An accurate test to determine temperament. Diagnosis of temperament. Temperament tests

Or even just the speed of movements are completely different. Sometimes such a difference touches, sometimes it irritates, and now we say in our hearts that we are completely different in temperament. But what does this really mean and is it possible to change your temperament to the ideal? We propose to understand the types of human temperaments and determine their pros and cons, and also, if you wish, take a test and find out what kind of temperament you have.

Temperament - what is it?

What is temperament? Temperament is called congenital features people who determine the dynamics of its course mental processes. It is temperament that determines a person’s reactions to external circumstances. It largely shapes a person, his individuality and is a kind of connecting link between the body and cognitive processes. There are four simple type temperament: sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic.
The term “temperament” itself was introduced by the ancient physician Claudius Galen and comes from the Latin word “temperans”, which means moderate. The word temperament itself can be translated as “the proper ratio of parts.” Hippocrates believed that the type of temperament is determined by the predominance of one of the fluids in the body. If blood predominates in the body, then the person will be mobile, that is, have a sanguine temperament, yellow bile will make the person impulsive and hot - choleric, black bile - sad and fearful, that is, melancholic, and the predominance of lymph will give the person calm and slowness, making him phlegmatic.
MirSovetov would like to immediately clarify this point: in pure form temperaments are very rare; usually they are present in different proportions in each person. You should also not equate character and temperament. The latter only characterizes the type of nervous system, its properties, and is associated with the structure of the body and even metabolism. But it is in no way connected with the individual’s views, beliefs, tastes and does not determine the individual’s capabilities.

Characteristics of temperaments

Sanguine temperament
People of this type easily adapt to new surroundings and quickly respond to what attracts their attention. They control their emotions well and willingly take on new things. Representatives of this type of temperament are subject to frequent mood changes, but their characteristic state is a state of cheerfulness.
Is it possible to determine that a particular person is sanguine? Yes, there are traits inherent only to them, by which you can always distinguish sanguine people from the society around you. As a rule, people with this type of temperament have a smooth and confident gait, their movements are light and fast. A sanguine person can be easily distinguished by his good and expressive gestures. Facial expressions and gestures are rich and natural, and speech is loud and clear.
One of the disadvantages of sanguine temperament is that people of this type are quickly distracted from business or emotions if external stimuli for a long time don't change. As soon as the novelty of sensations wears off, sanguine people become lethargic and indifferent.
If your colleague or subordinate is sanguine, then remember that his decisions are often rash. His activities are most effective when he is busy with new interesting projects keeping him in suspense. Do not forget that the duality of this temperament requires control over the progress of work.
Choleric temperament
Cholerics are easily excitable and unbalanced; it is difficult to switch their attention. They are very mobile, even to the point of excessiveness, their feelings are strong and manifest themselves vividly. They take on new tasks with great ardor and devote themselves completely to them, but at the same time, an inadequate assessment of their strengths leads to a sharp decline in activity. The disadvantages of this type of temperament lie precisely in imbalance, which causes outbursts of harshness, irritability, and exhaustion of strength.
Cholerics also have characteristic features: people of this type have hasty, often confused speech, bright and expressive facial expressions. Choleric people find it difficult to sit in one place, they often jump up or change positions, and gesticulate a lot and sharply. There is something defiant in their uneven gait.
Is your employee choleric? You are lucky because... Despite their imbalance, they are efficient and proactive people. They sometimes put forward fantastic ideas and enthusiastically overcome difficulties. But, getting carried away, they may lose their adequacy in assessing their strengths. To prevent decline, it is worth monitoring their activities and normalizing the working hours of such employees.
Melancholic temperament
They are passive, unstable, easily vulnerable and react little to external influences. Most often, melancholic people are self-absorbed; they prefer a calm, familiar environment. The undoubted advantages of this type of temperament are the depth and constancy of their feelings.
People of this type of temperament have a restrained, although fast, gait. They are immersed in their thoughts, so they may become thoughtful and slow down. Their gestures are stingy, but sharp due to the awkwardness they experience in society strangers. Speech is slow, often hesitating, and its speed is uneven.
MirSovetov draws your attention to the fact that if you are able to organize a calm time for your melancholic employee workplace, then its performance will amaze you. With support and a measured rhythm of work, they are capable of working miracles, but will painfully experience any difficult psychological situation. Sensitive melancholic people are very receptive and observant, which makes them indispensable in working with staff.
Phlegmatic temperament
Such people are persistent and stubborn, they walk smoothly and calmly. life path. These are reliable people who are difficult to piss off. They are stingy with emotions, detailed to the point of being boring, and reliable like no one else. The disadvantages are that phlegmatic people react very poorly to external stimuli, are slow to change their minds, get along with people, and are not resourceful.
Phlegmatic people move heavily and deliberately, their gait is often lazy and unhurried. While sitting, they can maintain the same position for a long time. Gesticulation and facial expressions are stingy; it is impossible to read anything from their face. Speech is leisurely, they are taciturn, and do not like idle chatter.
In difficult situations, your most reliable employee will be a phlegmatic person. A person of this type will not argue; in any discussion, he will limit himself to summing up the results, and will skillfully take into account the opinions of each side. These are reliable and efficient workers who do not need to be controlled. But under no circumstances should you entrust a person of this type of temperament with work that requires initiative.

