What name to give a boy in April. Will the name of a newborn boy determine his fate? Choosing the right name

Find out the best boy names for a son born in January

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What to name a boy born in January will tell you tochka.net .

Are you expecting your son to be born in the middle of winter and can't think of a suitable name for him? Our tips will help you choose a name if you have not yet decided what to name your boy in January 2017.

Every mother wants her child to have the best, most beautiful, and most importantly - lucky name, because it is chosen for life.

What can you name a boy born in January 2017? Many parents, according to the good old tradition, name their child in honor of saints, believing that the baby will thus have his own guardian angel. In addition, having received Name, the child also adopts all the best qualities of his saint: his strength, courage, kindness, justice, wisdom.


In the old days and to this day, parents and clergy decided what to name a boy or girl by looking at Christmastide. This church calendar contains the names of canonized saints for each month. The names of boys and girls are selected according to the name of the saint who was venerated directly on the child’s birthday or on the dates closest to it.

But when deciding what to name a boy in 2017, do not forget that a man’s name should be harmoniously combined with the patronymic and surname, be courageous and at the same time suit the baby in his appearance and character.


The most suitable names for boys born in January 2017:

Timofey, Gregory, Ignatius, Ivan, Daniel, Peter, Adam, Nikolai, Stepan, Efim, Fedor, Nikanor, Mark, Makar, Joseph, Vasily, Yakov, Gordey, Afanasy, Georgy, Philip, Emelyan, Pavel, Savva, Mikhail, Prokhor, Maxim, Anton, Kirill.


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Choosing a name for a child is not an easy task, because this important word contains a kind of code that determines the entire subsequent life of the baby.

It has been proven that a name can influence the fate and character of a person, sometimes making such drastic changes that they determine not only the course of events, but are also responsible for making important decisions.

Some parents intuitively name their children, explaining that they simply liked this or that name.

But if you don’t know what to name your child, then you should use a few simple and effective advice that will help you cope with this important task and select best names for children in 2017.

Rules that should not be neglected when choosing names

In pursuit of fashion, many parents forget about common sense and they name their babies names that are popular nowadays. Of course, if you have chosen something euphonious and not particularly extravagant, then there is nothing wrong with that. But still, you should not name children after characters from popular books or TV series. Remember that your fleeting whim in the future can turn into a real tragedy for your child.

Another sign of bad taste is naming children after their parents. Of course, there is nothing seditious in the fact that your son will be called, for example, Alexander Alexandrovich. But practice shows that in this case the child will constantly feel the influence of the father and at the subconscious level doubt his own abilities.

And, of course, you shouldn’t name children in honor of those who have already passed away. There is a belief that in this case the baby risks repeating the fate of the deceased. And if it was tragic, then this may leave its mark on the child’s future.

Choosing a name by date of birth

If you believe not only in omens, but also in such a mystical science as numerology, then you should choose a name for your baby based on his date of birth. In this case, you can correct a not entirely favorable star forecast thanks to a combination of letters in the name that correspond to certain numbers.

True, for this you should still turn to a specialist who will help you name the baby correctly and strengthen those character traits that may be poorly developed by nature.

And, conversely, in this way you can moderate your child’s temper or tendency to aggression, if the stars indicate that he has such character traits.

There is no need to fear that numerology is a merciless and categorical science. You can always choose not only the right one, but also beautiful name, which will definitely bring good luck to your baby.

Choosing a child's name by church calendar

For a long time, our ancestors named children according to the calendar, giving them the names of people inscribed in the history of the church in golden letters. This also has its own special meaning, since it is believed that along with the name, the baby also acquires a powerful heavenly patron. Until now, a similar tradition has been preserved in many religions. Moreover, if an adult comes to the temple for baptism, then after the ceremony he receives a second name according to the church calendar.

