Difference between sign and symbol. What is Sovfalera? What is the difference between Signs and Badges? What is the difference between a trademark and a logo?

The concept of symbol and sign, detailed classification

Symbolology is a voluminous science that studies a huge number of signs that have arisen and are arising throughout the history of mankind.

Every nation, every era, every person created his own system of symbols, which he trusted, and which was decisive for him.

Not all emerging signs became symbols, just as not all symbols are signs. And in order to successfully classify symbols, you need to understand the difference between them.

Symbols- this is a schematic, abstract, multi-valued display of the image of an object, concept or phenomenon.

Sign- this is a schematic unambiguous representation of an object, concept or phenomenon.

Thus, the main difference between a symbol and a sign is whether it is assigned a semantic meaning or whether it carries informational information.

As a result, the first point of classification should be division by general characteristic:

1) symbol

2) sign

Both will have their own characteristics and their own classification. But at this stage we leave the signs and move directly to the symbols, since we will develop a detailed classification specifically for them.

First of all, division should be done using symbols if possible for magical purposes. Therefore, we divide by:

1) magical- have magical power or used in various magical practices

2) not magical- do not have magical powers and are not used for magical purposes.

At the next stage of classification, we consider the characters by degree of difficulty. They can be:

1) Simple- consisting of one character

2) Complex- consisting of a group of simple symbols, logically united, and having in such a combination their own meaning, different from the meaning of the simple symbols that compose it.

It is advisable to carry out further classification according to level of abstraction. Symbols can be:

1) Specific- a simplified representation of certain real world phenomena

  • symbol-concept - these are symbols reflecting ideas, feelings or abstract qualities associated with the inner world of living beings.
  • symbol-image - symbols that imitate the shape of a creature or object with which they are associated.

2) Abstract- existing in unimpressed or mixed form.

  • invisible symbols are abstract ideas and speculative pictures that do not exist in material form.
  • ritual ceremonies and actions - magical symbols based on a series of sounds or gestures.

1) graphic- all symbols that can be drawn or drawn on a plane (drawings, pictograms, hieroglyphs, etc.)

2) subject- all symbols that are expressed in tangible material form (things, objects, phenomena expressed explicitly)

3) auditory- intangible things that cannot be expressed graphically (songs, music, titles, names, etc.)

4) gestural- intangible things expressed by movements (dancing, gestures)

The next parameter by which you can classify is - origin of characters. By origin all characters are divided into:

1) Natural symbols- symbols that are natural (for example: plants, animals, birds, minerals, planetary symbols, etc.)

2) Artificial symbols- symbols that, one way or another, were created or invented by man (numbers, works of art, symbols taken from mythology, etc.)

3)Sign symbols- symbols that are also signs (for example: alchemical symbols, symbols of zodiac constellations)

5) Heraldic symbols- symbols found in heraldry.

6) Combined symbols- symbols that have the same meaning in different categories, this also includes scientific symbols.

Further classification will be related to characteristic each character directly. It is not necessarily general, but gives an idea of ​​the possibilities of using each symbol in the magic system. This classification is not level and each character will be characterized by all categories.

By purpose of exposure they are:

  • Filling symbols that interact directly with energy
  • Cleansing - symbols used in various cleansing amulets and amulets that help cleanse from various kinds of negativity
  • Destructive - symbols that contribute to the destruction of some object or phenomenon
  • Restoring - symbols that allow you to restore what was destroyed
  • Protective - symbols used for protection against negative energy
  • Percussion - symbols used for attack
  • Exploding - symbols that trigger under certain conditions
  • Copying - symbols that allow you to recreate a copy of an object in any form, including astral
  • Enhancing - symbols that enhance the effect of magical objects or other symbols and signs
  • Distorting - symbols that distort the perception of an object or phenomenon, affecting any of the senses or a group of senses at all levels of perception
  • Accelerating - symbols that speed up the process
  • Special - symbols used only for one action
  • Storage
  • Burning
  • Jumping

By degree of impact, the characters are divided into:

  • Superheavy - symbols influencing the surrounding space on a global level
  • Heavy - symbols affecting space at three levels of perception
  • Medium - symbols that affect space on physical level
  • Light - symbols that do not affect space and are used in simple magical rituals
  • Ultralight - symbols used to record a process without affecting the surrounding space

