How to cover a wooden door: we restore the old, give uniqueness to the new. How to coat wooden surfaces for their decoration and protection. What is the best way to treat an external paneled door?

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All wooden structures, used in the construction of buildings, must be subjected to coating treatment. This will not only increase their wear resistance, but also significantly improve appearance. The paint and varnish materials used for this purpose serve reliable protection from moisture and ultraviolet radiation, which have a detrimental effect on wood. However, they must be used at the earliest stage of construction.

Wooden surfaces experience constant loads, the degree of which depends both on the location of the building and cardinal directions, and on many other factors. The material wears out especially strongly in the coastal zone and in open spaces. At the same time, the wall of the building located in the north wears out much less than on the southern and western sides.

Painting wooden surfaces - whim or necessity

Since the tree is natural material, it can be destroyed under the influence of certain factors. Among which:

Ultraviolet Its impact has a detrimental effect on wooden surfaces, destroying and modifying them. The material is painted in grey colour, and its fibers begin to stick out in different directions. Such surfaces quickly become dirty.
Moisture Promotes swelling of wood. When it dries, its volume decreases, and since these factors cause a state of tension, over time it completely cracks.
Moisture-saturated air It is a catalyst for the formation of fungi, blue stains and mold affecting wood. The former tend to penetrate into the structure of the material, coloring it gray-blue, while the latter form on the surface, covering the wood with dark spots. Unlike these two, rot fungi contribute to the destruction of wood, making its further use impossible.

No residential or public space is complete without doors. for various purposes. Quite often these doors are made of wood or modern wood substitutes (laminate, MDF, veneer).

Due to its natural characteristics, a wooden door cannot remain flawless for a long period.

Any wooden door requires the right approach to choosing the covering material.

There comes a time when you have to change old design for a new product. But not everyone can afford to replace all doors or quality old door so good that you can give him new life. Then a legitimate question arises - how to cover a wooden door. The answers may vary. It depends on what you want to see in the end result. Let's consider the methods and materials that are most accessible for independent use.

Giving new life to an old wooden door

Most often, the question of how to cover a wooden door arises among owners of old interior designs, which went to the apartment from the moment of construction.

Don't rush to throw away the old ones wooden doors. They have robust construction and will be able to serve for more than one year with the right approach.

Multi-year layers of paint begin to crack, crumble, and the façade design does not fit into the new one. modern interior. It's time major restoration wooden sheet and box. The main requirement is to prepare the structure for the new decorative coating. After thorough cleaning, it is necessary to select the base coating so that you know what work needs to be done before covering the wooden door. For coating, you can choose paint, varnish or stain. The sequence of work will be the same. The only difference is the finishing layer and the drying time of the surface.

Painting an old wooden door

If you decide not to buy, but to cover the old door with paint, then the choice must be made between two types of paint:

The choice of paint dictates the sequence of further actions.

    • Alkyd paint dries within two days and has a very strong odor, which does not bring comfort to either you or your family members. The only advantage is the fact that alkyd enamel is abrasion resistant, does not require varnish if a glossy composition is chosen, and is affordable.

If you or family members are prone to allergies, acrylic paint should be preferred for covering a wooden door.

When thinking about the question of how to cover a wooden door, do not forget to buy wood primer and putty.

Wood putty and primer will be needed to prepare the door for coating with paint or varnish.

These funds will be needed to prepare the canvas for subsequent painting.

Having examined the properties of two types of enamel, we will get acquainted in detail with all the stages of returning an old wooden door to a new life.

How to coat a wooden door: instructions for working with paint

If for interior space If an old wooden door is selected, then all work must begin with the purchase of materials and tools.

What you need to prepare:

for removing old paint

    • putty knife;
    • sandpaper of different fractions;
    • a rag;
  • a construction hair dryer if the paint is difficult to remove.

for preparing the canvas

    • wood putty;
    • wood primer;
  • roller or brush.

for painting

    • brush, roller, sponge;
    • wood varnish;
  • protective agent for face and hands.