Parents can independently look into the calendar and choose the most suitable option name for the child according to his date of birth. It should be taken into account that there are much more male names in the church calendar than female ones. Therefore, it is allowed to name babies in honor of saints whose holidays are celebrated later or earlier than the baby’s birthday. This makes it possible to choose a beautiful and sonorous name for the child. Well, what it will be like - your inner voice will certainly tell you.

Should you name your children after celebrities?

This issue is controversial, and in each specific case you need to be aware of exactly how the name will affect the baby’s future. Consider whether, for example, you should name your baby after Leonardo DiCaprio or Patricia Kaas, even if you are crazy about these celebrities.

On the other hand, scientists have proven that the name famous person can design your child's future. In other words, if you constantly think about someone famous and worthy, and then call him after your own child, then the baby has every chance of becoming famous.

Just remember that there are no perfect people. And your child, along with the gift of poetry from Alexander Pushkin, can easily “inherit” a craving for wine and gambling.

How to choose a name based on your zodiac sign?

Another option for naming a baby is to navigate by the stars, that is, turn to zodiac horoscope. Indeed, each of the constellations has its own “named” favorites, and this is worth taking advantage of if you find yourself in a difficult situation and don’t know what to name your child.

  • Names such as Alexander, Yuri, Nazar, Oleg, Georgy are perfect for Aries boys.
    Aries girls can be called Alexandra, Valeria, Svetlana, Olesya and Nadezhda.
  • Names such as Arthur, Fedor, Boris, Maxim will bring good luck to Taurus boys, and the names Valentina, Lydia, Maria, Evgeniya are perfect for girls of this zodiac sign.
  • If a little Gemini was born into your family, then among the male names you should choose Nikolai, Konstantin, Mark, Vasily or Alexei. Girls of this zodiac sign should be called Elena, Isabella, Marina or Vasilisa.
  • Names such as Efim, Andrey, Bronislav, Valentin are perfect for Cancer boys, and the names Sophia, Alina, Lilia and Yulia will grace Cancer girls.
  • For Leo boys, it is good to choose names such as Peter, Arseny, Bogdan, Mikhail and Matvey, but girls of this zodiac sign will grow up docile and calm if they are called Alla, Zhanna, Elizaveta or Karina.
  • Virgo boys grow up to be pedants and bores, but this can be corrected with the help of names such as Sergei, Anatoly, German and Stanislav. But for girls of this zodiac sign the names Irina, Larisa, Veronica and Milena are perfect.
  • If your son swarmed under the constellation Libra, then he should be named Igor, Vsevolod, Hilarion or Gleb. Names such as Natalya, Olga, Inna, Polina are great for a Libra girl.
  • Scorpio boys should be named Taras, Savely, Dmitry, Vasily or Timur, and for girls of this zodiac sign the best names are Zoya, Marianna, Liana, Yaroslava, Rosa.
  • If your child is a Sagittarius, then names such as Ruslan, Matvey, Daniil, Vladimir are suitable for a boy, and Violetta, Zinaida, Christina, Sophia, Anastasia for girls.
  • A Capricorn boy should be named Leonid, Pavel, Ilya or Andrey, and a girl born under this constellation will be made irresistible by names such as Anfisa, Ksenia, Eleanor, Sabina.
  • At the same time, an Aquarius boy will gain self-confidence if he is named Gennady, Felix, Martyn or Anton, and for girls of this zodiac sign you can choose names such as Rimma, Kira, Daria, Oksana.
  • As for Pisces, the following names will help boys find inner harmony: Arkady, Lavrenty, Nikolai, Valentin. For girls, names such as Victoria, Snezhana, Tatyana, Irma and Nina are ideal.

Choosing a name for the baby in the year of the Rooster

If your baby was born in 2017 under the sign of the Fire Rooster, then it is worth protecting him from manifestations of aggression and hot temper. In this case, names such as Arseny, Boris, Vsevolod, Konstantin, Sergey, Evgeny, Ivan, Matvey are perfect for boys. For girls, the names Ksenia, Alina, Elizaveta, Daria, Svetlana, Valentina, Evgenia, Irina and Olga will become a real amulet.

