Facing door and window slopes with tiles is a great solution for any interior! Finishing slopes with tiles Tiles for corners and slopes

Tiling window and door slopes in the kitchen and bathroom can be one of the most noticeable "highlights" created interior. In this case, all requirements will be taken into account, and practicality will become one of the main advantages of design.

Ceramics has many positive qualities: strength, high wear resistance, durability, minimal water absorption, hygiene, does not pass electric current, fire safety, environmental friendliness, affordable cost, decorative effect and a wide choice of colors, shapes and sizes.

The main condition, without which the work will not be done efficiently, is a good preparation of the base for the tile. Slopes and other trimmed surfaces must be even. You need to prepare them in advance. There are several methods for leveling slopes: using plaster, drywall or chipboard. It is especially important to do competent warming and exclude the possibility of freezing of corners or any other parts of the slope. In bathrooms and other damp places at home, you will need to pre-treat the base with impregnations or primers that create additional protection from moisture.

You can’t do without trimming some parts and therefore you need to have special tool and skills to deal with it. In the absence of experience, it will not be possible to perform a high-quality finish, and in such a situation it is better to entrust the matter to professionals, or pay attention to mosaics or small details. In most cases, they are easier to work with and trimming is practically not required.

In general, "tile" can mean many types of flooring. Some of them fit more, others less. You have to choose from these types of tiles:

Tile. Traditional ceramic tiles, suitable in all respects. Easy to clean, looks beautiful, huge range of colors. Sometimes you can get by with a minimal amount of cut parts if you choose the right size.

Porcelain stoneware - more difficult to process, almost all elements will require trimming due to large sizes. However, you can also search suitable model. Finishing with such tiles is suitable, mainly for wide door slopes, where a minimum of parts will need to be cut. Looks nice and lasts a very long time. It is worth stopping at models with a glossy or glazed finish.

The design of doors and windows with brick tiles looks beautiful. If the interior is decorated in a style that involves the presence of brick surfaces, such a decor for a window or doorway will be very out of place.

It is better not to use tiles imitating stone for internal slopes in the kitchen. The surface of such a tile, as a rule, has a complex texture and is very dirty. Grease and soot, characteristic of kitchens, will quickly spoil the appearance of the surface. If you cover the parts with varnish, it will be easier to clean them, but still this is not the most suitable option.

Mosaic. One of the best options if you do not have experience in finishing work and laying tiles. The dimensions of the individual elements are small, which allows precise fitting without cutting parts and simplifies work. At the same time, it looks original and beautiful. A similar finish of door slopes with tiles looks good in the bathroom.

Finishing slopes with clinker tiles is most often used for exterior decoration. Some species external design houses provide for framing windows and doors with brick or stone, in this case clinker will be an excellent choice. Only you need to choose products for outdoor cladding.

Before starting work, try on the parts in place and decide on the layout. The layout scheme should be chosen in such a way that the width of the tile on both sides matches and the tile joints match in all planes.

It is necessary to lay out the tiles, starting from the corner. The principle is the same as when laying tiles on the wall - first the first bottom row is laid out.

Before gluing the tiles, special metal or plastic perforated corners are attached to the corners, giving the edges correct form.

To make the corners look nice, you can use trimming elements at an angle to create smooth corner connections(the joint will turn out to be almost perfect) or use special decorative elements for corner joints.

Remember to pre-prime all surfaces to be tiled. start from the corner. When laying, the masonry elements are pressed tightly against each other, leaving no seams. If there is a desire for seams to be, plastic pegs are inserted between the parts.

The seams are filling grout using a construction syringe. The grout is distributed along the seam with a brush.

Replacing windows is an event, although rare, but significant and significant. Now there are fewer old wooden products, which over the years are already beginning to dry out and become unusable.

Of course, the most optimal option in terms of price and quality is modern plastic windows.

They are quite practical, reliable and quite affordable. Very often there is such a thing as bare slopes.

After dismantling the old window structures, strips up to 15 cm wide remain - this is the slope that must be closed.

This must be done firstly for aesthetics, and secondly, in order to protect the opening and the window itself from debris and moisture.

Why do slope trim?

Let's start with what exactly is it? A slope is the inside of a window or doorway, it is faced after all the work on the installation of new structures has been carried out.

Their most obvious use is to create an aesthetic look and complete the overall interior of the room.

Slopes hide installation work, for example, foam, which is laid between the opening and the window structure.

In addition to beauty, equipped slopes improve the heat and sound insulation of the window. Properly made slopes are resistant to temperature extremes.

This property is very useful, since condensation does not form on them, which can have a devastating effect on any surfaces and materials.

It often happens that the owners greatly postpone the finishing of the slopes. Many believe that a foamed window can stand a little and so.

As a rule, "a little" turns into "forever". Of course, this is a mistake, and for the following reasons:

Foam is a mounting material, it is not intended for external influences. Possessing excellent sound-absorbing qualities, it can quickly become unusable under the influence of the sun.

The foam can harden and change its state, which can lead to the formation of gaps and gaps between the window and the opening, which makes it a waste of time, effort and money on the installed structure.

Mounting foam is not resistant to moisture, it absorbs it. At low temperatures water freezes and begins to destroy the material.

Open foam can lose its properties very quickly. thermal insulation properties. This is due to the weak resistance to humidity of the environment.

It is possible to postpone the finishing of slopes, but only if general repair not finished yet. At the time of work, the opening is covered with polyethylene and ennobled at the very end.

You should not leave or "throw" slopes as they are, they perform many important functions and, first of all, save your money.

Plastic slopes

The most versatile material for finishing slopes is plastic. It is very durable, can last up to 20 years, while it has excellent properties.

Here are the advantages of PVC slopes:

Installation speed. Plastic is installed on the same day, unlike plaster or paint, when everything about everything takes several days.

Plastic is an additional sound and heat insulation barrier between the window and the street.

The opening will be resistant to the sun, moisture or dampness. It will be easy to wash or clean, while it will not lose its appearance.

PVC is a versatile material, they are made from it themselves window structures. This means that with temperature changes, the window itself and the slopes will not create additional pressure on each other, since they have the same degree of expansion.

Slopes do not need additional processing, such as painting. They have a finished look and are combined with most designs.

Now the most popular are 2 types of plastic products: sandwich panels and wall panels. The first type is 2 panels, between which foamed polystyrene is fixed.

