Furnaces from car disks: what can and should be done, good options. Crafts from disks with your own hands - materials, ideas, tips, photo examples What can be done from an old cast disk

If you have an old brake disc from a car lying around, do not rush to throw it away, because this is an excellent source of durable metal. In fact, the author of this homemade product demonstrates how you can do quality knife from garbage.

For the manufacture of such a knife, hardening is not needed, since it is simply formed from a finished piece of hardened steel and sharpened well. The main tool for creating knives is a belt grinder, since it is she who creates the profile of the knife, grinds it to a shine, removes irregularities, and also sharpens.

All such homemade products require special attention in the field of safety, since working with metal and tools for its processing, you can cut yourself, burn yourself or get various other injuries.

This is what happens if you don't follow the safety rules. Not for the faint of heart!

Materials and tools for homemade:
- old car brake disc;
- belt sander;
- Bulgarian;
- materials for creating a pen (for example, deer horn);
- epoxy (for gluing the handle);
- pins for assembling the handle;
- drill;
- paper, pencil, ruler and other accessories for creating a knife template;
- polishing wheel;
- impregnation for the handle and more.

Knife making process:

Step one. We make a template and cut the blade
First of all, you will need to create or find a blade profile ready on the Internet. Then it is applied to paper and cut out. Then it remains to attach, but it is better to glue the template to the metal and cut it out. Here you can use various tools, most often it is a Bulgarian.

Step two. We form the profile of the blade
At this stage, the author creates a blade profile. A belt grinder will allow you to professionally perform this work, and of course, a lot of experience is needed here.

Due to the fact that the brake discs have holes, one of them will be located on the knife in any case. But this is not a problem, it can be used for some useful purposes, besides, it makes the knife lighter. If you still decide to remove the holes, you can solder them, and then grind them well, as a result, this place will not be visible.

Step three. Handle manufacturing

The author decided to make the handle from a deer antler. But it can also be made from any wood you like. The workpiece must be cut to right size and then grind the main profile. Here again, a belt sander comes to the rescue.

To attach the handle, it can be cut into two parts or simply make a groove into which the back of the blade will enter. For reliable fastening in the handle and in the blade are drilled through holes, and then the pins are inserted. But it is not so easy to drill a brake disc, in this case the handle can simply be put on good glue such as epoxy.

Before gluing, the components again need to be tried on each other and pre-sanded on a grinder.

Step four. We glue the handle
The author glues the blade to the handle with epoxy. First, it must be applied to the groove in the handle, and then insert the blade there. There should be enough epoxy so that some of it comes out, this will ensure good connection. The handle will need to be clamped in a vise.

When the glue dries, the knife is sent for final grinding. Now you need to smooth out all the bumps, as well as align the handle and blade flush.

At the same stage, the blade can already be sharpened, gradually reducing the grain size by grinding machine. The finest sharpening is achieved by using a water stone.

Step five. Finishing the knife
At this stage, the author inserts into the pen and braids a piece of cord. This decorates it, and such a cord can be useful on a hike for some purpose. At further work with a knife, its blade should be sealed masking tape or paper so as not to cut yourself.

Now the knife is well polished with a polishing disc. In conclusion, it can be coated with oil or a special solution so that it does not rust.
  • Creating decor items requires minimal effort, and in the process of making tools, only scissors, fishing line, wire, cardboard sheets, glue and a drill are additionally needed. Beads, colored and wrapping paper, foil, bright fabrics, beads, nail polish and sparkles are useful for decorating finished things.
  • crafts from car rims with seeming simplicity, they require certain skills in working with tools and physical endurance. Considerable weight and large dimensions provide for the presence of a working area, and when creating interior and decor items, electrical appliances may be needed, plywood sheets, glass, wires and light bulbs.

You should realistically assess your strengths and not try to immediately implement an intricate project. It is better to start from simple to complex, then the creative process will not become a test and will bring satisfaction from the result.

The second life of the rim

Since the invention of the wheel, life has changed forever. Car rims are rarely considered as a material for decoration. After the end of their service life, they gather dust in garages, in summer cottages or are sent to the trash. A real home craftsman knows that there are no unnecessary things on the farm, and old disks from a car can come in handy.