A person is given a name only once and subsequently affects his entire destiny. With age, we become fused with our name, turning into a person who personifies what is put into it. You've probably noticed how many people are similar to their names, so when choosing a name for a boy, you should think carefully about what you want him to be in many years.

Character of boys born in 2017 Year of the Rooster

2017 will pass under the auspices of the Fire Rooster, who will pass on part of his character to everyone born at this time. Children will be distinguished by determination, self-confidence, business acumen and classical thinking. Boys born in the year of the Fire Rooster often become scientists, classical musicians or conductors, military men or outstanding athletes. The parents of such a boy will be lucky to feel proud of the qualities of a serious and balanced person who is responsible for his actions, manifested even in childhood.

How to choose a name for a boy according to the church calendar?

The main tradition for naming babies since ancient times was to name the child in honor of the saint who patronized a particular day. It is not necessary to name a child with a name that celebrates its name day on its birthday. You can take those Orthodox (church) names for boys who are close to this date. Often people choose popular and beautiful worldly names, but baptize and celebrate name days under a different name - a church name. IN modern society This tendency is very common due to the fact that not all old Russian names fall so easily on the ears of modern people. After all, not everyone can calmly react to an interlocutor, for example, with the name Akaki.

Orthodox calendar of names 2017 by month

Another criterion for choosing a name for boys is its consonance with the surname and patronymic. Be sure to think through all possible beautiful options so that in the future your baby does not suffer from attacks from classmates.

Beautiful and rare names for boys

In 2017, fashion for old names will come back again. Today's parents choose a name for a boy based on both church calendar of names, and based on the historical background and meaning of this name. For example, the name Zakhar (“memory of God”) has become very popular recently, but it is not yet so common as to become commonplace to hear, like, say, the same Alexander (“winner”). Elisha (“God saves”, “bringer of salvation”) - an ancient male name, more common in the CIS countries than in Russia, will help develop a child Creative skills. Another rare and very beautiful name for a boy, Miron or the consonant Emir (“ruler”), is perfectly consistent with the character traits that will be given to the child

So, it's done! A new addition is expected to your family, and doctors have already announced that a boy will be born. Naturally, any parents want their child to be not only healthy, but also happy. And also - so that good luck always accompanies him in life. And in this regard, not only the date of birth of the baby is very important, but also what you name him. Therefore, even the most beautiful names for boys in 2017 need to be chosen meaningfully, taking into account many factors. After all, a name is a kind of key to a person’s success, which at a decisive moment can play an important role in a person’s life. So you should approach the choice of a name for a boy seriously and carefully - it should be euphonious, not devoid of individuality and, as people say, happy.

How do you choose names for boys these days?

There are several options for choosing names, which parents often resort to. The first of them is based on associativity - the boy is named after his father, grandfather, close family friend, and so on. This option is good because the person after whom the child is named is really very dear to you. And you will definitely transfer your positive emotions to your child. But in this case there is also unspoken rule, according to which you should not name a boy in honor of the deceased. It is believed that in this case the child will grow up sick and capricious, and may also repeat the tragic fate of the one in whose honor he received his name.

At all times people have had various examples to be imitated, so sons were usually named after heroes or celebrities. This trend has continued to this day, so if you want to find beautiful names for boys, you can turn to the gossip columns and choose the appropriate option. True, in pursuit of exoticism, you should not name the baby Sanchez or Mauritius: fashion will change very soon, but the boy will have the name for the rest of his life.

By the way, our ancestors acted simpler and turned to the calendar - the church calendar, choosing a name for a boy in such a simple way. It was believed that a child named in honor of a particular saint would receive his protection for life.

