How to distinguish an ectopic pregnancy from a normal one. Ectopic pregnancy signs in the early stages. Ultrasound is the clearest method for determining an anomaly

According to statistics, four women out of 100 experience early stages does not have any pronounced differences from normal pregnancy. Having seen the usual two lines on a pregnancy test, not a single woman even suspects that after a while she may end up on the operating table or even die from loss of blood...

Of course these days medicine has stepped far forward, and the risk of death exists only in case of incorrect and late diagnosis, whereas in previous times only one in six women with an ectopic pregnancy survived. Ectopic pregnancy is a very dangerous condition and one of the most common causes of infertility in women who terminated a pathological pregnancy in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Women who have had ectopic pregnancy, experience a strong fear of a new pregnancy and pass it on to everyone around them. They are catastrophically afraid of not getting pregnant at all or that the pregnancy will again be ectopic. In fact, during the period of conceiving a child, a woman needs to be calm and relaxed so that it is easier for the fertilized egg to reach the uterus.

For this reason we decided to divert women from dark thoughts and familiarize them with the symptoms of ectopic pregnancy so that they can understand and seek help from a gynecologist in the early stages of pregnancy. After all, the longer the duration of an ectopic pregnancy, the less chance a woman has of maintaining reproductive function. First you need to know what kind of pregnancy do doctors call ectopic?

Any pregnancy begins after fertilization eggs, which for later proper development should move into the uterine cavity and attach to its wall. Sometimes, due to the presence of various obstacles and malfunctions, the fertilized egg is not able to reach the site and is attached to the fallopian tube, cervix, ovary and even to the abdominal cavity. This kind of pregnancy is called an ectopic pregnancy.

You wouldn't wish this on any woman. This news will certainly come as a shock. Such diagnoses are always perceived emotionally. But we hasten to console you as much as possible: an ectopic pregnancy is not a death sentence.

In fact, ectopic implantation of the ovum is not such a rarity: although there is little pleasant in this, but due to the frequency of occurrence, doctors have already learned to quickly identify an ectopic pregnancy and take action. necessary measures to prevent risks and minimize consequences. However, future forecasts for a woman will depend on a number of factors.

It is of great importance at what stage an ectopic pregnancy makes itself known, and how exactly. Unfortunately, in 5-10% of all cases, a woman really cannot have any more children. But timely actions help to avoid many troubles, including preserving the functionality of the female reproductive system. So, the main thing is not to waste time.

Why is the egg not in the uterus?

When a sperm fertilizes an egg, the latter begins to move along the fallopian tube and at the end of the path is attached to the wall of the uterus for further development and growth - implantation occurs. This is how a normal pregnancy begins, during which the egg improves, constantly divides, a fetus is formed, from which by the end of the term a full-fledged child grows, ready for life outside the mother’s womb. For this complex process to take place, a certain “home” for the egg and space for its growth are necessary. The uterine cavity is an ideal option.

However, it happens that the egg does not reach its destination and settles earlier. In 70% of cases, it is attached to the fallopian tube, but other options are possible: to the ovaries, to the cervix, to any of the abdominal organs.

Causes of ectopic pregnancy

There are several reasons why the egg cannot reach the uterus:

  • Disturbances in the condition of the walls and functioning of the fallopian tubes (when they contract poorly and are not able to move the egg further). This often happens due to previous diseases of the pelvic organs, as well as chronic inflammatory diseases genitals, in particular STDs.
  • Anatomical features of the fallopian tube (for example, infantilism): a tube that is too narrow, tortuous, scarred or scarred makes it difficult and slows down the passage of the egg.
  • Previously undergone tubal surgery.
  • Previous abortions, especially if the woman’s first pregnancy was artificially terminated.
  • Slowness of sperm: the egg is “waiting” for fertilization, which is why it does not have time to get to the right place in time, that is, to the uterus - hunger forces it to settle earlier.
  • Hormonal disorders in the body of a pregnant woman.
  • Tumors on the uterus and appendages.
  • Changes in the properties of the fertilized egg.
  • A woman wearing a contraceptive intrauterine device.
  • Some technologies.
  • A woman’s constant nervous overstimulation, in particular, the fear of getting pregnant and unreliable methods of contraception, do not allow her to relax, which is why the fallopian tubes spasm.

