I want to know everything magazine subscription. "I want to know everything" - an educational magazine for children. Design by B. Kreutzer

I want to know everything (1970)

Editorial board: K. F. Ogorodnikov, A. I. Shalimov, G. S. Gor, M. E. Ivin, L. V. Uspensky, Yu. A. Ashman.

Compiled by L. A. Dzhalalbekova.

Almanac “I want to know everything!” introduces young readers to achievements in various fields of science, technology, and art. Along with the most interesting problems and discoveries of our time, the almanac contains a lot of interesting information from the history of science.

Small notes for the almanac were prepared by: G. Chernenko, B. Rosen, A. Shmulyan, B. Pustyntsev.

E. Voishvillo: “Lunar landscape of the future”, “Orbital station”, “Cruiser Aurora”.

N. Pretro: “Flag and coat of arms of the USSR”, “Fashion grimaces”.

Design by B. Kreutzer.


A. Tomilin


Strange question, but try to answer it. Just answer without fantasizing about Martians and inhabitants of Venusian swamps, without speculating about the time when the Earth will become crowded... We can and should fantasize, but now we have a different task.

According to the latest scientific data, within the solar system we will not find either brothers in mind or a second homeland adapted for human existence. There remain, however, other stars and star systems. But the flight to them, if realized, will not be very soon. Why do rockets with satellites take off into space almost every day from various continents of the earth?

How many years does a person live on Earth? More than a million. And most of this time people were firmly convinced: “The earth is the whole world!” The sun, stars, and moon were created to make things better on Earth. Better to whom? Of course, to a person. Because while man knew little, it still seemed to him that he was the most important in nature. This, however, sometimes happens now, only not with all of humanity, but with its individual representatives.

However, gradually people realized that the Sun and stars are huge hot balls of gas. And the Moon and planets are the same celestial bodies as the Earth, only located at enormous distances from each other. From us to the Sun - one hundred and forty-nine and a half million kilometers... Far! And yet the Sun reaches the Earth - it changes winter and summer. People didn't think about greater influence. Until strange facts accumulated.

First, technology started talking about them. Why does radio communication disappear at high latitudes during periods of high solar activity? The compass needle moves like crazy from side to side, why? Doctors picked up the baton of questions. German psychoneurologists said that they have long noticed: during times of high solar activity, the number of neuropsychiatric diseases increases sharply. The number of car accidents also increases on such days, American statisticians added. In general, people with a weak type of nervous system feel depressed during such periods, French doctors confirmed.

The sun, radio communication, man and magnetic needle. There's a lot to think about. What is the connection between them?

Let's take earthly factors first. Why does the magnetic needle always point with one end to the north and the other to the south? Because our Earth is a huge, although not particularly strong, magnet. Invisible magnetic lines of force stretch from pole to pole in near-Earth space - the planet’s magnetic field. In this magnetic field, like waves in the ocean, radio signals fly in different directions. The magnetic needles of thousands and thousands of compasses are aligned in the direction of the lines of force. But if the waves in the ocean rush from side to side, it means there is a storm in the ocean. And if radio waves do not reach from the transmitter to the receiver and the magnetic needle rotates instead of calmly indicating the north direction, it means that the storm is playing out in a magnetic field... I wonder what the Earth’s magnetic field is. Let's get to know him better. It turns out that it is most likely created by powerful electric currents flowing inside the earth’s crust, and since these currents are not constant and pulsate with a frequency of eight to sixteen vibrations per second, the field also pulsates.

“Stop! Stop!” - biologists shout - electric currents also flow in the human brain. They create an electrical voltage that changes at a frequency of eight to sixteen oscillations per second. This hesitation is the most important thing. It is called the alpha rhythm and characterizes the normal functioning of the central nervous system. If the alpha rhythm is disrupted, as a rule, this means that the functions of the brain have left the normal state. In common parlance they say: “The man has gone mad.”

