Homemade phone stand. How to make a stand for a phone or smartphone at home. DIY mobile phone stand

The mobile phone has become an invariable attribute modern man. And on the road, at home, and on the desktop, a useful gadget is given the main place, otherwise “what if someone calls, but I don’t hear/see.” For convenient placement Cell phones on the table were invented by stands. You can buy them in the store, or you can make them yourself from scrap materials. Even the most useless at first glance “unnecessary garbage”, like cardboard packaging for dairy products or a long-used CD cover, can be useful in your work.

Cardboard stand

The first option is to make a mobile stand out of cardboard. This does not have to be a solid piece of material; you can take a used small-volume milk carton (0.5 ml). There is no need to glue anything: you only need scissors.

The box must be thoroughly washed, crumpled and the bottom cut off. Then cut it along the folds.

The work will require a central part in the shape of two rectangles. There is a fold between them. It needs to be cut and folded outside inward, pressing the bend with one hand.

Starting from the opposite end, from the bottom, you need to cut out a shape that resembles the letter “T”. It is narrowed at the top, but has a beveled corner.

When the figure is unfolded, the bottom edges become where the phone sits. It rests on the central edge. The budget stand is ready!

CD cover stand

Surely everyone has a couple of DVDs lying around their house. One of the unnecessary covers can be turned into a stand for your mobile phone.

To do this, the cover must be cut in half. Then cut off all the holes and rivets so that only a smooth rectangle with two curved corners at the ends remains.

The plate must be clamped with tweezers or pliers and placed in boiling water. This will make the plastic soft and pliable.

Holding the plate with pliers or any other tool, it must be bent so that one of the corner ends does not reach the other slightly. 2-3 cm is enough; the phone will be located in this space. One of the corners is glued to the surface. The result is an interesting and light stand. The device can be placed on it both vertically and horizontally!

Paper clip stand

Mobile phone stand made from paper clips – interesting thing, which can be done in 2 minutes. To do this, you need a large, massive paper clip, which you just need to straighten correctly!

To begin, the wire is completely straightened into a line. Then you need to pinch it and bend it again:

  1. Bend in the shape of a tick - U.
  2. Bend both ends at an angle of 90 ° C, starting approximately in the middle.
  3. Bend the ends of each end slightly.

Thus, an ordinary paper clip turned into a laconic stand. The phone lies horizontally on it.

Stand made from toilet paper roll

As good as a sleeve from a used roll toilet paper, enough in every home! Don’t rush to throw away the cardboard form – it can be turned into a mobile phone stand in a matter of minutes.

All that is required is to correctly cut part of the sleeve at an angle. There should be a small piece of cardboard left in front to create a stop. Such a stand will not be able to accommodate a phone that is too tall, but standard size“fits” perfectly.

If desired, the stand can be decorated: painted, wrapped in fabric or covered with paper for gifts. And no one will believe that it was once part of a toilet roll.

all the work step by step


When working with familiar things, it is important to give free rein to your imagination: try it on, think, experiment. Then stands for mobile phones will appear in the house regularly - and always different and interesting!

In the world modern technologies it's hard to imagine a person who doesn't have mobile phone. With the entry of gadgets into our lives, accessories also appeared...

From Masterweb

30.05.2017 20:57

In the world of modern technology, it is difficult to imagine a person who does not have a mobile phone. With the entry of gadgets into our lives, accessories also appeared, of which there are a huge variety on store shelves and on the Internet. Often, a regular holder, case and other things to add character and style to a mobile device are far from cheap. Therefore, a do-it-yourself phone stand is perfect solution for each.

Making an accessory is not at all difficult. To carry out the mission, all you need is materials, time and desire. There are many variations and techniques to help everyone do what they like best. So you should turn on your imagination and use all your ideas.

What can you use to make a stand for a mobile phone?

