A detailed review of the best drugs for aphids - types and effectiveness of various products. Remedies for aphids - how to fight effectively Chemical remedies for aphids

– one of the most malicious pests of gardens and vegetable gardens, causing irreparable damage to crops. The insect feeds on plant sap, causing deformation of the leaf plate, resulting in drying of young shoots and inflorescences. But it’s very difficult to evict an uninvited guest from your favorite plot, since this small insect quickly spreads throughout the garden, damaging absolutely all plantings along the way. Therefore, every gardener and amateur gardener should know the most effective remedies for aphids that will help exterminate the pest.

On a note!

There are various methods for controlling aphids. This article offers exclusively store-bought products designed to kill pests.

Features of biological products

According to reviews from experienced gardeners, the biological product is the most effective remedy for aphids, as it contains exclusively organic substances. Therefore, it will not harm the health of humans, animals or bees. Besides the best means against aphids is allowed to be used at almost any period of plant development. The crop can be harvested and is suitable for human consumption usually within 2-5 days from the date of processing.

However, like other compounds, biological drugs have certain disadvantages:

  • Slow speed of impact. Pests die as hazardous substances accumulate in their bodies, which takes from 1 to 1.5 weeks.
  • The protective properties of the product are lost when precipitation occurs, resulting in the need to re-treat the plants.
  • High price- Another one negative point biological products, which is why they are not available to a wide range of people.


An equally well-known biological product against aphids of a similar composition. Has a liquid release form. The solution is prepared before use at the rate of 8 ml of concentrate per 1 liter of water. Due to the fact that the biological components do not affect the eggs, re-treatment is necessary after 2 weeks.

Mass death of garden and vegetable pests is observed after 8 days from the moment of spraying. The residual effect of the drug lasts for 14 days. The high cost is the only drawback of this biological product (the price of the product is within 340 rubles).


The biological product Jaguar, dosed in bags and canisters, is also used to kill green aphids and weeds. The active ingredients in it are the antidote cloquintoset-mexil and fenoxaprop-P-ethyl.

To prepare the working solution, the contents of the sachet are poured into a bucket of water, mixed thoroughly and used to spray infected plants. The effect of the drug begins after 1-3 hours from the moment of treatment. Biological components penetrate plant tissue, after which they have a detrimental effect on attacking insects.

The advantage of the drug Jaguar is its long residual effect, which lasts for 20-30 days. Precipitation contributes to the weakening of the protective properties.

The price of 1 sachet (2.3 g) is about 50 rubles.


Another drug against aphids, which is based on live bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis. The toxins produced by these microorganisms pose a danger to harmful insects.

To treat plants affected by aphids, use a solution that is prepared in a certain proportion for each specific crop (instructions for use are available on the package). In summer, spraying is carried out at least twice with a break of 7 days, in the spring-autumn period - every 10 days.

The advantages of this product include selectivity towards pests: the composition affects aphids, moths, Colorado potato beetles, ticks and mosquitoes. In addition, the active components do not accumulate in the fruits, so Bitoxibacillin can be used at any phase of plant growth.

This medicine also has some disadvantages:

  • short period of activity of the composition (disappears after 2-3 hours);
  • the presence of a specific odor.

The cost of a sachet of Bitoxibacillin (20 g) is about 20 rubles.

Types of chemicals

However, with a high degree of plant infestation, biological products against aphids are not able to give a 100% result and completely eliminate garden plants from aphids. Chemicals that are highly effective and fast will come to the rescue in such a situation.

Chemicals against aphids can be divided into the following groups:

  • Systemic drugs penetrate directly into the plant tissues of green space. As a result, they have a negative effect on insects that have feasted on the juice of such a plant.
  • Intestinal-acting insecticides against aphids produce a poisonous effect. They enter the insect's body through the digestive organs, causing paralysis and death.
  • Contact-action anti-aphid preparations affect insects through contact with their chitinous cover.

Chemicals against aphids are used exclusively before the buds open. Processing at a later period has a negative effect on flower-pollinating insects, which leads to a decrease in the number of ovaries and loss of yield. Treating a plant with pesticides during the fruiting period is no less harmful, since the toxic composition will remain in fruits, vegetables or berries.

Below is a list of the most popular means.


