The smallest penis in the world. Vibrating strings of subatomic particles. The smallest chameleon

What may be large to some organisms may seem small to others. For humans, small can be anything from cells we can't see with the naked eye to miniature versions of big things we create with our own hands. So, we've put together a list that covers all of these little items. Here are the 10 smallest things that actually exist.


1. The smallest pistol.

The miniature SwissMiniGun C1ST revolver is no bigger than a key, but is capable of firing tiny bullets at speeds of over 450 km. at one o'clock. The first examples were made in 2005, are outlawed in the United States and cost around $6,200.

2. The smallest populated city.

Barry Drummond is the only resident of Cass, New Zealand, a railway town in the Selwyn region. However, he is hardly alone, as curious tourists constantly stop by to visit the isolated stop. As a result, Drummond added a miniature golf course and bowling alley to attract more visitors to brighten up his company.

3. The smallest vertebrate.

In 2012, researchers from Papua New Guinea discovered a frog measuring 6.8 mm in length, making it the world's smallest vertebrate. Her name is Paedophryne amauensis , and she was discovered while recording the voices of frogs and after an unfamiliar sound that sounded more like an insect. They were found in the leaves of a tree line, where they were well camouflaged, and became the first non-fish to earn the title of the world's smallest vertebrate.

4. The most small man.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Chandra Bahadur Dangi from Nepal was 55 cm tall, making him the world's smallest person to ever live. He died in 2015 at the age of 75. The title then went to Hagendra Thapa Magar from Nepal, who is 63.01 cm tall.

5. The smallest living organism.
6. The smallest bodybuilder.

At just 84 cm tall and weighing 9.5 kg, Aditya "Romeo" Dev from India has become the smallest bodybuilder in the world. He retained this title until his death in 2012.

7. The smallest prison.

Sark Prison, found in the Channel Islands between England and France, was built as a girls' school in 1841 and was converted into a small prison in 1856.

8. Small house.

Most little house in the world is the title given to the Airbnb lime green mobile home you can rent for $55 a night in Boston. Built by artist Jeff W. Smith, the house is on wheels and contains a stove and toilet, although there is no electricity. Smith delivers it wherever you like, as long as the landowners allow it. 10. The smallest non-living organism.

Although there is still some debate about what is considered "living" and what is not, most biologists would not classify a virus as a living organism due to the fact that it cannot reproduce or metabolize on its own. However, a virus can be much smaller than any living organism, including bacteria. The smallest is a single DNA strand virus, porcine circovirus, which is only 17 nanometers across.

Incredible facts

People tend to pay attention to large objects that immediately attract our attention.

On the contrary, small things may go unnoticed, although this does not make them any less important.

Some of them we can see with the naked eye, others only with the help of a microscope, and there are those that can only be imagined theoretically.

Here's a collection of the world's smallest things, ranging from tiny toys, miniature animals and people to a hypothetical subatomic particle.

The smallest pistol in the world

The smallest revolver in the world SwissMiniGun it looks no bigger than a door key. However, looks can be deceiving, and the pistol, which is only 5.5 cm long and weighs just under 20 grams, can shoot at a speed of 122 m per second. This is enough to kill at close range.

The smallest bodybuilder in the world

According to the Guinness Book of Records Aditya "Romeo" Dev(Aditya “Romeo” Dev) from India was the smallest bodybuilder in the world. At just 84 cm tall and weighing 9 kg, he could lift 1.5 kg dumbbells and spent a lot of time improving his body. Unfortunately, he died in September 2012 due to a ruptured brain aneurysm.

The smallest lizard in the world

Kharaguan sphero ( Sphaerodactylus ariasae) is the smallest reptile in the world. Its length is only 16-18 mm and its weight is 0.2 grams. It lives in the Jaragua National Park in the Dominican Republic.

The smallest car in the world

At 59 kg, the Peel 50 is the smallest production car in the world. About 50 of these cars were produced in the early 1960s, and now only a few models remain. The car has two wheels in front and one in the back, and reaches a speed of 16 km per hour.

The smallest horse in the world

The smallest horse in the world named Einstein born in 2010 in Barnstead, New Hampshire, UK. At birth, she weighed less than a newborn baby (2.7 kg). Her height was 35 cm. Einstein does not suffer from dwarfism, but belongs to the Pinto horse breed.

Smallest country in the world

The Vatican is the smallest country in the world. This is a small state with an area of ​​only 0.44 square meters. km and a population of 836 people who are not permanent residents. The tiny country surrounds St. Peter's Basilica, the spiritual center of Roman Catholics. The Vatican itself is surrounded by Rome and Italy.

The smallest school in the world

Kalou School in Iran has been recognized by UNESCO as the smallest school in the world. In the village where the school is located, only 7 families live, with four children: two boys and two girls, who attend the school.

The smallest teapot in the world

The smallest teapot in the world was created by a famous ceramicist Wu Ruishen(Wu Ruishen) and it weighs only 1.4 grams.

