How to make the right color for water-based paint. Do-it-yourself paint tinting - detailed instructions. Important factors to consider

Creative person even the widest range you will not be pleased with the colors - there will definitely be a shade that the manufacturer overlooked, a sort of “delicate cream with an orange tint.” Only tinting the paint yourself can save the situation!

Are shades and colors the same thing?

Perhaps we should start with the meaning of the word “color”, because in different areas this word has different meanings. For example, in spoken language Color refers to color, color, tint, while painting professionals use this term to refer to a ready-to-use paint composition. In our case, when we talk about getting the right shade with our own hands, we will become professionals while reading the article, and we will express ourselves accordingly!

With the advent of technology, such a concept as computer tinting of paints arose. A person only selects the desired color from the catalog, and the computer itself calculates the proportions to obtain the desired color and displays ready mixture. The advantage of this method is clear - even if there is not enough paint of the desired shade, we can always repeat the mixing process, which is almost impossible to do when mixing paints manually.

However, when choosing the right color in a hardware store that offers this service, you need to take into account some points that can turn into a significant drawback of the method and will cause your justifiable dissatisfaction. First, you need to consider what kind of lighting is in the room where you are choosing a shade. Under different lighting, the same marker will give completely different shades. IN artificial lighting there are a lot of yellow rays, and against its background daylight will appear blue. You can imagine how easy it is to confuse our perception of colors.

Under artificial lighting, cool colors (blue, violet, green) take on darker shades, while warm reds and oranges become lighter.

Electric lighting changes the yellow-blue palette to yellow or greenish; in orange-violet paint, the violet may disappear altogether, and the red will begin to look slightly purple. Very bright light can visually discolor shades, the same can happen at dusk - blue tones will become lighter, while the red ones will darken. The further the distance, the lighter the surface will appear, except that blue and purple will darken.

The second point is small area the shade appears different over a large area, especially in the vertical plane. It is difficult to take into account all these points without on-site experiments. In addition, even computer catalogs are not always able to reproduce one or another shade we need, for example, if we decided to “dance” from a certain detail or piece of furniture in interior design.

Do-it-yourself paint tinting – where to start?

As already mentioned above, the disadvantage of manually tinting paints is that you are unlikely to be able to repeat the desired shade a second time. Therefore, before tinting, carry out a careful calculation in order to find out the exact volume of paint. Each paint has its own consumption; fortunately, manufacturers are required to indicate this data on the packaging. Our task is to find out the area of ​​​​painting and multiply the resulting figure by average consumption paints. Then we add another 10% to the resulting value - in case we exceed the average consumption. It’s better to have spare paint left than to have to guess with the shade.

It is important to do tinting in one container. Even if you accurately calculate the amount of color, there is a possibility that you will get a different shade in two different containers. Therefore, do not take risks, and if the volume is very large and you do not have the necessary vessel, it is better to turn to specialists.

How to mix paint colors - choosing a base and color scheme

So, for tinting you will need a white base and the color itself - a dye that can give different shades in different proportions with paint. It is important that the manufacturer of both components is the same - everyone has their own production secrets and different technologies. But you don’t need to reach the point of fanaticism - if you like a dye from a certain company, you don’t have to change the one you bought earlier white paint.

If the inscription on a container with a white base says that it is paint, it means that it should be used purely for the ceiling, if the paint is intended for walls, then you only need to paint with it vertical surfaces. And this is not a matter of marketing tricks - manufacturers are counting on different surfaces parameters such as wear resistance, soiling, elasticity. Will they really play the same role on the ceiling as on the walls, which will get dirty ten times a day by irrepressible children or animals?

Usually, along with the color scheme, there is a small catalog of possible shades with detailed instructions on how much dye to add to obtain the desired shade. To be sure of the result, use a mixer or drill at low speed with a special attachment to mix the components. With due diligence, manual stirring can also give the desired result, but this is an additional risk.

If you intend to create the desired shade for your living space, consider the color guidelines. It is possible that at first you will like bright colors and shades, but they will quickly tire you and begin to irritate you. For this, try to choose non-intense, calm light tones of yellow, green, orange. You can’t get hung up on one shade - so that the room doesn’t look boring, different walls can be decorated with different colors.

