Fly clatter staged in kindergarten. The script for the play “Fly-Tsokotukha in a new way. III. Creative work

Musical entertainment script kindergarten"The clattering fly on new way»

Musical is a genre that combines several types of musical and stage art; it synthesizes dialogues, songs, music, and dances.

Target: create conditions for the development of children’s creative activity in musical and theatrical activities, act freely and relaxed when performing in front of adults and peers (including giving main roles to shy children, including children with speech difficulties in the performance, ensuring the active participation of each child in the performance) .

- Contribute to the formation of creative self-expression in children.
- Develop creative imagination and imagination, attention and memory, ear for music, plasticity of movements.
- Foster partnerships in the group, teach communication with each other, mutual respect, and understanding.

Scenario for musical entertainment “Tskotukha fly in a new way”

Children: Fly Tsokotukha
Adults: Leading
1 child:
Our life is boring without a fairy tale.
A day is as precious as a whole year.
All the best and brighter than paint,
If a fairy tale comes to us!

2nd child:
Now we will show you the musical,
Let's tell a fairy tale about Mukha,
How did she find the money?
When I was walking along the pole.

3rd child:
How I flew to the market,
How did you buy a samovar there?

4th child:
How you invited insects
And what did they have next?
Make yourself more comfortable
And clap for us, don't be shy!
A fairy tale, a joke tale, telling it is not a joke,
So that the fairy tale begins to gurgle like a river,
So that all the people in their hearts will gape at her,
So that no one, neither old nor small, falls asleep in the end,
We wish the artists the best of luck!
Attention, it's starting
Together: Fly Tsokotukha!
(To the music, the clattering fly runs out, circling around itself.)
Fly Tsokotukha:
Oh, what a wonderful day!
I'm not too lazy to get out of bed!
I will invite guests to the house and treat them to something delicious!
I’ll quickly run and buy some gingerbread for tea.
(The fly runs around the circle and finds the “money.”)
The choir sings to the tune of the white birch:

Fly fly clattering gilded belly
A fly walked across the field and found some money.

Fly Tsokotukha:
Oh, what beauty!
I found a pretty penny!
What should I buy?
Maybe the dress is blue,
Or shoes, or a skirt -
Okay, I'll think about it for a minute!
No! I'll go to the market and buy a samovar there!
I will invite guests to the house - both acquaintances and friends. (walks around in a circle)

The sun shines so beautifully
my soul is light and clear
I hear fair cheerful voices
the peddlers there work wonders

Leading:All come here! There are people all around!
He dances and sings,
Buys, sells,
He negotiates competently.
Carousel Defile of peddlers with boxes.
1 peddler: Get ready, dress up, go to the fair!
Here goods are sold, sonorous songs are sung.
2 peddler: Only here, only now, is the best kvass in the world!
Dear audience, buy bagels from us!
Tambourines, spoons, balalaikas, buy, buy!
(The fly, one by one, approaches the peddlers to the music and examines the goods)
Cluttering fly: Any product here is good, but I need a samovar.

(3rd Peddler points to the table with the samovar behind him.)

3 peddler: All the goods were sold out, but one was completely forgotten,
He puffs like a steam locomotive, holding his nose up importantly,
He will make some noise, calm down, and invite the seagull to drink.

Fly Tsokotukha:
Wonderful product -
I'm buying a samovar!
(The fly gives the money and “buys” the samovar. The peddlers leave.
The fly takes the samovar “into the house”, puts it on the table, lays out plates, saucers, sweets.)

Fly Tsokotukha:
Everything is ready, the table is set, the samovar is already boiling.
When my friends come, I will be very glad.

Song of the Fly-Tsokotukha, music. G.Firtosh

Leading: Here are the guests at the gate,
The fly comes to meet them.
Do you hear?
The wings rustle -
These are butterflies flying!
(Butterfly dance)
1 butterfly:
Hello fly - clattering,
Gilded belly!
We fluttered through the fields.
We flew to visit you.
2 butterfly:
We are naughty butterflies
Cheerful flyers.
We flutter through the fields,
Through groves and meadows.

3 butterfly:
We are naughty butterflies
Cheerful flyers.
We don’t get tired of flying
And we sing songs.
4 butterfly:
We are from all our native meadows
They brought you flowers!
Congratulations! Congratulations!
We wish you happiness and joy! (give flowers)
Fly Tsokotukha:(to butterflies)
Thank you, thank you,
Oh, the bouquet is beautiful!
Song of butterflies, music by G. Firtosh
Fly Tsokotukha:(to butterflies)
Sit down here
The guests will arrive soon!
Leading: Who is it that is buzzing like that, who is rushing here to us?
(Exit Zhukov)
1 Beetle.
We are Beetles, we are Beetles,
It was our hands to fashion ourselves,
We are a respectable people
Can't you see?
2 Beetle.
Our fly is good
Very kind soul
We love to visit her
Drink tea from a samovar.
3 Beetle.
Zhu zhu zhu and here are the mushrooms for you
Zhu zhu zhu collected on a stump
We ask you to accept mushrooms from us
Fly Tsokotukha:
Thank you to the table, please come in! (claps his hands)


Fleas came to the fly,
They brought her boots.
(Flea Exit)
1 Flea:
Take it from fleas,
A pair of boots!
2 Flea:
But the boots are not simple,
They have gold clasps.
3 Flea:
You wear it, our friend,
You will be more beautiful in all of them!

