Eastern Arabic style in the interior. Oriental furniture in traditional Moroccan style. Textiles - special attention

The Arabic style in the interior will allow you to turn your apartment into a luxurious likeness of the palace of an eastern sultan. Such words as sophistication, luxury, harmony and fabulousness are applicable to this direction. Arabic interior reflects the way of life of the peoples of the East. Artists know how to make it so that the basis of style is not luxury itself, but the skill to create its appearance. Even if the owner of the house is not rich, the discouraging interior will say the opposite. The guests are likely to get the impression that you are a relative of a wealthy sheikh who inherited a huge fortune.

Arabic Style Principles

The Arabic style in the interior is based on the traditions of Islam. For example, in the Holy Quran, the strictest prohibition is imposed on the images of living beings. This is reflected in Arabic design as well. Sculpture and painting are simply not there. But this small drawback is compensated by the ability of Eastern artists to depict complex patterns. The decor is a geometric pattern entwined with vegetation. At the same time, each element of the painting is drawn up to the smallest details. Patterns usually cover walls, ceilings, carpets, columns, pillows. There should not be empty monotonous places here.

Another trend of Islam is panels decorated with arabesques from the Koran. The texts are intertwined with the most beautiful ornament, which makes the interior truly aesthetic and inspiring.

  • Arabs throughout history led a nomadic lifestyle. In the interior, this is expressed by a luxurious tent, carpets and pillows.
  • The curtains of the peoples of the East are traditionally bright, decorated with memorable patterns.
  • The beamed ceiling and light fixtures, combined with the narrow windows, create a magnificent atmosphere that you want to plunge into with your head.
  • Handicrafts and the famous Arabic mosaic

Another feature of the Arab interior is expensive handicrafts. The cost of elite silk carpets reaches several tens of thousands of dollars! Oriental masters know their business and bring to life unsurpassed masterpieces, from which it is simply impossible to tear off an admiring glance. In a real Arabic room, literally everything is covered with carpets: the floor, walls and ottomans.

No less popular is the famous Arabic mosaic. She is decorated with walls, furniture and columns. The base of the mosaic is dark blue, and the ornament itself is covered with mother-of-pearl.

Arabic interior in your home

In order for your home to breathe the atmosphere of the East, it is not necessary to redo the entire interior. It is enough to highlight the main elements, and you will feel like a real Arab sultan in harsh domestic conditions. We recommend focusing on carpets, arches, pillows and lighting.

Standard wallpaper on the walls will have to be replaced with Arabic ones made of moire and velvet. The motto of the oriental interior is more inspiring colors!

Remember that the conditions of living with us and in Eastern countries strikingly different. And some things just won't work for a number of reasons. For example, stone floors save the Arabs from the heat. Our climate is completely different, so you can do without a stone. enough to cover wooden surfaces good Arabic carpet.

Tip: First, decorate one room in Arabic style. Look at the result and only then inhale the oriental atmosphere into the whole apartment.

When buying carpets, look for wool blends and woolen products with a dark background. Such carpets are inexpensive and fall into the subject. Columns and arches will help divide a large room into zones. If the room is small, then you can limit yourself to figured niches and semi-columns.

Arabic style has a feature - does not tolerate a lot of furniture. Would you like to get closer to the East? Then remove armchairs, chairs, cabinets and high dining tables from the room. IN this direction they don't fit in at all. And true oriental furniture is ottomans, large sofas and low tables decorated with inlays. Arabs sit at the table soft pillows. The chairs are out of place here.

Wardrobes in the oriental interior are rare - the Arabs store clothes and things in special niches with aesthetic wooden doors. Pay attention to the lamps. They are given a special role. There are many forms and varieties - there is plenty to choose from. Arabic lighting should be soft and subdued - it was in such conditions that the famous queen Scheherazade read her fairy tales.