Tinting in practice - slowly and with placement!

For tinting you will need a mixer (drill with an attachment), a small container for a sample (100-200 ml) and a container for a large volume, a white base and tinting.

How to mix paint colors - step by step diagram

Step 1: Make a sample

Before mixing paint colors for the main volume, let’s experiment with a small amount of material - make a sample. Otherwise, there is a chance to ruin the entire volume! Pour 100 ml of paint into a small container and add a few drops of pigment. In such cases, it is convenient to use jars with a narrow neck, but if the color is packaged in inconvenient containers, use a regular syringe - draw the pigment into it and gently squeeze it out to make drops. To start, add 2-3 drops, mix thoroughly, and bring to the desired shade, dripping one drop into the base. When the desired shade is obtained, record the number of drops on paper.

You can’t rush in this matter - you will compensate for the loss of time excellent result. If you are not satisfied with some parameters in the main solution, you can either slightly dilute the paint by adding a white base, or increase the volume of dye by a few drops.

Despite the ever-expanding range of roll and modular materials, intended for interior decoration, the paint is not only not inferior, but is also confidently expanding its position. Of course, the price of this material is of considerable importance, but it also gives no less possibilities for design - if not more.

To work with paint coatings, the main thing is to learn how to select and combine shades. But you will learn how to tint paint correctly by reading this article.

Interior and facade paints and plasters, enamels for metal and varnishes for wood - all this can be tinted, since most of these materials go on sale in white.

Stores selling paint and varnish materials, of course, offer tinting services:

  • They carry it out according to the catalog of one or another manufacturer - but this is not always convenient for the customer, especially if it is intended to produce, as in the photo below, multi-color dyeing, or to match the tone to the textiles. And then, this service is most often paid. Therefore, everyone who prefers to do the work with their own hands is looking for necessary information in the Internet.

There is one more important nuance, because of which it is better to tint the paint not in the store, but in the room being finished. In different lighting conditions, color is perceived completely differently, and it may turn out that you are happy with everything in the store, but at home you are absolutely not happy with it.

We'll tell you how to tint paint with your own hands at home.

What nuances need to be taken into account

Before you tint the paint, you need to correctly decide on the shade that you need. Please keep in mind that when natural light, bright electric light, or dim lighting, the same color will look different. Therefore, you should first make a sample, apply it to a piece of drywall, and evaluate it under lighting of different intensities.


  • It is advisable to use lamps that will be permanently located in the room, since not only the power of the lamps matters here, but even the color of the lampshades. And you also need to remember that the larger the area being painted, the richer the tone will appear.

  • If we take into account that the light is distributed unevenly in the room, it is clear that in shaded areas the painted surface will appear darker. Therefore, if you want to do in the interior bright accent, try to choose the wall on which the light falls more favorably.
  • Kohler is the same paint, only highly saturated, and can be used to create such accents as in the picture above. pure form. Although, there are also tinting pastes that are used exclusively to obtain the desired shade of paints and plasters.
  • In order for the mixing to be uniform, the color must match the composition of the base paint. In general, when it comes to plasters, paintwork materials and primers, it is always better to combine materials from the same manufacturer. Practice shows that in this case their adhesion is ensured most fully.

But as for the color, if you haven’t found the color you want, you can take another brand – the main thing is that it is designed for tinting the type of paint that you are going to use.

Differences in color composition

Tinting paints and pastes differ primarily in consistency. The paints are more liquid and allow you to get soft pastel shades. The pastes are quite thick and make it possible to create a composition that is much more saturated in color.

When choosing them, you also need to take into account the operating conditions of the coating and the type of paint that needs to be tinted.

  • To ensure the covering power of the coating, color is imparted not only to paints, but also to primers and impregnations - separate types of colors are used for them. For water-dispersion paints, completely different types of pigments are intended, for alkyd and oil paints- Same.

  • Before tinting acrylic paint, which is most often used for interior work, you need to make sure that the color is intended specifically for it. According to the mixing method, the colors may also differ. With tinting paints it is somewhat simpler: select a tone, find its recipe and mix it.
  • Although pastes are universal in use, they require more precise dosage, so working with them on your own is much more difficult. Again, each type of paint has its own color content standards, and they cannot be exceeded. For water-based paints, this is 20% - the highest percentage. For other types of paint, 7% is the maximum.
  • Water-soluble tinting compounds mixed with a white base cannot provide a rich color. In general, they are produced on the basis of pigments of organic or inorganic origin. The first option is highly saturated, and in cases where it is necessary to ensure bright color, they choose them.

