How to clean a Tunguska sauna stove from soot. How to clean a chimney from soot using the traditional method. Traditional methods of chimney cleaning

A Russian bath is not only useful, but also responsible, requiring careful care. One of the attributes of careful operation sauna stove is cleaning the sauna chimney from various contaminants.

When is it necessary to clean the chimney in a bathhouse?

  • it takes more to light a bath consumables than before;
  • the chimney produces thick black smoke;
  • the flame in the firebox changes shades from bright orange to blue.

Timely and will reduce your time, costs and will save you from sad consequences.

Cleaning methods

There are several ways to safely clean your chimney yourself. The most popular methods are:

  • Mechanical is the most effective method for heavy contamination. Cleaning a pipe in a bathhouse using this method is not difficult even for a non-professional. To clean the pipe, you will need this method special brush. It is advisable to purchase such a brush with hard nylon bristles. It must match the diameter and length of the pipe. Since the main soot settles in the bends of the chimney, the brush handle should be comfortable and maneuverable, with the expectation of clearing all the dirt in the most secluded corners of the pipe.
  • Chemical – to clean the oven using this method, various chemical cleaners are used that release active substances. On the shelves in specialized stores, manufacturers offer a large number liquid and powder products. The essence of this method is as follows: you need to put a chemical cleaner into the melted firebox in the bathhouse, which is then burned, releasing active substances. Under the influence of such substances, the soot layer becomes pliable and one part of it flies out of the oven along with the smoke, and the other crumbles down. Cleaning the oven using the chemical method is absolutely safe, since there are no toxins in the chemicals. However, there is one drawback: in calm weather, all the dirt from the pipe will end up on your site.
  • Pipe calcination is considered in the most unsafe way. In order to clean the pipe, you need to load the firebox with aspen wood and light it well. Firewood should be added until a strong fire appears in the stove. Then the oven will begin to make a loud noise. Be sure to open all the valves and ensure maximum air supply. Under the influence, the soot will simply burn, and the chimney will be cleaned.
  • Better to trust such cleaning is for professionals, since any damage to the stove chimney can lead to a fire while cleaning the chimney.

Read also: Chimney cleaning

Folk remedies

  • Potato peelings - cleaning the oven using this method was developed by our great-grandfathers. You need to throw half a bucket of potato peelings into the heated oven in the bathhouse. Everyone knows that potatoes contain starch. Namely, starch is the active substance that decomposes soot. Pollution from the chimney is completely will collapse within two to three days After this method, you will also need to clean the chimney with a homemade brush. It can be built from twigs.
  • Aluminum cans - cleaning a pipe in this way is quite unusual, but effective. Cleaning the oven does not take much time. This method requires building a hot fire, add a lot to the oven hard coal . Once you achieve what you want, you need to throw aluminum cans into the fire and make sure that they really burn. Complete combustion of one can occurs in about five minutes.
  • Watering hose – possible cleaning the oven and this way.The glass is removed from the bottom of the chimney, and a regular watering hose, preferably of strong rigidity, is put on instead. It is recommended to put a brush or a cut bottle on the hose. Just a few sliding movements along the chimney and the effect has been achieved.

Clean a pipe with a watering hose quickly and economically!

You can prevent the negative consequences of contamination of the pipe in the bathhouse and avoid radical methods of cleaning it, following some simple rules. Every bathhouse attendant needs to carry out preventive cleaning of the chimney; do not throw it into the fire. plastic and other garbage, it is not advisable to burn damp logs. Timely care of the bath - guarantee of its durability and your comfort!

The issue of safe operation of a sauna stove is very important and relevant, because the possibility of spontaneous combustion of accumulated soot deposits or carbon monoxide poisoning is very likely, which can threaten not only health, but also life. Further in the article with photos we will tell you how to clean the chimney in a bathhouse from soot so that the operation of the stove is not only efficient, but also safe.

Currently, such a profession as a chimney sweep practically does not exist. Yes, and self-made sauna stoves of simple design can be cleaned with your own hands. But if you are not sure how to clean the chimney in a sauna stove, which has a complex system of modules and many bends, it is better to turn to professionals. Fortunately, such services are provided by some private companies or individual craftsmen.

It is noteworthy that no matter what the pipes are, soot still accumulates on them, and the quality of the firewood significantly affects the amount of deposits. Therefore, regular cleaning of the chimney of a sauna stove is mandatory.

For what reasons does the chimney become clogged?

When wood burns, it releases carbon monoxide and smoke. White smoke is formed by the evaporation of water in wood fibers, but black smoke is the result of the formation of coal, soot and creosote. This black smoke, carrying particles of combustion products, gradually settles on the walls of the chimney pipe, and the thickness of the deposit depends on the structure of the surface.

Thus, the clearance in the chimney pipe becomes less and less, and the draft worsens. And all the settled particles can either damage the chimney or re-ignite, leading to a fire.

How can you clean a chimney?

There are many ways to clean a chimney pipe in a bathhouse on your own. Improvised means such as brushes, cables or chemicals are also used.

In addition, there are a number of techniques that have long been used to clean the chimney in a bathhouse, and it was not necessary to climb onto the roof to do this. Next, we will consider the most common and popular methods of cleaning pipes.

Cleaning soot with a brush

The most accessible and simple way to clean soot from a pipe in a bathhouse is to use a brush. Considering individual characteristics chimney, you should choose a suitable model that can reach all corners and bends of the pipe and clean the chimney along its entire length.

It is best to use a brush with nylon fibers. Having sufficient strength and flexibility, such fibers penetrate deeply into the thickness of the soot layer and gently remove it without damaging the surface of the pipe.

The advantage of such a nylon brush is that it is perfectly capable of reaching the bends of the chimney pipe in order to remove soot and soot from there. But it is not advisable to use hard brushes in this situation, since they can leave scratches and nicks on the surface of the chimney, on which more soot will accumulate.

The flexible handle of this brush makes it easier to reach far corners and is convenient to manipulate.

Burning potato peelings

Potato peelings have long been used to soften and break down soot deposits on the walls. This method involves burning fresh potato peelings in the furnace firebox near a bucket, or rather, as much as will fit in the firebox.

As they burn, they will release starch, which will peel off soot from the chimney walls. Over the next couple of days, the layer of soot will fall off on its own and partially fall out. And experienced people already know how to clean a pipe in a bathhouse from soot from the roof. To do this, tie a brush made of rods to the brick and clean it.

Heating the stove with aspen wood

Our ancestors also knew how to clean a chimney in a bathhouse with aspen wood. To do this, it is enough to heat the stove with them intensively. However, we must not forget that this method is quite dangerous.

The fact is that when the aspen fires the stove, a very high temperature is built up inside the chimney, as a result of which the soot ignites and bursts out of the chimney upward, then settling in white flakes in the yard.

To get this result, all the dampers and doors in the oven are left open, creating good draft. Wood is constantly being added to the firebox, so that the fire burns intensely and a hum can be heard in the chimney. In this case, the temperature in the chimney reaches 1100 ºС, at which soot burns. However, the cleaning is very effective.

Burning aluminum cans

Enough in a non-standard way how to clean a pipe in a bathhouse, is combustion aluminum cans, which produces virtually no soot. To get rid of soot, you should burn the jars about once every ten kindlings.

However, to get the right temperature and get the can to burn and not just warp and change color, you need to use hard carbon. If the oven temperature is high enough, it will take about 5 minutes to burn one can.

Cleaning the chimney with a watering hose

Quite a lot of bathhouse owners don’t really think about how to clean the chimney in a bathhouse. They always have a proven method in their arsenal - cleaning with a watering hose.

In order to clean a pipe in this way, you need:

  • remove the glass at the bottom of the chimney;
  • insert a rigid hose into the hole - from above or below, whichever is more convenient for you;
  • use progressive movements to clean the soot that settles at the bottom of the pipe.

You can attach a plastic bottle with cut strips or a brush to the end of the hose. This device will easily clean the chimney.

Use of chemical reagents

Chemicals for cleaning the chimney in a bathhouse serve more to prevent excessive accumulation of soot than to actually remove it. Such substances are not able to completely remove plaque without the use of mechanical cleaning methods.

In addition, most of them have a strong, unpleasant odor that will dissipate within a few days. However, it is worth noting that, as a last resort, you can use tools such as “Log Chimney Sweep” or “Komichek”.

Mechanical chimney cleaning method

So, in order to do the job as correctly and without problems as possible, we offer detailed instructions with photos on how to clean a chimney in a bathhouse. However, before starting work, make sure that all windows are covered with thick fabric and the furniture is covered with polyethylene.

Personal protective equipment - gloves, goggles and a respirator - will also be needed. Next, you need to clarify what design your sauna stove is. Some models have several doors for removing soot from the chimney, which greatly facilitate the work.

The technology for cleaning a stove in a bathhouse looks like this:

  1. Before starting work, you need to wait until the oven has completely cooled down. Next, the remains of firewood or other fuel are removed from the firebox and the ash is cleaned out.
  2. The doors are opened at the chimney inlet.
  3. Insert the cleaning brush into the pipe passage, holding the handle firmly.
  4. Using a circular motion, carefully brush over all surfaces of the chimney pipe, trying to reach all corners.
  5. Gradually pushing the brush even higher, the soot is cleaned in the upper sections of the pipe.
  6. All settled soot is removed from the hole.
  7. After this, the doors are closed and the equipment is washed with warm water.

