How long does it take for tomato seeds to germinate? Data on the timing of germination and germination: after how many days do tomato seeds germinate? What you need to know about choosing seeds

When I first started gardening, I didn’t even know how many days it took for tomato seeds to sprout. But over the years and experience, I figured out the main patterns and factors that affect the emergence of seedlings.

What you need to know about the timing of the emergence of sprouts

Remember these simple tips:

  1. The best and most stable rise unpretentious varieties tomatoes. The simpler the selected option in agricultural technology, the less requirements for cultivation. Even if agricultural practices are violated, such plants most often grow normally and the germination period almost does not change.
  2. The age of the seeds largely affects what day the seedlings sprout.. Planting material collected last year most often appears as early as 3-4 days. And seeds that are already 3 years old or more germinate within a week. But at the same time, three-year-old seeds usually produce stronger plants with more ovaries, which is also worth remembering.
  3. When planting seeds in open ground emergence times are always longer. The norm is an interval of 10-12 days from the moment of sowing. But in many respects the figure depends on the weather conditions, if they are favorable, then the terms are reduced, and sometimes quite noticeably.

  1. Most seeds germinate to the surface 5-7 days after sowing.. This is the generally accepted norm that all gardeners are guided by. At home, almost all varieties correspond to these indicators. And if the package indicates that the seedlings need to be planted in the ground, for example, at the age of 55-57 days, then throw a week by this date, since the age is considered from the moment the sprouts appear.
  2. The index is highly dependent on temperature regime and humidity. You need to know at what temperature ideal conditions are provided, it is equal to 25 degrees. If you place the container in a warm place, moisten the soil well and close the access of daylight, then the sprouts most often appear as early as 2-3 days.
  3. The depth of planting affects the emergence of seedlings. Seeds must be literally sprinkled with soil, the layer should be 5-10 mm, no more. If deepen planting material, then growth will have to break through much longer, and if the surface is compacted, then it may not germinate at all.
  4. Germination depends on the quality of the seed material. If the manufacturer carefully selects planting material, disinfects them and applies a special protective and nourishing layer to the surface, then the performance increases significantly. Such seeds germinate with almost 100% result.

Prepare seeds for planting

To make tomatoes rise faster, before planting them:

Check the expiration date

It must be indicated on the packaging.. There are usually two options: either it is written how long to use the seeds, as in the example in the photo, or the date of production is marked and it is said how many years the seeds remain viable.

Usually the term is five years. But some options remain viable for 10 or even 15 years, there is always an indication of this on the packaging.

Check seeds for germination

cook saline solution . Pour a teaspoon of any salt into a glass of warm water and mix until it is completely dissolved.

Place the seed in water and mix well so that all the seeds are wet. Leave for 20 minutes. Then carefully remove all the floating seeds and discard, they will not sprout. Settled are removed and dried

Perform seed disinfection

Prepare a solution of potassium permanganate. It should not be very saturated, as in the example in the photo. Mix well so that the crystals dissolve completely.

Wrap the seeds in gauze or a piece of bandage and dip in potassium permanganate. Soak for 20 to 25 minutes, then remove and rinse the seeds well

Treat with a growth stimulator

Buy any stimulant in the store. Most often, gardeners use Epin, Zircon, Immunocytophyte. But there are other equally effective options.

Prepare the solution according to the instructions. Place the seeds in it and stand for the prescribed time. This will improve seed immunity and increase germination rates.

Harden the seeds

Place the seeds between two layers of gauze or other damp material. Moisten well before tempering, the fabric should be damp but not wet.

Wrap in plastic or place in a resealable container to keep moisture from evaporating. Withstand at low temperatures- from 2 to 5 degrees. It is most convenient to put on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator at night.

Take out in the morning and keep at room temperature.. At night, put it again and the next day after warming up in the room for 3-4 hours, you can sow the seeds

seed germination

This operation is not required for high-quality planting material.. It thrives just fine if you prepare it properly.

But if you do not know how long the seeds have lain or are not sure of their quality, it is better to germinate. Place the seeds between two wet cotton pads and wrap in plastic. Keep warm until sprouts appear

Grow seedlings in prepared soil

plant seeds

Use good quality potting soil. Choose the right size containers.

Plant seeds in 2-3 cm increments. so the landings will not be thickened. Cover with a layer of soil up to 1 cm. Cover with polyethylene on top and put in a dark place.