Colors based on organic pigments have one drawback - they are not very stable, and under the influence of ultraviolet radiation the coatings fade. The saturation of inorganic pigments is much lower, but they never change their color.

Mixing paint

So, you need to make a sample first. To do this, you need to have a small container on hand. These could be baby food jars, yogurt containers, or plastic measuring cups - as long as they are clean.


  • Medical pipettes can be used as a dispenser, but syringes are better, as they have divisions. By the way, tinting pastes are often sold in syringes. It is also convenient to use the colorant, packaged in soft tubes with a narrow spout. Also prepare a sheet of paper and a pen to write down the ratios of paint and color.

  • To work, you will also need several brushes of different sizes, rollers, a tray for paint and primer, masking tape, clean napkins. When using water-based paints, brushes can be washed under running water. In other cases, you need to take care of the solvent.

If your container does not have measuring marks, apply them yourself, accurately determining the volume of liquid up to the line. Then, pour paint into a jar and add color there, starting with a few drops. Stir, see if the shade is too pale, add one drop at a time, not forgetting to count and write down their quantity.

So as not to make a mistake

Once you get a tone that visually suits you, you need to evaluate it on a test board. It is better if it is not a wall or ceiling; use plasterboard if the base surface is plastered, or plywood if it is to be painted wood paneling. Cut the sheets into squares with a side of 40 cm, and test the resulting shades first with strokes.

  • If you realize that there is not enough color, add no more than one drop at a time. When, in your opinion, the required tone intensity has been achieved, color the test sheet completely. Even if it seems to you that now you have what you need, do not rush to tint the entire volume of paint and begin the main work.
  • Since it is impossible to appreciate a raw coating, leave the sample for several hours until the paint has completely dried, and see what you get, first in daylight and then in electric light. Perhaps you will realize that the color turned out brighter than it initially seemed, and you will come to the decision to reduce its saturation.

  • When you tint the full volume of paint, reduce the calculated amount of tint by twenty percent. Only when the first layer of coating is applied to the walls will it become clear how correctly you have approached the desired shade. If necessary, a small amount of color can be added to the paint before applying the second coat.

It would be useful to remind you that the base surface must be well prepared before painting: leveled, puttied (see), sanded and impregnated with a primer composition. Even the most luxurious shade is not able to hide surface defects, and a careless attitude to preparation technology can generally lead to a sad outcome.

It’s not always possible to find the right shade of paint on the shelves of hardware stores. As a rule, there are standard colors on the market, and to obtain an original shade you will need to tint the paint. Let's look at the types of colors, features of manual and computer mixing methods, and also give step by step instructions coloring paint.

The need for tinting

Tinting is the process of mixing or diluting paints and pigments to achieve the desired shades. To get the optimal tone, you can order tinting from a specialized company or mix the colorant and finished paint yourself.

Tinting is indispensable in the following situations:

  • selection of shades for the interior of the room;
  • a small area of ​​the painted surface is swollen, and there is no desire to remove all the paint;
  • incorrect calculation of paint during repairs - there was not enough paint, but stores no longer have this shade;
  • choice of harmonizing shades.

Tinting allows you to replace complex painting work with minor cosmetic repairs

What are tinting systems and their types

You can get the perfect even paint tone quickly and accurately using tinting systems. To do this, use the main base paint and coloring compounds - colors. The colors have a contrasting or rich color. The coloring pigments of colorants can be of organic or inorganic origin. Organic-based pigments are more often used to obtain brighter tones, but they have some disadvantages:

  • not suitable for all types of surfaces;
  • Over time, the paint fades under the sun.

Inorganic pigments come in a limited range of shades, but they are resistant to weathering and fading.

Colorants are produced in the form of pastes, paints and dry compositions.

Color pastes contain dispersing resins or are produced without a binder. There are universal pastes suitable for various types paints, and highly specialized ones - for individual categories LMB.