  • If your living room has high ceilings, then a wrought iron chandelier will fit perfectly into the interior.
  • Arab sultans prefer narrow lancet windows. But this is for palaces. But in an ordinary house the best option there will be a figured niche in front of a large window. You can also cover everything with curtains. It will look original - the window will resemble the entrance to the tent.
  • Another key point is that Arab rooms do not have doors. The opening is hung with either heavy curtains or carpets.

An important touch is the accessories that serve great addition to the general atmosphere. The list of them is huge. This includes items such as chess, bird cages, jugs, hookah, dishes, vats and other small but important attributes of oriental life.

We are working on the design ourselves

Arabic style in the interior allows you to show creative thinking and ingenuity. The most elementary thing is to create pillows with your own hands. The main thing is to choose the right fabric, texture and pattern.

Wide scope for creativity gives painting patterns. Remember to follow certain rules. A geometric pattern should first be drawn, and then decorated with a floral ornament. The skills of the artist are required - each element must be carefully traced. Don't steal ideas from mother nature - come up with your own unique plants.

Remember that monotony is alien to Arab interiors. They do not have any definite canons and boundaries. The design is largely intertwined with European style - one is impossible without the other. It is impossible to create a complete copy of the East, and it is not necessary. A piece of a small warm desert is enough for coziness, comfort and a fabulous atmosphere. Yes, and in winter it will not be so cold - a piece of the Arab world will warm you in the cold February frost.

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Being one of the directions of oriental interiors, the Arabic style embodies luxury and splendor. At the same time, it involves the implementation of Islamic rules and following centuries-old traditions. In the interior, many things are man-made, but it can be argued that the house often looks more luxurious than the real wealth of the owner allows.

Arabic style apartment design

The peculiarity of the Arabic style in the interior is that here you will not find a single painting or sculpture, since the Koran forbids depicting the creations of the Creator. Instead, artists and designers express themselves in complex patterns, geometric patterns, images of unrealistic vegetation with a clear drawing of small elements. The more complex the arabesque, the more skill the artist possesses.

Texts from the Main Book are skillfully intertwined in the ornaments, resulting in original drawings, often made against a rich background. As many surfaces as possible are covered with such patterns - walls, ceiling, columns, pillows, carpets, etc. As a result, almost the entire apartment in the Arabic style is covered with ornaments and patterns, and there are no empty and plain places if possible.

Arabic style living room

The East is associated with sophistication and luxury, and an Arabian-style house should be a comfortable place to relax from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The living room in this magnificent style will become a paradise and colorful corner for you, reminiscent of the world of a fairy tale. The atmosphere of sophistication and sophistication should reign in the room, at the same time simple silhouettes, soft features and smooth lines. Colors for the living room should be selected from a spectrum of warm and rich tones. A colorful and bright design of the hall is allowed, the main thing is to use natural colors.

Mandatory household items that evoke thoughts of the East and are certainly present in the common room are low, squat furniture, handmade carpets, a lot of textiles and pillows in silk pillowcases. On the walls you can hang samples of old edged weapons, and in one of the corners of the room or right in the center you can place a real oriental hookah.

Arabic style kitchen

The charm of the East can be successfully embodied in the design of the kitchen in the Arabic style. In this case, it is important to clearly distinguish working area from the recreation area with an arch or fabric screen. Use ethnic handmade items for decoration - wood and stone carvings, stained glass windows, etc. As for color design, here you can use a combination of turquoise, blue and brown, milky shades.

To further emphasize the philosophy of the East and convey its culture, the Arabic style in the interior of the kitchen should include wicker furniture, upholstered chairs and poufs, light partitions instead of bearing walls, subdued lighting in the eating area. All this is designed to create a space for sincere family gatherings, relaxation and recreation.

Arabic style bedroom

In this room, you do not need to be afraid to "go too far" with bright colors and quantity of textiles. On the contrary, the richer the shades and the more brocade, velvet, silk and organza in the room, the more it resembles a real oriental boudoir. The bed should be with, mosaics and various ornaments are welcome on the floor and walls. Windows can be arched with stained glass. Persian carpets should lie on the floor, decorative pillows should be present in abundance.