Of course, ideally you should try to eliminate everything possible reasons development of ectopic pregnancy even at the stage of its planning.

Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy

How do you know that the pregnancy that has occurred is ectopic? In fact, it is not easy to “see” it. The symptoms of this pregnancy are exactly the same as a normal physiological one: the next period does not occur, the breasts become fuller, the uterus enlarges and can stretch, a change in appetite and taste preferences is possible, and so on. But some things may still cause some suspicion.

With an ectopic pregnancy, dark spotting and spotting may be observed from the first days. It happens that the next menstruation occurs on time or with a slight delay, only the discharge is weaker than usual. At the same time, a nagging pain in the lower abdomen radiates to anus, and if the fallopian tube ruptures, it becomes unbearably strong, acute, even to the point of loss of consciousness, and bleeding begins. With internal bleeding, weakness and pain are accompanied by vomiting and low blood pressure. In such cases, the woman must be urgently taken to the hospital for immediate surgery.

An ectopic pregnancy is most easily confused with a threatened miscarriage. But this is precisely how it makes itself felt: it begins to be interrupted, which usually happens at 4-6 weeks. To prevent the worst from happening, it is necessary to make a diagnosis in time. Therefore, as soon as you find out that you are pregnant, immediately undergo an examination by a gynecologist and. This will allow you to sleep peacefully, because in such cases the location of the fertilized egg immediately becomes known (in most cases).

How to determine an ectopic pregnancy?

The success of resolving the situation with an ectopic pregnancy will depend on at what stage of its development the diagnosis was made. Pregnant women are registered in the second or third month, and this is already too late... Therefore, as soon as you have the slightest suspicion that something is wrong, you need to immediately verify the existence of a problem or rule it out. This happens through examination.

First, you need to make sure that pregnancy has actually occurred. It will be easier and faster to do home test for pregnancy. However, you should not rely only on the test in any case: a gynecologist will be able to confirm guesses about the conception that has taken place during an in-person examination. However, this is not always the case: if the period is not long enough or the egg is still too small, then the only way to reliably find out whether pregnancy has occurred or not is a pelvic ultrasound with the introduction of a transvaginal sensor and.

If it’s too late to guess - there are all the signs of a pipe rupture or abdominal bleeding - call an ambulance immediately: this condition is life-threatening! And under no circumstances do you take any action on your own: don’t take painkillers, don’t use ice packs, don’t give enemas!

Basal temperature during ectopic pregnancy

Women who keep a basal temperature chart may suspect pregnancy at the earliest stages. After conception, the expectant mother’s body begins to intensively produce progesterone, which is necessary to ensure the vital activity of the egg and the creation favorable conditions for its further development. It is the increase in the level of this hormone that causes the increase in basal temperature. You can focus on indicators only if measurements are made from month to month according to all the rules, at least for 4-6 cycles in a row.

With the onset of pregnancy, the basal temperature rises to an average of 37.2-37.3 ° C (for different women these indicators may differ slightly) and is maintained at this level. This occurs regardless of whether the pregnancy develops intrauterine or outside the uterus. Basal temperature during ectopic pregnancy is no different, since progesterone is produced in any case.

A decrease in basal temperature (below 37°C) occurs only when the fetus freezes, which often happens during an ectopic pregnancy. But this is not necessary: ​​often the BT indicators remain at the same levels in this case.

Does the test indicate an ectopic pregnancy?

It is impossible to give an exact unambiguous answer to this question. Firstly, not every test and does not always show a normal pregnancy. Secondly, in the case of attachment of the fertilized egg outside the uterus, there may indeed be nuances.