Making something yourself provides great opportunities for creativity. A DIY phone stand can be made from the following materials:
    paper; wood; plastic; gypsum; any natural materials.
In general, you can use all the materials that are at hand. The more intricate accessories there are, the more interesting the mobile phone stand will be. You can make the most incredible accessories with your own hands that are not even on store shelves. Therefore, it is worth taking note of this option.

DIY paper phone stand

It would seem that what can be made from ordinary sheets of paper? This material would actually make a great phone stand. It’s not at all difficult to create it with your own hands. To get started, you need to prepare the following items:
    colorful paper or white paper, which will then be decorated; multi-colored gouache, watercolor or acrylic paint; glue; ruler for measurements; simple pencil; scissors; various decorative ornaments, which will be appropriate, should also be kept on hand.

Right organized space will help you create your own phone stand in a matter of minutes. Consequently, the one who embodied it will have a great opportunity become the owner of a beautiful and convenient mobile accessory.
    First you need to figure out what shape the stand will be. Then you need to draw templates on a piece of paper required sizes.The elements for the product are cut out from them. Then carefully, according to a diagram that was previously drawn or printed from some site, we glue the necessary parts. After this, you should wait until all the elements are fixed. The next step is to connect the individual parts together. Let All fasteners are dry. After this, you can start decorating the product. At this stage, you can use various sparkles, buttons, beads and other small beautiful elements. After decoration, the phone stand can be considered ready. We created a masterpiece with our own hands. With the advent of such a device, there will never be a problem with finding a mobile phone, because it will always be in its place.

DIY wooden phone stand

There are a lot of options using which you can turn any idea into reality. Why is a wooden holder better? A phone stand made of this material competes with paper products. Wood is stronger, more stable and more durable. Truth to do wooden stand, you can’t get by with sketches and ideas alone. In this case you will also need:
    special equipment; skills; ability to work with wood.
Before you make a phone stand with your own hands, you should analyze your actions. If you have never worked with wood before, then it is better to rely on a paper phone holder. And if you have experience, then for work you need to prepare:
    the wood from which the structure will be constructed; tools for working with wood; a diagram of the product; a felt-tip pen that can be used to draw on wood; a ruler; glue; accessories (buttons, beads, rivets); a simple pencil.

Once all the necessary elements are at hand, you can begin direct implementation planned. The work sequence is as follows:
    First you need to find suitable scheme for the product. Then you need to put marks on a wooden base, along which the connector will be cut out in the future. The next step is to cut out the shape with an existing tool. Then you need to take control measurements and find out whether the mobile phone fits into the cut connector. After this, you need to glue the prepared spare parts. The next step is to make the product smooth. This can be done with a file or special device, operating from the network. When the surface is smooth, you can decorate the finished form with some color. After painting, you must wait for the product to dry. The work is completed by gluing the accessories selected for this mission. At the end, completely finished design should be opened with varnish, which will add shine and aesthetics.
In general, making a phone stand out of wood will not be a problem. Therefore, it is worth trying to make such an idea a reality. After all, it’s much more pleasant to put your phone in a stand that you created with your own hands.

Beautiful design of a phone stand

In no case should you forget about the decor. After all, it is the decoration of even the most unprofessional and amateur product that will give it color, character and mood. Therefore it is worth looking at what interesting accessories eat at home. It can be:
    shells; buttons; rhinestones; beads; foil; colored tape.

In general, everything that is at hand and has unusual look, can be useful in the process of making a phone stand.

Not only a necessary accessory, but also a great gift

Once you get the hang of it, you can not only use such a product for yourself, but also give it as a gift. Therefore, it’s worth making several spare coasters: what if someone suddenly invites you to visit, and there will be nothing to give! And a stand for a mobile phone is always useful, even if a person already has one, then a second one will never hurt.

Mobile communication devices are found in every home; they have become almost indispensable for modern people and perform many functions. Therefore, quite often they need to be kept not in your pocket, but on the desktop, so a smartphone stand is a necessary thing for everyone. There are many ways to make a phone stand, but one of the most best options This is, of course, wood, since, despite its hardness, it will not scratch the smartphone and will look good both in the office and on the table at home.