Such a material is good in that it does not need additional insulation, however, under the influence of moisture, the panels may begin to delaminate. The second option is ordinary panels that do not have a "layer".

When installing them, for additional insulation, you need to use basalt or polyurethane foam.

The advantage of this option is that it is cheap and can be produced in different colors and even imitate wood or any other material.

Photo finishing slopes

When the apartment is being renovated or the doors are just changing, finishing the slopes is not the last. The most pressing issue is the choice of material.

There are many finishing methods. Someone would prefer simple plaster, someone likes painting. Tile slopes have become very popular.

How to choose the right tile

To do right choice and trim the slopes with such material, it is necessary to take into account several basic criteria:

  • purpose of the premises;
  • sanitary condition;
  • design;
  • desire of the owner of the room.

For example, the kitchen should not be finished with artificial stone. Its uneven surface will be difficult to clean. This material is more suitable for living room with matching design.

Laying tiles most often occurs in rooms with high humidity. Finishing door slopes in such rooms contributes to obtaining the desired interior and design.

Decorative textured slopes with stone-like tiles

Advantages of ceramic tiles

  • Beautiful appearance.
  • Diverse texture.
  • Variety of shades and colors.
  • Resistance to mechanical stress.
  • Meets hygienic requirements.
  • Easily serviced.
  • High strength.
  • Can be used for a long time.


With all its advantages, this material has several disadvantages. First, it is high cost. Secondly, laying tiles requires certain skills and knowledge. This facing material requires great care and a lot of time. However, the result obtained always compensates for all the disadvantages with its attractive appearance and reliability.

Slopes of ceramic tiles for the opening of the front door

door trim

You can decorate with ceramics the perimeter of the doorway and slopes. Moreover, the type of tile will play a major role. Imitation of a wall and slopes under a brick is carried out by a special tile. It is usually based on cement, which is mixed with additional fillers and various dyes.

You can lay textured material for finishing slopes on your own, without resorting to the help of specialists. This work does not cause any difficulties, since it does not require surface leveling. The use of special corners exempts from joining external corners.

Laying technology

  1. For better adhesion with the adhesive solution, notches are made on the surface to be lined.
  2. Door slopes are covered with soil.
  3. Glue is applied to the ceramic surface. It must comply with the manufacturer's recommendations.
  4. Tiles must be glued horizontally. You need to start from the corner, tightly fitting each part so that there are no seams.
  5. For cutting, a regular hacksaw is suitable.
  6. Excess glue is removed with a rag.

When this finishing is done, it is usually necessary to cut only the part that fits with window frame. On other planes, it is laid out in a chaotic manner. It may even turn out to be an uneven end.

Alignment of slopes with drywall under the tile

Ceramic cladding

When only one doorway needs to be lined, and the walls are lined with a different material, the door slopes are lined with ceramic tiles under the mustache.

The slopes are carefully leveled. All surfaces must be level. To check, you can use the building level.

Surface leveling is done with different materials:

  • drywall;
  • plaster;

Plastering slopes: preparing for laying tiles

For everyone who is engaged in finishing and decorating slopes, the masters recommend adhering to several rules.

  1. On level slopes, you need to first lay out the parts to determine the best location. It is desirable that narrow elements are not located at the junction of adjacent surfaces. The appearance is ruined.
  2. When the size of the side surface does not allow the installation of a complete part, the cladding should begin with a cut blank. Moreover, the upper segment should be of the same dimensions.
  3. With a part width exceeding the width of the slopes, the whole figure must be laid out along the outer edge. The free space formed between the parts and the door frame is closed with additional pieces cut to the desired size.
  4. Sometimes the part is not held on the top surface. Its mass cannot be held by glue. To solve the problem, you can use wooden struts. They must hold it until the applied adhesive has completely set.
  5. Grouting should be done the next day. During this time, the glue will dry completely.

Decorated slopes under a stone for an arched opening without a door

Corner docking

This one complicated operation. It is important to choose a layout scheme in which the width of the tiles would be the same on each side so that you do not have to lay out additional narrow strips. It is necessary to withstand the exact coincidence of all seams in all planes. This is the only way to achieve an attractive appearance.

Sequence of work

You need to start laying out the tiles on the side surfaces. Moreover, only whole tiles should be used. Work continues until the moment when the horizontal row is above the upper end of the opening.

A flat bar is attached above the opening. The top edge of the plank should correspond to the line that connects the bottom edges of whole tiles above the opening line.

When the laying of solid tiles is completed, you can start cladding near the slopes with additional pieces. Work must start from the bottom. It is very important that the cut of the extreme tiles is made at an angle. We'll have to use the grinder.

After that, the lining of the side planes begins. During the work, the glue at the top will grab well. You can remove the support bar. It remains only to close the consolidated space remaining above the door.

Finishing the door slopes with tiles in the bathroom

Additional way

I must say that you can decorate the corners in another way. Tiles are joined perpendicular to each other, an angle of 45 degrees is maintained.

This technology is performed only by experienced craftsmen. They will be able to accurately process the bevel, without damaging the enamel surface. This job requires skill and experience.


Ceramic tiles on doorways always looks beautiful and attractive. After facing the slopes, the interior of the room becomes more luxurious, the apartment takes on a new look.

However, not everyone can do such a good job. If you are not confident in your abilities and have not done such work before, you should not take risks. You will waste a lot of time and spoil the material. It is better to invite an experienced master. He will do the job efficiently and reliably.

A detailed process of self-facing door slopes is shown in the video, where an experienced craftsman talks about the nuances of laying and finishing work.

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Separately on each wall separately, working along the horizontal guide rails. Be careful when installing the horizontal rails on adjacent walls- they must be on the same level. Even with a slight mismatch in levels, the vertical rows will diverge, and when up to the ceiling, the horizontal rows will not match along the junction line above the door.

Window trim

When facing a window opening, first veneer the front wall with whole tiles, then lay and veneer the side walls of the niche and the window sill.
If the door is in the center of the wall and you are tiling up to the ceiling, position the tiles to avoid narrow tiles next to the door and in the corners of the room.
If the door is in a corner, tile two walls first, then cut and tile above the door.

Techniques for cladding a window niche are also used for cladding a doorway.

Facing the window niche - step 1

If you are tiling a wall to the ceiling, lay all intact tiles on the side of the window, not above the window. Attach the plank to the wall so that its top edge is flush with the bottom edge of the lowest row of whole tiles above the top of the window. This plank will serve as a support for whole tiles laid above the window.

