Corner borders. Rules for choosing and installing a ceramic corner for the bathroom. How to calculate the required amount of corner

Or a corner, for a bathroom, is a plate that covers the joints between the edge of the bathtub and the wall, thereby preventing water from flowing during bathing. The importance of the border is very great - by preventing moisture from entering behind the bathtub, it thereby prevents the formation of fungus, mold and the proliferation of bacteria.


There are 3 types of ceramic sides:


A thin long strip of a slightly convex shape. Designed to cover narrow gaps. It comes in different colors, sizes 20cmx15mm, 25cmx15mm.

Corner or "corner"

Designed to cover the junction of 2 even strips of border on a bathtub, located at an angle of 90°. Made in the shape of a triangle. It comes in a variety of colors, making it easy to match it with other types of corners. Has dimensions 20cmx5.5cm, 25x5.5cm.


Wide strip, has a length equal to the width of the tile. Laying a frieze requires certain skills, such as laying tiles. The sizes are different.

Advantages of ceramic products:

  1. High strength indicators.
  2. Sustainability to deformation.
  3. Doesn't change color during operation (unlike the plastic “opponent”).
  4. Stable to exposure to moisture.
  5. Environmentally friendly material.
  6. Aesthetic appearance.


  1. Quite fragile(may break if a heavy object falls on them).
  2. They have no flexibility.
  3. Difficult to install.

Preparation for installation

Before starting work on installing the sides, you must:

  1. Prepare the base.
  2. Take measurements.
  3. Prepare porcelain strips.

Foundation preparation includes:

  1. Cleaning and degreasing the surface, on which the curb will be attached.
  2. After that, the surface should be wiped dry with paper towels (not a rag) or best dried with a hairdryer.

This completes the preparation of the foundation.

Taking measurements is very simple:

  1. We measure the total length all walls in contact with the bathroom.
  2. Now what happened, must be divided by the length of the corner and the result rounded up.
  3. The resulting figure will be accurate, but to be on the safe side, it’s better to add a few more pieces in case of damage during the installation process.

Next, we prepare the curbs for installation. To do this, you need 2 straight elements that will be joined in the corner, cut with a grinder with diamond disc or using pliers at an angle of 45°. After this, sand the cut surface with an emery block.

What you will need during the installation process:

  • sealant (spray foam or silicone);
  • sealant gun;
  • grout;
  • border elements (straight, corner and tips), taking into account the margin;
  • grinder with diamond blade;
  • putty knife;
  • pliers;
  • emery block;
  • roulette;
  • rubber mallet;
  • waterproof glue (for example, liquid nails);
  • building level;


There are 2 ways to install a porcelain corner:

Under tiles:

  1. Then into the gap between the wall and the bathtub apply a layer of sealant (if the gap is wide, use polyurethane foam, if narrow, use silicone).
  2. Using a spatula distribute the sealant evenly over the entire surface of the gap and joints, remove excess.
  3. Prepare tile adhesive using the instructions supplied by the manufacturer. The consistency of the glue should resemble sour cream so that it sticks to the spatula, but does not crack or roll off.
  4. Now let's start laying the borders themselves. The process starts from the corner. Apply a layer of glue to the back side of the side with a spatula and press it to the surface of the bathtub and wall.
  5. Excess glue must be removed.
  6. Side you need to press as evenly as possible.
  7. Further, install the remaining elements in the same order.
  8. After installation Treat all edges and joints between elements with grout.

On tile:

  1. Prepare for installation– prepare the surface and take measurements.
  2. Then to the surface, on which the side will lie, apply a layer liquid nails and maintain the time recommended by the manufacturer.
  3. Before applying glue It is very important to use a building level.
  4. After that, starting from the corner, tightly press each element of the side to the tile from one corner, and to the bathtub from the other corner. We wait a while for the glue to set.
  5. Then, it is necessary to treat the joints between fragments of borders with grout.

After the work has been done, you can (to be on the safe side) carefully apply thin layer silicone, at the same time, carefully remove the excess so that the sealant is not visible.

At this point, work on installing ceramic sides is completed. Before using the bathtub, you must wait until all materials used (glue, sealant) have completely dried.

