How and when to pick leaves from cabbage, whether to do it. Do I need to pick leaves from cabbage Do I need to pick leaves from Chinese cabbage

Should I cut lower leaves cabbage and what it gives is of interest to many summer residents and gardeners. Cabbage is the queen of the garden, it is one of the most beloved and grown crops. It has a lot of useful substances, vitamins, which it retains throughout winter period. Therefore, it is so important to know how to grow a rich, healthy crop, to properly store forks for a long time.

Is it possible to cut off the first leaves of the outlet

The quality of the crop is influenced by numerous factors that must be considered when planting and caring for a vegetable. In autumn, closer to the harvest, a huge cabbage tops are intertwined with each other. Most gardeners are tempted to get rid of them by carefully cutting off and leaving the peeled head to ripen. Not everyone knows how expedient this is and whether it is necessary to remove the lower leaves.

The answer to this question is almost unambiguous: in healthy, intact plants, it is impossible to cut off part of the outlet - this can have a very bad effect on the general condition of the crop, the size of the forks, the duration and quality of storage of the harvested crop.

Important! In the process of photosynthesis, the necessary substances for the growth and development of the vegetable are accumulated in the ground part. The head of cabbage begins to form when 6-7 lower leaves appear.

The stock of useful minerals and vitamins accumulated at the bottom of the socket is used for further growth and fork formation. If you remove this part of the socket, the cabbage will try to restore balance nutrients. Thus, the growth of the head slows down, which adversely affects the yield.

Why cut off the lower cabbage leaves

Picking near-earth tops from cabbage heads is allowed only in cases where the benefits outweigh the possible harm.

  1. Landing is too thick, poorly ventilated, there is a risk of rotting forks or being affected by various diseases.
  2. The soil is not fertile enough, poor in nutrients, the forks are loose. In this case, it is necessary to cut off the near-earth part of the outlet so that the head of cabbage ripens and becomes more dense.
  3. When the lower tops turn yellow from lack of moisture, it is better to remove it, since there will no longer be any benefit from it.
  4. If they interfere with the hilling of plants, watering, the penetration of moisture to the roots, they must also be cut off.

Pros and cons of removing cabbage leaves

Even if there are good reasons for cutting near-earth cabbage tops, the pros and cons must be carefully weighed. It must be remembered that when it is cut off, cabbage loses the necessary nutrients, which will negatively affect the general condition of the plant. Healthy and green tops are not recommended to be cut off even when stored for storage, as they continue to give vitamins and minerals to cabbage, protecting its inner part from damage and drying out.

In the beds, the near-earth tops, which have a wax coating, protect against the penetration of harmful insects, aphids, slugs, cabbage boletus into the plant. Juice protruding on the scrap can attract pests even more. To deal with them, it is better to use chemicals- Breaking will not help here.

When do you need to remove the lower leaves from cabbage?

Before the formation of the head, it is impossible to cut off the tops, as this will greatly slow down the development of the head of cabbage, and will negatively affect its size. If the seedling is susceptible to diseases and damaged, it is better to get rid of it immediately. In autumn, when the head of cabbage is already formed, you can get rid of yellowed, dried and damaged cabbage tops.

In early early maturing varieties you can cut off part of the outlet in the summer to avoid cracking the cabbage heads.

Rules for removing the lower leaves of the rosette of cabbage

Experts are of the opinion that in autumn the near-earth tops stop supplying nutrients to the plant, on the contrary, it begins to absorb them. In addition, it thickens the beds, in rainy autumn contributes to decay, and in dry weather, plants lose a lot of moisture through it. During this period it is necessary to cut off lower part cabbage, leaving the stem bare. If you do this a month before harvest, the forks will become much denser.

During the ripening period of cabbage, cutting should be done gradually - no more than one leaf in 5-7 days, so that the plant loses as little juice and nutrients as possible, and the wound heals quickly. The cut should be sprinkled with ash and tobacco dust to protect the plant from infection and pest damage.


It depends on the general condition of the culture whether it is necessary to remove the lower leaves from the cabbage. If possible, avoid cutting off the green near-earth cabbage tops, or do it carefully, without causing further damage to the plant.