Ideas for giving

Summer cottages for many serve as a place of rest and in warm time become the center of attraction for friends and family members. You can decorate the territory and create functional garden interior items using old rims.

  • Bonfire. Wheels from a car are made of durable metal that tolerates temperature fluctuations well. Covering the old wheel natural stone or brick, you can create a hearth for cooking barbecue, pilaf and your favorite homemade dishes on the fire. Facing material better strengthen mortar then the fireplace will be durable and reliable. Having the skills to work with welding machine, men can make an additional canopy to keep out the rain and a grill stand with hooks.
  • Flowerbed. flowering plants give joy and are beautiful in themselves, but you can do for them original flower garden from an old drive from the car. Fantasy will help decorate the flower bed. Useful broken multi-colored glass, pieces decorative stone, marble chips and similar materials that can be fixed mounting adhesive and polish sharp corners grinder or sandpaper.

If there are a large number of discs, you can make an original pond fence by reinforcing the structure with cement and filling the gaps with decorative stone.

Home Ideas

A coffee table made from a car disk will definitely become unique design solution. A solid metal base goes well with glass, stone, solid wood countertops.

The material for the manufacture of the table must be well cleaned and polished to a shine. Reinforce the tabletop with mounting adhesive. The table can be stationary or mobile if the legs are equipped with wheels for furniture.

Garage Ideas

Motorists spend a lot of free time in the garage, so it makes sense to spend some of it on landscaping. Car discs can be a great organizer for storing tools, and knowledgeable electricians will like the idea of ​​​​creating an original lamp.

For the lampshade of the chandelier, it is better to take alloy wheels to reduce the load on the ceiling and protect yourself from injury.

Recycling CDs

Computer or music discs become unusable over time and can no longer be used for their intended purpose. But from them you can make a lot of interesting things for the house, decorate the cottage and create a festive mood with their help.

Home decor

cute little things in home interior pleasing to the eye and help create comfort, and their manufacture requires very little time and skill.

  • Picture frame. Albums with old pictures help to keep memories, but most bright photo I want to give a decent frame. By cutting out a frame from cardboard and decorating it with fragments of a CD, reinforcing the pieces with glue, you can create a collage of photos dear to your heart. If you repeat the pattern for decorating the mirror, then the interior will take on a finished look. In the process of creating, it is important to adhere to the technique. All gaps between the fragments should be covered decorative plaster and varnish on top.
  • Original pot. An ordinary planter or a ceramic pot can easily be turned into a bright interior detail. To do this, it can be decorated with disk pieces, laying out an arbitrary pattern, laying horizontal or straight lines, or completely covering the initial product with fragments.

Home craftsmen create curtains, chandeliers, original screens from discs and give old furniture second life with discs. The main thing is not to be afraid to show imagination.

garden decoration

The simplest option for using disks on garden plot is the creation of curtains. You can fasten round computer blanks with fishing line, and the location can be arbitrary. For garden gazebo you can make the original roof. First you need to choose the base material - plywood or chipboard sheet. With the help of glue, the discs are attached to the base, creating a semblance of scales or shells.

New Year ideas

Darling family celebration is a great opportunity for creativity. Carnival costumes and decorations for the Christmas tree, candlesticks, lamps - there are a lot of options for using CDs.

  • Toys. Kids will love the process of making Christmas decorations that come out bright and shiny. For decoration, plastic or glass balls are suitable, which need to be decorated with pieces of a cut disc. fasten small parts better with glue, and if desired ready product can be covered with colorless varnish.
  • Disco ball. A ball spinning under the ceiling, reflecting light on all sides, is an undoubted attribute of festive fun. You can create a design from fragments of a computer or music disk, and when the light is on, the room will be filled with glare and bright rays.

With the help of adults, children can make original candlesticks, decorate a carnival costume and make a bright lamp out of discs.

This is just a small part of the ideas for creating crafts from discs. Having shown imagination and creatively approaching the decoration process, you can come up with a lot original solutions and create unique things at minimal cost.

Epoch computer disks comes to the end. There are less and less people who use compact discs as a storage medium.

Many people still have old discs at home, and only because it is a pity to throw them away. But do not rush, you can make a lot of interesting things out of them. On the Internet, you can see a large number of photos of hand-made crafts from disks. This an exciting activity will be to your taste, not only for adults, but also for children.