Step 2

Lay the cut tiles on the sides of the window. Start at the windowsill.
To fit the tile to the window sill, you may need to make an L-shaped cut or use wire cutters. To make it easier to cut tiles, plan ahead for their placement.

Step 3

If you want to make an L-shaped cut in the tile, mark the cut lines on the face of the tile. Clamp the tile in a vise between pieces of wood and make the first cut with a saw. Make a second cut and break out a piece of tile; clean the edges with a file. Clamp the thin tile horizontally so that it does not crack.

Step 4

Let the mastic set, then remove the plank at the top of the window and lay the rest of the tiles on the wall. It is possible that the corner tiles will need to be cut in an L shape. To avoid having to use narrow strips that are difficult to cut, plan your tile layout ahead of time.

Step 5

If you want to cut a narrow strip from the tile, make a notch along the cut line with a cutter, then break off excess pieces with wire cutters. Clean the edge with a tile file. (Having made hand cutter curved notch, with wire cutters you can make a cutout of the appropriate shape).

Step 6

Lay whole tiles inside the window niche. If the tiles do not have spacers, use spacers to create a grouted gap between the bottom tiles and the sill.

Step 7

  • Finally measure and cut each tile for facing adjacent to window frame part of the side wall of the window niche. After the mastic has set (after about 4 hours), the joints can be cemented.
  • In the inner corner, cut and lay the tiles of the last vertical row on one wall so that they fit into the corner.
  • Then lay the last vertical row of tiles on the second wall, using inserts to create a grouted gap in the corner between the two vertical rows.
  • On the outer corner, lay whole tiles on each side of the corner.

Drawings of tiling in the corners

The dimensions and location of the borders are shown in the diagrams (click to enlarge):

Considering the fact that several types of these auxiliary structures are presented on the market for construction and repair materials at once, it cannot be said that they differ not only in color, but also in size. So, among the most widespread are the following sizes:

Dimensions (in millimeters) The main purpose
10x20, 5x17 and 15x25 For arched solutions, it is best to choose corners with different side widths. This design provides better installation.
50x50, 25x25, 20x20 In cases where you need to finish the slopes on the window openings, strengthening them, it is advisable to use profiles with a square section.
7, 9, 12. Length - 2500 Internal and external plastic profiles for tiles.
22x10, 18x10, 12x10 or 20x10 If we are talking about sealing the seams that are formed at the point of contact between the slope and the wall, then it makes sense to opt for a T-shaped curb.
30x25, 25x17, 25x25. Length - 1830 External PVC border for a bathtub.
20x20, 30x30. Length - 3400 Self-adhesive border tape, also designed for the bath.

How to glue a corner and what kind of glue is better to use

Of course, choice, size and appearance are important concepts. Nevertheless, correct selection glue is also exceptionally important. What glue is best for gluing plastic corners? A universal option that has become widespread is the so-called "liquid nails". You can use this method, which can already rightly be called "folk", in any room or room in your apartment: from the bathroom and toilet, to the kitchen, living room, bedroom and even the nursery. Of course, we must not forget about the entrance hall and the balcony (loggia), which are also important premises. When gluing, you need to remember that the best option is such an adhesive, which then, as it dries, will gradually become transparent.

It is important to understand that such glue requires certain additional equipment. We are talking about the so-called gun, which is used to apply liquid nails on the wrong side of the plastic corner

By the way, it is necessary to apply this adhesive composition with a thin “sausage” (line), which, if possible, should be located closer to the middle of the plastic threshold. This approach will help to avoid getting excess glue on the front (decorative) surface of the corner. If the glue still got on the front side, it is recommended to first wait for it to dry completely, and only then proceed to eliminate its residues. For this, by the way, you can use one of the improvised sharp objects: a knife, a scalpel, a spatula, and so on.

To fix the plastic finishing corner while the glue dries, you can use adhesive tape. Among the most common types of adhesive tape that can be used, mention should be made of standard packaging tape (it can be both transparent and colored - blue, brown, red, and so on), as well as painter's tape, which vaguely resembles paper in appearance. So here it is best solution will use exactly the masking variety of adhesive tape.

Material Description

In interiors living rooms you can find slopes of openings decorated with mosaics - it always looks unusual and bright. Such an interior is distinguished by individuality and special beauty. Tiles can be ceramic or figured, imitating artificial stone.


Slopes of windows and doors in the bathroom and in the kitchen can be trimmed with decorative ceramic tiles. Due to its high hygienic qualities, this material is used for the construction of a kitchen apron..

Ceramic tiles are highly durable

Ceramics has many positive qualities:

  • strength;
  • high wear resistance;
  • durability;
  • minimal water absorption;
  • hygiene;
  • it does not pass electric current;
  • fire safety;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • affordable cost;
  • decorative and a wide choice of colors, shapes and sizes.


A tile is a type of ceramic, from which it differs in its durable glossy glazed surface. The cost of these products is higher than ceramic ones, but the service life is measured in decades..

The tile is resistant to temperature changes

  • has high strength;
  • is resistant to chemicals and alkali;
  • withstands temperature extremes and exposure to direct sunlight;
  • retains its appearance and quality throughout the entire operational period;
  • waterproof;
  • easy to care for and has a high level of hygiene;
  • has a wide range of colors, patterns and shapes;
  • widespread and affordable.

Stone tile

This finish perfectly imitates masonry from any natural and artificial stones. This material is based on fusible clay and quartz sand. Due to this, the products are light in weight, unlike ceramics and tiles. Finishing windows with such tiles will avoid excessive load on the window opening. In a private house, external slopes can be trimmed with this material. Only you need to choose products for outdoor cladding.

Decorative stone has a small weight

Tiles on the window slopes with stone imitation are different:

  • low weight;
  • various surface options - textured, matte, glossy;
  • compactness;
  • simple installation and ease of processing;
  • can be used when finishing the door arch is required;
  • firmly fixed to the tile adhesive.

Products that imitate old masonry are expensive. This must be taken into account when choosing a material..


The decoration of windows with ceramic mosaics looks unusual and original. With its help, you can make interesting doorways in living rooms.

Most original way slope finishes - mosaic

This type of window decoration is made using ceramic elements of small size, from which a strict ornament or a chaotic pattern is formed.