The main advantages of color pastes include:

  • ease of use;
  • the ability to adjust the shade of paint during the mixing process.

The disadvantage of viscous color is the lack of standard characteristics of color and saturation of the paste. The end result may be a “surprise” due to the uneven intensity of the color paste.

Color paints have the same components as the paints and varnishes for which they are intended - water-based, acrylic, oil-based, etc. The combination of white paint and such pigments allows you to get any shade. To obtain a very bright effect, you can use the colorant undiluted.

Dry pigments have relatively low cost. The disadvantages of bulk mixtures include:

  • narrow color palette;
  • the difficulty of adjusting the shade during the tinting process (adding dry pigments to the finished paint is not advisable).

Review of colors from domestic and foreign manufacturers

On construction market There are a number of tinting systems of European, American and Russian production. Among foreign companies, the colors “Tikkurila”, “NCS”, “Huls”, etc. are popular. Stability and good quality demonstrate inexpensive domestic colorants Palitra (Izhevsk enterprise " New house"), Olki-Unikoler (St. Petersburg), Oreol and Dali.

For tinting Tikkurila paint, the Tikkurila Symphony mixing system is used, based on paint and varnish chemistry. The manufacturer guarantees an accurate result and “colour match”. The system is designed for tinting general construction and household interior paints. The Tikkurila Symphony color system includes a large number of colors - 2256 (of which 10 shades of white).

A separate line of colors has been developed for facade works- “Tikkurila Facade”. The system includes 232 colors for painting wood and stone surfaces.

To perform tinting, antiseptics and varnishes must be used separate group Tikkurila colors

Natural Color System (NCS) - Swedish and Norwegian designation standard color shades. This is the generally accepted and most widespread tinting system in the world. The NCS system is based on six basic colors: black - S, white - W, yellow - Y, red - R, green - G and blue - B. The remaining colors are endowed with visual similarity to elementary tones and have their own encodings. Letter designations indicate the presence of one or another base color, and digital designations indicate its quantity as a percentage.

The Tex company produces colors based on imported pigments using high-quality German equipment. Colors are available in the form of paints and pastes.

Tex color pastes are universal, suitable for tinting putties, water-soluble paints, alkyd materials and whitewash compositions. Color paste is frost-resistant.

Important! The permissible content of Tex paste is no more than 10% of the total volume of paint. When working with the material, you must take into account that the result may vary depending on the quality and type of paint used

Color paint "Tex" is intended for water-dispersion paints and is resistant to external factors. Suitable for interior and exterior work.

The Aqua-Color company (St. Petersburg) produces universal colors in the form of pastes and paints. Pigments are used for tinting alkyd, oil-based, water-based paints, grout for joints, as well as cement and lime mortars. Colors do not change the properties of the paint. Aqua-Color products are affordable and have a wide range of applications: renovation of apartments, office premises, treatment of building facades, etc.

The Olki company produces universal frost-resistant tinting pastes - “Unikoler”, intended for tinting:

  • alkyd (pentaphthalic and glyphthalic) paints, enamels, varnishes;
  • water-based primers and paints;
  • adhesive and whitewash compositions;
  • oil white paints;
  • epoxy, organosilicate and melamine alkyd paints.

Important! Unicolor paste cannot be used as paint, since it does not contain film-forming substances

The Rogneda group of companies (Moscow) produces Dali tinting paints. The main purpose of the color:

Dali tinting paints have a number of advantages:

  • weather resistance (withstand temperature fluctuations in the range from -40°C to +40°C);
  • light fastness (do not fade when exposed to sunlight);
  • high adhesion to different types of substrates;
  • obtaining a wide range of colors of varying saturation.

Characteristics of computer and manual mixing methods

You can mix the paint manually or using special equipment. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

For manual tinting You need to purchase a base paint and a colorant kit. Immediately before painting, the pigment is added to the paint in proportions according to the instructions and mixed. This method has the following advantages:

  • efficiency;
  • the ability to carry out tinting at the repair site;
  • You can create exclusive tones, including several colors from the paint tinting catalog.

The main disadvantage of manual coloring is that the resulting shade is difficult to reproduce again

Automated mixing LMB is controlled by a computer program. It is enough to select the desired color, and the machine itself will determine the proportions to obtain the desired shade and produce the finished mixture. The advantages of the computer method are obvious:

  • accurate and fast coloring;
  • the ability to repeatedly reproduce the desired color;
  • Paint tinting colors are available in a wide range.

