How to cause damage so that everything is bad. Options for influencing the enemy. To the fading of beauty

Each of us by nature has a magical gift, and many are faced with a situation when an irresistible desire arises to send damage to the person who has offended you. But how to cause damage and what rituals exist in the practice of sorcerers and psychics, are they all effective - yes, yes, and yes again. We'll talk about them further.

How to create a curse using a photo

The damage to the photo and the cemetery is very strong

Damage in the photo is the simplest and at the same time effective ritual of inflicting magical damage on the enemy. You can damage a photograph in a cemetery - effective ritual, capable of leading the enemy to the next world, but requiring a lot of strength and energy.

Come to the graveyard, where you will find a grave with a cross standing on it - attach a photo of the victim to it, face down and upside down, nailing it with 3 nails. Then walk around the grave three times, always clockwise, and stand at your feet, saying:

“They crucified Christ on the cross - they chained 3 nails, but Christ suffered and on the 3rd day ascended to God. I conjure the enemy with 3 nails - suffer for 3 days, and then give your soul to God. The cross and the dead man will drag you into the grave - so I will return my word.”

Say these words 3 times and then, turning around, leave the grave and the territory of the cemetery. A photo of the victim should be left on the cross of the grave.

Damage using volts

Damage to a doll - volts

You can send many misfortunes to the enemy and bring him to death with the help of an ancient magical attribute - the Volta doll. Damage in this case is carried out using a homemade doll and sharp objects and needles. For this ritual you will need to prepare a volt - a rag doll, a candle made of natural wax and 9 machine needles, always new.

When starting the ritual, light a candle from a match and place the doll in front of you. They prick a needle in the flame of a candle and stick it into the doll, pronouncing certain words of the conspiracy for each:

“Let death not burn in fire, it burns with it, let it become a steel wedge for the enemy.” - this is a basic phrase, plus it is supplemented by a separate spell for each needle.

  1. On the first needle, say: “I take away your mind and curse you. Yes, be…name…cursed.” They stick it into the doll's head.
  2. They stick a second needle, and say on it: “I’m taking your heart for myself, so you can rot in the grave.” They stick it into the heart of a potential doll victim.
  3. On the third needle they say: “I cut and stab you, I take away your will - you will not resist me” - it is stuck into the solar plexus.
  4. On the 4th needle, say: “I’m taking away the life force from your stomach - I’m sending illnesses to you, every breath you breathe in and out will respond to you with pain.” It is stuck into the doll’s stomach.
  5. The 5th needle is charmed for loneliness and stuck into bottom part belly; “I send loneliness and mortal melancholy to you - to lie there like a dead man alone in a coffin.”
  6. 6 the needle is charmed for impotence - it is stuck into the genital area and they say: “I conjure the loins from a new life - I am closing it to you.”
  7. The seventh needle is used to curse beauty - it can be stuck into any part of the doll, saying: “I take away your beauty, I conjure your body with blisters and boils, ulcers and sores.
  8. This needle is also used to conjure the enemy into dislike from all relatives - they heat it up on a candle flame and stick the dolls into any place, saying: “I reward you with hatred and dislike from people and animals - may they shun you like a dung heap.”
  9. 9 the needle speaks to the victim of good luck: “Yes, I’m depriving you of a share of good luck - you won’t know happiness, it’s hard to come into your house and move in.”

After such magical acupuncture, the doll should be taken to the churchyard and buried in a grave where a deceased person with the same name as the potential victim lies.

Black Cemetery Rite

According to esotericists and sorcerers, you can cast the darkest conspiracy to damage the cemetery on someone who has greatly offended you. It is enough to visit the nearest, necessarily active cemetery and only on the night from Friday to Saturday, find an unmarked and abandoned grave there. An aspen stake is driven into it and they say three times:

“Just as Friday is the bearer of all misfortunes, so this nameless man has a dark plan. I drive a stake into the unknown - I wish death for the baptized ... name .... Go and bring inevitable death and an aspen stake to the slave... the name of the enemy... - as it is said, so it will be.”

This ritual is carried out three Fridays in a row - the death of your enemy will overtake you in the near future, usually within 3-4 weeks.

Ritual on the mirror

Damage through mirrors can take the victim into the looking glass

Damage to the enemy can be caused at home and with the help of mirrors - as magicians note, they can drag a person’s soul and consciousness into the looking glass. The ritual itself is carried out during a full or waning moon; it is better if it is Tuesday or Saturday - prepare in advance:

  1. There are two large mirrors, the same size.
  2. A black candle and the same thread, always a new skein.
  3. A recent photograph of the victim.

Using a match from a new box, light the wick of the match and place it between two mirrors, then wrap the entire structure cross-wise with thread. While you wind the threads, say 13 times:

“In the name of the sleeping one, by the power of the punishing, by the dark power I call. You and the enemy, retreat from me, turn away and turn around, disappear into the smoke. I will surround you with a dark curse, I conjure you with three tongues, I will reward you with shares. You should not wander the land of the enemy, you should not be underground and lie peacefully in a coffin. I will hide you from the light and put you in a mirrored coffin - I said, and so be it.”

Then tie a knot at the ends of the thread, seal it with wax from a burning candle and be sure to say:

“Yes, according to that word it will come to pass.”

Place such an improvised mirror coffin in the northernmost corner and leave it there for 9 days - after this period of time, bury it near the cemetery fence.

Send damage through the lining

Damage through the lining takes effect almost instantly

Damage can also be caused through lining - magicians use a variety of attributes and objects, needles and even gifts. If the victim picks it up, the negative program becomes firmly attached to it, destroying the aura and energy. Through damage caused through the lining, one can nullify a person’s health and financial situation, make it so that he is always alone and cannot have children, and luck and good luck leave his life.