Brussels sprouts are not to be confused with any other. At the end of ripening, a long meter-long stem is tightly wrapped around small heads of cabbage, which are convenient to stew or pickle whole. Since the culture is very specific, gardeners are naturally wondering how to care for it, including whether to pick leaves from Brussels sprouts or not.

General information about the cultivation of Brussels sprouts

This species has a very long growing period, about 180 days. But Brussels sprouts are the most frost-resistant - on the vine, adult plants calmly tolerate frosts down to minus 6-7 degrees Celsius. Therefore, the term for sowing seeds for seedlings is the end of March - the beginning of April. And not in room conditions, and in greenhouse soil: seedlings do not develop well in the house.

Transplant seedlings to permanent place maybe in two months. Plants are planted according to a scheme of approximately 60x60, 60x70 cm, deepening to the lower leaves.

Caring for cabbage is quite simple. The first top dressing is carried out after the seedlings have taken root, on the 10–20th day, with nitrogen fertilizers. It is important not to overdo it so that the cabbage does not go into the leaf. The second top dressing - when tying heads of cabbage, you can use potash fertilizers.

Brussels sprouts love moisture and need to be watered especially often in hot and dry weather. Loosen after watering. Also, the culture is quite photophilous, does not tolerate the wind. It is desirable to tie up the grown stems.

Important! Plants do not need to be fertilized.

Harvested in the fall, at the end of September - November. At the same time, they are guided by the ripening of heads of cabbage and weather conditions: the collection must be carried out before the onset of cold weather minus 10 degrees. It is permissible (most often they do this) to pick off the heads of cabbage gradually, leaving the upper ones to ripen. A sign of the ripeness of a head of cabbage is density, reaching 3 cm in diameter. Continuous cleaning is carried out if the tops themselves began to fall off.

You can store cabbage for a long time in the cellar, digging very closely planted plants without tops, without leaves, but with roots, into the ground. In this case, heads of cabbage even gain additional weight. Stems cut from below (along the root neck) without an upper bud and tops can be stored for up to three months.

Separate heads of cabbage with stalks are kept in a bag in the refrigerator or in boxes of 3-4 pieces for up to 1.5 months. Freezing is required for longer storage.

Heading period: to pick or not to pick leaves?

Why cabbage needs lower leaves

The tops play a special role in the development of this crop, especially in the early and middle phases of growth. The leaves, including the lower ones, perform important functions:

  • provide photosynthesis, nutrition and respiration of plants;
  • protect the forming heads from pests;
  • shade the ground, saving water in it and preventing the soil from overheating.

Attention! If you remove the leaves early, you can disrupt the formation of sprouts. There is a risk of cabbage infection through wounds and further decay.

When is the removal of the lower leaves justified?

The leaves of the tops do not become lower immediately, but only as they grow. However, gradually useful features come to naught and there are additional risks if the tops are not removed. This should be done when the leaves:

  • began to touch the ground, serving as a shelter and a "ladder" for aphids, slugs, caterpillars;
  • mechanically damaged or infected with pests;
  • grow old, turn pale, turn yellow, fade;
  • make it difficult for air to reach the heads;
  • shade other plants;
  • develop too much to the detriment of heads of cabbage;
  • interfere with free passage.

Important! Brussels sprouts only need to cut off the lower leaves a month or two before harvesting, if the above factors are not present. IN favorable conditions the tops do not even turn yellow until the last.

Leaves can be cut off, cut with secateurs or a knife. It is desirable that on the day of removal and the day after that there was clear weather: so that the wounds had time to heal.

Do I need to cut off the tops of Brussels sprouts?

Unlike the lower leaves, the top growth point of Brussels sprouts must be pinched. But the top leaves are left.

It is important to do this in a timely manner, when sprouts are already actively forming. Such pinching will stop the formation of new ovaries. If you pinch too early, instead of heads of cabbage you will get a broom of tops.

The term of the second pinching falls on the end of September - the beginning of October. At this time, the entire top with underdeveloped axillary buds is cut off.

As you can see, care Brussels sprouts in many ways even easier than for white cabbage. And any cabbage loves moisture.