Fly Tsokotukha:
Thank you, thank you, Amazing boots.
Leading: Oh, the boots are good
So they ask - dance!
Come out, midge,
Now it's time to dance.
We are horned beetles
Respectable, rich.
Okay, how are you?
Our legs are eager to dance.
Here I will curl my mustache,
I'll invite the butterfly to dance.
General dance"Polka tra la la"

BEE song
And here is the bee - golden bangs.
It rustles with its paws and hurries into Tsokotukha's house.
(Bee Entrance)
Bees have a lot of work to do in spring:
The honeycombs need to be filled with honey.
I don't get tired of work,
I collect honey and sing songs.
Congratulations to Tsokotukha,
I invite you to my round dance.
Round dance "Bee" music. E. Pryakhina
Fly Tsokotukha: (to a bee)
Neighbor, don't be shy
Make yourself comfortable.

Leading:And now, friends, attention!
Young talent!
(Grasshopper Entrance)
Grasshopper:(addressing the audience)
I am a grasshopper musician, I have my own talent:
I study music, and today congratulations
Unusual congratulations,
Our Fly on his birthday!
(says to Mukha slowly, expressively, delicately)
Darling, among our places,
I created an orchestra for you.
Please rate your efforts
(loud to everyone) So, just a minute!
Come out, musicians, to the green meadow,
Bring, musicians, some a nozzle, some a horn.
How many musicians, so many talents!
Orchestra "Cossack"
Fly Tsokotukha:(to everyone)
Thank you, thank you, my dears,
Sit down at the table, the samovar is ready.
Guests together: Congratulations, congratulations! We wish you happiness and joy!
Fly Tsokotukha:
Beautiful butterflies eat jam
or don't you like my treat?
Oh jam, oh jam it’s just delicious
my mustache and cheeks are drowning in sweet juice.
Oh jam, oh jam
there is no comparison
because the nectar of good flowers
no one can compare with him.
Guests one at a time:
Just drink some tea, the tea will be poured again
The samovar shines joyfully with happiness
Cups spoons saucers on the table clink
Ding la la laugh makes us all happy.
Dance "Samovar"

Firefly helps everyone
he illuminates the clearings
there will be midges
having fun until the morning
General choir:
Congratulations! Congratulations!
we wish you happiness and joy
help you with everything
we give our word of honor

Fly Tsokotukha:
Guests, eat, drink, don’t be shy, help yourself, help yourself!
I baked and fried, I boiled, steamed,
I took pies and rolls out of the oven.
There is a treat on the table, just a feast for the eyes.
There are cookies in saucers, jam in vases,
There is ice cream in cups and cakes in plates.
(I remembered, I was alarmed)
Oh, I forgot! I baked a loaf as best I could.
Very fluffy, very tasty, and beautiful and airy
.(The fly takes out the loaf.)
The fun begins
Congratulations to our Mukha
And we wish you many years to come!
Come out and dance
Start a round dance!

Round dance "Loaf"
(The fly takes turns choosing a Bee, a Butterfly, and a Grasshopper.)
Leading: Who is this crawling here? Without a machine and without hands, but the canvas weaves?
The Spider comes out (his face is gloomy, cunning, he moves his paws, the guests freeze in horror). Walks around in a circle.
Spider: (to everyone) You didn’t invite me for tea?
They didn't show the samovar?
So now there will be no holiday!
I want to destroy the tinkling sound.
I am terrible, I am a villain!
(To the fly) Well!
(beckons with his finger) Come here quickly.
I'll wrap you in a web,
And I’ll drag you into my cave. (wraps a fly in a web)

Leading: The spider weaves his carpet - he weaves a cobweb,
He catches flies in his net and releases the spirit of the poor!
Fly Tsokotukha:
Dear guests, please help,
Drive away the villain spider!
And I fed you, and I gave you water,
Don't leave me
In my last hour!
Why are you sitting?
Help a fly out of trouble!
The beauty fly will disappear!
We are afraid to fight the spider!
It’s better for us to lie down under the bench!
Spider's Song
Leading: But who is it that is rushing to the rescue? This is the savior, Mosquito-Mosquito, Long Nose!
(Exit Mosquito song)
I am a brave mosquito
Daring fellow.
Where is the spider, where is the villain?
I'm not afraid of his snares.
I'm not afraid of spiders
I'm going to fight the spider now!
Pantomime "Fight of the Mosquito and the Spider"
(at the end the Spider falls to the floor)