If you wish, you can make the design of the Arabic-style bedroom more calm and sophisticated. The use of brown, white, beige and amber shades does not detract from the spirit of the East. It is important to emphasize the style with an abundance of wood carvings and ornaments characteristic of the Arabic style, placing here and there small items, reminiscent of the style of the interior.

Arabic style bathroom

If you go all the way and want to immerse your entire house in the atmosphere of an oriental fairy tale, then an Arabic-style bathroom is an integral part of the idea. I must say that the Arabs know a lot about relaxation, and the bathroom for them is not just a place for a quick shower. It is customary to spend a lot of time here, enjoying fragrant water procedures, often accompanied by a massage, for which a special comfortable lounger is installed in the room. Such a hamam bath is gaining momentum in the West, largely due to the special atmosphere.

Among the features of the bathroom in the Arabic style are the use of tiles with complex ornaments, as well as mosaics, an abundance of fine artistic carvings, bright contrasts, and inlay with stones. Every detail seems to be trying to convey the Arabic style in the interior, bring you closer to chic and luxury, give you real pleasure - spiritual and physical.

Hallway in Arabic style

Since the entrance hall forms the initial impression of the guests about the house, its interior always plays a big role. Arabic-style design involves light and cozy shades, a minimum of furniture, the presence large mirrors and stained-glass windows, the presence of several characteristic accessories, as well as obligatory oriental ornaments. It is important to choose correct fixtures for the corridor. It can be one ceiling chandelier or several.

Arabic style room

If you find it difficult to decide on the future design of a house or apartment, you need to consider the available options with different angles and angles, pay attention to the little things and understand whether you will be comfortable in a particular environment. Arabic style in the interior has its undeniable advantages and unique features. The correct embodiment of it can immerse you in the tales of Scheherazade with their mystery and unpredictability.

Everything in the room - walls, floor, ceiling in the Arabic style should be united by a single theme, furniture should be squat, soft and as comfortable as possible, it is desirable to make all spans arched and not skimp on rich textiles. It is good if the rooms have high ceilings - they will add extra luxury and allow you to play with space.

Arabic style furniture

Items such as chairs, bulky cabinets, standard dining tables are alien to the Eastern peoples, so they should be got rid of, replacing them with lower and more comfortable furniture. In general, there is very little furniture in oriental interiors. Only large sofas with many pillows, low tables with wood carving and inlays behind which sit on pillows.

To store clothes, it is customary to use not a high wardrobe, but a low chest or chest of drawers in the Arabic style. Also for these purposes, niches in the walls are used, closed with carved wooden doors. Furniture in the spirit of the East is often colorful, with national ornaments, luxurious inlays, wooden, sometimes allowing metal forged elements.

Arabic style wallpaper

The Arab interior is characterized by multicolor and a large number of ornamental patterns. Embodying the design of the room in the Arabic style, it is necessary to select wallpaper with a complex pattern, reminiscent of the patterns on the carpet. You can also use oriental lattices and oriental "cucumbers". As for the color of the walls, variegation and brightness are welcomed in the oriental interior. Common shades are burgundy, purple, orange and other colors from a rich range.

Arabic style chandeliers

Great attention must be paid to light. Interior design in Arabic style is characteristic quality lighting for which many types of lamps are used. The dominant role is played by the ceiling chandelier. It should be lush and big. It can be decorated with stone inlay, mosaic pattern and other bright elements. The main thing is that it attracts attention and does not get lost in the general diversity of the room.

Arabic style textiles

An incredibly large role in the perception of design is played by Arabic-style curtains and all other textiles - sofa covers and pillows, carpets, canopies. Without all this abundance of fabrics that caress the skin, bright draperies, embroidery, brushes, the interior will not be complete and complete. The imitation of a domed ceiling created with the help of light fabric, fixed in the center of the ceiling and diverging towards the upper edges of the walls. Its folds form a kind of tent, and this effect perfectly conveys the atmosphere of the East.

