Canadian rose Alexander Mackenzie. Description of appearance and characteristic features. Where did the name Park Roses come from?

Roses of any type and variety are actively used to decorate the garden. Breeders have developed a huge number of varieties of these plants, which differ in size and color. Very often in compositions landscape design can be found Park roses. Let's talk in more detail about the features of growing this type of rose.

Alexander Mackenzie, scrub (Alexander MacKenzie)

A variety of Canadian selection, the bush is very tall and powerful, growing up to 2 meters in height, the leaves and stems are moderately prickly. The flowers are pale, pink-red, double, medium size, old shaped. The buds are very durable, able to withstand unfavorable weather, the disadvantages will be fading in the sun and lack of aroma. The variety can tolerate frosts down to -40 degrees, is rarely susceptible to disease, and blooms all season long;

Moje Hammarberg Hybrid Rugosa

It was bred in Sweden, the flowers are very large and fragrant, rich Pink colour with terry texture. The shrub is powerful and tall (1.5 meters), characterized by the presence of a large number of thorns. The variety is resistant to frost and disease and is a repeat bloomer. Strong winds can quickly destroy blooming buds;

Fisherman's Friend

One of the most popular varieties, refers to the English selection, is a shrub up to 120 centimeters high. The flowers are very beautiful and fragrant, purple or violet-crimson in color, pleasing to the eye until September. Main feature there will be an arrangement of spines throughout the plant, even on inside leaf. To make it easier to withstand frost, the bush should be bent or covered;

Pimpinellifolia plena

The variety is frost-resistant and does not require special care, the bush is quite tall (1.5 meters), densely covered with thorns. Flowering, during which fruits are set, lasts only 12 days. The buds are fragrant, semi-double, delicate cream color;

John Davis

The variety was bred in Canada, tolerates the conditions of central Russia well and blooms until the onset of the first frost. The shrub is very tall, can grow up to 2.5 meters, the shoots hang down slightly. The buds are collected in inflorescences of 10-12 pieces, the roses themselves are initially painted in a bright pink shade, then they gradually turn pale.

Where did the name Park Roses come from?

The scientific classifier does not have such a concept as . They are better known in gardening circles. This type got its name due to its appearance; tall and powerful shrubs look impressive in large areas. They are also often used as hedges.

This variety includes wild rose hips and some garden roses and hybrids.

Description of plants

The shrub is very powerful and tall, can reach 1.5 meters in height. Flowering usually begins very early, and the first buds may appear already in late spring or early summer. The color of the flowers depends on the chosen variety. The buds of park roses can be painted white, yellow, pink, purple and other colors.

Are highly popular double roses, on one bud of which there are 150 petals.

One of the main advantages of these varieties is their beautiful appearance not only during flowering, but also after it. In autumn, the rosehip bush is covered with bright and eye-catching fruits.

Homeland different varieties are considered Canada, England, France, Sweden and other European countries.

  1. In the first case (Canada) roses are more unpretentious both in terms of weather and care, so they are often planted in areas with cold and unpredictable temperature conditions. They were bred by Canadian breeders specifically for the harsh climate of their country.
  2. Among European varieties, the most popular roses are those bred by breeders David Austin, Cordes, Meyyan and Tantau. These plants are less tolerant of cold weather and may require additional preparation or shelter.

Features of this type

Just like all other plant species, park roses have a number of distinctive features:

  • many wild and cultivated varieties of rose hips have good frost resistance;
  • this species of shrub is very powerful and wide, can be used both in single and group plantings;
  • flowering begins much earlier than many other varieties.

Experts distinguish two types of such plants:

  1. Single flowering— these varieties bloom once per season and require the preservation of last year’s shoots in their care. They are characterized by increased frost resistance.
  2. Reblooming— on such shrubs you can observe beautiful buds throughout the season. According to frost resistance this group is divided into:
  • hybrid roses(rugosa) - tolerate cold better than other varieties;
  • Canadian roses - these shrubs easily tolerate winters in middle lane Russia;
  • cultivars needing to be hunkered down or covered.

Park roses have many advantages, the main one of which is their unpretentiousness to the climate.

Care and planting

Park roses are not picky about the soil and where they grow, so they can be planted in any area. The distance between the bushes will depend on the chosen placement method (fence or single planting).

Immediately after digging a hole, you need to add:

  • 2 buckets of humus;
  • complex fertilizers.

For planting such plants, it is best to choose autumn period. The work algorithm looks like this: m:

  1. Aboveground part of the bush cut to 2/3 length;
  2. Root collar should be 5-10 centimeters above the soil level;
  3. After digging the hole, generously water and mulch.