Using needles

Lining with needles is done by professionals according to a special conspiracy ritual in a cemetery - on the territory of the graveyard, find a grave where a deceased person is buried with the same name as the future victim. You leave the needle in the grave for the whole moon month, after which they stick it into the joint front door potential victim - as soon as she crosses the threshold, the ritual of damage begins to take effect. To pronounce special conspiracies or carry out magical rituals in this case there is no need - the needle absorbs the negative energy of the deceased, and after contact with a living person it will give it to him.

You can also saturate the needle with black destructive energy through dead water - the one with which the deceased was washed. At the very beginning, wrap new needles in a black scarf and place it in dead water - leave them there for three days and then throw them into the house of a potential victim. It is advisable to stick it into clothes, a pillow, a soft toy, or all those objects with which a person is constantly in contact. In this case, after a month of magical attacks, the potential victim will die in the most unexpected way.

Through a gift

Strange as it may sound, but the words of parents to their children that they should not take from strangers gifts have a certain sacred meaning. So you can dump your negativity on your enemy or a stranger, or take away your enemy’s luck and health, financial wealth and happiness in a love relationship.

Most often, soft toys are used as a gift - everyone loves them and accepts them very willingly, but in the end the victim pays own problems and failures in life. The ritual of making a lining through a gift is carried out with the call of dark forces and the subsequent ransom. At the very beginning, you buy the gift that you personally and the potential victim like - this required condition carrying out the ritual. Then they slander him 5 times:

“Like a gray snake crawls through a damp and dark forest, but sees the sky and hates people, bites and tears - so you are a servant of God ... the name of the enemy ... the servant of God ... your name ... you saw and hated, bit and tore. So now that snake will eat you and drag you underground with cheese.”

Then give a present to your enemy - after some time he happy life the end will come.

To death

Damage to the offender can also be caused by his imminent death - the ceremony is held in an active graveyard, on Friday evening, after sunset. First, it is worth finding an abandoned grave in the churchyard - it is best if there is neither a cross nor a sign on it. They bury a photograph of the victim in it, but everything is in order.

For this ritual you will need:

  • Black head scarf.
  • A photograph of the enemy and a new needle.
  • A candle made of natural wax and a few small coins for sale.

Having already arrived at the cemetery, you do it on the unmarked grave. even number punctures in the victim's photograph. Take a few handfuls of earth from the grave and wrap it in a dark scarf - place a pierced photo on top. Light a candle and drip its melted wax into all the outlines of the victim’s body, thus, as if sealing the magical attribute.

Tie a handkerchief with soil and a charged photo into a knot and bury it on the grave at the feet of the deceased. Leave the cemetery immediately, without looking back, but not the way you came to it. When you go back, count 3 intersections, and at 4 be sure to throw coins and say:

“Yes, it was paid for by me personally.”

So you call upon the dark forces for help and pay them through the crossroads to bring the enemy to the grave. In addition, you can charge salt in the cemetery with negative energy - buy a new package in the store and wrap it in a bag, leave it for a month on the territory of the cemetery in a secluded place.

When you pick her up from there in a month, leave the ransom, sweets and small change, vodka, and so on. After that, throw it under the threshold of an enemy, a car, or on the threshold of an office, without bringing it into yours. own house. The main condition for the ritual to work is that the potential victim must step on it.

For impotence

All sudden changes in the male body can be signs of damage

Most often, it is women who undertake to inspect and damage a man’s impotence – abandoned spouses or mistresses, and simply envious neighbors. For this ritual, prepare a simple cotton rope in advance - use it to weave a small braid, no more than 2 fingers long, one finger thick. This is a symbol of the male phallus and its strength.

Fold it in half and tie it into a knot, at that very moment saying:

“May I deprive you of your strength - while the braid is twisted and tied, so will the servant of God have everything tied up. Yes, there is power in my word - as I command, so it will be.”

After this, the braid should be hidden in a secluded place or buried away from human eyes - until it rots, the man will suffer from induced impotence.

To destroy a marriage

Damage to marriage can destroy even the strongest bonds

Damaging the destruction of a marriage can be carried out using a variety of rituals, but the most effective will be the ritual with a sacrificial black rooster. To perform the ceremony you will need:

  1. Black rooster and clay bowl.
  2. With a sharp blade, a well-sharpened knife and needles - their number should be equal to the number of household members.
  3. A black wax candle and a piece of natural opaque fabric, also necessarily black.

They begin the ritual in the evening, when the sun has set below the horizon. You cut off the head of a bird with a knife and collect its blood in a clay bowl - it is into this that you throw the needles, having previously calcined them over an open fire with candles. You leave them in this form until the morning, and after sunrise, take them out and, wrapping them in black cloth, take them to the enemy’s house. When you toss the needles, do not touch them with your hands and be sure to remember to speak;

“Not in the name of the Father, not in the name of the Son, not in the name of the Holy Spirit - I attract and call the dark demons to this threshold, bring troubles and anxiety to it, harm everyone living in the house. Yes, from this moment and from this day - you will not have life and health, neither day nor night. My word is strong and demonic.”

Afterwards, take the bird carcass and ritual blood to the crossroads as a ransom - leaving it there, be sure to say:

“I and the devils paid for the ambulance assistants.”

Then quickly and silently, and most importantly, without turning around, leave.

For obesity

Obesity can cause many health problems

You can also apply damage to appearance, beauty, inducing magical obesity. From the very morning on Sunday, go to the temple and hold a service there, and upon completion, wait until everyone leaves the church. Next, so that no one sees, take a small stub of a candle that has not yet gone out from the icon of the Mother of God.

You go home with it and after sunset, fill any container with water, place 4 candles around it, forming something like a square, light them with a match. You light the end of the candle brought from the temple from the lower right candle and drip the wax into the water, saying:

“The candle melts - you have a servant of God ... name ... weight and gain "

Let it melt completely, and when finished, collect all the drops of wax from the water, putting it in a bag. The next day, go to the enemy’s house and try to quietly put him in a secluded corner of the kitchen. While the wax is there, the victim will be unbearably drawn to food, she will feel constant hunger, become fat and gain weight.