It is important to remember that in addition to soot, in the chimney there may be accumulations of cobwebs, small debris from the street and even bird nests. Therefore, if in summer period If the bathhouse has not been used for a long time, the chimney will need to be cleaned again before heating the stove. This is necessary so that in the event of kindling, all foreign objects in the pipe do not catch fire and emit unpleasant odors, which will then be very difficult to get rid of.

Making your own pipe cleaning brush

To properly clean a chimney pipe, it is not at all necessary to purchase expensive equipment. You are quite capable of making a device than cleaning a pipe in a bathhouse with your own hands.

So, we offer a simple way to make a chimney brush yourself:

  • You will need a synthetic street broom, a long metal cable, clamps, a threaded rod and 2 8 mm ears, washers of various diameters.
  • The bristles on the broom are bent in different directions to create something like a circle. If the fibers are very hard, you can use boiling water to soften them.
  • On one side, screw the ear onto the pin and thread the washer through. This end is threaded into the hole at the bottom of the broom and the second washer is put on. Their diameter coincides with the holes in the broom.
  • Next, lightly press on the base of the broom and fix the second fastener. The more you twist the ear, the wider the broom pile will spread.
  • Turning the broom over so that the ear is better visible, the final tightening of the attachment is made.
  • The cable is secured to the brush with staples. The size of the hole is measured and the pile is cut to length so that the diameter of the brush exactly matches the size of the chimney. If it is less, it will not reach the walls, and if it is more, it will slide.
  • For convenience, a weight of 2 kg or more is attached to the end of the brush.

With such a simple device, you can quickly and conveniently clean the chimney on your own.

Good and regular cleaning of the chimney is necessary even when your stove comes from expensive and modern modular systems. But even with very careful and careful operation, soot still settles on the walls of the pipes, and if you also heat it with not the best firewood, then its volume may surprise you. Soot collects even on the very smooth surface, and it needs to be cleaned - unless, of course, you want your bathhouse to burn down. But the time when only a professional chimney sweep could clean a chimney is behind us. Today, in fact, there is no such profession - instead, in some schools they train only “cleaners”, although they cannot boast of special skills. True, occasionally you can find advertisements for the private services of a real chimney sweep. And this makes sense - a professional will not only clean your chimney efficiently, but will also check it itself technical condition chimney. Therefore, if your chimney has bends, it was not made by you and you do not really understand all these subtleties - hire a specialist, it will be safer for your health and life. But if construction is a fairly close topic and the chimney is the work of non-visiting migrant workers, and its design is quite simple - feel free to pick up a brush!

  • 3 How to properly clean a chimney with a brush?
  • 4 How to make a good brush with your own hands?

Why does the chimney get clogged in the first place?

Let's take a closer look at this process - and much will immediately become clearer. Thus, when wood burns, smoke is produced and gas is released. White smoke comes from water vapor from wood, and black smoke comes from coal, soot and creosote from the same wood. It is from black smoke that a coating forms on the inner surface of the pipe, and the rougher it is, the more soot will settle on it.

The result: it is more difficult for smoke to pass through, thrust decreases, and fuel does not burn completely. In the best case, the chimney will deteriorate over time, in the worst case, the bathhouse itself will burn out.

How can you get rid of accumulated soot?

Sometimes, rather than hiring a non-professional, it’s much easier and safer to remove soot from your own bathhouse yourself - using brushes, modern chemicals for cleaning chimneys and even “old-fashioned” methods, and without necessarily climbing onto the roof!

Let's look at the most popular options for cleaning soot from a chimney and how to do it.

Using a special brush - a simple and proven method

Of all modern mechanical and chemical means, a brush is the simplest and safest. It is only important to choose one that is suitable for your chimney - both in diameter and in length, so that you do not worry about how to clean your chimney of soot along its entire height.

Particularly good is a nylon brush with stiff bristles, which is easy to clean a chimney of any material. Nylon pile is flexible and adapts well to any pipe shape, while simultaneously coping with the most stubborn plaque. But at the same time it does not scratch or damage its inner surface.

The most difficult thing is to choose a good brush for chimney bends. This is where the soot settles, and it is not so easy to get it out. Nylon bristles are most suitable for this - they will easily penetrate into the most inaccessible places, while hard brushes will simply scratch the folded areas. And more scratches - less smoothness - more soot clings.

It is also important what kind of handle the brush has - it must be flexible enough so that it can fit into the most invisible nooks and crannies and at the same time be easy to control your movements.

Potato peeling - the old-fashioned method

Here's how to clean a chimney in this way: throw a bucket or half a bucket of fresh potato peelings into a well-heated stove - that's how much will fit into it. During their burning, starch will be released, and it decomposes the soot. Within two to three days it will almost completely fall off the walls of the chimney and partially fall out. After this, tie a brush made of twigs to the brick and clean the top of the chimney in the classic way - it will be easy!

Aspen wood - with fire from the chimney

Cleaning a chimney with aspen wood is as old as the hills. But this method cannot be called safe - let's figure it out.

We put aspen wood in the stove and light it well. They burn well and produce a very high temperature. At this time, all doors and valves of the stove should be open, and do not forget to add more firewood. The result is that the soot itself lights up and the stove begins to make a loud noise. If you go outside at this moment, you will see fire pouring from the chimney on the roof of your bathhouse! And the surrounding area will quickly become covered with large white flakes. But the chimney will be cleaned, and cleaned well. If only it can withstand this test - after all, not every chimney is designed for 1100 ° C, and it is at this mark that soot will burn in it.

Aluminum cans - unusual, but effective

The cans need to be burned once in ten fires - this is enough, and very little soot will be collected. The only condition: the fire needs to be made hot, with a lot of hard coal - so that the cans actually burn, and do not lie on the wood and change color. Normally, one can should burn out in five minutes.

Hose - whatever is at hand

Some bathhouse attendants don’t bother themselves much with newfangled methods and clean the chimney with a regular watering hose. The whole procedure looks like this:

  • Remove the glass from the bottom of the chimney.
  • We insert a hose from below (preferably from above), preferably a hard one.
  • A few cleaning movements - all the soot is already at the bottom.

You can additionally attach a cut-up bottle or brush to the end of the same hose - and you will see how easy it is to clean the chimney effectively and cost-effectively!

Chemical cleaning is unpopular and unpleasant

Chemical cleaning of chimneys is more of a preventative measure than a real cleaning. The bottom line is that after this the soot will fall off in places, but you will still have to use an additional brush. Plus, the smell in the bathhouse can last for several days. And therefore, if potato peelings are not available to you, you can buy some “Komichek” or “Log-chimney sweeper”.

How to properly clean a chimney with a brush?

First of all, before cleaning, be sure to cover the furniture in the bathhouse with plastic wrap and cover the windows with thick fabric. Protect yourself from soot: wear gloves, safety glasses and preferably a respirator. Next is this: in most models of stoves and chimneys, manufacturers install special inspection doors to make cleaning easier and more convenient. Pay attention - do you have these?

So, here's how you can clean your chimney well:

  • Step 1. We wait until the stove has completely cooled down and remove any remaining firewood or any other flammable materials from it.
  • Step 2. Remove the damper at the entrance to the chimney.
  • Step 3. Holding the brush firmly by the handle, insert it into the chimney hole.
  • Step 4. Move the brush in a variety of directions, trying not to miss any hard-to-reach places.
  • Step 5. Move the brush further up, and now clean the highest places of the pipes.
  • Step 6. Remove the accumulated soot.
  • Step 7. Close the chimney and rinse the brush with regular warm water.

It is necessary to clean not only soot from the chimney, but also cobwebs, accidentally flying debris and sometimes even bird nests. Even if you cleaned the pipe well, and then didn’t use the sauna at all for a month or two of summer, still pick up the brush.

The fact is that during this time the birds could actually build a nest in the chimney, and the small inhabitants of the corners could weave new webs. And if you carelessly light the stove, it will all burn, and it burns with a special soot and unpleasant smell, and even caustic soot, which will instantly stick to the walls and will “delight” you with a suffocating aroma all winter. Do you need it?...

How to make a good brush with your own hands?

Here's how to make a great budget chimney brush:

  • Step 1. We buy this on the market: a synthetic round broom, a steel cable along the length of the entire chimney, clamps, 2 ears and a pin with 8 mm thread and washers of different diameters.
  • Step 2. Unbend the pile in different directions - it is hard and elastic, so make an effort. The result will be something like a bouquet. If it doesn’t work, put it in boiling water.
  • Step 3. Take a hairpin and screw the ear - from one end, after which we put on the washer and insert it into the hole at the bottom of the brush, then the washer again. The diameter of them just fits the holes of the broom.
  • Step 4. Press down on the base from above and carefully screw on the second fastener. The more you twist, the more the bristles of the brush will diverge to the sides.
  • Step 5. Turn the brush over, see the eye of the fastening and tighten it to the desired size.
  • Step 6. We fasten the cable to the brush using a bracket, measure the chimney opening and cut the fibers exactly to the size of the chimney pipe. If it turns out to be less, it won’t be cleaned. And for accuracy, first try on and cut out a template from cardboard.
  • Step 7. We attach the load - this can be a regular weight from 2 kg.