The smallest mobile phone in the world

Modu phone is considered the smallest mobile phone in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records. With a thickness of 76 millimeters, it weighs only 39 grams. Its dimensions are 72 mm x 37 mm x 7.8 mm. Despite its tiny size, you can make calls, send SMS messages, play MP3s and take photos.

The smallest prison in the world

Sark Prison in the Channel Islands was built in 1856 and accommodates one cell for two prisoners.

The smallest monkey in the world

Pygmy marmosets, which live in the tropical rainforests of South America, are considered the tiniest monkeys in the world. An adult monkey weighs 110-140 grams and reaches a length of 15 cm. Although they have fairly sharp teeth and claws, they are relatively docile and popular as exotic pets.

The smallest post office in the world

The smallest postal service, WSPS (World's Smallest Postal Service) in San Francisco, USA, translates your letters into miniature form, so the recipient will have to read it with a magnifying glass.

The smallest frog in the world

frog species Paedophryne amauensis at 7.7 millimeters long, it is found only in Papua New Guinea, and is the tiniest frog and smallest vertebrate in the world.

The smallest house in the world

The smallest house in the world American company Tumbleweed by architect Jay Shafer is smaller than some people's toilets. Although this house is only 9 square meters. meters looks tiny, it holds everything you need: workplace, bedroom, bathroom with shower and toilet.

The smallest dog in the world

In terms of height, the smallest dog in the world according to the Guinness Book of Records is the dog Boo Boo– Chihuahua height 10.16 cm and weight 900 grams. She lives in Kentucky, USA.

In addition, it claims to be the smallest dog in the world. Maisie- a terrier from Poland with a height of only 7 cm and a length of 12 cm.

The smallest park in the world

Mill Ends Park in the city of Portland, Oregon, USA - this is the smallest park in the world with a diameter of only 60 cm. In a small circle located at the intersection of roads there is a butterfly pool, a small Ferris wheel and miniature statues.

The smallest fish in the world

Fish species Paedocypris progenetica from the carp family, found in peat bogs, grows to only 7.9 millimeters in length.

The smallest man in the world

72 year old Nepalese man Chandra Bahadur Dangi(Chandra Bahadur Dangi) with a height of 54.6 cm was recognized as the shortest person and man in the world.

The smallest woman in the world

The shortest woman in the world is Yoti Amge(Jyoti Amge) from India. On her 18th birthday, the girl, with a height of 62.8 cm, became the smallest woman in the world.

Smallest police station

This small phone booth in Carabella, Florida, USA is considered the smallest working police station.

The smallest baby in the world

In 2004 Rumaisa Rahman(Rumaisa Rahman) became the smallest newborn child. She was born at 25 weeks and weighed only 244 grams and was 24 cm tall. Her twin sister Hiba weighed almost twice as much - 566 grams and was 30 cm tall. Their mother suffered from severe pre-eclampsia, which can lead to giving birth to smaller children.

The smallest sculptures in the world

British sculptor Ullard Wigan(Willard Wigan), who suffered from dyslexia, did not excel academically and found solace in creating miniature works of art that are invisible to the naked eye. His sculptures are placed in the eye of a needle, reaching dimensions of 0.05 mm. His recent works, which are called nothing less than “the eighth wonder of the world,” do not exceed the size of a human blood cell.

The smallest teddy bear in the world

Mini Pooh Bear created by a German sculptor Bettina Kaminski(Bettina Kaminski) became the tiniest hand-sewn teddy bear with movable legs measuring just 5 mm.

The smallest bacterium

The smallest virus

Although there is still debate among scientists about what is considered “living” and what is not, most biologists do not classify viruses as living organisms because they cannot reproduce and are not capable of exchange outside the cell. However, a virus can be smaller than any living organism, including bacteria. The smallest single-stranded DNA virus is porcine cirocovirus ( Porcine circovirus). The diameter of its shell is only 17 nanometers.

The smallest objects visible to the naked eye

The smallest object visible to the naked eye is 1 millimeter in size. This means that, under the right conditions, you can see a common amoeba, a slipper ciliate, and even a human egg.

The smallest particle in the Universe

Over the last century, science has made huge strides towards understanding the vastness of the Universe and its microscopic building materials. However, when it comes to the smallest observable particle in the Universe, some difficulties arise.

At one time, the smallest particle was considered to be an atom. Then scientists discovered the proton, neutron and electron. Now we know that by smashing particles together (as in the Large Hadron Collider), they can be broken down into even more particles, such as quarks, leptons and even antimatter. The problem is only in determining what is less.

But at the quantum level, size becomes irrelevant, since the laws of physics to which we are accustomed do not apply. So some particles have no mass, some have negative mass. The solution to this question is the same as dividing by zero, that is, it is impossible.

The smallest hypothetical object in the Universe

Considering what was said above that the concept of size is inapplicable at the quantum level, we can turn to the well-known string theory in physics.