Iskra Golden

A systemic drug based on the insecticidal component imidacloprid. It penetrates the organic structure of the crop and is distributed by the plant sap throughout its entire vegetative mass. Penetration of the toxic component into digestive tract insect has a negative impact on its nervous system, causing paralysis and death of the pest. The active component acts in a similar way upon physical contact with the insect, penetrating through its cover. The drug Spark Gold is produced in the form of a concentrate, packaged in ampoules (10 ml), each costing about 75 rubles.

On a note!

To obtain the maximum effect, plants are sprayed with a freshly prepared solution, the effect of which is noticeable within a few hours. If necessary, re-treatment is carried out after 10-20 days.

Iskra M

New effective poison against aphids and other garden pests quick action and is used as an “ambulance” to protect affected plants thanks to the malathion it contains. Is a concentrated liquid composition, placed in ampoules of 5 ml. The cost of one ampoule is about 20 rubles.

The solution is prepared immediately before treatment in the proportion of 5 ml of product per 5 liters of water. Treatment is carried out in the morning or evening in the absence of rain and wind.

Spark Bio

A drug based on avermectins - natural toxins that have a paralytic effect on harmful insects. In this connection, it is allowed to be used until the harvest itself. In addition, the composition is not addictive to pests and destroys insects that are immune to other drugs.

On a note!

Another advantage of the product is the ability to use it in hot weather. When the air temperature rises above +28 degrees, the effective properties of the product improve.

Caviar Bio is available in ampoules (10 ml). You can buy it in a store or order it online. The cost of the drug is within 70 rubles.


A systemic powder drug based on thiamethoxam. In this connection, the effect of its action as a contact-intestinal insecticide can be observed within a few hours. The prolonged effect of the drug lasts for 15-30 days. Due to the fact that the product belongs to hazard class 3, the composition is especially toxic to bees, less toxic to birds and pond inhabitants.

The price of Aktara varies depending on the type of packaging: a 4 g package costs around 100 rubles, a 250 g bottle costs about 4,500 rubles.

An aphid appears. This miniature creature can very quickly take over the entire territory and significantly spoil the harvest. That is why it causes a lot of trouble for gardeners and causes enormous damage to young plants; in addition, aphids also attack houseplants. Plants affected by this insect grow slowly, wither, and may die completely. That is why you should always have aphid preparations on hand.

The appearance of aphids

Any disease is easier to prevent than to treat, so you need to regularly inspect your garden. The first sign of aphids is curling of the leaves. If you find several insects, then expect a rapid increase in the colony and the death of the plant. Therefore, do not waste time and immediately use aphids. Usually, where it is, black ones begin to appear garden ants. No, they do not eat aphids; on the contrary, they feed on their sweet secretions. That is why aphid preparations are often combined and act simultaneously on ants.

Ways to combat aphids

There are several options for how to deal with this scourge. Chemical preparations for aphids are considered the most effective, but they are not always safe for the human body. Therefore, if there are few insects yet, you can use mechanical method their destruction. Aphids can be collected, crushed or washed away with a stream of water. In addition, you can use biological control methods, that is, natural enemies of aphids. Finally, there is a huge number folk recipes, which can and should be used, as they are inexpensive and very effective.

Plants and insects as natural enemies of aphids

The very first rule: do not kill ladybugs. This insect is excellent at fighting pests. If you happen to walk through a meadow where these slow-moving bugs are found, carefully collect them and bring them to your garden plot. But with a large number of pests, they cannot cope alone, so plants that repel aphids are planted to help them. Onions, garlic and chamomile are planted next to the fruit beds. These plants repel aphids. But if you notice a large colony of insects in the garden, sucking the juices from your plants, then it’s time to take more decisive action.

Fruit trees

Very often they are the ones affected by aphids. Insects breed very quickly - within a few days the entire tree will be captured by a huge colony. In this case, it is not possible to collect or wash away all the harmful insects; a safe preparation for aphids on trees is needed. One of these is the “Tanrek” product. The main advantage of using this product is its durability. It is not washed off by rain or water, but it is quite safe and does not affect the edible qualities of the fruit. The effect of the drug is completely independent of the ambient temperature, that is, it does not evaporate even at the highest above-zero temperatures. It is enough to carry out one treatment per season, and the drug against aphids on trees will be effective until late autumn, reliably protecting your garden from pest invasion. It is worth processing during the growing season.