Most easy way How to make a phone stand with your own hands from wood is just to make it from an ordinary plank. The design of such a product is as simple as possible - a groove of the required width is made in the board and the stand is already ready. Since the board has a large plane, after you put your mobile phone in the slot, it will stand firmly and securely on the table.

The most important thing in this wooden phone stand is the base area that will be in contact with the table; it must be large enough to cope with the functional load. As a basis, such homemade stand for a telephone can be made of any wood and can be given any shape. But the manufacturing process itself is limited to the fact that a groove is simply made in the board using a router. The groove can be made flat or sloped, depending on the angle at which the device should be positioned.

When you make your own smartphone stand, it is important to sand it well, especially in the groove area where the mobile will sit. After all, if there are irregularities, you can scratch the glass, and this will ruin appearance your gadget.

Complex design

If you want your mobile device to always be in sight, not get lost in documents, and at the same time your desk looks beautiful and solid, then the stand should be appropriate. To do this, you can make it not just from a plank, but from several parts. Don’t worry, you don’t need a lot of tools or material for this either. The most important thing is not to rush and carefully think through the design that your homemade product will have.

A good do-it-yourself smartphone stand, which is suitable not only for any phone, but also for a tablet, and at the same time will be as stable as possible, can be made from two small planks.

The design of such a stand is as simple as possible; you take two identical wooden blanks rectangular shape. On one side, approximately a quarter from the edge, a slot is made to the middle of the board. It is important that the slot does not go at a right angle, but obliquely, so that the stand is more stable and has the correct slope of the plane that will support the phone. On both workpieces, a slot is made up to half the width of the workpiece.

For someone just starting to work, it may be difficult to choose correct angle for the slot. But this is not difficult to do, just attach two parts to one another at the planned angle and simply make marks on the side at the end. Well, in addition, to prevent the phone from slipping, you need to make a groove on a horizontal board, or glue a small strip that will be a stopper.

After all the slots are ready, you just need to sand the stand well so that the bumps don’t scratch the phone’s body, and cover it with tinting or just varnish.

There are many ways to make a phone stand of this design; for example, you can make the vertical part of the stand shaped, which will significantly improve its appearance. The shapes can be a wide variety of hands, leaves, animals and in general anything you can think of, since a tree can be given almost any shape.

How to choose a stand design

There are quite a few ways to make a smartphone stand, but wooden options are not only durable, but also beautiful view. In addition, they look much more noble than other materials, since a properly selected wooden accessory will decorate any design, regardless of its style.

Therefore, to make your handmade mobile phone stand beautiful and original, try to choose the right design, size and color. Of course, you should not forget about such parameters as functionality and stability, since if a cell phone falls, it may simply be damaged.

You can make a variety of accessories for your phone at home and you don’t need to have one. special tool. In most cases, with due diligence and patience, you can get by with a simple hacksaw, chisel, sandpaper and a piece of plywood. Then just glue your sample from small parts and at home this will also be easy.

Don’t be afraid to experiment and imagine so that the stand you make is unique and not like everyone else’s. After all, mass production is organized in such a way that anyone can afford to buy beautiful and seemingly varied things. But truly bright individuals prefer unique things in a single copy. Such things are not sold in stores; you can only order them or make them yourself. The second option is much better, not only in terms of savings, but also in terms of expressing individuality.

Even if you do not have experience in making any crafts from wood, do not be upset, as there is nothing complicated about it. It is enough to plan everything carefully, calculate what tools and materials will be needed, and only then begin the work itself. If something doesn’t work out for you, you can try again, rarely does anyone succeed in doing everything correctly the first time, everyone learns and everyone makes mistakes. But this is the only way to gain experience and learn to do everything right.

If you have accumulated unnecessary bank or discount cards, do not rush to throw them away, because you can make useful things out of them - stands for smartphones with different designs. We have collected several design options, including quite sophisticated ones.