By type of spatiotemporal impact characters can be:

  • Ordinary - general action
  • Spatial - actions extended in space
  • Temporary - actions extended over time

By impact level they are:

By area of ​​influence are divided into:

  • Spontaneous - without direction
  • Wave - having a direction
  • General - local impact

A by type of impact on the:

  • Energy
  • Information
  • Energy information

By impact function characters are divided into:

  • Invisible
  • Implicit
  • Soft, hard
  • Self-directed
  • Self-activating
  • Self-destructing
  • Self-healing
  • Transforming
  • Binding

The concept of symbol and sign, detailed classification

Example of symbol parsing:


Description : A five-pointed star enclosed in a circle. It is used in magic to attract the energy of the earth and concentrate power. The pentacle symbolizes birth and rebirth, although it is often associated with the symbol of evil spirits. But in magic, this symbol is used to protect and control elemental forces, elemental forces and feelings. The Pentacle represents these forces. In an inverted state, the pentacle is very dangerous, as it evokes negative forces. But this is only one of its types, used in magic; there are also others.

Pentacle by general classification: Artificial graphic specific magical symbol-concept.

Pentacle refers to the symbol group of the sign.

1) according to its intended purpose, it belongs to the group of protective and enhancing

2) in terms of the degree of impact - super-heavy - it is one of the most powerful magical symbols,

3) by type of impact - ordinary,

4) by level of impact - astral, energetic

5) by area of ​​influence - general,

6) in appearance - energetic

7) according to the function of influence - self-directing.

Since primitive times different kinds images (sculptural, pictorial, graphic) were iconic and symbolic codes that were used by ancient people to carry out rituals, preserve and transmit information. Any significant sound, gesture, thing, event can be either a sign or a symbol.

Signs are generally accepted symbols objects, phenomena, actions. Examples of signs include road signs or symbols on geographical maps, sound signals - SOS or ambulance siren, a variety of gestures, etc.

A symbol is an object, action, etc., revealing an image, concept, idea. The symbol embodies experiences and ideas common to people. A symbol is a synthesis of a sign and an image.

Art speaks to people in the language of symbols. A symbol in art is an artistic image that embodies an idea. A symbol, like a riddle, has multiple meanings; its meanings can be revealed indefinitely, unlike a sign, which is understood by everyone in the same way. The depth of understanding of a symbol depends on a person’s ability to interpret, on his erudition and intuition.

Musical art speaks to us in the language of sounds. National anthems are musical symbols that embody the unity of the people, their culture, and pride in their country.

There have been eras in history when people especially often turned to symbols in art. An example is medieval Christian art. In the Middle Ages, man's aspiration to God was of particular interest. Therefore, the things that surrounded a person interested the artist only to the extent that they were connected with the meaning of the Holy Scriptures. Many medieval paintings depict a cup, grapes (wine) and bread - symbols of the sacrament of communion; Lily or iris flowers are a symbol of the Mother of God.

The choice of coloring and color is also symbolic: red-brown was a symbol of everything earthly (clay, earth); red is the color of shed sacrificial blood, the fire of faith; blue or blue symbolized everything heavenly and holy; and green is the color of hope, the color of life, a symbol of consolation, rebirth to a new life.

Portraits, landscapes, still lifes, genre scenes of Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) reflect his rebellious, lonely soul, independent of canons and norms. His works are permeated with a sense of acute anxiety and confusion. Difficult inner world the artist is often revealed through symbols. Van Gogh sought to reflect the content with the help of expressive, psychologically rich colors.

Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) also used symbolism in his works. The characters in his still lifes were often musical instruments. Perhaps this is due to the sophistication of their forms, or perhaps to the desire to synthesize painting and music.

Signs are generally accepted symbols for objects, phenomena, and actions. Examples of signs include road signs or symbols on geographical maps, sound signals - SOS or an ambulance siren, a variety of gestures, etc.

A symbol is an object, action, etc., revealing an image, concept, idea. The symbol embodies experiences and ideas common to people. A symbol is a synthesis of a sign and an image.

Since primitive times, various types of images (sculptural, pictorial, graphic) were sign and symbolic codes that were used by ancient people to carry out rituals, preserve and transmit information. Any significant sound, gesture, thing, event can be either a sign or a symbol.