So, almost all pregnancy tests show the fact of fertilization. It does not matter where exactly the egg has stopped: the level of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) will certainly increase (since the developing placenta begins to produce it), which is what the test systems actually react to.

In principle, there are expensive cassettes that in most cases are able to detect not only pregnancy in the earliest stages, but also its ectopic development (read about this in the article Ectopic pregnancy and pregnancy test). But if we talk about ordinary home tests, they can only establish the fact of pregnancy, and even then with reservations.

The test for an ectopic pregnancy may “work” later than for a physiological one. That is, at a time when a normally developing pregnancy can already be diagnosed using a home test, a pathological pregnancy is sometimes still “hidden”. An ectopic pregnancy can often be detected using a delayed test, that is, 1-2 weeks later than the usual situation. Or the second test strip appears very weakly. What is this connected with?

HCG level during ectopic pregnancy

It's all about hCG. Wherever the fertilized egg attaches itself, its membrane (chorion) still begins to produce this hormone. This is why a pregnancy test will show a positive result even with an ectopic pregnancy. But doctors say that in the latter case, the level of hCG is lower than during intrauterine pregnancy and does not grow as dynamically. Therefore, at a time when a home test already shows a normal pregnancy, with an ectopic pregnancy the hCG level may still be insufficient for detection.

In the blood, the concentration of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin increases earlier and faster than in the urine. Therefore, a blood test for hCG will be more informative. If a woman has unkind suspicions and the gynecologist, after examination and consultation, does not exclude the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy, then it is better to take this test and undergo an ultrasound.

By itself, a blood test for hCG cannot be a reason for making a final diagnosis, but together with an ultrasound it can clarify the picture. HCG during an ectopic pregnancy, although it increases, is not so rapid and dynamic. Regular monitoring of the level of hCG in the blood (with a break every 2-3 days) allows us to draw preliminary conclusions: during normal pregnancy it will double, during pathological pregnancy it will increase only slightly.

Does an ultrasound show an ectopic pregnancy?

Transvaginal ultrasound allows you to see the location of the fertilized egg already in the second week of pregnancy, although reliable data can certainly be obtained from approximately the fourth week. If the embryo is not detected in the cavity of the fallopian tube or uterus (when it is still too short period of time and the fertilized egg is not visible due to its extremely small size), but there is a suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy, the procedure is repeated after a while or the woman is immediately hospitalized and a medical examination is carried out. According to indications, it is even possible to perform laparoscopy: the pelvic organs are examined under anesthesia during an operation, which, if an ectopic pregnancy is confirmed, immediately turns into a medical procedure.

Ultrasound with intravaginal insertion of a sensor is considered the most reliable method for diagnosing ectopic pregnancy. However, it does not provide a 100% guarantee that the diagnosis will be made correctly. In 10% of all cases when an ultrasound is performed during an ectopic pregnancy, it is not installed because an accumulation of fluid or a blood clot located in the uterine cavity is mistaken for the fertilized egg. Therefore, even such highly accurate diagnostics are recommended to be combined with other methods for greater reliability, in particular with a blood test for hCG.

Ectopic pregnancy: forecasts

No organ of the female body is designed to bear a child, except the uterus. Therefore, the embryo attached “in the wrong place” must be removed. If this is not done in advance, for example, a rupture of the fallopian tube may occur (if the egg is implanted here) or it may enter the abdominal cavity when bleeding opens. Both situations are extremely dangerous for a woman and require immediate surgical intervention. When a fallopian tube ruptures, a woman experiences severe acute pain, shock, fainting, and intra-abdominal bleeding are possible.

It is very important to detect an ectopic pregnancy in time in order to successfully solve the problem. Previously, in such cases, the fallopian tube was removed, which meant the inability to become pregnant and give birth in the future. Today this is a last resort. In most cases, for an ectopic pregnancy, an operation is performed during which the fertilized egg is removed and the fallopian tube is sutured to preserve reproductive capabilities.