Biological preparations for the control of aphids

If the fruit harvest period has already arrived, and a large number of aphids have attacked your garden, then you need to find an effective and completely safe remedy to destroy pests. Today there are modern biological insecticides that are as safe as possible. They are made from waste products of soil organisms, and therefore do not harm plants. You can collect fruits starting from the next day after processing. One of these can be considered the drug “Fitoverm”. Maximum effect from using the drug is visible for a week, unless it is washed off with water or rain. In addition, there are oil emulsions that are completely safe for humans, for example “30 plus”. This is a modern drug against aphids. The instructions for use indicate its highest efficiency when used on a wide variety of garden plants.

From time immemorial

For many generations, humanity has managed without industrial drugs and learned to fight harmful insects. Given this experience, you can prepare effective mixtures for pest control at home. These funds have a number of advantages. They are always at hand, you don’t have to spend money on them, and they won’t harm your body. Folk remedies for aphids are presented in a huge assortment; today we will consider only the most effective of them, which are used year after year on almost every garden plot.

Recipes for your garden

Aphids really don't like flowers like marigolds. Therefore, when the flowerbed fades, be sure to collect dry plants and store them for future use. For spraying, prepare a tincture, for which you need to fill half a bucket of dry plants with 10 liters hot water and leave for two days. After this, the infusion is filtered and 40 g of laundry soap is added. It is better to treat plants with this product 2-3 times with an interval of 3-4 days. By the way, a solution of laundry soap is also good for fighting aphids. To do this, you need to dissolve 200 g of it in a bucket of water.

Don't forget to collect potato tops too. When considering folk remedies for aphids, this remedy should be noted as one of the most effective. You will need a kilogram of dry or fresh tops, which must be filled with 10 liters warm water and leave for 4 hours. Now the infusion should be filtered and 40 g of laundry soap added. In this solution, soap is not the active element. It is only necessary for the solution to stick to the leaves. The treatment is carried out in the evening, and the next morning 90% of the aphids die.

Very effective plant Yarrow is used to combat aphids. You will need one kilogram of dry powder made from plants. They are poured with boiling water and left for 36-48 hours, after which they are filtered. You can prepare a decoction; to do this, boil the same amount of yarrow for 30 minutes, filter, add up to 10 liters and add 40 g of soap to the decoction. It is not recommended to store the decoction for a long time; it is best to use it immediately after cooling.

Saving the flower garden

We most often treat fruit trees with insecticides at the beginning of summer, but the rose garden remains unattended until we notice how the plants curl their leaves and lower their lush heads. What effective preparations for aphids on roses will solve this problem? There are not so few of them, but let’s start, as usual, with the safest ones. We have already talked about which aphids feed on, this ladybugs and many others. They are attracted by the smell of plants such as caraway and dill, daisy and violet. These plants are planted in the area next to the roses. In addition, you can protect roses by planting nasturtium, cosmos, poppy, and mallow in the flower garden, which are very attractive to aphids. They will serve as a natural source where they can be neutralized. If all these methods turned out to be insufficiently effective, then it is necessary to purchase drugs such as Inta-Vir, Shar Pei, Karbofos. Since roses are not classified as such, processing can be done at any time. Preparations for aphids on roses can be alternated so as not to cause addiction to pests.

fruit bush

Probably everyone knows that aphids really love currants and gooseberries. By attacking a delicate bush, it can ruin the harvest or cause the branches to die. But today there are effective drugs for aphids on currants. First of all, this is “Fitoverm” - a safe and inexpensive product that can be used even during the fruiting period. However, the effect does not last long; the treatment should be repeated approximately once every 2-3 weeks. So if you did not treat with chemicals during the growing season, you will have to spend more time caring for the garden.

There are also natural natural preparations from aphids on currants. This is a solution familiar to everyone, with which the branches are washed. Garlic infusion, which is sprayed on the plant, also helps a lot.

Chemical preparations for aphids

There are a great variety of them on sale today, you can choose the one that best suits your requirements. There are two large groups. These are insecticides of contact action, that is, in order to act, the drug must be in contact with the insect, and systemic. The second type of drugs penetrates and affects the pest when it tries to feast on them. The first group of insecticides is used for one-time pest control, as it is washed off from the surface of the leaves. These are Envidor, Inta-Vir, Iskra and many others. They are treated once, they are constantly in the plant tissues, that is, whenever the pest arrives, it will die. These are “Commander” and “Marshal”, “Calypso” and others.

The share of genetically modified fruits and vegetables in stores and markets is growing steadily. You can eat healthy vegetables and fruits only if you grow them yourself. But get good harvest not so simple, since this can be prevented by one of the main enemies of summer residents and gardeners - aphids. It is important for every gardener to know how to deal with this scourge.