Features of caring for roses outdoors

In the spring, immediately after the snow melts, the bush is watered abundantly and fed with mineral fertilizers. Further Until the beginning of July, the plant is watered 2 times a week, then the amount of temporary moisture decreases, and by August it stops altogether.

One of the main points for caring for park roses will be timely pruning. In spring, you need to remove all frozen or diseased shoots. In the autumn, rejuvenation is carried out, during which old stems, small shoots and non-flowering shoots are cut off.

If pruning is not carried out at all, the bushes will grow greatly, stop blooming profusely and lose their decorative appearance.

Preparing for winter

Many park roses tolerate winter well. open ground without any shelter. Also there are varieties that need to be bent, that is, with the onset of cold weather, the bushes tilt towards the ground, dig a small peg nearby and fix the plant on it in a horizontal position.

But some species still need additional shelter, consisting of:

  1. Before frost sets in shrubs are covered with garden soil or peat by 15-20 centimeters;
  2. The plant can wrap in burlap or kraft paper;
  3. The other method is more complicated, following it is necessary close the rose wooden box , on which the film is additionally laid.

The choice of covering method will directly depend on the variety and frost resistance of the rose.


There are several ways to quickly and easily propagate park roses.


  1. in spring grooves are dug around the bush where annual shoots are placed;
  2. Where leaves grow cut the bark slightly;
  3. Then shoots are covered with earth and water throughout the summer;
  4. They are dug up in the fall, divided and planted for 1 year for growing;
  5. If the plant can survive the whole season on its own, it will put on permanent place .


  1. In summer or spring it is necessary cut off flowering shoots and divide them so that each has 3 sheets;
  2. Before boarding an oblique cut is made under the lower bud, and under the upper straight line;
  3. The bottom sheet is completely removed, and the top ones are divided in half;
  4. Then 1/4 part of a heteroauxin tablet is diluted in 200 milliliters of water and place the cutting there for 40 minutes;
  5. Fertile land covered with a 3 cm layer of sand and deepen the shoots there by 2 centimeters, after which they cover with a jar or bottle;
  6. Throughout the month, plants sprayed daily;
  7. After rooting, the cover is removed, and the cuttings are placed in the garden, covered with dry sand and covered with spruce branches;
  8. A year later, from the surviving plants good seedlings are obtained.

Root suckers

Own-root varieties can be propagated using root suckers:

  1. Shoots may arise from such shrubs that emerge to the surface as single stems, for propagation, shoots located at a distance of 70-100 centimeters from the main plant are selected;
  2. A year after appearance, it is necessary to slightly rake the ground and cut off the shoot;
  3. Then it dig up and plant to a new place.


Own root varieties can also be divided, for this it is necessary to dig up the bush and cut the rhizome into several parts. Each of them will be suitable for planting as a separate plant.

Diseases and pests

Park roses are usually resistant to diseases and pests, and as a preventive measure, it is enough to prune, water and feed the bushes on time. But some diseases may still appear on the plant:

  1. Powdery mildew- forms on shoots and leaves white coating. In this case, the plant is treated with soda (50 grams per bucket of water) or Topsin-M;
  2. Bacterial cancer– a rose can be cured only if the disease is detected immediately. To do this, the roots with growth are removed, and the remaining ones are placed in a 10% solution. copper sulfate, and then into a clay mash. Landing is carried out at a new place.
  3. Rust– yellow-orange spots on the green part of the plant, diseased stems and leaves are cut out, the bush is treated with Hom;
  4. Black spot– the treatment and course of the disease is similar to rust, only the spots are brown or black. In this case, Brodsky liquid also helps effectively;
  5. The park rose is affected by rust

    The drugs Aktara, Zubr, Fufanon, Iskra, etc. help against various pests.

    Park roses have become popular due to their majestic appearance and ease of care., soil and climate. Among all the varieties, every gardener will be able to choose exactly the plant that he would like to grow.

Rose Alexander MacKenzie is red in color. The height of the bush is usually about 150-200 cm. The width is about 150 cm, sometimes more but quite rarely. Resistance to diseases of the Alexander MacKenzie rose: practically does not get sick.