That's all! You can put up a ladder and go clear the chimney of soot. Good luck!

A lot depends on the quality and material of the sauna pipe: the fire safety of the steam room, the difficulty of maintaining the chimney, and even the microclimate in the steam room itself. Therefore, the choice of chimneys and stove pipes must be approached responsibly, determining in advance how they need to be installed, how to insulate and how to clean. And our website will give good photo and video tips for each stage of work.

Sauna stove pipes: ceramics or steel?

The modern range of bath pipes is simply pleasing to the eye: you can choose ideal options for every type of sauna stove and for any steam room interior. This is an expensive ceramic chimney for a bath, and universal steel, and even thermoplastic. But pipes made of stainless, fire-resistant and acid steel are rightly recognized as the best today - they can withstand temperatures of up to six hundred degrees.

Here are instructions on how to make a pipe for a bathhouse: one pipe is inserted into the other by about 5-7 cm, and the entire structure is completely sealed - due to the perfect fit of the pipes themselves, and much less condensation and soot are formed. That's why the question of how to clean a pipe in a bathhouse made of such material does not arise - they clog extremely rarely, and the process of working with them is significantly simplified.

But pipes made of ceramics of a special composition are used extremely rarely in baths today - due to its considerable weight, which only a massive stationary heating stove can withstand an ordinary house. And, although they are truly durable, steel pipes for baths still have no less attractive advantages:

  • The cross-section of such pipes is perfectly round, due to which the traction is excellent.
  • Steel pipes for baths are lightweight and easy to maintain.
  • In such pipes, the so-called “dew point” is quickly overcome, and therefore condensation does not occur, due to which the natural effect of acid on the pipes themselves is minimal.

As for asbestos-cement pipes, the reviews about them are the most negative - they are not suitable for bathhouses, because... They could simply burst and the bathhouse would simply burn down. Therefore, it is better not to take risks or skimp on quality and your own safety.

Insulating a pipe in a bathhouse: how to do it?

Folgoizol material is recognized today as the best insulation for bath pipes - it is often used for heating mains, pipelines and air duct insulation. It does not emit any harmful impurities at high air temperatures.

But if everything is done thoroughly, then you need to make a “sandwich” out of the pipe: inside it there is a stainless steel pipe, on it there is a layer of basalt and again a second, already external contour. Such a pipe in the bathhouse will heat up much weaker than a single-circuit pipe, which in turn will become an obstacle to the formation of condensation (which can even begin to flow into the firebox).

The bottom line is that this insulation layer is based on basalt rocks, which can withstand quite serious temperatures, and even when heated seriously do not ignite or emit any unpleasant odors. That is why such a bath pipe is called “warm” - it will never give metal pipes cool quickly from the outside air, and therefore all the water vapor that is invariably present in the smoke will not cool down and settle on the inner walls of the pipe along with the soot. Thus flue gases they easily come out from the sauna stove without clinging to anything.

On the other hand, the outer pipe for the stove in the bathhouse, thanks to the inner layer of insulation, practically does not heat up, which ensures complete fire safety of the bathhouse. And finally, such a chimney significantly improves the operation of the stove - it quickly warms up, and the stove immediately reaches the desired mode. And the traction is much better due to the absence of various obstacles-turbulence, like brick pipes.

Correct fireproof chimney protection

But, if it seems to you that the pipe is getting too hot, it is better to check the temperature not of it, but of the material surrounding it. For example, sprinkle drops of water on the apron and see if they hiss, touch the boards with your hand.

In extreme cases, it wouldn’t hurt to additionally wrap flexible asbestos around the pipe to be on the safe side - preferably so that there is a small air gap left. And the outer edge of the pipe must be hidden under the fungus to protect it from moisture.

How to clean a chimney?

Today, there are many methods for cleaning a bath pipe from soot - from special brushes to aggressive chemicals. But what to do if a branded stove with a blocked chimney was purchased for the bathhouse? Throwing snowballs into it to clean it is useless, as is trying to get something out with pipe cleaners. The only one in this case effective way– this means pouring several liters directly into the chimney hot water, and after that, heat the stove for a long time so that it does not rust. After kindling, the long-caked and compacted soot will come out of the chimney in a very thick cloud. But there will be no residues or odors - everything will be destroyed later by high temperature.

How to properly clean a bathhouse

From time to time the question arises of how to clean a bathhouse. A sooty ceiling, dirty shelves and floor can ruin the pleasure of taking hygiene procedures.

Basic Rules

How to clean soot in a bath? There are certain rules for this. For example, wooden surfaces, covered with a layer of soot, cannot be wetted.

Wood is a hygroscopic material that quickly absorbs moisture. Together with water, everything that has settled on the surface - soot, soot, bodily fluids, etc. - will be absorbed into the structure of wooden elements. Once the dirt is absorbed into the surface of the wood, it will be almost impossible to clean the shelves in the bathhouse, walls, floor or ceiling.

Therefore, when deciding how to clean soot from walls or floors in a bathhouse, you should categorically refuse to use such substances and materials as:

  • laundry soap;
  • water;
  • sponges;
  • spray guns.

All of the above products can only be used for final cleaning of wooden surfaces, when the carbon deposits have already been cleaned dry.

All work on cleaning the bathhouse from soot and soot must be carried out using special protective equipment:

  • blind safety glasses;
  • respirator;
  • thick rubber gloves.

All this will help prevent combustion products from entering the respiratory tract.

Cleaning walls and ceilings

Solving the problem of how to clean soot in a bathhouse begins with a vacuum cleaner. To do this, you need to walk it on wooden surfaces. Next, you need to carefully sweep away the soot and soot from the walls and ceiling with a broom.

Prepared surfaces must be cleaned with specially impregnated sponges. They are sold in hardware stores. During the manufacturing process, such sponges are impregnated with special compounds that destroy soot and soot.

Sponges get dirty quickly, so you need to purchase several of them at once. You can extend the service life by cutting off the soiled layer of the sponge.
When the soot and soot have been completely removed, you can clean the surfaces of the walls, floor and ceiling aqueous solutions detergents.

Abrasive powders cannot be used in this case. They spoil the structure of wooden surfaces.

On a note!
It is advisable to use degreasing powders and/or gels. They are added to hot water.

To clean hard-to-reach areas, it is better to use a mop with a long handle.

Surfaces are washed 2-3 times. In this case, the water must be changed periodically, adding a new portion of detergent to it.

When the question of how to clean the lining in a bathhouse from soot has been resolved, you need to wash off the cleaning solution clean water. For this it is better to use running water. It is better to feed it from a hose under low pressure.

At the end of the process, the washed surfaces are wiped dry with a clean soft cloth. You can use an old bath towel. A large amount of moisture or poor thermal insulation may cause the lining to turn black. In this case, the answer to the question of how to clean the lining in a bathhouse will be Sander, but this is the case if the darkening affected only the surface layer of wood.

To clean walls lined with clapboard, you will need an angle grinder with a power of no more than 1 kW and a flap wheel with a diameter of 125 mm (grit size no more than 40 units). The lining is sanded in such a way as to remove the darkened layer to a depth of approximately 3 mm.

If the blackness has been absorbed to a great depth, the lining can be painted. But not in the steam room. Here paint coatings are not used at all. You can replace the darkened lining partially or completely with new material.

Impregnating compositions for bleaching darkened wood, prepared on the basis of chlorine, are not recommended, since carbon particles that determine dark color walls are practically not discolored by compounds containing active chlorine.

On the surface of the logs there are baths with outside Over time, unaesthetic dark spots appear that spoil the appearance of the structure.

Liquid bleach can be used to remove such stains. It is applied to a surface that has been previously cleaned of dust and dirt. For work, brushes with artificial bristles are used, which need to be changed periodically, because the cleaning composition corrodes them. Before applying, you need to test its effect in an inconspicuous place.

The product is carefully distributed over the entire surface and left for some time according to the instructions on the package. Then you need to rinse the surface running water from a hose. Next, the bathhouse is ventilated to remove the pungent odor of bleaching agents.

If the blackening penetrates to a greater depth, the logs can be sanded with a grinder. In this case, safety precautions must be observed.

To clean the shelves in the bathhouse, you can use a car wash. Water is supplied through it mixed with air and under high pressure. This makes it easy to remove upper layer from a darkened tree. In this way you can also clean the floors, walls and even the ceiling in the bathhouse.

To thoroughly clean the floor in the bathhouse, you can use a plane, preferably with electrically driven. First, the floorboards must be carefully removed and thoroughly dried, then processed with a plane. In this case, the top layer of wood on each side is removed to a depth of 5 to 10 mm.

This type of cleaning often results in sharp edges on the floorboards. They can be removed with a belt or vibratory sander. You can also use these devices to clean up darkened wood instead of using a plane.

If the darkened layer of wood is thin, you can simply sand the surfaces sandpaper. An electric drill with a special attachment will help make the process easier. You can only work with completely dry surfaces.

This method will help you get into corners and other hard-to-reach places. There is no need to remove individual elements.