Although this is a rather controversial theory, it suggests that subatomic particles are composed of vibrating strings, which interact to create things like mass and energy. And although such strings do not have physical parameters, the human tendency to justify everything leads us to the conclusion that these are the smallest objects in the Universe.

The world and science never stand still. Just recently, physics textbooks confidently wrote that the electron is the smallest particle. Then mesons became the smallest particles, then bosons. And now science has discovered a new the smallest particle in the universe- Planck black hole. True, it is still open only in theory. This particle is classified as a black hole because its gravitational radius is greater than or equal to the wavelength. Of all the existing black holes, Planck's is the smallest.

Too much little time the life of these particles cannot make their practical detection possible. At least for now. And they are formed, as is commonly believed, as a result of nuclear reactions. But it is not only the lifetime of Planck black holes that prevents their detection. Now, unfortunately, this is impossible from a technical point of view. In order to synthesize Planck black holes, an energy accelerator of more than a thousand electron volts is needed.


Despite the hypothetical existence of this smallest particle in the Universe, its practical discovery in the future is quite possible. After all, not so long ago, the legendary Higgs boson could not be discovered either. It was for its discovery that an installation was created that only the laziest inhabitant on Earth has not heard of - the Large Hadron Collider. The scientists' confidence in the success of these studies helped achieve a sensational result. The Higgs boson is currently the smallest particle whose existence has been practically proven. Its discovery is very important for science; it allowed all particles to acquire mass. And if particles had no mass, the universe could not exist. Not a single substance could be formed in it.

Despite the practically proven existence of this particle, the Higgs boson, practical applications for it have not yet been invented. For now this is just theoretical knowledge. But in the future everything is possible. Not all discoveries in the field of physics immediately had practical application. Nobody knows what will happen in a hundred years. After all, as mentioned earlier, the world and science never stand still.

What do we know about particles smaller than an atom? And what is the smallest particle in the Universe?

The world around us... Who among us has not admired his enchanting beauty? Its bottomless night sky, strewn with billions of twinkling mysterious stars and the warmth of its gentle sunlight. Emerald fields and forests, stormy rivers and vast expanses of sea. Sparkling peaks of majestic mountains and lush alpine meadows. Morning dew and nightingale trill at dawn. A fragrant rose and the quiet murmur of a stream. A blazing sunset and the gentle rustle of a birch grove...

Is it possible to think of anything more beautiful than the world around us?! More powerful and impressive? And, at the same time, more fragile and tender? All this is the world where we breathe, love, rejoice, rejoice, suffer and are sad... All this is our world. The world in which we live, which we feel, which we see and which we at least somehow understand.

However, it is much more diverse and complex than it might seem at first glance. We know that lush meadows would not have appeared without the fantastic riot of an endless round dance of flexible green blades of grass, lush trees dressed in an emerald robe - without a great many leaves on their branches, and golden beaches - without numerous sparkling grains of sand crunching under bare feet in the summer rays. gentle sun. The big always consists of the small. Small - from even smaller. And there is probably no limit to this sequence.

Therefore, blades of grass and grains of sand, in turn, consist of molecules that are formed from atoms. Atoms, as we know, contain elementary particles - electrons, protons and neutrons. But they are also not considered to be the final authority. Modern science claims that protons and neutrons, for example, consist of hypothetical energy bunches - quarks. There is an assumption that there is an even smaller particle - a preon, still invisible, unknown, but assumed.

The world of molecules, atoms, electrons, protons, neutrons, photons, etc. usually called microcosm. He is the basis macrocosm- the human world and quantities commensurate with it on our planet and megaworld- the world of stars, galaxies, the Universe and Space. All these worlds are interconnected and do not exist one without the other.

We already got acquainted with the megaworld in the report on our first expedition “Breath of the Universe. First Journey" and we already have an idea of ​​distant galaxies and the Universe. On that perilous journey, we discovered the world of dark matter and dark energy, plumbed the depths of black holes, reached the peaks of brilliant quasars, and miraculously escaped the Big Bang and no less the Big Crunch. The universe appeared before us in all its beauty and grandeur. During our journey, we realized that stars and galaxies did not appear on their own, but were painstakingly, over billions of years, formed from particles and atoms.

It is particles and atoms that make up the entire world around us. It is they, in their countless and diverse combinations, that can appear before us, either in the form of a beautiful Dutch rose, or in the form of a harsh heap of Tibetan rocks. Everything we see consists of these mysterious representatives of the mysterious microworld. Why “mysterious” and why “mysterious”? Because humanity, unfortunately, still knows very, very little about this world and its representatives.

Modern science about the microcosm cannot be imagined without mentioning the electron, proton or neutron. In any reference material on physics or chemistry, we will find their mass accurate to the ninth decimal place, their electric charge, lifetime, etc. For example, according to these reference books, an electron has a mass of 9.10938291(40) x 10 -31 kg, an electric charge of minus 1.602176565(35) x 10 -19 C, a lifetime of infinity or at least 4.6 x 10 26 years (Wikipedia).

