Features of large beds, nuances of choosing furniture for obese people. The best beds in the world from England The longest bed in the world

When did the bed turn from a simple thing in the home into a source of pride, an object of art, and even a competitive discipline? Believe it or not, it has been this way since the beginning of time. Therefore, it is not surprising that every year new star beds appear on the design horizon.

The most golden

The Suommo Dodo Gold crib is the case when children outdid their parents. Designer Himo Talamantes spent six months and 188 kilograms of 24-karat gold making it. The cradle imitates the mother's womb, which gives the baby a feeling of complete security and comfort. Obviously, she gives the child the sweetest dreams. After all, this golden cradle costs 16.4 million dollars!

Those who want to buy it will receive high-quality, made from natural materials a pillow, sheet and mattress - as a nice bonus.

Most expensive

The Supreme bed from designer Stuart Hughes costs a pittance compared to the golden cradle - only $6,300,000. True, the original price was four million, but at the auction a fight broke out between buyers. As a result, the Victorian-style bed turned into the most expensive double bed in the world. It is made of chestnut, ash and cherry; 107 kilograms of 24-karat gold were used for decoration. And the canopy and other textiles are made of Italian silk and cotton.

To date, there are only two examples of the Supreme bed, both sold. But since there is demand, we think there will be supply.

The fastest

The Guinness Book of Records contains an entry for the fastest bed in the world. It was commissioned by Hotels.com and in 2016, driven by racing driver Tom Onslow-Cole, reached a record speed for a car bed of 135 kilometers per hour. It is clear that, which are here for the convenience of passengers, there is not a box with bed linen, and a powerful engine and chassis from the Ford Mustang GT.

Yes, the design let us down. But what a beauty the iconic Mustang GT500 was - the pride of the American automotive industry!

The biggest

If you're passing through Amsterdam, stop by the Lloyd Hotel to see the world's largest bed. It is almost six meters long and about four meters wide. You can sleep on it either lengthwise or across. And not just for two: the hotel administration says that this is a family bed designed for eight people. It's amazing how big their families are in Holland!

By the way, the room in which this giant bed is located costs about 200 euros per day: subject to availability, any single tourist can sleep.

The most efficient

The Berkeley family bed is the oldest of all currently functioning: for 400 years it has served as a bed for members of this aristocratic dynasty. Raised elegant headboard, carved columns supporting the canopy and decorated with scrolls, leaves and human figures. This bed is the skillful work of English craftsmen of the 16th century. It is located in the bedroom of the ancestral castle of Berkeley in Gloucestershire and, despite its age, it is so strong and comfortable that the current owner, according to her, would never exchange this bed for another.

Berkeley, one of the three oldest continuously occupied castles in England, is famous as the site of the assassination of King Edward II. It was here that the last court jester of England died, falling from the balcony of the Knights' Hall.

The most futuristic

Danish architect Janjap Rujssnars has created a bed that defies all the laws of gravity. He used magnets and cables to make his design literally float in the air. At the same time, despite its apparent fragility, it is capable of withstanding loads of up to 900 kilograms. Just a few years ago, the Magnetic Floating Bed was not only the most incredible, but also the most expensive bed in the world.

Today the cost of this levitating sleeping place($1,500,000) is no longer surprising - the championship in this category remains with others. But the futurism of the Magnetic Floating Bed remains unsurpassed.

The most extravagant

The Salvador Dali Museum in the Spanish city of Figueres displays a very enchanting bed that belonged to the artist. Its base is made in the shape of an oyster shell, and its legs are in the shape of sea dragons. Matching its owner, it is phenomenal and eccentric, impresses with the subtlety of its decoration and looks more like a masterpiece of art than a piece of furniture.

This bed was made by order of Napoleon III and for a long time was in one of the brothels of old Paris. Of course, Dali could not pass up such a copy and bought it at the first opportunity.

Most entertaining

In this nomination, no rival has yet been able to defeat the Gold Bed from the German company Jado Steel Style. The luxurious three-by-three-meter bed with hydrostatic mattress is equipped with a wine cooler, DVD player, Blu-Ray, Sony PlayStation and plasma TV with Internet access. All entertainment functions can be controlled via the integrated Busch Jaeger Control.

You don’t even know what’s cooler about this bed: the high-tech filling or the body, trimmed around the perimeter with 24-karat gold and Swarovski crystals.

The most conceptual

British artist Tracey Emin created the installation To Meet My Past (“Meeting My Past”), the main character of which was a bed. Text messages from the author to herself and images that were important to Tracy at one time or another in her life are embroidered on the blanket, pillowcases, and sheets.