This treatment is often recommended when answering the question of how to clean aspen seats and other wooden surfaces in a bathhouse. After processing and sanding with sandpaper, they will not only be clean, but also absolutely smooth.

Why does the chimney become dirty?

How to clean a chimney in a bathhouse depends on the nature of the contamination. With use, types of clogging may occur such as:

  • soot and soot, which accumulate very quickly when burning household waste;
  • condensation that forms due to irregular use of the bathhouse;
  • foreign objects accidentally falling into the chimney.

All of these types of contaminants ultimately impede the free circulation of air and the escape of smoke through the chimney. This may cause carbon monoxide poisoning. Condensate is a weakly concentrated acid solution. Under its influence, the chimney masonry begins to collapse from resinous deposits.

If you use a sauna regularly, you need to make a schedule and determine in advance when and how to clean the pipe in the sauna. Carrying out such work regularly will preserve the chimney and stove and allow you to use the sauna without any problems.

How to clean a chimney

The chimney and pipe in the bathhouse are cleaned with chemical and/or mechanically. In a special store you can purchase liquids and/or powders for cleaning the chimney. Detailed instructions are printed on the packaging. After reading it, it will become clear how to clean a pipe in a bathhouse.

A good answer to the question of how to clean soot in a bathhouse that has accumulated in a chimney would be a “log chimney sweep.” It is impregnated with special chemicals. During combustion in the furnace, smoke of a special composition is released. As a result, the soot becomes soft and pliable. After 2 or 3 days it can be removed with brushes without much difficulty.

For mechanical cleaning of the chimney you will need the following tools and devices:

  • rope and/or rope;
  • weight (ball);
  • brush-ruff (preferably on a thin metal cable).

First you need to check the safety of the structure. Then you need to remove any objects that accidentally got into them from the pipe and chimney. For this purpose, a brush-ruff is used, selected according to the size and shape of the pipe.

A special brush will make cleaning work easier. modern design. It comes with a handle consisting of several links. This allows you to adjust the length of the brush as needed. During cleaning work, any brush must be moved inside the pipe, gradually moving it lower and lower.

Such work must be performed in a special set of clothing, which must include:

  • overalls or suit;
  • respirator;
  • gloves;
  • protective glasses.

If the chimney is not very dirty, you can call a specialist. He will clean it using a special high-power vacuum cleaner. This will remove soot from the chimney through the firebox opening. The use of special means will help resolve the issue of how to clean the chimney of contaminants and how to clean the pipe of soot in a bathhouse.

Cleaning the tank

Due to the hardness of tap water, the question periodically arises of how to clean the tank in a bathhouse from scale that settles on the walls and bottom. Since scale is formed from lime deposits, it must be cleaned with acid.

Acid can only be used of organic origin. For example, lemon or vinegar. Any inorganic acid is unsafe for the metal from which the tank is made. It should be remembered that the amount of acid used to clean the tank should approximately correspond in weight to the amount of lime deposits on the walls of the heating tank.

On a note! Installing a special filter at the inlet will help prevent the formation of large amounts of scale.

The water passing through it will be purified from a significant amount of impurities. This will greatly reduce the level of scale formation.

Cleanliness in the steam room

The steam room in the bathhouse requires special attention. Indeed, when using brooms, particles of plant pigment from stems and/or leaves are absorbed into wooden shelves and walls along with moisture. Therefore, the question inevitably arises of how to clean the steam room in a bathhouse to give it a fresh and pleasant look.

The problem of how to clean linden lining in a bathhouse, especially in the steam room, can be solved in different ways. If the wood darkens slightly, you can use special liquid detergents and/or paraffin oil.

The cleaning liquid is applied to the darkened surfaces manually using a piece of foam rubber or a regular sponge. The pre-detergent must be diluted with water. How to do this is detailed in the instructions.

Paraffin oil is gradually applied to pre-dried surfaces using a dry sponge. In this way, you can not only clean the lining in the steam room, but also give the wood water-repellent properties. This will protect the wood trim and various items from strong and rapid pollution.

Bath water purification

The required amount of water for hygiene procedures is often provided by drawing water from a nearby reservoir, well or borehole. Before use, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the bath water from various impurities, silt, sand, and small pebbles.

The main methods of water purification are filtration and sedimentation. A special water filter can be purchased at the store or made by yourself. For this you can use a fine mesh.

To settle, water is poured into a large tank about a day before its intended use. During this time, all impurities will gradually settle to the bottom of the tank. You can take it from above clean water, suitable for hygienic procedures.

The basic rule: the settled water should be taken from above, trying not to raise sediment. The water is not used until the end. It is better to pour the rest into drainage well along with the sediment. Therefore, you need to prepare water with a reserve.

Proper maintenance of the bath

To prevent heavy pollution and the appearance of fungus, mold, wood-boring beetles, cleanliness in the bathhouse must be constantly maintained. It is advisable to periodically treat internal surfaces with antiseptics to protect against microorganisms.

To prevent rotting wooden coverings must be applied to walls, shelves, etc. special compounds. All wooden surfaces should be inspected periodically. Elements affected by rotting must be removed partially or completely.

After each use, the bathhouse must be ventilated to dry the interior. Immediately after taking bath procedures, you need to do cleaning. This will remove any stains from the interior surfaces before they are absorbed into the wood.

On a note! Important point- removing leaves and small particles of used broom from wooden surfaces.

They are removed with a special brush, sponge or rag. After that, shelves and other surfaces should be washed with warm water. This will help remove residual sweat, detergents, etc.

The remaining water on the floor must be carefully adjusted to drain holes. Special attention When cleaning, you should pay attention to the space under the shelves.

To prevent cockroaches or mice from getting in, all leftover food from the rest room must be removed immediately and the trash taken out. Bath accessories should be dried and placed in storage areas. The final stage is wet cleaning of all sections of the bathhouse. It is also necessary to carry out general cleaning periodically. Correct content baths will allow you to maintain an attractive appearance and the cleanliness of the internal space, as well as the integrity of all coatings.

When a stove pipe in a bathhouse is clogged due to a blockage, a number of unpleasant consequences can occur - poor draft, prolonged temperature build-up, and even fires.

Therefore, it is necessary to clean the pipe regularly, fortunately there are many effective ways.

Contents of the article

Why does the chimney become clogged?

There are several reasons why pipes in a bathhouse become clogged, this could be:

  • soot and soot deposits;
  • condensate formed on the inner walls of the pipes;
  • foreign objects falling into the pipe.

When soot accumulates on the inner surface of the chimney pipes, clogging occurs, and the draft force in the sauna stove is significantly reduced.

The soot layer can “grow” by 1.5-2 cm over the course of a year. It all depends on the characteristics of the fuel used.

You will have to clean soot from pipes much more often if you use firewood from coniferous trees.

Condensation and soot deposits in most cases lead to almost complete blocking of the chimney.

Clogging occurs due to the heating of the bathhouse with firewood high acidity. Condensate forms resinous deposits on the pipe walls, the thickness of which in some cases reaches 2.5 cm.

The chimney can be cleaned using a special chimney sweeper when lighting the stove. In this case, it will be almost impossible to clean the chimney mechanically - the resinous condensate will simply be smeared on the inner walls of the pipes.

Cleaning the pipes if foreign objects get in is necessary immediately, as the smoke will stop coming out and will go back into the room.

This may be harmful to your health. Cleaning the chimney will be quite difficult, but possible.

To do this, use a long stick or pole with which you can push a foreign object inside. The stick can be equipped with a hook, which will allow you to clear the blockage more effectively.

It is worth noting that thorough and regular cleaning of stove pipes from deposits (soot) in the bathhouse is necessary even when using expensive stoves modular type.

Cleaning methods

Most effective methods, with a guide to which it will be possible to clean the pipes, the following are considered:

  • mechanical;
  • folk;
  • chemical.

The easiest way to clean the smoke vent of a bathhouse from soot is with a regular nylon brush equipped with hard bristles.

The nylon fiber is well pressed to the inner surface and has a high degree of flexibility.

This product will help you without any hassle. inner surface DIY bath pipe.

However, before cleaning the inside of the chimney, it is important to correct selection such a brush.

In this case, a nylon product will be most suitable - such a brush can easily penetrate the most inaccessible areas, and cleaning will not take much time.

It is important to remember that the brush handle has a high degree of flexibility for better control of movements.

Traditional methods

You can also clean the chimney in a bathhouse using traditional methods. For example, using potato peelings.

To do this, you need to throw a bucket or half a bucket of potato peelings into the previously heated oven.

Cleaning will be carried out due to the fact that during the combustion of the material starch will be released, which will effectively contribute to the destruction of soot deposits.

After 2-3 days, unnecessary sediment will completely disappear from the inner walls. For preventative purposes, you should tie a brick and a brush to a strong rope and additionally clean the pipe in the classical way.

Another way is to clean the chimney using aspen firewood. For this purpose, aspen wood is placed in the stove, and it is properly lit.

Such raw materials provide a fairly high pressure temperature. During the kindling process, it is important to open all existing doors and latches and throw in new logs from time to time.