What is an insect

Aphids do not easily destroy plants by sucking the juices out of them; they are also carriers of viral diseases, which negatively affect young shoots. There are more than 4,000 species of insects belonging to the harmful group. All of them are united by small sizes (maximum 2 mm) and oral apparatus in the shape of a trunk. Coloration can vary; some beetles have a color that matches the plant they feed on.

Plant louse (usually males) may have wings to help them migrate from one plant to another. All females without wings life cycle carried out on one plant. Those individuals that can fly quickly spread, forming more and more new colonies. That is why it is important to know how to get rid of aphids before they take over all the vegetation growing in the area.

Insects live in large “families” (colonies), preferring to settle on the back of leaves or at the base of buds. Feeding on plant sap, the bugs pierce leaves, stems, and fruits with their trunks, thereby causing irreparable damage. As a result, the plant begins to wither, its growth slows down, immunity decreases, and tissue defects develop. In places where there is a high concentration of pests, the fruits may not ripen at all.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that the beetles suck more sap from plants than they need to live. They remove the excess, forming a sweetish dew that attracts ants. Over time, the sticky liquid begins to cover the plant with a dense layer, which interferes with the process of photosynthesis and creates favorable conditions for fungal development.

If beetles infest a plant viral disease, then it is no longer possible to save him.

Pest control methods

There are several methods for dealing with aphids. There are 3 methods:

  • Poisoning with insecticides based on chemical components;
  • Control with biological agents;
  • Getting rid of pests using folk remedies.

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages, which you need to know about before use.

Traditional methods against aphids

First, let’s look at “grandmother’s” methods of combating plant louse. Their advantage is safety, but the disadvantage is that they are only effective if the scale of the problem is still small:

Chemical remedies

Chemical-based preparations for aphids contain toxic substances that disrupt the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems of pests. The main advantage of chemicals is their quick effect and long-lasting effect. After spraying, the beetles die within an hour and are guaranteed not to appear on the treated plant for at least 7 days.

Unfortunately, this method has a number of disadvantages, which include:

  • High toxicity of drugs;
  • Beetles may develop resistance to the active components of the substance, as a result of which the fight against aphids with its help will no longer be so effective;
  • The fruits of treated plants should not be eaten immediately.

Insecticides differ in their mode of action. There are three types:

  • Contact. They cause death by penetrating the insect’s body through the skin;
  • Intestinal. They poison beetles by penetrating their gastrointestinal tract;
  • System. They impregnate the plant, poisoning its juice, as a result of which the beetles that feed on it die;

Contact and systemic solutions are considered the most effective. Systemic drugs cannot be used if the plant has fruits, as they accumulate toxic substances and can harm human health if consumed.

Biological drugs

Biological preparations against aphids perform the same function as chemical ones, but their composition is dominated by safe bacteria and their metabolic products.

They do not harm plants, humans, environment, beetles do not become accustomed to biological substances, and the period of their removal from plants is very short, so the fruits can be eaten much faster than those that have been treated with insecticides.

In addition to obvious advantages, the method also has disadvantages.:

  • Labor intensive to use;
  • After treatment, pests do not die immediately, but only after some time;
  • The range of biological drugs is extremely scarce, since this method of control appeared relatively recently.

Biological control of aphids includes the use of entomophages - predatory organisms that influence the natural regulation of pest numbers.

Who is the most dangerous enemy of aphids?:

  • Common lacewings;
  • Syrphids;
  • Aphelinus;
  • Cryptolemus;
  • Coccophagus.

These organisms eat adult individuals of harmful bugs, their larvae and oviposition.

You can cope with the scourge by attracting birds (tits, sparrows, robins) to the site; they are natural enemies of aphids. To do this, it is necessary to install birdhouses and feeders at the dacha.

Determining the safety of substances used

Any aphid preparation (biological or chemical) has a certain hazard class for humans and bees. The danger for people is indicated in the range from 1 to 4, for bees - from 1 to 3. The higher the indicated number, the safer drug, and fewer restrictions on its use.

Information about the hazard class must be printed on the packaging. If it is missing, then before use you should refer to the catalog of pesticides, which is published annually by the Ministry Agriculture. In addition to the hazard class, the publication will help you find out detailed information about the manufacturer, aspects of use, doses, consumption rates and toxicity of drugs.