Stages of work on updating a wooden door:

    1. The door must be removed from its hinges, because it is difficult to properly cover the door leaf in a hanging position. There is no way to get to all sides of the facade without problems, the paint will smudge, the fittings will be dirty finishing materials, which will affect their external and functional qualities.
    1. Prepare a mat on the floor to prevent contamination of the surface. If you use compounds with a strong odor, then, if possible, carry out all work on the street or balcony to reduce the presence of odor in the room.
    1. Lay the canvas on the prepared surface and remove all accessories. The fittings may also need to be updated.
    1. Let's start removing the old coating. Don't forget that wood is soft and can be easily damaged. Therefore, proceed with caution. Some experts advise using special removers to remove old paint. You can use these products, but after first studying their composition and effect on wood covering. If you have difficulty peeling paint, you can use heating elements, which will soften the paint and allow you to remove it all without a trace.
    1. Inspect the canvas and eliminate any defects using sandpaper, putty or wax-based mastic.
    1. After drying, the surface must be sanded again to remove any unevenness that may appear during the application of the final coat of paint.
    1. We proceed to applying the paint according to the instructions on the package. It depends on the type of enamel chosen.

Let’s take a closer look at how to properly varnish a wooden door, because it can be used as a basis for restoration.

Choosing a varnish to coat a wooden door, the specifics of applying glue to the surface

If the painting method does not suit you, or you want to cover not an old door, but a new one, but without finishing, then varnish can be used to maintain the natural texture and shade of wood fits better Total. But you need to choose the right varnish, because each surface has its own composition.

Varnish and any other product applied simultaneously to the canvas must have the same properties.

The assortment of varnish can confuse an uninformed person. Some formulations have a very strong odor, others are barely noticeable. There are several types of varnish:

    • Alkyd - the base is a solvent that has a pungent odor. The varnish is water resistant. At correct application give light wood yellow tint. Dries within one day. A hardener can be added to improve properties.
    • Nitrolac is similar in composition to the first option. Dries quickly. For even application it is better to use a paint sprayer.
    • Polyurethane varnish - most resistant to external influence, lasts longer than other varnishes on the surface. But it must be remembered that this varnish can make the wood dark if you do not apply a primer first.
  • Acrylic varnish is the most environmentally friendly of all listed, because it is water based. It does not have a pungent odor, which also inspires respect. But acrylic lacquer, like acrylic enamel, is less resistant to abrasion. You shouldn’t count on maintaining the gloss of a wooden door for a long time.

The choice is yours.

We varnish the door blank

Many people, trying to save on money, buy products without finishing. They are cheaper and can fit perfectly into the interior if you know how to cover a wooden door and how to do it correctly.

A wooden door coated with varnish retains its natural color and texture.

If the workpiece is not intended for painting (panel with a white matte finish), then select a varnish of the desired composition so as not to spoil the canvas.

    1. Basically, door blanks are sold in sanded form, but take the time to check the entire surface again for chips, dents, and roughness, which will make the varnish appear even more. Treat defects if necessary.
    1. Apply a coat of primer and let it dry. The primer will protect the wood surface from darkening.
  1. We proceed to applying the varnish, having first stirred it and poured it into a jar. The varnish must be applied quickly, in cross movements, without smudges. Slowness is of no use here. The varnish quickly sets to the surface. The more strokes, the less even the layer will be. This will lead to additional processing against stains. The varnish must be applied in three to four layers, allowing each layer to dry.

Your efforts will be visible in the final result - a beautiful glossy canvas in a natural wood shade will fit perfectly into the interior of any room.

You can varnish not only a new wooden door, but also an old canvas coated with varnish. Restoration begins with thorough cleaning of the old coating. The process is similar to working on a painted old door, minus the enamel painting step. Craftsmen advise using more toxic varnishes for long-term use of varnished doors, because they are more resistant to abrasion.

Let's not forget about the stain

Stain is also still appropriate for covering a wooden door. If you want to change the natural shade of wood, stain will cope with this task very well. Any wood can be stained. The shade depends on the intensity of application of the composition to the surface. The more stain, the more the natural shade changes. But you need to do everything carefully to avoid dark spots or smudges on the door.

Before installing an entrance door made of wood, it must be treated with a special protective compound. This will extend the service life, prevent the appearance of fungus, rotting and damage, and also, importantly, protect the wood from darkening. Process and apply special compounds it is necessary in several stages.

To do this you will need:

primer, putty;
— special antiseptic solution;
- stain;
- drying oil or wood varnish;
- spray gun, brush or roller

So, let's start processing the wooden door:

1. Before applying protective compounds, the surface of the door must be finely sanded (zero) sandpaper, and for higher quality and less labor-intensive processing, you can use grinder.

2. After sanding, it is necessary to saturate the door with an antiseptic composition as best as possible. for protection against fungus and mold. The composition can be applied using a brush, roller or spray gun. Then, for at least 48 hours, the door treated with an antiseptic must be dried in a warm room and re-treated. This contributes to more deep penetration composition into wood fibers and protects it from putrefactive bacteria for many years.