How to determine your temperament?

As mentioned above, pure temperaments are very rare. There are not only mixed types of temperaments, but also intermediate, transitional ones. Many methods and tests have been developed to determine the type of temperament.
MirSovetov brings to your attention the following test, which will allow you to determine the percentage of each type of temperament and highlight your main type.
Put a plus if you agree with the statement and a minus if you don’t. So,

You: Now let's look at the test results. The test has 4 groups of questions, each group contains 14 statements. The first 14 (from the first to the fourteenth statement) describe the choleric temperament. The second group, from the 15th to the 28th statement, describes a sanguine person. The third group, from 29 to 42 – phlegmatic type of temperament. And the last group, from 43 to 56, the statement describes the melancholic temperament.
If in any of the groups you received more than 10 pluses, then this type of temperament is dominant for you. If the number of pluses is 5-9, then these traits are expressed to a significant extent in you. And if there are less than 4 positive answers, then the traits of this type of temperament are weakly expressed.

As you have seen, there is no clear ideal among temperament types. And it cannot be changed, because... This is not a character trait, but just a feature of the body’s reactions. But, having learned more about each type of temperament, having determined what type of temperament you have, it will be easier for you to build your relationships with people. MirSovetov hopes that now your colleagues and loved ones will understand you better.
Good luck with your communication!

This test will help you determine what type of temperament you are.

No temperament can be said to be “good” or “bad.” Therefore, your task is not to try to change your temperament (this is impossible), but to use it wisely positive sides and try to neutralize negative manifestations.

In addition, no person has any type of temperament in its pure form. Usually it's a mixture various types, but one still prevails. Try to determine which type of temperament prevails in you.

We invite you to take a short test.

Mark next to each statement: + (corresponds to you) or - (does not correspond to you).

Questionnaire text

1. You are restless.

2. You are quick-tempered and impulsive.

3. You are usually impatient.

4. You are proactive and decisive.

5. You are persistent and even stubborn.

6. You are resourceful and quickly navigate an argument.

7. The rhythm of your activity is uneven and spasmodic.

8. You like to take risks.

9. You easily forgive insults.

10. Your speech is fast and emotional.

11. You often suffer from your imbalance.

12. You don't tolerate anyone's shortcomings.

13. You are attracted to everything new.

14. Your mood often changes.

15. You are a cheerful and cheerful person.

16. You are always collected, and your energy is in full swing.

17. You often quit something you started halfway through.

18. You don’t always correctly assess your strengths.

19. Your interests and hobbies change often.

20. You easily get used to new circumstances.

21. It is not difficult for you to be distracted from your own affairs, and you quickly deal with someone else’s problem.

