May 21st is a lunar day. What can you do on Sunday, and what should you avoid? Relationships with people

The 17th lunar day continues General forecast

The symbol is grapes, a bell, a bunch of grapes, an alarm bell. This day is also called Shakti day. Shakti is a female goddess. Women's Energy Day.

These lunar days are a day of accumulation, fertility, joy, inner freedom and access to your ideal love. This day is very suitable for marriage, marital relationships, emancipation and fun. On this day, feminine energy is transformed. It is recommended to use heated Cahors or cold dry wine. At the same time, drunkenness and rowdy behavior are strictly prohibited.

The first half of the day allows you to use your energy to its maximum potential. Marital connections will improve and sexual energy will increase. Any creative process, your own business, is activated. Many people experience increased intuition and a feeling of insight. The 2nd half of the day will be unfavorable. There will be difficulties in implementing plans and ideas. You need to be careful and careful in sexual contacts. Conflicts may arise between lovers due to feelings of dissatisfaction.

Love and relationships. Since ancient times, it has been considered the best day for a wedding of all. lunar month. There is a sign that if you get married on this day, the union will be long and the love in it will not fade away. In general, the 12th, 16th and 17th lunar days are good for marriages (on the 16th day, the marriage will be based on harmony, and on the 12th, on higher love). In general, the seventeenth lunar day is one of the joyful days of the month. A time of communication, joy and friendly meetings, bright acquaintances and memorable dates. The energy of this day gives rise to a fun and carefree time, conducive to joyful events. Quite appropriate leisure alone or with a group of friends. The most striking aspect in the characteristics of this day is love. It is very good for romantic dates. At 17 lunar day You may be visited by love - a passion that most often arises at first sight, but you should not lose your head and caution: due to uncontrollable energy, it contains many surprises.

Housework. Not intended for work. This is a time for celebration, not laundry or cleaning. You can do important things in the garden or vegetable garden, but only if you really consider them important.

Business and money. A normal day for money matters. The work is going well, but the mood is not working. It is better to postpone important questions for later. Serious negotiations will not work today. You can chat happily, get information from business partners, design, dream, but it is better to postpone the final solution to important issues until later. The energy of the day is so free that it is not conducive to any work activities. Serious projects are unlikely to succeed today. Instead of sitting fruitlessly at work, spend the day having fun friendly company. When planning the month, pay attention to this day and distribute your tasks in such a way that on the seventeenth lunar day you have a day off, or at least part-time work. By relaxing and taking a walk today, you will create for yourself good mood and vigor for the rest of the lunar month. The first half of day 17 is especially successful lunar day. In the second half, problems and difficulties in implementing your plans may begin. If you start new things on the seventeenth lunar day, then be prepared for the fact that these things will constantly require adjustments, everything will not go as planned, but this does not mean at all that the result will be negative. Will work out well creative projects, today energy is on the rise and intuition works flawlessly. There is a high probability of new discoveries, insights and revelations. Today is a real holiday of inspiration for all people of creativity and art. A great day for writers, science fiction writers, fiction writers. Today thoughts will flow by themselves and easily fall on paper. Don't miss your impulse of inspiration in the hustle and bustle of household chores.

Dreams. As you know, these lunar days are associated with activity feminine energy, including her sexual part. And as a result, dreams are a reflection of how harmoniously your sexual energy is being realized. A dream can show how depressed you are, and the extent to which your sexual desires and fantasies are not realized. Of course, first of all, you need to understand that this does not mean passionate sexual desires, but your ability to be creatively realized through communication with the opposite sex. Therefore, if you manage to determine the degree of tension or distortions, try to immediately begin to level out the distortions and look for a creative outlet for your sexual energy. So, if you have pleasant dreams, this means that you are showing your creativity, and everything is fine in your relationships with the opposite sex. If your dreams are not pleasant, then you need to pay more attention to creativity and improve things in your relationships. Dreams of these days may come true within the next three days. They can portend success.

Health. Not entirely favorable. Women can experience severe mental stress. This day is dangerous for the manifestation of infectious diseases. It can also be traumatic. The pituitary gland and the entire endocrine system are vulnerable on this day.