Description: Alexander MacKenzie roses

Alexander MacKenzie is named in memory of the first naturalist to travel the entire Pacific coast of British Columbia. Blooms in clusters of 5-15 flowers. The flowers are bright red, double. The foliage is large and shiny. A bush with arched shoots, it can be grown as a spreading bush or a low climber. Sometimes in the second half of summer it is affected by black spotting. The variety requires pruning of dead wood in the spring. (ARE)The bush is erect, with gracefully drooping ends of the shoots. Elongated dark strawberry-red tulip-shaped buds open into flowers classic shape with petals bending down. The petals gradually fade to a dark warm pink color. Smells lightly of fresh strawberries. Blooms in waves. After rains, the outer petals may turn brown and dry out. Despite this, one of the most grateful roses. The variety is very resistant to diseases. (HR) Explorer series rose. Cup-shaped flowers with a strawberry scent. Shiny, almost waxy foliage. A very elegant upright bush. Resistant to diseases. Very winter hardy. (GRCC)

Rose Alexander Mackenzie was bred in the Canadian Sweida nursery in 1985. It got its name in honor of the pioneer traveler who managed to travel around the entire coast Pacific Ocean. It acquired excellent characteristics and descriptions thanks to the efforts of Canadian breeders, who set themselves the task of developing an unpretentious and frost-resistant variety with attractive external characteristics.

Description of appearance and characteristic features

Canadian rose park Alexander Mackenzie is a fairly tall shrub, growing straight and upward, with elongated buds of red color with a pronounced crimson tint. The size of the flowers is from five to seven centimeters, the bush is good care grows up to two meters with an average size of 1.5 m.

One of the characteristic features Canadian beauty- rapid growth in width, up to one and a half meters, which should be taken into account when planting, especially if you plan to plant several roses.

The shoots are flexible, arched, the flowers tend to fade in the sun and become light pink, but this does not spoil the overall picture. The foliage is bright green, shiny, perfectly contrasting with the bright color of the buds. The aroma is pleasant, subtle, with notes of fresh strawberries. The variety is not only frost-resistant, but also resistant to fungal diseases and insects.

Crown shape

Since the Alexander Mackenzie bush is very spreading, its crown shape almost always remains lush, and for the growth of lateral branches it is recommended to pinch the apical shoots from time to time (preferably in spring). Then the bush will look neat and attractive.

With abundant flowering, its crown resembles a spreading tent with lush spherical buds. However, when growing, you should take into account that the shoots of the bush may droop under the weight of flowers or after rain, so it is recommended to carefully shake off excess water.

By the way, it was the drooping nature of the shoots of the Alexander Mackenzie rose that became the reason that this variety is often grown as a small climbing climber. Although, even in the form of a bush it looks very good.

Features of flowering

Flowering can be called either continuous or wavy. Throughout the entire season, this rose experiences two bright and intense waves of flowering: one at the height of summer, the other closer to autumn. However, between them the bush is never left without buds: it always contains several single inflorescences.

Planting and care

All roses love slightly acidic and nutritious soils, so before planting you should adjust the soil composition by adding peat and humus. This will help “acidify” the soil if it is very fresh. With an alkaline composition, excess alkali is easily “quenched” with ash or lime. The place chosen is well-lit by the sun, dry, without dampness or drafts. The depth of the planting hole is 50-60 cm, with a similar width. The bottom of the hole is lined with a 10-centimeter drainage layer consisting of expanded clay and fine sand. Nutrient fertilizer is also added in the form of peat and rotted manure.

Immediately before planting, Alexander Mackenzie seedlings are recommended to be kept in a root growth stimulator for 3-4 hours in order to quickly root. The bush is installed in a hole so that its root collar is three centimeters below ground level. Next, the seedling is carefully covered with earth, which is then compacted, watered and mulched.

Further care should include systematic watering (1-2 times a week) with settled water heated in the sun, with mandatory loosening of the soil.

Cleaned regularly weeds, and the bushes are periodically inspected for the appearance of fungal diseases and pests. Canadian varieties of roses rarely get sick, but if the summer is too damp and cold, the risk of disease increases significantly. Therefore, a gardener always needs to have antifungal and insecticidal drugs in his arsenal for the purpose of preventive treatment of shrubs.

The Alexander Mackenzie rose is pruned regularly. In summer, overgrown branches are removed, and faded buds are removed in time. In the spring, frozen shoots are cut off, and the remaining shoots are shortened so that five to seven buds remain on them. This type of pruning is called medium pruning and helps correct form bush. In the fall, diseased and too thin shoots that will definitely not survive the onset of winter cold are also removed.

Fertilization begins in the third year of the rose's life. In the spring it is fed with nitrogen, in the summer - with potassium and phosphorus. Closer to autumn, all fertilizing should be stopped. For the winter, the bush can be covered with spruce branches and laid on top non-woven material or polyethylene.

With good care, the Canadian rose Alexander Mackenzie will bloom profusely every summer, and since it is unpretentious, even novice gardeners can be trusted to care for it.