22. Painstaking work that requires patience is not for you.

23. You are sociable and responsive.

24. Your speech is clear and loud.

25. You have excellent self-control and do not panic even in difficult situations.

26. You fall asleep easily and wake up quickly.

27. You find it difficult to concentrate and make thoughtful decisions.

28. You are absent-minded and inattentive.

29. You are reserved and cold-blooded.

30. You are consistent in your words.

31. You are careful and reasonable.

32. You are characterized by restraint, you know how to wait.

33. You are not too talkative and do not like empty chatter.

34. Your speech is measured and calm.

35. You distribute your strength correctly and never give your all.

36. You plan your affairs and adhere to a clear daily routine.

37. You take criticism calmly.

38. It is difficult for you to immediately switch to another activity.

39. You are even, a good relationship with people.

40. You are careful even in small things.

41. It is difficult for you to adapt to a new environment.

42. You are very slow.

43. You are shy.

44. The new environment leaves you confused.

45. You are not confident in yourself, in your abilities.

46. ​​Loneliness does not bother you.

47. Failures and troubles unsettle you for a long time.

48. During difficult periods in life, you withdraw into yourself.

49. You are not very resilient, you get tired quickly.

50. Your speech is quiet and sometimes slurred.

51. You automatically adopt the character traits of your interlocutor and his manner of speaking.

52. You are very impressionable and sensitive.

53. You have high demands on yourself and the world around you.

54. You are characterized by some suspiciousness and suspicion.

55. You are easily offended.

56. You are pleased when others empathize with you.

Well, did you answer the questions? Let's look at the test results then.

The test has 4 groups of questions, each group contains 14 statements. In the first group (from 1 to 14 statements) a description of a choleric person is given. In the second group (from 15 to 28 statements) - the characteristics of a sanguine person. In the third group (from 29 to 42 statements) there is a portrait of a phlegmatic person. In the fourth group (from 43 to 56 statements) there is a description of a melancholic person.

If in any of the groups you received more than 10 pluses, then this type of temperament prevails in you. If the number of pluses is 5-9, then these traits are expressed to a significant extent in you. And if there are less than 4 positive answers, then the traits of this type of temperament are weakly expressed.


Working on the theory of temperaments, Hippocrates came to the conclusion that the characteristics of the human psyche depend on the content of four fluids in the body: yellow and black bile, blood and phlegm. Galen continued to develop the doctrine of temperaments and developed four main types: sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic.

A sanguine person (from Latin sanguis - blood) is someone who reacts vividly to everything around him. He is easy-going, loves communication, has a good feeling humor and often becomes the life of the party. You rarely see a sanguine person in a bad mood. You are sanguine if you are dependent on new impressions, positive emotions. You are easily angered, but also quickly calmed down. Your friends call you an optimist, because even in a difficult situation you do not lose your calm and positive attitude. An indirect sign can be considered facial wrinkles in the mouth area, because they appear in those people who smile often.

Phlegmatic (from the Greek phlegma - phlegm) is a calm and slow person. It’s difficult to piss him off, which is why people say about him “like a tank.” The phlegmatic person tries to avoid conflicts and remains serious in any situation. Changes in life are difficult for such people; they need time to adapt. You are phlegmatic if you are modest by nature and do not like to be the center of attention. When making a decision, you need to weigh the pros and cons and think carefully. You remain calm when forced to wait and plan your affairs carefully. Phlegmatic people are distinguished by uniform speech without bright emotions and facial expressions, he does not like empty chatter.

Choleric (from the Greek chole - bile) is the most nervous of temperaments. Such a person easily loses his temper, has difficulty accepting criticism and loves to be the first in everything. Choleric has high speed reactions, so he is often irritated by slow people. You are choleric if you strive to do everything your own way and do not like to obey others. You are constantly raging with emotions that are difficult to keep under control. You will not remain silent if you don’t like something, and it doesn’t matter that your opinion may provoke a conflict.