Art speaks to people in the language of symbols. A symbol in art is an artistic image that embodies an idea. A symbol, like a riddle, has multiple meanings; its meanings can be revealed indefinitely, unlike a sign, which is understood by everyone in the same way. The depth of understanding of a symbol depends on a person’s ability to interpret, on his erudition and intuition.

Musical art speaks to us in the language of sounds and is filled with secrets. With amazing variety and depth, through a system of signs and symbols, music expresses the richest world of human feelings. Even a single sound, taking into account all its aspects - height, duration, timbre, volume - is a sign-intonation. It can indicate timidity or confidence, constraint or freedom, tenderness or rudeness.

We can also talk about plastic signs that reproduce a gesture or movement. There is always a desire to create in the human character - the need to explore, invent, build, solve complex, intricate problems. One of these problems was the scientific idea of ​​​​creating a perpetual motion machine (perpetuum mobile). His invention would have a huge impact on the development of the world economy. And only music, as a temporary art, can embody the image of “perpetual motion”. Its symbol was the instrumental pieces “Perpetuum mobile” (“Perpetual Motion”) by various composers: N. Paganini, F. Mendelssohn, N. Rimsky-Korsakov and others.

A musical sign that becomes a symbol can be called the motif of fate - the grain-intonation from which the entire Symphony No. 5 of L. Beethoven grows. And there are many such examples in musical art.

National anthems are musical symbols that embody the unity of the people, their culture, and pride in their country. There have been eras in history when people especially often turned to symbols in art. An example is medieval Christian art. In the Middle Ages, man's aspiration to God was of particular interest. Therefore, the things that surrounded a person interested the artist only to the extent that they were connected with the meaning of the Holy Scriptures. Many medieval paintings depict a cup, grapes (wine) and bread - symbols of the sacrament of communion; Lily or iris flowers are a symbol of the Mother of God.

The choice of coloring and color is also symbolic: red-brown was a symbol of everything earthly (clay, earth); red is the color of shed sacrificial blood, the fire of faith; blue or blue symbolized everything heavenly and holy; and green is the color of hope, the color of life, a symbol of consolation, rebirth to a new life.

Since the 15th century The things depicted in the picture are simultaneously endowed with a double meaning - religious and everyday. In the religious, the traditional divine symbolism of the Middle Ages is continued; in the everyday, the usual significance of a thing in Everyday life person.

Many works of the 17th century. are symbolic in nature, which is often conveyed by the objects presented in them: glasses of wine, bread, fish, withered flowers, watches, etc. Sometimes ordinary objects, unusually combined in one composition, represent figurative codes that are difficult to unravel. This is especially characteristic of the widespread in the 17th century. a still life called vanitas (vanitas - vanity of vanities) and reminding a person of the frailty of his existence. They depict skulls, candles, flowers, clocks, sheets of music and musical instruments (the sound has died, which means it has died), which are perceived as encrypted messages. Artists working in vanitas themes spoke about the futility of earthly existence, about the transience of existence. The very title of the painting “Vanity of Vanities” speaks of the frailty of earthly vanity - the pursuit of wealth, power, pleasure.

In still life, the artist conveys the value of everyday life, the significance of simple things. His attitude to the world is different in that he sees and feels obvious or hidden life, which is diffused in everything that exists, in nature, in matter itself. Therefore, another name for still life is stillleben (Dutch stillleven, German stilleben, English still life) - quiet (silent) life.

For an artist there are no “voiceless things”; for him everything is “expressive and speaking being” (M. Bakhtin).

Portraits, landscapes, still lifes, genre scenes of Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) reflect his rebellious, lonely soul, independent of canons and norms. His works are permeated with a sense of acute anxiety and confusion. The artist's complex inner world is often revealed through symbols. Van Gogh sought to reflect the content with the help of expressive, psychologically rich colors.

“I tried to express the terrible passions of man in red and green,” said the artist. The emotional intensity was intensified many times over thanks to the technique used by the master of applying paint with small dashed lines and the wave-like rhythm of their movement.

Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) also used symbolism in his works. The characters in his still lifes were often musical instruments. Perhaps this is due to the sophistication of their forms, or perhaps to the desire to synthesize painting and music.