Every woman at some point has a desire to experience all the delights of motherhood. But sometimes the long-awaited 2 lines on the test mean an ectopic pregnancy, which is life-threatening for the woman. It is for this reason that representatives of the fairer sex should know how to identify this pathology at home.

The uterus is an organ necessary for bearing a fetus. In an abnormal pregnancy, the fertilized egg is implanted outside this organ. This leads to the impossibility of full development of the fetus (for example, attachment occurs in the ovaries or fallopian tubes). This condition of the body is called an ectopic pregnancy.

Characteristic signs of pathology:

  • unbearable and sharp pain;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • pain shock;
  • dizziness.

If treatment is ignored, severe bleeding may occur, which threatens the woman’s life.


An ectopic pregnancy occurs for several reasons:

  • infectious diseases;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • use of an intrauterine device;
  • long-term use of medications for the treatment of infertility;
  • inflammation of the appendages, uterus;
  • adhesions;
  • abortions;
  • neoplasms on the tubes, ovaries.

How to recognize an ectopic pregnancy

Quick detection of pathological pregnancy, as well as timely provision of medical care, will help prevent complications. But it is extremely difficult to identify pathology in the early stages, since its symptoms resemble a normal pregnancy. For example, delayed menstruation is present in both cases.

With pathology, spotting bloody discharge occurs. But even this symptom is not a sign of a problematic condition, because during normal pregnancy sometimes there is also discharge. But menstruation with pathological attachment of the fertilized egg has a slightly different character (long and dark in color). Therefore, women can distinguish normal discharge from abnormal discharge.

Another symptom of a pathological pregnancy is pain in the lower abdomen. In most cases, they occur in the first weeks of a missed period.

The difference between a natural pregnancy and an ectopic pregnancy

To recognize the pathological process, it is important to know the symptoms of normal and abnormal pregnancy.

Natural pregnancy has the following symptoms:

  • deterioration of health;
  • morning sickness;
  • breast enlargement and pain when touching it;
  • delay in monthly allocations.

Distinctive features of ectopic pregnancy:

  • blood pressure surges
  • brown spotting;
  • pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, cramping and increasing in nature;
  • constant dizziness;
  • weakness.

Will a pregnancy test show pathology?

The main purpose of any pregnancy test is to detect the level of hCG, which begins to form regardless of the site of attachment of the fertilized cell. The test detects both natural and ectopic pregnancies. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to determine with the help of this device what kind of pregnancy you have.

Sometimes on the test you can see 2 stripes of different shades, one is lighter, the other is more saturated. In such a case, doctors advise trying several tests different companies at intervals of several hours. If you have a similar result, be sure to visit a gynecologist.

If you suspect that your pregnancy is not progressing properly, do not hesitate, go to your doctor and get tested. Early diagnosis of the pathological condition will avoid complications.

The pharmacy sells a large number of cheap and expensive pregnancy tests. But they cannot show the presence of pathology. Only a doctor, after examination and tests, can determine what kind of pregnancy you have.

If there is a long delay in menstruation, be sure to go to the gynecologist to confirm the presence or absence of pregnancy.

Abnormal pregnancy test

There are certain tests on the market that can help diagnose ongoing conception, as well as pathological disorders in the early stages of pregnancy, for example: threatened miscarriage, abnormal attachment of the fetus.

These analyzers are quite easy to use at home. At the same time, there is one important condition: The test can only be used in the first 2 weeks of a missed period.

To get an accurate result, follow certain rules:

  • carefully read the instructions for using the test;
  • use only morning urine for the test;
  • use the test immediately after you open it.

The reliability of such a device is 90%; its effectiveness in cases of threatened miscarriage is 65%. The indicators are high, but do not give a 100% guarantee, so you will still have to visit a doctor.

An ectopic pregnancy is an abnormal pregnancy that poses a serious threat to a woman's health and requires emergency medical attention. In this case, the fertilized egg develops outside the uterus. Most often it is fixed in the fallopian tube, but there are cases of its localization in the ovaries or in the abdominal cavity.