Melancholic (from the Greek melas chole - black bile) - vulnerable and. Often he has a delicate taste and a developed imagination, so he gravitates towards creative activity. A melancholic person often has low self-esteem, has difficulty getting along with people and likes not to be touched by anyone. If you are melancholic, you are a shy, insecure and sentimental person. You are easily offended. Do you often doubt own strength, speak in a quiet voice and love empathy. If trouble or failure occurs in business, it unsettles you for a long time.

Video on the topic


  • How to determine your temperament type

How to independently determine your temperament type without a psychologist

Since ancient times, 4 types of human temperament have been distinguished. These types of temperament are known as: sanguine, choleric, melancholic and phlegmatic.

A sanguine person is a lively and sociable person who knows how to control himself well and easily experiences difficult situations.

A choleric person is an impetuous person who does everything passionately, impulsively, explosively, but is ready to quickly move away from strong emotions.

A melancholic person is vulnerable, tends to deeply and painfully experience many events in his life, is a dreamer, loves creativity and improvisation.

A phlegmatic person is a person with imperturbable calm, a little slow, and not inclined to express all his experiences.

Probably, many have already determined the type of their temperament by checking their behavior with the description. However, there are more accurate psychological methods, which can be used by anyone who wants to learn something new and interesting about themselves.

One of the ways to determine your temperament type is the Eysenck test. It consists of two scales aimed at identifying such personality characteristics as extraversion, introversion and neuroticism.

Extraversion is a person’s orientation towards the outside world. Such people are more sociable, active, like to control and organize a lot.
Introverts tend to analyze themselves and pay the greatest attention to their inner experiences.
Neuroticism is a trait characterized by instability in emotions, and sometimes a tendency to nervous experiences.

How to determine your temperament type using the Eysenck test?
It's quite simple.

1. Find an Eysenck test on the Internet with instructions and interpretation.

2. Answer all his questions “Yes” or “No.”

3. If the program does not process the answers automatically, you will have to perform simple calculations.
Find the key to this test.
For example, let’s take the first scale “Extroversion - Introversion”. The key will contain questions that help determine these qualities.

You need to count how many of your answers match those written in the key. Minimum 0, maximum 24. Scores from 0 to 12 correspond to introversion (than less point, the more pronounced introversion). Scores from 13 to 24 indicate extraversion (the higher the score, the more pronounced the extraversion).

4. At this stage, you can already determine your temperament type.

If you have less than 12 points on the “neuroticism” scale and less than 12 points on the “extroversion-introversion” scale, your temperament type is Phlegmatic.

If you have less than 12 points on the neuroticism scale and more than 12 points on the extraversion-introversion scale, you are Sanguine.

If you have more than 12 points on the neuroticism scale and less than 12 points on the extraversion-introversion scale, you are Melancholic.

If you have more than 12 points on the neuroticism scale and more than 12 points on the extraversion-introversion scale, you are a Choleric.

In 70% of cases, after passing the test, a person receives the expected result; he has the type of temperament that he expected. In other cases, you can learn something new about yourself.

School events and school holidays


Questioning students can be conducted in class. To ensure honest answers, promise to communicate the test results to everyone personally.

Temperament type determination test

The classification of temperament types developed by Hippocrates is still relevant today. However, “pure” choleric people, sanguine people, phlegmatic people and melancholic people are rare. Most people have a mixed temperament type, but only one is dominant.

Each of the 4 parts of the test contains 40 theses, characteristic of a certain type of temperament. You need to agree or disagree with each of them.

Part 1

1. I am fussy and restless.
2. I am intemperate and hot-tempered.
3. I'm impatient.
4. I am sharp and straightforward in my communication.
5. I often initiate all kinds of events.
6. I'm stubborn.
7. I am very resourceful in an argument.
8. It is difficult for me to maintain a certain rhythm in my work.
9. I often take risks.
10. I don’t remember any insults.
11. I speak very quickly and excitedly.
12. I am unbalanced and often get angry over little things.
13. I am intolerant of the shortcomings of others.
14. I love teasing people.
15. My facial expressions are very expressive.
16. I make decisions quickly.
17. I am attracted to everything new.
18. My movements are impetuous and abrupt.
19. I always persistently pursue my goals.
20. My mood often changes for no particular reason.