Spider:I give up, I give up, I give up!
I'll come to my senses now!
I'll go visit
And always give flowers!
Mosquito: Well, for the first time you,
I'll have mercy in jest! (gives his hand to the mosquito, he gets up from the carpet)
Spider:Can I be friends with you?
Mosquito: Will you value your friendship?
Spider:Yes! (shake hands)
VED: Well done mosquito
A real daredevil.
takes a fly by the hand
And it leads to the window.
(The mosquito approaches the fly and takes it by the hands)
Mosquito: Did I defeat the villain?
Fly Tsokotukha:Won.
Mosquito:Did I free you?
Fly Tsokotukha:Freed.
Mosquito:(To the fly)
And now, maiden soul,
Let's have fun together!
(to everyone)
Hey centipedes,
Run along the path
Call the musicians
Let's dance!
Have fun
everyone start dancing!
Iga "Seek" or chorus
Oh, well done mosquito, what a daring fellow
he killed the villain, he freed the fly,
and now, dear girl, let’s have fun together,
Come out, honest people, into a merry round dance!!
It's good when good triumphs over evil in the world
only in a friendly team
our life will be more beautiful
Performance is fun
Both for you and for us,
We will finish at this hour.
And you, dear guests,
Come visit us more often!
We are always glad to have friends!
The time has come to part,
We tell you
ALL: Goodbye!



Musical performance "Fly-Tsokotukha"

(based on the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky)

The musical theme of the folk group “Ivan Kupala” “Zainka” is played. Two Peddlers appear. They walk around the hall, playing the pipes.

1st Peddler: One simple tale,

Or maybe not a fairy tale,

Or maybe not simple

We want to tell you.

We remember her from childhood,

Or maybe not since childhood,

Or maybe we don’t remember

But we will remember.

2nd Peddler: Tale, tale, joke,

Telling it is not a joke.

To the fairy tale from the beginning

It was like a river was babbling,

So that all the people are in the heart

She left her mouth agape.

So that no one, neither old nor small

In the end I didn’t fall asleep

Let's wish our children

No feather, no fluff!

Attention! It begins...

TOGETHER: Cluttering Fly!

1st Peddler: Fly, Fly-Tsokotukha,

Gilded belly.

2nd Peddler: A fly went across the field,

The fly found the money.

The peddlers leave.

Act one

Music by B. Tchaikovsky from the film “Balzaminov’s Marriage” is playing. A Fly flies out, flies around the hall, and finds some money.

MUKHA: What should I buy?

Maybe the dress is blue?

Or shoes or a skirt?

So...I'll think for a minute...

No, I'll go to the market

And I’ll buy a samovar there.

Because it's a birthday

I'll be celebrating soon

All the cockroach bugs

Treat yourself to sweet tea.

The fly flies away.

Peddlers come out with trays in Russian. adv. song "Peddlers". The Fly appears.

ALL: Fair! Fair!

Awesome fair!

1st Peddler: Only with us, only with us

The best kvass!

2nd Peddler: Dear audience,

Buy bagels from us!

TOGETHER: Tambourines, spoons, Balalaikas,

Buy, choose!

They go to the tables

MUKHA: Any product is good here,

But I need a samovar!

Gives money. He takes the samovar. He carries it home.

MUKHA: Everything is ready, the table is set.

The samovar is already boiling.

Here my friends will come

I will be very glad!

The music of S. Joplin “Charleston” sounds,

Fleas appear and dance.

1st Flea: Take it from the fleas

A few boots

2nd Flea: But the boots are not simple,

They have gold clasps!

MUHA: Thank you! Thank you!

The boots are amazing!

Sit down here, the guests will arrive soon!

The music of L. Kuprevich “Tula Samovar” sounds,

Bee flies out

BEE: Hello, Tsokotukha Fly,

Gilded belly!

I'm from all my native meadows

I brought you flowers.

I am a neighbor - Bee,

I also brought honey!

Oh, how clean he is

Sweet and fragrant!

Gives Mukha a bouquet of flowers and a jar of honey

MUHA: Thank you! Thank you! My dear!

Sit down at the table, the samovar is ready!

The music of G. Gladkov “Krakowiak” from the film “12 Chairs” sounds,

Butterflies appear and dance.

1st BUTTERFLY: We are naughty Butterflies,

Cheerful flyers.

We fly through the fields,

Through groves and meadows.

2ND BUTTERFLY: We never get tired,

We spin and flutter.

We live very happily

We collect nectar.

3rd BUTTERFLY: We fluttered through the flowers,

We flew to visit you.

BUTTERFLIES (in unison): Congratulations! Congratulations!

We wish you happiness and joy!

We treat you to flower jam!