  1. Working with slopes requires great care, and tile adhesive does not meet this criterion well. Instead, it is better to use silicone sealant or liquid nails, which are much easier to remove from the ceramic surface.
  2. In order for the tiles to be laid out along the slope as evenly as possible, use the building level.
  3. If you are going to lay ceramic tiles on a slope by chamfering, then choose thicker tile options for this. The minimum recommended thickness of tiles for slopes is 17 mm.
  4. Before cutting tiles for finishing slopes, take all the necessary measurements and mark the material on the material.

Finishing window slopes ceramic tiles - a matter that requires not so much special skills and tools as attention and patience. In this case, the main thing is not to screw up due to haste or inaccuracy - the better the work is done, the neater the slopes will look.


But still, to be on the safe side, we will still take the level and cut the tiles on the slope. The average slope width is 15-20 centimeters. Measure your slope, cut the entire tile to fit the width of the slope, and begin preparatory work slope. We dismantle the old plaster and prime the base. After that, we mix the adhesive for the tiles and begin to lay the tiles on the slope. Laying tiles on a slope is very simple. Glue is smeared on the tile in equal proportions and first one side slope is glued, all at once:

We substitute the tile to the slope and press lightly. We perform such actions to the top of the slope. After that, we take the level and level the laid tiles on the slope by the level itself, until the desired level mark is reached, the tiles on the slope. In the same way, we ennoble the next slope and move on to the upper slope.

We ennoble the upper slope with tiles as follows.

We mix the adhesive mortar for the tiles with a denser consistency and apply it in an even layer on the slope itself, and then we glue the tiles, just all at once. In some cases, the tile can peel off, it is worth coming up with spacers for the upper slope of the tile. It's time to ennoble the welts of the slope of the tiles. To do this, we need an F-shaped plastic profile, simply an eff image. We cut it along the length of our slopes, not forgetting to add the width of the F bar on both sides and simply insert it into the solution. Here is our ready outer slope from tiles. it's time to ennoble the inner slope with tiles.

Sequence of work

You need to start laying out the tiles on the side surfaces. Moreover, only whole tiles should be used. Work continues until the moment when the horizontal row is above the upper end of the opening.

A flat bar is attached above the opening. The top edge of the plank should correspond to the line that connects the bottom edges of whole tiles above the opening line.

When the laying of solid tiles is completed, you can start cladding near the slopes with additional pieces. Work must start from the bottom

It is very important that the cut of the extreme tiles is made at an angle. Will have to use a grinder

After that, the lining of the side planes begins. During the work, the glue at the top will grab well. You can remove the support bar. It remains only to close the consolidated space remaining above the door.

Finishing the door slopes with tiles in the bathroom

arched profile

As it becomes clear given type design is designed to complete the decoration of arches in apartments. If we divide this type of corner into two main subspecies, then we can designate them as, on the one hand, decorative profiles, and on the other, as those intended for plastering. According to their purpose, linings for arches perform, like other analogues, 2 functions: protective and aesthetic.

plastic corner under wallpaper, as well as under paint and other types of materials, it is designed to close the finishing material from abrasion. Indirectly, it protects even the putty, even though it is inside, from possible mechanical damage. In addition, he is able to hide various sloppy places and flaws in the arched opening. The sizes of the arched plastic corner are different. If the length, in most cases, is quite standard, then the cross section is usually different. The choice depends on your preferences, as well as on the design features of the arched opening. If we talk about color, then there is plenty to choose from, since the assortment that is offered in stores is practically unlimited.

Speaking about the profile, which is intended for plaster, it must be said that this is a perforated corner. It received such a name for the reason that in production special technological holes are made on its surface along the entire length. It is quite flexible, which helps when working with rounded arches, especially if they have a small diameter.

The task of this design is somewhat different. It should give the ideal edges that the corner of the wall should have before plastering. By the way, if we talk about the material of the arches for which the corner is used, then it must be said that it can be completely different, starting from wood and ending with drywall, from which, by the way, you can make not only arches, but also partitions.

Photo: perforated corner for plaster

For everyone who is engaged in finishing and decorating slopes, the masters recommend adhering to several rules.

  1. On level slopes, you need to first lay out the parts to determine the best location. It is desirable that narrow elements are not located at the junction of adjacent surfaces. The appearance is ruined.
  2. When the size of the side surface does not allow the installation of a complete part, the cladding should begin with a cut blank. Moreover, the upper segment should be of the same dimensions.
  3. With a part width exceeding the width of the slopes, the whole figure must be laid out along the outer edge. The free space formed between the parts and the door frame is closed with additional pieces cut to the desired size.
  4. Sometimes the part is not held on the top surface. Its mass cannot be held by glue. To solve the problem, you can use wooden struts. They must hold it until the applied adhesive has completely set.
  5. Grouting should be done the next day. During this time, the glue will dry completely.

Decorated slopes under a stone for an arched opening without a door

Finishing the slopes of the front door with stone

Facing door slopes with natural or artificial stone (made from gypsum mixture) gives the interior an original appearance. In addition, stone is a practical material with a long service life. Laying stone over slopes involves preliminary surface preparation. This can be done in two ways.

Facing slopes with stone over a plasterboard base

The step-by-step description of the method consists of the following paragraphs.

  1. A crate is constructed from wooden slats or metal profiles type UD-27.
  2. Attached to the frame moisture resistant drywall. Such material will not be deformed under the influence of moisture, which contains tile adhesive.
  3. Natural or artificial stone is glued onto a drywall base. To do this, use mastic or tile adhesive. The product is applied with a notched trowel on drywall, after which the stone is pressed tightly against the base surface of the slope for several seconds.
  4. If necessary, the stone is cut with a grinder.

Tip: if the texture of the stone allows, the joining of adjacent elements is done in a seamless way. In this case, the surface will look solid and there will be no difficulties with filling the seams.

Installation of drywall on the surface of the opening is possible without installing the crate. For this, glue for GKL plates is used: it is applied in large cakes in a checkerboard pattern and pressed against a surface previously treated with a primer.

Facing slopes with stone over plaster

The technology provides for the execution of work in the following order.

  1. The base surface is cleaned of weak plaster and treated with a deep penetration primer.
  2. "Beacons" are installed - special metal profiles. They are fixed with a thick cement-sand mortar, pre-exposing vertically and horizontally.
  3. The cement-sand mixture is kneaded.
  4. The leveling layer is applied with a spatula. In the event that it is necessary to apply a thick layer, the solution is applied in several stages. In this case, a plaster mesh is laid between the layers.
  5. The last thin leveling layer is applied with a solution of a more liquid consistency.
  6. After the cement-sand mortar has completely dried (after 2-3 days), you can start gluing the stone in the manner described above.