At all times the most beautiful decoration there were roses in the gardens. There are many varieties of this plant, but growing each of them has its own subtleties. Canadian rose varieties have gained popularity due to their unpretentiousness. They became decorations for parks, gardens, and home plots. These are the flowers that are recommended for growing by beginning gardeners. To understand where to start the process, you need to study in more detail the description and nuances associated with growing this flower.

Canadian park rose variety Alexander Mackenzie

The first varieties of “Canadians” appeared in the last century in Canada, and a little later in European countries. Unlike many other varieties, they are famous for their frost resistance (from -30 to -45ºС), they do not require shelter for the winter. This is an excellent option for growing in cold climates.

Canadian roses are wide, highly branched bushes that can bear from 3 to 30 small flowers at a time. The aroma ranges from weak to strong, depending on the variety. The flower shape can be double and with one row of petals. Another feature of them is their rapid regeneration after freezing. Flowering continues from early summer until late autumn.


Although the Canadian rose is a fairly easy plant to grow, there are a number of rules that should be followed in order to achieve stable and rich flowering. This includes fertilizing, pruning, and sprinkling the root system with compost for the winter.

At the beginning of spring, cuttings for planting should be selected about 20-25 cm in size, and they should not have spots, defects or signs of disease. They can be immediately placed in the ground in a permanent place, but do not go too deep. All leaves are removed except the top pair. Before planting, a small amount of compost is added to the soil (from it young plant will receive all the necessary microelements for growth and formation of new shoots). The distance between them should be at least 1 meter for tall shrubs, which include Canadian park roses, for medium ones - 50x60 cm and low ones 35-40 cm. After which they need to be watered and a shelter made of glass jars or plastic containers. The shelter is removed next spring, during which time the cuttings have time to take root well.

These beauties feel best in sunny areas. They need to be fed periodically liquid mixtures mineral fertilizers, mullein or ash solution. If the summer is too hot, they need watering.

Pruning should be done in early spring, before the first buds appear. Old buds, dried out, old branches must be removed.

Video “How to plant a rosary”

Canadian roses best varieties

Breeders developed Canadian rose varieties by crossing Cordes and Rugosa hybrids. Today, the result of such many years of work has become many beautiful varieties of these flowers growing in different climatic zones.

Park Canadian roses

TO the best varieties relate:

Canadian rose variety Henry Hudson

Henry Hudson - 1976, compact bush up to 1 m. The flowers are white, sometimes with a pinkish tint, about 7 cm in diameter. They have one row of petals. The flowering period is from summer to autumn, feels great in shaded areas. Thanks to this, it has found its use in the landscape, when designing areas where there is a lot of shade.

Therese Bugnet - bred back in 1950. It is distinguished by tall shoots, up to 200 cm, and fragrant crimson-colored flowers (8 cm). The width of the bush reaches 1 meter. A feature of this species is the almost absence of thorns. If you choose the optimal varieties of Canadian roses for the Moscow region, which is characterized by in early spring temperature changes and colder regions, then Thérèse Buigner – perfect option. It can withstand temperatures down to -40ºС. Flowering will continue from the last spring month until the frost itself.

Canadian rose variety Martin-Frobisher

Martin Frobisher is a wonderful representative of park roses. Height 100-175 cm, width up to 1 m. Flowers have a light cream color. Look great in unopened buds. Plants of this variety are winter-hardy and can withstand temperatures down to -45º. In practice, they do not need to be covered during the cold season, like tea hybrids.

Canadian roses Charles Albanel

Charles Albanel - neat bush small sizes, up to 75 cm. The flowers are pink in color and have a very strong aroma. Very often it is used as ground cover rose, for the reason that its branches are capable of creating dense shelter above the ground.

Canadian park roses low-growing variety Morden Amorette

Morden Amorette is one of the shortest plants. Its height reaches only 40 cm and only in warm regions it can grow up to 75 cm.

Climbing Canadian roses

Among this type we can distinguish:

Climbing roses variety Quagra

Quadra is very easy to care for. Even with improper pruning, it produces flower stalks for the summer. Produces shoots up to 180 cm long. Very easily wound around arches, hedges or tied to a support.

Felix Leclerc Rose is relative new variety, bred in 2007 in a Canadian nursery. This is one of the first roses whose shoots reach 3 meters. Like many other Canadians, they are frost-resistant, tolerate cold down to -30ºС. For this variety, no special pruning is required; you just need to remove dry branches.

Hybrid varieties of Canadian roses

In the creation of these varieties, rose varieties that grow exclusively in cold climates were used. They tend to tolerate very cold temperatures (-45º), some of them can grow in Alaska.