They pass the jam to Mukha.

MUKHA: Thank you, dear friends,

Please come to the table! Sit down!

Butterflies sit down at the table.

Cockroaches come out to country music and dance.

1ST COCKROACH: We have come to congratulate you,

They brought you flowers.

And the flowers are not simple,

And the meadow flowers!

2nd COCKROACH: Will you accept the bouquet,

And treat us to tea.

And we will glorify you,

We wish you good health!

MUKHA: Thank you, the bouquet is beautiful!

Please sit down at the table,

I ask you to drink some tea.

Addresses all guests.

Eat, don't be shy

Help yourself, everyone.

Look what gingerbread cookies I baked!

A Russian melody sounds. adv. songs “Oh, you canopy, my canopy!”

Guests are treated to food (pantomime)

FLY: Beautiful butterflies, eat the jam!

Or don't you like my treat?

BUTTERFLY: Your treat is just a sight for sore eyes!

COCKROACH: Your treat is simply delicious!

BUTTERFLY: There's cream and candy.

And what’s missing here!

Flea: Marmalades, chocolates,

And nuts and sweets!

Bee : Mint gingerbread, fragrant,

Surprisingly pleasant!

flea : Cream tubes, pies

And very tasty cheeses!

ALL: Congratulations! Congratulations!

We wish you happiness and joy!

Help you with everything

We give our word of honor!

A round dance is performed to Russian. adv. chalk. “There was a birch tree in the field.”

Second action.

The music by G. Gladkov “Suspicious Person” from the film “Gentlemen of Fortune” is playing. The guests get scared and hide under the tables.

The Spider appears to the music of G. Kancheli from the film “Kin-dza-dza”.

SPIDER: I am the evil Spider, long arms!

I came for Mukha

The clattering one has arrived!

Here you are!

MUKHA: Dear guests, help!

Drive away the villain spider!

SPIDER: I not only eat flies,

Me and Bees and Mosquitoes -

Ready to try everyone!

Ha ha ha!

A fragment of “Exit March” by I. Dunaevsky is played. Mosquito appears.

KOMAR: I am the brave mosquito,

Well done!

Where is the Spider, where is the villain?

I'm not afraid of his snares!

I'm not afraid of spiders

I will fight the Spider!

Music by A. Khachaturian “Sabre Dance” is playing.

Spider and Mosquito fight. The spider is defeated.

The music of A. Petrov “March” from the film “Say a word for the poor hussar” sounds. The mosquito frees the fly.

MOSQUITO (to the fly): I defeated the spider!

And he freed you

And now, maiden soul,

Let's have fun together!

Let's dance together!

MOSQUITO: Hey, mustachioed Cockroach,

Beat the drum quickly!

BUTTERFLY: Bom! Bom! Bom! Bom!

The Fly and the Mosquito will dance!

EVERYONE: Today it’s the birthday girl of Tsokotuha Fly!

The Peddlers appear.

1st Peddler: The circle is narrower! The circle is wider!

Left. Turn right.

Smile more cheerfully!

2nd Peddler: Show of Fun

Both for us and for you

We'll finish this hour!

Everyone stands in a circle. The guests dance to the music of A. Spadavecchia “The Good Bug”.

The melody of G. Gladkov “Suspicious Person” is played.

All the guests are scared. The Spider appears with his head hanging.

Spider: Have mercy, brave hero,

Let's make peace, Mukha.

I realized that without friends

There is bad in this world.

Mosquito: Okay, you can stay!

Just don't get too cocky!

1st PELLER: The time has come to part,

We say “Goodbye!”

2nd PELLER: Oh, you, dear guests,

Come visit us again

We are always glad to have guests!

Bow to the music. folk group "Ivan Kupala".

Target: to cultivate children's interest in theater.

Progress of the lesson

I. Introductory speech from the teacher.

Today we will attend a theatrical performance. I think you'll be happy about it.

II. A theatrical performance of a fairy tale.

Characters: Cluttering fly, various insects (bugs, fleas, bees, butterflies, beetles, cockroaches, grasshoppers, bedbugs, ants), Spider, Mosquito.

The director selects the music with the music worker. Mucha “flies” onto the stage. She jumps up and down to the sound of the music: “clack-clack-clack.” Sings and dances.

Here I am - Fly,

A fly with the nickname Tsokotuha.

I respect the theater

I play the main roles.

My hearing is fine.

I'm happy with my belly.

He strokes his belly and spins around.

Fly. I'll go to the market

I'll buy a Russian samovar.

A fly walks across a clearing. He sees a round object shining on the ground.


Oh, there's money here

And it attracts me to itself.

Now straight to the market,

To buy a samovar there.

She runs to the market. There are various Russian-style products on the shelves. Among them is a samovar.


Oh, what a big market!

This is my dream - my samovar!

Buys from a huge chafer samovar.

Here, madam, is the goods -

The best samovar.