Tip: a thick plaster layer will hold better if dowel-nails are driven into the wall in a checkerboard pattern over the entire surface of the slope so that they are shorter than the thickness of the plaster. Nails are randomly wrapped with wire 1.8 - 2.0 mm thick. On such a "skeleton" the plaster will hold better.

In the event that gluing the stone is not expected, the plastered surface of the slope is additionally leveled with finishing gypsum or decorative plaster. The corners are formed with a corresponding metal profile.

Making window slopes how to make joints correctly

Facing slopes with ceramic tiles is not the most popular option. interior decoration premises, although not the rarest. To implement it, you only need the tile itself, glue, the appropriate tool (including for cutting tiles), a little time and, most importantly, knowledge.

Most of the tiling work is gluing the tiles to the wall. Difficulties begin when you need to join the tiles at the corners. There are several options here.

The first of these is to chamfer the back of the tile at an angle of 45 degrees. This will allow you to join the tiles as accurately and almost imperceptibly as possible. The difficulty lies in the fact that a very thin layer of enamel remains on the edge of the tile, which can easily break off.

You can also use special corners. They exist for external and internal slopes, are made of metal or plastic, there are different colors and sizes.

You can fix the tiles to the corners with tile adhesive or acrylic sealant.

The latter option is good because, if necessary, the corner or ceramics attached to it can be easily replaced.

When choosing corners, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the tiles used, and in terms of the amount of time and effort spent, this method is the most economical. The only downside is additional spending on corners.

To make the external slopes look more neat, you should use tiles whose enamel color is the same as the color of the end part.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to form window slopes with tiles from top to bottom - often only the bottom part is enough to finish, while in the top you can use another method by combining various finishes - for example, as in this photo.


The slope is primed, pendulum profiles are installed along the opening. Next, plaster is applied from a cement-sand mortar. You can add alabaster to improve the setting properties. The prepared solution is applied with a trowel to the surface and leveled with a spatula, focusing on the beacons.

If you plan to paint, then the slope must be carefully prepared. To do this, plaster with large fractions is applied to the reinforcing mesh, followed by the finishing one. To strengthen the slopes, a perforated profile (angular) is installed. It is pressed into wet plaster.

The plaster must dry completely, after which the slope is painted. Plastering is a cheap finishing method, but requires careful leveling of the surface.

Main varieties

Now let's look at the most popular PVC types profiles that are used in the arrangement of the interiors of a particular room or place in the apartment.

The variety of types, among which one can list such as perforated, internal / external, colored (brown, white, etc.), as well as decorated in wood and metal, is not all that one can think of at first.

For bathroom

Usage decorative corner for the bathroom is easy to explain. The fact is that the place where the junction between the bathroom and the wall tiles is located, as a rule, is poorly sealed. Water from the shower and bath, getting there, provokes the appearance of mold and the development of fungus. Solving this problem, however, is not so difficult. However, for this you need to know exactly how to properly install a plastic bathroom border. In addition to sealing the seam, you will also get a beautiful appearance that will replace the unfinished repair. So, what do you need to know about bathroom skirting boards? There are 2 most common varieties:

  1. Plastic plinth. Made of PVC, this design element is durable and in an inexpensive way solutions to the problems mentioned above.
  2. Profile that is pasted without additional use adhesive compound. Such self-adhesive material is flexible. In addition, it already has everything you need, because it has a sealant, and sometimes silicone. However, as some professional craftsmen note in their reviews, this option is not optimal for those places that are in constant and prolonged contact with water. It is better to use it at the joints between the floor and the wall. Although, if the bath is rarely used, then it converges quite well.

On a note! Since we are talking about the bathroom, we advise you to read the article "How much water is in the bath: how to save at the expense of consumption."

With regard to the installation of a self-adhesive border, there should not be any problems with this, since it is already almost ready for installation. So let's talk about step by step installation plastic corner for the bathroom. There are 2 common ways PVC mounting profile: under the tile, as well as on the tile. For the sake of clarity, let's take a brief look at each of them.

Tile installation

If you follow the instructions, then it is quite possible to do such an installation with your own hands, without the need to invite professional specialists. Here is a short guide:

  1. First of all, we clean and degrease the work surface, then dry it.
  2. Using masking tape, seal the sections of the bath adjacent to the work sites.
  3. Measure and cut the border into pieces of the desired length.
  4. Having smeared special glue (by the way, “liquid nails” will also fit), put the plastic corner to the desired place and press it with due effort.
  5. After drying, use special plugs to give a more attractive appearance.

Attention! In any case, read the installation instructions for the plastic corner provided by the manufacturer. . Glue under tiles

Glue under tiles

In addition to the first method, the second one can also be used, which involves installing a PVC border under the tile. So, when laying a tile, its base is closed. It should be noted that many people think this way even somewhat more reliable than the first, since it is able to provide an increased level of waterproofing.

It is not as easy as it might seem to make the installation of a curb under a tile with high quality and beautifully on your own. As a rule, only an experienced person who has had extensive experience in carrying out such work can cope with such work. As for the service life, it is difficult to say unequivocally, since there are many different types of corner. So, if we consider the first method of fastening (on top of the tile), it is not as durable as installation under the tile. On the other hand, it can hardly be called a clear minus, and here's why. Many people would like, if possible, to change the interior design in the bathroom.

So, we noted some moments of laying the corner under the tile. Now let's talk about the plastic curb designed for arches.

Examples of our tiling work

Facing slopes with tiles

Before starting work on the cladding, the surface should be preliminarily prepared: cleaned of old finishes, dust and other contaminants, and treated with a primer mixture.

The next step is the application of a cement-sand mortar. If the depth of the cracks and defects are significant, they are sealed with a solution in several stages. work surface can be considered completely ready for facing only after the cement has completely dried. Modern ceramic tiles are considered the most practical and sought-after material for decorating slopes. It is attached using special adhesive mixtures.

Thanks to a wide selection of ceramic products on the market, you can choose the option that will most harmoniously fit into the interior of the room. The only inconvenience when facing using ceramic tiles can be attributed to the difficulty of facing horizontal slopes, since under the influence of its own weight the tile simply disappears. When carrying out such work, our specialists use special struts that support the tile until it is completely fixed.

