with inscriptions, such as: “Toilet”, “Shower”, “ Kindergarten", "Store", etc. The participant is seated with his back to everyone, and a sign prepared by you in advance with the inscription is attached to his back. The rest of the guests should ask him questions, for example: “Why do you go there, how often, etc.” The player must, without knowing what is written on the sign hanging on him, answer these questions.

6. "Maternity hospital"

Here two people are selected. One plays the role of a wife who has just given birth, and the other plays her faithful husband. The husband’s task is to ask everything about the child in as much detail as possible, and the wife’s task is to explain all this to her husband with signs, since the thick double glass of the hospital room does not let sounds outside. The main thing is to ask unexpected and varied questions.

7. "Kiss"

The game will require as many participants as possible, minimum 4. All participants stand in a circle. Someone alone stands in the center, this is the leader. Then everyone starts moving: the circle rotates in one direction, the one in the center rotates in the other. The center must be blindfolded. Everyone is singing:

A matryoshka was walking along the path,
Lost two earrings
Two earrings, two rings,
Kiss, girl, well done!

With the last words everyone stops. A pair is selected according to the principle: the leader and the one (or the one) in front of him. Then the issue of compatibility is resolved. They stand with their backs to each other and, on the count of three, turn their heads left or right; if the sides match, then the lucky ones kiss!

8. “Oh, these legs!”

This game is for friendly companies. To play you need 4-5 people. Ladies sit on chairs in the room. A volunteer is selected from among the men, he must remember where, among the ladies sitting on the chairs, his wife (friend, acquaintance) is, then he is taken to another room, where he is tightly blindfolded. At this time, all the women change seats, and a couple more men sit next to them. Everyone bares one leg (just above the knees) and lets in a man with a bandage. He squats, taking turns touching everyone's bare leg with Kooks, and must recognize his other half. Men can wear stockings on their legs for camouflage.

9. "Drawers"

The leader calls two or three pairs of players. The players of each pair sit at the table next to each other. One is blindfolded, a sheet of paper is placed in front of him and a pen or pencil is given in his hand. Everyone else present gives each pair a task - what to draw. The player in each pair, who is not blindfolded, carefully watches what his neighbor is drawing and guides him, indicating where to point the pen and in which direction. He listens and draws what he is told. It turns out very funny. The couple that completes the drawing faster and better wins.

A presenter and a volunteer are selected from the guests. The volunteer is seated on a chair and blindfolded. The presenter begins to point to the participants one by one and ask the question: “Is it?” The one whom the volunteer chooses to become the “kisser”. Then the presenter, pointing in any order to the lips, cheek, forehead, nose, chin, as much as the imagination allows, asks the question: “Here?” - until he receives an affirmative answer from the volunteer. Continuing, the presenter shows all possible quantities on his fingers and asks the volunteer: “How many?” Having received consent, the presenter makes a “sentence” chosen by the volunteer himself - “it” kisses you, for example, on the forehead 5 times. After the end of the process, the volunteer must guess who kissed him. If he guessed correctly, then the one identified takes his place, but if not, then the game resumes with the same volunteer. If a volunteer does not guess three times in a row, then he takes the place of the leader.

11. “Sweet Tooth Drum”

To play you will need a bag of sucking candies (for example, “Barberry”). 2 people are selected from the company. They begin to take turns taking candy from the bag (in the hands of the leader), putting it in their mouth (swallowing is not allowed) and after each candy they call their opponent “Sweet Tooth Drum.” Whoever stuffs the most candy into his mouth and at the same time clearly says the magic phrase will win. It must be said that the game usually takes place to the cheerful shouts and whoops of the spectators, and the sounds made by the participants in the game lead the audience to complete delight!

Based on materials from the book “Games for a Drunk Company”

The article will offer you several options for interesting games for having fun together.

Games and entertainment “on paper” have been familiar to people since school desks. They are distinguished by their simplicity and the fact that they are able to capture and interest from the first minutes. For such games, you only need a sheet of paper (depending on each: checkered, lined or blank), as well as writing pen or pencil.