The fly takes the samovar and announces to the whole market:


Come, cockroaches,

I'll treat you to tea.

And other insects

Acquaintances and strangers

I invite you too

I'm expecting everyone with gifts.


Thank you, Mukha,

No feather to you, no down.

We'll all come to the holiday

And we'll bring gifts.

There is trouble in Mukha's house. They set up a table and cover it with a tablecloth. In the center of the table is a samovar. And here are the guests on the doorstep.


Dear guests, come in,

Take a seat at the table.

Cockroaches (giving a gift).

Here are the crystal glasses,

They are given to you by cockroaches.


We, the insects,

We give beautiful cups.

And the tailors are fleas

They sewed red boots for Mukha.

Yes, the boots are not simple,

They have gold clasps.


And I am Grandma Bee,

I brought a bucket of honey.


I give flowers to Mukha,

Because I love them!

More guests come and give gifts. The fly treats everyone. Loud music is playing.


Drink, eat, cockroaches,

Drink all glasses.

Drink tea, bugs,

There are cups in front of you.


We thank the fly

We say “thank you” to her.

Glory to you, Mukha,

Fly Tsokotukha!


Grandma bee

Eat jam

For my birthday.

Beautiful butterfly,

Magic nectar for you,

I know, I really like it.

The fun is in full swing. But suddenly the grasshopper musicians fall silent. There is deep silence. Silent scene. Many insects fell to the floor. A spider crawls out from behind the bushes, grabs the Fly and drags him to its web.


Ha ha ha! We got scared! We ran away!

I'll kill the clatter

I'll drink blood from her!

The answer is silence.

Fly (cries, begs the guests).

Dear guests, help!

Kill the villain spider!

And I fed you

And I gave you something to drink

Don't leave me

In my last hour!


We were scared

That's why they ran away!

Cockroaches. We crawled under the sofas!


To us, little boogers,

It’s more convenient to be under the bench!


We dived under the bed

We don't want to fight!


I'm just like a human

Skok-skok, skok-skok,

Under a bush - and a hammer!


I'll twist the arms and legs of a fly,

I'll bite her right in the heart!


Help me, help me!

Kill the spider quickly!

The recording sounds like a mosquito squeaking. Mosquito runs out. In his hands is a saber and a flashlight.


Where is the killer? Where is the villain?

I'm not afraid of his claws!

He flies up to the Spider and cuts off his head with a saber. Komarik (hugs Mukha, takes her hand, kneels before her).

I killed the villain

I set you free

And now, maiden soul,

I want to marry you!

Fly (hugs Komarik).

You set me free

And he killed the villain!

You are the hero of my dreams

You will be a dear friend!

Insects(they crawl out of the places where they hid).

Glory, glory to Komaru -

To the winner!

Fireflies (run after the musicians).

Hey musicians!

Give me the music again

People will dance!

Musicians(play instruments: flute, drum).

Bom! Bom! Bom! Bom!

The Fly and the Mosquito are dancing,

Not sparing the heels!


And I'm a fat bug

Top and top boots!


We are horned beetles,

Rich guys!

We wave our hats,

Let's dance with butterflies!


I don't mind the bast shoes,

I'm jumping with Ant

And I wink at the insects:

You are little insects

You are cuties

Tara-tara-tara-tara -


All insects.

There will be, there will be midges

Have fun until the morning!

Today the Fly-Tsokotuha

Birthday girl!

III. Creative work.


Make a plan for creating a cartoon about the Cluttering Fly.


1. The fly talks about itself.

2. The fly finds the money.

3. Buying a samovar.

4. Inviting guests to the name day.

5. Tea party.

6. The spider attacks the Fly.

7. Mosquito defeats Spider.

8. Continuation of the holiday.

Take a piece of paper and fold it like an accordion. On each paper plate there is a frame. Children are divided into groups, draw “picture frames”, then paste them onto the “accordion”. The cartoon is ready.




musical performance

"Fly Tsokotukha"

based on the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky


teachers primary classes

Taratynova Elena Olegovna

Music teacher

Knyazheva Anastasia Vladimirovna

Moscow 2014

Two Peddlers appear. They walk around the hall, playing the pipes.

1st Peddler: Fairy tale, fairy tale, joke,

Telling it is not a joke.

To the fairy tale from the beginning

It was like a river was babbling,

So that all the people are in the heart

She left her mouth agape.

2nd Peddler: So that no one, neither old nor small

In the end I didn’t fall asleep

Let's wish our children

No feather, no fluff!

Attention! It begins...

TOGETHER: Fly Tsokotukha!

1st Peddler: Fly Tsokotukha,

Gilded belly.

2nd Peddler: A fly walked across the field,

The fly found the money.

The peddlers leave to the same music.

Music by B. Tchaikovsky from the film “Balzaminov’s Marriage” is playing. A Fly flies out, flies around the hall, and finds some money.