The accuracy of determining the electron parameters is impressive, and pride in scientific achievements civilization fills our hearts! True, at the same time some doubts creep in, which, no matter how hard you try, you can’t quite get rid of. Determining the mass of an electron equal to one billion - billion - billionth of a kilogram, and even weighing it to the ninth decimal place, is, I believe, not at all an easy matter, just like measuring the lifetime of an electron at 4,600,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 000 years.

Moreover, no one has ever seen this very electron. The most modern microscopes allow you to see only the electron cloud around the nucleus of an atom, within which, as scientists believe, the electron moves at enormous speed (Fig. 1). We do not yet know exactly the size of the electron, nor its shape, nor the speed of its rotation. In reality, we know very little about the electron, as well as about the proton and neutron. We can only speculate and guess. Unfortunately, today this is all we can do.

Rice. 1. Photograph of electron clouds taken by physicists at the Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology in September 2009

But an electron or a proton are the smallest elementary particles that make up an atom of any substance. And if our technical means of studying the microworld do not yet allow us to see particles and atoms, maybe we’ll start with something else O greater and more known? For example, from a molecule! It consists of atoms. A molecule is a larger and more understandable object, which is likely to be studied more deeply.

Unfortunately, I have to disappoint you again. Molecules are understandable to us only on paper in the form of abstract formulas and drawings of their supposed structure. We also cannot yet obtain a clear image of a molecule with pronounced bonds between atoms.

In August 2009, using atomic force microscopy technology, European researchers for the first time managed to image the structure of a fairly large pentacene molecule (C 22 H 14). The most modern technology made it possible to discern only five rings that determine the structure of this hydrocarbon, as well as spots of individual carbon and hydrogen atoms (Fig. 2). And that’s all we can do for now...

Rice. 2. Structural representation of the pentacene molecule (top)

and her photo (below)

On the one hand, the photographs obtained allow us to assert that the path chosen by chemist scientists, describing the composition and structure of molecules, is no longer subject to doubt, but, on the other hand, we can only guess about

How, after all, does the connection of atoms in a molecule and elementary particles in an atom occur? Why are these atomic and molecular bonds stable? How are they formed, what forces support them? What do an electron, proton or neutron look like? What is their structure? What is an atomic nucleus? How do a proton and a neutron coexist in the same space and why do they reject an electron from it?

There are a lot of questions of this kind. Answers too. True, many answers are based only on assumptions that give rise to new questions.

My first attempts to penetrate the secrets of the microworld came across a rather superficial presentation by modern science of much fundamental knowledge about the structure of microworld objects, the principles of their functioning, the systems of their interconnections and relationships. It turned out that humanity still does not clearly understand how the nucleus of an atom and its constituent particles - electrons, protons and neutrons - are structured. We only have general ideas about what actually happens in the process of fission of the atomic nucleus, what events can occur during the long course of this process.

The study of nuclear reactions was limited to observing processes and establishing certain cause-and-effect relationships derived experimentally. Researchers have learned to determine only behavior of certain particles under one or another influence. That's all! Without understanding their structure, without revealing the mechanisms of interaction! Only behavior! Based on this behavior, the dependencies of certain parameters were determined and, for greater importance, these experimental data were put into multi-level mathematical formulas. That's the whole theory!

Unfortunately, this was enough to bravely begin construction. nuclear power plants, various accelerators, colliders and the creation of nuclear bombs. Having received primary knowledge about nuclear processes, humanity immediately entered into an unprecedented race for the possession of powerful energy under its control.

The number of countries armed with nuclear potential grew by leaps and bounds. Nuclear missiles in huge numbers glanced menacingly towards their unfriendly neighbors. Nuclear power plants began to appear, continuously producing cheap electrical energy. Huge amounts of money were spent on nuclear development of more and more new designs. Science, trying to look inside the atomic nucleus, intensively built ultra-modern particle accelerators.

However, the matter did not reach the structure of the atom and its nucleus. The passion for searching for more and more new particles and the pursuit of Nobel regalia has pushed into the background a deep study of the structure of the atomic nucleus and the particles included in it.

But superficial knowledge about nuclear processes immediately manifested itself negatively during the operation of nuclear reactors and provoked the occurrence of spontaneous nuclear chain reactions in a number of situations.

This list shows the dates and locations of spontaneous nuclear reactions:

08/21/1945. USA, Los Alamos National Laboratory.

05/21/1946. USA, Los Alamos National Laboratory.

03/15/1953. USSR, Chelyabinsk-65, PA "Mayak".

04/21/1953. USSR, Chelyabinsk-65, PA "Mayak".

06/16/1958. USA, Oak Ridge, Radiochemical Plant Y-12.

10/15/1958. Yugoslavia, B. Kidrich Institute.

12/30/1958. USA, Los Alamos National Laboratory.

01/03/1963. USSR, Tomsk-7, Siberian Chemical Plant.

07/23/1964. USA, Woodreaver, Radiochemical Plant.