Be wary of insecticides that are sold in stores but are not in this catalog. Most likely, they were produced incorrectly and can be very dangerous.

Carrying out processing

Before launching active efforts to combat aphids, it is necessary to study all the information about the poison used and read the instructions.

Always follow these rules:

  • Dilute the drug following the instructions;
  • Use the recommended amount of insecticide. To increase the effect, you should not use more substances than prescribed in the instructions, as this may be harmful. But there is no need to save, because then there may be no positive impact at all;
  • For each new treatment, you need to prepare a fresh solution, so prepare it for future use;
  • Before spraying, check the weather forecast. Make sure that there is no precipitation in the form of rain in the next 24 hours, and that on the day of treatment the weather will be calm and windless;
  • Treat plants only in the evening. Firstly, by this time beneficial insects (pollinators) will have already flown away; secondly, the absence of sunlight will avoid the appearance of burns on plant leaves during processing;
  • In addition to regular treatments, fight weeds, as they can ruin all your efforts by re-infecting the plants.

Security measures

When working with biological and chemical substances, follow safety precautions:

Having picked up effective drug By strictly following the instructions and safety precautions, any summer resident will be able to independently rid his garden of harmful beetles. It is important not only to clear the plants of aphids, but also to prevent a new infestation. To do this, it is necessary to constantly monitor the growth and take preventive measures to prevent its reappearance.

Attention, TODAY only!

Aphid or plant louse -a very dangerous sucking insect, from whose vital activity a huge number of different crops suffer. Plants affected by this pest usually stop growing, are depressed, and often die.

How dangerous are aphids, description of the pest

The aphid is miniature in size; an adult grows 0.5-2 mm in length. Its body is egg-shaped and can be easily crushed when pressed. The insect is represented by many species (about 4000), which differ in external characteristics.

An insect can be with or without wings. Those individuals that are able to move only on the ground are usually carried by ants.

Aphids are very prolific, multiplying quickly and massively. Every two weeks a new generation of 150 larvae is born. Therefore, the fight against aphids in the garden often involves enormous efforts.

Did you know? In one season, a plant louse has 12-18 generations.

The main danger to plants is caused by aphids when they drink cell sap from buds, leaves, stems, and with it they absorb everything nutrients. As a result, the plant crop withers and mass destruction may even die.

Its leaves and tops are bent, shoots do not grow. Aphids pose the greatest danger to young, immature plants.

Sticky secretions of the pest (honeydew), covering the leaf, inhibit the process of photosynthesis. In addition, aphids are carriers of dangerous bacteria, viruses and fungi that cause a variety of diseases.

Most often, plant louse breeds in unkempt areas, on soils with an excess of nitrogen or a lack of phosphorus.

There may be several signs that your garden or vegetable garden has been attacked by aphids:

  • covering the underside of leaves with honeydew;
  • the presence of white scales under the plant - discarded insect shells;
  • the presence of a cluster of ants around the plant, “ant paths”;
  • curling and yellowing of leaves;
  • undeveloped twisted buds.

Did you know? Aphids are transported by garden ants. It secretes sweet honeydew, which these little hard workers love to feast on. Therefore, without destroying the anthills, efforts to get rid of aphids will be unsuccessful.

However, since the plant louse often attacks vegetable crops and greens that are eaten, the use of chemicals is an undesirable, extreme and even unsafe measure.

Therefore, gardeners and summer residents prefer to use gentle methods, using soap solutions, decoctions of insecticidal plants, tobacco infusions, etc. They also often resort to mechanical treatment, which includes the destruction of anthills, dousing plants (in the initial stage of infection) with strong pressure cold water, collecting insects by hand.

Traditional methods of fighting aphids in the garden

As a prophylactic agent for use in the garden, a well-proven wood ash infusion, which need to powder the leaves. It is prepared like this: 300 g of ash is boiled in 10 liters of water for half an hour, and before direct processing, 40 g of soap is added.

Ammonia against aphids

Ammonia is an effective remedy for getting rid of plant lice in the garden. 2 tablespoons of alcohol are diluted in 10 liters, and soap (40 g) is added before spraying. After two weeks, the treatment is repeated.

Important! After using folk remedies, you should not immediately water the plants, at least for two to three days.

Soap and aphids

One of the most simple ways To repel insects, treating plants with soap solutions is considered, since crops sprayed with them are not suitable for aphids as food. There are several ways to prepare them.