Part 2

1. I am a cheerful person.
2. I am energetic and always know where to direct my energy.
3. I don't always finish what I start.
4. I often overestimate myself.
5. I pick up everything new literally on the fly.
6. My interests are fickle.
7. I cope with my failures quite easily.
8. It’s easy for me to adapt to almost any circumstances.
9. Any business I do fascinates me.
10. As soon as my interest in a business wanes, I usually give it up.
11. I get involved easily new job, and also switch from one type of activity to another.
12. Monotonous painstaking work depresses me.
13. I am sociable and sympathetic, I have many friends.
14. I have a high performance capacity, I am very resilient.
15. I usually speak loudly, quickly and clearly.
16. Even in difficult and unforeseen circumstances, I do not lose my composure.
17. I am always friendly.
18. I usually fall asleep and wake up without difficulty.
19. I often make hasty, rash decisions.
20. Sometimes I listen to someone inattentively, without delving into the essence of the story.

Part 3

1. I am usually calm and cool-headed.
2. In all my affairs I adhere to a certain sequence.
3. I am usually reasonable and careful.
4. I can stand the wait calmly.
5. If I have nothing to say, I prefer to remain silent.
6. My speech is measured and calm, without strong emotional overtones.
7. I am reserved and patient.
8. I usually finish what I start.
9. I don’t waste my energy on trifles, but I can be very efficient if I see that the matter is worth it.
10. In work and in life, I adhere to the usual pattern.
11. It’s easy for me to contain my emotions.
12. Praise or criticism addressed to me does not bother me much.
13. I am lenient when it comes to jokes directed at me.
14. My interests are consistent.
15. I am slow to get involved in work or switch from one type of activity to another.
16. I usually have smooth relationships with everyone.
17. I am neat and like order in everything.
18. It is difficult for me to adapt to a new environment.
19. I am very self-possessed.
20. I establish contact with new people gradually.

Part 4

1. I am shy and shy.
2. In an unfamiliar environment, I feel confused.
3. I find it difficult to talk to stranger.
4. Sometimes I don’t believe in my strength.
5. I can easily tolerate loneliness.
6. Failures depress me.
7. Sometimes I withdraw into myself for a long time.
8. I get tired quickly.
9. I speak very quietly, sometimes almost in a whisper.
10. I always adapt to my interlocutor.
11. Sometimes something impresses me so much that I can’t hold back my tears.
12. I am very sensitive to praise or criticism.
13. I make high demands on myself and others.
14. I can be suspicious and suspicious.
15. I am an easily hurt person.
16. I am easily offended.
17. I prefer to hide my thoughts from others.
18. I am timid and inactive.
19. I usually obey orders without complaint.
20. I would like to make others feel sympathy for me.

Key to the test

Count the total number of positive answers: A.
Count the number of positive answers for each part: A1, A2, A3, A4.

Calculate the percentage of positive answers for each type of temperament:

  • choleric = (A1/A) x 100%;
  • sanguine = (A2/A) x 100%;
  • phlegmatic = (A3/A) x 100%;
  • melancholic = (A4/A) x 100%.

The results will indicate how much of your temperament each of these types makes up;

40% or higher - this type of temperament is dominant;

30–39% - the features characteristic of this type are quite pronounced;

20–29% - the average level of expression of traits characteristic of this type of temperament;

10–19% - traits of this type temperament is weakly expressed.

A person is born with a certain genetic predisposition, on the basis of which he is able to form other personal characteristics. For example, if a person is not born with wings, then he will not be able to fly, no matter how much he wants to. However, he can learn the various manipulations that his hands can perform. Also with the type of temperament, which has certain characteristics and definitions that influence the further development of a person. A special test can help identify it.