The first stand is the simplest. It can be done by simply bending the card in two places so that you get something like this:

You can make three bends and get a structure that more securely holds the base of the smartphone.

To prevent the card from breaking and losing strength at the bend points, it is better to bend it after pre-heating it with a hairdryer. The plastic will gain increased elasticity for a while and then harden again.

To create this design, you will need to make cutouts on both sides of the card, forming hooks, and bend it in half. Sharp rags at the cut sites need to be ground off; this can be done with a file or sandpaper, and if they are not there, use a nail file or a stationery knife.

For such a delivery you will need two cards glued together. This provides additional stability - you can place your smartphone on it not only horizontally, but also vertically.

Two cutouts on the card - and such a stand is ready. For greater stability, you can use two cards - one will be attached to the left side of the smartphone, the other to the right. The second card can be cut out by placing the first one on it, so they will be completely symmetrical and the smartphone will not warp.

The Chinese produce such a stand. It is exactly the same size as bank card, which means you can do it yourself. To do this, you will need to use a very heated knife to make several cuts on the card and build the same structure by bending the lower holder, the back for fixing and the base of the card. The advantage of this stand is the ability to adjust the angle of inclination.

Smartphones in modern world are replacing many items that were familiar just a few years ago. Player, clock, navigator, voice recorder, mini-cinema - one gadget contains maximum useful functionality. If earlier this device was in the bag most of the time, then with the advent additional features it migrated to the desktop. How to make a phone stand with your own hands and what materials are preferable to use, read on.

Types of models

Development era information technologies dictates its own rules. Mobile phones have become so indispensable that people practically never let them out of their hands. With the increasing importance of this device, the telephone stand has its own advantages. Firstly, she organizes everyday life. Secondly, it discourages you from constantly keeping your phone with you.

Popular types:

Stand made from stationery binders

Prices for telephone stands

Phone stands

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

Since many technologies have been developed to create this organizer, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the most popular ones. It only takes a few hours to create the stand. The product is quite affordable. In most cases everything necessary materials are at hand.

Paper origami

Miniature easel

It is a classic telephone stand, similar in appearance to a subframe clamp.

  • mini easel;
  • pencil;
  • decorations;
  • wooden craft sticks;
  • brush;
  • glue;
  • Mod Podge;
  • acrylic paints.

Prices for artistic acrylic paints

Artistic acrylic paints

To process the product you will need sanding paper fine grain.

Binder stand

Stationery is one of the most optimal options for making an organizer.

Required materials and tools:

  • 2 large metal or plastic staples;
  • 1 medium size staple;
  • scissors;
  • colored tape.

Painted in various colors BOPP tape is available at any office supply store.


Video tutorial on how to make a chaise longue for your phone

Panda shaped stand

An original product, especially relevant for children. For all its utility, it is a cute toy.

  • 12 oval cardboard blanks;
  • 1 pair of fluffy white socks; 1 pair of black socks;
  • blush;
  • cotton wool;
  • glue.

Terry socks are suitable for this device. They are hypoallergenic in composition because they are made of 100% cotton. The only difference from cotton is the technology of weaving the fibers.

Step 1. Cut from cardboard paper 12 oval elements and divide them into 3 groups with an equal number of forms. Take 1 stack and on one of the parts trace the outline of the bottom of the smartphone, including the hole for the charging wire. Cut according to the markings made. Using this template, do the same with the remaining 3 sheets and glue the 4 parts together.

Step 2. The second group of cardboard ovals is intended to design the part of the phone in which the wire is located.

Step 3. Set aside 1 piece from the remaining 2 groups. Glue the remaining ones to the workpiece.

Step 4. Fix cotton wool on unused elements. Cut a white sock and glue it onto the fluffy mass.

Step 5. Glue half of the black sock onto the main part of the product.