To some, the style may seem extravagant and overly exotic, but by deciding on it, you will give your home an atmosphere of charming mystery, fabulous beauty and special comfort. No need to be afraid of rich colors and bold decisions. Probably, this very riot of colors is so lacking in our gray everyday life to brighten them up and make them a little brighter.

The Arabic style in the interior is, first of all, a worldview, it is respect for Muslim traditions and the holy book of the Koran. In the Arabic interior design there is one commonality - this is the observance of clear religious canons, respect for the traditions of their ancestors, and preference for man-made things and objects.

The Arabic interior style is called oriental, as it is typical for the countries of the Arabian Peninsula and some countries. North Africa who converted to Islam at one time: Spain, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Palestine, Egypt, Syria, Morocco.

This is respect for Muslim traditions and the holy book - the Koran, which was forbidden to be translated into other languages ​​- it was according to him that the Arabic language was taught. The Koran forbids the use of images of people and animals, therefore there are no sculptures and paintings in Arab culture, and the main feature of the interior is rich ornamentation - a specific pattern of Arabic ornaments - arabesques, which are a set of strict geometric shapes decorated with plant motifs. Arabesques are made using mosaics or paintings on plastered walls or vaulted ceilings.

The artistic fantasy of Muslim masters developed rapidly and rapidly, just as the wealth and craving for luxury of their rulers grew. The palaces of the caliphs, of unsurpassed beauty, were immersed in luxury, surrounded by shady gardens with fountains and exotic birds. Arab architects pursued the goal of bringing nature into architecture and interiors, combining greenery and water with stone buildings, isn't this concept so fashionable now.

The interiors in oriental Arabic style with their embroidered tablecloths, curtains and carpets make a strong impression. The walls are covered with fabrics (brocade, velvet, silk), wood paneling, ornaments and carpets. Stylized ornaments and arabesques add elegance to the interior. Doors in the oriental Arab interior are of lattice type with openings in the form of arches. The interior contains needle columns and sharp ribs, which gives the impression of a tent.

Among the items that adorn Arab interiors, one cannot fail to mention a variety of hookahs, incense burners, collections of weapons, bone-framed mirrors, inlaid chess and backgammon boards, clay, glass, copper and wooden utensils. According to tradition, clay items are molded by hand, dried in the sun and polished with stone, then some are covered with leather, inlaid with brass and bone. Small dishes are placed in sideboards, niches, open shelves, and large vases, jugs, vats are placed on the floor. Chased metal and carved wooden dishes are hung on the walls.

In the oriental interior, fabric draperies are widely used on the windows, on the walls, above the beds in the form of canopies and canopies. Ottomans and armchairs are usually covered with bedspreads made of camel wool where brocade and velvet pillows and cushions decorated with tassels, embroidery and beads look great. Silk brocade woven with gold and silver, which is still made according to medieval patterns, is especially popular. It does not look too bright due to the fine pattern and soft shimmer of the metallic thread.

In the Arab interior, a special role is played by rich and bright colors: red, blue, green, white and gold plated. By tradition, the places of the recesses are covered with blue or purple paint, and the convex areas are gilded.

The walls and ceiling in Arabic interiors are decorated with panels of various kinds tree. Wooden fragments are attached to wooden plates, which form geometric shapes: rhombuses, rectangles, stars, junctions of silent fragments. The walls can be decorated with expensive fabrics (brocade, moire, silk, velvet, organza) or natural wool carpets. The floor is covered with tiled mosaics and covered with bright handmade carpets, because in an Arabic interior it is undesirable to leave surfaces smooth.