Making crafts from computer discs is soothing nervous system, flutters the imagination and perseverance in children. There are many examples where you can attach obsolete CDs. It can be small crafts, decorative items for the interior, and so on. You can consider the most interesting ideas, using old discs.

Building roof

For whatever reason, many people have just a huge number of CDs at home that are no longer used for one reason or another. From this amount, you can get the original roof on the house. It will sparkle and shimmer with different colors.

You should start this exciting undertaking by attaching discs in sheet plywood. Then the finished plywood can already be attached directly to the rafters. An approximate calculation of computer disks per sheet of plywood in 1 square meter is around a hundred pieces.

You need to fasten the disks to plywood as follows: the initial row of disks is fastened closely one to one, in the second and all subsequent rows, the disks should be fastened in order chessboard. To fasten CDs to plywood, you can take small nails or self-tapping screws.

Creating a roof from old computer disks, you can dream up and lay out a drawing that should be thought out and calculated in advance.

In case you don’t have so many CDs, but still want to somehow stand out and decorate your home, you can make original roof on the porch

Decorative elements for decorating a personal plot

With a wild imagination, you can create a lot decorative elements for your garden. Like, for example, British artist B. Monroe is hugely popular for his amazing work. He built shiny lotuses from computer disks in a pond on his site. For his masterpiece, he collected about 65,000 discs.

When making crafts from old disks for your garden, you can take an idea from the Internet and create, for example, a chic peacock. Compact discs are attached to the tail frame with the help of wire with the shiny side to the top and on sunny days, its tail will burn in play of bright colors.

Spending time with the kids, you can make cute fish from disks. For this purpose, you need to have several disks and cardboard different colors. If there is no cardboard, it can be easily replaced with multi-colored plastic.

Cardboard or plastic will serve as the material for the plumage of the fish, and the mouth is also made from these materials. After the individual parts of the fish are ready, you can collect it with glue. The disks in this application will serve as the body.

The second life of car rims

Sometimes car owners in the garage may have a few old car disks that cannot be thrown away, and it is no longer possible to use them for their intended purpose.

Many motorists, stumbling across the Internet on a photo or video with ideas for crafts from old car rims with their own hands, immediately get down to business. After all, from a seemingly unnecessary piece of iron, you can create a miracle, an individual thing that will have no analogues.

Any modern interior can be decorated with a stylish coffee table from an old disk from a car. To do this, you need to work hard and rub the disk to a shine, attach a glass surface to it and voila, the table is ready.

And there are quite a large number of such options for products from rims from a car. You can even make a homemade ceiling lamp for a pendant lamp from them.

As backlight ideal solution is a strip with LED flashlights that shimmer in different colors.

With the help of this iron, you can make stylish, even outrageous, bar stools. Such a piece of furniture will not leave anyone indifferent.

DIY photo of crafts from disks

Many craftsmen make wood stoves and even boilers from thick-walled pipes. But often such a pipe becomes too expensive, while a couple of old wheels from a car may be at hand. In this case, you can get a wonderful stove made of rims, and we will tell you how to make it in this article.

What stoves can be made from car rims?

At the moment, home craftsmen have invented several types of iron stoves assembled from rims. They can be divided into areas of application:

  • heating;
  • bath;
  • for cooking, including barbecue.

These automotive parts are attractive primarily due to the thickness of the metal. Frame wood stove from a steel disk will burn out very soon, especially if you take the wheel from truck. The latter, as a rule, are used for the manufacture of sauna stoves, since they differ large sizes and metal thickness. For a sauna stove, often operating in extreme conditions, this is an important factor.

From disks from cars and commercial vehicles, you can get both a good wood-burning heater in the garage, and a small barbecue stove. Let's take them all in order.

Wood-fired heat generator welded from disks

The author of the stove, shown below in the photo, was inspired by the design of the well-known heaters of the Buleryan type. Only the original costs decent money, but such a hand-made product is ten times cheaper, provided that there are 3 wheels from an UAZ or a GAZelle on the farm. In addition, it will take a little sheet metal and pipes with a diameter of 100-150 mm, and even a short branch pipe Ø76 mm.

