Furniture for utility rooms. Equipment of trading floors and premises

To perform the operations of the trading process, various equipment is used, which can be classified into groups:

  • a) mechanical equipment;
  • b) trade and technological equipment (trade furniture in the hall, trade equipment for storing goods);
  • c) general technical.

There are several types of retail and technological equipment for stores that are available in the Five Five store No. 22.

  • 1. Furniture, which is classified by:
    • - place of application (for trading floors, utility rooms);
    • - purpose (for acceptance of goods, preparation and sale, display of goods, display and sale, transportation and sale, settlements with customers, customer service);
    • - product profile (universal, specialized);
    • - structures (non-removable, collapsible).
  • 2. Trade refrigeration equipment- refrigerated devices intended for short-term storage, display and sale of perishable goods. Classified by:
    • - purpose (for storing goods, displaying and selling goods, demonstrating goods);
    • - temperature conditions, maintained in a refrigerated container (low temperature, normal).
  • 3. Trade measuring equipment - scales, weights, measures of length and volume.
  • 4. Cash register equipment.

The right choice of trading floor equipment:

  • - stimulates sales growth;
  • - increases the efficiency of employees;
  • - has a positive effect on the image of the establishment, making it more attractive to the target audience;
  • - ensures the safety of goods;
  • - increases the attractiveness of goods by presenting them in the most favorable light.

Examples of technological equipment in the Five Five store No. 22 are presented in Figures 1-7.

Figure 2. - Retail rack (modern equipment in food and non-food stores that allows you to effectively present goods to customers. They make the work of store employees easier, making the display of goods more convenient and reducing the percentage of product spoilage due to improper storage):

Figure 3. - Boneta (island low-temperature and medium-temperature swing chests with ventilated cooling. They are used for display and storage of pre-frozen and packaged food products):

Figure 4. - Cash register (Checkout boxes for stores are models from 1.5 to 4.2 meters. There are boxes with wide or narrow storage, with simple panels for displaying goods, as well as with conveyors):

Figure 5. - Refrigerated display case (The refrigerated display case is designed for storing and selling meat products, fish products, sausages etc.):

Mesh module. One of the most common equipment in checkout areas is mesh modules. In just a few minutes, they allow you to change any space beyond recognition - expand, reduce the area, divide it into several necessary zones. Trading mesh modules for checkout areas are a kind of construction set from which, using special connections, you can assemble racks of any configuration, putting them on display necessary groups goods.

Figure 6. - Mesh module:

Figure 7. - Electronic scales with label printing:

They are designed for weighing goods during trade, accounting and technological operations that require cost calculation, generation of the appropriate bar code and printing of the results on self-adhesive labels.

Cooling chamber.

It is designed to maintain set temperature inside, created by refrigeration units. Refrigerators are used for storing food products in the back rooms of stores and catering establishments.

Figure 8. - Refrigerating chamber:

Features of the device and application.

Furniture for utility rooms and warehouses.

This includes: stock racks, pallets, racks, tables for checking quality and receiving goods.

Podtovarniks are designed for storing large-sized goods in hard or soft packaging.

The design is non-separable, the material of manufacture: wood and metal. Main components: upper racks, frame, cover (solid and lattice).

Pallets are designed for storing goods and transporting them in the form of a package throughout the warehouse. Types: flat, box, rack. By material of manufacture: wood, plastic, metal.

Racks are designed for storing unpacked, piece goods or goods in small packaging, or goods placed on pallets. Types: shelf, cage, non-dismountable and collapsible, stationary or mobile. Main nodes: vertical racks, screeds, shelves, can be divided into sections by partitions.

Mechanization and automation of trade technological processes at wholesale enterprises

Mechanization is the process of replacing human manual labor with machine work. Stages: partial mechanization, complex mechanization, automation, complex automation.

Mechanized processes include processes in which the use of machines replaces manual labor in the main operations; auxiliary operations are performed manually. If the replacement of manual labor is carried out only in certain operations, and part of the work in the main operations is performed manually, then such mechanization is called partial.