There is still debate about whether temperament is an innate quality. Many refer to the fact that temperament is already inherent in a person from birth, and on its basis certain character traits are formed.. If there are sustainable features, then they should be attributed to the peculiarities of nervous activity, which is already inherent in a person.

Thus, temperament is an innate property of a person, and character is acquired. A person can only influence his own character, which is formed on the basis of what temperament he has.

What are temperament types?

Types of temperament are understood as personality traits that are stable and characterized by the dynamism of their manifestation, rather than their content. This is a type of activity of the higher nervous system, which manifests itself in the emotional sphere.

In psychology, they are distinguished, which clearly distinguish people into certain reactions and behavioral patterns. However, we do not forget that a person’s actions and character traits are subject to his control, regardless of what temperament he has.

Each person has his own temperament and character. Many people confuse these concepts, thinking that they are the same thing. In fact, these are two different indicators of a person’s mental reaction. One is hereditary and practically unchangeable, and the second is acquired and depends only on the individual himself.

Temperament is a mental reaction and state that depends on the structure of the human nervous system. The individual’s nervous system is formed in the womb on the basis of the genetic program that is transmitted from both parents.

Temperament is a hereditary gift. This is why a child is often the same as his parents. The structure of the nervous system allows relatives to be the same, which helps strengthen them and support the family.

is a set of qualities that are developed by a person in the process of life. How does this happen? A certain situation arises. A person begins to react to it, think about it, draw conclusions, make decisions, take actions. Based on the experience, conclusions are drawn (beliefs are created). And subsequent situations in which a person begins to react in a similar way and perform similar actions form habits in him.

Habits in actions, thoughts and decisions force one to demonstrate certain qualities of character in certain situations. A person can develop any quality or trait in himself. But only that which corresponds to his actions, thoughts and decisions that he uses develops in him.

If you change your usual actions, your character will also change, since the manifestation of other qualities will be required and others previously used will be excluded.

Thus, temperament is passed on to people from their parents, and character is formed by the person himself in the process of life.

Types of human temperament

There are 4 types of human temperament today:

  1. The choleric type is unrestrained, unbalanced, hot-tempered, unbridled. Emotional experiences in this category of people flow very quickly and clearly manifest themselves. Thus, they are easy to remove because they flare up quickly, but they also calm down emotionally just as easily.

Choleric is a very passionate and emotional person. He cannot experience emotions dimly. If he experiences something, it is very deep and bright. Moreover, he may experience conflicting feelings at the same time. However, these experiences do not last long. Soon the choleric person quickly switches to other emotions.

Such a person hates monotonous work. At first he lights up with ideas and enthusiasm. However, over time, he cools down and begins to do the work, reluctantly, carelessly.

Choleric characteristics are speed and strength, harshness and impatience. The facial expressions and gestures of such a person are pronounced, sweeping, and active. Teenagers with this type of temperament are rebellious, often disobedient, getting into fights, disrupting lessons, etc. They are very mobile and active, and can involve other children in adventures.

  1. The melancholic type is unbalanced, the depth of experiences with an implicit and sluggish manifestation of them outward. Such people behave inconspicuously and slowly. Their movements are characterized by restraint, inexpressiveness, monotony, slowness and poverty.

A melancholic person is very sensitive and vulnerable. His voice is quiet and expressionless. Such a person is afraid of difficulties, therefore, before taking any action, he thinks for a long time about its necessity and plan for implementation. If the action does not require mental stress, then it is performed.

A melancholic person has an asthenic character, when emotions are very deep and stable, monotonous. Such a person is uncommunicative and reserved. He is almost always sad and lethargic, because he reacts painfully to external stimuli.

The melancholic person is weak, indecisive, constantly wanting to settle everything and hesitating. An absolute melancholic person is characterized by passivity, disinterest in affairs and lethargy. Such a person seems to live in his own world, practically unadapted to life.