12/30/1965. Belgium, Mol.

03/05/1968. USSR, Chelyabinsk-70, VNIITF.

12/10/1968. USSR, Chelyabinsk-65, PA "Mayak".

05/26/1971. USSR, Moscow, Institute of Atomic Energy.

12/13/1978. USSR, Tomsk-7, Siberian Chemical Plant.

09/23/1983. Argentina, RA-2 reactor.

05/15/1997. Russia, Novosibirsk, chemical concentrates plant.

06/17/1997. Russia, Sarov, VNIIEF.

09.30.1999. Japan, Tokaimura, Nuclear Fuel Plant.

To this list it is necessary to add numerous accidents with air and underwater carriers of nuclear weapons, incidents at nuclear fuel cycle enterprises, emergencies at nuclear power plants, emergencies during testing of nuclear and thermonuclear bombs. The tragedies of Chernobyl and Fukushima will forever remain in our memory. Behind these disasters and emergency situations, thousands dead people. And this makes you think very seriously.

Just the thought of operating nuclear power plants, which can instantly turn the whole world into a continuous radioactive zone, is terrifying. Unfortunately, these fears are well founded. First of all, the fact that the creators of nuclear reactors in their work used not fundamental knowledge, but a statement of certain mathematical dependencies and behavior of particles, on the basis of which a dangerous nuclear structure was built. For scientists, nuclear reactions are still a kind of “black box” that works, provided that certain actions and requirements are fulfilled.

However, if something begins to happen in this “box” and this “something” is not described in the instructions and goes beyond the scope of the acquired knowledge, then we, apart from our own heroism and non-intellectual work, cannot oppose anything to the unfolding nuclear disaster. Masses of people are forced to simply humbly await the impending danger, prepare for terrible and incomprehensible consequences, moving to a safe distance, in their opinion. Nuclear specialists in most cases just shrug their shoulders, praying and waiting for help from higher powers.

Japanese nuclear scientists, armed with the most modern technology, still cannot curb the long-de-energized nuclear power plant in Fukushima. They can only state that on October 18, 2013, the level of radiation in groundwater exceeded the norm by more than 2,500 times. A day later, the level of radioactive substances in the water increased almost 12,000 times! Why?! Japanese experts cannot yet answer this question or stop these processes.

The risk of creating an atomic bomb was still somehow justified. The tense military-political situation on the planet required unprecedented measures of defense and attack from the warring countries. Submitting to the situation, nuclear researchers took risks without delving into the intricacies of the structure and functioning of elementary particles and atomic nuclei.

However, in peacetime, the construction of nuclear power plants and colliders of all types had to begin only on condition, What Science has completely understood the structure of the atomic nucleus, the electron, the neutron, the proton, and their relationships. Moreover, at nuclear power plants the nuclear reaction must be strictly controlled. But you can really and effectively manage only what you know thoroughly. Especially if it concerns the most powerful type of energy today, which is not at all easy to curb. This, of course, does not happen. Not only during the construction of nuclear power plants.

Currently, in Russia, China, the USA and Europe there are 6 different colliders - powerful accelerators of counter flows of particles that accelerate them to enormous speeds, giving the particles high kinetic energy, in order to then collide them with each other. The purpose of the collision is to study the products of particle collisions in the hope that in the process of their decay it will be possible to see something new and hitherto unknown.

It is clear that researchers are very interested to see what will come of all this. The speed of particle collisions and the level of allocation of scientific research are growing, but knowledge about the structure of what collides has remained at the same level for many, many years. There are still no substantiated forecasts about the results of planned studies, and there cannot be. Not by chance. We understand perfectly well that scientific forecasting is possible only if we have accurate and verified knowledge of at least the details of the predicted process. Modern science does not yet have such knowledge about elementary particles. In this case, we can assume that the main principle of existing research methods is the proposition: “Let’s try it and see what happens.” Unfortunately.

Therefore, it is quite natural that today issues related to the dangers of experiments are being discussed more and more often. It’s not even a question of the possibility of microscopic black holes arising during experiments, which, growing, can devour our planet. I don’t really believe in such a possibility, at least at today’s level and stage of my intellectual development.

But there is a deeper and more real danger. For example, in the Large Hadron Collider, streams of protons or lead ions collide in various configurations. It would seem, what threat can come from a microscopic particle, and even underground, in a tunnel encased in powerful metal and concrete protection? A particle weighing 1,672,621,777(74) x 10 -27 kg and a solid, multi-ton, more than 26-kilometer tunnel in the thickness of heavy soil are clearly incomparable categories.

However, the threat exists. When conducting experiments, it is likely that an uncontrolled release of a huge amount of energy will occur, which will appear not only as a result of the rupture of intranuclear forces, but also the energy located inside protons or lead ions. Nuclear explosion of a modern ballistic missile, based on the release of the intranuclear energy of an atom, will seem no worse than a New Year's cracker in comparison with the powerful energy that can be released during the destruction of elementary particles. Quite unexpectedly, we can let the fairy genie out of the bottle. But not that flexible, good-natured and jack-of-all-trades who only listens and obeys, but an uncontrollable, all-powerful and ruthless monster who knows no mercy and mercy. And it will not be fabulous, but quite real.