Integrated mechanization is a stage of mechanization in which each of the interrelated works is completely mechanized, the main and auxiliary operations are performed by machines controlled by operators. Comprehensive mechanization of processes in trade includes: the use of mechanisms for loading and unloading goods and moving them within the enterprise; organizing proper acceptance and storage of goods, their pre-packing and preparation for sale; organizing the delivery of goods from wholesale bases to retail outlets using reusable packaging ; creation of complex mechanized warehouses.

Stage: Automation is based on the use of a system of machines, equipment, and automatic machines that make it possible to completely replace the physical labor of workers and control the machines and control their work using automation. The role of a person is reduced to the development and implementation of control programs, monitoring and adjustment of automation devices. Complex automation eliminates human participation in both technological and management operations.

Schemes of complex mechanization and automation of technological processes The trade and technological process includes a number of sequential operations carried out during the movement of goods from the moment they are received until they are sold to the consumer.

The first scheme involves unloading goods from vehicles, accepting them in terms of quantity and quality, and selling them.

The second scheme includes operations for unloading goods from vehicles, accepting them in terms of quantity and quality, storage and sale.

The third scheme is more common than others. It consists of unloading goods from vehicles, acceptance of quantity and quality, storage, preparation for sale and sale. The latter scheme includes all operations, since it requires the preparation of goods for sale directly in the store.

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Meaning and classification of furniture in trade

Requirements for commercial furniture

Furniture of store trading floors, its types, purpose, design features and applications

Furniture for utility rooms and warehouses, its types, purpose

Mechanization and automation of trade and technological processes at wholesale enterprises

Scientific and technological progress in trade


Meaning and classification of furniture in trade

Retail store equipment

An important condition efficient work stores and small retail chains is to equip them with equipment. The range of goods, the preservation of their quality, the convenience of staff, and, consequently, the culture of customer service depend on his choice. Each small retail enterprise must have appropriate inventory and equipment, and those selling perishable products must have refrigeration facilities. Furniture plays an important role in the rational organization of the trade and technological process. It is used to perform various operations related to the acceptance, storage and sale of goods, and must meet operational, technical, ergonometric, economic, aesthetic, sanitary and hygienic requirements.

Operational and technical requirements include, along with the convenience of furniture for buyers and sellers, ensuring a clear display of goods and sufficient capacity. Retail furniture must be durable and stable, ensuring the reliability of connecting parts and assemblies.

Ergonometric requirements are taken into account when designing furniture, based on anthropological data (average height and proportions of the human body). The height, width and length of the equipment should minimize the fatigue of sales workers when filling it with goods and serving customers.

Economic requirements require simplicity of design, making production economical and convenient to operate. Furniture should be made from inexpensive building materials and finishing materials using modern production technologies. An important condition for reducing the cost and increasing the efficiency of commercial furniture is the organization of its mass industrial production, the simplicity of the technological process, and the possibility of replacing individual parts and assemblies during the repair process.

Aesthetic requirements apply to shape, proportions, color and design features commercial furniture. The equipment should be inconspicuous; in shape, proportions, color and design features to be in harmony with general design trading enterprise.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements stipulate that the design of commercial furniture, as well as the materials used for the manufacture of this furniture, should not make it difficult to clean during operation and cleaning of the premises. In this regard, furniture must have a high-quality finish, with smooth surface, without unnecessary recesses, gaps and protrusions.

An important role in the rational organization of the trade and operational process in a store belongs to retail furniture. It includes: slides, counters, display cases, hangers, container equipment and other products necessary for performing trade operations of receiving, preparing goods for sale, displaying and selling goods.