The most difficult thing is to cut the inside out of the rims. Bulgarian is not very convenient, and the metal is thick. A gas cutter is preferable, but if it is not there, then a grinder will do. Then, using a welding machine, the discs are hermetically joined, forming a body. The back is closed sheet metal with a chimney pipe Ø100-150 mm welded to it. If there is a desire, then a draft control damper is installed on this pipe, as shown in the photo:

It is not necessary to make a draft control damper if you make an oven from rims with adjustable air supply. To do this, a branch pipe with an air damper with a spring-loaded axis is built into the front door. In addition, an additional plate is installed inside the firebox, dividing the space into 2 parts, as in Buleryan. At the top, a secondary chamber is obtained, where the chimney pipe is welded.

The furnace can take any diameter, length and orientation in space. It all depends on the number and size of disks, and also on your imagination.

Sauna stove

For the manufacture of a sauna stove, wheels from passenger cars are not suitable - they are too small. The author of the idea, whose diagram is shown below, used 4 old rims from the ZIL-130 truck. Located one above the other, each of them performs its function:

  • the first disk serves as a cap for the combustion chamber. As planned, the sauna stove has a small brick firebox with doors opening into the dressing room;
  • the second rim is a heater;
  • the third is an additional heat exchanger that takes the energy of flue gases and transfers it inside the steam room;
  • the fourth disk is a tank for heating water.

Note. You can do without a brick firebox by organizing one inside the first rim. But then you will have to heat the bath from the steam room, and it is more difficult to make tight-fitting doors in the disk case.

All additional metal parts required to assemble the furnace are shown in the following diagram. A do-it-yourself sauna stove works according to this principle: firewood burning in a firebox gives off heat through its walls and rim No. 1 with a carved bottom. It is welded to a second disk, where the bottom is left in place, so that it can be filled with stones. Inside, a pipe passes through them with outgoing combustion products and heating the heater.

Further, the pipe gets inside the third rim, where instead of the bottom, a gas divider made of sheet metal is installed. The products of combustion wash the divider, and the stove for the bath from the disks gives off more heat, since this section plays the role of an economizer. Well, the last stage of flue gas cooling takes place inside the 4th rim, turned into a tank with a lid and a water tap. As a result, the oven works no worse than factory copies, and in terms of durability it will surpass any of them.

Barbecue oven

This wonderful device is made of two discs from the wheels of passenger cars. Although, if someone wants a bigger stove, then there are no restrictions: you can use wheels from UAZ or GAZ-53. In one of them, the bottom is carefully cut out, and then the rims are welded together.

In order for the unit to be securely installed on any surface, legs are attached to the lower section by welding, as shown in the photo. By the way, the hole for the hub must also be plugged, but the side holes can be left, air will flow through them into the furnace. For ease of carrying, handles are welded to the body from the outside, and an opening for the door is cut out in the side part.

The latter is made from the same piece, planted on loops. Everything, the oven from automobile disks for barbecue and cooking is ready. As practice shows, it fits 5 skewers with meat.

Advice. The cut off bottom of the upper disc does not need to be thrown away, it can serve as a stand for a small pot, kettle or frying pan.

On the other side of the door, a chimney pipe should be welded, a diameter of 50-70 mm is sufficient. The tile can be slightly modernized, since when working through the lower holes, ash wakes up, this is not very pleasant. The holes must be plugged, and the air flow must be regulated by the firebox door. Details about the stove are shown in the video:


After studying the essence of the issue, the conclusion suggests itself that making a furnace from rims is a very simple matter. This is partly true, especially for people who are well acquainted with welding and metalwork. Although in the case of sauna stove will have to deal with brickwork, and the installation in the steam room must be done correctly. Well, for those who are not yet friends with the welding machine, there is a great opportunity to practice on the stoves.

What do you need to keep warm and cook food without gas and electricity? That's right - make a fire. So did our ancestors, and for modern man safety and convenience first. To "secure" an open fire, use stoves, barbecues, potbelly stoves.

Why car rims?

Craftsmen always find non-standard solutions their tasks. Why invent something when you can buy ready-made? Stationary ovens and barbecues will cost a lot, and the thickness of the metal in collapsible structures does not promise a long service life. An alternative was homemade from rims. Their advantages are cheap and fast production, availability of materials, practicality and original design.