Paint tinting by machine cannot be carried out in relation to an object. In addition, this method cannot create a complex tone or shade.

Features of tinting different types of paint

When choosing a color, two main criteria must be taken into account:

Some pigments are universal - suitable for tinting different paints and used to create the desired shade in the interior of a room or the facade of a building.

When mixing colors with different paints and varnishes, adhere to the following rules:

Do-it-yourself paint tinting: step-by-step instructions

The entire paint tinting process can be divided into the following stages:

  1. Prepare several plastic containers.
  2. Measure out 100 ml of base and pour into one container.
  3. Add a few drops of dye to the base. If you need a more complex color, you can combine several colors at the same time.
  4. Write down the amount of base used (100 ml), the number of drops of color and describe the result of mixing.
  5. Mix the color with the base until a uniform tone is obtained.
  6. If the color seems pale, then you need to add brightness by dripping one drop at a time.
  7. Once the desired color is achieved, it is necessary to paint a small surface and, after drying, evaluate the result in daylight and artificial light. It is important to consider that the paint color looks brighter on the base than in the container.
  8. If the test mixing is successful, you can tint the main volume of paint:
    • calculate the required amount of color based on the volume of the base;
    • subtract 20% from the result obtained - this is necessary so that the final shade matches the test shade (on a large area the color looks brighter than on a small one).

Example. To obtain the optimal shade per 100 ml, 5 drops of color were needed; it is logical that to color 1000 ml of paint, 50 drops would have to be used. However, it is not. You can achieve the desired result if you add 40 drops of dye per 1000 ml.

It is quite possible to do the paint tinting yourself. The main condition is to act slowly, add pigment gradually and mix the paint evenly.

The tone of the painting material offered by the manufacturer does not always satisfy the consumer.

To give the desired shade to the composition, color is added to its base for water-based paint.

In contact with

What are colors

A color is a concentrated pigment based on a binder or a paste-like consistency saturated with one of the colors. The main purpose is to give existing paints the desired shades.

Coloring pastes are used for all surfaces. Before painting them, each owner is puzzled by choosing the right color so that the latter simultaneously matches the interior. Offered in retail sales tones do not always satisfy consumer needs, and choosing the right one can be difficult.

Why do you need a paint color? They usually take as a basis White color, and so that it acquires the intended shade, concentrated pigment is added to it. Mixing the color with the coloring base is carried out in the following quantities:

  • no more than 20% for water-based paints;
  • no more than 1.5% for oil-based paints;
  • no more than 7% for other types of paints.

Such decisions were made due to the high saturation of color schemes. With a high concentration of color performance colors are decreasing.

Types of colors, how to choose, how to dilute and how to choose a color

Color is added to the paint to give it a color that matches the style of the room.

Types of pastes are divided into:

  • inorganic;
  • organic.

The second ones on the list have bright tones. At the same time, the choice color palette big enough. But, despite this advantage, there is one drawback - they quickly fade when exposed to sunlight.

Inorganic pigments are produced in limited quantities; their colors are dull, but they retain their color properties for a long time.

How to choose a color for painting walls? To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Explore the proposed catalog.
  2. If there is no code color range It is not necessary to experiment with obtaining a tone in a store, since the color obtained in this way will differ from the one created in everyday conditions.
  3. The color must be mixed with a small portion of the color base.
  4. When the room is artificially illuminated, it is recommended to use organic pigments, and when natural color predominates, inorganic ones are recommended.
  5. The products of a foreign manufacturer are not necessarily better than domestic ones. Russian manufacturers They produce tinting pastes of no less quality than the products of their foreign colleagues.
  6. You should pay attention to the neck of the bottle, it should be narrow, this will make dosing easier.
  7. A palette of water-based paints will not be superfluous when purchasing diluted pigment, it will be easier to navigate in order to get the expected shade.