Furniture is classified according to the following criteria:


1. As intended

· for acceptance of goods

· for storing goods

· to prepare goods for sale

· for laying out and displaying goods

· for selling goods

· for settlements with customers

· for customer service

2. By place of use

· in store sales areas

· in premises for receiving and storing goods

· in rooms for preparing and packaging goods

· in utility rooms

3. According to installation method

· with wall

· island

· mounted

4. By product profile

· specialized

· universal

5. According to the method of selling goods

traditional (via seller)

· self-service

6. According to the material of manufacture

· made of wood

· made of metal

· made of plastic

· combined

7. By design

· non-removable

· collapsible

· folding (modular)

8. According to completeness

· piece

9. By the nature of production

· experimental


· massive

Requirements for commercial furniture

In order for the furniture to meet the objectives of rational organization of the trade and technological process in the store, as well as high level customer service culture, it must meet a number of requirements:


Basic indicators

1. Technical and operational

Determine the practical suitability of furniture for use and ease of use. The main operational requirements include: strength, stability, disassembly, mobility, sufficient capacity, compliance with the product range, form of sale of goods, etc.

2. Ergonomic

Indicate the correspondence of the dimensions of the furniture (length, width, height) and its parts to the average height and proportions of the human body. This ensures easy access to goods, good display and minimal worker fatigue.

3. Economic

Reduces to creation inexpensive furniture. Therefore, furniture is made of simple and lightweight construction, from inexpensive material, industrial production methods. Reducing the cost of furniture is also facilitated by its reliability, durability, and the possibility of easy and quick repairs.

4. Aesthetic

They characterize the role of furniture in improving the display of goods and decorating the premises of store trading floors. The beautiful appearance of furniture is given by simplicity of form, grace and clarity of lines, use modern materials And high quality decorative finishing.

5. Sanitary and hygienic

They provide furniture with resistance to chemical and mechanical influences and ease of care. Furniture is made with smooth, flat surface, without unnecessary recesses, gaps and protrusions.

Working surfaces of furniture that come into contact with food products must be made of materials approved for use in food engineering.

Furniture of store trading floors, its types, purpose,specialadvantages of the device and application

Furniture for grocery stores:

1. Counters.

3. Showcases.

4. Stands.

5. Cash register.

6. Cabinets for bread.

7. Container equipment.

8. Tables for packaging goods.

Furniture for sales areas of non-food stores:

1. Counters.

3. Showcases.

4. Stands.

5. Cash register.

6. Tables for packaging goods.

7. Hanged.

8. Banquettes for trying on shoes.

9. Fitting booths.

10. Stands for large goods.


· Counters - designed for selling goods.

· Types of counters:

· ordinary

· counter - showcase

· cash counter

· bedside table for writing checks

· counter for storing customers' bags

Main components: vertical racks, tabletop, shelves for customers' bags, there may be cabinets with hinged and sliding doors, or shelves or drawers

Display counter: the design is similar, except for the upper part,

which is glazed.

Counter for cash register: the table top has side rails and there is a shelf for storing cash register tapes.

Counter-bedside table for writing checks - in the upper part there is drawer for storing documents and seals.

The counter for bags is divided into sections: vertical and horizontal partitions and has a large height.

Slide. Designed for display, display and storage of goods.

Main components: vertical posts, frame, rear wall, couplers, frame, devices for displaying goods.

Devices for displaying goods:

1. Shelves: straight and inclined, solid and lattice,

without guards or with side guards.

2. Brackets: straight, curved, rotating, inclined.

3. Baskets.

4. Cabinets for displaying goods.

5. Barbells. There are wall-mounted and island-mounted ones, with and without mirrors.

Showcases for displaying goods. Main components: vertical posts, frame, bottom, lid, side walls (mostly glass).

Devices for displaying goods: glass shelves, brackets, rods.

Cabinet for storing stock of goods (above, below). One of the walls has doors.

Stands are designed for displaying and displaying goods. They can be frame or panel. Devices for displaying goods: rods, shelves, brackets.

Cash registers: for payments to customers. Main components: vertical posts, frame, bottom, side walls with a door, higher rear wall, shelves for cash registers, customer bags.

Bread cabinet - designed for display, storage and sale of bakery products. Main components: vertical posts, frame, side walls, bottom, cover, inclined wooden shelves, on the buyer's side are closed with plexiglass doors, on the seller's side - a curtain rod.

Hangers - designed for displaying, displaying, and selling clothes on hangers. Kinds:

1. Stationary and mobile.

2. With straight bars, with curved bars, shape-shaped, round, inclined, rotating.

3. Single-row and double-row.

5. Collapsible, non-dismountable.

6. Metal in construction.

The benches are designed for trying on shoes. View - low, wide.

