Magic spices, magic spices, secret properties of spices. The magical properties of spices

Throughout time, spice seeds have been used to protect against evil spirits and to attract good luck and love. Spices are more than just seasonings for foods. They also have a special energy that gives them magical properties of spices and the possibility of use in love magic. Their power lies in their intoxicating aroma, which can be transported to the most remote, unimaginable places, attracting magical powers.

The magical properties of garlic

Garlic has been used to ward off evil spirits since time immemorial. Everyone knows that with the help of this product our ancestors fought against vampires, raiders, enemies, sorcerers, furies and other evil spirits. It was especially popular among sailors, who always ate it before going to sea. They believed that garlic prevented disasters at sea. It was also sacred to the goddess Hecate, so every year on August 13, in honor of the pagan holiday of Hecate, many witches used garlic as a sacrifice for the sake of the goddess.

The magical properties of sesame

This seasoning has a special magic. She is able to open hidden doors and secret paths. Sesame seeds have always been used to improve wealth. It is believed that if you fill a small pan with sesame seeds and leave it open during the waxing moon, prosperity will come to your home.

The magical properties of basil

Since ancient times, this seasoning has been used in the art of magic and love divination. If a woman was worried about whether her upcoming marriage would be happy or unhappy, then the witches took two fresh basil leaves and laid them on hot coal stones, then observed their reaction. If the leaves burned with lightning speed and turned into ashes, then this foreshadowed a happy marriage. If the leaves were rampant on the stones, it meant that the husband would be harsh. If they broke and scattered in the wind, it meant misfortune and a bitter divorce. In addition, basil was used during spells against evil, exorcism, possession, and to increase wealth and attract good luck. Welfare, money and success can be found in the likes of mint, pepper and cloves.

Magical properties of Saffron

Saffron was used by the ancient Incas to attract wind. Many modern witches use this spice in love and healing spells. An infusion of saffron, prepared and drunk during the full moon, in the astrological sign of Pisces, enhances intuition.

The magical properties of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is added to bags or decoctions for preparing incense to attract material well-being to the house, cure some illness, or discover clairvoyant abilities. It can also protect against evil intentions and negative energy. Cinnamon is often used in cooking recipes to quickly lose weight for spring and summer.

Magical properties of Cloves

Cloves are typically used as a flavoring agent that protects against evil, negative vibrations, banishes ghosts, and cleanses ritual spaces. She is able to attract love and money. Cloves also get rid of malicious gossip.

Magical properties of Cumin

This seasoning is used to drive away evil spirits and ghosts from the house. Cumin is often used in love ceremonies, as it enhances sensuality and creates a passionate mood. At the same time, the lover remains faithful to the object of adoration. Any object containing cumin seeds is magically protected from theft.

The magical properties of Turmeric

Turmeric is commonly used to impart strength, confidence, power, passion. You can rely on this seasoning in matters of sensuality and love. Also, turmeric relieves strong slander and spells. In the Hawaiian Islands it has been used since time immemorial in folk rituals. In this way they preserved the esoteric tradition and passed on ancient knowledge.

The magical properties of Dill

For a long time, dill was viewed as a protective herb. For centuries it has been used in herbal amulets to break the curses of demons and evil spirits. They say that elves do not come near a house or garden where dill grows. While children are sleeping, it is recommended to place small bags of dill in their cribs.

The magical properties of bay leaf

Laurel is a plant that the priestesses of Apollo once used during magical rites, in particular for prophetic visions. In order to see the future in a dream, it is recommended to place bay leaves under the pillow. They have long been used to protect and clean the home. Therefore, they filled small bags with them and hung them on the windows.

The magical properties of Mustard

Mustard seeds are traditionally used in protective magic. To protect the House from evil spirits, negative influence or witchcraft, there is one old recipe. Mustard seeds are laid out at front door and on window sills.

That's it for this article about The magical properties of spices ends. For more detailed information You can contact our experienced Experts on how to protect your home and loved ones from evil intentions and how to attract success in various areas of life.

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Spices and seasonings familiar to us have magical properties, according to a psychic. According to her, by adding spices to food, we can attract what we want. Almost every seasoning has its own magical meaning and power. All those who want to enlist support need to know about this higher powers. What magical properties do certain spices have?

Seasonings to attract luck, money, health and love

Vanilla- attracts love, strengthens family relationships. It can also be used to increase sexual desire.

Cloves, basil and mint- these are seasonings for attracting money. Food with the addition of these spices helps you concentrate on important matters, gives you confidence and energy.

Cinnamon will strengthen the money energy around you. This seasoning can be used to attract money, and you don’t even have to add it to food. The aroma of cinnamon itself can activate cash flow.

Bay leaf enhances energy, thereby protecting against damage and the evil eye. You can also make a wish come true with the help of a bay leaf.

Dill can be an excellent amulet for children. It is not only useful to add to food, but also to store at home in any form - it will protect the whole family from evil and ill-wishers.

Garlic used against energy vampires. It will protect the biofield and prevent a negative person from using your energy.