  1. In the process of installing the edges under the tiles, a day after the procedure for applying tile adhesive (that is, when the glue dries), you need to pour a large amount of water over the masonry. This procedure, strange at first glance, affects the adhesion strength of the glue.
  2. Between the fragments of the sides It is recommended to insert plastic crosses (the same ones used in laying tiles).
  3. It will be more convenient to purchase ready corner elements, made in the shape of a triangle, than sawing straight edges with a grinder.
  4. Before installing the sides it is necessary to “try on” - that is, attach all the fragments to the bathtub to make sure that everything is chosen correctly..
  5. Degrease the wall surface and baths will be helped by gasoline or white spirit.
  6. Dry it properly Only a hairdryer can do it.
  7. The glue should not be applied pointwise, but as a continuous layer.
  8. When glue was applied to the corner, you must immediately apply it to the desired surface and hold it tightly until the glue dries.
  9. To avoid large gaps when laying borders, you need to attach all the elements to each other as tightly as possible.

What are they needed for?

The gap formed between the edge of the font and the wall of the bathroom is one of the most common problems problems that people encounter in the process of renovating a bathroom. Over several decades, many ways to eliminate this nuisance have appeared - from permanently sealing the gap using a tile border to sealing the gap with adhesive curb tape, which is more of a temporary solution.

Those who renovate and decorate the bathroom themselves usually prefer a simpler and reliable way, namely, the use of special corners for the bath. They come in two types - plastic and ceramic. If the plastic corners perform mainly a practical function - they prevent water from entering behind the bathtub, then the ceramic plinth also serves decorative purposes. Ceramic edging creates a beautiful transition from the tiles to the bathtub, giving the structure a finished look.


  • A ceramic baseboard for a bathtub looks much more aesthetically pleasing than its plastic counterpart. The variety of colors allows you to choose a shade close to the tile, which will make the transition almost invisible.
  • Ceramics is natural material, which is why it is chosen by connoisseurs of all things natural in the interior.
  • Ceramics tolerate high humidity very well, which is inevitable in the bathroom. Fungus and mold rarely appear on it. Temperature changes are also not scary for her.
  • The ceramic corner does not require special care. You need to clean it with the same detergents, which you use for tiles.
  • The service life of a ceramic bath corner is much longer than that of a similar plastic product.


  • Despite the fact that ceramics is a hard material and is difficult to accidentally scratch during use, a strong enough impact can damage the curb.
  • Ceramic corners are completely non-ductile, so they cannot be used to seal indirect gaps (for example, if the bathtub is of an irregular shape).
  • A ceramic bath skirting board is a more expensive option than a plastic corner. However, the price is justified, because such a product lasts much longer.

Types and sizes

When you go to a hardware store, you will find three types of ceramic bath corners.

  • "Pencil". This option is suitable for filling even the thinnest gaps. It has a cylindrical shape, sometimes with several edges. Colors may vary, including metallic effect. The length is 20 cm and the width is 15 mm. It is also used as a border for walls and floors, dividing the room into zones.
  • “Corner” is the most popular type of plinth; When people talk about a bath corner, this is what they usually mean. It has a triangular cross-section, which allows you to insert one part directly into the gap, and the other two to install on the edge of the bathtub and on the wall. Ceramic corners can be white or colored, plain or patterned. Standard size – 20x5.5 cm and 25x5.5 cm.
  • “Frieze” is a wide decorative border, which is most often used to decorate bathroom walls. However, some people install it as a bath nook. It should be noted that working with this element requires some construction skills, since it is laid according to the same principle as tiles. Dimensions of this type borders may be different.

Along with the ceramic corner, do not forget to purchase additional elements– caps for edges and sprockets for joining at corners. These parts are usually sold as a set, but you can also purchase them separately - finding the right color and size is not difficult.

The ceramic corner is installed on the bathtub using two different methods.

How to install on tiles?

The first method is usually considered the simplest, so it is usually used by beginners in the construction business. In this case, the border is glued directly to the tiles.