Games on paper:

  • Tic Tac Toe – a classic game for which you need to draw a grid of 9 cells. Decide with your partner who will draw what (crosses or toes). Start the game, each move is one sign. The winner is the one who managed to draw three identical signs horizontally, diagonally or vertically.
  • Sticks – For this game you will need a checkered sheet of paper. On it you need to draw a geometric rhombus. The task of each player is to draw sticks inside the rhombus, which would occupy one side of the cell. If someone manages to find an open cell (that is, sticks on three sides), he immediately draws a fourth, and inside his own sign - a cross or a zero. The one who draws the most symbols on the playing field wins.
  • Hand - you will need a checkered piece of paper (you can also use a lined one). Trace your hand, inside its outline you should write the numbers from 1 to 100 in different places (confused). Your partner does the same on his leaf. Then you exchange papers. The task is to take turns finding a number from 1 to 100 and circling it after finding it. While you are looking for it, your partner draws zeros around the outline of the hand. The winner is the one who draws a full sheet of zeroes in the “free territory”.
  • Sea battle - In order to start the game, you should draw two battlefields (for each player). The field looks like a square, 10 by 10 cells each (the top line is designated by letters: from a to i, and the left vertical line is from 1 to 10. Inside the field, each player draws ships: 1 of 4 cells, 2 of 3, 3 of 2 -x and 1 single). Your task is to shoot at the enemy field, calling the coordinates, for example: “a-10” or “g-7”. The winner is the one who first “sinks” all the enemy ships.
  • Words - A long word is written on a piece of paper. The task of each player is to come up with as many small words as possible from a long word. The one whose number is the largest will win. For example, the word “parallelogram” and from it the words: “pair”, “gram”, “Lego”, “goal”, “frame” and so on.
  • Word crossword – Write a long word in the middle of the sheet. Your task is to add small or other words that would consist of several letters of the original one. The winner is the one who composes the maximum number of words (1 word – 1 point), the longest word (more than one letter – 2 points).

Video: “6 games on paper”

What cards can you play together?

Many people like to play cards, because they allow you to completely forget about time and have fun.

Interesting card games:

  • Fool - This is an old and familiar game to everyone. There are two types: “Ordinary Fool” and “Flip”. The objective of the game is to beat a higher card of the same suit or any trump card. Each player receives 6 cards and, as they are discarded, they replenish their set. The one who runs out of cards wins.
  • Queen of Spades Players must have an equal number of cards. Among them, all must be paired. In turn, each player draws a card from a partner without looking and, adding a pair to it, folds it back (for example: 9 cross and 9 diamond). Among all the cards there is one - “Queen of Spades”. The one who has this card left (it is the only one that does not have a pair, since 1 queen is discarded from the deck immediately) and its owner at the end of the game will become the losing side.
  • Trump card - Place the deck face down in front of you. Designate a trump card (any suit) in advance and turn over one card at a time. Whoever is lucky enough to play trump takes the entire stack of turned over cards. The one who has more cards will lose.
  • Drunkard - Place the deck face down in front of you. Start turning over the cards one at a time. The one whose card is larger will have to take the entire inverted pile. The loser will have more cards at the end.

Outdoor games for two at home without a computer: what to play?

An alternative to "harmful" computer games can become active, interesting games that can be played at home or outdoors.


  • Edible or not edible - The task of this game is simple: everyone must guess what object their partner will name. Depending on this, he either catches or hits a small ball. The one who beats off the “edible word” or catches the “inedible” one loses.
  • Crocodile - it's simple and very interesting game, in which everyone must show the word with gestures and movements. You cannot pronounce a word or make sounds. The one who doesn't guess the word loses.
  • Cold or hot - your task is to hide some object at home or on the street. Your partner looks for it, and you help him do this by telling him “hot, warm or cold” as he approaches the hidden thing.
  • A note - The game is simple and interesting: one participant writes words on the back of his partner with his fingers, and he guesses the letters and makes up a word. The one who composes the most words wins.
  • Broken phone - This game will require a large number of children. Everyone sits in a row. The first child comes up with a word and tells it to his neighbor, but quickly and quietly. He conveys it exactly as he heard it. The latter speaks the word he hears loudly. If the word ultimately turns out to be “spoilt,” everyone voices what they heard and thus the loser is revealed.

What games can adults play at home, in an apartment, without a computer?

Adult games are characterized by more complex thought processes, since they are mainly designed for logic.