Laundry soap for aphids use in an amount of 300 g per 10 liters of water. It is rubbed or finely planed and dissolved in a bucket of water.

Also prepare solution from liquid soap (125 g / 10 l). You can add ash or onion peels to soap products. The solution is sprayed or wiped on the stems and leaves, especially where aphids accumulate - their lower part.

There are several recipes for preparing a soap solution for treating aphids from green soap:

Safe folk remedies such as soap solutions. Rose bushesin case of severe damage, spraying with an infusion of 100-200 g of laundry soap dissolved in 10 liters of water will help.

There are many recipes that recommend adding dish soap, but gardeners who have already tried this option often complain that it burns the leaves of the plants.

How to remove aphids with a solution of washing powder

The solution can kill aphids washing powder. However, when using it you need to be extremely careful so as not to cause burns on the leaves of the plant. Since all powders are different, you will need to select the concentration yourself. It is recommended to start with a 1% solution.

Important!Before fighting aphids with folk remedies throughout the infected area, it is necessary to test the effect of the solution or decoction on one plant. Once you are convinced of its safety, you can process all plantings within a day.

Potato tops against aphids

Except household products, there are a number of plant crops that the plant louse carefully avoids meeting. What plants do aphids not like? First of all, this chamomile, marigolds, dandelions, wormwood, celandine, yarrow, tansy, garlic, onions, red peppers, horse sorrel, tomatoes, potatoes and others.

Did you know? To repel plant lice, garlic, onions, chamomile, and mint are planted in close proximity. Among flower crops, aphids do not like begonia, cosmos, and mallow.

Has repellent properties potato tops remedy for the preparation of which: 1 kg of fresh (0.7 kg dry) tops needs to be chopped, poured with a bucket of water, left for three hours and strained. For greater effectiveness, add to the infusion laundry soap(30-40 g).

Onions and onion peels, how to get rid of aphids using folk remedies

Aphids are also afraid of treatments with infusions of onions and onion peels. They are prepared as follows:

  • 200 g of onion peels must be left for 12-15 hours in 10 liters of warm water, then strain;
  • mix onion peel with citrus zest, pour boiling water over it, stand for three days, strain, and dilute with water before each spraying;
  • Chop 200 g of onions, leave in 10 liters of water for 12-18 hours, strain, add 40 g of laundry soap.

Important! When using herbal decoctions and infusions, you need to take into account that in large doses and high concentrations they can burn the leaves. Some of them are dangerous both for plant lice and other insects, and can also pose a danger to human health.

How to fight aphids with chamomile infusion

Helps fight plant lice infusion of chamomile.To prepare it you will need 1 kg of dry leaves and inflorescences. They are infused for 12 hours in 10 liters of water. Then filter through cheesecloth. For one treatment, prepare a solution by diluting the chamomile infusion with water in a ratio of 1:3 and adding soap (40 g / 10 l).

The use of conifers in the fight against aphids

Aphids cannot tolerate the smell of pine, so they can be fought with the help of such folk remedies as decoctions and infusions from pine needles.

For a week, you should infuse 2 kg of pine needles in 10 liters of water, stirring the composition every day. The infusion should be stored in dark place. After a week, it needs to be strained, and before use, diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3 (for spraying), for application into rows - diluted in a ratio of 1:1.

You can make a solution from pharmaceutical pine concentrate: 4 tbsp. spoons per 10 liters of water.

Fighting aphids with shag and tobacco

The insecticidal properties of tobacco allow it to be used to protect against aphids. Tobacco, tobacco dust and shag are used in the preparation of infusions, decoctions and solutions.

Infusion: Grind 200 g of (dry) tobacco leaves, add 5 liters of water, leave for 24 hours, bring the volume of liquid to 10 liters, boil for two hours over low heat.

Decoction: pour one part of tobacco dust with 10 parts of water, leave for 48 hours, dilute with water 1:3 and add soap (40 g / 10 l).

Important! When using tobacco-based products, it is necessary to observe the same personal safety measures as when processing with chemical compounds.

One of the plant lice's favorite plants is viburnum. Usually it settles on it en masse, tightly clinging to the branches of the plant. Therefore, very often gardeners are interested in the question: how to fight aphids on viburnum.