  • Clean the edges of the bathtub and adjacent parts of the wall from dirt, degrease and dry.
  • Treat the seam with a sealing compound and let it dry.
  • If necessary, cut the ceramic border into pieces right size. In this case, you need to cut from the back side, and clean up chips on ceramics grinder or sandpaper.
  • Experts recommend using liquid nails for ceramic corners. Apply adhesive to the back of the border, apply it to the gap and press firmly for a few seconds.
  • When finished, seal the joints with a clear silicone-based bathroom sealant.

Installation under tiles

Professionals prefer to lay a ceramic bath border before the tiles. This method is considered more labor-intensive; it takes more time and building materials. However, the result is worth it - the border turns out to be very beautiful and durable.

  • First you need to prepare the walls for ceramic tiles: clear out old ones finishing materials, level with plaster or plasterboard panels, prime.
  • Then you need to install the bath. Use a level for this, but do not forget to provide the slope necessary for normal water drainage.
  • Now the gap can be filled with sealing compound. It is best to use silicone-based sealant. Before you begin, seal the gap on both sides. masking tape- this way you will protect the bathtub enamel and ceramic tiles from sealant and glue.
  • While the sealant is still wet, quickly smooth it out with a rubber spatula or a soap-lubricated finger (don't worry, the compound washes off the skin well).
  • Prepare tile adhesive according to instructions.
  • Apply the required amount of glue to the back of the corner and press it to the gap.
  • Insert plastic crosses between the border elements - the same ones you will use when laying tiles.
  • After the gap is sealed, you can begin tiling the walls. Upon completion of the work, the seams between the tiles and the border elements should be sanded. Use grout of the same color for this.


The service life of a ceramic bath corner is the same as that of other ceramic products used for wall cladding in the bathroom. According to experts, high-quality tiles, laid in accordance with all the rules, with proper care, “live” from 30 to 50 years. Of course, during such a period of time, changes will occur in your bathroom many times, because many people prefer to do overhaul at least once every 10-15 years. Therefore, you don’t have to worry that the ceramic corner will become unusable before you want to change the interior of the bathroom.

Bathroom renovation after completion of the main work moves into the installation stage important elements, without which the overall picture will be incomplete. Such details include finishing with a border, otherwise it is called a plinth or a corner.

If the word border is not found on the package, but says “ceramic fillet,” then you need to keep in mind that this is the professional name of the product.

Ceramic finishing will add stylistic completeness to the bathroom and emphasize the thoughtfulness of the interior design.


Ceramic bordersquality product, strong and durable, representing a special corner for sealing the joint between the bathroom and the adjacent wall.

The warranty period is at least ten years. Modern hardware stores offer a wide selection color palette and design, shape and configuration of ceramic borders, allowing you to choose the right format for any bathroom interior.

Manufacturers are striving to improve models of ceramic skirting boards to expand the scope of application and functionality.

Today, there are three main types:


It is a thin and curved strip. On outside decorative texture. Curbs are designed to handle narrow and long gaps, as well as visually delineate elements.


The most common type, representing a model for sealing joints with a medium-sized gap. Wide selection of designs, colors, decor. Facing tiles can be supplied with a ceramic corner.


A combined version of a tile and a corner, in the form of a kind of overlap to cover the joint. Unfortunately, it is less common than traditional forms.

The versatility of many modern borders is manifested in installation not only on the finishing material, but also on the rough base. Manufacturers have thought through elements for convenient, aesthetic and reliable joining of parts: stars for corners and plugs for edges.

– the most vulnerable to water ingress. Efforts to install the container end-to-end are useless; the appearance of a gap is inevitable. Sealing cracks to prevent the appearance of fungus and mold is the main task of curbs. High humidity due to the accumulation of dampness - a threat to all bathroom interior items, especially for metal parts plumbing.

Another task– providing an aesthetic appearance that allows you to visually evaluate the adjacent walls, sides and bathtub as a whole. Ceramic modules can become a design find in general style bathroom

Advantages and disadvantages

Choosing ceramic modules means giving preference to quality and durability, since this is the main advantage, but there are others:

  1. Use in areas with wide gaps, where the use of other models is not possible.
  2. Specifications, which do not allow reaction to humidity factors, temperature changes or cleaning compositions based on chemical reagents.
  3. High resistance to deformation from the external environment.
  4. Maintaining the original appearance during the period of operation.
  5. Ecological cleanliness natural material.
  6. Possibility to choose from a single collection with finishing tiles.
  7. Wide range of colors, texture and decor.