Top 5 fashionable and beautiful names for boys in 2017

If you still decide to follow the canons of fashion, then you should turn to statistics, which with mathematical precision determine the five most popular names in 2017. Many parents will name their sons this way. If you are one of them, you can be sure that your baby will be in trend.

Perhaps most often boys in 2017 will be called Dmitry. The name is euphonious and translated from Greek means “farmer.” Boys with this name have an inquisitive mind and enormous willpower. But at the same time, they are quite emotional and do not hide their true feelings. Justice is not alien to them, and for the sake of their loved ones and loved ones, Dmitry is ready to perform feats.

The name Alexander promises to become no less popular in 2017, whose owners are distinguished by reliability, devotion and determination. Translated from Greek, Alexander means “protector,” so boys with that name become the real support of their family.

The Jewish male name Michael, which equates its owner with God, is also gradually returning to use. Indeed, success awaits boys with this name; they will be able to achieve whatever they want. Since childhood, Mishas have an easy-going character, they are sociable and friendly. But at the same time, they are always ready to defend the weak, they know how to achieve their goals and clearly know what they want.

Daniel is another popular name for a boy in 2017, which has not gone out of fashion for several years in a row. Its roots should also be sought in religion, because that was the name of one of the biblical prophets. The name literally translates as “God is my judge,” which indicates the humility and meek disposition of its owner. At the same time, Daniil is distinguished by his prudence and the ability to quickly make informed decisions, which, you see, is an excellent quality.

The top five popular names for boys for 2017 includes Ivan, which means that its owner has been pardoned by God. Vanya’s character, as a rule, is a fusion of wisdom and dashing prowess, innate ingenuity and simplicity. Boys with this name are distinguished by curiosity, but at the same time they can become a victim of their own gullibility.

How to choose a name for a boy depending on the time of year?

“Seasonality” in the selection of names for sons is another principle that parents often follow. And this makes a certain sense, since, for example, the “autumn” Maxim will be less successful in business than the “summer” Maxim.

So, if your baby was born in the spring, then you should name him Eduard, Evgeniy, Vladimir or Kirill. These names for boys will become a real amulet and will help you overcome many difficulties in the future. If your son swarmed in the summer, then it is best to give him one of the following names - Alexander, Konstantin, Igor, Mikhail, Dmitry. The thing is that “summer” children have amazing spontaneity and a certain amount of frivolity, so a certain constant in the form of a name, which will become a deterrent for the child, does not fit in this case.

If a boy was born in the fall, then you can and should name him Yuri, Ignat, Matvey, Alexey, Roman or Stepan. These names will definitely bring good luck to the “autumn” child and help him achieve his goals in life. Well, if a boy was born in winter, then in this case it is worth choosing his name from the list that includes Daniil, Andrey, Nikolai, Valentin, Georgy and Boris.

Calendar of names for boys by month

Another way to choose a beautiful name for a boy in 2017 with a sacred meaning is to focus on the month of his birth. There is a numerological calendar that allows parents to decide not only sonorous name, but also correlate it with the period of birth of the child.

  • In January, it is best to call boys Anton, Boris, Vasily, Mikhail, Albert or Vyacheslav
  • The most successful in February male names Daniil, Vsevolod, George, Veniamin, Bogdan, Zinovy ​​are considered.
  • The March boys should be named Evgeny, Gleb, Stanislav, Vladimir or Rodion.
  • If a boy was born in April, then such names as Victor, Peter, Ilya, Fedor are perfect for him.
  • The son born in May should be named Ivan, Oleg, Kirill or Arseny.
  • If your boy was born in June, then names such as Alexander, Pavel, Andrey, Hilarion, and Philip are best suited for him.
  • For a boy who celebrates his birthday in July, you should choose one of the following names - Kondrat, Egor, Semyon, Arkady.
  • If the baby was born in August, then you should name him Leo, Maximilian, Timofey or Klim - these names will be especially happy for the child.
  • A boy born in September should be called Igor, Veniamin, Denis, Mark or Rostislav.
  • If your son celebrates his birthday in October, then names such as Maxim, Valentin, Gennady, Leonid, Anatoly are perfect for him.
  • Among the current and fashionable names for boys who were born in December are Yakov, Lyubomir, Vikenty, Adam, Mikhail.