Now let’s try to reason: there are eight to sixteen oscillations and here there are eight to sixteen. There is the magnetic field of the planet and here is the magnetic field of the brain. It is difficult to resist the temptation to link one to the other. Maybe a magnet really plays a much larger role in a person’s life than we think? First of all, you need to look in old books. Did our ancestors have any instructions on this matter? Then you won't have to open America. And here you go.

Even in ancient times, Hindu Brahmins, when they started to have a headache, put a magnetic bracelet on their wrist. And they assured me that it was helping. Egyptian priests and magicians used magnets as an amulet to preserve youth. And the ancient Jewish Kabbalists firmly guaranteed calming the nerves with the help of the same magnet... The most remarkable thing is that the verification of these ancient statements, carried out by the most modern methods, confirmed them. She confirmed everything, including preserving youth.

American biologist Gino Bariotti, having kept six elderly mice in a strong magnetic field, noticed that after this procedure their fur shone, folds and wrinkles on the skin smoothed out, the skin became softer, more elastic - and the mice noticeably cheered up. The animals have definitely gotten younger...

So far, the mechanism of interaction of magnetic fields with a living organism has not been clarified. No theory. There is not even absolute confidence in the correctness of the hypotheses... For a long time, people generally had a very vague idea of ​​the reasons for the emergence of the magnetic field of our planet. And only research using spacecraft made it possible to say with confidence that there are three


Veronica sat on the bench and, quietly sobbing, wiped away her tears with her palms. She wanted to cry for real, loudly, sobbing bitterly, but she was already a big girl and therefore she cried quietly. It was unbearably offensive. Evil, stupid boys constantly called her various offensive and even indecent words and laughed at her. And none of the adults with whom she shared her pain took it seriously, everyone only advised her not to pay attention. And now, after another attack, she sat on the bench, sobbed quietly, wiped away her tears with her palms and thought... I don’t know what she was thinking about.

“And I know what you’re thinking about, Veronica,” an unfamiliar voice brought Veronica out of her reverie, and she raised her head. An elderly gentleman stood in front of her. He was tall, thin, gray-haired, wearing a tuxedo, a bow tie and a hat like the ones worn by chimney sweeps in pictures in children's books. Such caps are also called cylinders. The gentleman leaned elegantly on his cane.

“And I know who you are,” Veronica was not taken aback, “You are a master of magic.” I saw you on TV, in the program “Botva Elektrosensov”

Yes, that’s right,” the master sat down next to him on a bench, “Tell me, what do they call you?” What are you so upset about?

Now, for example, they called me a wet chicken, and yesterday a dead rat,” Veronica said.

Yes, it’s unpleasant,” the master agreed and looked at her carefully, “But you don’t look at all like a chicken or a rat, and you know it very well.” Why shed tears over a stupid lie?

Because I'm very upset! - Tears flowed with renewed vigor.

Then send an SMS with the words “I Want to Know Everything” to the short number ####. The cost is fifteen rubles, not including VAT.

Veronica took out her phone, and, burying her face in it, began to diligently press the buttons. When the phone purred that the SMS had been delivered, the master was no longer nearby. Sighing and wiping away the last tears with a handkerchief, Veronica got up and went home.

Angry and stupid boys were playing near the five-story buildings. Seeing Veronica, they joyfully abandoned their stupid games and from afar began to make faces and call the poor girl a pop-eyed frog. Stasik especially tried. However, contrary to their expectations, she did not cry and run away as before, but, smiling widely, approached them.

Hello, Stasik,” Veronica curtsied and smiled even wider, “You’re mistaken, I’m not a frog at all.” But last night you described yourself as small.

“I didn’t write anything,” Stasik muttered gloomily. He suddenly stopped being joyful and turned crimson.

I peed myself, I peed myself! - Veronica repeated confidently, - your panties are drying on the balcony.

She's lying, she's lying! - the disgraced Stasik shouted to his joyful friends. Friends suddenly lost interest in Veronica and began to show interest in Stasik. And Veronica moved on.