Melancholic children are often offended and teased; they do not know how to fight against injustice. They find it difficult to get along in a team, but are easily influenced by others. Melancholic teenagers are whiny, timid and shy

  1. The sanguine type is characterized by speed, balance and moderate strength, but weak intensity of mental processes. A sanguine person is able to quickly switch from one job to another. His activities are varied, he does not get tired, learns quickly and can work on something for a long time. His emotionality changes quickly and is therefore not deep.

Sanguine people display expressive and bright facial expressions, which can be accompanied by active movements. They are cheerful and active. It is very easy for such people to be distracted by any external stimuli, since their depth of experience is very low. They are quite impressionable.

A sanguine person is able to quickly solve problems, especially if they are not too difficult or serious. Their decisions are often hasty. They, like choleric people, quickly get excited about various ideas, but then quickly lose interest.

Sanguine people are sociable and sociable people. However, the relationship with him is quite superficial, since he quickly switches from one emotion to another. Today he loves, but tomorrow he may not love. There is a plus here, since a sanguine person quickly forgets insults, sorrows, troubles (as well as joys, pleasant moments, help).

A sanguine person likes to take a leading position, command and take responsibility, be in the center of attention, and be in front.

  1. The phlegmatic type is characterized by lethargy, low mobility, and slowness. Such a person has a poor emotional sphere, and therefore is not able to be energetic and quickly move on to action. The balance of character is explained by the fact that the emotions of a phlegmatic person are even and constant. He is called measured, calm and calm. Affective manifestations, disorders, and impulsiveness are not typical for him, since such an individual is almost impossible to get angry.

Gestures and facial expressions of a phlegmatic person are inexpressive and monotonous. His speech is lifeless, slow, accompanied by gestures and expressiveness.

Before performing any action, the phlegmatic person thinks long and carefully about its future. However, if he decides to commit it, then he will gradually and purposefully implement it. It is difficult for such a person to change from one job to another, so he prefers to do what is familiar and familiar to him. Changes and changes are possible only when the phlegmatic person was warned about them, he was able to think about them in advance and get used to them. When a phlegmatic person mentally gets used to it, then changes happen easily.

One should not assume that a person belongs only to a certain type of temperament. Typically, each contains characteristics of several types, which is called a mixed type. One type is clearly expressed in it, and the other three, to one degree or another, complement the first.

Psychological types of temperament

Temperament types are divided according to the following psychological characteristics:

  • Sensitivity - quantity least forces from the outside world, which is necessary to evoke a mental reaction.
  • Reactivity is the level of reaction and its manifestation in the outside world.
  • Activity is a person’s ability to overcome difficulties and influence the world around them.
  • The ratio of reactivity and activity is the level of dependence of human activity on external stimuli.
  • Rigidity and plasticity are the levels of a person’s adaptability to external stimuli (high or low, inertia).
  • Rate of reactions - the speed of mental processes and reactions, motor activity.
  • Introversion and extroversion are types of thinking and behavior that are directed outward or outward. inner world person.
  • Emotional excitability is the amount of the smallest stimulus that should cause an emotional reaction, as well as the speed of its occurrence.

Temperament type test

All readers are recommended to take a test to determine their temperament type. The main thing here is to quickly answer the questions posed, without really thinking about the answers. Answer as you would actually respond in real life.

Why identify your own and other people’s temperament type? This will allow you to more clearly know how to interact with others, what they are capable of, and not be offended if suddenly others do not behave as you would like.

There are many tests to identify a person’s temperament:

  1. Questionnaire by Rusalov.
  2. Belov's technique.
  3. Eysenck test questionnaire.
  4. Smisek Questionnaire.

Knowing your own and other people’s temperament will be useful if you are building a long-term relationship with a person. To avoid some conflict situations, better understand the characteristics of another person.

Bottom line

A person is born with temperament, and character is formed over the years. A person himself can influence the manifestations of certain qualities and behavior. However, everything will be based on that nervous system and its characteristics with which the individual was born.