As a result, the soot will begin to burn, and the stove will emit a characteristic hum. Perhaps fire will come from the chimney, and the entire area around the bathhouse will be covered with soot.

It should be remembered that such cleaning is carried out only if the pipe is not designed for a temperature of more than 1100°C, at which the soot burns out.

You can get rid of sediment without much effort and use a regular garden watering hose. To do this, a glass is removed from the bottom of the chimney, and a hose with maximum rigidity is inserted from above or below.

You can clean the inner surface using reciprocating movements, as a result of which all the sediment will end up at the bottom.

To enhance the effect, you can attach a cut plastic bottle or brush to one end of the hose - this will help you get rid of plaque with ease and without any special material costs.

Application of chemical cleaning method (video)

Chemical method

This method involves the use of various chemically active substances. They are produced in the form of special powders, briquettes or liquids.

This method is especially good for preventive removal of deposits and is characterized by high convenience and low labor intensity.

When implementing this method, during the process of burning wood, the required amount of chemically active substances is added to the firebox.

When burned, they will initiate the release of gases that are not capable of harming humans. Gases can effectively destroy the internal structure of deposits, which will fall down.

The most popular chemicals for removing soot deposits in a chimney are an anti-carbon chemical composition (PCC), a chimney sweeper log, and a product called Kominichek.

PCP is sold in the form of a powder, which must be burned in a package along with firewood or charcoal. Following the instructions, you need to ensure that the powder consumption does not exceed 150-200 grams per kindling.

Kominchek is a product that is produced in the Czech Republic. It is packaged in bags containing only 15 grams of active substance.

When carrying out preventive maintenance, one package of this chemical agent may last for more than 3 months.

Kominchek is most effective if the thickness of the soot deposit does not exceed 2 mm. During the resulting catalytic reaction, all deposits become oxides and burn without residue.

A log chimney sweep is considered the most popular means for removing soot from chimneys made in the form of brickwork.

The product is presented in the form of briquettes or bars, which release active compounds during the combustion process.

As a result of their influence, the creosote sediment on the inner walls of the pipes dries out and falls into the firebox. Chimney sweep logs are also highly recommended for preventive purposes.

Making your own brush

In order to clean the chimney pipe in a bathhouse, it is not necessary to purchase ready product, you can save money and make a special brush yourself. For this you will need:

  • synthetic round broom;
  • steel cable for the entire length of the chimney;
  • stud and washers with 8 mm thread.

After acquiring all the components, the bristles of the plastic broom are unbent in different directions. Due to the fact that it has a certain elasticity and rigidity, physical effort will be required to bend it.

After which the fixing nut and washer are screwed on. It is important to know that the tighter the washer is tightened, the more the brush pile will diverge in different directions.

After this, a pre-prepared steel cable is attached to the ruff using a bracket. Then it will be necessary to measure the diameter of the chimney and cut the pile taking into account its size.

For achievement high precision You must first try on the trimmings of the ruff fibers and make a round template with the appropriate diameter from cardboard. At the end, any load is securely attached to the cable. Its weight must be at least 2 kg.

Operating procedure

Cleaning the chimney can be done on your own; for this you can use either special sets of brushes with compound handles or a brush made by yourself.

First of all, it is necessary to remove all loose parts from the stove and free the room in the bathhouse from foreign and interfering objects.

The brush is screwed to the cable along with the load. If the tool is factory-made, then the brush is attached to the first link of the composite handle.

The tool is carefully inserted into the part of the chimney that is located above the firebox. It is necessary to wrap a blanket or other prepared fabric around the handle and press it with the help of weights to the edges of the firebox opening.

The brush is pushed along the chimney until there is a noticeable weakening of the resistance.

This means that the tool exits . It is not recommended to make rotational movements with the brush - this can lead to twisting of the cable and unwinding of the compound handle.

The product must be pushed until the blockage is removed, and you can feel how everything moves more freely in the pipe. After the work, you will need to remove ash and soot from the firebox.

Due to its properties it is a universal insulation material.

We cannot definitely say which one. You need to look at the situation.

To clean a chimney from a room, you need to place a round brush on a flexible stick and push it up the pipe. In this way, you can clean not only the chimney, but also the firebox with the heat exchanger. A significant disadvantage of the mechanical method is that it is very “dirty” and takes a lot of time. In general, there are more acceptable ways to clean soot from chimneys and stoves; read about them further.

Chemicals for cleaning chimneys from soot

The simplest and most modern way to clean a chimney with your own hands is with chemicals. The bottom line is that the chemistry burns in the firebox and its gases dry out the adhering soot. After this, all the dirt flakes off, some of it flies out, and some falls down, where it can easily be removed along with the ash. There are two types of chemicals - “log” (briquette) and powder.

A log is a mixture of chemical elements pressed into a briquette, which is packed in paper. This is a one-time measure to combat clogging, which must be used once every 30 days. The product for cleaning chimneys from soot “Log” contains a large amount of reagent, like a battering ram. It includes:

  • unregenerated cellulose;
  • lapis lazuli;
  • ammonium sodium;
  • iron sulfate decahydrate;
  • calcium chloride;
  • functional additives.

The product must be certified and a test report must be indicated on the packaging.

There are also instructions for use on the box. First, you need to heat the oven, then put a bag on the coals (no need to tear the paper). The main requirement is not to place the chemical briquette on an open flame. “Log” smolders for about two hours.

Do-it-yourself chimney cleaning powder should be used as a preventive measure. The manufacturer recommends adding powder continuously for the first six kindlings, and then once per 10 kindlings. The advantage of the chemical cleaning method is that soot is removed from all hard to reach places including firebox and heat exchanger. With constant preventive maintenance, the entire smoke removal system always remains clean.

Traditional methods for cleaning soot from chimneys

We never liked cleaning the chimney mechanically - there was a lot of dirt. In ancient times there were no chemicals, but our people are very savvy and a solution was found. It was experimentally determined that it is possible to clean the chimney by burning aspen wood or potato peelings in the firebox. Aspen firewood produces great heat, which burns away soot. Using this method you need to be extremely careful. If you have, for example, then it’s better not to risk it.

Potato peelings remove soot due to the combustion of starch, or rather the smoke that is released. To prepare the peelings, you need to spread them in a warm place so that all the moisture is gone. If you throw them into a bucket wet, they will simply become moldy and rot.

Blowing the chimney with air yourself

There is another option for cleaning a chimney in a stove from soot using folk remedies - this is through strong air pressure. The bottom line is that a turbulent flow is created in the chimney, which blows all the dirt out. The main thing is a powerful fan. As an air blower, you can use a chainsaw or a special device for cleaning the area (they blow off leaves in the fall). The fan must draw the flow out of the pipe - otherwise all the soot will go into the house and then there will be no time for experiments. In the video below you can see how to clean a chimney with air in a few minutes.

Russian baths are associated with wet steam and a wood stove. And where the stove is heated, there is always a chimney. Caring for it includes periodic cleaning. If you don’t do this, then the heating in the bathhouse will get worse and worse every year. The thrust will simply decrease, and this will reduce efficiency. Sooner or later, everyone wonders how to clean a pipe in a bathhouse. We will tell you how to clean effectively, without extra costs.

How to clean a pipe in a bathhouse with a special brush.

Various types of sauna chimney blockage

Not everyone thinks about what consequences, other than a violation of draft, can result from blockages in the chimney of a bathhouse. Meanwhile, a tenth of fires occur for this reason. Cleaning the oven is only a small part of the entire prevention. And the chimney gets clogged much more often than owners think.

There are several reasons for a blocked chimney in a bathhouse, the most common are:

  1. Soot and soot.
  2. Condensate.
  3. Various foreign objects.

Each of them causes trouble and requires its own cleaning methods.

Soot and soot in the pipe

Soot and soot clog the pipe and the draft in the furnace decreases.

Soot and soot accumulate inside the structure in a thick layer; over a year it can reach 1–2 cm. Such overgrowth depends on what kind of fuel is used for kindling. So, if the stove is heated with wood, wood briquettes, or coal, then there will be minimal soot. But not only wood is burned in a sauna stove, but also household waste, which produces a large amount of soot. Coniferous firewood behaves the same way; when burned, the resin produces soot in large quantities.

There are special briquettes on sale with chemicals that destroy soot when burned. They are simply lit in the stove and after 1–2 days the dirt itself falls into the firebox. It won't be difficult to clean it out from there. But it is not recommended to use such products in baths, since chemicals enter the premises and can negatively affect the health of steamers.

To clean the bath pipe from soot, it is easier to use a special brush or brush. They are hung on a weight and lowered into the pipe. Craftsmen suggest using cut plastic bottles and other devices for cleaning. But you can use these if the pipe has a perfectly flat and smooth inner surface.

Condensate in the pipe

Condensation with soot can block the chimney almost completely.

The resin in firewood contains a certain acidity. For each type of wood, the resin content is different. With constant use of the bath, the condensate in the pipes has a small resinous sediment, but with rare use it can reach a thickness of 3 cm.

It can be difficult to remove such contaminants; due to the increased oiliness, the resinous condensate will simply be smeared on the inner surface during cleaning.

Such a blockage can only be cleared with a special “chimney sweeper log”.