Condiments and Spices to Avoid

There are also seasonings that, according to the psychic, only bring problems and troubles into our lives.

Black pepper It should not be added to food too often, as it contributes to conflicts in the family.

In order for the magical properties of the seasoning to work, it is better to cook food only in a good mood - this will activate the power of the spices. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

06.06.2014 09:00

In magic, mint is considered a very powerful plant. With its help you can find out the future, recover from diseases and attract good luck. Participant...

Psychic Marilyn Kerro spoke about magical power candles that anyone can use to attract good luck. ...

Nowadays, buying spices, herbs and aromatic seasonings is easier than ever. But once upon a time bloody wars broke out because of them. Thus, in medieval Europe they were worth their weight in gold.

Of course, it wasn't just the aroma and taste they impart to food. Then what? Oh, spices are fraught with unprecedented, fantastic power...

Selection of spices

Spices have been used in oriental medicine since ancient times. It was believed that certain plants transform the energy of the Sun into the force of life, which is transmitted to people. Even the ancient Greeks noted that some aromatic herbs have a beneficial effect on well-being and mood. From then to the present day, the healing power of spices has been widely used in modern medicine and cosmetology.

Our ancestors believed that the aromas of plants have not only medicinal, but also magical properties. Thus, some spices were attributed qualities that help in love affairs. And nowadays many magical rituals carried out using various herbs.

Ancestors believed that plant aromas had magical properties.

Have you ever thought that kitchens are repositories of natural treasures? With the help of properly selected spices, you can give food not only an amazing aroma and taste, but also bring positive changes to your everyday life. The usual process of cooking can magically turn into a beautiful one. magic ritual. So, take a look at your kitchen cabinets.


A spice that people have loved since time immemorial. Even our wise ancestors noted that its aroma has a magical effect on lovers, warms up their feelings, makes them appear brighter. Cinnamon is a powerful female aphrodisiac, which is why it is often an integral part of love potions. Today, any housewife can use the wonderful properties of cinnamon, because this seasoning goes perfectly with baked goods.

So, romantic dinner It would be appropriate to garnish with baked cinnamon apples. In addition, its aroma awakens a feeling of trust, gives a feeling of comfort and warmth of home. A pinch of cinnamon powder added to your morning cup of coffee will provide a charge of good mood and vigor for the whole day.


Our ancestors kept a burning pod with them as protection against the influence of evil forces, neutralization of quarrels and aggression, and family amulet. Nowadays, you don’t have to carry pepper with you everywhere, just add it to your dishes. By the way, it has always been believed that the spicier this seasoning, the more powerful its magical effect.

Our ancestors kept a burning pod with them as protection

If for some reason eating this hot spice is contraindicated for you, you can simply decorate your kitchen with dried pods.


Some peoples called basil a divine spice, others called it a witch's herb. In the 21st century, everyone knows that this green plant has many useful properties. When you eat basil, fatigue and irritability go away and are replaced by good mood and peace.

Our ancestors were sure that thanks to a decoction of basil, taken internally or used as a lotion on the temples and the back of the head, bad thoughts were driven away from a person. They also knew that this spice brings good luck in love affairs, and they were right, because basil is one of the most powerful aphrodisiacs. Add it to your food, especially Mediterranean dishes: pasta, seafood, salads, pizza.


In many cultures, this herb was considered magical. Its miraculous power, as claimed not only by healers, but also by scientists, lies in the ability to give courage and instill courage. That is why the knights of the Middle Ages loved to season their food with this spice.

Knights of the Middle Ages loved to season their food with this spice.

Modern ethnoscience recommends using thyme as a remedy against fatigue and for concentration. On the eve of an important event, just drink a cup of tea with thyme, and its tonic effect will help you collect your thoughts and achieve success. You can also use thyme as a seasoning: it is ideal for fish dishes.


There is a mention of ginger in the oriental fairy tales “A Thousand and One Nights”: it is named among the means that can ignite passion. Healers medieval Europe Ginger root was used in making love potions. The worldwide popularity of the magic root is not surprising, because ginger is universal in use. For example, in 15-20 minutes. It can be added to the stew before it is ready. Or add a small amount to a salad or even regular tea.

Spices and herbs are best purchased, collected or prepared on the waxing Moon, then their wonderful properties will increase. At the same time, it is ideal for thyme to find the night luminary in the sign of Cancer, Capricorn and Pisces; for pepper and ginger, fire signs are preferable - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius; For cinnamon, Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius are best suited, and for basil, Gemini, Virgo and Libra.

Cinnamon is the spice of entrepreneurs and will help increase your cash flow.

If you like the smell of cinnamon, feel free to add a pinch to everything that comes into your mouth (coffee, first or second courses). And also in the water when washing floors - and your money will find you.

Cinnamon helps build effective communications and protects against gossip. If gossip is still swirling around you, rub a small pinch of cinnamon in a circular motion into the area of ​​the heart chakra - and there will be noticeably less gossip. Or they will stop altogether.

Sprinkle a little cinnamon on your breakfast in the morning or add it to your coffee. This will help improve business.