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The most common myth

we kept rabbits. cabbage puffs up rabbits. if strongly thoroughbred it is better not to risk their poor health. about tearing off the lower leaves is a deep delusion. the neighbors cut off, but I didn't. I had better cabbage. now the neighbors, having looked at me, also stopped cutting off.


formed an understanding with her answer)))

You don't need to remove it for several reasons. If the climate is dry, they retain moisture. In other cases, the lower leaves provide nutrition to the main head, being additional source photosynthesis.


But if it's by autumn, the head of cabbage has already grown, but it is too soft and loose, then you can cut off a few lower leaves. What will it give? The head of cabbage will no longer grow in size, but will become denser. Therefore, we do not touch small heads of cabbage - they will still grow in size, but in large loose ones we carry out this procedure. This should be done about a month before harvest. In my case, this is the beginning - mid-September.​

Diseases of cabbage

I never removed the leaves, but last year I removed them for the following reason - insects began to actively gnaw them, since they had easy access to these leaves from the ground. I did not see any difference between the crop with torn leaves and not torn off. Therefore, you need to cut off the lower leaves "as needed", depending on the cause. As a rule, this is the beginning of the formation of a head or when the leaves turn yellow in appearance (if they lie on the ground, they begin to rot from excessive moisture).

You can check for yourself and remove the leaves from several plants (a couple of rows). In autumn, compare the heads and you will make sure that the heads where you cut off the leaves are smaller and not so dense. I have already done such an experiment.​

The dispute between opponents and supporters of removing the lower "extra" leaves from cabbage has been going on for a long time and everyone enthusiastically defends his point of view. I never remove healthy lower leaves and rarely complain about cabbage, although there are crop failures. First of all, the lower leaves are said to create high humidity under the head and shelter for various pests. In addition, they interfere with hilling, without which the cabbage can fall on its side, start to rot on this side. This is largely true, but gardeners themselves need such care for the plant, since it is easier and more convenient to care for a lantern cabbage without leaves.

Like all cruciferous, cabbage is susceptible various diseases, but we will consider only those associated with yellowing of the leaves.

Cabbage has been grown in Russia since ancient times. For many centuries, culture

The leaves of the cabbage are cut off at the end of August, but only those that are close to the ground, this is done so that the head is tied tighter and not loose (which contributes to better storage)

When should the lower leaves of cabbage be cut off?


lady v

p. With. and my cabbage still doesn’t make cabbages ((((((((((((​

I delete those that lie on the ground


Heads are tied faster - the juice does not go to the lower leaves It is not necessary to cut off the lower leaves of the cabbage.

In fact, you do not need to cut off the lower cabbage leaves, because this will bring great harm to this vegetable.

You can remove a couple of bottom sheets from cabbage

However, is leaf removal useful for cabbage? After all, these are not just rudimentary organs, cabbage initially deposits all the nutrients, all the reserves into these leaves, which it later uses to form and grow a head of cabbage. The more these reserves, the better the head of cabbage grows, the more nutrients it receives. The removal of these reserves stimulates the cabbage to grow new leaves, and instead of spending all its energy on the growth of the head, it stretches upwards. But when the function of the lower leaves is completed, they themselves dry and turn yellow, then they can be removed.


Many varieties appeared, and gardeners learned to notice all the features of head ripening. Many summer residents are wondering: “Do I need to pick off the lower leaves of cabbage?” Let's figure it out. Is that why our hands itch so much?


I think that for tying cabbage heads, picking off the lower leaves is the right agronomic technique. In villages (where entire fields were planted with cabbage), peasant women went out to trample cabbage leaves, precisely in order to remove the lower leaves that had already fulfilled their function.

During the heat, cabbage with these leaves protects itself from overheating, and it also captures moisture from the air.

Leaves are the source of everything for the formation of heads. Light, moisture. It is not necessary to remove, if only dry and sick.


This is done only when a cabbage disease is detected, which is expressed in yellowing, blackening of the leaves of this plant (fungal diseases).


And the process of photosynthesis will completely slow down in cabbage, it is only recommended to cut off those leaves that have rotted or turned yellow.

When the head is already visible, but this is so that the air circulates better near the root and it does not rot in September.