According to statistics, 1-2% of all pregnancies, including those resulting from artificial insemination, are ectopic. The risk of this pathology increases in older mature women over 35 years old. In view of this, representatives of the fair sex who are of reproductive age are often interested in whether an ectopic pregnancy is visible on an ultrasound?

Options for ectopic pregnancy

According to the location of the fertilized egg, ectopic pregnancy can be divided into the following types:

  • Pipe arrangement. The sperm reaches the egg in the fallopian tubes, but due to the obstruction of the tubes, the embryo cannot penetrate the uterus. As a result, tubal rupture may occur or urgent termination of pregnancy may be indicated.
  • Location in the ovary. Fertilization occurs before the egg leaves the follicle or the sperm reaches the newly ejected female reproductive cell, which immediately attaches to the ovary. As a result, ovarian apoplexy may occur or the embryo may be removed in a timely manner.
  • Cervical attachment is a rare pathology that is very easily diagnosed. When examined, the shape of the uterus resembles hourglass. The fetus can be found in the lumen. The prognosis is unfavorable - sometimes, to save the patient’s life, they resort to hysterectomy.
  • Location of the embryo in the peritoneum. This pathology occurs even less frequently, when a fertilized egg accidentally enters the abdominal cavity, implants and begins to develop. Or it may break off from the fallopian tube and travel into the peritoneal cavity.

Heterotopic pregnancy is extremely rarely diagnosed. It represents the coexistence of intrauterine and ectopic pregnancy.

When should you sound the alarm?

Signs of ectopic pregnancy - important information for any woman. Among the primary ones we can highlight the following:

  • delayed menstruation;
  • first signs of toxicosis;
  • painful mammary glands;
  • basal temperature is slightly increased.

These signs will not help much, since they are one to one, just like in intrauterine pregnancy. But there is something that should alert a woman closer to the 4th week of her expected pregnancy:

  • The concentration of chronic gonadotropin (hCG) is below the norm typical for this period.
  • Standard tests to determine pregnancy do not show a positive result.
  • There is copious discharge mixed with blood from the vagina.
  • Painful sensations in the area of ​​the uterus and appendages.
  • Reduced blood pressure and dizziness.
  • Significant increase in body temperature.

A woman who is worried about her health and the future of her baby should certainly go to an antenatal clinic. Already there, the gynecologist may suspect the presence of an ectopic pregnancy in the following cases:

  • The size of the uterus is somewhat smaller than it should be at this stage.
  • An ultrasound examination did not show the presence of a fertilized egg in the uterus.
  • Low level HCG.
  • Painful sensations.

Moreover, if the uterus is smaller than it should be, then the gynecologist may recommend a follow-up examination after 7 days. If then everything remains unchanged, then the woman is sent for an ultrasound and blood donation for hCG. Such symptoms do not always indicate an ectopic pregnancy. We can talk about a complete absence of pregnancy or a frozen pregnancy.

In more than half of the cases, focusing on bleeding or pain, women turn to a specialist before serious complications can arise


Ultrasound using a transvaginal sensor is the best way to determine the location of the embryo. If the pregnancy test persistently shows 2 stripes, and no fertilized egg is found in the uterus, then they begin to suspect that the embryo is in the ovary or peritoneum.

The question remains relevant: at what stage can an ectopic pregnancy be detected by ultrasound? Some experts claim that this diagnostic method makes it possible to detect the place of attachment of the fertilized egg already on the 20th day of gestation. But still, a more common opinion is that objective information can only be obtained after 30 days.

It happens that a woman comes in very early and it is impossible to physically examine the fertilized egg in the uterus. If there are serious reasons to suspect a pathological pregnancy, then the procedure is repeated after 5-7 days. And it is even more correct in this case to immediately hospitalize the woman and conduct a full medical examination.

During intrauterine pregnancy, an ultrasound examination with a vaginal sensor can show the embryo in the uterine cavity 5 weeks after the onset of a delay in the menstrual cycle. Whereas the fertilized egg can be seen after 14 days.