It should be used once a month for prevention, especially if firewood with a high resin content (pine, spruce) is used. If birch is used for kindling, then once every 2–3 months.

Foreign objects in the pipe

Black smoke from the chimney is the first sign of a clogged chimney.

The entry of a foreign object into the chimney is immediately noticeable. The smoke stops being drawn out and goes back into the bathhouse. With such a firebox you can easily get carbon monoxide poisoning. A foreign object may be a brick from a pipe masonry, a bird's nest that has fallen by the wind from the branches of nearby trees.

Getting rid of such a blockage is the most difficult. You can try using a long pole or stick to push the object inside. A hook is made of a nail at the end of the stick, so you can try to hook the object if it is not a brick.

Telescopic brushes are available for sale; the handle extends along the entire length of the pipe. You can try to push the object to her. If none of the methods brings results, the pipe will have to be dismantled.

Traditional methods of cleaning pipes

Problems with cleaning pipes arose not only in modern baths. Our grandfathers also fought blockages in their own ways. Some of them have shown themselves to be good and are still used today. Moreover, it is better to clean pipes in a bathhouse without chemicals. Choosing a method for yourself must be based on the following factors:

  1. Metal or brick structure. Cleaning a simple metal sandwich pipe is easier because the inside is smooth and even. Brick is more difficult to clean.
  2. Design, with bends or straight (straight is easy to clean with a brush, a chimney with bends is more difficult).
  3. How complicated is the blockage?
  4. Pipe diameter.

How to determine when it's time for cleaning

A weight with a brush will clean out any blockage mechanically.

There are several ways to determine whether it is time to clean the pipe. The most common one is to use a kettlebell. It is selected according to the diameter of the pipe. On the rope, lowering the weight into the pipe, watch how it passes: freely or not. If the weight gets stuck, then it’s time to clean it long ago. In this way, by throwing and lifting the weight, you can clean the pipe from large contaminants.

The second popular way to observe the smoke during kindling. If it is colorless or whitish, then the chimney is clean. The appearance of clouds of soot and black smoke should alert the owner and become a reason to begin cleaning activities.

Of course, with the exception of damp and pine firewood, since when the resin burns, the smoke also has a dark color.

To light a bathhouse, it is generally better to use dry logs that have lain under a canopy for at least 1-2 months. Linden and birch firewood is preferable, since there is practically no soot from them.

Cleaning with water

You can try to clean the chimney with plain water; this method is ineffective for severe blockages.

If the structure is iron, with a small diameter, then in winter you can shove a lump of snow with a diameter of 9–10 cm into it. It will melt and wash out the pipe, and gradually sliding down, scrape off the digging with sharp pieces of ice. But after this, the stove must be heated, so the pipe will dry out and not freeze from the inside. And on metal, without drying, rust can form inside, this will shorten its service life.

In the same way, 1–2 liters of warm water are poured into the pipe before kindling. This is done gradually along the walls. With such cleaning, black smoke clouds of soot will appear from the chimney during combustion.

Factory expensive furnace models have a special overlap system. You should not throw snow into such a structure, but it will be easier to spill water. A container is placed inside the furnace firebox where the dirt and soot will drain and fall off, only then water is spilled.

Cleaning with aspen wood

Cleaning a chimney with aspen is the oldest and most proven method.

Our grandfathers noticed that when aspen wood burns, pieces of soot and soot that fall off the chimney appear in the stove. This phenomenon was later explained by the composition of aspen smoke, which can break down deposits on pipes. After such cleaning, a layer of dirt will fall off inside the stove in small pieces within 1–2 days.

Perform cleaning as follows:

The stove is heated as for a regular wash and at the very end, aspen firewood is thrown in 1-2 times. They won't produce much heat, but they will clean the pipe. Later, the procedure can be repeated as a preventive measure 1-2 times a month.

Before cleaning, a special device is attached to the top - a spark arrester. You can make it from old tin can: the walls are cut out and rolled into a cone shape. The cone is attached to the pipe at a distance of 5–7 cm from above. Sparks during combustion will fall inside the device and the possibility of fire is reduced.

Sellers often offer the chemical Kominichek or Stumpfyre as cleaners. But it is unacceptable to use the compositions in the bath!

Whether or not to clean the bathhouse pipe is not a question. It is necessary to clean systematically. Once a month, do preventive maintenance using a chimney sweep or aspen firewood. This is the only way the bathhouse will serve its owner for a long time, and the chimney will not burn out prematurely. In addition to all of the above, it will be difficult to get burned in a properly functioning bathhouse. And the video suggested in this article will help you choose a convenient cleaning method.

When a stove pipe in a bathhouse is clogged due to a blockage, a number of unpleasant consequences can occur - poor draft, prolonged temperature build-up, and even fires.

Therefore, it is necessary to clean the pipe regularly; fortunately, there are many effective ways to do this.

Contents of the article

Why does the chimney become clogged?

There are several reasons why pipes in a bathhouse become clogged, this could be:

  • soot and soot deposits;
  • condensate formed on the inner walls of the pipes;
  • foreign objects falling into the pipe.

When soot accumulates on the inner surface of the chimney pipes, clogging occurs, and the draft force in the sauna stove is significantly reduced.

The soot layer can “grow” by 1.5-2 cm over the course of a year. It all depends on the characteristics of the fuel used.

You will have to clean soot from pipes much more often if you use coniferous wood for kindling.

Condensation and soot deposits in most cases lead to almost complete blocking of the chimney.

Clogging occurs due to the heating of the bathhouse with wood with high acidity. Condensate forms resinous deposits on the pipe walls, the thickness of which in some cases reaches 2.5 cm.

The chimney can be cleaned using a special chimney sweeper when lighting the stove. In this case, it will be almost impossible to clean the chimney mechanically - the resinous condensate will simply be smeared on the inner walls of the pipes.

Cleaning the pipes if foreign objects get in is necessary immediately, as the smoke will stop coming out and will go back into the room.

This may be harmful to your health. Cleaning the chimney will be quite difficult, but possible.

To do this, use a long stick or pole with which you can push a foreign object inside. The stick can be equipped with a hook, which will allow you to clear the blockage more effectively.

It is worth noting that thorough and regular cleaning of stove pipes from deposits (soot) in the bathhouse is necessary even when using expensive modular stoves.

Cleaning methods

The most effective methods, based on which it will be possible to clean pipes, are considered:

  • mechanical;
  • folk;
  • chemical.

The easiest way to clean the smoke vent of a bathhouse from soot is with a regular nylon brush equipped with hard bristles.

The nylon fiber is well pressed to the inner surface and has a high degree of flexibility.

This product will help you create the inner surface of a bath pipe with your own hands without unnecessary hassle.

However, before cleaning the insides of the chimney, it is important to select the correct brush.

In this case, a nylon product will be most suitable - such a brush can easily penetrate the most inaccessible areas, and cleaning will not take much time.

It is important to remember that the brush handle has a high degree of flexibility for better control of movements.

Traditional methods

You can also clean the chimney in a bathhouse using traditional methods. For example, using potato peelings.

To do this, you need to throw a bucket or half a bucket of potato peelings into the previously heated oven.

Cleaning will be carried out due to the fact that during the combustion of the material starch will be released, which will effectively contribute to the destruction of soot deposits.

After 2-3 days, unnecessary sediment will completely disappear from the inner walls. For preventative purposes, you should tie a brick and a brush to a strong rope and additionally clean the pipe in the classical way.

Another way is to clean the chimney using aspen firewood. For this purpose, aspen wood is placed in the stove, and it is properly lit.

Such raw materials provide a fairly high pressure temperature. During the kindling process, it is important to open all existing doors and latches and throw in new logs from time to time.

As a result, the soot will begin to burn, and the stove will emit a characteristic hum. Perhaps fire will come from the chimney, and the entire area around the bathhouse will be covered with soot.

It should be remembered that such cleaning is carried out only if the pipe is not designed for a temperature of more than 1100°C, at which the soot burns out.

You can get rid of sediment without much effort and use a regular garden watering hose. To do this, a glass is removed from the bottom of the chimney, and a hose with maximum rigidity is inserted from above or below.

You can clean the inner surface using reciprocating movements, as a result of which all the sediment will end up at the bottom.

To enhance the effect, you can attach a cut plastic bottle or brush to one end of the hose - this will help you get rid of plaque with ease and without any special material costs.

Application of chemical cleaning method (video)

Chemical method

This method involves the use of various chemically active substances. They are produced in the form of special powders, briquettes or liquids.

This method is especially good for preventive removal of deposits and is characterized by high convenience and low labor intensity.

When implementing this method, chemically active substances are added to the firebox during the combustion of wood.

When burned, they will initiate the release of gases that are not capable of harming humans. Gases can effectively destroy the internal structure of deposits, which will fall down.

The most popular chemicals for removing soot deposits in a chimney are an anti-carbon chemical composition (PCC), a chimney sweeper log, and a product called Kominichek.

PCP is sold in the form of a powder, which must be burned in a package along with firewood or charcoal. Following the instructions, you need to ensure that the powder consumption does not exceed 150-200 grams per kindling.

Kominchek is a product that is produced in the Czech Republic. It is packaged in bags containing only 15 grams of active substance.