Having almost reached home, Veronica met her classmate Nikita, who was also harmful and disgusting. Yesterday he pulled Veronica's pigtails and tried to pour compote down her collar. True, Veronica scratched his face for this, and now his cheeks and nose were decorated with adhesive plaster. Nikita was walking somewhere with his mother. Noticing the girl, Nikita with a sly face began to tell his mother something and point his finger at Veronica, which in itself is ugly. Besides, he was probably lying about something. Because Nikitka’s mother changed her face and shouted at Veronica:

How can you do this!? Oh you mean girl!

“I’m not trashy,” the girl retorted, “But you cheat your customers and yesterday you falsified the expiration date on the sausage.”

Nikitka’s mother once again changed her face and closed her mouth. Veronica calmly moved on, sternly saying:

And your son steals cigarettes from his father and smokes in the toilet.

Veronica came home in a good mood, and there another surprise awaited her. Dad returned from a business trip and brought his daughter a new, modern, beautiful gadget. Just the kind she had long dreamed of. Having kissed her daddy, Veronica, all happy, ran to her best friend Dasha to show off. The boasting was a great success. Dasha looked at the gadget and Veronica with wide eyes.

I'm so happy for you! - Dasha said to her friend, smiling radiantly.

And Veronica suddenly felt that yesterday Dasha broke her mother’s favorite cup, and in order to avoid punishment, she blamed it on her grandmother’s beloved cat.

Only Veronica didn’t tell anyone about this because she was a kind girl and not categorical. She hugged Dasha and said:

Thank you dear!

And then she pulled out her phone and sent an SMS to the short number #### with the words “I Don’t Want to Know Everything Anymore.”

Fifteen rubles, excluding VAT.

The text is large so it is divided into pages.

  • Schoolchildren learned about what and how can harm their health. Representatives of the Youth Chamber told the children about the dangers of poor nutrition and the benefits of an active lifestyle.
    Students from Moskovsky were shown a cartoon called “Sober Russia.” Later, the children discussed the animation work in detail.
    In addition, we held a quiz with the kids, following which they awarded prizes from the administration of the Moskovsky settlement.
    Source link

  • The fourth summer field ecological shift took place at GBOU School No. 2065 from June 10 to 14. Its participants were girls and boys who showed good knowledge in environmental competitions, Olympiads and competitions of the past academic year. The unique eco-school program was developed in collaboration with the Moscow Children's and Youth Center for Ecology, Local History and Tourism, and lectures and outdoor activities were conducted by experienced teachers of additional education from the Center.
    During the operation of the eco-school, the children, together with their teachers, walked more than 15 km along forest routes and communicated with each other with great pleasure. Students learned interesting facts about the formation of the modern landscape and soil types along the educational trail; Having heard the singing of the birds of our forest, we tried to distinguish them by their voices, nests, vital processes and appearance, and mapped their nesting places; studied insects and their metamorphoses in detail. While getting acquainted with plants, the children learned to describe the test site; establish plant species using a key; acquired the skills of herbarization of herbs; learned about the medicinal properties of forest plants and remembered the names of poisonous ones.
    It is possible that the knowledge acquired during training at the eco-school will influence the choice of future profession for our students. And the skills acquired by schoolchildren these days will definitely serve as the basis for creating individual and collective research and project works. Good luck guys and have a great summer!
    #School2065 #eco-school #eco-school2065 #ecosmena #MDESH_ECT #ecology #local history #tourism #Moscow #TiNAO #NewMoscow

    Children's Day, which falls on the first day of summer, is one of the oldest international holidays; it has been celebrated all over the world since 1950.
    International Children's Day is, first of all, a reminder to adults of the need to respect children's rights to life, to freedom of opinion and religion, to education, rest and leisure, to protection from physical and psychological violence, to protection from exploitation of child labor as necessary conditions for formation of a humane and fair society.
    Traditionally, our settlement will host a big sports festival on Saturday, June 8, in which everyone can take part. Both children from 11 years old and those more enthusiastic about sports and physical education.
    Competitions are held with the aim of popularizing a healthy lifestyle, attracting children and adults of the settlement to physical education and sports, and attracting young people to regular sports.
    Competition organizers:
    Administration of the Moskovsky settlement, MBU "Sports Center "Moskovsky".
    The competition starts at 11.00. Registration of participants at the competition site from 10.30 to 11.00.
    Venue: Moscow, Moskovsky, microdistrict 1, 39 building 1

    Program for holding competitions in the Moskovsky settlement dedicated to Children's Day and Youth Day.
    June 8, 2019.

