Tool for laying tiles for performing work at different stages. Tools and accessories for laying tiles What level is needed for laying tiles

Finishing tiles today it is the main material that allows you to create not only a beautiful, but durable surface. Installation of this material is a labor-intensive and time-consuming process that requires certain skills. Special attention In this case, attention should be paid to the tools for laying tiles. With their help you can greatly simplify this task.

Leveling the base

Ceramic tiles in most cases are mounted on a pre-leveled surface. This approach can significantly reduce the consumption of adhesive. To solve such problems, several devices are used:

  • Set of spatulas. In most cases, you need even hardware, with which you can easily level the plaster on the surface. The size of the tool is selected individually and depends only on the volume of work.
  • Level and plumb. Using these devices, the walls and ceiling are leveled. This allows you to achieve a strictly vertical or horizontal position of the base.

  • Rule and needle roller. Such products are intended for leveling concrete on the floor. A roller is often used to remove air from cement screed so that it is distributed evenly.
  • Electric mixer. It is used for cooking cement mortars. They are used in most cases when the volume of work is significant and you need to quickly obtain a high-quality mixture. There are several types of such devices that can be selected to suit your needs.

Cutting accessories

In most cases, tile laying is done in rooms that have non-standard dimensions. Therefore, pick up optimal size elements in such a way as to prevent trimming is almost impossible. Another problem during installation can be pipes, which it is advisable to nicely surround with tiles.

Cutting tiles or porcelain tiles can be done using various tools:

  • Glass cutter The mechanism is only suitable for tiles, since it is characterized by low strength. Using a glass cutter you can cut pieces rectangular shape. It is very difficult to obtain a more complex structure.
  • Tile cutter. These mechanisms are divided into manual and electric. The first type works on the principle of a glass cutter. Initially, the tile is inserted into a special groove, and then passed through it using a knife. To separate the cut element, you need to break it along the edge of the table. Electric tile cutters more versatile. Many models are equipped with special circular saw, capable of cutting tiles more efficiently. Similar modifications can also be used with porcelain stoneware.

  • Bulgarian. Almost every owner has this tool. Cutting tiles is done using a diamond wheel, which easily cuts both ceramics and natural stone. If you really want, you can use a grinder to get complex cuts, giving the tiles different shape. But the quality of these figures will not be high, so they are used only in those places where the tiles are hidden.
  • Jigsaw. In order for the device to cut tiles, it must be equipped with a thread coated with diamond chips. A jigsaw destroys material both in a straight line and at angles. The disadvantage of this approach is the relatively low strength of the working tool.

If you press too hard on the thread while working, you will have to replace it with a new one, as it will burst.

Particular attention should be paid to the drilling tool. When laying tiles you may need to cut round hole under a pipe or toilet. This can be done using various drill bits:

  1. Pobedite tool. This type of drill bit works well on ceramic tiles, but is not suitable for porcelain tiles. The right drill bit can drill holes in both trim and concrete. This is important when you need to get a hole for a dowel.
  2. Diamond tubular drills. This tool consists of small cylinders, on the surface of which diamond chips are soldered. Drills do an excellent job with any type of tile, but they are not always used, as they are expensive.
  3. Diamond crowns. They differ from previous modifications only in their larger diameter. They are used to form holes for sockets or pipelines.


The technology for laying tiles in all cases involves gluing it with a special glue. To work, you should stock up on a set of spatulas:

  1. Straight. Various sizes of spatulas are used for installation. It’s good to take a small piece of glue and apply it to the wall. Dimensional models are designed to level the mixture in order to obtain a uniform coating.
  2. Serrated. This modification is almost always used. Its main task is to form peculiar grooves on the surface of the solution. They allow you to glue the tiles evenly, minimizing the risk of splitting during operation. Notched trowels differ in the height of the teeth, which are responsible for the depth of the furrow.
  3. Rubber. A spatula made from such a substance is used when grouting joints. The product has a soft and flexible tip, with which you can easily place grout mixture between the tiles.


The quality of the surface of a floor or wall depends on how evenly the tiles are positioned relative to each other. It is this feature that experts recommend paying attention to when laying this material.