Methodology ultrasound examination through the anterior abdominal wall is less sensitive. This ultrasound shows an ectopic pregnancy only at 7-8 weeks.

Signs that can be seen on ultrasound

The discovery of a living embryo outside the uterus is an undeniable sign of a pathological pregnancy.

In addition, there are a number of additional signs that help identify such pathology:

  • In the area of ​​the fallopian tubes and ovaries, a pathological formation is visualized, which has different shape and size.
  • Despite the presence of the first signs of pregnancy, an embryo is not detected in the uterus.
  • The body of the uterus has an increased size or other changes in the muscle layer of this organ, but the picture of a healthy pregnancy is completely absent.
  • Enhanced reflection of ultrasound by the inner mucous membrane of the uterus, against the background of the effect of human chorionic gonadotropin on it.
  • A false embryo is found in the uterine cavity.
  • An accumulation of fluid is detected in the recess of the parietal peritoneum.
  • A cyst is discovered, which occurs due to the accumulation of fluid at the site of the burst follicle and can sometimes contain blood.

The ultrasound picture of an ectopic pregnancy may differ in each specific case. Its formation can be influenced by various factors:

  • organic changes in the fallopian tubes (obstruction, salpingitis, dropsy);
  • formation of cysts at the site of a burst ovary;
  • extensive hemorrhages in the abdominal cavity and pelvis;
  • close arrangement of loops in the small intestine;
  • accumulation of benign uterine tumors.

On the monitor of an ultrasound machine or a photo taken for the patient, you can see a false fertilized egg (there is no embryo inside). To save a woman's life it is necessary to urgently perform surgery to remove a fertilized egg from the fallopian tube or other organ.

In this case, there can be no talk of home treatment; timely hospitalization is the key to saving a woman’s life

Inaccuracies and complications

And yet, concerned women are interested in whether an ultrasound will show an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages in all cases? Or are there errors? No one can give a 100% guarantee due to the following reasons:

  • Too short a pregnancy does not physically allow one to determine whether there is an embryo in the uterine cavity or not.
  • Limited range of ultrasound machine capabilities.
  • The imperfection of the equipment used and its possible malfunction.
  • The specialist performing the diagnostic procedure did not have sufficient qualifications and experience.

Sometimes an accumulation of fluid or a blood clot in the uterus looks like a fertilized egg and the specialist mistakenly determines intrauterine pregnancy. The woman calms down accordingly, and if the internal bleeding is insignificant, then a pathological pregnancy can proceed hidden for a long time and at the same time not have pronounced symptoms.

A frequent option for further developments is rupture of the fallopian tube. This happens suddenly and is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • A sharp pain is felt in the lower abdomen, mainly on the side where the fertilized egg was attached to the tube. The pain radiates to the rectum area, as well as the right collarbone.
  • Often there is a false urge to defecate or loose stools appear. The abdomen is swollen and painful on palpation.
  • Decreased blood pressure, severe weakness, even fainting. With severe bleeding, hemorrhagic shock develops.
  • Pale skin and mucous membranes, shortness of breath, cold sweat.
  • Apathy, lethargy, rapid, weak pulse.

Treatment in this case involves immediate surgery. The damaged fallopian tube is removed laparoscopically, and if hemorrhagic shock occurs, then by performing a laparotomy (open access to the abdominal cavity).

Ultrasound with the introduction of a vaginal sensor is considered the most accurate diagnostic method in determining ectopic pregnancy. But you shouldn’t expect a 100% guarantee from him either. Not in all cases this pathology will be visible and the correct diagnosis will be made. It is advisable to combine ultrasound diagnostics with other methods for greater accuracy.

If you feel all the signs of pregnancy, but an ultrasound does not show an embryo, this does not mean that you are not pregnant. Such symptoms may indicate an ectopic pregnancy.