You can not cut off the lower leaves of cabbage

The disease can affect seedlings, adult culture and seed plants. When infected, the lower leaves of the cabbage turn yellow and are covered with a small white bloom with reverse side. The infection can progress on the leaves near the ground, so in this case they are removed or treated with a mixture of lime and sulfur in a 1: 1 ratio.

At the end of summer, those leaves that are near the ground begin to cut off from the culture. At the same time, there is an opinion that the head becomes larger, since nutrients come directly to it. A bad example is contagious, as a result, by the end of August, the vegetable becomes bare in all the neighbors. Well, what is really happening?


No, wrong. In the surface green leaves, the process of photosynthesis takes place. The hostess deprived the cabbage organic matter, which are formed during photosynthesis and flow into white leaves

No, not desirable.

Nikolai Sosiura


Also, without these leaves, nutritional properties are quickly lost during storage for the winter.

Since the size of the fork depends on the number of leaves and given that they feed the plant, it is necessary to keep the number of leaves on the cabbage as much as possible.


And if you cut off the green leaves that are almost at the very ground, then thereby specifically reduce the cabbage crop.

Do you remove the bottom leaves from cabbage? Why do it?

Alena Kisa

The lower leaves of the cabbage must be cut off when the ovary of the head goes.

avel adamovich

. Through them, food from the sun's rays and air goes to the head of cabbage. Cabbage takes strength and nutrition not only from the soil.


Vascular bacteriosis


Do I need to cut off the lower leaves of cabbage? The roots of the plant supply the culture with water, in which they are dissolved minerals(phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and others). Leaves are a "factory" of organic substances. In the light, as a result of photosynthesis, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins are produced in them, that is, all substances due to which the vegetable grows, increases the underground and aboveground parts. The warmer the weather is, the faster all the necessary elements are produced.​

Alexey K

I tried to grow with the removal of the lower leaves and without. I decided unequivocally - 2-3 (4) bottom sheets - to delete!

Serg Havr

Only if they turn yellow and dry.
It is not desirable now, because cabbage uses the lower leaves as a pantry of nutrients, so if there is a drought or something else, then the cabbage can always take these substances from the lower leaves. If you decide to cut off, then the cabbage will begin to grow these leaves again, then a lot of time and effort will be spent.
I delete


They cut it off a week before taking it for a shredder in pickling or for a pill in brine, so that it takes more of a swing.


The leaves of the cabbage begin to curl up gradually, the upper leaves form a head, and the lower large heavy leaves remain lying on the ground. It is at this moment that you need to cut off a couple of leaves, those that already look unpresentable. They look dirty, may be torn, they can be safely removed.​


These leaves provide nutrients to the cabbage. They can form microcracks in cabbage, which will attract various insects and pests to it.

I am on the right

The lower leaves of cabbage usually lie on the ground and thereby attract all sorts of caterpillars and slugs, it is these leaves that must be removed, and it is best to cut with a knife.

. Natalia

Don't forget about photosynthesis.

Is it possible to remove the huge lateral leaves of the cabbage if the head is not yet fully formed?

Evgeny Buikov

The disease begins with yellowing of the leaf blade. Gradually, the yellowness moves towards the middle, the veins become black and form a kind of grid. Further, the infection penetrates into the stalk and the fetus itself. When infected vascular bacteriosis the lower leaves must be removed in order to prevent the development of the disease.


The head of the vegetable we are considering is poured due to the leaves. Do I need to cut off the lower leaves of the cabbage? No need: photosynthesis processes in autumn begin to go slower, all supplies are expensive. Therefore, you need to cut off only rotting or yellowed leaves, although they also outflow the necessary elements.


Do not remove now 3 leaves growing "inside out" and touching the soil - then remove 5-6 sheets of the top, which will be in spots and poop of snails.

Vladimir Drozdov

Elena Gubaidullina

In cabbage, only yellowed lower leaves, rotten or diseased, can be removed. Everything else remains until the heads are harvested.


Only 3-4 lower.
I don’t delete it while it grows, only when I tear it out.

In the Urals, the lower leaves of cabbage are cut off before pruning ... so that the heads of cabbage do not rot during the rains, they are ventilated.