You can simplify this task using various auxiliary tools:

  • Mallet. It is advisable to use rubber hammers, as they do not affect the structure of the tiles. If it is not possible to purchase such products, then you can replace them with wooden analogues. Do not use metal hammers for leveling, as even a light impact may cause a chip to form on the surface of the tile.
  • Level. It is best to use long modifications, as they allow you to evaluate the quality of the masonry between several tiles. Adjustment using a level must be carried out in different planes. Today, classical modifications are being replaced by laser ones, which make it possible to obtain more high accuracy masonry

  • Tile leveling systems. These designs appeared quite recently, but have already gained popularity among both specialists and amateurs. These products are a specialized set of several pegs, wedges and other unique tools that simplify the leveling of tiles.
  • Crosses. Today these are the most popular products for leveling tiles. They are made from various types of plastic. For fitting, they are inserted between adjacent elements so that they cannot fit closely together.

Final finishing

The laying of any tile is completed by filling the joints with special mixtures. In most cases they are only decorative. Modern market offers many types of similar solutions that can be matched to the color of the floor covering.

If area laid tiles small, then you can simply fill all the seams with your hands. To do this, rub the prepared solution between the products with your fingertips. But in most cases, several auxiliary devices are used for this:

  1. Rubber spatula. To rub in the grout, place it on the tip of this tool and press lightly. This process can occur in several stages until all the cracks are evenly filled.
  2. Plastic tube. It is used when you need to get a semicircular seam. At home, many craftsmen use a piece of ordinary electric cable. It is only important to choose the correct diameter of the wire so that it fits inside the seam.
  3. Construction syringe. At the end of this device there is a small tube with holes of different diameters. When filling the joint, it is placed between the tiles and gradually moves. Well suited for working with materials from natural stone, as well as for grouts based on epoxy resin.

Tools for tiling work can be divided into the following types:

- measuring instrument;

- a tool for preparatory work;

— a tool for preparing and applying glue;

cutting tool;

— tools for finishing operations;

- Consumables.

The purpose of using a measuring tool is to ensure that the tiles are laid horizontally and vertically evenly. For this we use:

Building level. Suitable for tile work

long building level (spirit level). It is used for marking the surface for tiling and controlling the horizontal laying of rows of tiles. The length should not be less than a meter, and better – 2 meters. It serves as a more than adequate replacement laser level, but for those who know how to use it;

Both spatulas and spatulas must be metal. On plastic spatulas, the glue will bind in the teeth.

Leveling of the glue is carried out using plaster floats (trowels). A paint brush is suitable for wetting the surface.

Cutting tool

Designed to give tiles required sizes and forms. This is a tile cutter for straight cutting of tiles. Glazed tiles can be cut using a glass cutter or a turning cutter with a carbide tip, then breaking off the cut strips with a special grip.

Tile cutter Used for cutting tiles

A circular drill (ballerina drill) will be needed to cut holes in the tiles for pipes.

For figure processing tiles need nippers with pointed jaws. Before breaking off pieces of tile with them, the tile should be cut with a grinder.

A hammer with a pointed counter striker will also come in handy. They can also be used to break off pieces of tile along the cut. The same hammer will be used to hammer in nails and pins for hanging marking cords and plumb lines.

Circular drill

The edges of cut or chipped parts of the tile are leveled using a carborundum block or a grinding wheel.

Finishing Tool

The tiles are laid using a rubber mallet or wooden block about 10x15x3 cm in size, by lightly tapping it with a hammer. You need an awl to pick out the crosspieces. Experts recommend getting an S-shaped hook: it is convenient to insert it into the groove between the glued tiles and, turning, place the hook under an incorrectly glued tile (for example, sunk too deep, or, conversely, sticking out from the general row) and pry it off.

Mallet for setting tiles

To seal the seams you will need a profile spatula, a knife, and a syringe for applying sealant. To grout the joints you will need a rubber spatula or a rubber trowel or a sponge.

Nippers - a tool for tile work


Adhesive solution, sealant or other composition for sealing seams, jointing solution. You will also need crosses - with their help, the size of the groove between the tiles is maintained. Flannel, rags - for wiping tiles.