FLY: What should I buy?

Maybe the dress is blue?

Or shoes or a skirt?

So...I'll think for a minute...

No, I'll go to the market

And I’ll buy a samovar there.

Because it's a birthday

I'll be celebrating soon

All the cockroach bugs

Treat yourself to sweet tea.

The fly flies away. Insects come out with trays under Russian. adv. song. The Fly appears.


Fair! Fair!

Awesome fair!

Only with us, only with us

The best kvass!


Dear audience,

Buy bagels from us!


Tambourines, spoons, Balalaikas,

Buy, choose!

The fly examines the goods.

FLY : Any product is good here,

But I need a samovar!

Gives money. He takes the samovar. Carries him home to the song flies from the site.

FLY : Everything is ready, the table is set.

The samovar is already boiling.

Here my friends will come

I will be very glad!

The music of Strauss "Polka" sounds

Fleas appear and dance.


Fleas came to Mukha,
They brought her boots

But the boots are not simple -
They have gold clasps.

Take it for fleas

A few boots

FLY: - Thank you! Thank you

The boots are amazing!

Sit down here, the guests will arrive soon!

The music of L. Kuprevich “Song of the Bee” sounds M. I. Krasev ,

Bee flies out

BEE: Hello, Tsokotukha Fly,

Gilded belly!

I'm from all my native meadows

I brought you flowers.

I am a neighbor - Bee,

I also brought honey!

Oh, how clean he is

Sweet and fragrant!

Gives Mukha a bouquet of flowers and a jar of honey

FLY: - Thank you! Thank you! My dear!

Sit down at the table, the samovar is ready!

The music is any melody in the Japanese style.

1st BUTTERFLY: We are naughty Butterflies,

Cheerful flyers.

We fly through the fields,

Through groves and meadows.

2ND BUTTERFLY: We never get tired

We spin and flutter.

We live very happily

We collect nectar.

3rd BUTTERFLY: We fluttered through the flowers

We flew to visit you.

BUTTERFLIES (in unison): Congratulations! Congratulations!

We wish you happiness and joy!

We treat you to flower jam!

They pass the jam to Mukha.


Thank you, dear friends,

Please come to the table! Sit down!

Butterflies sit down at the table.

To the music of "Polka Karabas" a cockroach and a bug come out.


The cockroaches came running
All the glasses were drunk,

And they collected a bouquet of flowers for the fly.


And the bugs are three cups each.

With milk and pretzel.

FLY:(fly song)

Thank you, the bouquet is beautiful!

Please sit down at the table,

I ask you to drink some tea.

Addresses all guests and sings the song “Reception of Guests” M. I. Krasev

Guests are treated to food (pantomime)


There's cream and sweets...

And what is there not!

Flea :

Marmalades, chocolates,

And nuts and sweets!

Bee :

Gingerbread is mint, fragrant,

Surprisingly pleasant!

flea :

Cream tubes, pies

And very tasty cheeses!


Congratulations! Congratulations!

We wish you happiness and joy!

Help you with everything

We give our word of honor!


Suddenly some old man
Our Fly in the corner
Dragged -
He wants to kill the poor thing
Destroy the clatter!

The fly screams

Struggling,And the villain is silent, grinning.


Dear guests, help!
Kill the villain spider!

And I fed you
And I gave you something to drink

Don't leave me
In my last hour!


But the worm beetles
Got scared
In the corners, in the cracks

They fled:
Under the sofas
And the boogers
Under the benches
And the bugs under the bed -

They don't want to fight!

And no one even moves

Won't move:

Get lost - die

Birthday girl!

But the villain is not joking,
He twists Mukha’s arms and legs with ropes,

Sounds like "Flight of the Bumblebee" orchestral interlude written by N. Rimsky-Korsakov. Mosquito appears.


Suddenly it flies from somewhere
Little Mosquito,
And it burns in his hand
Small flashlight.

Mosquito.- Where is the thief? Where is the villain?
I'm not afraid of his claws!

Leading. Flies up to the Spider,
Takes out the saber
He's at full gallop

Takes away the fly.


There are bugs and boogers here
Crawling out from under the bench:

Glory, glory to Komaru -

To the winner!

MOSQUITO (Fly) : I defeated the spider!

And he freed you

And now, maiden soul,

Let's have fun together!

Let's dance together!

MOSQUITO: Hey, mustachioed Cockroach,

Beat the drum quickly!


Bom! Bom! Bom! Bom!

The Fly and the Mosquito will dance!


You are little insects,
You are cuties


Boots squeak
Heels are knocking -

There will be, there will be midges
Have fun until the morning:

Today the Fly-Tsokotukha

The Peddlers appear.

1st Peddler: The circle is narrower! The circle is wider!

Left. Turn right.

Smile more cheerfully!

2nd Peddler: Representation of fun

Both for us and for you

We'll finish this hour!