The difference between a symbol and a sign using the Kolovrat as an example

Many people believe that a symbol and a sign are one and the same.

It just so happened that we began to forget the original meaning that lies hidden in things.

What can we say, with every new century we lose some knowledge. The Slavs are fraught with many mysteries in their culture, some of which have already been solved, and some of which are covered with the dust of millennia.

The wise Magi did a lot so that knowledge would reach their descendants. And our task is to accept and increase this knowledge.

Today we will talk about important point. What is the difference between a symbol and a sign?

This is best done for comparison. On the one hand, consider the Kolovrat symbol, and on the other, the stop sign in household appliances.

So, Kolovrat. Why is this a symbol?

A symbol is a sign that conveys more than one meaning and acts as a carrier of sacred information. To put it simply, symbols are polysemic. The symbols are multifaceted and interesting. Ambiguous.

The Kolovrat symbol denotes the eternal rotation of the sun. There is a second meaning - this is the generally accepted flag of Rodnoverie. You can further dive into the meaning of this symbol. We all know that there are quite a few of them.

And the easiest way, and most importantly, it will be clearer to explain the difference between a symbol and a sign by showing an example of a sign.

This is a common stop sign in household appliances.

This is a generally accepted sign that means the device is temporarily suspended. All. There is not much more to say about this sign.

Everything turned out to be simple. But sometimes people write entire books about the difference between a symbol and a sign. But in our opinion, we can use just one example to show the difference and educate the people!

Kolovrat - the sacred symbol of the Slavs and Russians

To preserve our ancestral memory, we simply need to remember our symbols. They are our essence and meaning of life.

Kolovrat, today, although persecuted by the system, continues to live and raise his head.

Kolo - circle. Vrat - rotation. Rotation of the colo-sun across the sky. This is the foundation of our Faith.

Kolovrat was raised today as a flag by our like-minded people throughout the Slavic world in order to commemorate the revival of Slavic culture! Many communities began to use the Kolovart as their flag and coat of arms.

The sun cannot be extinguished, removed from the sky. As long as it exists, the Slavic faith will live.

This symbol has many names and some have a special meaning. Everything here is simply Kolovrat - this is a sign of the resurgent essence of the Slavs.

There are dozens more important solar symbols that carry a hidden essence!

Don't be afraid of the sun, it is our father and ancestor. It is eternal, like the life of a Slav!

Slavic Symbol of Belbog

The Slavic Symbol of Belbog denotes purity of thoughts and intentions. This bright symbol is worn by white priests on the eve of especially significant holidays.

The symbol of Belbog denotes the light and purity emanating from human deeds. As God Belbog bequeathed to us, a person must be honest, bright and open, then the divine power of the Trisvetny Yarila will always fill the heart.

The symbol of Belbog, this is understandable, denotes the presence of the deity himself and his protection.

Slavic Symbol Altarnik

The Vedic Altarnik Symbol is significant in ritual activities. It serves as a symbol of example and unity of all the bright clans inhabiting Yav, Pav and Nav. It serves as a comprehensive symbol of the unity of the clans of the Great Race.

It is believed that it was inscribed by the Gods at the base of the World Tree. And when Yarilo Trisvetly drew it, he bequeathed to the Slavic families to live in peace and not allow quarrels. And brother always stand up for brother.

That is why the Altarnik Symbol is used by priests, Orthodox Old Believers Ynglingami on the altar stone. It is on him that I receive requests during rituals.

The atarnik symbol serves as a direct connection between worlds. That is why he is so revered by all the bright Slavic families.

Slavic Symbol Valkyrie

There are many symbols, but some of them are especially strong and ancient! One of the most ancient symbols is “Valkyrie”.

Traditionally, the Priests of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas seal books with a seal with this symbol. It is believed that the Valkyrie is a protective symbol. He protects the ancient wisdom of the Slavs and Aryans.

The Valkyrie is a pure symbol, which is why it is a symbol of honor, valor and protection. That is why the Valkyrie is so loved by people who adhere to the military craft.

It is believed that Valkyrie, the Slavic Goddess, takes dead fighters to Svarga the Most Pure. Valkyrie is translated as the one who cleans up the dead. If Mara takes the dead by their own death, then Valkyrie exclusively takes those who fell on the battlefield.

Valkyrie is a very powerful protective amulet!