The full moon phase continues 🌕 General forecast

At this time we see the moon in full in all its glory. Moonlight, in this phase of the moon, can affect people in different ways. Moreover, during this period the body furiously uses up its accumulated strength. Insomnia, increased irritability and emotionality may occur. Drinking alcohol can be dangerous. This is the time when the largest number of road accidents occur. man-made accidents and disasters.

It is better not to undergo surgery at this time. There is also no need to replant the plants at this time; it would be much better to start weeding them and loosening the soil. During the full moon, vigorous physical activity should also be avoided.

Like yesterday, ☽ Moon in the sign ♐ Sagittarius 24°08"23" General forecast

Emotions and behavior. This period is full of optimism, growth “up and into the distance.” These days are suitable to go to church: for confession, baptism, etc. For others, this is a time of searching for a spiritual mentor, learning, and their own path. Now that the Moon is in Sagittarius, Heaven is especially urgently whispering answers to our questions to our feelings and subconscious. This period is favorable for contacts with other cultures and foreign countries. In the worst case, people can take on too much, underestimating their strength, and straightforwardness and rudeness may prevail. If the aspects of the planets are unfavorable, more aggression will appear and the number of thefts will increase.

Job. This period is favorable for those whose work is related to law enforcement agencies: military, police, etc. The same goes for politicians, workers in higher education, enlightenment, and travelers. Now success is determined by self-confidence, optimism, honesty, decency, respect for authority, the ability to lead and represent common interests.

Finance and values. People are more inclined to spend money than to save. These days can be started big projects- they will develop more easily, especially projects related to foreign countries, higher education, politics or power structures. At this time, the purchased items will be luxurious, often used, but will also wear out quickly.

Love. Roma, begun now, will be romantic, impetuous, and will bring a lot of pleasure and hope. This romance will last a long time if the two have a similar worldview, if the relationship will help both partners advance in society, raise social status or will bring new opportunities. There is little affection or sentimentality here, but a lot of passion, even sports excitement, and jealousy. Sexual relationships are excellent, especially open ones, if there is no manipulation involved (meaning gain). If the worldview or social ambitions of the partners are in conflict, such a relationship will be short-lived, because this is a union of two romantic people, like-minded people, striving, first of all, for common goals.

Health. This period is not suitable for treatment of the liver, hip joints, blood transfusions or blood diseases. You can successfully treat the bronchi, lungs, arms, shoulders. Try not to overeat or include too fatty foods in your diet. Fatty foods will be difficult for the liver to cope with these days. These days the body needs protein. It is well absorbed and brings maximum benefits. On protein days, it is recommended to first trim off all the fat from the meat and not fry it, but boil or steam it. It is better to consume low-fat milk and cottage cheese, but it is better to avoid cheese, since there is more fat than protein. On such days, an infusion prepared by you yourself from herbs that are in harmony with the sign of Sagittarius will have special energy - St. John's wort, coltsfoot, yarrow and sage.

Children. Children become disobedient, Streltsov’s agility, “boss from birth,” awakens in them. Allow them to show initiative and feel the opportunity to be a leader. The child must gain a positive experience of a religious worldview, feel unsentimental paternal care and the fact that new challenges, discoveries, and travels bring not only dangers, but also benefits and joy. The child should move a lot and play sports. Encourage his initiative and courage, leadership talents.

The period of the Moon without a course continues General forecast

Periods of an ineffective Moon (or a Moon without a course) are unfavorable for any endeavors and should be avoided if possible. A business started during the period of the Moon without a course is rarely carried out as planned, if at all it is completed. And any endeavors will most likely lead to nothing.

Remember: goods purchased during the Moon period without a course turn out to be defective, defective or do not work, and clothes do not fit properly. The initiated course of treatment will be complicated and long. The ideas that arose at this time turned out to be unpromising. During an ineffective Moon, it is useless to look for a job or undergo an interview, since you will not get a job anyway. A business trip you go on during an ineffective Moon will be useless. A business opened at this time will end in failure after lengthy and expensive efforts.