Everyone stands in a circle. The guests dance to the music of A. Spadavecchia “The Good Bug”.

E. Grieg's “In the Cave of the Mountain King” sounds.

All the guests are scared. The Spider appears with his head hanging.

Spider: Have mercy, brave hero,

Let's make peace, Mukha.

I realized that without friends

There is bad in this world.

Mosquito: Okay, you can stay!

Just don't get too cocky!

1st PEDRIAN: The time has come to part,

We say “Goodbye!”

2nd PEDRIAN: Oh, you dear guests,

Come visit us again

We are always glad to have guests!

Bow to the music of A. Spadavecchia “The Good Beetle”

List of references and Internet sources.

1. Korney Chukovsky - poems for children , 2007

2. search/fly clatter musical

3. Basyuk O.V., Golovkina M.A. etc. Class hours for grades 1-4. - Issue 2. Book for the teacher. – Volgograd, 2008

4. Clapping fly


Maria Ben
Scenario of the theatrical performance “Fly Tsokotukha” for children of the preparatory group for school

Theatrical performance script

with children of senior preschool age« Fly Tsokotukha»

(based on the fairy tale by K. Chukovsky)

Characters and performers: Fly Tsokotukha, bee, fleas, butterflies, cockroaches, spider, mosquito, peddlers.

First action.

Leading: We have collected all the talents,

We want to show you a fairy tale.

Clap your hands together

To support the artists

Have more fun, soul -

The story will be good!

Begin performance,

Surprisingly for all the guests!

The phonogram sounds. Fly Tsokotukha flies, dances, finds "money".

Fly Tsokotukha: I fly Tsokotukha,

Gilded belly.

Today I'm waiting for a gift,

It's my birthday today!

(Walks around stage dancing to the music and finds money)

I walked quietly, walked, walked

AND Imagine, I found the money! (joyfully)

What should I buy? Maybe the dress is blue?

Maybe shoes? Maybe a skirt?

Okay, I’ll think about it for a minute...

No, I’ll go to the market and buy a samovar!

Fly - Tsokotuha leaves.

Second action. Market Square

1st peddler: Who should I sell apples to?

Who should I give it to cheaply?

Pears, pineapple!

Buy it, auntie, in reserve!

Here comes the chocolate!

I bought a tile - you will be glad!

Who needs marmalade?

Who needs chocolate?

2nd peddler: Beautiful and bright:

Pipes! Firecrackers!

Diamonds! Bling!

Come on! Choose!

Choose! Take it!

Fleas appear. They pass by, look at the goods, buy boots and sit by the window. Butterflies appear - they examine the product, do not buy anything (they didn’t like it, they sit in front of the mirror.

A melody sounds. It turns out Fly Tsokotukha and runs along the trays.

3rd peddler: Hey, mistress, don't yawn!

Buy my samovar!

You'll go around half the world,

You really won't find anything better!

Fly Tsokotukha buys a samovar and puts the samovar on the table.

All insects on stage in a semicircle

Fly Tsokotukha: I went to the market.

All children (quiet): To the market.

Fly Tsokotukha: I bought a samovar.

All children (quiet): Samovar.

Fly Tsokotukha: I’ll treat my friends to tea.

All children (quiet): Yes, seagull.

Fly Tsokotukha: Let them come in the evening!

All children (quiet): In the evening.

Fly Tsokotukha: I have for guests.

All children (quiet): Guests.

Fly Tsokotukha: Lots of delicious sweets.

All children (quiet): Sweets.

Fly Tsokotukha: Oh, I’m waiting, I’m waiting for guests now.

To the soundtrack Fly Tsokotukha puts the samovar and sets the table; sits down on a chair and preens himself.

Third action.

The soundtrack sounds, Bee and Fleas enter. They dance and fly up to Mukha - Tsokotuhe

Bee: Hello, Fly Tsokotukha,

Gilded belly!

I am a neighbor - Bee,

I brought you honey!

Oh, how clean he is

Sweet and fragrant! (hands Mukha a jar of honey)

Fly Tsokotukha: Thank you, thank you, my dear, sit down at the table, the samovar is ready.

1st flea: Hello, Fly Tsokotukha,

Gilded belly!

We are from all forest meadows

They brought you flowers. (Gives flowers)

2nd flea: Take it from the flea

These red boots

Will you wear it often?

You will dance wildly

On morocco boots

Gold plated clasps,

And a perky heel

He hits - chok, chok, chok!

Oh, the boots are good

That's what they ask - dance

(Tells Mukha - Tinkling boots)

Fly Tsokotukha: Thank you, thank you, the boots are amazing.

And the flowers are good too! Sit here, the guests will arrive soon.

(Music sounds, butterflies fly into the clearing).

1st butterfly: What is this wondrous beauty?

The meadow is completely covered with flowers!