The OBI hypermarket catalog contains over 220 items of tools and Supplies for styling ceramic tiles. Products are sold individually and in convenient sets at prices ranging from 15 to 2000 rubles per item.

Features of choice

  • . Crosses and crayons.
  • . Spatulas and trowels.
  • . Chisels and wedges.
  • . Drill sponges and attachments.
  • . Plumb lines and cords.
  • . Cleaners and wedges.

Crosses for laying tile products are made of transparent polypropylene. Consumables of standard thickness and shape are available for sale.

Spatulas differ in several parameters:

  • . Dimensions (width).
  • . Material of manufacture.
  • . The shape of the working surface.

Rubber products are used for thorough grouting of joints. Devices with a serrated base are indispensable when applying glue to bottom surface facing material.

Plumb lines and rules are used to level the cladding during installation operations. Drill attachments are designed to thoroughly stir the adhesive mixture before use.

Order products for exterior and interior painting in the OBI store finishing works using phone.

Payment and delivery methods

  1. Buy goods online with delivery
  • . You can pay for your order in cash or by bank transfer.
  • . You will agree on the date and time of delivery with the operator by phone when confirming the order.
  • . The conditions for the free provision of the service depend on the city, amount and weight of the product.
  • . Unloading of goods, lifting and carrying refers to additional services and can be paid separately, check with the store operator.

Detailed information about intervals and zones by city, conditions for unloading and picking up orders is available, where you can independently calculate the cost of your delivery in advance, indicating the postal address and parameters for unloading.

  1. Order and pick up where you want
  • . When filling out the order form, indicate the date and time convenient for you to visit the hypermarket.
  • . You can pay for your purchase in cash or by bank transfer at the store's cash desks.

Purchased goods can be picked up independently at any of the OBI stores in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ryazan, Volgograd, Nizhny Novgorod, Saratov, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Krasnodar, Surgut, Bryansk, Tula and Volzhsky.

A tiler will complete the job on time if he has a convenient and reliable tool. Today we will look at what a tiler cannot do without, what minimum tools he should have in his suitcase.

  1. Rubber mallet. Needed to remove voids under the tiles when laying them.
  2. Master OK.
  3. Spatula with teeth. A tile with sides of about 30 centimeters will need teeth 10 millimeters long, and tiles with sides about 20 centimeters will need teeth 4 millimeters long.
  4. Shaulsky's ladle. Helps to quickly apply plaster on the wall.
  5. Scraper. Helps with dismantling old tiles, also helps remove glue from the screed.
  6. Set of crosses. Each type of tile is selected individually. Crosses of 1-2 mm are usually suitable for walls, and 2-3 mm for floors.
  7. Carrying. It is advisable to have your own carrier at the site; sometimes in the apartment the sockets are located far away and connecting to them will be inconvenient. As a rule, this is a triple carrier, 30 meters long. It wouldn't hurt to carry a couple of 500-watt lamps.
  8. Construction knife.
  9. Markers and pencils.
  10. Primer roller.

Optional equipment

It’s not a fact that you will need these tools, but it is advisable to have them in your arsenal just in case.

  • Measuring tape and level.
  • Squares. It is advisable to have about two squares in your arsenal. One small one for marking places for holes. As a rule, they are made of chrome-plated material, less often painted. Large squares are used to mark the floor.
  • Marking cord. Allows you to mark a line between objects.
  • Water or laser level. If you often lay plaster, then having a laser level will make your life easier and your work easier.
  • Long level one and a half and two meters long. Needed for final check of the work result.


If you have a constant flow of styling work, then it is advisable to buy a separate mixer. And for a one-time job, a hammer drill with a special attachment in the form of a whisk will do; it is also possible to mix everything manually.

In the mixer, a gearbox is responsible for rotation, which reduces the load on the electric motor and ensures the ideal rotation speed. The mixer also has a larger mixer, thanks to which we are able to mix large volumes of liquids.

Not only foreign mixers work well and for a long time, domestic product I was also pleased with the excellent quality of the equipment and the price of these mixers is more affordable. You can also drill tiles using a mixer; you just need to change the drill.