The time of the “Moon without a course” is unfavorable for those matters that are aimed at specific results. This list is quite wide and varied: sending important messages via e-mail, applying for a competition, undergoing surgery, finding a new job, registering a business and opening an enterprise, buying a car or other property, as well as declaring love and getting married. Usually, everything that happens during the “Moon without a course” is not implemented at all or is not carried out in the expected direction. Promises are not kept, feelings are not reciprocated, letters do not reach the addressee, contracts are terminated, applications are not accepted, the purchase turns out to be useless or defective. Remember the rule: if you want something to happen and to happen safely, do not start an important business during the period of the “Moon Without Course”.

from 05:43 Beginning of aspect ☽ Moon opposition ♂ Mars (174°00") General forecast

A bad aspect for travel, friendship and communication with women. You shouldn't start anything important.

from 07:23 Beginning of aspect ☽ Moon trine ♅ Uranus (126°00") General forecast

Good for communicating with government, political and municipal institutions, and large enterprises. They are also good for joining societies, beginning the study of occult sciences, working with electricity and aviation, patenting inventions, healing with electricity, as well as for change and starting enterprises of an unusual or innovative nature.

from 10:55 End of the Moon period without a course General forecast

End of the ineffective period.

from 10:56 ☽ Moon moves into the sign of ♑ Capricorn General forecast

In the house of Saturn - the god of time, patience, asceticism and trials. On the throne is Mars - the god of will, swiftness, and courage. In the element of Earth.

Emotions and behavior. The emotional background during this period is one of the most stable. The enthusiasm and romanticism inherent in the Moon in Sagittarius disappears, sober, unhurried emotions will prevail. People behave more carefully, calmly, concreteness, practicality, and rationality prevail. If the lunar day is unfavorable, emotional coldness, indifference, and manipulation of the feelings of others for selfish purposes may appear.

Job. Performance is essentially increased. People work patiently, peacefully, productively. At this time, it is easy to build the strategic trend of business and production, define goals and create future management guidelines. This period is successful for employees of government structures - bosses, officials, where obedience, discipline and a practical approach are required. If the Moon is waxing and aspects of other planets are favorable, fundamental, serious, long-term projects can be started that will require patience and cooperation. This time is good for politicians, manufacturers, lawyers. Less favorable for merchants because many will count every cent. These days are also less favorable for artists, creators, and craftsmen.

Finance and values. These days are favorable for purchasing durable, practical, useful things, as well as for purchasing a plot of land (however, it is necessary to check whether the retrograde periods of Mercury, Venus and Mars do not contradict such matters). IN given time It's better to buy than to sell.

Love. The romance that begins now will develop gradually: it is not sentimentality that prevails, but practicality and benefit. More value surrenders to form, image. However, if the feelings are sincere, if you managed to break the wall of mistrust, suspicion and coldness, this day may surprise you with the “fire” of slowly developing passion. Relationships often begin because there is a pervasive loneliness, a fear of being alone. The relationship started now will last a long time if the first day is successful and both partners are satisfied. Respect and profit, sometimes passion, will accompany them, however, not sentiment. When the Moon is in Capricorn, you should be able to wait, patiently and carefully strive for the goal - for this you will be rewarded with serious, deep feelings.

Health. Sensitive parts of the body: bones, spine, joints, especially knees - rheumatism, radiculitis worsen, the body becomes more sensitive to accumulated salts. This period is suitable for treating the abdomen, diaphragm, chest, and lymphatic system. For older people, loneliness and old age become especially tangible... All operations related to teeth and the spine are contraindicated. It is very dangerous on this day to turn to healers about setting bones and treating the spine. The stomach in the days of Capricorn will forgive you all gastronomic excesses. Surgeries on the stomach, treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcers are indicated. Breathing practice is recommended. You can perform mammography and plastic surgery to reduce or enlarge the mammary glands, examination of the hearing organs, stomach, spleen, and gall bladder. Best effect Running and brisk walking will help restore health. Lionesses should avoid overload and take care of their heart these days. To improve blood circulation, women of all signs, and especially Capricorns, are recommended to take hot baths and do a warming massage of the whole body.