Facing door slopes with tiles: advantages

The use of tiles for facing door and window slopes has many advantages, among which it is necessary to highlight:

  • Attractive appearance;
  • Fortress;
  • Durability;
  • The material performs the functions of additional fixation of the door or window frame;
  • High resistance to damage;
  • Ease of care;
  • High hygienic qualities.

The few disadvantages of the material include the risks of damage during the installation process. However, it is very easy to avoid this if you entrust the work to our specialists.

Facing window slopes with tiles: what affects the cost

The cost of facing window and door slopes with tiles is formed under the influence of many factors, including:

  • Costs for the purchase and delivery of materials;
  • Leveling the surface of the slopes (plaster) horizontally and vertically;
  • Direct facing works;
  • Grouting;
  • Complexity and scope of work;
  • A number of other factors.

Finishing the slopes of the front door with MDF boards

There are two types of MDF panels: designed for finishing slopes (special L-shaped) and wall panels. To install special panels, it is necessary to precisely adjust the installation depth of the door frame and the leaf itself in the opening, since the width of the decorative element is strictly specified. At this stage, difficulties often arise and therefore more often door slopes decorate with wall MDF panels.

Finishing technology entrance slopes MDF panels provides the following.

  1. Using a plumb line and a level, the base surface is estimated.
  2. We construct a crate from wooden slats with a section of 20 × 40 mm: we fasten the slats to brick or concrete using dowel-nails.
  3. We cut the MDF panels into segments of the required length (using a jigsaw) and fasten them to wooden crate, closing unsightly areas. Fastening methods: using self-tapping screws, using clamps or staples, using a construction stapler. Segments of MDF panels are connected to each other according to the tenon-groove principle.
  4. Corner joints, junctions of MDF panels to door frame or to the inner surface of the wall we decorate with a universal element. Depending on the surface, it can serve as an internal, outer corner or straight bar.
  5. Universal elements are attached with liquid nails.

Tip: if the depth of the opening does not exceed the width of the MDF panel, it can be installed vertically without sawing into pieces. In this case, the slopes will look more attractive.

Similarly, you can decorate the door slopes with a wooden clapboard. natural wood can be painted in any color with a special paint that emphasizes the texture of the material.

Mosaic slopes

For the installation of a mosaic covering on the slopes of windows and doors, you can use special soft sheets on which ceramic pieces are glued.. The base can be paper or in the form of a grid. Their convenience lies in the fact that you can cut the canvas of the required size.

The installation process is simple. The slope surface must be dry, clean and level. On preparatory stage on the slope do preliminary markup, in accordance with which the mosaic canvas is then glued.

  • glue is applied with a notched trowel; For applying glue, a notched trowel is used
  • when gluing the mosaic canvas, you do not need to put too much pressure on it so that the adhesive composition does not squeeze out through the seams; It is necessary to glue the mosaic canvas without strong pressure
  • epoxy grout is recommended for grouting joints; Epoxy resin is used for grouting
  • using a rubber spatula, the grout is distributed in an even layer; To evenly distribute the grout, use a rubber spatula
  • after the grout dries, its excess is removed with a damp sponge.

Window and door slopes, finished with one of the listed materials, will decorate any interior and retain their original appearance for many years.

Initial conditions and materials

The finishing of the bath was carried out some time after the installation of the doors, the opening of which was several centimeters narrower than the walls. How did things go?

1. To cut the strips for the slope, a broken or damaged tile with a solid edge was used.

2. In order not to spoil or buy more new tile in inconspicuous places, for example, below eye level or closer to the floor, fragments cut off from both sides can be used right size, only they need to be processed with abrasives, a file or coarse-grained sandpaper.

3. It is much more convenient to finish the slope when wall tiles already dried up and therefore motionless.

4. Before finishing the upper part of the slope, the supporting rail is leveled. But if the adhesive layer is small or thicker due to good adhesion to the wall, the tile strips will remain motionless, so such a rail may not be useful.

So, the upper corner looks like, it remains only to clean it up a little. On the modern-style door hatch and on the sides, and on top there is a special groove where, if necessary, extensions are inserted, that is, strips used to finish the slope in cases where the width of the hatch is not enough, to cover the entire opening. It is in this groove that the tile is inserted, you just need to make sure that it is not filled with anything, for example, mounting foam.

You can see the gap between the slab and the tile, which can be sealed

The photo shows that the tiles come close to the loot and there is almost no gap between them. If desired, you can use an elastic sealant to match the color of the tile or door. It is better not to fill this gap with grout for joints, since over time it will still crumble from vibration and spill out.

These are just the main points, the details can be discussed in personal correspondence. Email is in the channel description. From another article of the Master-OK channel, you can find out. And for regular receipt of practical materials, subscribe to the channel and put your ratings.

For finishing slopes

As practice shows, slopes are often finished with PVC panels. The point, first of all, is the price: it is very affordable. However, in addition to the cost, such a solution has its advantages. Nevertheless, if we talk about the areas that are located on the side of the ends of the plastic panels, then I must say that they do not look very good, to put it mildly. It is for this purpose that plastic corners for window slopes are used. Considering that such a border closes the wall with one of its sides, we can say that it is also a plastic corner for wallpaper.

Let's see how to paste it correctly. Here is a short guide:

  1. First, prepare the main surface.
  2. Cut the corner to the required size. This is done with a sharp knife or hacksaw, so be careful.
  3. Using glue (read below about how to glue a plastic corner), apply it to the wrong side of the fastener.
  4. Attach to desired location and press firmly. Secure with masking tape if necessary.

By the way, in order to hide irregularities, especially those that may be noticeable at the trimming points, it is not recommended to use silicone or acrylic sealant. This can be explained by the fact that over time, such silicone areas begin to gather dust, which spoils the overall impression of the appearance.

By the way, a few words about the appearance, and to be precise, the color scheme. Color decorative element not only reliable and practical, but also especially beautiful, because it takes into account various features one style or another in the interior. If we talk about the main shades, then here are the most common of the options:

  • Classic white.
  • Wenge.
  • Transparent.
  • Brown.
  • Grey.
  • Black.

By the way! In those rare cases when you were unable to find the right color, and you can find something suitable, there is the possibility of painting.