Tile cutter

A tool designed for cutting tiles. There are two types:

  • Amateur.
  • Professional.

The main disadvantages of an amateur tile cutter:

  • Limitations on tile width.
  • Weak mechanism; it is not always possible to cut thick tiles.
  • It is impossible to cut two tiles identically, since the cutting wheel has a lot of play.

Professional tile cutters are more expensive than their counterparts, but their price is justified by the quality of the cutting. If you lay tiles professionally, then this purchase will more than pay off. Good tile cutters are produced in Austria and Italy.

Important point. The cutting element is enough for 800-1000 square meters tiles If you lay about 100-200 square meters per month, then it will be enough for exactly a year of work. After this, thick tiles or porcelain tiles cannot be cut using this tile cutter, but it is suitable for cutting soft tiles.


One of the most important tools in a tiler's arsenal at the mixer and tile cutter level.

If we consider inexpensive options, then a Makita 9554 grinder is perfect; the price varies from 2-3 thousand rubles. This model has a small handle, which is why they have low power.

From expensive options will do grinder with Hilti AG 125-A22 battery, priced at about 26 thousand rubles. It is very powerful and has a comfortable handle, so you can hold it with one hand.

Grinder discs should be taken only with diamond coating, designed for working on tiles. It happens that consultants do not know about these, and mistakenly recommend circles for concrete or stone. Circles for porcelain tiles are absolutely smooth, have no holes and no jagged edges, which minimizes the number of chips.

Wire cutters

This is an additional tool for the tiler. Needed if it is difficult to break off the tile at the cut site.

Main types of tile nippers:

  • Nippers with surfacing. The hard cutting part on the nippers is not a necessary element, because you need to break off the tiles at the place of the cut, which makes the work easier.
  • Parrot nippers. They help make a hole for a socket in the tile.

What you need to have for grouting:

  • Bucket.
  • Putty knife.
  • Latex gloves. So that your hands do not come into contact with the mixture.
  • Felt mitten or grater. It is very easy for her to remove the deposits that grout leaves behind.
  • Grater - washcloth. Helps remove hardened grout. It is especially important to use this tool when working in the hot season, when quick-drying grout is used.
  • Foam sponge and water bucket. Needed for final sanding of seams.

The litokol company has a couple of tools designed for grouting.

  • Avana sponge for removing dried grout. This sponge has large pores. You can also use foam rubber instead. Big sizes sponges allow you to clean a large area of ​​tiles at once. But it will need to be rinsed for a long time and thoroughly, otherwise the grout will dry out and the sponge will become unusable.
  • Bath for cleaning grout. Exist different kinds of this tool. But Skipper baths are the best. They are made of high strength plastic and have a large volume. For spinning, two rollers are installed on the bathtub. The set comes with a highly absorbent sponge.

This set is convenient, but takes up too much space.

Means for protection

Safety precautions play a major role when performing any work, especially when you have piercing and cutting tools in your arsenal. Basic means of protection:

  • Protective glasses. Always work only with safety glasses, especially when you are holding an angle grinder. Fine dust or chips from tiles can easily fly into your eyes. Glasses should be stored in special packaging and cleaned of dirt every day. You can make your own glasses packaging.
  • Respirator. As a rule, there is a lot of dust or even debris on the floor before installation, which may contain pieces of insulation. To protect your respiratory system, we recommend working exclusively with a respirator.
  • Gloves. Necessary when working with a mixture that may contain alkali, which in turn can irritate and corrode the skin of the hands.

We have looked at what tools are needed if you decide to lay tiles. Always follow safety precautions and don’t rely on chance when it comes to your health. Good luck in all your endeavors.

To lay a new tile floor, you need to know the technology, because successful work requires careful preparation, and solving current problems requires elaboration and attention to detail.

Today, in home improvement stores, you can find many varieties of tiles, from ceramics to natural stone. Most of them can be installed on various types of substrates, including mortar, plywood subfloor, and cement board.

When you are laying over old tiles, you need to securely fasten original tiles and solution. You must sand the old surface sandpaper, to ensure better adhesion of the glue and solution. When starting to lay tiles, the floor must be washed with a good detergent, such as trisodium phosphate, which will remove dirt, soap film and other contaminants that prevent adhesion.