There are enough episodes in our lives after which you begin to believe in the legitimacy of attempts to strike back at the offender. If we omit the issue of morality, then the desire for revenge is not a shameful activity. You need to figure out how to damage someone who has offended you greatly. If you do not act according to the rules in this case, then there is a risk of harming yourself.

With the help of magic you can take revenge on the offender

Black magic is a serious thing, so you need to handle it carefully and according to clear recommendations:

  1. Expediency. Taking revenge for a minor insult is impossible and dangerous. As a result, a person will not only punish a person who is aggressive towards him, but will also suffer after the damage is done.
  2. The right message. It is not recommended to take revenge on someone who is obviously stronger than the injured party. In some cases, it is better to punish the offender with inaction and cold contempt.
  3. Timeliness. On great church holidays, causing damage can result in a serious problem for those who want to restore justice.
  4. Lack of emotions. Understanding this formulation is difficult, but necessary. Rituals of this kind cannot be performed in anger due to their ineffectiveness.
  5. Foresight. If the offender is a bachelor in principle, then wishing him loneliness is inappropriate. If he is indifferent to material benefits, then the curse, not lack of money, will bother him little.
  6. Competence. If a person is not confident in the strength of his message and energy, then it is better for him to turn to a professional magician for help.

Ways to damage the offender

You need to take revenge with cold calculation, and not with an uncontrollable outburst of emotions. You can send damage at home different ways, which are worth understanding.

Conspiracy on a photograph

You can send the evil eye yourself using a photo of an aggressive person. To do this, you need to stock up on a black candle, a dark-colored cloth and a piece of rye bread.

The scheme of the ritual depends on the situation:

A turn away from envious people and slanderers. In this case, the enemy must be kept at a distance and turned away with a coin. Angry man In this way, you can ward off if the charmed metal is placed in the crumb of black bread and then treated to it to the ill-wisher with the mental message:

“Taste, you non-human, this treasured bread and get out of my life. Amen".

You need to treat your ill-wisher with charmed bread

The ritual will not bring significant harm to a person whose thoughts are unclean, but it will add troubles to her life. If the envious person refuses the treat, then the bun is crumbled into small pieces and mixed with scraps of a photo of the enemy. The resulting mass is laid out on a black cloth so that birds (preferably crows) can peck it.

Damage to a rival. In this case, her photo must be found. Above the image of the homewrecker you should say:

“The mountains are high and heavy, take your tears and grief for me, the servant of God (proper name). Help me, mountains, take your bows, pull the string and shoot arrows into the heart of my husband (name). Let his whole chest hurt, let everything inside burn day and night and midnight. Let his liver stand up, let his lungs stop breathing, let his head begin to remember me. His legs are fast, you rush to my home, let your blood burn, let the thought of me boil, let the memory of me fly in from everywhere. I will call him, I will beckon him, but the longing for me will always oppress him. You, (husband’s name), hurry to me, break away from your rival. Holy Mother of God, pray for me. Fly, arrow, pierce from the mountains into the heart of my husband, you, my husband, return to me quickly. My work is sculpted, my word is strong, so be it. Amen. Amen. Amen".

While pronouncing the words, the rival’s photo is torn into small pieces, hidden in a crumb of rye bread, wrapped in dark cloth and taken to the cemetery on the full moon.

The evil eye on the thief. Simple ways Taking revenge on your own at home on the one who ruined you includes a visit to the graveyard. It is best to choose an old grave to perform a black magic ritual. stranger. A candle is lit next to the photo of the enemy and, in order to cast a spell on the person, they say:

“The fire burns, the wax melts, emitting soot. My soul burns with hatred and demands for justice. Give me back, go out into the darkness. Don’t let your hand reach out to someone else’s, make your own. Amen".

The cinder with a torn photo of the enemy is then buried in the graveyard. If the conspiracy is carried out correctly, the offender will either return the stolen property or go bankrupt himself.

Conspiracy against a fierce beast. If the enemy causes significant harm to his victim, then the time has come to resort to drastic measures to influence the non-human in human form.

The ritual is very dangerous because it involves throwing a photo of the evil one into the coffin during the funeral. Sometimes a photograph of an enemy is buried in a fresh grave, which is also a risky act. As a ransom from dark forces, wine, a crumb of white bread and honey are left in the cemetery with the words:

“I’m paying a ransom, I’m asking you to get the job done.”

Damage using a mirror

Ways to deal with the enemy include whispering a magical surface. You can easily deal with it using an old mirror, which is a family heirloom.

The mirror does not have to be new

A new object, enchanted with effective words, will not be suitable for this ritual.

Before carrying out the ceremony, you should weigh the equivalence of the concepts “want” and “need”. You can cause damage during the waning moon, when all household members have already fallen asleep. Opposite the mirror surface, two black candles are placed with the words:

“I’m putting a barrier for myself against you (enemy’s name). Let this mirror make your tongue go numb and your eyes go blind in my direction. I fetter your every move. Amen".

A similar ritual is completed by carefully studying one’s reflection in the mirror for several minutes. If it is distorted or additional symbols in the form of a cross, a wild animal or a circle are visible in its background, then the dark forces have heard the appeal in this way to bring damage to the enemy.

Moon conspiracy

The night luminary will help if there is an urgent need to punish the offender. This method is usually used by women who have been betrayed by a loved one. In rare cases, they seek revenge on the cheater, because the main object of their hatred becomes the homewrecker. You can deal with it by using celestial energy during the full moon. The main condition for the ceremony is clear confidence in the cunning of the destroyer of love relationships.