But the worst thing is that, as in nuclear bomb, a chain reaction can begin in the collider, releasing more and more portions of energy and destroying all other elementary particles. At the same time, it doesn’t matter at all what they will consist of - metal constructions tunnel, concrete walls or rocks. Energy will be released everywhere, tearing apart everything that is connected not only with our civilization, but with the entire planet. In an instant, only pitiful, shapeless shreds may remain of our sweet blue beauty, scattering across the great and vast expanses of the Universe.

This is, of course, a terrible, but very real scenario, and many Europeans today understand this very well and actively oppose dangerous unpredictable experiments, demanding to ensure the safety of the planet and civilization. Each time these speeches are more and more organized and increase internal concern about the current situation.

I am not against experiments, because I understand perfectly well that the path to new knowledge is always thorny and difficult. It is almost impossible to overcome it without experimentation. However, I am deeply convinced that every experiment should be carried out only if it is safe for people and the environment. Today we have no confidence in such security. No, because there is no knowledge about those particles with which we are already experimenting today.

The situation turned out to be much more alarming than I had previously imagined. Seriously worried, I plunged headlong into the world of knowledge about the microcosm. I admit, this did not give me much pleasure, since in the developed theories of the microworld it was difficult to grasp a clear relationship between natural phenomena and the conclusions on which some scientists were based, using the theoretical principles of quantum physics, quantum mechanics and the theory of elementary particles as a research apparatus.

Imagine my amazement when I suddenly discovered that knowledge about the microworld is based more on assumptions that do not have clear logical justifications. Having saturated, mathematical models certain conventions in the form of Planck’s constant with a constant exceeding thirty zeros after the decimal point, various prohibitions and postulates, theorists, however, described in sufficient detail and accurately A Are there practical situations that answer the question: “What will happen if...?” However, the main question: “Why is this happening?”, unfortunately, remained unanswered.

It seemed to me that understanding the boundless Universe and its very distant galaxies, spread over fantastically vast distances, is much more difficult than finding a path of knowledge to what, in fact, “lies under our feet.” Based on the foundation of your average and higher education, I sincerely believed that our civilization no longer has questions about the structure of the atom and its nucleus, or about elementary particles and their structure, or about the forces that hold the electron in orbit and maintain a stable connection between protons and neutrons in the nucleus of the atom.

Until that moment, I had not had to study the basics of quantum physics, but I was confident and naively assumed that this new physics and is what will truly lead us out of the darkness of misunderstanding of the microworld.

But, to my deep chagrin, I was mistaken. Modern quantum physics, the physics of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles, and the entire physics of the microworld, in my opinion, are not just in a deplorable state. They have been stuck for a long time in an intellectual dead end, which cannot allow them to develop and improve, moving along the path of knowledge of the atom and elementary particles.

Researchers of the microworld, strictly limited by the established unshakable opinions of the great theorists of the 19th and 20th centuries, have not dared for more than a hundred years to return to their roots and again begin the difficult path of research into the depths of our surrounding world. My critical view of the current situation around the study of the microworld is far from the only one. Many progressive researchers and theorists have more than once expressed their views on the problems that arise in the course of understanding the fundamentals of the theory of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles, quantum physics and quantum mechanics.

An analysis of modern theoretical quantum physics allows us to draw a definite conclusion that the essence of the theory lies in the mathematical representation of certain average values ​​of particles and atoms, based on indicators of certain mechanistic statistics. The main thing in the theory is not the study of elementary particles, their structure, their connections and interactions in the manifestation of certain natural phenomena, but simplified probabilistic mathematical models based on dependencies obtained during experiments.

Unfortunately, here, as well as during the development of the theory of relativity, the derived mathematical dependencies were put in first place, which overshadowed the nature of the phenomena, their interconnection and the reasons for their occurrence.

The study of the structure of elementary particles was limited to the assumption of the presence in protons and neutrons of three hypothetical quarks, the varieties of which, as this theoretical assumption developed, changed from two, then three, four, six, twelve... Science simply adjusted to the results of experiments, forced to invent new elements whose existence still not proven. Here we can hear about preons and gravitons that have not yet been found. You can be sure that the number of hypothetical particles will continue to grow as the science of the microworld goes deeper and deeper into a dead end.

The lack of understanding of the physical processes occurring inside elementary particles and atomic nuclei, the mechanism of interaction of systems and elements of the microworld, brought into the arena of modern science hypothetical elements - carriers of interaction - such as gauge and vector bosons, gluons, virtual photons. They are the ones who top the list of entities responsible for the processes of interaction of some particles with others. And it doesn’t matter that even their indirect signs have not been detected. It is important that they can at least somehow be held responsible for the fact that the nucleus of an atom does not fall apart into its components, that the Moon does not fall on the Earth, that electrons still rotate in their orbit, and that the planet’s magnetic field still protects us from cosmic influences .