Vladimir Bendrikov

You can pick off such leaves in cabbage only if there are diseases or some kind of rot damage.

Lidia Gultyaeva

The cabbage stalk should be without lower leaves adjacent to the ground.


Plus, moisture is better preserved under the leaves, and cabbage cannot grow in dry soil.


So we considered the question: “Is it necessary to cut off the lower leaves of cabbage?” The answer is: it is not necessary if they are not infected and have not turned yellow.

The hostess plucked the upper green leaves of the cabbage to feed the rabbits. Did she do the right thing? It's in biology


By cutting off the green leaves located near the ground itself, gardeners, on the contrary, reduce the yield, because they deprive the culture of some of the stored nutrients. In addition, when breaking off, cell sap is released, which attracts insects. Through micro-wounds, pests and pathogens enter the vegetable.


I cut off only yellowed ones and if they already lie directly on the ground, but not

Ludmila Klochkova

Of course not, otherwise there will be little earth power in the cabbage.

Ksenia Kobzeva

If the heads of cabbage are already ripe, then absolutely right. If there are no heads, then this is a mistake, the surface of photosynthesis has decreased, the head may not form at all.

Lyubov Andrukhova

It’s better not to remove it yet, how the head will form and then we don’t remove it late in the fall, we just clean it, two weeks before harvesting

New day

I don't grow cabbage at all

Do I need to cut the leaves off the cabbage?

Ludmila Gushchina

on pigeons


You need to cut off the leaves of the cabbage when they turn yellow or withered.


Opinions regarding the removal of the lower leaves of cabbage differ, most come to the conclusion that it is still not worth removing them, since it is from these leaves that the rest of the head is fed.

Nadezhda Kotsareva

This is a mistake, some gardeners cut off the lower leaves and say that they take away excess strength and nutrition. These are not tomatoes for you.

Nikita Mironov

When do cabbages cut off the lower leaves?

Alexandra Marchenko

In addition, the green lower leaves of cabbage are a kind of protection for the plant from overheating and excess moisture. You should not cut them off in the fight against slugs and caterpillars - there are other ways that do not reduce the yield. It is necessary to resort to a "rough agricultural method" only if the leaves are dried up and do not participate in photosynthesis, or are affected by diseases. This will be discussed further.

Andrey Proshkin

no way! revealed a direct pattern of the size and quality of cabbage heads (dry matter content, sugars, fiber, vitamins, etc.) on the number of healthy and full-fledged leaves of the cabbage plant. cutting off the leaves, you obviously reduce the yield, its quality and safety.

There is no consensus on whether it is worth plucking the cabbage leaves that are at the bottom. Some gardeners say that it is necessary - so the nutrients go into the head, and pets can be fed. Others, on the contrary, believe that a head of cabbage definitely needs all the leaves that it has (except for sick and dry ones, of course).

The assimilation system, due to which cabbage grows, undoubtedly plays a very important role. And yet, is it necessary to cut off the lower leaves of cabbage and when can this be done?

Is it necessary to cut off the lower leaves of cabbage and when can this be done?

Is there an objective need to remove cabbage leaves? No, especially in autumn, when photosynthesis slows down and any supplies become important. Cutting off greens, you contribute to a decrease in yield vegetable crop, because you take away a supply of useful trace elements from her. The plant secretes juice, which is a bait for pests and insects - the leaves cover the head, and if there are none, then there is nothing to protect the cabbage.

Still, picking the leaves can be useful:

  • If they turned yellow and rotted - in this case, we are not talking about the accumulation of useful substances, but, on the contrary, their outflow.
  • There is a defeat by pathogens of fungal diseases and other infections.
  • You need the bottom leaves of cabbage, and you are aware of all the risks associated with their breakage.

Experienced vegetable growers remove the leaves from cabbage varieties with a long stalk - this allows the earth to dry out and closes the passage of the slug. After breaking off, the head of cabbage is necessarily pollinated with rubbed ash (chemical preparations are also used, but they have a much more aggressive composition than ash).

Leaves should be plucked carefully - in some cases this measure can be useful (if they are bad and do not benefit the culture), in other situations it is better not to interfere with natural growth processes.