You can spoil your opponent by going out into the yard and turning to the night luminary for help:

“As the moon wanes, so will my rival run away from my beloved. But he doesn’t know her anymore and never remembers, but completely forgets. My words are strong, my actions are sculpting. Amen".

Magic words are said every night until the next full moon.

Ritual with poppy seeds

The evil eye on a rival or a woman who interferes in a couple’s relationship is carried out using this product. It is best to purchase plant seeds at the market from an elderly person, and not in the market. Perfect option purchasing props - a product grown with one's own hands.

Poppy seeds are scattered on the doorstep of the person on whom you are seeking revenge.

Damage to a female enemy is done at any time of the day. The seeds are scattered on the threshold of a rival or an envious person with the words pronounced:

“Birds fly past the house, past the poppy. They sit down near your doorstep. They peck the poppy. So let the one who stole and stole the servant of God (name of the beloved) disappear from our life, our family, as soon as the birds eat the whole poppy. And she will be lonely, as I wished - I made it happen! Amen".

Conspiracy with berries

This method will not be able to seriously harm the enemy, but it will definitely ruin his mood in the future. To carry it out, you need to eat berries from a bush near the offender’s house, or a pre-purchased product. If it is not possible to purchase fruits, they can be replaced with sunflower seeds.

Spell words:

“I don’t eat berries, but I put your happiness in my mouth and take it for myself. As many berries as I eat, I will take as many successful deeds from you. My deeds will be easy and financial, but yours will be empty and useless. I take your luck and money from you and take it for myself, but I give you my misfortunes and hang them around your neck. Carry it, stumble, and I will easily walk through life, and everything will fall into my hands. My word is strong and molding. Key, lock, tongue. Amen".

Ritual with a Voodoo doll

Such an action should be carried out by an experienced magician or a person with psychic abilities if he wants to take revenge on the enemy. First you need to create a ritual doll from the biological material of your enemy. In this case, cut nails and hair of the enemy will do. The cigarette butts of an evil person will also not hurt if she uses nicotine products.

It is necessary to obtain the hair or cut nails of the offender and weave them into the doll.

A doll is built from the voiced components and named after the ill-wisher. If the enemy desires illness, the attribute is pricked with a needle, and if it is damaged to death, they bury him in a fresh grave or drown him in the nearest river.

Damage to the amulet

It is created from the voiced biological material of the enemy without the knowledge of the dangerous person. During the period from new moon to full moon, magical actions are performed in a clear order:

  1. Writing down on paper all the negativity towards the enemy.
  2. Wrapping an enemy's hair in a curse scroll.
  3. Destroying paper with valuable contents over the flame of a black candle.
  4. Immersion of ashes in water and repetition of the curse.
  5. Wetting the amulet with the enchanted liquid and handing it to the offender.

The thing must be presented openly, but with malicious intent, if the harm caused is very great. The person who committed treason will suffer until he understands the cause of his misfortunes and gets rid of the donated amulet.

Blood plot

The ritual is performed by a magician, because a simple man in the street with such actions will bring disaster to all loved ones.

The scheme for conducting a black ritual involves the use of an appeal to evil spirits by an amateur in rare cases:

  1. Initiation into witches. It will not have full power, but in the end it will temporarily help create a portal with evil spirits. The sooner this virtual connection is interrupted, the safer it will be for a person incompetent in divination.
  2. Making a sacrifice. Usually the black rooster is beheaded, after which the gift is accepted by the dark force at the first drop of his blood.
  3. Reversal of negative energy. This is difficult to do, because any revenge is safe only in the hands of a skilled magician. After making a sacrifice, one must repent of the sin committed, which does not always work.
  4. Proclamation. They announce it on all days except great days church holidays. If this restriction is not observed, any rollback will not work.

Strong church ritual

Before you do it, you should think about possible consequences a ritual that involves strong magic. They spend it in the temple after purchasing 12 church candles and prayer to the Mother of God.

You need to buy 12 candles in the church

After invoking the saint, you need to place 11 candles in front of her face, and one in a special place for prayers for the repose of the souls of the departed. The enemy will be punished after such a black ritual with the utterance of the words:

“God, forgive and save! I do not wish death for Your servant (name). I ask for justice! Let (say what to spoil the person). If the Lord does not help, the devil will rush in. Everything will happen in my opinion. Amen".

The main restriction after such damage to the enemy is refusal to visit the temple for a month after the black mass. If a person deserves punishment, then he will receive what he deserves. Otherwise, the blow will go towards the offended person.

Scandinavian runes against the enemy

This ritual is difficult to perform, but with greater desire it can be performed even by a beginner. If there is active aggression on the part of the offender, you need to protect yourself with the help of enchanted relics.

The process of performing ritual - witchcraft:

  1. Whispering runes. You can purchase them at any store specializing in cult items. Both the newly acquired item and the proven props for the slander should initially be cajoled with kind words. If after such statements the runes remain cold to appeals, then it is better to postpone the process of divination.
  2. Selection of runes. On the inverted relics they write wishes to their enemies, depending on the purpose of the organized enterprise. Having become Turisaz - Hagal - Turisaz is used when they want to bring lack of money and illness to the enemy. 4 runes of Isa are signed if necessary to make the ill-wisher less active, even to the point of dementia. Stav - Hagal - Uruz - Hagal is outlined in black ink with the desire to put the enemy into a state of persistent depression. The most powerful and dangerous rune is Stav - Halaz - Mannaz Halaz. It carries the energy of death, which is worth remembering and beingware of such a curse.
  3. Throwing runes. As the attributes fall, so will revenge be carried out on the offender in a clearly defined sequence.

In rare cases, a beginner is able to roll back when using Scandinavian runes, which only in experienced hands become a powerful weapon against an evil person.

Damage is easy if the offender has crossed the line between good and evil. However, it should be remembered that communication with dark forces and the use of black conspiracies can turn against the curser.