What are the different paint colors from modern manufacturers? From famous brands tinting pastes can be distinguished:

  1. Tikkririla. The products of this company are designed to obtain the expected result after initial dilution with the base. In total there are more than 2000 tones from this manufacturer. The manufacturer offers a choice of a number of shades for painting facades.
  2. Natural Color System (NCS) - the color is made according to the standards of Swedish and Norwegian manufacturers. There are only 6 primary colors in the range: yellow, black, red, green, blue and white. Other tones are derivatives of them. Based on the letters and numbers printed on the containers, it is easy to decide on the choice of color.
  3. Tex is a company that produces pastes based on pigments produced outside the Russian Federation. They are versatile and are used to add color to water-based paints, putties and added to whitewash. Used for interior works and painting of facades.
  4. Rogneda is a network of Moscow organizations that produces products for artistic purposes and adding tone to paint, plaster or putty. The color of this company is resistant to exposure to the sun and negative temperatures, and also has high adhesion properties.
  5. Elakr is a color for façade paint. It is resistant to negative factors environment and resistance to light. Ideally stored at negative temperatures. Largely facade paints are produced on a white base and require diluting to give them color.

Is the color white or not? Basically, the manufacturer produces colored pastes in light and rich colors, but in some cases there is also a white color. It is typically used to provide weather resistance and abrasion protection for advertising lettering and graphics.

Important! Products for water-based paints have gained the greatest popularity, but for other types of paint bases it is not difficult to purchase the appropriate pigment.

Prices for paint colors

color for paint

Sequence of tinting

How to tint paint at home so that the color matches what you expect? First you need to calculate the amount of material needed to complete painting works in this room.

If there is not enough paint to complete the work, it is unlikely that the same proportion will be maintained again. How to dilute color in water-based paint?

Stages of obtaining color:

  1. Pour a small amount of white paint into a small container.
  2. Then in white base add color little by little, and it is important to record how much coloring matter was added. In this way, the expected shade is achieved. The main thing is to remember how much color was used.
  3. It is recommended to add the coloring mixture in drops using a syringe with the needle removed. This will make it easier to follow the dosage.
  4. After obtaining the desired tone, the surface is painted. This is necessary to ensure that the color meets the requirements. Moreover, it is enough to paint an area of ​​no more than 0.5 m2.
  5. If everything is fine, then you can thin the paint and safely paint the walls. If an unsatisfactory result is obtained, experiment any number of times.

To get a rich color, the color should be added to the paint before painting operations, but no later than 2 hours before starting work. If the time period is increased, the pigments will settle to the bottom and the painted surface will not be as bright as expected.

Important! The wall colors on the surface are checked for consistency using lighting fixtures. Surface mixing of the color is not suitable, you should mix thoroughly, better with a mixer. The preparation of the paint composition should be done in one container.

Features of the use of colors

Kohler means tone or color (this is a translation from Latin). Depending on the dosage of the added material, the desired shade can be achieved. It is used for painting interior and exterior substrates.

Designed for painting:

  • wood surfaces;
  • concrete;
  • bricks;
  • plasters;
  • drywall;
  • metal

Suitable for paints based on water-based compositions, oil and alkyd, epoxy compounds, nitrocellulose and polyurethane foam.

Tinting tablespecially designed to make it easier to choose colors. It indicatespaint and color proportions.

For example, 1:5 means that the color consumption for five parts of the main color is one part. There is no need to add a large amount of material at the same time, since the paint base can be ruined.

To properly perform dilution, you must adhere to the requirements set out in the instructions developed by the manufacturer. The measurements must be the same volume. It is important to know that it is better to purchase paint and color from the same manufacturer.

Is it possible to paint with color? This is a question some people ask. The color is specially designed to impart tonality to the main color; it is rich in pigment. Therefore, its basis is a binder. The adhesion between the surface and the base will also be obtained, as with painting. regular paint. So the color itself can be used for painting work, but it will be quite expensive.

Advice! If the concentrated pigment is not used in full, then the remaining material can be mixed with water. Thus, it will be preserved for at least 5 years.

Useful video: mixing color with paint

To paint surfaces, it is not necessary to choose paint by color; it is enough to purchase a paint base and the desired color tint.

Despite the huge selection various shades The paints that manufacturers currently offer, the picky consumer does not always manage to find what he needs. In this case, you can create the desired shade for yourself yourself and enjoy the chosen color.