Such self-awareness is not new for a girl. Her previous work, “My Bed,” was also considered conceptual, but never made it to auction. But To Meet My Past went under the hammer for a very considerable sum of $770,000.

The smartest

The Balluga bed is a big smart one. It has a climate control system that independently maintains the ideal temperature for sleeping in the bedroom. Built-in vibration massager that helps you fall asleep faster and wake up softly. And sensors configured to detect snoring and automatically raise the head of the sleeping person. And instead of springs in the mattress there are spherical cells, which, based on a signal from weight sensors, inflate and deflate depending on the load.

Year after year, designers come up with more and more interesting new shapes, designs and technological equipment for a sleeping place. So, probably very soon our beds will begin to fly, cook breakfast or help raise babies. Everything is possible.

The bed is the main place for rest, where we spend at least a quarter of our lives. Therefore, it is not surprising that humanity very soon decided to make it not only comfortable, but also truly chic. These are the parameters that bedroom beds from the online furniture store “Furniture Organic” have (https://mebel-organic.com.ua/krovati). But the beds from the rating below are also masterpieces that combine technology, design and chic. Everything so that it becomes the best refuge after a hard day.

Bed-sphere. Price: 50 thousand dollars

Designer: Karim Rashid. This bed has a built-in TV, mirror, LED backlight and even a stand for champagne. Perhaps its only drawback is that it is very large. Also, the TV is quite compact and if you want to change it, certain difficulties may arise. At the same time, you can choose the color and upholstery material to suit your taste.

Starry Night Sleep Bed.

In the next position we have a bed at the same cost, but much more attractive. It is equipped with the latest technology and may well have an impact on reducing snoring. There is also an iPod charger input, an Internet network, and a climate control regulator. A projector is built into the headboard, simulating the night sky. Watching movies and TV shows is also available.

Monarch V-Spring Bed. Price: 50 thousand dollars

As is already clear from the name of this luxurious crib, it can truly be called royal. The mattress of this bed can hold three thousand springs. It is made of high quality materials, handcrafted. Which makes it incredibly soft. And it makes no difference at all what age the person who will sleep on it is and how tired he is. He will fall asleep like a child.

Cosmovoide bed. Price: 60 thousand dollars

This bed has a DVD player and a mini cinema. But there is still a minus. Such a “bed of the future” will be difficult to fit into the environment typical of most current apartments.

Bed Majesty VI-Spring. Price: 84.5 thousand dollars

Designer: Jab Anstoez. Handmade. Monarch sounds proud. But Your Majesty is much more aristocratic. The mattress holds six thousand springs. As a mattress cover, you can choose cotton fabric, silk and cashmere. Falling asleep on such a bed will surely be the ultimate dream of anyone who just lies down on it. Distinctive feature is silver and gold plating in bed decoration. But the most important thing in a bed, of course, is not the design, but the mattress.

Quantum Sleeper bed. Price: 160 thousand dollars

Lockable bed with built-in bathroom, ventilation system and climate control. We can say that it was created for paranoids or social phobes. If you wish, you can easily spend up to several days in it without leaving. Perhaps, periodically go to the shower and get food.

Parnian Furniture bed. Price: 210 thousand dollars

Designer: Abdolhay Parnian. Handmade. Metal, gold and wood were used to create the case. The bed has a built-in TV, an iPad stand and some hidden elements. Without a doubt, this bed is the most stylish! And it is perfect for any connoisseur of exclusiveness.

Jado Steel Style Gold Bed. Price: 676.5 thousand dollars

It must be said that beds from Jado have never been particularly affordable. This one is no exception. To begin with, it is made of gold and Swarovski crystals. Built-in DVD player, music player, game console. There is access to the Internet.

Magnetic Floating bed. Price: $1.6 million

The second most expensive bed in the whole world. The first thing that catches your eye is that it is not installed on the floor, but floats above it! And all this is possible thanks to almost seven hundred kilograms of magnets. In addition to them, by the way, special cables additionally hold the bed above the floor. To be honest, it is quite difficult to judge the quality of sleep on it, but since it costs so much money, it would be strange if it turns out to be uncomfortable to sleep on!

Supreme bed. Price: $6.3 million

Designer: Stuart Hughes. The bed is made of two types of wood - cherry and ash. A chic canopy adds a touch of luxury and a touch of royal charm. It is noteworthy that ninety kilograms of the purest twenty-four carat gold were used to decorate the bed.

Making the right choice is always difficult. Especially when it comes to choosing a bed. It plays an important role in our lives, because thanks to it we can relax after a hard day at work and, having gained more strength, go to it again.

Modern beds are equipped useful function lifting mechanism. With its help, the user saves space in his small room due to the possibility of additional storage of things in drawers under the bed.