Utility room furnitureand warehouses, its types, purpose

Features of the device and application.

Furniture for utility rooms and warehouses.

This includes: stock racks, pallets, racks, tables for checking quality and receiving goods.

Podtovarniks are designed for storing large-sized goods in hard or soft packaging.

The design is non-separable, the material of manufacture: wood and metal. Main components: upper racks, frame, cover (solid and lattice).

Pallets are designed for storing goods and transporting them in the form of a package throughout the warehouse. Types: flat, box, rack. By material of manufacture: wood, plastic, metal.

Racks are designed for storing unpacked, piece goods or goods in small packaging, or goods placed on pallets. Types: shelf, cage, non-dismountable and collapsible, stationary or mobile. The main components: vertical racks, couplers, shelves, can be divided into sections by partitions.

Mechanization and automation of trade and technological processes at wholesale enterprises

Mechanization is the process of replacing human manual labor with machine work. Stages: partial mechanization, complex mechanization, automation, complex automation.

Mechanized processes include processes in which the use of machines replaces manual labor in the main operations; auxiliary operations are performed manually. If the replacement of manual labor is carried out only in certain operations, and part of the work in the main operations is performed manually, then such mechanization is called partial.

Integrated mechanization is a stage of mechanization in which each of the interrelated works is completely mechanized, the main and auxiliary operations are performed by machines controlled by operators. Comprehensive mechanization of processes in trade includes: the use of mechanisms for loading and unloading goods and moving them within the enterprise; organizing proper acceptance and storage of goods, their pre-packing and preparation for sale; organizing the delivery of goods from wholesale bases to retail outlets using reusable packaging ; creation of complex mechanized warehouses.

Stage: Automation is based on the use of a system of machines, equipment, and automatic machines that make it possible to completely replace the physical labor of workers and control the machines and control their work using automation. The role of a person is reduced to the development and implementation of control programs, monitoring and adjustment of automation devices. Complex automation eliminates human participation in both technological and management operations.

Schemes of complex mechanization and automation of technological processes The trade and technological process includes a number of sequential operations carried out during the movement of goods from the moment they are received until they are sold to the consumer.

The first scheme involves unloading goods from vehicles, accepting them in terms of quantity and quality, and selling them.

The second scheme includes operations for unloading goods from vehicles, accepting them in terms of quantity and quality, storage and sale.

The third scheme is more common than others. It consists of unloading goods from vehicles, acceptance of quantity and quality, storage, preparation for sale and sale. The latter scheme includes all operations, since it requires the preparation of goods for sale directly in the store.

Scientific and technicalprogress in tradee

One of important factors economic development is scientific and technological progress, which is a process of continuous improvement of tools and means of labor, the creation of new, more advanced technology and its replacement of outdated ones. Achievements of science and technology are increasingly used in the sphere of circulation, which stimulates an increase in trade turnover and contributes to the improvement of culture trade, creates conditions for improving technology, mechanization and automation of trade processes, more efficient use of retail and warehouse space, Vehicle. Social significance scientific and technological progress is expressed in improving working conditions for trade workers, facilitating heavy and labor-intensive work, reducing occupational injuries, increasing the attractiveness of the trade profession and its prospects.

The widespread use of scientific and technological progress in trade contributes to a significant change in the nature and content of the work of trade workers and their professional composition. Requirements for the training of specialists who are able to work in conditions of the use of modern progressive technologies and advanced systems for processing and transmitting commercial, administrative and executive information are increasing.

The most important areas of scientific and technological progress in trade include:

· improvement of the existing trading network and construction of modern trading enterprises;

· industrialization of construction of trade enterprises;

· mechanization and automation of labor-intensive work;

· widespread use of package and container systems for cargo processing of commodity flows;

· electronicization of trade operations;

· introduction of advanced technologies for trade services;

· automation of cash register operations and the introduction of store plastic cards for settlement transactions;

· automation of goods sales processes;

· automation of food refrigeration processes.