Sometimes damaging an enemy is the only thing left to do when there are no other opportunities to influence a person. But don't forget that everything has its price.

In the article:

Damage to the enemy - what you need to know about it

When casting a spell on an enemy, you must be prepared for the fact that this is punishable. If the victim of your witchcraft removes the negative from himself, it will come back and harm you. There are many who will throw off the negativity from you or send it back to the victim. But this particular article is exclusively about how to damage the enemy.

If you turn to the harmful branch of magic in a truly critical situation, most likely you will not suffer any punishment. It will not exist if you are punishing the murderer or rapist of your loved one. But there are special rituals for this, which are much safer to use than damage.

There are things that should not be left unpunished. When deciding to send, first think - do you really need it? If the answer is yes, choose one of the rituals described below.

How to damage an enemy without conspiracies

There are ways to damage a person without using conspiracies, but this does not cancel the consequences. Also, this does not negate the appropriate attitude and concentration on causing harm to your enemy.

In order for a person to gradually lose, they throw his photograph into the mud. Anyone will do green standing pond that exists in your city.

Try to slip the enemy berries that you previously collected from the cemetery. They act in the same way as the earth and other objects from this place.

If you take out a photograph of your enemy and bury it on someone's grave, he will get sick. And the photograph that was placed in the coffin of the deceased. The photograph can also be pierced with a needle heated on a candle (not on the fire of a lighter!). You can pierce any part of the body, the damage will be done specifically to them.

If you have the opportunity to get your enemy's urine, you can make him turn yellow and go to the next world no later than in a year. Buy egg without haggling. On Tuesday or Saturday night, go to a place where no one will disturb you. The ritual is carried out only on the street; it cannot be done at home or indoors at all. Have white wax or a white candle with you.

Make a small hole in the blunt end of the egg and release the white. You can pour it directly onto the ground. Pour urine into the same hole while saying the name of your enemy. Cover the hole with wax, then bury the egg in the ground. After that, immediately go home, without turning around or talking to anyone along the way. When you get home, go straight to bed. Damage to the enemy will work immediately after the egg rots in the ground.

If your enemy has a vegetable garden, you can ruin it by pouring on the ground the water that was used to wash the feet of the deceased. Nothing will grow on this land, not even weeds.

You can visit. To do this, after any feast, collect all the glasses from which you drank alcohol. Drain whatever is left in them into one bowl. These are opiates, you should absolutely not drink them, because this leads to dependence on alcohol. But you can add them or give them to drink under the guise of a treat for your enemy.

Damage to the enemy - conspiracies

If you can get a broom that was used to sweep the floor after a deceased person, then you can damage it. Your enemy will have pain in his legs, and medicine will not be able to help him. You need to place this broom on the carpet with these words:

A dead person's legs cannot walk. Let it be so!

Damage will go to the one who first to pass on this carpet. You can use a rug near the door to the apartment.

On the night before the full moon, they damage the nails. Arrange seven candles in a circle and light them. Prepare a small piece of black fabric. You need to put seven nails in the center of the circle of candles and read on them seven times:

Horse in soap, iron in the crucible. The spirit burns, the forge lights. You (name) should spin around boiling iron, over sharp stones, through quicksand swamps, and through dark pools, without sleep, without rest, on a clear day, and on a dark night. You will suffer forever, you will remain in darkness and darkness! Fuck you! I close the dark matter, I close it with a secret word!

When all the candles have burned out (you can take thin ones that burn for only 15-20 minutes), collect the nails with the prepared fabric and wrap them in it. Do not touch the nails with your bare hands, only with this cloth. They need to be planted at your enemy’s doorstep. The fabric should be buried by you in the cemetery, near the fence, but with inside. This is done at midnight.

Damage “pinning” is done with three needles. Each of them must be held over a candle flame with the following words:

Let discord and misfortune befall the one who offended me. I curse, I invoke evil, I punish with terrible revenge. The needle is my punishing sword!

After this, put out the candle and wrap the needles in black cloth. Go to the house where your enemy lives. Stick the first needle into it doorjamb, say six times:

I curse the person who lives here.

Do the same with the second needle, the words of the spell for damage are also said six times:

I curse my enemy.

And on the third, also say the spell six times and stick it into the door frame:

I curse the enemy who lives here.

you can find vespiary and damage him. To do this, take the knife by the blade, and twist the handle around it and say:

The wasp quickly stings, my damage quickly leads to the grave. The sting of the wasp hurts, the body burns from it, and from my damage (name) will hurt and burn until the grave, until death soon. Word said, deed done!

The knife must be thrown into the enemy’s house, stuck in the door frame or placed under the threshold. It is strictly forbidden to take the handle - damage will enter the person who takes it first.

Damage is often done with salt. The slander is this:

I’m not pouring salt, but inviting pain.
I don’t give anything, I steal power from (name).
Dashing demons, take away his peace,
He's bored for days, can't sleep at night,
There is no happiness under the moon or the sun!
Key. Lock. Language.

Sprinkle salt on your enemy's doorstep.

You can try to get the hair of the person you want to spoil. For example, picking it up from clothes unnoticed, or, when visiting him, taking hair from a comb. After that you need a fast river. Throw the enemy's hair at her and say:

Just as hair flows away in a river, so does (name)’s happiness run away with it!

The fate of your enemy will be unfortunate.

There is also a plot for burial ground. When you take it, be sure to leave a ransom. You can’t just come to a cemetery and take land, you have to give something in return. The soil must be dry. Read on it:

I spit on the grass, fumigate it with smoke, cover it with decay, sweep it with a filthy broom. Black dead sand - yes to my enemy!

Spit three times over your left shoulder and say: "Let it be so". Read, then spit over your shoulder three times and say the final words seven times. Throw the earth onto your enemy's land, into a vegetable garden, for example.