You can try using this solution: 1 cup tobacco dust or shag, 1 cup wood ash, 1 tbsp. spoons of liquid soap, 1 tbsp. spoons of mustard, you need to pour 2-3 liters of water at a temperature of +70...+80°C. Leave for two hours and strain. Then, increase the amount of water to 10 liters. The underside of the leaf plate should be sprayed, performing the treatment three times at intervals of 6-8 days.

Plants, birds and insects against aphids

Aphids also have natural enemies - ladybugs, praying mantises, wasps, ground beetles, bedbugs. Birds and louses like to eat plants: sparrows, tits, linnets, wrens, robins. Therefore, for the purpose of prevention and control, it is necessary to attract birds into the garden and garden by constructing feeders, drinking bowls, and nests for them. Insects can be lured by planting plants that they love, such as carrots and parsley.

We told you about many traditional methods aphid control . Among them there will definitely be those that are suitable specifically for you and your plants, thereby helping to expel aphids from the site for a long time. Finally, here are a few more recommendations regarding the correct use of folk remedies for different types plants.

So, fruit trees and shrubs are processed three times: in the bud extension phase, after flowering and 14 days before harvest. The berries are sprayed before flowering and after harvesting the fruits. Last processing vegetable crops should be done a month before harvesting vegetables.

When using infusions from potato, tomato, tobacco, henbane, and dope tops, the fruits cannot be eaten after spraying for another 10 days.

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484 times already

– the most common garden pest. Over the entire growing season, plants undergo 20 generations. Females reproduce eggs without needing fertilization, colonies small insects cause irreparable harm to crops. Insects suck out the juices, causing deformation of the leaves, drying out of young shoots, and falling off of the inflorescences. With severe infection, young seedlings die. Aphid repellents are produced by domestic and foreign companies. Must be used according to instructions. You can process the most different trees, shrubs and other plants:

  • (including , and );
  • and other plants.

Preparations for aphids

You can fight pests with several types of professional means.


Most effective means. The active components are toxic substances of a new generation. Poison from aphids accumulates in plant tissues and enters the body of insects upon contact with sap.

The result is instant. The product is already active during processing. The insecticide blocks nerve impulses, causing paralysis and death. Protection against aphids lasts another 20 days or more if the weather is sunny and without rain.


  • Insecticides against aphids have a wide spectrum of action, therefore they indiscriminately destroy all insects that end up on the treated plant. This is a significant disadvantage.
  • It is recommended to use anti-aphid drugs in early spring when the buds have not yet bloomed. Otherwise, bees and other flower-pollinating insects are poisoned, the number of ovaries decreases, and productivity suffers.
  • The treatment should not be carried out while the fruit is ripening, since the poison does not have time to be neutralized before the vegetables, fruits, and berries are eaten.

On a note!

Maintaining the exact dosage correct application– the key to quick results, high, high-quality harvest. For spraying, use a garden sprayer or a spray bottle.

Popular means are:

  • Spark;

Biological products

The best remedies for aphids are preparations based on organic substances. The new generation medicine is absolutely safe for people, bees, and hornets. The active components are the waste products of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms.

Plants are treated against aphids during any growing season. The crop can be eaten 5 days after intensive processing. Nothing bad will happen if you eat a berry from yesterday’s treated bush, after washing it well under running water.


  • The drug begins to act immediately, but the result is noticeable after 7-10 days. The poison accumulates in the insect's body gradually. Death occurs as the life-threatening dose is concentrated.
  • If it rains after careful treatment, protection is reduced to a minimum. You will have to repeat the procedure the next day. In dry sunny weather, repeated spraying is also required, but 12 days after the first treatment.
  • Aphid preparations based on safe ingredients are more expensive than insecticides, and it is not always possible to find the desired product.

The most effective remedy for aphids is one that helps quickly and does not harm the environment or human health. If aphid control products are used correctly, negative consequences no, only the small pest suffers.


New generation aphid preparation based on organic compounds. Used to treat plants open ground, greenhouses, indoor flowers. Spraying plants indoors is allowed.

Available in dosed ampoules and bottles. Before use, you must prepare a solution. The concentration depends on the degree of damage land plot. 1 ampoule of the drug with a capacity of 5 ml is diluted per 600 ml.

Plants must be treated by spraying. The procedure is carried out in sunny, windless weather. The effect lasts for 3 weeks, the result can be seen after 10 days. The active component is aversectin C.

On a note!

Biological products against aphids can be combined with other means to fertilize plants and increase disease resistance.