The disadvantages include the following features:

  1. Low resistance impact force.
  2. Difficulty of installation.
  3. ABOUT regarding high price products.

It is worth noting that with careful and careful handling, the purchase costs will quickly pay off, since there will be no need to replace or restore the ceramic corner for many years.

Characteristics and dimensions

alternative ceramic finish may be self-adhesive tape or a plastic corner.

What unites these varieties is the factor of temporality. The tape border is made of polyethylene and is easy to apply, but the rapid loss of functionality and appearance negates its advantages. Average term operation is one year.

The plastic corner is also easy to install, lasts longer, but loses its attractiveness: it turns yellow from dampness. The main disadvantage is that it does not guarantee the tightness of the joint. The presence of narrow cracks allows moisture to accumulate behind the bathtub with all its consequences.

Ceramic border will provide:

  1. Complete protection against moisture getting outside the bath.
  2. Maintaining appearance.
  3. Durability of use – from 30 to 50 years.

Before visiting a hardware store, you need to take measurements along the perimeter of the bathroom (2 or 3 sides) in order to calculate the number of ceramic elements needed to seal the joint. The resulting result will need to be divided by the length of one module and rounded towards a larger integer.

You need to buy 3-4 more pieces, since during installation, during the fitting process, rejected parts inevitably appear due to unforeseen situations.

The dimensions of pencil borders are usually 15 mm in width and 20 cm in length. Standard dimensions of a ceramic corner are: 20 cm for length, 5.5 cm for height and depth.


Border under tiles

It is customary to use two main methods for installing ceramic modules:

  1. Under the tiles. This method is applicable at the renovation stage, when the walls have not yet been tiled.
  2. On the tile. Installation is possible both before and after wall cladding; it is allowed as restoration work if necessary.

In shape, ceramic modules can be convex or concave; they can be supplied with additional elements in the form of plugs for edges and abutment corners.

Many people believe that the installation of a ceramic corner should be trusted to professionals. This correct solution, but if desired and experience, with tiles you can handle it yourself, subject to careful study of the technology.

To work you will need the following:

  • material in the right quantity;
  • tile adhesive, 1-2 kg;
  • silicone sealant for waterproofing the gap, with antiseptic (in tubes of 50 ml, 3 pcs.);
  • polyurethane foam (for wide gaps between the wall and the bathroom);
  • masking tape;
  • putty knife;
  • emery block;
  • pliers;
  • Bulgarian:
  • gun (may not be useful if the sealant is in a tube);


  1. Surface preparation. The walls and the bathtub need to be wiped, then the joint around the perimeter should be degreased and dried thoroughly.
  2. Apply a layer of sealant using a gun or from a tube, in an even layer. Use a spatula to even out the application line, remove excess with a sponge dipped in water. For wide gaps, the sealant can be replaced with polyurethane foam. Possible voids should not be left so that water does not subsequently get there.
  3. Glue preparation. It is recommended to strictly follow the instructions. The glue should have a consistency similar to thick sour cream; it should not slide off the spatula.
  4. If the border elements could not be prepared in advance, then this stage needs to be made up. If necessary, you need to prepare modules cut at an angle of 45 degrees. This can be done with a grinder or pliers. The cut line should be sanded with an emery block. The corners must be processed so that when connecting, the gap is minimal.

This work may not be required if there is a corner blank for the ceramic border:

  1. It is recommended to lay the border from the corners. Use a spatula to carefully apply glue to the back of the border and press it against the wall. Excess glue should be removed. Application should be as dense as possible. You can use a rubber mallet to carefully align the pieces.
  2. After complete drying, after a day, use sealant to seal the smallest cracks.
  3. Upon completion of work, it is recommended to generously water the border and corners to ensure the strength of the adhesive.