Rating TOP 7 best beds for daily sleep! Reviews, manufacturers, review will help you find out more information about making the right choice bed that will not make you regret after just a few days of use.

The best bed manufacturers in all price segments!

There are a large number of companies involved in the production of beds different types. We have identified the most popular bed manufacturers based on reviews from professionals.

  1. HOFF. A popular furniture manufacturing company in Russia is constantly developing and delighting its users with new models that incorporate the latest functions.
  2. TORIS. When creating its designs, it uses environmentally friendly and quality materials, causing absolutely no harm to its user. The furniture of this company has its own uniqueness, thanks to special style patterns on mattresses and interiors.
  3. RYTON. It produces a large number of structures for sleeping, from beds to couches and niches. All models of the presented company are hypoallergenic.
  4. ORMATEK. It has been operating for 16 years and all this time it has been pleasing its customers with high-quality assemblies of models and a long service life. It has won the respect and loyalty of many users and buyers.

Rating of the 7 best beds

Having analyzed a larger number of models presented in best online stores and customer reviews on them, we have compiled a list of the best beds. They will satisfy the requirements of absolutely any buyer and provide him with high quality and long service life.

  • Hyper.

We suggest moving on to more full description each candidate.

Any person, when arranging furniture in his home, thinks about what size his bed should be. The question is equally relevant if the bedroom is very small and if the huge size of the room allows you to place a huge sleeping bed in it.

Dimensions of the largest bed in the world

In the world-famous Guinness Book of Records, among the most large beds a product whose length is almost 23 and a half meters (23.47 m) is registered. The width reaches 14.17 m. This masterpiece of furniture art was developed as a joint product of the Mark Gerrick and Royal Sleep Products companies in the United States of America.

How much does the biggest bed cost?

Speaking about the most expensive furniture items, their cost can be compared with the most incredible masterpieces of art. The most expensive bed is recognized as a spatial bed with a canopy called Baldacchino Supreme, which is estimated by experts at a fabulous sum - 6,300 thousand dollars.

The bed was developed by designer Stuart Hughes from Britain together with the Italian brand Hebanon. To create a luxurious piece of furniture, 3 expensive types of wood were used: cherry, chestnut and ash. The product is decorated with an elegant large canopy with exclusive decor, made of 107 kg of 24 carat pure gold with panitation. The canopy is made of expensive Italian silk and cotton. The back is decorated with diamonds and other precious stones.

In second place in cost is the Magnetic Floating Bed, which is estimated at $1.6 million. The uniqueness of the stock is that it seems to float in space, for which 680 kg of magnets were used. Additionally, the stock is held in place by cables.

Reference! The third position in the list of the most expensive boxes is occupied by the Jado Steel Style Gold Bed for $676,550. This is a luxurious extravagant bed made of gold and decorated with Swarovski crystals. Please note that the furniture has built-in Internet access, a PlayStation, DVD player and stereo system.

Who owns the largest bed in the world

The world's largest bed can be seen at the Lloyd Hotel in Amsterdam. It is almost 6 meters long. The width is 4 meters. You can relax on such a bed with your whole family, far and wide. Hotel employees say that the box can accommodate 8 people.

At the moment, this bed is considered the largest in the world and it is owned by the Lloyd Hotel.

It recently became known that an Amsterdam hotel has acquired the largest bed in the world. The hotel is called Lloyd Hotel and this is where you can spend the night on a huge bed and get a huge amount of emotions. The most curious thing is that the building in which the hotel is located was built back in 1921, where in the past there was a prison. In this regard, the new vacation spot received a very interesting design. Lloyd Hotel received 117 rooms under its management, where the level of comfort is no different from modern ones, and unusual interior only increases the desire to spend the night in a new hotel.
It should be noted that in addition to beauty and size, the bed should be comfortable. Orthopedic mattresses, which are able to take the shape of their user’s body and completely satisfy the person after a hard day at work, can help with this difficult choice. All this allows you to completely immerse yourself in sleep and not remember the discomfort, which makes it possible to relax and wake up in a good mood.

Let us remind you that orthopedic mattresses are made of viscoelastic temperature-sensitive material Tempur - this allows for ideal pressure distribution from the body and maintains the spine in the correct position.

Lloyd Hotel

You can be sure that the new hotel has taken care of the comfort of its visitors. Guests are even given the opportunity to choose a room category - from 1 to 5 stars. The price is very reasonable - from 180 to 500 euros.
However, the most important feature of the hotel is that one of the many rooms has the largest bed in the world, which can accommodate up to 8 people at the same time. This room is mainly intended for large families.