The best representatives of this group are:

Canadian roses Adelaide Hoodless variety

Adelaide Hoodless – 150-200 cm tall, wide spreading shrub. Has semi double flowers up to 8 cm in diameter, collected in large inflorescences of 10 - 35 pieces. Under such a heavy weight, the branches practically bend to the ground. The leaves are glossy, dark green in color, the branches have many spines. Needs support. Sometimes the stems may freeze slightly, but they recover very quickly and bloom in the same year. Easily tolerates heat and dry conditions. Flowering lasts from June to mid-September.

Emily Carr is the newest member of the pink family. It was released in 2007. The flowers look like hybrid tea roses.

variety Alexander Mackenzie

Alexander MacKenzie is a tall bush up to 2 meters high and up to 150 cm wide, the buds have a bright red, sometimes crimson color. They have a light strawberry aroma. Flowering occurs in two waves. Easily tolerates prolonged rains and heat.

Canadian roses variety Morden Blush

Morden Blush – has beautiful flower colors. Their edges are almost white, closer to the middle they are colored soft pink. And in the center, it has a darker shade. Flowers stay on the bush for up to 2 weeks. The disadvantages of this variety include only a weak aroma. But the other advantages it has completely compensate for this. Feels good in composition with other plants.

Canadian roses Champlain variety

Champlain is one of the most beautiful representatives of Canadians. During the flowering period, which lasts until the first frost, the foliage is practically invisible due to the huge number of red buds. The disadvantage is the periodic freezing of shoots.

Prairie Joy – like the previous variety, different abundant flowering, which begins in late spring and continues until late autumn. The shape of the buds is classic, reminiscent of ancient varieties of roses. Flowers are collected in inflorescences of 5-6 pieces. The height of the bush is up to 100 cm. In the middle of summer there may be a short break in flowering. Another feature of the rose is the presence of both double and semi-double flowers on the bush. The foliage is dark green, there are almost no thorns. It grows quite quickly and is not afraid of cold weather.

Morden Centennial - characterized by bright large flowers, pink in color, collected in groups of 5-6 pieces. When they begin to bloom, the petals appear as if they have a light coating, gradually fading to a light tone. Produces shoots up to 1 meter in height and similarly in width. The leaves of the plant are thick and bright green. Flowering occurs in two waves (their abundant appearance is typical for late spring and early autumn), but even during the break, buds will appear on it. The smell is weak.

How to create a hedge of Canadian roses

By growing the queen of flowers, you can not only create magnificent garden compositions, but also decorate personal plot blooming and spreading a pleasant aroma, like a living fence.

To create it, you can use purchased two-year-old rose bushes, but there is a more economical way - pruning and planting cuttings:

  1. The first stage is pruning healthy, powerful shoots up to 30 cm long. They must be one year old, and in no case old. As when propagating these plants, it is necessary to remove all but the top two leaves.
  2. A hole for planting is being prepared. A trench is dug along the line of the planned fence (if mature bushes are planted, its depth should be approximately 70 cm), where it is added good land, mixed with sand and peat.
  3. The cuttings are deepened to 1 leaf blade and planted at an angle. Unlike conventional planting, the distance between them is up to 40 cm; this largely depends on the variety, how much growth it can produce, the width of the bush and its height.
  4. A shelter is made from plastic containers and covered with additional dry straw or hay. This is necessary to protect young shoots that have not yet taken root sufficiently from the sun and cold in winter.

Already on next year hedge almost ready. Young bushes produce fairly long and strong shoots, and their final formation should already begin. The fence will take on its proper appearance in the second year after planting the cuttings.

How to avoid freezing shoots

“Canadian” is a number of the most winter-hardy varieties. But sometimes even the most adapted hybrids can freeze.

In order to protect Canadian roses from the cold, you should take some measures:

  1. Mulch the bush. A loose one is good for this. compost soil. For 1 bush - approximately 10-15 liters.
  2. The shoots bend down to the ground and are covered with film or special agrofibre. As soon as the first frosts appear, all unopened buds are removed.
  3. If the winter turns out to be snowy, you can throw snow on top of the shelter. This will provide additional protection from the cold.
  4. It is necessary to remove the cover from the bushes in mid-March. If this is not done on time, there is a risk of the plants dampening off.

Observing simple instructions, you can achieve good results in growing roses. And hybrids such as the Canadian rose are capable of growing even in the coldest regions where this would seem impossible. Moreover, there are many varieties of Canadian roses, and breeders continue to work on developing new ones. These beautiful flowers will delight everyone who decides to dedicate their life to them with their fragrance and impeccable appearance. free time, responding to care with a scattering of buds.