When carrying out preventive work, one package of this chemical can last for more than 3 months.

Kominchek is most effective if the thickness of the soot deposit does not exceed 2 mm. During the resulting catalytic reaction, all deposits become oxides and burn without residue.

A log chimney sweep is considered the most popular means for removing soot from masonry chimneys.

The product is presented in the form of briquettes or bars, which release active compounds during the combustion process.

As a result of their influence, the creosote sediment on the inner walls of the pipes dries out and falls into the firebox. Chimney sweep logs are also highly recommended for preventive purposes.

Making your own brush

In order to clean the chimney pipe in a bathhouse, it is not necessary to purchase a finished product; you can save money and make a special brush with your own hands. For this you will need:

  • synthetic round broom;
  • steel cable for the entire length of the chimney;
  • stud and washers with 8 mm thread.

After acquiring all the components, the bristles of the plastic broom are unbent in different directions. Due to the fact that it has a certain elasticity and rigidity, physical effort will be required to bend it.

After which the fixing nut and washer are screwed on. It is important to know that the tighter the washer is tightened, the more the brush pile will diverge in different directions.

After this, a pre-prepared steel cable is attached to the ruff using a bracket. Then it will be necessary to measure the diameter of the chimney and cut the pile taking into account its size.

To achieve high precision in cutting the fibers of the brush, you must first try on and make a round template with the appropriate diameter from cardboard. At the end, any load is securely attached to the cable. Its weight must be at least 2 kg.

Operating procedure

Cleaning the chimney can be done on your own; for this you can use either special sets of brushes with compound handles or a brush made by yourself.

First of all, it is necessary to remove all loose parts from the stove and free the room in the bathhouse from foreign and interfering objects.

The brush is screwed to the cable along with the load. If the tool is factory-made, then the brush is attached to the first link of the composite handle.

The tool is carefully inserted into the part of the chimney that is located above the firebox. It is necessary to wrap a blanket or other prepared fabric around the handle and press it with the help of weights to the edges of the firebox opening.

The brush is pushed along the chimney until there is a noticeable weakening of the resistance.

This means that the tool is coming out. It is not recommended to make rotational movements with the brush - this can lead to twisting of the cable and unwinding of the compound handle.

The product must be pushed until the blockage is removed, and you can feel how everything moves more freely in the pipe. After the work, you will need to remove ash and soot from the firebox.

Table of contents:

Today it is not easy to find a professional chimney sweep. There are practically none. It's a pity. After all, many are faced with the problem of how to clean a pipe in a bathhouse, which is found in almost every summer cottage.

Why is this necessary?

Some people believe that there is no need to clean chimneys at all. And in vain. Even a careful owner cannot keep a well-built stove perfectly clean for years. Especially if we are talking about a bathhouse, into the firebox of which in our country it is customary to throw everything that comes to hand. And the deposition of even a small amount of soot on the walls of the chimney narrows its clearance, which as a result causes deterioration in draft, and, consequently, insufficient heating of the pipe walls, and increased smoke in the room during kindling. The overall efficiency of the furnace also decreases.

But, of course, the most unpleasant surprise is spontaneous combustion of the chimney and wooden floors, which, in turn, can pose a threat not only to property, but also to your health or even life.

There are three types of stove blockages:

  • Condensate
  • A certain amount of accumulated soot
  • Any foreign object caught in the pipe

Condensation and soot

Condensation is a weak acidic solution that appears as a result of irregular use of the firebox. Because of it, the masonry of the walls gradually collapses over time, and resinous deposits form on the outer surfaces of the stove.

To prevent such a process, you need to use a special cleaning agent several times a month - “log-chimney sweeper”, which is sold in almost all hardware stores. When burned, it produces carbon-based smoke, and it actually corrodes the condensate, as well as tar deposits.

If the sauna pipes are full of accumulated soot, then this will be somewhat more difficult. In this case, they resort to the classic method of cleaning the chimney: having climbed onto the roof, you need to lower a rope with a brush and a weight tied to it into the chimney and carefully, smooth movements up and down to clean off dirt. Moreover, the brush should be slightly larger than the hole in the pipe so that it can easily penetrate there and at the same time remove soot. Most modern pipes have one significant advantage - special side windows, through which this can be done much faster.

There is also a preventive way to combat soot formation. Currently, special compounds are produced (for example, an anti-carbon chemical composition or simply PCP), which are used to treat the inner surface of chimneys or burn them along with firewood. During the combustion process, a non-toxic gas is released, which causes plaque to crumble from the walls, and most importantly, prevents its further formation. There are also known folk remedies for getting rid of soot on the walls of a chimney - burning aspen logs or potato peelings.

All owners of a Russian bathhouse from time to time are faced with the question of how to clean the chimney.

To prevent chimney contamination, you can use dry cleaning. It also copes with a not very thick layer of soot.

During operation, the pipe passage becomes clogged, draft decreases, which leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the room's furnace.

In addition, the risk of fire increases. How you can clean a bath chimney will be discussed below.

Types of pollution

For safety reasons and to ensure high-quality heating of the bathhouse, it is advisable to establish a cleaning schedule and clean the stove and chimney at least once a year. During the operation of this building, the following types of blockages may occur:

  1. Foreign object. It is the most difficult contamination. It could be a bird's nest, a collapsed piece of brick, etc. It takes up a lot of space in the chimney, thereby blocking the free exit of smoke to the outside.
  2. Accumulated soot. The more often the sauna is heated, the thicker its layer. The amount of soot depends on what kind of fuel is used. There will be almost no soot when used fuel briquettes, firewood, charcoal. Its rapid formation is facilitated by the combustion of household waste.
  3. Condensate. Its formation is facilitated by the irregularity of the firebox. It is a weak acidic solution that can cause destruction over time. Resinous deposits settle on the walls.

Methods for cleaning a chimney

The main methods for cleaning a sauna chimney include:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical.

In order to clean the chimney mechanically, you will need the following set of tools:

  • rope;
  • ball (weight);
  • brush-ruff (can be replaced with a more advanced cleaning rod, which is a brush on a thin metal cable).

Before starting the cleaning procedure, it is necessary to check the chimney and the integrity of its channels. If there are foreign objects in the pipe, they should be pushed with a pole from top to bottom. The effectiveness of work on removing blockages is largely determined by the correct choice of the shape of the brush. Therefore, when purchasing it, you need to give preference to options that are more consistent with the dimensions of the pipe.

Modern chimney sweep tools, compared to classic and slightly outdated sets, allow for higher quality and more comfortable cleaning work for the performer. The special brush has a handle that adjusts its length and facilitates movement inside the pipe. To carry out cleaning work, you need to remove the first link of the handle from the set and screw the brush to it. This device cleans the chimney using gentle up and down movements. The brush needs to be installed and moved along the pipe, gradually increasing the brush links. The same technology is used to work when using a brush attached together with a weight to a rope.

Chimney cleaning is required once a year. If it is not carried out, the draft will decrease and the bath will take longer to warm up.

To protect yourself from soot particles, the chimney sweep needs to use gloves, goggles and a respirator. The handle of the brush should be wrapped in a rag and placed close to the opening of the firebox. As you work, you need to try not to rotate the handle too much so that it does not unscrew, leaving the brush in the pipe passage.

When cleaning the chimney, specialists can use a special high-power vacuum cleaner that sucks out soot through the firebox opening. However, this method will be effective only for small deposits.

When using the chemical method of cleaning a bath chimney, various preparations are used, produced by manufacturers in both powder and liquid form. However, the “log-chimney sweep” became the most popular. It needs to be put in the stove and set on fire. The smoke released during combustion will react with the soot and make it pliable. In a couple of days, the contents of the chimney will fall into the firebox and all that remains is to remove it from there. The advantage of this method is not only ease of execution, but also its absolute safety due to the absence of toxic substances.

Taking into account the information described above, everyone will be able to choose the most suitable method for removing contaminants from the sauna chimney. It should be remembered that systematic cleaning of the pipe is the key to the longevity of the bathhouse and fire safety.

Doing it yourself often causes difficulties. On the other hand, a poorly functioning chimney in a bathhouse or residential buildings reduces household comfort - the stove begins to smoke, the heating boiler produces less heat.

Safety requirements mean that the chimney of a heating boiler or stove in a bathhouse must always be maintained in good condition. Otherwise, the risk of carbon monoxide returning inside the room, causing smoke in the room, or igniting soot and foreign objects in the pipe increases.

Why do you need chimney cleaning?

There are many constructive answers to the question of how to clean a chimney at home. It should be borne in mind that it is necessary to clean the pipe systematically, and not just as an emergency.

If the draft is weak, the fuel will not burn out completely, the rotation of smoke and carbon monoxide is disrupted, it’s time to clean the chimney. Experts advise not to wait until the chimney pipe in your house or bathhouse becomes thoroughly clogged - do regular preventive cleaning.

Prevention will ensure good, stable traction. The frequency of prevention depends on the intensity of use (how much soot is released and how often).
Also, do not forget about the difference between the gas burners of heating boilers and the combustion of solid fuels. In the first case, the pipe clogs quite slowly. But the cause of obstruction may be the entry of a foreign object or the “collapse” of the chimney (the stainless steel pipe has been flattened, the clearance has disappeared). If you have a low-quality heating boiler pipe installed, there is no point in correcting the defect. Contact the supplier and insist on dismantling the low-quality part.