3. After the antiseptic has completely dried, the wooden entrance door can be putty; for this, special putties are used for wooden surfaces, which even out even small gaps and cracks. But if the surface is fairly smooth, without flaws, then there is no need for puttying, you can immediately proceed to priming. Priming must be done twice, with each layer drying for 24 hours.

4. If you plan to paint the doors with paint on oil based, what in modern world is used less and less, you can use drying oil instead of a primer, this will save on paint consumption and achieve a beautiful, even coating.

5. To preserve the natural texture of wood, stain is usually used, followed by varnish. The stain has various shades, reminiscent of the natural color of wood. To obtain the desired color saturation, you can apply the stain several times, allowing each subsequent layer to dry.

6. IN final stage When processing a wooden entrance door, surface varnishing is used. At least two layers of varnish are applied. Each subsequent layer of varnish must be dried for 36 hours.

Now that the last layer of varnish has dried well, you can mount the wooden entrance door on permanent place. If everything is done well, it will serve you faithfully for many years.

Painting wooden doors: how to paint them

In practice, it has been proven that old houses have excellent wooden doors that are durable, good quality and reliable. In the last century, wood was considered inexpensive building materials, so the highest quality was used, and sometimes even from valuable wood. Many owners of old doors are still in no hurry to change them, even despite the thick layer of paint that makes the appearance of the door unsightly. Now it is possible, using innovative materials and processing technologies, to restore an old door, which will make it more valuable and beautiful. If you have woodworking skills, then high-quality painting You can make the doors yourself. To do this, you need to follow the chosen painting technology, as well as understand the features of use. modern materials paint and varnish industry.

Decorative and regular painting doors can be made using different technologies, which differ significantly from each other. Before choosing one of the methods, you need to carry out preliminary preparation doors. This event consists of several stages:

  • all old layers (paint, putty, varnish) are removed down to the wood itself;
  • the surface is polished and leveled;
  • Cracks, crevices, irregularities and scratches are filled with putty. To do this, use mastics, putties and other materials selected to match the color of the wood;
  • Repeated sanding is carried out with sandpaper after the putty has dried.

One of the most difficult is the initial stage - cleaning the door surface from old layers of coating. But almost all doors that need painting need such treatment. In order to carry out the work of painting a door with the highest quality possible, you need to know how to carry out the preparatory work and how to directly paint the door itself. Using a regular scraper or spatula, you can only remove peeled and cracked layers. After this, you need to carefully sand the wood with a sanding machine or sandpaper. Then the surface is cleaned with a vacuum cleaner. This labor-intensive method of getting rid of old coating does not exclude the possibility of damage to the wood. But you can remove the paint easily, quickly, without compromising the integrity of the door. To do this, you can use the tips experienced craftsmen. Now there are many different sites on the Internet where you can find such advice. But there are several most popular methods, which will be discussed below.

  • Method one - softening the paint under the influence high temperature. To do this, use a hair dryer, a heat gun or a blowtorch. Paint treated with this method will quickly come off, even if there are several old layers. However, the high temperature method is not suitable for doors with glass elements, because glass will crack when exposed to such temperatures. Therefore, if possible, the glass must be removed, as well as the remaining elements of the fittings. Particular care must be taken when handling blowtorch. By carelessness, holding the flame in one place will leave scorch marks on the wood. In addition, it is imperative to adhere to measures fire safety, remove all flammable and flammable materials from the work area.
  • Method two - dissolving old coating layers using chemicals, that is, using organic solvents and special additives to them. They can be liquid, jelly or powder. Mainly used liquid products in bottles or aerosols. These products are the most versatile and can dissolve many types of varnishes and paints, such as oil-based, alkyd, film-forming, nitrocellulose and vinyl. Such products are applied to the surface with a brush, sprayed with a roller for several minutes (the time is indicated in the instructions for the product). Then the old coating layers swell, loosen and peel off from the wood. If the coating layer is very thick, then this procedure can be repeated several times. Peeled paint is removed with a scraper or spatula. It often happens that after removing old coatings it is discovered that the wood has an uneven color and is lighter or darker in some places. In such cases, if the wood under the paint has darkened over time. You can use chlorine-containing bleaches, which are diluted in water (proportion 1:3).
  • How to paint a wooden door

    Nowadays there is a wide range of products on the market paint and varnish materials, with which you can give the door unique design and style. Thanks to this large selection The door design possibilities have expanded significantly. Choosing just one option is quite difficult. Therefore, it is necessary, first of all, to answer two questions: which paint is best to choose and not make a mistake with the choice; how to paint a door correctly and efficiently. Color design The design of the door depends primarily on the tastes of the owners, the tone of the furniture and the interior. For example, in a bedroom with a white set in the “Louis” style, high swinging double doors, decorated in white with gold panels, would be well suited. And in a log house, doors impregnated with silky oil impregnation in a natural color, etc. will look great.