Children. Children become more peaceful, but prone to secrecy, stubbornness, and a desire to control. Help them develop positive experiences of order, discipline, punctuality, and thrift. Teach them to develop their will and achieve their goals. Encourage them to dream about future profession, vocation: on such days, distant goals are easier to form. It is especially important to teach children to respect and love old people, traditions, history, and to develop their patience.

from 13:25 Beginning of aspect ☽ Moon trine ♀ Venus (125°59") General forecast

A good aspect for love affairs, putting on new clothes, unless the Moon is in Leo.

from 21:34 End of aspect ☽ Moon opposition ♂ Mars (178°00") General forecast

End of aspect.

from 22:31 End of aspect ☽ Moon trine ♅ Uranus (118°00") General forecast

End of aspect.

from 23:31 Beginning of the 18th lunar day General forecast

The symbol is a monkey, a mirror, ice, and also a crystal that reflects purity and dispels astral dirt. "Aspid". Aspid is one of the vampires.

This is a completely passive day. A fall from grace may occur due to a reluctance to fight instincts and seductions. You need to work with stupid thoughts, try to stop being selfish. It’s good to go to the bathhouse on this day, fast a little, cleanse the intestines, skin and get a massage. It is not recommended to sleep a lot, drink wine, smoke, or eat meat. It would be better to use vegetable oil and nuts. A sign of violation of cosmic laws can be skin diseases and opening of old wounds.

The first half of the day will be characterized by disharmony. Aggression and unexpected problems may arise. Business connections, contacts will become difficult, partners, colleagues and superiors may turn away from you because of your selfishness and vanity. The second half of this day will help resolve emerging problems through negotiations. Diplomatic relations will be very effective, which will help solve many insoluble problems.

Love and relationships. The eighteenth lunar day is not very suitable for dating. They leave a feeling of emptiness and loneliness in the soul. Keep this in mind, especially if your relationship is in its infancy. Today, you can hear a lot of new things about yourself that you may not really like. On this day, you are equally likely to experience meanness and selfishness, as well as love and care. If your relationship is already strong, then listen carefully to what is said about you close person. This will help you know your weak points and work on them. Pay attention to the casual acquaintances that occurred on this day; they can be very promising. On the eighteenth lunar day, we can meet the love we deserve, because our partner will be our mirror image. If you are tight-fisted, then he will be an outright miser. If you are wasteful, he will be a spendthrift and a gambler. If you are generous and compassionate, then you will get the same partner. So, if you discover some kind of flaw in your “half” on this day, look for a similar one in yourself and try to get rid of it. Then your partner will unexpectedly change for the better.

Housework. You can do a variety of things around the house and household, including those that require significant workload. A favorable day for collecting seeds.

Business and money. You can solve simple ones financial questions and it is better not to take any serious steps. Any activity you do will be useless, so put off all important things until a more appropriate time. There are too many unknown parameters, including sudden, unexpected changes. In a word, complete unpredictability. The first half of the day is a time of conflicts, mental discord, sudden situations, unexpected troubles. Everything bad that happens during these hours seems to arise on its own, without any special visible reasons. A very difficult time for negotiations - it is difficult to defend your point of view and at the same time it is easy to fall under the influence of others. Plans and projects of the eighteenth lunar day resemble a “changeover”. On this day, everything can change so quickly that you will not have time to learn about the changes and will draw erroneous conclusions.

Dreams. They carry our reflection. If we compare our image in a dream with our image in life, we can understand how far we are from realizing what we want. If we dream that we are active, assertive, energetic, etc., but in life, on the contrary, we are very depressed and passive, then we need to look for balance. Try to be active, energetic in some situations, patient and calm in others. If in a dream you are the same as in life, and you do not have a feeling or desire to change yourself, then there are no contradictions in your subconscious with your ideas about yourself. If the dream indicated an imbalance, contradictions in the subconscious, then write down the dream and during these lunar days, observe what problems the environment will show you, write them down, compare everything and get to work. If you prepare in advance, tune in to the dream so that it will help you see contradictions with the subconscious; before going to bed, put a notebook and pen nearby so that if you wake up, you can write down your dreams. Dreams can also indicate what is preventing you from living; there may be tips on how to overcome problems, including health ones. Good dream portends profit and successful acquisitions. Dreams can come true.