If you plan to attach borders to tiles, the process will be much simpler:

  1. Waterproof glue (liquid nails) should be applied to the grease-free tiles on the wall. The curb should be pressed firmly to adhere to the adhesive.
  2. It is advisable to use a building level for work. It is recommended to remove excess glue in a timely manner.
  3. After hardening, use grout putty to treat all seams.

The cost consists of several main indicators:

  1. Manufacturing material.
  2. Manufacturer country.
  3. Available complete with facing tiles.
  4. Color and texture(white and smooth are always cheaper).

It should be noted that ordering in an online store is more profitable than in a construction supermarket, but many people prefer to hold the product in their hands before purchasing in order to feel it in reality.

Cost of one white ceramic corner standard size – from 30 rubles, color – from 40 rubles.


  1. Before adding a border sticker, prepare special plastic crosses to maintain the gap between the modules of the same width.
  2. Grouting joints between border elements, must be done with the same grout composition as for facing tiles.
  3. Ceramic mosaic helps with complex geometric lines, since small elements help preserve even oval lines.
  4. Carefully prepared and executed work will undoubtedly be crowned with success.

When carrying out renovations in the bathroom, even if you strictly follow the finishing technology, it is impossible to avoid gaps between the font and the wall. Their appearance may be a consequence of the uneven surface of the sides. If ordinary tiles are used as a finishing material, then a ceramic border must be used to eliminate gaps. It will not only hide the cracks, but also decorate the room.

If you decorated your bathroom yourself, selected expensive plumbing fixtures and used designer tiles to decorate the walls, then using plastic border at finishing works, you will thereby harm the design of the room and reduce the cost of its appearance. To ensure that the interior elements are in harmony with each other and the appearance of the room is completed, it is worth choosing ceramic borders. Although they are more expensive and their installation is a more complex process, they have a positive effect on the appearance of the bathroom, making the interior of this room more impressive.

Features of ceramic bath borders

When purchasing tiles for wall cladding in a bathroom, you can usually get borders included with them. However, it often happens that they are not included in the package. In this case you have to purchase them separately. When choosing them in a store, you should pay attention to the color and texture of the tiles.

When choosing a ceramic border, you need to focus on the color of the tiles that the owner will use to decorate the bathroom, as well as the texture of this material. Following these recommendations, you can hide the gaps between the wall and the font, and in addition give original look The main decoration of this room is the bath. U decorative corners has its advantages, from which you should know:

  • high strength characteristics;
  • long service life;
  • spectacular look;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • environmental safety of the material.

It must be said that for decorative skirting boards, as for any decorative element, characterized by certain disadvantages. The most significant among them are the following:

  • compared to plastic corners the cost of a ceramic border is quite high;
  • The installation work of these decorative elements is highly complex and requires a lot of time.

If you are during repair work In the bathroom, you decide to decorate the font with a border, then you should know that when installing it, tile adhesive is used, which hardens when hardened and is not elastic. If the installation of curbs is performed on the surface acrylic bath which expands when heated, then in this case the base may not be able to cope with the increased load and a crack will appear on the element. As a result of this there will be the seal is broken.

The ceramic corner also has one more drawback that you should be aware of. It lies in the fact that in case of accidental blows with a heavy object, this decorative element may burst or a chip may form on its surface. Of course, if the installation of the plinth is done with high quality, then it acquires high resistance to impacts, but still does not lose its fragility.

Types of ceramic bath borders

Manufacturers of finishing materials are constantly expanding the range of products offered, improving them and increasing their performance characteristics. Currently available on the market different kinds ceramic corners, which have wide application possibilities. If we talk about ceramic borders for the bathroom, then based on such a criterion as appearance, they can be divided into three main types:

It is worth saying that ceramic corners, regardless of their type, have a universal design. Their installation can be done both on the finishing material itself and under it.

When you picked for yourself in the store suitable model corner, then it is necessary prepare the surface for its installation and decide on the tools that will be used to secure the borders in your bathroom.

Preparation for installation

To ensure that the work of installing decorative corners in your bathroom goes quickly and you are pleased with the result, you need to prepare in advance all the materials and tools that you will need during the installation of these elements.

Materials and tools

Without correct selection tools and materials quality results cannot be guaranteed.