    Type of competition
    Category of participants, holding system
    Start/End of the competition
    Volleyball 2x2.
    Age category 16+. Team composition: 2 people (men, women)
    Chess and checkers.

    Table hockey


    Shooting from an air rifle.


    After summing up the results in each type of program, the winners and prize-winners of the competition will be awarded.
    The winners and runners-up of the competitions are awarded cups, medals and certificates.

    Contact information, organizational issues:
    Page of the MBU "Sports Center "Moskovsky" in VK - https://vk.com/centr_sporta_moskovskiy
    Preliminary applications for participation in competitions:
    Lukashov Igor Gennadievich,
    Email Mail: [email protected]
    Tel. mob..+7 919 728 9434

  • Fatima Yusupovna Kharybina, head of the administrative practice prevention department of the drug control department of the Internal Affairs Directorate for TiNAO, informed the commission members about the operational situation in the field of preventing, identifying and suppressing offenses related to drug trafficking in the territory of the Moskovsky settlement.
    Fatima Yusupovna in her speech noted the active interaction of the administration of the Moskovsky settlement, schools No. 2065 and 2120 with the Department of Internal Affairs for the TiNAO on the issues of carrying out preventive measures. She also drew attention to the need to conduct systematic explanatory work with parents of students with the participation of police officers as part of organizing parent-teacher meetings in schools.
    Milov Philipp Viktorovich, a narcologist at Branch No. 7 of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology, DZM, informed about the drug situation and the dynamics of providing drug treatment assistance to the population in the Moskovsky settlement based on the results of the 1st half of 2019. Philip Viktorovich in his speech noted that in the Moskovsky settlement there has been a decrease in mortality from alcoholism and drug addiction, due to the functioning of anonymous self-help groups, the activities of which are actively supported by the settlement administration.
    At the meeting, the question was heard about interaction with the socio-psychological service of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Narcology of the Department of Healthcare” on issues of preventive work with dysfunctional families registered with the CDNiZP. The head of the service, Andrey Viktorovich Novakov, emphasized the need to continue joint work, within the framework of the experimental site based in the Moskovsky settlement, with parents who have various types of addiction to alcohol or drugs.
    Members of the commission discussed issues of summer employment of minors, including teenagers on preventive registration and children from disadvantaged families, as well as planned anti-drug campaigns and events dedicated to Children’s Day, International Day against Drug Addiction and Drug Trafficking, Youth Day, which will be held in June 2019 for children attending the Moscow Shift 2019 summer educational sessions.
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Want to know everything Andrey Mernikov, Dmitry Koshevar

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Title: I want to know everything
Author: Andrey Mernikov, Dmitry Koshevar
Year: 2016
Genre: Books for children: other, Other educational literature, Encyclopedias

About the book “I Want to Know Everything” Andrey Mernikov, Dmitry Koshevar

The importance of science in human life cannot be overestimated. From a very early age we try to comprehend the secrets of the world around us, because even in the most ordinary things there is a lot of surprising and unusual hidden. And it is thanks to science that man has solved a huge number of mysteries, learned a lot and created a lot. Do you want to learn more about this and impress everyone you know with your extensive knowledge? Then open this book quickly! It will help you be transported to a real land of knowledge, where you will find very useful and interesting, and sometimes even incredible information from various fields of science. Here we will not only explain to you how the Earth was formed and tell you how man appeared on it, but also, thanks to beautiful illustrations, we will show how, by improving our knowledge, humanity progressed, new discoveries were made, science and technology developed.
Read this book, and you will not just want to know something, but really know everything.

On our website about books lifeinbooks.net you can download for free without registration or read online the book “I Want to Know Everything” by Andrey Mernikov, Dmitry Koshevar in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.