Health. Insomnia shows that a lot of unspent energy has accumulated in the body, which in turn causes attacks of irritation and even aggression, which in turn leads to insomnia. Sleepwalkers may increase their sleepwalking. It is good to practice cleansing the body and mind on this day, to be able to overcome such seductions as the desire for fame and the manifestation of selfishness. You should also pay attention to your kidneys, they are weakened on this day, follow a diet, do not drink a lot of liquids and limit yourself to salty foods. Skin diseases may appear, this may be a reflection of hidden ulcers in the soul that have not come out.

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The first phase of the waxing Moon begins immediately after the New Moon and is characterized by almost zero energy. This is a period that accumulates energy and strength both within a person and in the world around him. However, it is still very early to use it - the quantity is only enough for planning.

New business and projects will be successful if you plan and start them on the waxing Moon. These days, energy rushes upward and the further from the New Moon, the more active it is, so for this period you can transfer things from the previous lunar month. Also now you can think about and implement financial investments and investments.

External and internal energy is growing every day of the first phase, so it is worth planning current affairs both at work and at home, as well as personal issues, taking into account the day of the lunar cycle. After all, the more energy you have for them, the greater the likelihood of successful resolution of cases.

This period is very successful for self-care - a healthy lifestyle, care and changes in appearance will be favorably received by the body. Medical procedures and minor operations can be performed.

The period is also good for work on summer cottage and in the garden, for doing small household chores. During this period, travel and trips are not contraindicated.

Positive influence of the first phase of the waxing Moon:

  • these days it is good to plan large work matters and start projects;
  • the time is favorable for financial transactions and investments;
  • At this time, acquaintances and new connections are successful;
  • Housework and gardening are encouraged;
  • You can perform cosmetic, hairdressing and therapeutic effects.

Negative influence of the first phase of the waxing Moon:

  • The period is not suitable for active business management - energy after the New Moon is almost zero.

Moon in Virgo

Painstaking, complex, and attention-demanding tasks need to be completed when the moon is in Virgo. During this period there is a greater chance of getting a worthy reward for your efforts. This position of the moon not only encourages solving business problems, but also makes new acquaintances. Perhaps these people will greatly influence a certain area of ​​your life - love, business.
The Moon in Virgo is also subtly connected with health and the accumulation of vitality. It is advisable to devote these days to general diagnostics and a healthy lifestyle. Some people intuitively go on a diet and begin to actively engage in sports.
A person becomes unusually sensitive to little things. Malfunctions in the machine, errors in operation will be more obvious to you. You will be able to eliminate them in time, saving yourself from trouble. Intuition intensifies, and even minor events will help restore the picture of what is happening and find answers to questions that have been tormenting for a long time.
Virgo is a practical sign, and therefore requires an appropriate approach. The more focused you are on your work, the greater the return awaits you. But you shouldn’t rush into love affairs or big money expenses if there is a new moon. This approach will bring more negative emotions than positive developments.

New Moon in Virgo

Avoid spending big money, don't indulge in passion and sexual relations with the head. You could be wasting time and resources without having any fun. It’s better to take care of everyday issues and spend time with your family. Labor on this day will be especially rewarded.

Waxing Moon in Virgo

Full Moon in Virgo

In terms of work, deal with small tasks, leave big things for later. You should take up your own career or start gradually planning other activities.

Waning moon in Virgo

Cleanliness in the house is what this day is best suited for. Wash, do general cleaning. Any stubborn stains difficult areas the house will be easy to clean.

The influence of the lunar day

7th lunar day

There is enough energy accumulated in the world around us to get what we want. Any activity will be successful, both at work and at home. It's time to talk to your boss about new responsibilities or a promotion, because now you can handle everything.

The day is suitable for learning and communication, making new business connections and just getting to know people. nice people. In the future they will bring only positive results.

Neutral time to resolve money issues. Today you shouldn’t make big unplanned purchases, but you shouldn’t refuse small expenses either.