An aphid repellent is a cure for bactericidal diseases. You can buy it at the pharmacy in tablet form. Shows good results in pest control on tomatoes and cucumbers.

The active ingredient is metronidazole, an antifungal substance. wide range actions. Helps destroy aphids and the consequences of their vital activity. Increases plant resistance to diseases. Anti-aphids tablets are effective until the first rain or heavy dew.

Dissolve 10 tablets in 10 liters of water and mix thoroughly. Spray the plants, paying Special attention bottom of the sheet. The remedy is especially effective at the first signs of infection. Can be used at any stage of the crop growing season.


Biologically active agent. Available in the form of a concentrated liquid in dosed sachets and bottles. Suitable for treating open ground plants, greenhouses, and indoor flowers. The active component is a natural neurotoxin – aversectin C.

The solution is prepared immediately before use. 8 ml of the drug is dissolved in 1 liter of water. Repeated treatment is carried out after 14 days, since biological preparations do not act on eggs. Spray the plants after the larvae appear.

Massive death of insects is observed within 8 days after spraying crops. The product protection lasts for 2 weeks.


Biological product against aphids and weeds. Available in dosed sachets and canisters. There are 2 active components at once - fenoxaprop-P, cloquintoset-mexil. The drug begins to act almost immediately. Absorbed completely by plant tissues within 3 hours.

An effective remedy for green and black aphids. Causes paralysis and death in pests within three days. Retains properties for 4 weeks. Rain can weaken the protection.

The bag is designed to prepare a solution with a volume of 10 liters. Initially dissolve in 1 liter of liquid, stir thoroughly, then add the rest of the water. Reviews about the effectiveness of the product are positive.


Systemic drugs penetrate inside through the skin and esophagus, not giving insects a chance to survive. Fufanon belongs to this group of drugs. Aphid poison kills pests already during treatment. The protective properties last for more than a month.

On a note!

The product is available in the form of a concentrated liquid. It is necessary to prepare the solution immediately before use, but use is allowed within 3 days.

The active component of the product is malathion. A new generation insecticide that belongs to the class of low-toxic substances. However, if used incorrectly or in excess of concentration, they cause poisoning in people.

It is necessary to work with the drug in rubber gloves; spraying should be carried out in a respirator. It is forbidden to pour unused solution into the ground on an open surface; you must dig a hole for this.

Chemicals against aphids act quickly. The very next day you can enjoy the result. Repeated processing is not required to consolidate the result.


Biological preparation based on bitoxibacillin. Used as an effective insect repellent and as a fertilizer. Available in packaged sachets of 50 g. Before use, this amount must be diluted in 10 liters of water.

The active component is quickly absorbed by plant tissues and poisons insects almost immediately. The effect is noticeable after 3 days, retains its properties for 20 days. Rain and temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius reduce efficiency.

Re-processing is required after 15 days. For prevention, plants should be treated once a month. Shows good results when used on cucumbers, melons, and tomatoes.


New generation chemicals act within an hour and retain their properties for almost a month. Available in several variations.

  • Bio based on natural toxins. To prepare 1 liter of solution, 8 ml of the drug is required.
  • Double effect includes 2 strong insecticide– permethrin, cypermethrin. It is recommended to use the product if there is a heavy infestation of aphids, only in early spring before the buds open. Available in tablet form. For 10 liters you will need only 1 piece.
  • Iskra Zolotaya operates on the basis of a modern insecticide – imidacloprid. Used to treat plants in 150 countries around the world. To prepare the solution, add 5 ml of the drug to 10 liters of water. Retains properties after treatment of plants for 25 days.
  • Spark M for blood-sucking insects. Excellent for controlling aphids. The active ingredient is malathion.

Instructions for use involve preparing the solution according to the standards, spraying plants in the morning and evening. In parallel with chemicals, gardeners often use products that have proven their effectiveness.

Methods of combating the use of chemicals require compliance with safety measures:

  • During treatment, keep the spray bottle or spray bottle at arm's length, and use a respirator.
  • Make sure that the wind flows are directed towards the back, and not into the face, to avoid poison getting on the person’s skin and clothes.
  • After the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and throw your clothes in the wash.
  • Wash the container where the poison was diluted well with the addition of soap and soda.

At the first signs of poisoning - headache, weakness, nausea, dizziness, rinse your mouth with soda solution and drink Activated carbon. If you feel worse, you should call ambulance. The use of biological products does not cause poisoning, but the work should be carried out with rubber gloves.