Step 6. To decorate the ears, cut out 2 ovals, cover them with cotton wool and decorate them with a black sock. For the eyes, cut out 2 semicircles and decorate with a black sock.

Step 7 Glue all the parts together. Fix the set aside white piece at the back. If desired, you can make a tail from a sock and cotton wool. Decorate your cheeks with blush.

Glue gun prices

Glue gun

Video - Panda phone stand. Master Class

Stand made of oak planks

Required tools and materials:

  • oak planks;
  • yardstick;
  • glue;
  • clamps;
  • fine-grain sandpaper;
  • mineral oil;
  • miter and circular saw;
  • marker;
  • saw stand;
  • belt grinding machine.

You will also need a planer-thicknesser machine for initial and final sanding of wooden surfaces.

Step 1. Adjust the parts according to thickness, trim and trim to width.

Step 2. Glue 4 pieces together.

Step 3. Process the workpiece with a planer-thicknesser and cut it.

Step 4. Divide one of the resulting elements, glue it into a block and trim it.

Step 5. Glue the blanks together.

Step 6. After the glue has dried, sand the product and cut the support strip at an angle.

Step 7 Sand the edges and coat the stand with mineral oil.

Wooden organizer

The design feature is that the shelves for storing smartphones are located horizontally. Externally, the product is a vertically oriented box with a closed front wall. Despite the fact that this part increases material consumption, it ensures the safety of storing the phone.

The stand is assembled from a sawn slab using Euroscrews. Using a hot iron, the end parts are closed with a self-adhesive edge. The bottom can be made from cheaper raw materials. If the base of the previous model was taken from scrap materials, then for this stand you need to purchase it.

Step 1. Material selection

Table 1. Analysis of timber materials in demand for the manufacture of organizers


A popular material for making various home organizers. Seeing that minimum thickness commercially available boards range from 20 to 25 mm, not the most good choice. Given the miniature design, to create it you will need planks with a thickness of 12 to 15 mm. Otherwise, the stand will look bulky. You can reduce parts to the required size only with the help of professional equipment, planer-thicknesser machine, for example.
A multi-layer board produced by gluing together pre-treated veneers.
It is a cladding board made of natural wood.

The best choice. Timber made from several layers of small wood particles bound together with synthetic resins. Made from first-class chipboard.

Due to the specifics of the creation technology, laminated chipboard has a number of advantages over the raw materials listed in the table. This concerns good aesthetic qualities and environmental friendliness.

Basic properties:

Step 2. Preparing tools and equipment

Required tools:

  1. Jigsaw. Manual fixture, equipped with a replaceable saw surface. Designed for sawing thin boards and plywood.
  2. Files. Steel blade installed in a jigsaw.
  3. Drill. A cutting device whose operating principle is based on rotational motion. Used to create holes.
  4. Skin. Paper strewn broken glass or sandpaper. Varies in degree of grain size.
  5. Confirmat (europrop). Fastening element, which is a rod with external thread and head. Forms an internal carved pattern in the recess of the attached part. In addition to them, wooden dowels are needed.
  6. Drill. Electric or hand tool, produced for quick hole making.

In addition to the above, you will need self-adhesive furniture edge, iron and glue.

- This is an excellent and easy-to-implement way to decorate your home and make the interior truly unique. More such crafts can become an original gift for loved ones, and if you involve children in the process, the activity will become a true field for creativity!

Step 3. Familiarize yourself with safety regulations

Before you start making a stand, you need to familiarize yourself with the basics of carpentry:

  1. Wear working camouflage.
  2. Prepare a place to create the product.
  3. Firmly fix the sawing table to the workbench.
  4. Check each tool for serviceability.
  5. Insert tightly into frame hand jigsaw file
  6. While working, you should not bend low over the workpiece or make sudden movements with the tools.
  7. Devices with pointed tails should be equipped with wooden handles.
  8. It is prohibited to be distracted while performing work.

Step 4. Cutting and assembly

Video - How to make a phone stand. 7 easy ways