The 7th lunar day also has a positive effect on communication with loved ones. On this day, dates will be pleasant and reconciliations will be sincere.

Physically, the body is full of strength and energy, so today there is no need to deny yourself some exercise. Sports activities will be very useful. There are also no restrictions on food, alcohol and sex.

Influence of the day of the week


Monday is under the auspices of the most feminine and mysterious night luminary - the Moon. The constant satellite of the Earth embodies feminine The universe is the patron saint of women and children.

The Moon gives the day emotional instability, as well as indecisiveness and softness, making Monday an unreliable and truly unpredictable day.

Ideally, the first day of the week should be devoted to rest, light communication and reflection. To strengthen the connection with the lunar body, today it is better to practice meditative practices near an open body of water.

Use your intuition

It’s not for nothing that Monday is called a hard day, but not because it marks the beginning of the work week. It is today that a person experiences dramatic mood swings, which is why he can do amazing and sometimes unpredictable things.

On the first day of the week, it is advisable to refuse drastic changes or participation in risky ventures. Under the influence of unstable lunar energies, any undertaking today is equally likely to bring great success in the future or turn into a complete failure.

Almost closed on Monday logical thinking, but people who know how to use their intuition can be incredibly lucky.

What can be done

Monday good point for networking and searching, for example, new job or business partner. You shouldn’t start general cleaning on Monday, but you can start learning new things. culinary recipes and please your household or unexpected guests.

Moon phase today, May 21, 2018
Chronology of lunar days
Moon influence May 21, 2018
Moon in the zodiac sign Leo (Âą)
6 lunar day (+)
Waxing Moon (+)
Day of week influence (Âą)

On the date 21.05.2018 V 09:57 The moon is in phase "Waxing Crescent". This 6 lunar day in the lunar calendar. Moon in zodiac sign A lion?. Illumination percentage Moon makes up 41%. Sunrise Moon at 10:22, and sunset at 01:29.

Chronology of lunar days
6th lunar day from 09:03 05/20/2018 to 10:22 05/21/2018
7th lunar day from 10:22 05/21/2018 until the next day

Moon influence May 21, 2018

Moon in the zodiac sign Leo (Âą)

Moon in a sign a lion. The Moon in Leo favors all energetic and effective undertakings: from organizing sports or cultural events to a corporate party aimed at uniting the team for fruitful cooperation.

Many people are drawn to communication and entertainment. These days, almost all entertainment establishments receive a stable income. This is especially true for casinos, betting shops and slot machine halls, since the moon in Leo brings a penchant for adventure and increases reckless risk-taking.

For the same reason, it is worth postponing all serious financial matters related to large funds. To avoid losses, you should not formalize transactions with real estate, shares or sign serious contracts. Most people on this day show a tendency to inflated self-esteem and the tendency to flattery becomes more acute than ever.

6 lunar day (+)

May 21, 2018 at 09:57 - 6 lunar day. One of the most auspicious days. On this day, many people show the gift of foresight, intuition sharpens, and a wide variety of abilities are revealed.

Scientific or social activity, a wide variety of contacts are easily established. The day is favorable for romantic communication with representatives of the opposite sex.

Waxing Moon (+)

The moon is in phase Waxing Crescent. The first lunar phase begins from the new moon until the beginning of the first quarter of the moon (the beginning of the second phase). During this period, the Moon is at the beginning of its growth. The first phase is characterized by an increase in energy to complete planned tasks.

During this period, it is recommended to make plans and start new projects, weigh and outline plans for the development of new ideas, carefully analyze problems and issues, both of the future period and those that remained unrealized from the previous lunar month.

At the physiological level, first lunar phase the body accumulates strength. Energy is still quite low in all areas of life, be it well-being, personal life or business.

As in work, in the personal sphere there comes a stage of rethinking current relationships and, quite possibly, bringing them to the most high level. New connections and acquaintances quickly arise. Together with the growth of the Moon during this period Vital energy is also increasing.