Let's first understand the concept of tinting and color. The concept of "color" in various areas has several meanings. The so-called “folk” meaning of this term means specific color or shade, and experts call color a composition that is ready for use.

Tinting is a process where paint is mixed or thinned, the purpose of this process is to achieve the desired shade of color.

You can do the tinting yourself, or if you have doubts about your own abilities, you can order ready-made tinting from a company that specializes in this.

In what cases is it necessary to perform tinting? It is performed if:

  1. It is necessary to select a shade in accordance with the design of the apartment.
  2. A small piece of the painted surface has become unusable, and there is no point in repainting the entire surface.
  3. During the repair you made a mistake with the calculations required quantity paints, but now you can’t find the shade you need on sale.
  4. Choose shades that will harmonize.

Thanks to tinting, small redecorating will be a successful replacement for the front of intricate painting works.

Currently, there are several types of tinting.

Computer tinted paint

First, let's look at computer tinting. This is a version of our modernity. What is it? You choose the shade that you need, and using a specially created program, you can easily calculate the amount of paint and dye that you will need. With the computer method, you are not limited in the amount of paint. This method is unique.

It has the following advantages:

  • the tinting produced will be accurate and fast;
  • you can tint any type of paint.

Manual tinting

There is also traditional hand tinting. Of course, this method will not give you the same clear results as the computer method. To carry out manual tinting, you purchase white paint and tinting paste. The more tinting paste you add, the more intense the resulting shade will be.

U manual method has its advantages:

  • you can do the tinting yourself;
  • it is convenient and economically beneficial.

But using manual tinting, you will not achieve dark, rich colors. And also, if you need additional paint of a similar shade, then you are unlikely to be able to exactly repeat your result.

Pay attention to the lighting in your apartment - it will certainly have an impact on the shade you choose. So, if the lighting is artificial, then any shade you choose will have a yellowish tint. Daylight will give a more realistic picture. All your interior items will be reflected in tinted color.

Cool colors in artificial light will appear one shade darker. It's green, blue. Orange and yellow, on the contrary, will seem lighter to you. If your interior contains some bright objects (furniture, textiles), then the selected monotonous colors will fade against their background and get lost.

Also keep in mind that paint applied to a small area and a large area will seem different in shade to you. Especially if you start applying it vertical way. Based on all this, before you settle on any shade, take into account all the features of your room.

In the painting world there is such a thing as tinting systems. This is the use of base paint and color. Colors are deep or opposite colors. The pigments that make up them are organic or inorganic. Organic pigments are typically used for richer shades.

But such pigments have the following disadvantages:

  • not every surface can be coated with this composition;
  • paint with such pigments is short-lived; under sunlight it will fade over time.

Colors with inorganic pigments have a limited color range, but they are influenced by atmospheric phenomena not scary.

The production of colorants is carried out in different versions:

  • pastes,
  • paints,
  • dry mixes.

The paste contains dispersing resins; it is also possible to have a type of paste where there is no substance used for bonding.

There are pastes different types- there are universal pastes that are suitable for any paint, and there are specialized pastes designed for specific paint materials. The pastes are easy to use; when mixing, you can easily adjust the desired shade. But they have disadvantages: the pastes do not have formal properties of color and saturation. The final shade may be unexpected for you.

The composition of the color paint does not differ from paint and varnish materials for which they are used:

  • water emulsions,
  • acrylic,
  • oil
  • others.
By combining white paint and pigments, you will get the color you need. If you need a very bright and saturated color, then the existing colorant does not need to be diluted.

The advantage of dry compounds is their low price. But the color range of such pigments is very narrow, and correcting the desired shade is very difficult, since such pigments should not be added to a color mixture that is ready for use.

What you will need for this process is a container of the mixture, a drill with an attachment, a small reservoir for placing a test portion, white base paint, and color scheme.