The discs themselves have the right thickness and fire resistance. The shape and size are suitable for further exploitation products. The round shape is ideal for setting the cauldron.
From disks, you can make not only a device for cooking, but also a source of heating for a garage or workshop.

General points and what is needed?

Despite the ease of manufacture, to implement the idea, you will need skills in working with a drill, grinder and welding machine.

Of the materials, you will need 1-5 discs themselves, asbestos thread for insulation, metal trimming, a metal pipe for a chimney, metal corners or plates for legs. Fasteners and hinges.
The diameter of the disks can be any. Only if you make a stove for a cauldron, then you need to adjust it in such a way that the cauldron with a round bottom is half lowered into the fire.
We will analyze several options from the most elementary to more complex designs.
Cauldron oven: simple and quick for temporary use It will take several hours to make. We take 2 disks, cut out the core at the top. Next, we weld the two parts, mark the contours of the future door and cut out the “window”. We hang the door made of cut metal on hinges.

In this version, there is no chimney and ash collection tray. But if the hearth is needed for a short period or season, then it may not be worth complicating it.
For convenience, the structure can be raised on high legs made of metal pipes of small diameter. The absence of an ash tray necessitates the arrangement of a fireproof place. It is enough to remove the sod and impose a brick.

If you weld comfortable handles and paint the finished product with heat-resistant paint, you will get a noble stove for roasting meat. A cross made of metal rods is welded to the hole in the bottom to prevent unburned coals from spilling out.

The bottom can be completely welded with a thick sheet of iron and close all the cracks. In this case, all the heat will remain in the furnace. In this example, the method of making a homemade loop is interesting. The door itself is made separately and then welded - so there are no gaps for smoke to escape.

Such work will take more time and require the skill of a welder, but the finished oven looks presentable, and the cooking process will be more comfortable.

Brazier and grill from one car disk

From one old disk you can make a stylish hearth with a removable grill for the grill. It is enough to weld the legs, paint and make a metal grate in diameter.
A small-diameter disc on three high legs is convenient to carry to the right place and put away for storage. It will take the most time to make a grate with handles, although it is quite possible to choose a suitable purchase option and adapt it.
Before painting, you need to carefully clean the surface, and after - do not forget about calcination. Compliance with the application technique will prevent peeling of the paint during further operation.

For more comfort instead of legs, the old disk is fixed on a stand, which is screwed to wooden base on wheels. The tree in this case is treated with Danish oil, which can be purchased at specialized store for knife making.

An interesting, but more time-consuming option from the disk large diameter welded to a rack with a hanging grid on chains, which, if necessary, can be replaced with a cauldron.

The hearth under the cauldron according to all the rules: phased manufacturingThe manufacturing process includes the following main steps:
in the upper disk we cut a hole for the cauldron (it is better to try on so as not to be mistaken with the diameter), removing the central part;
we connect two disks by welding;
we cut a hole for the door with a grinder and weld the hinges (it is more convenient to make them before the hole is completely cut out);
We weld a latch to the door from the cut piece;
we clean and paint the finished fixture with heat-resistant spray paint in a spray can in two layers; We weld three segments to the lower disk metal pipe as legs; fix homemade handles.

You can also improve the hearth-stand under the cauldron by adding chimney and ash pan. This design can be placed anywhere.

Potbelly stove for a garage: a solid approach In this example, the firebox consists of 3 old disks, plus one for the ash pan and one more for smoke removal, which increases heat transfer.

Stages of work:
we weld the disks together, after cutting off the core in the first three, except for the top one;
weld 4 legs from metal corners;
we cut a hole and make a door from pieces of metal in size;
for the tightness of the firebox, we insert an asbestos thread along the contour;
close the top of the 4th disk with metal;
add the 5th disc below and make a hole in it for collecting ash and a blower, completely cover the bottom with a metal sheet;
on the side of the 4th disk we make a hole and weld a pipe to remove smoke;
after polishing, it can be painted with heat-resistant paint.

In the example, the pipe has an angle of 90º, which, according to experts, will cause frequent clogging soot. It is more practical to make an angle of 45 or 27º.