Corner for window openings easy to stick by hand

Tasks in progress

The main role of this design, which was noted just above, is to be able to provide protection for corners. various designs and finishing materials in apartments and suburban residential buildings. The arched PVC corner, as well as its "gather" for tiles, wallpaper and skirting boards, are designed to significantly reduce the likelihood of mechanical damage to certain problem areas during operation. It is no secret to anyone that the operation of almost any structural elements in the interior modern apartment carries the risk of some form of injury. They can be applied by both your beloved child and pets (cats, dogs, and so on)

And in general, something can be broken or damaged simply by negligence.

Reliable protection against moisture penetration and fungus formation

However, the threshold made of plastic "is engaged" not only in practical tasks. The fact is that with its use, one or another element of construction or decor becomes more complete and attractive. Numerous examples that are presented in the photo for this article show how beautiful slopes can look at the points of contact with wallpaper, a wall with tiles, at the junction with a bathroom, or arched structures if you glue a flexible plastic threshold.

Main advantages

Of course, there are several different types of plastic corner. Arched, for bathrooms, windows, wallpaper and baseboards, it nevertheless has some common features. As a matter of fact, the advantages that this type of additional structures has are also common. Let's briefly list the main ones:

  1. It has a variety of shapes, colors and, in general, species.
  2. Processing it is quite easy, just like cutting it to the desired length.
  3. Due to its low weight, as well as softness, fastening a plastic corner, including in places of plugs and joints, is quite simple. Everything can be done independently, with your own hands.
  4. Hides some imperfections in the interior.
  5. It's cheap. Including affordable price makes it so popular.
  6. The ability not to remove (if necessary), but slightly pull back, and then, after the completion of repair or other work, again simply put the plastic corner in its original place. This is not typical for any profile, but only for a removable one, which is produced by a number of manufacturers.
  7. Durable in use.

What are the types of slopes of plastic windows the best options and their photos

The installation of modern plastic windows cannot be considered complete if the slopes have not been finished and the canopies and ebbs have not been installed.

Slopes refer to the inside of the window. The need for their installation is due to the fact that PVC windows are smaller in thickness than wooden structures, installed during the construction of the building, therefore, an untreated area 5-30 cm wide is formed on the slopes of the window opening.

To solve this problem, you can use the following methods. For example, to make plaster slopes of plastic windows that are suitable for finishing any type of room in concrete, block, brick and panel houses.

However, in the latter case, preference should be given to plastic slopes, which have a number of advantages over plaster. These include quick installation and additional thermal insulation between the room and the street. In addition, this finish does not require additional care, does not fade, does not fade or crack over time. The window opening with slopes has a complete and attractive appearance.

Slopes are of several varieties. The best slopes for PVC windows are plastic, this is a new word in installation technology. They appeared on the Russian market in 2005 and are currently considered ideal option when installing plastic windows. Installation is carried out as soon as possible: as a rule, on the same day as the installation of the window.

The window itself and the slopes are made of the same material, so they are an integral part of the efficient design and logically complete it. As a result, the window acquires a modern and attractive appearance. Slopes also act as additional thermal insulation between the room and the street.

The plastic type of slopes for windows has the following advantages:

  • high level of insulation, which prevents the penetration of moisture;
  • plastic slopes do not need additional finishing, they have a shiny surface, they do not need to be painted, they are easy to clean, dust does not accumulate on them;
  • ease of installation.

Their disadvantages include the inconsistency color palette some PVC profiles.

Less popular drywall option slopes for plastic windows, due to the complexity of installation. They are used for plasterboard walls, if indoors were not carried out Finishing work. This material is characterized by rigidity and good thermal insulation properties.

Main advantage plasterboard slopes is a low heat absorption coefficient, so they are warm to the touch. The disadvantages include instability to moisture and the need for periodic repairs and painting. In addition, a layer of air sometimes remains between the wall and the structure. If moisture gets in, it can cause slope distortion and staining.

Installation of plastic slopes is carried out immediately after installing the window. Before installing the plastic panel, it is necessary to align the window opening with a level and wooden lath that is attached to the wall. This allows you to get perfectly even plastic slopes and right angles.

Pay attention to the photo - when installing the slopes of plastic windows, the joints are treated with silicone sealant, which provides reliable insulation:

The joints are almost invisible. After the installation work is completed, the window opening is sealed, durable, well-insulated and aesthetically pleasing.

Modern PVC windows cannot be imagined without high-quality slopes.

When choosing a material for panels, you should pay attention not to their cost, but to the quality and reliability of the material used: after all, windows should serve you for many years.

In the next section of the article, you will learn which window sill to choose for a plastic window.

Surface joining methods

The first option is cutting the tiles from the back at an angle of 45 degrees. In this case, theoretically, a high-quality monolithic joint will be obtained. In practice, everything is much more complicated - cutting tiles at the same angle is very problematic, the process itself takes a lot of time, and the weakened edge may begin to collapse over time.

The second option is the use of special fittings. On sale there are special plastic or aluminum corners that securely hold the edges of the tile and close the junction. Options are offered for both external and internal joints, the corners have various dimensions, shapes and colors. When using corners, the slope is first lined, then the corner is mounted, then the other side is lined

It is important to firmly fix the tile in the corner, otherwise the connection will be flimsy and may move away from the wall.

Slope tiling technology / video:

The third option is the use of corners in conjunction with grout. In this case, the door and window slopes are first tiled, then the wall is tiled, after which all joints are carefully rubbed. Excess grout is removed, and the corner joint is closed with a plastic corner attached to liquid nails.

The fourth option is the most expensive, but the most elementary. It consists in using tiles that have the same color throughout the entire thickness. In this case, the joints will not be noticeable, and it is not required to close them with additional means.

Finishing the bathroom with tiles around the bath nuances of work

The biggest, but surmountable problem that masters usually face when tiling a bathroom is the bath itself - its presence in the room affects the tiling technology. If without it the tiles can be laid evenly on all walls, starting from the very bottom of the floor, then if it is present, the technology changes as follows.

  1. First of all, the part of the floor on which the bath will be installed is laid.
  2. The first row of tiles begins to be laid, resting it on the bath itself - this is where all the other problems arise. Firstly, a good third of the walls have to be faced in the reverse order - from the bottom up, dropping one row each time. Secondly, this is the lining of the side sections under the bathroom - in most cases, no one solves this problem, and they let it go by itself. The maximum that the masters bother to do is to put one or even half of the tiles on each side under the bathtub. If we go this way, then the walls under the bathroom should at least be puttied with tile glue, even if the front of the bath is tiled. Bathroom tiling photo

In principle, tiling a bathroom in the presence of such a plumbing fixture as a bath causes difficulty only for beginners. Masters are familiar with all this, and they don’t even ask such questions. Yes, in general, and such articles are practically not read, so if you got here, then draw the right conclusions and take into account all these nuances.