Combustion of gas and liquid fuels

Gas or liquid fuel boilers do not produce thick smoke. As a result of combustion, transparent carbon monoxide is formed, which cannot be visually recognized (diesel fuel also leaves a little soot, which after some time turns into soot on the walls of the chimney).

However, difficult combustion is a clear sign of weak draft and a signal that it is time to clean the chimney. In addition, there is always a possibility of deformation of the exhaust pipe, which also requires measures to restore the patency of the chimney.

Combustion of solid fuel

In wood or coal fired systems, smoke is a warning sign. If it is not discharged outside and accumulates indoors, again the whole point is a narrowing of the passage of the exhaust pipe due to the formation of soot inside the pipe.

So it's time to remove this soot. In solid fuel systems it accumulates quite quickly, and especially with frequent use or coal furnace in the house (heat is used not only for heating the room, but also for cooking food).

Take the problem seriously. Negligence is a threat of fire of large soot formations in the chimney.

Causes of blockages

    Before you start looking for useful videos on the Internet, you should understand the reasons why the chimney in a bathhouse or residential building becomes clogged:
  • non-compliance with operating rules;
  • ingress of small birds, insects, foreign objects (garbage blown by the wind - plastic bags, crumpled newspapers, etc.) into the pipe;
  • incorrect masonry technology brick oven or fireplace, installation of a heating boiler in the house, proportions and connection of structural units;
  • lack of a protective “umbrella” at the end of the chimney from the street side (rain and snow penetrate the chimney, turning soot masses into dense mush and lumps).

All these circumstances lead to the fact that the combustion products of the fuel of a fireplace, stove or boiler do not have time to be removed outside. They settle on the walls of the chimney channel in the form of soot - sometimes it is a “fluffy” light mass, and sometimes in the form of fairly large flakes (typical for stoves and).

Each individual case is individual. First, find out the nature of the blockage, the density of soot and the size of the layer on the walls of the chimney (or the presence of a foreign object in the pipe). The choice of tool and cleaning method will depend on this.

Methods of cleaning with folk remedies

    For centuries, people have had the knowledge of cleaning home stoves and chimneys using simple, accessible means. These include:
  • firewood with a high combustion temperature (birch, aspen);
  • table salt or naphthalene (mothballs are used less and less today, because it leaves an unpleasant, long-lasting odor in the premises);
  • potato peelings.

Birch or aspen firewood

    Features of the method:
  • these types of wood emit a lot of thermal energy;
  • high temperature cleans chimneys made of stainless steel or brick well;
  • old soot formations are literally torn off from the walls in patches and forcefully carried out;
  • The method is also recommended for preventing pipe blockages in a house or bathhouse (at high temperatures, the chimney becomes overgrown with soot extremely slowly).
When using this method, remove bark from the firewood. The peeled wood burns completely, leaving flaky particles of the bark.

Potato peelings

  • prepare potato peelings in advance in the amount of about ½ bucket (the amount depends on the size of the firebox and the power of the chimney);
  • dry them so that there is no rot;
  • Flood the stove in a bathhouse or in a house with high-calorie coal, placing dry potato peelings on top - the hot steam generated contains a lot of starch, it will help soften the soot in the chimney. It will subsequently peel off, the heavy fractions will fall down (you will remove them when you clean the firebox as planned), and the light flakes will fly up under the influence of draft.

Table salt

    The method is good for home and bath chimneys, as well as for cleaning fireplaces:
  • pour 1.5 cups of ordinary table salt onto the hot fuel;
  • When interacting with oxygen, salt forms an environment in which the formation of soot and soot deposits is minimal.
This method is not recommended if the stove is actively used and runs on solid fuels in large quantities. The salt method is more effective as prevention.

Chemical methods

Opponents of chemistry should remember that it is used quite often to clean sewers in houses and apartments. Unlike sewerage, cleaning agents are supplied from below through steam (they would have to be poured into the sewer pipe from above).

Do not forget to take proper precautions - following the indicated dosages, ventilation from fumes, protection from contact with eyes, skin and mucous membranes.

PHC drug

This potent substance is sold in hardware and construction stores. Suitable for solid fuel boilers and brick wood stoves in residential buildings. Proceed strictly in accordance with the attached instructions.

There is no need to unpack PHC - burn directly in the packaging.

Copper sulfate with saltpeter

  • the substance is a mixture copper sulfate, saltpeter and powdered coke coal;
  • more than 200 g of the substance should not be used at a time;
  • the powder is scattered on top of the fuel, which has burned to the stage of red coals;
  • the chemical reaction will lead to the shedding of soot build-ups from the walls of the chimney.

"Komichek" made in the Czech Republic

  • the product is very effective, but only if the soot layer is no thicker than 2 mm;
  • one dose is 14 g, but it is enough to keep the chimney of a stove or boiler clean and maintain high permeability for the next 3 months.
It is enough to clean the chimney with this product once every six months, and then keep the pipe in a clean condition through preventive measures.

Chemical log-chimney sweep

    You don't even need to watch an instructional video to use this method. Simple steps:
  • buy in a store and carefully read the recommendations;
  • put in the furnace firebox when burning wood;
  • The released active substances peel off soot build-ups well.
According to the results of using this simple remedy you will see that traction has improved significantly. Peeling of flakes will be observed for another 1.5-2 weeks after cleaning.

The log contains:

  • urea;
  • ammonium sulfate;
  • zinc chloride;
  • coal dust;
  • carbon wax;
  • amorphous silica;
  • sawdust;
  • phosphorus oxide;
  • anhydrous sodium sulfate.
During the cleaning work, all harmful components evaporate with draft through the chimney to the street. Therefore, you are not in danger of poisoning.

Mechanical cleaning

For this type of cleaning work there are the widest possibilities. The advantages include accessibility and absolute environmental friendliness (no chemicals). The disadvantage is the danger of working at height.


    What can be used for mechanical cleaning:
  • weight on a chain. With its heavy weight, it collapses into the chimney, breaking through thick creosote layers (the weight is held by a strong cable, to which it is additionally recommended to attach various scratching devices);
  • hard brushes of different sizes and shapes (of course, you need to make sure the handles are long enough so that they penetrate into remote places);
  • ramrod, pole or long hook;
  • all kinds of stainless steel brushes on a long cable - similar to how they clean sewer system mechanically.

You will also need a ladder to reach the height.

Designing a device is based on understanding the essence of the method. The tool should scrape, scratch, peel off soot growths.

Protective and auxiliary means

    Do not forget about personal protective equipment when working with soot and soot. Prepare in advance:
  • respirator;
  • gloves;
  • protective glasses;
  • workwear;
  • Do not neglect safety ropes when working on the roof.

For details on how to work with a cable with a ruff, watch the video - everything is explained there step by step. This advice is especially addressed to beginners.

Operating procedure

If you clean the chimney from above:

  • climb to the desired height;
  • lower the cable with the brush into the chimney shaft and make reciprocating movements (this is well shown in the training video);
  • It is sometimes useful to make rotational movements like a gimlet.

Many people in their lives have had to clean a sewer pipe with a special twisted cable - now it’s time to exactly repeat the familiar steps.

Unlike sewers, there is no moisture in stove chimneys. But inevitably there is a large amount of mechanical dust and particles flying out of the pipe. Be sure to use a respirator and safety glasses.

If you are cleaning the chimney from below:

  • This path is typical for cleaning fireplaces - the chimney opening is very close (while heating stoves it’s practically impossible to get to it through the firebox);
  • first work with a brush on long handle, hook, brushes;
  • then use the rotational technique (as if there was a sewer pipe in front of you - twist the springy cable first in one direction, then in the other direction).

If it is possible to work together:

  • The ideal option is to clean it with a brush from both sides. The mechanical device is pulled through the chimney completely, from the street side to the firebox;
  • Several intense movements are performed both vertically and with rotation.
A large amount of creosote debris will fall down. Cover the surface with dense technical material (for example, tarpaulin). Upon completion of work, you can easily remove waste from the firebox.

Complex furnace structures
Often in large private houses, instead of a modern heating boiler, complex configurations are often laid out.

    Cleaning Features:
  • turns at an angle of 90 degrees are an insurmountable obstacle for brushes, brushes and hooks;
  • find special cleaning holes (miniature doors) through which you can penetrate hard-to-reach places;
  • if a “walking” brick is installed instead of a door, it is best to invite a specialist who knows all the intricacies of stove masonry. Without special skills, it is very difficult to install a removable brick in place.
    It is recommended to clean the chimney in early autumn, in calm weather, and here's why:
  • in the hot summer the stove is not heated, so it is difficult to determine the degree of passability and effectiveness of the cleaning;
  • in winter heating system should work properly, without any technical “interruptions”. In addition, there is snow on the roof, slippery and dangerous.

There is nothing better than conscientious prevention. It will protect the chimney from premature wear and extend its service life. Heat the stove regularly for 2-3 days in a row with birch or aspen firewood, cleared of bark. Do this at least 3-5 times a quarter, monitor the quality of traction.