A pinch of cinnamon, which should be added to the water when washing the floor, will also improve business.

Are gossiping co-workers annoying you at work? Make a small dot of cinnamon on your chest, rub in a circular motion and wipe off any remaining residue. Believe me, there will be less gossip about you and “washing out” of your bones!

And if you sprinkle a pinch of cinnamon under where your mobile phone is stored, then people whose calls you have been waiting for for a long time will start calling you.


Vanilla - will attract love, increase sexual attraction to you and strengthen existing relationships.

A vanilla bean in your bag and a sprinkle of vanilla in your tea will attract men into your life.

Vanilla increases vitality, improves mental abilities, and is used in rituals aimed at gaining strength. Vanilla oil has a stimulating effect on women, which is what is used in the preparation of love potions. The aroma of this spice relieves irritation, brings a feeling of spiritual comfort, and soothes.


Clove - use its scent if you need instant self-confidence. This is especially true if you have a new job, a new project, a new love... Add a crumb of cloves to your tea, punch, first or second courses - and get your 100% confidence in your magnificence!


Basil has protective and cleansing properties.

If you have communicated with an unpleasant person and feel that his negative energy has influenced you, then take a pinch of ground basil, dissolve it in water and drink.

To harmonize the space of the room, you can simply burn a little of this herb.

Want more money? Sprinkle some basil near your front door.

Basil helps to reconcile people, cleanses, protects, promotes fidelity, helps with diet and cures drunkenness.

To do this, sprinkle it on your dishes and add it to teas. Better yet, plant it in a pot at home.

Magical properties of Saffron

Saffron was used by the ancient Incas to attract wind. Many modern witches use this spice in love and healing spells. An infusion of saffron, prepared and drunk during the full moon, in the astrological sign of Pisces, enhances intuition

Magic properties Caraway
This seasoning is used to drive away evil spirits and ghosts from the house. Cumin is often used in love ceremonies, as it enhances sensuality and creates a passionate mood. At the same time, the lover remains faithful to the object of adoration. Any object containing cumin seeds is magically protected from theft
The magical properties of bay leaf
Laurel is a plant that the priestesses of Apollo once used during magical rites, in particular for prophetic visions. In order to see the future in a dream, it is recommended to place bay leaves under the pillow. They have long been used to protect and clean the home. Therefore, they filled small bags with them and hung them on the windows.

But what are the magical and healing properties main seasonings? For example, hot chili peppers in pods improve blood circulation. Black and red pepper activates metabolism and improves mental abilities. Ground pepper and peppercorns, taken orally, prevent evil spirits from entering the body. Horseradish has a similar effect.

Cloves heal eye diseases. Clove oil can be used as an antiseptic and also helps with toothache. If a child is sick, it is recommended to lay out or hang several dried clove flowers near his crib - it will give the sick child strength.

It is useful for those who care about their health to eat bread with cumin. Pair it essential oil give a tonic effect.

Cinnamon protects the home from negative forces. Cilantro is used for spells against wounds and illnesses. Coriander improves digestion, has an expectorant and wound-healing effect. Infusions from it are used as a sedative and against seizures. In addition, coriander has the ability to attract men. Bay leaf brings good luck in business and even helps you win the lottery.

Ordinary parsley also has a magical effect. If you moisten several bunches of it with holy water, and then dry it and hang it around the house in secluded places, this will protect against astral entities that take away vital energy.

Anyone who eats garlic cannot be harmed by witchcraft. In the old days, peasants hung bunches of garlic throughout the house and rubbed it on the doors to prevent harmful entities from entering the home.

Salt is also a seasoning for food. It has a crystalline structure, which has long been associated with alchemical actions, clairvoyance and witchcraft. She can be spoken to. That is why a belief arose: anyone who likes to borrow salt from their neighbors is a sorcerer!

Doctors of ancient Tibet believed that any food prepared in certain proportions has the properties medicines and is capable of exerting beneficial or other effects on the human body. In particular, spices: pepper, cloves, cinnamon, ginger, saffron... They were pounded in special mortars made of bronze and brass.

The easiest to prepare remedy was the so-called “three hot ones”. The medicine was a mixture of ginger, black pepper and long pepper. The latter can be replaced with white pepper.

Ginger, the manuscript says, “ good for all diseases of mucus and cold, warms the stomach and liver, increases libido, plumps the body, is harmful to the kidneys...”. White pepper - “...warms the lungs from a cold cough, warms the stomach and liver, increases sexual desire...”. Black pepper - “...good for coughs, warms the stomach and liver, depletes the body...”.

Interestingly, it was necessary to mix these ingredients in different proportions, depending on what result was to be achieved. Let's say, if we are primarily interested in enhancing sexual desire, to a lesser extent we want to lose weight and heal the stomach, and at the same time, just in case, to insure ourselves against all diseases caused by cold - that means we need 50% white pepper, 40% black and only 10% ginger. That is, we make a mixture in a ratio of 5:4:1 and take it orally. Did it help? Say thank you to Tibetan doctors!