All this made me sad, because the more I delved into the theories of the microworld, the more my understanding of the dead-end development of the most important component of the theory of the structure of the world grew. The position of today's science about the microcosm is not accidental, but natural. The fact is that the foundations of quantum physics were laid by the laureates Nobel Prizes Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Niels Bohr, Erwin Schrödinger, Wolfgang Pauli and Paul Dirac in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Physicists at that time had only the results of some initial experiments aimed at studying atoms and elementary particles. However, it must be admitted that these studies were carried out on imperfect equipment corresponding to that time, and the experimental database was just beginning to be filled.

Therefore, it is not surprising that classical physics could not always answer the numerous questions that arose during the study of the microworld. Therefore, at the beginning of the twentieth century, the scientific world started talking about the crisis of physics and the need for revolutionary changes in the system of microworld research. This situation definitely pushed progressive theoretical scientists to search for new ways and new methods of understanding the microworld.

The problem, we must pay tribute, was not in the outdated provisions of classical physics, but in an insufficiently developed technical base, which at that time, quite understandably, could not provide the necessary research results and provide food for deeper theoretical developments. The gap needed to be filled. And it was filled. A new theory - quantum physics, based primarily on probabilistic mathematical concepts. There was nothing wrong with this, except that, at the same time, they forgot philosophy and broke away from the real world.

Classical ideas about the atom, electron, proton, neutron, etc. were replaced by their probabilistic models, which corresponded to a certain level of scientific development and even made it possible to solve very complex applied engineering problems. Lack of necessary technical base and some successes in the theoretical and experimental representation of the elements and systems of the microworld created the conditions for a certain cooling of the scientific world towards a deep study of the structure of elementary particles, atoms and their nuclei. Moreover, the crisis in the physics of the microworld seemed to have been extinguished, a revolution had occurred. The scientific community eagerly rushed to study quantum physics, without bothering to understand the basics of elementary and fundamental particles.

Naturally, this state of modern science about the microworld could not help but excite me, and I immediately began to prepare for a new expedition, for a new journey. To a journey into the microworld. We have already made a similar trip. This was the first journey into the world of galaxies, stars and quasars, into the world of dark matter and dark energy, into the world where our Universe is born and lives a full life. In his report “Breath of the Universe. First trip“We tried to understand the structure of the Universe and the processes that occur in it.

Realizing that the second journey would also not be easy and would require billions of trillions of times to reduce the scale of space in which I would have to study the world around me, I began to prepare to penetrate not only into the structure of an atom or molecule, but also into the depths of the electron and proton, neutron and photon, and in volumes millions of times smaller than the volumes of these particles. This required special training, new knowledge and advanced equipment.

The upcoming journey involved starting from the very beginning of the creation of our world, and it was this beginning that was the most dangerous and with the most unpredictable outcome. But it depended on our expedition whether we would find a way out of the current situation in the science of the microworld or whether we would remain balancing on the shaky rope bridge of modern nuclear power, every second putting life and the existence of civilization on the planet in mortal danger.

The thing is that in order to know the initial results of our research, it was necessary to get to the black hole of the Universe and, neglecting the sense of self-preservation, rush into the burning hell of the universal tunnel. Only there, in conditions of ultra-high temperatures and fantastic pressure, carefully moving in rapidly rotating flows of material particles, could we see how the annihilation of particles and antiparticles occurs and how the great and powerful ancestor of all things - Ether - is reborn, understand all the processes taking place, including the formation of particles , atoms and molecules.

Believe me, there are not many daredevils on Earth who can decide to do this. Moreover, the result is not guaranteed by anyone and no one is ready to take responsibility for the successful outcome of this journey. During the existence of civilization, no one has even visited the black hole of the galaxy, but here - UNIVERSE! Everything here is grown-up, grandiose and cosmically scaled. No joke here. Here, in an instant, they can turn the human body into a microscopic hot energy clot or scatter it across the endless cold expanses of space without the right of restoration and reunification. This is the Universe! Huge and majestic, cold and hot, endless and mysterious...

Therefore, inviting everyone to join our expedition, I have to warn that if anyone has doubts, it is not too late to refuse. Any reasons are accepted. We are fully aware of the magnitude of the danger, but we are ready to courageously confront it at all costs! We are preparing to dive into the depths of the Universe.

It is clear that protecting yourself and staying alive while plunging into a red-hot universal tunnel filled with powerful explosions and nuclear reactions is far from easy, and our equipment must correspond to the conditions in which we will have to work. Therefore, it is imperative to prepare the best equipment and carefully consider the equipment for all participants in this dangerous expedition.