Giving the right name to a child is a difficult task! Most parents, as soon as they find out the gender of their unborn baby, begin to think about what to name him. Surprisingly, every family has its own views on the same names, and sometimes heated debates arise between spouses regarding this issue.

For those who plan to give birth to a boy in the year of the Rooster, you should review a lot of names and choose the perfect one from them. Names for boys in 2017 can be traditional (Artem, Nikolay, Alexander), exotic (Auror, Valerian, Milad) and church (Thomas, Zakhar, Matvey, Nikifor).

Choosing a name for the child

Before you start browsing all the famous names, you should first start from your personal preferences. No negative emotions associated with one name or another. Even if the proposed option came from a loved one, try to explain to him why you do not want to dwell on it.

To choose a beautiful, euphonious, and most importantly, memorable name you need:

  1. Consult with close relatives whom you trust. Perhaps they can help you make such a difficult but responsible decision.
  2. Replenish your stock of church and ancient Russian names. What if, among some forgotten name, you see perfect option for your baby.
  3. Match the first name to the last name and patronymic. This is especially true for foreign names, which last years are wildly popular. Agree that Jackson Nikolaevich or Michael Ivanov will sound slightly comical. In addition, do not forget that sooner or later your son will become a father and then he will have to rack his brains over a name that harmonizes with his patronymic.
  4. Cross off from the list the names of close relatives who recently died not of natural causes, were often ill, or led an immoral lifestyle.

It is highly undesirable to name a child after his father. Some old-timers claim that in this way we make rivals out of these two dear people. Psychics claim that children named after their parent take only the worst traits from him.

Although the last statement can be disputed, because history knows many talented and outstanding personalities with the same name and patronymic, for example, Alexander Alexandrovich Blok.

5 Popular Boy Names and Their Meanings

Years go by, but the ranking of the most popular names in the CIS does not change. Of course, new, fashionable names appear, but the familiar ones are Vasily, Ivana, Alexandra, Romana, etc. do not disappear from the statistical data provided by the registry offices. Therefore, we can assume that the list of the most popular names in 2017 will look like this:

  • Ivan“merciful of God”. Exactly this Russian name, which we know from fairy tales that my mother read as a child. Vanechka is an active, businesslike and purposeful person. Despite these traits, he can still be slightly apathetic and contradictory. Surprisingly, it can contain several sides of character: openness and cunning, strength and weakness, deceit and integrity. Due to his characteristics, Ivan’s life is often full of potholes and problems. At the same time, we can say that Vanya loves to work, loves to help people, loves home and comfort. He strives to create strong relationships, in most cases, relying on intuition.
  • Alexander“man”, “protective”, “person”. Nature rewarded the Alexandrovs with everything best qualities that a man needs. He is smart, brave, assertive, deftly manages his emotions and has the makings of a leader. Sasha easily achieves her goals. They make excellent leaders who are able to establish contact with subordinates, although they often choose their favorites. Such guys have good intuition and a wonderful mind. In most cases, Alexandras are honest with loved ones, but to make their dreams come true they are ready to resort to cunning.
  • Artem“impeccable health”, “unharmed”. Little Artem prefers not to impose himself on anyone, but finds company according to his interests. Often he becomes the head of this company and cleverly manipulates people. Artem loves to be friends with children older than him, and he finds something to talk about with them. These boys are distinguished by their honesty, even to their own detriment. He does not like conflicts, so he tries to resolve disagreements that arise in a timely manner. He is polite and gallant with girls. Artem can stubbornly pursue his goal, achieve it with great difficulty, having previously considered the options for “movement”.
  • Dmitriy"farmer". This boy is extremely kind to others and is ready to help at any moment. He always knows what he wants and reaches the finish line as a winner. Dmitry's willpower can be compared to an indestructible rock, although the burden of problems can unsettle him. Dmitrievs make great friends, although in family life it can be difficult with him. Amorous, impulsive. Stability is not the best strong point Dima. Often in professional affairs they rely on logic, completely forgetting about diplomacy.
  • Ilya“believer”, “power of God”. He has artistry and irony. The versatility of Ilya’s character allows him to become a leader in different areas of life. Despite this, he is a closed person and allows few people into his soul. He makes friends easily, helps them with advice, parting words, and is able to help them out of trouble. Hot-tempered, but easy-going. Ilya’s family comes first, although if he feels coldness and indifference on this side, he may part with his loved one. Ilya has good intuition, memory and intelligence. A creative approach to things makes these people irreplaceable employees.