Miracles happen

The wizard has worked hard here!

2nd butterfly: The wizard has nothing to do with it!

We are the ones who flew here

On a clear, sunny day

Beauty outshone everyone

So let's be friends

Dance and sing songs

The butterfly dance is performed. After the dance, the butterflies approach the Fly- Tsokotuhe.

3rd butterfly: We are funny flyers

They fluttered through the fields, through the meadows.

We fluttered through the flowers

We flew to visit you.

Together in chorus: Congratulations! Congratulations! We wish you happiness and joy.

(They give a bouquet of flowers).

Fly Tsokotukha: Thank you, thank you, the bouquet is beautiful!

Butterflies (with delight): Charming!

Bee (dreamily): Amazing!

Fleas (with French accent): Lovely!

Fly Tsokotukha: Please sit down at the table (everyone sits down at the table, drink some tea.

Fly Tsokotukha: Beautiful butterfly, eat the jam!

Or don't you like our treat?

1st butterfly: Your treat is just a sight for sore eyes!

2nd butterfly: Your treat is simply delicious!

Cockroaches come out with flowers to the music, greet the audience with dance moves and stop near the Fly - Tsokotukhi.

1st cockroach: Shu-shu, I was in a hurry to come to you,

Shu-shu, I sewed a caftan,

Shu-shu here are some flowers for you

The best beauty!

Fly Tsokotukha: Thank you, dear guests!

Please sit down at the table,

I ask you to drink some tea.

(Guests go to the table and drink tea)

Cockroaches (together): The cockroaches came running, they drank all the glasses (squelch-squelch).

Bugs: And the little bugs (squish-squish, three cups each, with milk and a pretzel!

Insects (together): Today Fly - Tsokotuha birthday girl!

1-cockroach: Congratulations, congratulations!

We wish you happiness and joy!

Help you with everything

We give our word of honor!

2- cockroach: The fly invited me to visit,

I haven't forgotten anyone.

Musicians hurry up

Play more fun.

Playing with the audience.

Fourth act.

Music sounds, the Spider appears, approaches the fly, and entangles it with a rope.

Spider: Who's having fun without me?

Who dances and frolics without me?

Who didn't leave me any buns?

And made me suffer?

I wasn't invited to visit

The samovar was not shown

I came to your doorstep

Where's your birthday cake?

I won't forgive you for this

You, Fly, I'll drag it away.

Fly Tsokotukha: I didn’t bake a pie for you.

We didn't invite ignoramuses.

And you weren't invited here!

Spider: (throws a loop around the fly and slowly pulls it towards him)

It's all nonsense!

I'll show you an example now,

How to live without any manners!

You have to grab everything with your hands,

Throw papers directly on the floor,

All guests must be offended,

Make faces, run and scream!

All insects (in unison): What should we do, what should we do, how should we teach the ignorant a lesson?

Fly Tsokotukha(addresses the guests with a prayer):

Dear guests, help!

Spider the villain, drive him away!

And I fed you!

And I gave you something to drink

Don't leave me

In my last hour!

All the guests run away and hide, squealing.

Butterflies: We are afraid to fight the spider, it’s better for us to lie down under the bench

A phonogram of P. Tchaikovsky's music sounds "March", Mosquito appears.

Mosquito: I am the brave mosquito,

Well done!

Where is the Spider, where is the villain?

I'm not afraid of his snares!

I'm not afraid of spiders

I will fight the Spider!

To the soundtrack, a mosquito fights with a spider. The insects tiptoe out and watch the fight. The mosquito defeats the spider and it leaves.

Spider: Oh, I give up, I give up, I give up,

I'll come to my senses now!

I will come to visit you,

And always give flowers! (Spider leaves).

Mosquito (To the fly): I freed you

And now, maiden soul,

Let's have fun together!

I saved you from death.

Guests in chorus: You arrived at a good hour!

Mosquito: Hey, centipedes, run along the path, call the musicians, let's dance!

Orchestra of noise instruments.

A soundtrack sounds and a mosquito brings the guests to the fore.

A spider appears with a cake.

Spider: Forgive me for everything,

Invite you to a party

Let's dance in circles

I want to be friends with you!

Happy birthday!

I wish you happiness and joy! (gives it to Mukha - Tsokotuhe cake)

All: Today Fly - Tsokotuha birthday girl!

Children, holding hands, stand facing the audience, The buzzing fly stands in the center.

flea: A funny fairy tale

WITH flies, bees

We've told you now.

It's all over in her

Great as always!

We performed for you.

Butterfly: Fly beauty,

Butterflies are light,

Brave mosquito - well done.

Clap louder

If you liked it

Our fairy tale is over for you.

Mosquito: Let it become kinder

The one who bites

Let good win

In life you always have

So that everything works out

And you were certainly lucky!

There's a song playing "Little country" I. Nikolaeva. The artists bow and say goodbye to the audience.