Day of week influence (Âą)

Day of the week - Monday, this day is ruled by the “night Sun” - the Moon. It is called a hard day not at all because it immediately follows a relaxing weekend. On this day we are overwhelmed with emotions. Therefore, successes alternate with failures, successes with defeats. Everything becomes unreliable, relative. To the point that true friends can let you down, and enemies... help.

On Monday, astrologers advise relying only on your intuition in everything, since the arguments of reason do not work on this day. Business agreements concluded on this day, as well as heartfelt victories, may turn into shaky uncertainty tomorrow.

However, all the pitfalls and obstacles of Monday can be avoided by those who “feel in their hearts” what needs to be done. Those who trust their intuition, as a rule, achieve success on this day.

And those who put off some important things until Monday are forced to redo everything later, since the mind has no power over Monday.

  • start preparing seedlings for planting;
  • treat plants against pests;
  • an excellent day for sowing, planting and picking drought-resistant flowers: lavender, saxifrage, phlox, zinnia, snapdragon;
  • Today, you can plant climbing plants: hops, decorative beans, climbing roses, maiden grapes.

You can do

  • Root feeding of cherries (after flowering) with organic and mineral fertilizer potassium humate Prompter (3 tablespoons per 10 liters of water), at the rate of 10-15 liters per tree;
  • grafting of fruit trees: apple, pear, cherry plum, cherry;
  • dividing and replanting overgrown daylily bushes;
  • fertilizing pome trees organic fertilizers. After flowering, it is very effective to add an infusion of grass fermented with yeast, diluted in a ratio of 1:10, or slurry;
  • foliar feeding of seedlings with infusion of ash and mullein. To prepare it, 1 kg of mullein and 200 g of ash are diluted in 10 liters of water and left for 7 days in a warm place. Ready solution filter and spray the plants;
  • thinning seedlings, weeding, loosening and mulching the soil.
  • transplant houseplants;
  • plant potatoes and sow root crops.

The pest catalog will tell you what kind of bugs appeared on tomatoes and cucumbers

Gardening calendar for May 21, 2018

A good day for planting seedlings, sowing leafy, pumpkin and root crops. Plants will give a bountiful harvest High Quality, which will be stored for a long time. It is recommended to complete all sowing work in the first half of the day.

Folk signs and customs for May 21

May 21st - religious holiday Ivan the Theologian, Arsenyev day. Popularly known as Ivan the Long, Pshenichnik.

On the eve of this holiday, housewives prepared ritual pies, which were used to treat passers-by to Ivan the Theologian. The most elderly woman family went to the crossroads, and, waiting for a random passerby, treated him to a pie. They did not eat the pies themselves - this was considered a bad omen.

They used the signs of the day to guess about the weather and the harvest.

  • blooms profusely - for rainy summer.
  • Rain at night and sun during the day good harvest.
  • The sunset is red - the summer will be warm.

Does the plant wither and die? Identify the disease by photo and description in our catalog

Repair work in the house and country house May 21

A good day to start long-planned construction and renovation projects. The increased impulsiveness characteristic of this lunar period guarantees a favorable outcome for long-term work: finishing, facing, engineering.

Lunar horoscope - the calendar for today determines favorable or unfavorable days depending on what lunar day it is today, what is the position of the moon in a certain zodiac constellation and what is the phase of the moon. Astrological forecast for today for each zodiac sign will help predict unforeseen events and protect yourself from troubles

Moon in Leo

Under the sign of Leo moon calendar promises success in matters that require energy expenditure. If you organize cultural event or corporate party, it will bring success! The Moon in the sign Leo is a favorable time for team building and establishing business contacts. The lunar horoscope for today promises a strong craving for relaxation and entertainment. On this day, entertainment establishments will make a profit. Some people have a tendency towards excitement and adventurism; these are precisely the traits that are inherent in representatives of the Leo sign.

If you have financial matters ahead that involve large expenses, it is recommended that you think through them carefully and postpone them until better times. It is not advisable to draw up contracts related to real estate.

Lunar day today

7th lunar day

Great period for business activity. It is necessary to make every effort to achieve the highest degree of organization and responsibility. Today you should be a person who is responsible for his words. New ideas will receive active support and assistance in implementation.