Before laying begins, a layer of mastic is applied to the tiles, a substance that resembles mixed tile adhesive, which is convenient to lay directly from a jar. Its advantage is that it bonds well to the surface. In addition, mastic can be applied to both plywood and cement base.

You might be interested in what is needed for laying tiles.

Such a substrate option as cement board is a highly stable sheet material, fiberglass reinforced. When installing it, use special screws, which are recommended by the manufacturer in the instructions for use. Using a plywood board, you can use a two-layer version of it, on which seams are applied. The thickness of the bottom layer should be at least ¾ inch. Use screws to secure this layer. Upper layer may be ¼ inch plywood, or commercial substrate, which is also secured with screws.

After this, measure the floor and draw chalk lines, intersecting in the center, from wall to wall, forming four even squares. Next, start laying the tiles from the center point, following the chalk lines as a guide. After applying the mastic, lay out the tiles in a trial version and, if necessary, make adjustments to its layout. After that, post required amount tiles along the lines until you reach the walls, in each direction.

When you run out of full rows of tiles at wall level, you can avoid the need for trimming if you change the spacing between them. When cutting tiles to size, you should not lay too short parts, because they may look unsightly and have poor adhesion to the base, especially in doorways, in which, when moving, they can peel off from the glue. This task can be easily solved by cutting the required number of tiles from different ends. After this, the tiles must be adjusted so that in places where a whole tile does not fit, there is at least half of it, then high traffic will not harm it.
You can cut the tiles using a tile cutter or a wet saw. The tile cutter is used for small and thin slabs and has a wheel to cut this line. Cutting tools leave a jagged edge along the fault line, whereas line trimming edges should be smooth. Check out which material is best to use to create the most beautiful interiors.

There may not be such a tool as a wet saw on the farm, so you can rent one. Structurally, it consists of a water-cooled diamond blade in order to make perfectly smooth cuts. This tool is used on all types and sizes of tiles, including paving, hard ceramic, thin glass, porcelain and natural stone.

TOP 6 most necessary tools for laying tiles

1. As you already understand, a cutting tool is one of the most necessary when laying tiles. Tile cutters are available in a wide range of sizes. Select a tile cutter correct size, is especially important since, for example, a 400 mm cutter is not capable of cutting 500 mm tiles, because it will be too long.

2. The adhesive trowel is designed to distribute the solution evenly and effectively. This will ensure proper contact between the tile and the adhesive. The glue spatula has straight and serrated edges, this guarantees even distribution of the glue over work surface. Thanks to the cut edge, air escapes after the tiles are pressed into the adhesive.

3. Tile spacers ensure that the tiles are evenly distributed, making your project look as professional as possible;
4. Using a rubber hammer, you can lay the tiles in the adhesive without creating air pockets and voids that cause the tiles to crack;
5. The spreader consists of a cut-out edge, with which the solution can be applied especially quickly;
6. Sponge made of dense foam. Thanks to it you can create smooth surface and effectively clean the tiles. Use a sponge with rounded edges so it doesn't create grooves in the grout.

Interesting points about laying floor tiles

· If your tiles are less than 30 centimeters in area, a trowel with a groove width of 0.8 centimeters will create fairly large grooves. But, if the area of ​​your tiles is much larger, then you will need a notched trowel with a groove width of 1.25 centimeters.

· The solution must be mixed in such an amount that is enough to easily cover the backs of the tiles that will be used for installation. Where you will mark chalk lines, you need to carefully lay the tiles. While applying pressure, rotate the tile slightly until you are sure it is installed correctly.

The rubber hammer is big hammer with soft rubber head. It can be used for surface even marble tiles, however, the touch should be light. If you use it specifically for marble tiles. You shouldn't press it too hard, because marble is relatively soft material, which can easily crack.
· When laying tiles, follow the reference line, moving towards the wall, be guided by it, for correct installation. To ensure equal spacing between tiles, use spacers. Thanks to them, evenness and uniformity of tile joints can be ensured.

We have a very interesting article that talks about that, I advise you to read it.