Negative impact on a person carried out with the help of special rite, is called damage. Even the name itself already speaks of something bad and scares many people. And this is not surprising. After all, the negative program embedded in the ritual has a two-way effect: it blocks beneficial energy and replaces it with negative energy.

An offended, disappointed person, in a fit of emotion, often wonders how to damage a person. And not everyone understands the power of such a ritual and its negative side. Therefore, before making a decision and choosing a ritual, it is best to once again weigh the pros and cons this ritual, because its consequences can affect all participants, and not just the victim.

Damage to death is considered the most powerful effect and, naturally, the most dangerous. This ritual involves the death of the person at whom the ritual is directed. However, you cannot do damage thoughtlessly, so as not to cause harm to yourself. Damage should be done with a cool head, so you will not confuse important words and actions in the ritual.

Methods of negative magical influence

In most cases, a person interested in the question of how to spoil death, impose a curse, or maybe even put the evil eye on a person, dreams of one thing - revenge. Moral harm, physical injuries, financial troubles - revenge is dictated by rather strong emotions, it is very difficult to fight them.

However, it should be remembered that damage must be carried out either by a professional magician, a person familiar with the esoteric sphere. Errors and inaccuracies in the ritual can contribute to the opposite result. And sometimes a ritual performed correctly is accompanied by side effects and the consequences manifested by the performer.

The most common methods of inducing negativity on a person:

  1. Curse and damage from the photo.
    A fairly popular and very affordable way is to use photography. This state of affairs is due to the fact that the photograph, if taken no earlier than a year before the ritual, is a strong link between the performer of the ritual and the victim. It is not difficult to damage a photograph and, depending on your intentions, the impact is on various areas of a person’s life.
  2. Using genetic material.
    Among magicians, it is considered great luck to possess the genetic material of a person. In this case, control over the owner of hair and nails becomes simple process. Using human body particles to induce a negative effect is an option that is highly effective. In addition, the curse can also be made using the hair and nails of the victim.
  3. Using needles, nails and other piercing objects.
    Damage can be carried out using piercing objects. A conspiracy is read on these items. Usually the last stage of the ritual is driving, threading a charmed nail or needle into the doorframe of the victim, burying it in a place where a person usually walks.
  4. Using water.
    Casting a spell on an unwanted person often involves the use of water. The water you will need is not ordinary. Most often, water is used after washing the deceased, as well as swamp liquid. The use of this composition is also used when a curse is made.
  5. Using cemetery items.
    Earth from the cemetery, elements of the grave and other similar attributes can be used by those wishing to cause damage or impose a curse.
  6. Damage to the figure.
    This ritual is similar to voodoo damage. A figurine identifying the victim will be required. Its creation, depending on the ritual, involves the use of photography and/or human genetic material.

Types of negative impact on humans

Black envy and hatred are strong feelings. And, if a person in love, in order to achieve a goal and bind his beloved, makes a love spell, then hatred and envy can push a person to perform a spell of death, loneliness.

Depending on the area where a person’s troubles should begin to occur, black impact are divided into several types:

  1. Damage to death.
    The most terrible and powerful impact. Ends in death. However, it is dangerous not only for the “corrupted” person, but also for the person performing the ritual. Performing this ritual may also become a black seal on the performer.
  2. Negative health effects.
    If a person does not wish death for another, but only major health problems, then this ritual is performed. Although it is believed that such exposure can also be fatal.
  3. Damage to relationships.
    This ritual allows you to destroy even the strongest families. Often this influence is done by a mistress with one single goal - to achieve a man and take him away from the family. Black damage to a rival is most often done by a wife whose husband another woman wants to take away.
  4. Damage to loneliness.
    This ritual is usually done out of revenge against an abandoned lover.
  5. Damage to business.
    This influence is exerted on business competitors, on more successful partners, whose success can harm a person in the field of work.
  6. A ritual for good luck.
    A ritual is done out of envy, to destroy a happy coincidence of circumstances for a certain person.
  7. Negative impact on money.
    Damage is done both to business and simply to failures in the financial sector. Losses, thefts and other economic troubles will become constant companions in a person’s life.

The most common types of negative impacts on humans are discussed above. However, in this case, a strong black love spell can also be considered a ritual of dark magic due to the possible consequences.

Events happen in life when you need to damage your enemy; a person does not know how to do this, and turns to black magic to carry out the ritual of causing damage on his own. The desire for revenge is dictated by strong negative emotions that prevent a correct assessment of the situation.

Practicing magicians warn that attacking the energy field is dangerous for both participants in the magical ritual. As a result, both the victim and the person who decided to do the damage will suffer. The negative message reaches its target and returns with triple force. It is difficult to avoid punishment from the Higher Powers, because the Universe considers any sincere desire and gives an answer to it.

What is damage

Damage as a magical effect on human energy from ill-wishers, through the evil eye or a magical ritual through food, household items, liquids, and plants, is common among all nations. All rituals associated with damage come from ancient times. They are still used today because practice shows that magical rituals that negatively affect the energy field work. To make damage, professionals use different methods and techniques:

  • a doll containing organic elements of the victim;
  • bird feather rings;
  • a tuft of hair fastened with a thread to the bone of a dead animal;
  • water and soap used to wash the deceased;
  • fetters from the legs of the deceased;
  • personal belongings of the enemy;
  • images of the victim;
  • impression of footprints;
  • visualization of the image.

Both damage and the evil eye are the result of the launch of a negative program that affects all areas of human activity.

People who practice magic share different types damage. It can be:

  • An attack in which a certain influence is enhanced through a conspiracy.
  • Damage in the likeness, which is done with the help of a volt, personifying the victim.
  • Damage from a photograph.
  • Spoilage to food.
  • Using dead objects.
  • Lining
  • Damage to follow.
  • Transfer by likeness.