There is another approach to solving this problem, but it is not always possible to bring it to life - the room can first be tiled, and only then a bathtub can be installed. I will say right away that in small-sized bathrooms in which the bathtub fits from wall to wall, this option will not work - you simply cannot put the bathtub in place without damaging the finish. The other side of the coin of this approach to business lies in the tightness of the joint between the wall and the bathroom - by installing tiles on top, you reliably protect the space under the bathroom from possible leaks. Otherwise, the sealing of this gap by any means will be broken over time.

Ceramic tile bathroom photo

What you need for finishing

The improvement of the apartment does not stop only with the installation of a new window. During installation, the window opening is partially destroyed. To eliminate all the chips that have appeared in the walls, to extend the service life window system, you will need to finish the slopes in your own house. If desired, it can be done by hand.

Now it is fashionable to live or spend a vacation in the summer in an environmentally friendly wooden house. In such a dwelling it is possible to install both plastic and wooden windows. In a wooden house for internal and exterior finish apply wooden lining, natural wood or practical plastic.

For plastic windows installed in a wooden house, experts advise choosing plastic panels. To do the finishing yourself plastic panels in your favorite wooden house, you will need the material itself, corners, sealant, a reliable screwdriver, a special construction stapler with staples.

In a wooden house built from logs, window decoration with a clapboard is relevant. It is environmentally friendly, strong, durable, frost-resistant. For this kind of finish in a wooden house with your own hands, prepare a screwdriver, right amount material, sealant, screws and corners.

A starter kit tools and materials for finishing any of the materials discussed below, includes a paint knife, fleas and profiles (for the frame method), a screwdriver, a puncher (for the frameless method), drywall glue, putty, plasterboard, level, self-tapping screws , spatula, container for glue, sickle, perforated corner, acrylic, construction gun.

Advantages of corners

Before the advent of specialized tools for sealing joints between a bowl and a wall, craftsmen used improvised means, trying to isolate them with moisture-resistant cement or thickened oil paint. But the effect of such measures was temporary, the gap had to be covered up regularly. Plastic bathroom corners effective solution problems of water flowing into the resulting gap. They have the following benefits:

  1. Ease of installation. You can fix the plastic corners on the bath with your own hands at any phase of the installation of plumbing equipment, as they are attached using liquid nails or sealant without making holes in the walls.
    Plastic corner in the bathroom
  2. Resistant to the microclimate of the bathroom. Plastic - practical material, which is not afraid of dampness, contact with water and detergents and mildew. Therefore, plastic borders will last a long time.
  3. Ease of care. Plastic products are undemanding in care, therefore it is enough to occasionally wash the corners for a bathroom made of polyvinyl chloride with soap solution and a simple sponge.
  4. Reliability. The plastic corner prevents moisture from leaking into the gap between the bathtub and the wall. Thanks to the design with a smooth angle of 45 degrees, the water does not stagnate in it, but flows into the bowl.

Important! In order to qualitatively seal the gap between the wall and the washing container, you need to choose the right corners for the bathroom. In order to guarantee that knocking from water leakage or splashing when using the shower, the width of the side should be 2-4 cm greater than the width of the gap

Slopes of niches and doors how to solve some problems

In most cases, the door slopes in the bathroom are not tiled - with almost any option for finishing the bathroom with tiles, the craftsmen try to avoid this moment by increasing the thickness of the door frame by any means. But stretching it to the limit, even with the help of the so-called telescopic extensions, is not always possible - sometimes it is cheaper, and most importantly, it is more reliable to finish the slopes with tiles, and the first problem faced by beginners in this business is uneven trimming. hand tool(even with a tile cutter) it is impossible to cut several tiles of exactly the same size, and the resulting millimeter or smaller steps greatly spoil the overall picture.

What about steps like this? It's a matter of technique here. First you need to realize the fact that it is better to direct the cut edges of the tile towards the door frame - believe me, they look much worse at the corner, and near the door they simply overlap quite simply. If the differences are within 1 mm, then this can be done with colored acrylic, choosing this material to match the door or tile. With large deviations in trimming, the uneven edge of the tile can be covered with a small corner, which, as a rule, is used to connect tiles during inside corners, or a narrow rail, which can be cut off from the same door trim.

Finishing a niche with tiles in the bathroom photo

In conclusion, a few words about the cutting of tiles itself - it is a real problem for a novice tiler. To learn how to cut tiles with high quality, and most importantly, accurately, you will have to ruin more than a dozen tiles - without this, as you understand, high-quality tiling of the bathroom will not work. There are many ways to solve the problem of oblique, curved and inaccurate trimming, but the most common are the installation of docking corners, overlapping the cut edge of the tile with a factory edge, and trimming in the most obscure corners of the room. The first option is aesthetically not very good, the latter is not always possible, but the second is the most optimal - for its implementation, the tiles must be laid in a circle, row by row.

← Bathroom design with a window: interior design features

Slopes of tile or ceramic tiles

If it is necessary to finish the slopes of windows or doors with elements with exact geometric dimensions, follow the instructions below.


Before starting work, the slopes must be carefully leveled. The tile will be qualitatively laid only on a smooth flat surface. This must be controlled using the building level.

There are several methods for leveling slopes: using plaster, drywall or chipboard.

You can align the window opening with drywall

Below will be described how to lay tiles on a previously plastered and primed slope.

Before gluing the tiles, details are laid out on the prepared slopes to assess their future position. Tiles should be laid out starting from the corner. The principle is the same as when laying tiles on the wall - first the first bottom row is laid out.

Laying tiles starts from the bottom row

Glue is applied to the wall with a metal spatula. The resulting invoice will contribute to better adhesion adhesives and tiles. Grouting is done after a day with a rubber spatula.

How to do a corner joint

In preparation for plaster mortar it is necessary to install metal or plastic perforated corners to give the corner edges of the window opening a clear geometric shape.

The layout scheme should be selected in such a way that the width of the tile on both sides matches and the tile joints match in all planes.

Tile joints must match in all planes

Finishing the corner can be done with grout. Therefore, fixing the tiles at the corners should take place in the manner shown below.

Finishing the corner is done using grout

Otherwise, you can use a decorative corner.