    For other types of interiors, other painting technologies are chosen. If the interior is antique or there is antique furniture, then the most suitable method would be artificial “aging” or antique painting. These two methods have become popular recently. However, not everyone can do such work. It is best to entrust this event to specialists, because without skills and relevant knowledge you can achieve completely disastrous results. It is worth noting that prices for such services are affordable for a large mass of the population. They are quite democratic. Process artificial aging, or brushing, texturing - processing a wooden surface using metal brushes that remove the top soft layer of wood, leaving a rougher, embossed texture. Toning creates a “patina” effect. Then the main tone of the wood fibers differs in color from the structural porous recesses. The top of the wood is coated with colorless varnish or wood paint to match the color of the interior.

    How to paint a wooden door

    Store shelves are now overflowing with a variety of varnishes, paints, impregnations and tinting, so the choice is really large, and everyone can choose from a variety of options. More important is the question of choosing paint for a wooden door. Each specific case must be considered individually and look for the most suitable options in terms of quality, properties, cost. If before the choice of paint was not so difficult, now it is impossible to do without the help of a specialist.

    An important aspect is the issue of environmental friendliness, especially for interior doors. In this case, it is best to purchase odorless paint, water based, quick-drying, increased elasticity, moisture-resistant and resistant to temperature changes. Fortunately, there is a large assortment of such paints on the domestic market. The question often arises about the choice of paint for doors in the country, in country house, garage, office, etc. Many are faced with the problem of choice, because the paint for such doors must be resistant to moisture and different temperature conditions. In addition, you need to be especially careful when choosing paint for doors in medical institutions, children's institutions and a number of others, where doors are treated with aggressive detergents, are disinfected where the paint should be durable and safe.

    Interior doors for painting

    Carrying out redecorating You can prepare the doors for painting yourself. ABOUT preparatory work, their order and methods were written above. All that remains is to find out how to cover the door with stain, impregnation and paint them yourself. The best option for an interior door it will be acrylic paint water based. It gives the surface a matte appearance, so it needs to be coated with additional varnish for shine. You can also use alkyd paint, which does not require additional varnishing, as it has a wonderful glossy surface. If the door has good textured surface, then it can be coated with only a few layers of colorless water-based varnish.

    The prepared door is laid horizontally. A stain or impregnation is applied to a thoroughly cleaned surface. After the coating has dried, paint or varnish is applied. Painting begins with the panels, then on the protruding surfaces and at the very end on the canvas. If the windows and fittings on the door have not been removed, then they are first covered with protective masking tape. It is recommended to apply varnishes and paints with a roller, because brushes may leave lint and streaks. If there is a small layer of old paint on the door, then the issue of painting them is greatly simplified. In this case, there is no need to completely remove the paint; sanding with primer and impregnation will not be necessary. The door just needs to be washed and dried. The applied paint will give the door a fresh look and instantly update it.

    Paint for wooden doors

    The range of paints presented in stores today gives free rein to imagination and the opportunity to bring the most daring ideas into reality. design ideas for registration. Mostly paints famous manufacturers are of high quality, safe, available in a wide range of colors and with high protective properties. Paint and varnish coatings divided into several groups:

    • by type: varnishes, paints and impregnations (stains, film-forming and non-film-forming);
    • By chemical composition: water-based and organic-based;
    • by application: for interior work, for external work and combined;
    • according to the protective principle: from mechanical, organic, chemical influences; from changes in humidity and temperature.

    Transparent types of coatings: oil impregnations, varnishes, glazes.

    Opaque enamels and paints can be: oil, alkyd, acrylic, polyurethane, perchlorovinyl.

    Many people know about painting a wooden door with varnish. It is only necessary to mention that for interior work you should not use nitro varnishes, which differ high level toxicity. For interior work, water-based varnishes are used, which are safe.

    Painting a wooden door

    The standard coloring of a wooden door, depending on the coating used, can be enamel or decorative. Enamel painting consists of the following stages:

    • preparatory;
    • priming and sanding work (puttying, priming, sanding);
    • painting (applying tinted enamel to a dried primer).

    Process decorative painting consists of the following stages:

    • surface preparation (more thoroughly than for enamel painting);
    • grinding, dust removal;
    • primer;
    • painting with decorative paint;
    • drying for several hours (3-5);
    • applying a finishing layer of decorative paint;
    • drying for three days.