Most often, damage to a woman and a man is done on the new moon and during the waxing moon. The closer to the new moon the ritual is performed, the stronger the effect of damage on a person will be, and the longer it will last.

Food spoilage

A popular way to cast spells on a person is to add menstrual blood or blood from a finger to drinks or first courses. At the same time, they pronounce an affirmation in which they clearly pronounce desired result. A person who eats a dish with witchcraft filling will be subdued by the one whose blood he tasted. The impact of such damage is temporary and requires monthly repetition of the ritual.

The more accurately the wish is expressed, the better the result of the damage done to the blood will be visible.

Food spoilage is used more often than other types in everyday life. It’s easy to spoil the energy potential of food with a bad word, even without wanting to cause harm. A specially made damage to the offender using food is much more dangerous than magical objects that are thrown to the victim. During the meal, everyone who eats spoiled food will suffer.

The ritual is done whatever it takes. The result of spoilage can be seen within a few hours by symptoms similar to the development of an acute disease with high temperature, general weakness, low blood pressure.

You can damage a person yourself with the help of salt that has been lying on any grave for 3 days. To obtain dead salt, take a closed package and hide it so that a random person does not see the package. When they come for a ready-to-use product, they leave it on the grave alcoholic drink, honey in honeycombs and white bread.

The high cost of repayment helps reduce the risk of harm, which always threatens the person who casts a spell.

Dead salt is stored outside the living area. They put it in the victim’s food, scatter it on the doorstep or in the car when they want to cause harm. To obtain the effect, grains of salt must fall on the person’s body or clothing. When scattering, they pronounce an affirmation in which they formulate their wishes to the enemy, making damage.

To cause severe harm to the victim's health, damage can be done to dead bread. A piece is taken from a glass of vodka, which stands separately at the wake and is intended for the deceased.

You need to quietly take it and feed it to your enemy in the form of crumbs added to food. The effect of such damage will be less if you scatter crumbs under a table or bed that a person constantly uses.

Significantly increases the result of spoilage on dead bread ancient conspiracy, which is read 6 times on the waxing moon:

“What is prepared for the dead is prepared for the living slave (name). Dry up, wither away, become limp in dry crumbs, lose your health, receive dryness on your spine. What is prepared for the dead is prepared for the living slave (name), I cannot pick up the crumbs, my work cannot be broken. Amen".

The action appears quickly. The morning after the ritual of damage, the victim feels severe weakness and feels wandering pains throughout the body. A person constantly feels sleepy and develops symptoms of acute diseases associated with damage to the internal secretion organs, which leads to death.

How to harm an offender through things

The most powerful damage done to the enemy independently with the help of things will be those that use objects related to the dead world and storing the energy of the dead. To disrupt the functioning of the chakras, water that was used to wash the dead person is splashed onto the victim’s clothes, which leads to a painful state and weakness.

On the fresh grave of a deceased person who has the same name as an enemy, you can bury the victim’s personal belongings. To preserve its appearance, it is placed in waterproof packaging. On the ninth day, and no later, the object is dug up and secretly returned to the owner.

You can tear into 2 parts a photo of an enemy over a fresh burial. Bury one half in the burial, and place the second half of the victim in the place where the person spends a lot of time.

Wanting to cause damage, the victim is given a rare plant planted in flower pot, where earth is poured on top, collected from the grave mound of the namesake. Damage done using dead things will not immediately lead to death. The victim will be sick for a long time until he dies. More often there are cases when energy is restored.

Damage is often done using shackles that were used to bind the legs of a deceased person. They are cut after the deceased is placed in a coffin and must be buried in the same grave. They can be taken after cutting to be used in magical rituals, including for inducing damage. Suffer from magical rituals relatives of the deceased. In inept hands, fetters can harm not the victim himself, but his children, who will suffer from attacks of suffocation that cannot be removed by anything except magical spells.

People can use the soap that was used to wash the deceased. They draw pentagrams on the victim’s clothes and offer them for washing. After such damage, a person gets sick for a long time.

Pins are another common technique for causing damage. They are first spoken and then injected into the lining tissue of the victim. For work, buy a black candle and a tiny safety pin. Wax from a lit candle is dripped into the eye of a pin, and read three times:

“As sharp is the needle, so is the arrow of the spirit of evil, directed by my hand.
Just as this wax sticks to iron, so my words and deeds of the spirit of evil stick to that needle.
Let it be so!"

Damaging a pin is a common method of revenge because it can be easily stuck into an enemy's outer clothing or into the upholstery of a car seat.


Damage to the lining is popular in everyday life. You can make a lining spelled for damage from any thing that will attract the attention of the victim. They choose it based on the preferences of the person who will use it. You need to put a negative program into the chosen item using the technique of creating amulets.

To do this, the item is left on the window from new moon to full moon. On the full moon they speak to it by reading the Our Father backwards. Then they present a video sequence where misfortunes happen to the victim. Afterwards, the video sequence is sped up until there is a feeling that the event happened instantly and has already happened. Next, the thing is given as a gift to the person, or thrown to his house, hidden inside the room where the enemy constantly lives.

How to take revenge on an unfaithful lover

Young men often want to spoil a girl when she is alone. In black magic there are many rituals designed to carry out such revenge, but they all require special knowledge and the implementation of certain rules, the violation of which leads to unforeseen complications.

If you want to do a strong damage to your unfaithful lover yourself, then at home you can use the negative energy of hatred. Reprisal against the enemy is carried out at the moment of the highest nervous tension, when anger is suffocating, and the person is ready to tear the offender into pieces. The technique of damaging an enemy is suitable for people with a good imagination. Need to:

  • close eyes;
  • present a white blank screen;
  • draw a bloody inverted pentagram on it;
  • place the enemy’s face inside it;
  • disfigure this face by any means;
  • collect the remnants of anger and stick a sharp knife into the middle of the pentagram so that blood splashes;
  • imagine a screen completely covered in blood;
  • feel complete indifference to the victim;
  • turn off the picture;
  • open eyes;
  • take a cleansing breath.