Arabic style in the interior requires a special approach to lighting. The style accepts rich lighting, all types of lighting are used here. These are large forged chandeliers hanging on chains, hung with stones or large beads. Various kinds of lamps or wall lamps, sconces, glass can be transparent, matte or colored. A fabric cover is also appropriate. The chandelier should have bright central lighting, and other objects emitting light should be muted. Present desk lamp and decorative candles. Do not forget about the aroma lamps with oriental spices, which fill the whole air with a sweet aroma. No matter how much lighting you put in, it will still not be enough for the Arabic style.

An indispensable attribute of the Arab interior is carpets. Of course, real hand-woven Arabic carpets are very expensive. Now Arabic carpets are hung on the wall, but earlier those who could afford them could easily sit on them. Put a large Arabic-style carpet in the room - it will set the tone for the decor and help your room acquire that very oriental flavor.

Fabrics are a special decoration of the Arab interior, and the fabrics are expensive. Brocade, velvet, of course silk. Arabic-style fabrics are everywhere - clothes, curtains, canopies, furniture upholstery, numerous pillows. In addition, in the Arabic style of the interior, covered beautiful fabrics Wall panels, which today can be replaced with silk-screened wallpaper. Almost all of this, to one degree or another, can really be used for your home interior.

Special mention should be made of the Arabic table. Regular polygonal shape, it should be richly decorated with carvings and ornamental Arabic mosaics, decorated with mother-of-pearl. Unfortunately, it is unrealistic to create such a thing yourself, so here you need to look for a compromise or spend money and buy the most similar thing in an ethnic furniture store.

There are practically no cabinets as such in Arab interiors - they are replaced by niches in the walls with doors decorated with carved ornaments.
Speaking of the Arabic style, one cannot but recall the mosaic, which is actively used not only in the interior space, but also in individual products and accessories.

An abundance of cushions for sitting and cushions of various shapes, ottomans, mirrors inserted into carved frames, lamps - all these elements of the Arab tent can still be found in the dwellings of the Saudis. Coffee tables, chests of drawers, bookcases - everything is decorated with mosaics and fine carvings.

The Arabic bedroom is very different from the traditional European one. If the salon can be discreet, then the bedroom should be luxurious. A tightly draped window, a canopy or canopy can hang over the bed.

Particular importance is attached to the salons (for ladies and men separately), where guests are received, and the bedroom. In an ordinary Saudi house, it is very common to find an old-style men's salon that resembles a Bedouin tent. As a rule, this is a spacious hall, where from the furniture there are only a few low coffee tables. Along the walls of the salon there are low seats with armrests, the middle is covered with a carpet. In ladies' salons more often soft sofas, armchairs.

If we talk about the modern Arabic interior in houses, then a lot depends on social status and the level of prosperity of the owners of the house. The sheikhs' villas are full of luxury; their decoration resembles the palaces of the padishahs. Simple people live in houses resembling the same Bedouin tent.

The main feature of the Arab interior is the specific pattern of Arabic ornaments (the so-called arabesques), which consist of strict geometric figures, which are decorated with floral motifs. Arabesques are usually performed using mosaics, as well as paintings on vaulted ceilings or plastered walls.

Sofas, ottomans, armchairs can be covered with bedspreads made of silk brocade or wool. The amount of furniture in an Arab house is limited. But an obligatory piece of furniture is a wide and low sofa, upholstered in satin or silk fabric. The interior also uses chests of drawers, chests, dressing tables, low tables, hanging sideboards as furniture.

Arabic style (eastern) is typical for the countries of the Arabian Peninsula. It has one characteristic commonality that is easy to read in Turkish, Palestinian, Syrian, Egyptian and Moroccan designs. This is strict observance of the religious canons of Islam, respect and reverence for the traditions presented by the ancestors, and preference for items made by the hands of skilled artisans and craftsmen. Arabic style originated in the seventh century BC. Religion imposed strict restrictions on interior design. It was impossible to depict a person and animals, so the artists devoted all their talent to the development of wonderful ornaments. Bright and rich colors made it possible to create magnificent patterns that surprised and fell in love with any stranger. It was they, as well as special architectural techniques, that became the hallmark of the oriental style.