  • Backgammon – for this you will need dice, checkers and a special field for the game. The winner is the one who first throws the checkers around the circle and returns to his place.
  • Chess - a logical game, the meaning of which is to seize someone else's territory and destroy the "enemy's army."
  • Checkers – the game is designed for white or black checkers to move to the opposite field and “destroy” the opponent’s checkers.
  • Guess who I am (Tarantino) – The game is very simple and exciting at the same time. The names of world personalities (actors, singers, politicians) are written on pieces of paper. The leaves are mixed and everyone chooses one without looking, then attaches it to their forehead. Everyone’s task is to guess what kind of personality they got by asking leading questions.
  • Mafia – A complex turn-based game in the detective genre. The game should use regular or special cards, and you cannot do without the help of the host.

Video: " Educational film on playing Mafia. Description. Rules"

What games can a husband and wife play at home, in an apartment without a computer?

  • Lotto - a classic game that makes time literally fly by. To do this, you will need a special set of tickets and a bag of kegs. The first one to fill out their ticket with numbers wins.
  • is a logic game in which you have to remove blocks from a constructed tower by taking them out from the middle. The task is not to destroy the tower; the one whose tower crumbles loses.
  • Truth or lie - each player tells two stories, one of which is fiction, and the second is true. The second player's task is to find out what is what. The one who knows his partner best will win.
  • Associations – Your task is to think of a word and name all the associations with it to your partner so that he guesses it. Whoever guesses the most words wins.
  • "What movie?" — For this, players should be real movie buffs. Describe the story of the main character without mentioning his name, and your opponent will guess the movie. The more correct answers, the more points.

What games can a guy and a girl play at home, in an apartment without a computer?


  • Towns– the task of each player is to name the city with the letter that was the last in the already named word. You can also change the theme of the game, for example, not the names of cities, but the names of flowers or dishes.
  • Strip cards – for a young couple, even an ordinary “Fool” will be much more interesting if everyone takes turns taking off their items of clothing.
  • Puzzles – Buy a large picture puzzle and try to spend time together putting it together piece by piece. At this time, you can discuss many life issues and tell interesting stories.

Collecting puzzles is an interesting pastime

What games can you play at home, in an apartment alone without a computer with a friend?


  • Fortune telling for the betrothed - An interesting pastime for two young girls, especially since today there are many options for fortune telling: on cards, wax, coffee grounds, by phone call, and so on.
  • I believe it, I don’t believe it, your friend asks you a question that you must answer correctly and incorrectly, and her task is to choose the correct answer. The winner of the game will be the one who has the most guessed answers.
  • "Weak" - in any game (be it cards, lotto or palms) it can be “weak”. This is the very punishment that should be done. As a rule, this is a funny or shameful activity that is not easy to carry out.

What games can you play at home, in an apartment alone without a computer with your brother?


  • Domino - interesting and exciting game for folding dominoes.
  • Mosaic – you can put many interesting pictures together.
  • Constructor – build castles, houses or entire cities together.
  • active game with a special playground.

What games can you play at home, in an apartment alone without a computer with your sister?

  • Monopoly – An interesting, exciting logic game with many tasks and elements.
  • Modeling from plasticine or plasticine dough - modern play dough or plasticine will allow you to create interesting figures and have fun.
  • Puppet show - funny stories with toy characters will certainly amuse you and help you have an interesting time.

What can boys and girls between 10 and 14 years old play together without a computer if they’re bored?

  • Paper dolls – To play, you should draw and cut out dolls, and also come up with paper clothes for them.
  • I am a designer - Girls really like the game because it makes them feel like a real designer when creating collections fashionable clothes and showing off to his friend.
  • In a rubber band - This is a fun and active game in the fresh air.
  • To the hairdresser - It is very interesting to create hairstyles and styles for your girlfriends for girls.

What can you play together in the hospital?

  • Guess the melody - You need to sing a familiar song with your voice, and your partner in the game must guess it.
  • Coloring and drawing – A fun and relaxing experience that everyone will enjoy.
  • In the questionnaires - compilation interesting questions about hobbies and answers to them.
  • Poetry- each player writes one line, which continues the previous one in rhyme.

Video: “Board games: what to play with friends?”