Dreamed events or pictures this night may take place in real life . But you shouldn’t expect them to come true soon.

This figure at this point is approximate . The exact meaning of the beginning and end of the lunar day for regions in different time zones differs significantly. What lunar day is it today for each city in its time zone, you need to find out online in the section. To do this you just need to select city ​​name and fill in the time, date, month and year.

Waxing Moon - phase of the moon on this day

The current phase of the moon today is the Waxing Moon. The period has a powerful energy charge that spreads its influence to implement plans. Big things don't take too much physical effort. This happens because the Moon itself is just beginning to grow in height. Great time in order to bring to life the creative ideas that arose the day before. Space helps in the successful completion of undertakings. Business runs smoothly and without problems, without requiring any special energy expenditure from you.

Plans postponed since last month should be given attention on the lunar day today. This situation is conducive to active activity not only in the business sphere, but also in personal relationships. Long-term relationships are likely to enter a new stage of their development. If there was no strong couple before, then there is a high chance of making more than one interesting acquaintance. The state of health also depends quite significantly on what lunar day it is today. All yours internal organs prepare for long work, accumulating strength. This may feel like a slight sluggishness in the body.

Lunar horoscope Monday

Monday is under the influence of the night sun - the Moon. The lunar horoscope for today foretells a busy and difficult day: conflicting emotions await you. You should be prepared for the day to not go the way you wanted. Good luck may alternate with troubles; at some point it may seem to you that your friends have become unreliable.
On Monday, fate is unpredictable: perhaps friends will let you down, and enemies will help.

On this day you need to trust your intuition; the mind will be powerless. If you have had important affairs, you should know that they may not live up to your expectations; heartfelt victories will bring disappointment.
If you have developed intuition, you will be able to overcome all obstacles: your sixth sense will definitely tell you the right way out. Trust your mood and you will definitely achieve success!
If you have meetings scheduled for Monday, business meeting, it is recommended to transfer them

Dreams from Sunday to Monday carry the psychological and emotional characteristics of the sleeper. Through the pictures that appeared during sleep, one can analyze the degree of congestion of acute experiences and the state of nervous system. The greater the stress on the psyche in life, the stranger and more incomprehensible dreams appear. As a rule, they do not come true in reality. However, if this happens, the incident will not be fatal. It is recommended not to pay significant attention to dreams that appear at the beginning of the work week.
The lunar day also suggests the likelihood of dreams coming true, depending on which lunar day the dream occurred.

Astrological forecast for May 21st

Today you will be the center of attention. You will have to come to terms with this and be patient a little. You won't be able to sit out anyway.

Today you have to make quite significant changes to your routine and affairs. But don't relax. As soon as you loosen control, everything will return to normal.

On this day, inaction is unacceptable. If you want to become famous and rich, then start taking the first steps towards your dream.

Today is the right time to make adjustments in your life. And if you are completely ready for change, then you begin to act without the slightest delay.

The key to your success in your personal life is trust. Trust your family and consider the consequences of your steps. One wrong step can cause problems in a relationship.

Today you will experience bitter disappointment after learning that you do not meet the ideal for your family and friends. The horoscope advises to remain yourself.

Today someone will unfairly offend you. But before you make a tragedy out of it, think about possible reasons. Perhaps you are not so perfect.

Today you will feel like a straw floating in the middle of a stormy ocean. Calm down and try to adequately assess the situation.

You will feel that you can easily and naturally move mountains and accomplish a grandiose feat. Try not to waste this charge of energy on nonsense.

On this day you need to make useful connections. If you find yourself a patron or an influential acquaintance, consider that the day has not been lived in vain.

Today it is better for you to think than to act. If you still cannot sit still, then try to at least enlist the support of your family and friends.

Today you better devote yourself to household chores. And don't try to take the initiative. In your case, it will not lead to anything good and will be stopped by those around you immediately.

Dreams from Sunday to Monday 03/25/2019

Dreams from Sunday to Monday carry the psychological and emotional characteristics of the sleeper. Through the pictures that appeared during sleep, you can analyze the degree of workload, ...