With the development of market relations, significant changes have occurred in the composition of the network of wholesale and retail.
The decentralization of the wholesale market has led to an increase in the number of sales agents who are the link between manufacturers and consumers. The number has increased sharply wholesale enterprises, their structure has changed significantly. Therefore, one of the most important directions for the development of the material and technical base of wholesale trade is the creation of a network of modern wholesale enterprises that ensure the use of effective technologies.

Improvement of the retail trading network should occur both through the reconstruction of existing and through the construction of new modern enterprises (supermarkets, hypermarkets, etc.).

Trade is one of the most backward industries in terms of labor mechanization. One of the primary tasks of using the achievements of scientific and technological progress in trade is to equip wholesale bases, warehouses, and stores modern means for transportation, warehousing, loading and unloading and other technological operations with cargo. Stores should also be equipped with high-performance packaging and weighing equipment, modern machines and lines for slicing and vacuum packaging of gastronomic products, etc. Machine systems should be more widely used, including lifting and transport mechanisms for unloading vehicles in warehouses and stores, means for intra-warehouse and intra-store movement of cargo, as well as machines that select cargo from storage areas, etc.

The widespread use of package and container systems for cargo processing of commodity flows makes it possible to industrialize the transportation of goods and create more effective system supply of goods to a retail distribution network. At the same time, the cost of manual labor during loading and unloading operations is reduced, the need for repeated operations to prepare goods for release to customers is eliminated, the efficiency of using vehicles, retail and warehouse space is increased, and commodity losses and costs of packaging goods are reduced.

The introduction of progressive technologies for trade services, which should be based on the widespread use of modern, customer-friendly methods of selling goods, is essential. This, first of all, applies to the sale of goods by self-service, according to samples, catalogs, by orders and at customers’ homes, auto store sales, etc. The use of advanced technologies for trade services to the population is of great socio-economic importance.

One of the important factors in accelerating the process of selling goods and servicing customers is the automation of cash register operations based on modern high-performance electronic cash registers. To equip stores, cash register machines should be used that allow not only settlements with customers, studying customer demand, taking into account the number of customers, but also processing magnetic and microprocessor cards, as well as the store’s own prepaid discount cards. These requirements are best met by special POS terminals, as well as cash registers connected to a computer, barcode scanner, reader magnetic cards. The introduction of store plastic cards not only simplifies payment transactions, but also allows systematic work to improve marketing activities. The use of such cards contributes to the growth of the store’s turnover and allows it to obtain additional borrowed funds. The store's implementation of an automated system for working with plastic cards allows it to maintain a permanent customer base and track the dynamics of their purchases.

Large modern store selling perishable goods food products, must be equipped with highly efficient refrigeration equipment with centralized cold supply. Centralized refrigeration supply is economical. The equipment included in its system (refrigerated counters, display counters, etc.) requires less electricity for refrigeration supply, is easier to maintain, does not create noise in the sales area, and does not emit heat during operation.


1. Abramov S.I. Investment. - M.: Center for Economics and Marketing, 2004.

2. Abramova N.V. Inventories. Taxation and accounting. M.: Berator-Press, 2006. - 272 p.

3. Accounting for inventories: Practical guide. Exam - 2005, 318 pp.

4. Volkov O.I., Sklyarenko V.K. Enterprise economics: Course of lectures - M.: INFRA-M, 2006.

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Characteristics of the technological equipment of the sales area and utility rooms. To reduce operating costs, modern chain stores need to use reliable, modern retail equipment, since maintenance and repair costs will be felt as part of the costs.

TO technological equipment The sales area of ​​the store includes furniture, trade equipment, refrigeration, weighing and cash register equipment.

Furniture for retail businesses plays an important role in the rational organization of the trade and technological process in a store. It is widely used to perform various operations related to the receipt, storage and sale of goods. The most common types of retail furniture are wall-mounted and island cabinets, which are installed in the sales area in separate sections or as a continuous front.

Важным дополнением торгово-технологического оборудования магазина является торговый инвентарь, который представляет собой приспособления, инструменты и приборы, применяемые для показа и обработки товаров в процессе обслуживания покупателей, а также разл