You can learn oriental motifs by very characteristic features. In addition to skillful ornaments, houses were decorated with openwork carved wooden or wicker shutters. The windows were small in the form of arches, located closer to the ceiling and invariably covered with frames. So locals fled from the midday heat, saving their homes from the rays of the scorching sun. The Arab living room looks like a box, skillfully decorated by the hands of a talented artist. Persian carpets, beautiful chests instead of cabinets, low sofas or sofas covered with expensive velvet or brocade - such an interior will make you feel like a rich person who loves enveloping comfort and special cosiness in the house. The Arab bedroom is a separate conversation. Canopies over the beds, soft carpets, a lot of colorful pillows scattered on the floor, always decorated with fringe and gold tassels - relaxing in such a room is a pleasure.

Distinctive feature Arabic style is the use of multi-colored mosaics, which are not made in mass production, but exclusively by hand. With the help of it, floor and wall panels, reproducing the famous carpet patterns. Often they decorate the kitchen or a large spacious bathroom. Dark madder wood, chased jugs with high necks, big dishes, as well as lampshades with beads - all this adds up to one big picture, which can easily become the scenery of a fabulous atmosphere, in which it is always hot, passionate and very “tasty” in an oriental way.

Arabic style in the interior photo:

Tags: arabic style in interior arabic interior arabic style interior arabic style design

Luxury and abundance - this is how you can briefly describe the interior, decorated in Arabic style. Minimum furniture, large open spaces that are divided into small cozy zones with the help of screens, curtains, carved partitions. Cool natural stone covered with luxurious carpets. Many details and nuances, the play of light and shadow, unique and complex textures. If you add to all this rich and bold color combinations and get the Arabic style in the interior.

home distinguishing feature this direction is to create the illusion of rich decoration. To achieve this effect, both really expensive items and accessories are used, as well as budget ones, but looking impressive. It's impossible to overdo it here.

If the decision to decorate the room in the Arabic style is made even before the completion of the overhaul, then there are much more opportunities to style the room accordingly. You can not only limit yourself to the right furniture and textile decor, but also change the shape window openings, door arches, add to the interior of the column.

It is better to refuse classical strict forms.

The Arabic style in the interior involves the use of rounded shapes, lancet arches, atypical window arches, domed contours.

These can be both real structures and completed false arches. In the event that it is not possible to rebuild window and door openings, then lancet arches can be entered into the interior in the form of wall niches. Even shallow open recesses in the wall of this shape will give an oriental flavor.

Any columns will be very helpful. These could be real structural elements premises, and there may be decorative supports. They can be placed in the center of the room, along the wall, duplicating it. If the dimensions of the room do not allow the implementation of real full-size structures, you can limit yourself decorative imitation. A light bas-relief on the wall or just a textured element on the wall will look very harmonious.

Finishing of the main surfaces

The Arabic style in the interior does not imply boring and plain walls and surfaces in general. The only exception can be modern interiors, which are not completely decorated in the Arabic style, but only with a slight oriental accent. Then only a few elements and solutions typical for this style may be present in the room.

The classic Arabic interior suggests a very dense decorative coating. This applies to the choice of color, ornament for painting, placement of decorative elements.

  • The floor is traditionally laid out natural stone. IN modern conditions a special stylized tile is suitable for this. But in Russian conditions, the operation of stone floors turns out to be very uncomfortable, since our climatic conditions force us to protect ourselves more from the cold than to escape from the heat. Therefore, as an alternative, you can use parquet board and laminate. Moreover, it is worth considering the fact that most of the material you have chosen simply will not be visible under the carpets;

Walls can be designed in several ways:

  • Cover with wallpaper. In this case the main task- Choose a material with the appropriate pattern. It can be geometric ornaments combined with floral motifs. Bed tones and delicate colors are out of place here. Preference is given to dark red, burgundy, emerald green. All this combined with gold and ocher;
  • The walls can be covered with decorative plaster, painted and painted by hand. Then calligraphy can be added to the traditional geometric ornament: the Arabic script itself, lines from the Koran can become an excellent decoration for the walls;
  • Another way to decorate walls is to drape them with fabric. You can use fabric instead of wallpaper, sticking it on the walls, as well as a classic curtain solution. In this case, soft plentiful folds will make the room cozier and more mysterious.