Tinting stages:

  1. Preparing a test portion. Before making a large volume of the mixture, test a small portion. Otherwise, you just might ruin all your material. Pour some paint (100 ml) and a few drops of the color mixture into our small tank. When you get the shade you need, remember how many drops you added.
  2. Conducting experimental tests on work surface. As we already mentioned, the color on the surface may be different from the color of your mixture. Therefore, we take our test dose and try it on a small area of ​​the work surface. We wait for it to dry and see what happens. Keep in mind that different lighting will give different shades.
  3. Production of the main volume of material. If you are completely satisfied with what came out in the trial version and on the work surface, then you can proceed to the main volume. How to calculate required quantity color? Subtract 20% from the trial doses received. That is, if you added 7 drops of one color and 2 of the other to the sampler, then per liter of paint you will need not 70 and 20 drops, but 56 and 16 drops. When the mixture is evenly stirred, test the surface again. Don't forget about different lighting.

The main thing is not to rush when tinting. Take your time and achieve the desired result. Otherwise, you risk ruining all your existing materials, or achieving a color that doesn’t suit you. Please note that it is better to prepare more paint than is needed.

If you don't have enough paint, choosing exactly the right shade is a very difficult task. And, most likely, the shades in different containers will differ. The remaining amount will be useful to you in the future, when the time comes for corrective repairs. Pour the excess into a jar and close the lid tightly.

You need to tint large paints in one container, otherwise, if you need to repeat the shade, you will have difficulty calculating the required volume. When you are faced with a choice of color, it is better to choose one contained in bottles with a narrow neck - it is more convenient to calculate the number of drops. If you choose another one, you can use a syringe for these purposes.

In order to select the desired color and the amount of color required, you can use a special table for mixing colors.

To ensure that the resulting material is evenly mixed, attachments of various sizes can be attached to the drill.

It is better to choose paint and color from the same company, this guarantees the achievement of maximum results when mixed. As a rule, the color scheme comes with information about the required volume of base paint.

When painting an apartment, study the color scheme in advance. It is known that some colors have a calming effect on a person, while others, on the contrary, cause irritation and aggression.

Table. Mixing colors.

Color nameMix to get it
Pink 90% white + 10% red
Royal Red 5-10% blue is added to red
Tomato red Add 5% brown and yellow to red
Crimson Blue base + a little white, brown and red in equal proportions
Chestnut Add 5% brown and 3% black to red
Red If you want to lighten red, add white
Orange Add up to 30% red to yellow
Yellow Yellow - lighten with white, darken with red and brown
Olive Green base + 10-20% yellow
Turquoise green Add up to 25% blue to green
Bottle green Yellow + 20-40% blue
Turquoise blue In blue 10-15% green
Royal blue In blue 10-15% black and 2% green
Dark blue Blue + 5% black and 2% green
Grey In white to 5% black
Medium brown Add red and blue to yellow in equal portions, add white if you want to lighten it, darken it with black.
Golden brown To yellow we add 10% blue, white and red, the more yellow, the higher the contrast.
Mustard In yellow, 5% black and red + 1-2% green
Beige Add white to brown while stirring until the desired tone is obtained, add yellow for brightness
Pink gray In white up to 5% black or red
Gray-blue In white up to 5% light gray + 1% blue
Green-gray In white 5% light gray + 1% green
Gray coal Black is added to white until the desired tone is achieved (with constant stirring)
Lemon yellow In yellow 5% white and 1-2% green
Fern green color Add black, green and white paint in equal parts to white
Forest green color Green is diluted with black (up to 5%)
Emerald green Yellow diluted with white (less) and green (more) paint
Light green Yellow is diluted with white (5%) and green (10%) paint
Aquamarine Add up to 35% green and 5% black to ball paint
Avocado Add black and brown paint to yellow in equal parts (up to 10%)
Royal purple Red color is diluted with yellow and blue paint
Dark purple We dilute the red tone with black and blue paint
Mandarin, orange In yellow paint up to 10% red and up to 5% brown
Reddish chestnut Red is diluted with black and brown
Orange White diluted with red and brown
Burgundy red color Add 5-10% yellow, brown and black paint to red paint in equal parts
Plum In red, 10% black and blue and 5% white
Chestnut Add white, red and black paint to yellow in equal proportions
Dark brown In yellow paint 10-20% each of red, white and black
Black Black is lightened to different shades of gray with white

materials on the topic

Drawing is a very exciting and at the same time useful activity for children. of different ages, it allows them to develop fine motor skills of their hands, imaginative thinking, children's fantasy and imagination. The industry that produces varnishes and paints produces paints, with their help children can engage in creativity, which over time can develop into a profession.