If nervous system If you are still tense, you need to drink valerian with motherwort and go to bed. The results of the damage done appear within a week.

A curse can be stronger than damage. If you curse a photo of a person every day, spitting on it and calling disaster on the offender’s head, then this will bear fruit, but at the same time it will change the character of the person who is fixated on his enemy.

Damage to a fatal disease

If you need to cast a spell on an enemy because of whom a person died, a dead amulet is created to cast the spell. It is used at funerals. To do this, first make a figurine similar to the victim using dry wormwood grass, his hair, drool, cigarette butts, scraps of clothing, and also a photo. All this is burned, and biological material belonging to the enemy is mixed with the ashes.

Everything is put into a small bag, which is sewn either from the victim’s clothes or made from fabric purchased at the store. The resulting amulet is secretly placed on the chest of the deceased person, whose gender matches the gender of the enemy. When a person is buried, the victim suddenly falls ill and is left alone. You can put only a photo of the enemy in the coffin and achieve a similar result.

Many people are interested in what can be done with a doll that was molded in the likeness of the victim. After completing it, they slowly read “Our Father”, backwards, starting with the last words (Nima ikevan...). While reading, you need to pierce the doll with scissors and imagine in every detail a picture of an accident or accident that should happen to the right person. The doll is left on the table for three days, constantly thinking about what is going to happen to the enemy.

At this time you need to refuse food, if you are very thirsty, drink clean water, do not come into contact with anyone.

Three days later, at midnight, the doll is wrapped in new cloth, where several stones are placed to give the package weight. This will allow the volt to sink. Then they go outside and throw it into a pond or sewer drain, and, without looking back, return home. You can't talk to anyone.

Having dealt with the volt, you need to return to ordinary life and not think about the damage done and the sacrifice. Her fate is decided at the council Higher Powers, and your opinion has already been heard there.

Spoilage is an ancient technique that can lead to death. If you pour gasoline on a trail and set it on fire, it can cause severe illness. Grandmothers in the villages filled the thief's footprint with wax, then took out the frozen trace, read the Lord's Prayer backwards, pronounced a self-formulated curse and threw the wax plate into the fire. If the burning of the footprint took place on the new moon, then by the full moon the person could die or commit suicide from this type of damage.

How to take revenge on a braggart and gossip

In everyday life there are people whom you want to put in their place and damage them. A person can slander, spread false information, say a lot of unnecessary words and think that everything is allowed to him.

It is very easy to silence a chatterbox with the help of damage. To work, you will need a pork tongue, which is bought at the market. You need a candle with a needle to write the name of the enemy, and a package of hat pins or needles. The ritual of damage is carried out as follows. First, light a candle. The needles are heated on it one by one and stuck into the tongue. At the same time, they say a spell for damage 6 times:

“You can’t string together phrases, you can’t say words. You will choke on blood, you will choke on your tongue. It brings pain, it torments with fire. It swells, swells, falls out of the mouth, cramps, twists, and is covered in ulcers. The sounds are blood, the groans are pain. It became as she said. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Then the tongue that has undergone the ritual is buried in the ground and forgotten about it.

When a neighbor starts boasting about his wealth, you can turn his luck on your side.
In order to do damage, you need to take a bill with the number 5 in the face value, 6 nickels, a candle and a photo of the braggart. The ritual of corruption is carried out on the waning moon.
Place a bill on the table in front of you and place coins stacked in a column on it. A candlestick with a burning candle is also placed there. A photograph is placed next to it.

Read the plot 6 times, looking at the photo:

“Just as the eyes of the deceased will no longer see the light, so you (name) will no longer see money.

Be my words strong and sculpted. Amen. Amen. Amen.".

Waiting for the candle to burn out. Then they bury coins and a candle stub deep into the ground. The bill must be given to the person who was damaged to hold it. He must touch it for the damage to begin. To do this, you will have to act out a skit on the topic: “Help me figure it out, see if this is a fake piece of paper?”

To silence a person, you can temporarily deprive him of his voice. To do such damage, you need to perform a simple ritual on the waning moon. As a result of the work to punish the enemy, there will be a strong distortion of the voice until it is briefly lost. The victim will wheeze, but he will not be able to pronounce words clearly. This is how they deal with gossipers and those who interfere with work with constant chatter.

To perform the ritual you need:

  • thick needle;
  • black threads;
  • dry wormwood;
  • church wax candle;
  • chicken neck from the store.

A branch of wormwood is sealed to the neck with hot wax from a candle. Using a needle and black thread, make several stitches along the neck, reading the plot 6 times:

So be it. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Then they bury the chicken neck in the ground and wait for the result of the spoilage, which occurs very quickly and continues until the new moon.

When is the best time to contact a professional?

When causing damage to death is the only way to take revenge, you need to go to a professional. Magicians who are constantly engaged in causing damage use various methods and techniques in their work that protect them from negative influences. They have practical experience that allows them to minimize risks when the spell of witchcraft damage dissipates.

People who decide to punish the offender themselves and do damage often lose more than they find. Any action aimed at someone else’s energy is an interconnected process in which the hunter and the prey participate. They are connected by energy connections, and no one knows how the risky desire to do damage will affect the health and well-being of the avenger.

When a person who has suffered from a single damage is able to get rid of it, the negative energy charge returns to the person who did it. The blow to health will be so severe that the avenger will again find himself in the role of a victim and will need medical attention.

It is much easier for people who have studied the system of magical rituals to hide their actions and protect themselves from kickbacks and the reverse effect of the energy message. In order for the enemy to be avenged, you need to work with a cool head, and this can only be done by a person who does not have any personal claims against the intended victim. Call the phone number listed on the website, and they will help you take revenge with minimal risk to your health.