Provide optimal temperature conditions. It is desirable that during the day the temperature is from 20 to 25 degrees

Place in a well lit area

After the first sprouts appear, transfer the container to a windowsill or other bright place.. Seedlings grow in abundant light for at least 10 hours a day.

If the sun is bright, plants should be shaded.. If the days are cloudy, additional illumination may be necessary.

water seedlings

Moisten the soil once a week. For small plants, use a pear, as in the photo.

Spray upper part water in the morning and evening

dive plants

Seed in separate containers after the appearance of 2 or more true leaves. Try to damage the roots as little as possible.

When picking, choose containers with a volume of half a liter. Then the root system will have enough space for the share of development

harden plants

Start hardening 2 weeks before transplanting. At first, keep at an open window for 2-3 hours. After 5 days, you can leave on the balcony with an open window. After another 5 days, you can take it out into the street if the temperature there is above +12.

It is important to accustom seedlings to the sun. At first, it is kept in partial shade, then placed in the sun in the afternoon so that the plants do not get burned.

For every gardener, especially a beginner, it is important to get a bountiful harvest of tomatoes. At the same time, it is important to follow certain rules of care so that the fruits are large, juicy and tasty. Therefore, for many, the question is important - after how many days the planted tomato seeds sprout, what measures to take so that they grow and develop well.

How to choose the right tomato seeds

It is not recommended to purchase such tomato seeds that need special conditions care and cultivation. It is better to choose unpretentious tomatoes, they are not so capricious, they are easy to care for. It is also important to familiarize yourself with the indicated information on the pack when buying planting material, to study the expiration dates.

You should focus on the height of the tomato, on the ability to fight pests and diseases. After the planted seeds sprout, it will be necessary to carry out certain measures to strengthen them (watering, top dressing, soil mulching).

Seed germination time

It is important to know how many days the planted seeds germinate. This is necessary in order to correctly calculate the planting period, so that by the time the seedlings were ready for planting in open ground, they would gain strength and grow stronger. When planting dry seeds that are planted in open ground, tomatoes can germinate in 10 days.

If the seed is treated with any solutions that accelerate growth, then the tomatoes germinate in 5-6 days. The age of the tomato seeds is also important. If seeds from the year before last are used, they germinate, on average, after 7 days.

And those seeds that were harvested last season will germinate in 4 days. If you calculate how long the seedlings will germinate, you can create optimal conditions growing and caring for tomatoes.

How to prepare planting material so that it ascends faster

It is recommended that before you start planting seeds in the ground (regardless of whether it is a greenhouse or open ground), lower them for a day in heated water. This will allow them to germinate faster. Next, proceed to the preparation of the soil.

If tomatoes are grown in a greenhouse, you can also heat the ground - for this upper layer remove, heat up any convenient way. And you can just spread out between the rows of bottles with warm water. All these manipulations will contribute to rapid germination and subsequent rapid growth seedlings.

After the seeds are planted in the ground, it must be covered plastic wrap to create a greenhouse effect. This will make it possible not to evaporate heat, to retain moisture during watering.

To plan the time of harvest, you need to know how many days tomato seeds germinate. On given term You can influence yourself by properly preparing planting material. If you follow all the technique correctly, then the seeds will sprout as quickly as possible.

After how many days do they rise?

The average time interval for the appearance of tomato shoots after planting is from 7 to 10 days. If before sowing the seeds were treated with a preparation for further storage, then in time the first shoots appear after 15 days. Also, an important factor Tomato germination is air temperature and humidity.

The tomato is rather annual plant than perennial, while the seeds have a high percentage of germination. Tomatoes can be planted as seeds or as seedlings. Moreover, the second option is the most popular.

The germination rate is influenced by the correct selection of seeds. Beginners are not recommended to take planting material of rare varieties. They require more care and attention. For the first try, choose an unpretentious type of tomato.

It is recommended to look at the length of the shelf life on the seeds. If the planting material can be stored for more than 3 years, then the tomatoes will sprout only after 7-10 days. Seeds with a period of 1 year can sprout after 4 days.

If you plant dry seeds in open ground, then they will give the first sprouts in 10 days. To speed up this process, dip the planting material in water for 1-2 hours. Immediately after the procedure, the seeds must be placed in the soil. She is being covered cling film and kept warm at a temperature of +25 degrees.

The variety of tomato will directly affect the timing of seed germination. It is important at the time of planting and until germination to maintain a temperature of about +20 degrees. With cool air, the ascent time will be increased.

Beginning gardeners should pay attention to planting depth. It is recommended to lightly cover the seeds with earth. Then they will get more light, and they will germinate faster.