As for the need to remove the lower leaves from cabbage, the opinions of experts differ. Some suggest that since heads of cabbage are used for food, and not leaves, then the latter can be cut off. The rest argue that these elements are necessary for the formation of bushes. young plant so they can't be removed.

In the specialized literature it is quite difficult to find information on this subject, for this reason, each summer resident must resolve this issue on his own.

The role of the leaf in head formation

During its development, the plant forms a head of cabbage. The leaves perform their own function. Taking part in photosynthesis, they contribute to the appearance of elements that are the laying material for the head. In large sheets from below, the nutrients necessary for its correct formation. If they are cut off, the plant will look for such a supply and grow them again. Heading occurs only if there are at least seven large bottom elements. Their number also affects the yield. In addition, the cutting leaves have a layer of wax that protects the head of cabbage from diseases and insects. During the summer months, they contribute to temperature regulation and prevent overheating and cooling of the head.

They contain twice as much vitamin C as compared to the inside. When ripe, this element is transferred to a head of cabbage.

Do I need to cut off the lower leaves of cabbage

When the plant is young, then each torn leaf leads to the fact that the head of cabbage ripens later for a day. Juice is released through the cut section, with which useful elements come out of the cabbage. This means that cutting off this part of a young plant is highly undesirable.

However, many gardeners still tear off the lower leaves, being of the opinion that this procedure will help to better pass the air between neighboring heads, thereby reducing the risk of rotting and other diseases.

In fact, on the contrary, many pests can flock to the aroma of the flowing juice.

Other proponents of breaking cause this process by the fact that after their removal, the head becomes denser. But this should be done in the fall, after its formation has been completed. If you cut off the leaves early, the roots will begin to die.

When thinking about whether it is necessary to remove the leaves from below, one should evaluate the state in which they are. You do not need to do this if they are dense and green. Often, these leaves turn yellow even in the summer months, during a period of drought. They will not be able to turn green, even if it rains. For this reason, their careful removal is allowed.

Why cut off the lower leaves of cabbage

According to some gardeners, removing the lower leaves of cabbage is necessary to protect against various pests. These include slugs, the appearance of which on the plant occurs in the fall. By this time, a fairly good development of the head of cabbage is observed. Then it probably makes sense to cut off the leaves from below.

In summer, cabbage is attacked by fleas, cabbage belan caterpillars. However, in this case, removing the leaves will not help. The plant needs to be treated chemicals or sprinkle with ash and tobacco dust. Much fewer pests are found on a site cleared of weeds.

Good protection for the plant is provided by calendula, marigolds, celery, dill, which are planted between rows.

Cutting off the lower leaves as a method of salvation from diseases and pests

Sometimes removing leaves can save you from some insects. Although this method does not help with all pests.

Does tearing leaves save from scoops and cabbage flies

When a plant is damaged by a scoop or a cabbage fly, it is quite acceptable to pluck the lower leaves. Since the scoop lays eggs from the bottom of the leaves, and cabbage fly into the ground, so the lower leaves can interfere with pest control.

Does cutting off leaves from vascular bacteriosis

Sometimes cabbage is affected by vascular bacteriosis. A sign of the disease is yellowed, dead edges, on which dark veins appear. Cutting off the leaves will not help the plant in this case. Will it take it complete removal. The procedure should be performed carefully to avoid infection of neighboring heads of cabbage. You can prevent the disease if, when preparing the seeds for planting, harden them by placing them in turn in heated and cool water. It is advisable not to plant unhealthy and weakened seedlings.

When to cut off

With the advent of autumn, the leaves from below give up useful elements for the formation of a head, turn yellow and wilted. They will no longer be able to take part in photosynthesis, so there is no need for them.

When the covering leaves begin to rot, wilt, or are severely affected, they must be removed, as they are capable of infecting the remaining leaves and the head itself.

But rotting occurs only when the soil is excessively moist. Then it is worth reducing watering or diverting water.

According to many experts, there is nothing wrong with removing leaves from below. It is believed that in the fall they no longer supply useful substances, but, on the contrary, they are taken from other parts of the cabbage. Through the lower parts there is a strong evaporation of moisture. If they contribute to a strong shading of the head, then you can cut them off. In this case, it is recommended to completely break them off.