In a normal pregnancy, the fertilized egg grows in the uterus. If the pregnancy is ectopic, the egg is located outside the uterine cavity. Most often, with an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg is located in the fallopian tube, but it happens that it develops in the ovary, cervix, abdominal cavity, or even in the cervical canal.

Signs of an ectopic pregnancy

In 98% of cases with an ectopic pregnancy, the fertilized egg is implanted in the fallopian tube. Any form of ectopic pregnancy has the same symptoms as uterine pregnancy:

  • swelling of the mammary glands;
  • cessation of menstruation;
  • toxicosis.

In addition, during an ectopic pregnancy, a woman feels colic and severe pain in the lower abdomen, which intensifies every day. Sometimes you may experience unusual spotting that cannot be confused with your period. Unfortunately, an embryo that begins to develop outside the uterine cavity has no chance of survival. A normal pregnancy can only occur in the uterine cavity, since it can expand in size as the embryo grows, unlike the fallopian tube.

Why is an ectopic pregnancy dangerous?

This diagnosis is very dangerous for a woman, as it can lead to rupture of the organ on which the embryo develops.

Often a woman does not attach importance to any of the above symptoms until severe cramping pain occurs in the abdomen, which can even lead to loss of consciousness. The woman begins to feel severe weakness, which is caused by internal bleeding. In this case, you should not hesitate; you must urgently take the woman to the hospital, where she will undergo the necessary surgical operation.

To avoid disaster, you need to monitor your condition. If you have a delay, immediately go to the gynecologist, especially if it is accompanied severe pain lower abdomen and strange bloody discharge.

Is it possible to detect an ectopic pregnancy using the hCG hormone?

This question interests almost every woman. The answer here is unequivocal - it’s impossible. After all, an ectopic pregnancy differs from a uterine pregnancy only in the incorrect location of the embryo in the woman’s body. In this case, hCG develops normally until the termination or termination of pregnancy.

How to determine whether a pregnancy is normal or ectopic?

It can only be determined using ultrasound. Therefore, if your pregnancy test shows a positive result, the first thing to do is an ultrasound. The gynecologist will first look for the embryo in the uterine cavity, but if he does not find it there, then his search will move on to the fallopian tubes, cervix, ovaries and abdominal cavity. Be sure to tell your doctor about all your symptoms, especially if you feel sharp pain in your lower abdomen and have strange discharge.

Do not delay the examination under any circumstances. Self-diagnosis, and even more so self-medication in this case is completely impossible!

At what stage can an ectopic pregnancy be detected?

Today, pregnancy and its localization can be diagnosed a week after conception using ultrasound with a transvaginal sensor.

A regular ultrasound can detect an ectopic pregnancy at a period of four weeks. Even if the doctor does not see the embryo itself, he may be alerted to a compaction in the fallopian tube, fluid in the retrouterine space, or an inappropriate size of the uterus. given date pregnancy. And from the sixth week of pregnancy on an ultrasound, you can clearly see the fetus itself.

Causes of ectopic pregnancy

It can be caused by various factors. Most often, women who have had an ectopic pregnancy have a history of abdominal surgery.

Also, the cause of such pregnancy may be untreated endometriosis or obstruction of the fallopian tubes after infections and inflammations.

Doctors believe that a lack of the hormone estrogen in the body also negatively affects the patency of the fallopian tubes.

What is important to know?

No woman is immune from ectopic pregnancy. If you are at risk, you should definitely undergo regular examinations with a gynecologist and carefully monitor the development of pregnancy in the early stages.

It is very important to identify an ectopic pregnancy as early as possible. If the diagnosis is made in a timely manner, that is, before its catastrophic manifestation, then in most cases the embryo will be removed using the laparoscopic method, that is, through a small hole in the abdomen. At the same time, the risk of developing complications, such as secondary infertility and adhesions, is significantly reduced.

And, most importantly, do not despair. No matter how scary this diagnosis may sound, this is not the end, you still have a chance to give birth to a healthy baby in the future.