First of all, on our second trip we will take what allowed us to overcome a very difficult path across the expanses of the Universe when we were working on the report on our expedition “Breath of the Universe. The first journey." Of course it is laws of the world. Without their use, our first journey could hardly have ended successfully. It was the laws that made it possible to find the right path among the accumulation of incomprehensible phenomena and the dubious conclusions of researchers to explain them.

If you remember, law of balance of opposites, predetermining that in the world any manifestation of reality, any system has its opposite essence and is or strives to be in balance with it, allowed us to understand and accept the presence in the world around us, in addition to ordinary energy, also of dark energy, and also, in addition to ordinary matter, dark matter. The law of balance of opposites made it possible to assume that the world not only consists of ether, but also ether consists of two types of it - positive and negative.

Law of Universal Interconnection, implying a stable, repeating connection between all objects, processes and systems in the Universe, regardless of their scale, and law of hierarchy, ordering the levels of any system in the Universe from lowest to highest, made it possible to build a logical “ladder of beings” from ether, particles, atoms, substances, stars and galaxies to the Universe. And, then, find ways to transform an incredibly huge number of galaxies, stars, planets and other material objects, first into particles, and then into streams of hot ether.

We found confirmation of these views in action. law of development, which determines the evolutionary movement in all spheres of the world around us. Through analysis of the action of these laws, we came to a description of the form and understanding of the structure of the Universe, we learned the evolution of galaxies, and saw the mechanisms of the formation of particles and atoms, stars and planets. It became completely clear to us how the big is formed from the small, and the small from the big.

Only understanding law of continuity of motion, which interprets the objective necessity of the process of constant movement in space for all objects and systems without exception, allowed us to realize the rotation of the core of the Universe and galaxies around the universal tunnel.

The laws of the structure of the world were a kind of map of our journey, which helped us move along the route and overcome its most difficult sections and obstacles encountered on the way to understanding the world. Therefore, the laws of the structure of the world will be the most important attribute of our equipment on this journey into the depths of the Universe.

Second an important condition success in penetrating the depths of the Universe will certainly be experimental results scientists they carried out for more than a hundred years, and all stock of knowledge and information about phenomena microworld accumulated by modern science. During our first trip, we became convinced that many natural phenomena can be interpreted in different ways and completely opposite conclusions drawn.

Incorrect conclusions, supported by cumbersome mathematical formulas, as a rule, lead science to a dead end and do not provide the necessary development. They lay the foundation for further erroneous thinking, which, in turn, shapes the theoretical positions of the erroneous theories being developed. It's not about formulas. Formulas can be absolutely correct. But the decisions of researchers about how and along what path to advance may not be entirely correct.

The situation can be compared to the desire to get from Paris to the airport named after Charles De Gaulle along two roads. The first is the shortest, which can take no more than half an hour, using only a car, and the second is exactly the opposite, around the world by car, ship, special equipment, boats, dog sleds across France, the Atlantic, South America, Antarctica, Pacific Ocean, the Arctic and finally through north-east France straight to the airport. Both roads will lead us from one point to the same place. But over what time and with what effort? Yes, and maintaining accuracy and reaching your destination during a long and difficult journey is very problematic. Therefore, not only the process of movement is important, but also the choice of the right path.

On our journey, just like in the first expedition, we will try to take a slightly different look at the conclusions about the microworld that have already been made and accepted by the entire scientific world. First of all, in relation to the knowledge gained from the study of elementary particles, nuclear reactions and existing interactions. It is quite possible that as a result of our immersion into the depths of the Universe, the electron will appear before us not as a structureless particle, but as some more complex object of the microworld, and the nucleus of the atom will reveal its diverse structure, living its own unusual and active life.

Let's not forget to take logic with us. She allowed us to find our way in the most difficult places of our last journey. Logics was a kind of compass, indicating the direction of the right path when traveling across the expanses of the Universe. It is clear that even now we cannot do without it.

However, logic alone will clearly not be enough. On this expedition we cannot do without intuition. Intuition will allow us to find something that we cannot even guess about yet, and where no one has looked for anything before us. It is intuition that is our wonderful assistant, to whose voice we will listen carefully. Intuition will force us to move, regardless of rain and cold, snow and frost, without firm hope and clear information, but it is precisely this that will allow us to achieve our goal contrary to all the rules and guidelines to which all of humanity has become accustomed since school.

Finally, we can't go anywhere without our unbridled imagination. Imagination- this is the knowledge tool we need, which will allow us, without the most modern microscopes, to see what is much smaller than the smallest particles already discovered or only assumed by researchers. The imagination will demonstrate to us all the processes occurring in a black hole and in the universal tunnel, provide the mechanisms for the emergence of gravitational forces during the formation of particles and atoms, guide us through the galleries of the atomic nucleus and give us the opportunity to make a fascinating flight on a light rotating electron around a solid, but clumsy company of protons and neutrons in the atomic nucleus.

Unfortunately, we won’t be able to take anything else on this journey into the depths of the Universe - there is very little space and we have to limit ourselves even to the most necessary things. But that can't stop us! The goal is clear to us! The depths of the Universe await us!