Choosing a name by season

You can look for a name for a boy born in 2017, based on the date of his birth. Astrologers claim that the time of year has the power to leave its mark on the character of the heir. Get to know the main features that are inherent in different months, and it will be easier for you to decide on a name.

  • Guys of the winter months have an unbending character. This is a huge plus for a man, because with him you can not be afraid of problems and attacks of fate. Boys born in winter try to achieve what they want, not stopping even in the face of the biggest obstacles. They need to choose a name that is suitable, as strong as they are - Grigory, Valery, Daniil, Efim, Sergey, Timofey.
  • For spring boys, a “hard” name should be given, because they often show indecisiveness in deeds and actions. Vulnerable and selfish individuals can often change in better side, if the parents choose a suitable name for them. Among such individuals there are many gifted and smart people, capable of receiving the highest awards in mathematics, physics and other exact sciences. Naming the child Tikhon, Felix, Yaroslav, Herman or Konstantin you will be able to activate their best qualities and direct them on the right path.
  • Summer boys are great optimists. Restless and energetic, capable of bringing joy to the gloomiest company. They are willing to take risks and love to work for the benefit of society. They are kind, love children and animals. A good option there will be a name for such children Nikita, Roman, Ruslan, Eduard, Dmitry, Bogdan.
  • Those born in autumn have intelligence, intelligence and wisdom. They never commit rash acts and weigh their every step. “Autumn” guys love to give advice, love to help people and receive gratitude for it. They are thrifty and use their money savings wisely. Conflicts will not be tolerated in the family, so calm and balanced women are chosen as wives. Boys born in autumn can be called Pavel, Rodion, Yuri, Victor, Gleb.

Calendar of names for boys by month

To be sure that the name will do for your child, you can use special books or calendars where each month and the names corresponding to it are listed. Below we have provided a small list of male names that we can adopt.

  • January: Kirill, Nikita, Afanasy, Efim, Clement, Nikonor, Savva.
  • February: Vitaly, Felix, Philip, Egor, German, Julian, Ignat.
  • March: Konstantin, Roman, Gregory, Anton, Efim, Leonty, Gerasim.
  • April: Tikhon, Martin, David, Polycarp, Ivan, Sergei, Stepan.
  • May: Alexander, Fedor, Denis, Timofey, German, Makar, Vasily.
  • June: Mikhail, Georgy, Semyon, Gennady, Elisha, Vladimir, Fedot.
  • July: Foma, Mark, Andrey, Alexey, Svyatoslav, Artem, Anton.
  • August: Maxim, Konstantin, Naum, Nikolai, Arkady, Kuzma, Stepan.
  • September: Ivan, Fadey, Clement, Trofim, Igor, Nazar, Nikita.
  • October: Oleg, Aristarchus, Rodion, Osip, Matvey, Khariton, Demyan.
  • November: Konstantin, Maxim, Yuri, Ivan, Evgeniy, Kirill, Stanislav.
  • December: Lev, Daniel, Pavel, Peter, Zakhar, Vsevolod, Roman.