We determine the timing of planting tomatoes:

  1. Tall species for growing in greenhouses - the first half of March.
  2. Early and undersized varieties for open ground - the first half of April.

Tomato seeds should be planted in small plastic cups. One container requires 1 seed. It is placed in the ground by 1 cm. It is important to immediately irrigate. For a large capacity, you can take 2-3 seeds. After the first sprouts, they need to be separated by individual cups.

What can be done to make seeds germinate faster?

In order to speed up the germination of seeds, you can pre-soak them in water for a couple of hours, and then plant them in the ground and cover with a film. For rapid germination, it is necessary to maintain an air temperature of 20-23 degrees, then the shoots can break through 4 or even 3 days after planting.

In addition, it is worth planting the seeds not deep into the ground, literally 1-2 cm. Then the air will easily penetrate the soil and germination will occur faster.

In order to quickly grow tomatoes from seeds, you can use plastic cups, seedling cassettes, and other containers that are suitable in shape and size.

Before sowing, the container must be disinfected to prevent disease. Also, at the bottom it is worth making holes, the so-called drainage.

Through them will go excess moisture, and the rhizome will not rot. Light is better to use warm, it is most similar to the sun's rays. Good air circulation also plays an important role. A favorable temperature for the emergence of shoots should be 23 degrees.

For sowing seedlings, it is better to use special soil or cook it yourself from peat and sand in a 1: 1 ratio. When planting in plastic cups, it is better to sow 3-5 seeds per cup. With greenhouse sowing, it is better to choose sowing in rows. Do not sow very densely, then the stems will be thin and long.

Seeds must be disinfected before sowing. To do this, all seeds are heated at a temperature of 30 degrees for the first 2 days, and the next three days at a temperature of 50 degrees.

Sowing seeds can be either dry or soaked. It is recommended to soak the seeds for 30 minutes in a solution of potassium permanganate. After the solution, the seeds are thoroughly washed under a running stream of water for at least 5-10 minutes.

After sowing, the glass should be covered transparent film to increase soil moisture. After the appearance of the first shoots, the film is removed, it is better to shoot in the afternoon. Watering should not be too plentiful.

After the appearance of the first shoots, the temperature decreases: at night 8-10 degrees of heat, in the daytime 10-15 degrees. Thus, hardening of seedlings occurs. Hardening must be continued until the landing in the ground.

For many vegetable growers, growing tomatoes is the most important thing in the spring and summer months. This fascinating process begins with sowing seeds for seedlings, and with the onset of heat, the grown plants are transferred to open ground under temporary shelter or to a greenhouse. To correctly determine the timing of transplantation, you need to know how long it takes for tomato seeds to germinate, and take into account all the factors that affect the germination of seed.

Seed quality and shelf life

The main requirements for growing tomatoes are the freshness and quality of the seed. Someone prefers to buy seeds in the store, others harvest them on their own. In both cases, keep in mind that the seeds of the first and second years of storage germinate before everyone else - after about 4-5 days, three-four-year-old material will sprout in a week and a half, while stale seeds may not hatch at all.

Size also matters: full-weight large seeds germinate quickly and amicably, small overdried ones are late and give weak sprouts. Seed sorting by specific gravity is carried out as follows:

  • A little in a glass warm water dissolve 1 teaspoon of ordinary table salt.
  • Seeds are immersed in the solution for 20-30 minutes.
  • Seeds that have floated to the surface are discarded; those that have sunk to the bottom are removed and thoroughly washed under running water.

As a rule, brine manipulations are carried out for self-harvested seeds, since material from large agricultural firms is sorted before packaging.

Pre-sowing seed treatment

To speed up the emergence of seedlings, shortly before the start of work, it is recommended to thoroughly warm up the seed: 2 days at + 30 ° C, then another 3 days at + 50 ° C. If you buy seeds from the same trusted manufacturer for several years in a row, you can skip the disinfection step, but it is advisable to pickle your own or unfamiliar material to prevent infection of seedlings with destructive viral, fungal or bacterial diseases.

There are several ways to disinfect seeds:

  • 1 drop of Fitosporin is added to 100 ml of water and the material selected for sowing is placed in the resulting solution for 1-2 hours;
  • aloe juice is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1 and put in the refrigerator for 5-6 days, after the time has elapsed, tomato seeds are soaked in the infusion for a day;
  • the material is immersed in the solution for 24 hours baking soda(1 g / 200 ml) - this treatment not only helps to destroy the pathogenic flora, but also stimulates the early formation of fruit ovaries in the future;
  • the seeds are tied into gauze and kept in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 15-20 minutes.