The ceiling in the interior, decorated in Arabic style, is also not a simple white surface:

  • Interesting dome-shaped forms, imitation of a tent, a starry sky are acceptable here. Heavy look interesting dark ceilings, carved or stained glass.

Arabic style interior furnishings

Although there is a minimum of furniture used here, it is still present. The main player and the most voluminous item will be a sofa or even several sofas. Arabic style knows a lot about relaxation, so the furniture must be soft and comfortable.

Time in the east flows slowly. The day passes in half-sleep and bliss, and in the evening, with the onset of coolness, friends and acquaintances are already gathering for a quiet tea party and conversation. Therefore, the sofas here perform not a decorative, but a very utilitarian function. Just sitting on the couch is not enough - it should be comfortable to recline on it, lounging in pillows. It must be wide comfortable back and armrests and necessarily low. An alternative is an ottoman with lots of cushions.

The second most important is the table. Compared with traditional ideas about furniture, outwardly it looks more like a coffee table, but in terms of functionality and size it is in no way inferior to an ordinary dining table for big family. And the main task is to find a piece of furniture that successfully combines these two mutually exclusive requirements.

Pillows and pouffes should be singled out as independent pieces of furniture, because they completely replace the usual chairs and stools.

Precisely because most of the time is spent reclining, both sofas and tables are made low.

The Arabic style does not provide for traditional cabinets and storage areas in the interior. Niches covered with carved doors or curtains can become an alternative. Chests of drawers or cabinets may be present in the room, but rather as an exception. And they will carry not so much a functional as a decorative load. Furniture in the Arabic interior is also a work of art. Light and carved, with hand-painted or author's mosaics, complex texture.

Arabic-style bedroom: the bed is organically complemented by lightingArabic style in the design of the living room: a riot of colors and decor elementsEclectic living room with hints of Arabic style: low sofas, floor decorationsLight eclectic living room, the interior of which is designed in Arabic style

Decor elements in the Arabic interior

The room should not be empty horizontal surfaces, empty corners, open windows. The whole space is used as much as possible and decorated in accordance with the rule, the more the better.

Windows are necessarily draped with heavy hailstones. Along with dense and expensive fabric, fringe, cords and tassels are actively used. Bold and rich colors are a feature of the Arabic style.

You can repeat the texture of the curtains in decorative pillows. There should be so many of them that in addition to the curtain fabric, 5-7 more different solutions can be implemented. Everything is used here: from cold silk to expensive brocade. Do not forget that pillows are now located not only on sofas, but also on the floor. And ottomans also need a decent frame.

Carpets, like pillows and sofas, cannot be many in an Arab interior.

They can cover the entire surface of the floor, overlap each other, hang on the walls, cover sofas and even tables. The main rule is to use real handmade oriental carpets, not cheap fakes. It is the carpet that is the thing in the interior that cannot be saved on.

In the corners of the room can be located floor vases and jugs. These interior items must be handmade. In extreme cases, you can get by with factory ones, but always decorated by hand.

Various decorative items and trinkets can be placed on tables or directly on the floor. A hookah will decorate the central guest area, and carved backgammon and chess are perfect for remote corners of the living room and chillouts.

Arabic style in the interior of any room can fill the room with harmony and tranquility. To relax in a really cozy atmosphere is what everyone needs after a busy day at work: to meet and chat with friends, to be with family. And dim scattered warm light will create an atmosphere of romance and mystery of the East, which is so important for a bedroom decorated in Arabic style.