    To perform high-quality painting of a door, you need to carry it out in several stages. This is done to ensure that the paint dries completely. Only after the last layer of paint has completely dried can you begin to insert windows, install fittings and install the door itself door frame. If stained new door, then you should not follow any special recommendations. The order of work is the same as when painting an old door. Using a spray gun will help speed up the work and at the same time simplify it. However, only people who have the skills to work with it can use it well. An inexperienced technician will have difficulty applying paint evenly when working with such equipment.

    The difference in temperature and air humidity negatively affects the condition of wooden doors in the house. What happens to them and is it possible to prevent this process?

    How does moisture form in doors?

    Suffer the most entrance doors. In winter, the difference between thermometer readings inside and outside the house can reach 40 °C. To reduce harmful effects temperature differences on the door, use fillers that have thermal resistance heat transfer They dampen the temperature difference inside door leaf.

    But the fillers do not protect the entire door - the edge of the leaf experiences the full temperature load. What does this lead to?

    1. Moisture accumulates inside the door leaf.
    2. On particularly cold days it freezes and destroys the structure of the wood. Sometimes you can even hear the door cracking.

    But it’s not just the frost that’s harmful. And wet autumn weather negatively affects the condition of the door. Under the influence of temperature differences, moisture moves and accumulates in the warm zone of the door leaf. During one autumn day, multiple temperature changes occur. As a result, drop by drop, water will accumulate in the door and it will begin to rot.

    Method of protection

    To prevent moisture from damaging the door, you need to prevent it from getting inside. For this purpose, the door is painted. A layer of coloring matter during polymerization forms protective film. For better protection you need to apply two layers of paint. Now moisture will not penetrate inside.

    But the process of moisture penetration will resume when the protective layer of paint or varnish cracks. And this happens quite quickly, because the doors experience dynamic load during operation: in other words, they are opened and closed several times a day and not always lightly.

    Many manufacturers are trying to use elastic coatings. They change their geometry along with changes that occur under dynamic loads. In addition to oil and varnish coatings, they began to use oil processing of products. This method of moisture protection works as follows:

    • the oil penetrates into the wood, closes its pores, making it impossible for moisture to enter them;
    • in the connections of individual parts, a single solid structure is formed from a polymerized oil coating. The joints are filled, all existing cracks are closed.

    Wooden doors have been protected in this way for a long time. The oil has proven its effectiveness in increasing the service life of wooden doors.

    Types of oils for coating wood products

    Flaxseed oil performs its protective function best. But its production volumes are small and the cost is high. Therefore they are quite widely used mineral oils obtained as a result of oil refining. The disadvantage is the long polymerization time.

    The export of palm oil is significant; dry mixtures with a high degree of fat content (up to 80–85%) are made from it. This product began to be used to create mastics. It turns out to be a kind of wax, which is diluted with a solvent or liquid vegetable oil is used.

    Method No. 1. White spirit solvent and mastic.

    1. When liquefying, add white spirit - 10-15% of the volume and mix until smooth.
    2. The resulting solution is stored in a container with a tight lid - as the solvent evaporates, the mass thickens.
    3. The product prepared for processing is covered with a solution. Use different ways application. In industrial production wooden products the solution is sprayed using a spray gun (sometimes you have to add a solvent to reduce the viscosity).
    4. Dry in dryers for 1.5–2.5 hours at a temperature of 45–55 °C.

    As a result of accelerated tests carried out by independent experts on special stands, where the doors were forcibly opened and closed, no changes occurred after 100,000 cycles. The tightness of the door leaf has not changed.

    Cold tests after completion of the “clapping” test showed that moisture saturation does not occur with a temperature difference of 60 ° C and a humidity of 80% on the cold side.

    Method No. 2. Use mastic and cottonseed oil.

    1. Palm oil mastic is heated in a water bath.
    2. When liquefied, add cottonseed oil - 5-10% of the volume and mix until smooth. The solution does not evaporate quickly, but it is not stored for a long time. Typically used within 8–10 hours.
    3. The product prepared for processing is covered with a solution. Mostly painted with a brush or roller. The solution is quite thick.
    4. Dry in dryers for 4–6 hours at a temperature of 45–55 °C.

    As a result of the tests, even after 500,000 cycles of opening and closing the door, no changes occurred. The door was like new.

    The use of thick mastics with solvents makes it possible to obtain high-strength oil coatings. The input and interior doors will last for several decades.