After disinfection, the material is rinsed in clean water. It is advisable to soak stale, overdried or too small seeds in a growth stimulator solution (Emin, Zircon, Energen, Immunocytophyte). Old, hopelessly expired seeds are brought back to life by soaking them in melt water or bubbling (oxygen treatment with an aquarium compressor). Excellent results are obtained by soaking the seed in the preparations "Ideal", "New Ideal" or "Barrier". These fertilizers contain natural stimulants growth - humic substances that accelerate seed germination and stimulate the development of seedlings.

Soil preparation and sowing technology

The qualitative composition and structure of the soil also affect the rate of seed germination. Tomatoes sown in heavy dense soil sprout slowly, and in a poor substrate, seedlings will suffer from a lack of nutrition. In order to provide crops with the maximum comfortable conditions, experts recommend cooking soil mix on one's own. Here are some good options:

  • chernozem + garden soil+ sand + vermiculite (1: 1: 1: 0.5);
  • sand + deoxidized high-moor peat (1: 3);
  • peat + sod land+ rotted sawdust (7: 1: 0.5);
  • peat + humus + fermented sawdust + rotted mullein (3: 1: 0.5: 0.5);
  • sod land, leaf humus, peat chips, sand (1: 1: 1: 1).

At the end of the work, the disinfected soil is watered with a 1% solution of the Baikal-M preparation (according to the instructions) or other EM fertilizer, covered with a dense film and left for 10-15 days in a warm place, so that by the time of sowing useful microorganisms for plants.
Suitable for growing seedlings and ready soil mixtures, for example "Mikroparnik", "Tomato", "Live Earth", "Special N 1".

Sowing tomato seeds for seedlings is carried out as follows:

  • The seedling container is filled with a nutrient substrate.
  • Grooves are made in the soil with a depth of 0.4-0.7 cm, at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other.
  • Seeds are laid out in a groove with an interval of 2-3 cm.
  • Crops are sprinkled with a layer of soil and watered with warm settled water through a spray bottle.

Upon completion of work, the container is covered with cling film or glass and placed near a heat source.

Temperature regime

The germination rate of tomato seeds directly depends on the ambient temperature:

  • at +25…+30 °C the first sprouts will appear 3-4 days after sowing;
  • at + 20 ... + 25 ° C, green loops will appear from the ground in 5-7 days;
  • if the room temperature is kept at + 10 ... + 15 ° C, seedlings will have to wait 2 weeks.

With the advent of young green shoots, the ambient temperature is lowered to + 14 ... + 16 ° C so that the seedlings do not stretch, and additional artificial lighting is organized for the growing seedlings.


Water the crops very carefully, as fragile tomato seedlings are prone to rotting. Overzealous with watering - and the seedlings will die, not having time to appear from the ground. If the soil in the container holds moisture well, the seedlings can be left without watering until the seedlings develop their first true leaf. If the surface layer of the soil is dry, it should be sprayed, preventing drops from falling on the stems of the seedlings.

Note! For irrigation of crops and growing seedlings, soft water should be used, filtered and settled during the day, always warm (2-3 ° C above room temperature). Tap water immediately before use contains a lot of lime and chlorine, which inhibit the development of embryos and slow seed germination.

Sowing seeds in open ground

Traditional sowing of tomatoes and planting seedlings in the ground are carried out in early spring, but some gardeners practice summer cultivation tomato bushes. It is done like this:

  • In the middle of summer, in a sunny, wind-protected area, they dig a trench 20-30 cm deep.
  • The trench is covered with compost mixed with earth in a ratio of 1: 1, and the bed is generously watered with warm water.
  • Seeds of early ripe tomatoes are sown in moist soil to a depth of 0.5-0.7 cm.
  • Crops are covered with non-woven material.

In a warm, humid climate, seedlings appear from the ground after 5-6 days. With their appearance, the covering material is removed. Tomato care summer sowing comes down to regular watering and fertilizing plants, timely loosening and weeding of the soil.

When the seedlings grow to a height of 15 cm, the bed is completely covered with a dense film (you need to cut holes for the plants in it first) to prevent hypothermia of the roots, and metal arcs are installed over the plantings, on which they throw nonwoven fabric to protect bushes from heavy rains and cold August dews. At the end of summer, tomatoes will begin to bear fruit. To extend this harvest festival until mid-October, in cold weather, fresh manure or stones heated on a fire are laid out between the rows to heat the plants.