  • sealant. It is advisable to use a composition containing antifungal additives during work;
  • ceramic corners in sufficient quantity. It is advisable to purchase a little more than you need, since when performing work you can accidentally damage several elements;
  • tile adhesive;
  • notched and flat spatula;
  • emery block;
  • Bulgarian with cutting disc for stone.

During work, not all of the prepared tools may be needed. But if you are installing a ceramic border with your own hands for the first time, and you have no experience in carrying it out, then you should prepare all the tools.

If during your search you did not find a ceramic corner that matches the color and texture, then in this case you should choose ceramic border white color , since this shade is universal and harmonizes perfectly with absolutely any design.

How to calculate the required amount of corner

Before you go to the store and buy a border, you need to make calculations required amount for carrying out work. When calculating it is necessary refer to the following diagram:

Let's pay attention to one important point: It’s worth purchasing ceramic corners 3-4 pieces more than you need. It almost always happens that during trimming and adjusting the border, several pieces turn out to be damaged.

Installation of ceramic border

Before installing a ceramic border, it is necessary to carry out work to prepare the joint. It must be degreased and dried. You should use a home hair dryer for drying. After that everything is filled with sealant. If the width of the gap exceeds 5 mm, then you can refuse to use a sealing compound and opt for polyurethane foam.

While the sealant or polyurethane foam is hardening, you need to start preparing the glue that will fix the ceramic baseboard. When preparing the composition, you must follow the instructions on the glue package, which contains a recipe for preparing the composition. In order to secure the decorative element with high quality, it is necessary that the finished glue resembles thick sour cream in consistency.

During work, the first thing to do is laying a corner border, and then the installation of longitudinal elements is carried out from it.

It is worth saying that some time ago, when creating high-quality joints, craftsmen cut off the edges of the curb at an angle of 45 degrees, for which they usually resorted to using an angle grinder with a cutting disc. After that upper part broke off using pliers. Next, it was fixed using adhesive composition. At the moment, this is not required for laying a ceramic border, since the corner blanks are already included in the kit, the use of which allows you to create a beautiful joint.

When laying ceramic borders one after another, it is necessary to adjust them to each other in such a way that the created ceramic profile around the perimeter of the bathtub looks monolithic. End joints should be hidden as much as possible. Any glue that appears at the corner joints should be removed immediately with a damp sponge or using a rag.

It is necessary to avoid the situation of its freezing. When all the ceramic borders are fixed, you need to wait until the glue settles. This usually takes 8-10 hours. Then the entire corner is thoroughly wetted, and then again you need to leave it until it dries completely. The need for wetting is due to the fact that it dries faster outer side ceramic border than the inner one. And this is undesirable, since the risk of microcracks is high.

Completion of work

When the ceramic border around the entire perimeter of the bathroom is completely dry, to ensure maximum aesthetics of this design, it is necessary to perform a few more steps. The seams between the tiles and the curb are sealed with sealant acrylic or silicone based. When doing this, you must be careful not to stain the tiles.

The ideal option is when the joints between the borders are covered with the same material that was used for the joints between the tiles. But for this, before laying decorative borders, it is necessary to provide the same gap as between the tiles. This can be ensured if plastic crosses are used during installation of ceramic corners. In this case, the plinth will look perfect and will be no different from the tiles on the wall.

It should be remembered that the laid ceramic plinth absorbs the greatest amount of moisture, so when grouting it is necessary use moisture-resistant composition with antifungal additives. Do not forget about choosing the color of the grout, which should match the design style of your room.

Alternative Solution

A mosaic border in the bathroom could be an excellent solution, since it uses elements small size. Although such material costs more ordinary ceramic corners, but its use allows you to do the job efficiently, even if you don’t have great experience in this case. Mosaic is also used if there are rounded lines. Using this material, you can repeat absolutely any circle.


If the surfaces in your bathroom are made of expensive material, then it will look just great. However, you must not forget about the design of the bath itself. Gaps often form between its sides and the wall, which disrupt the harmony of the interior. At the same time, it will help to decorate the bathroom decorative border. In finishing materials stores you can purchase products of various lengths with different color and texture. A ceramic corner, selected to match the design of your bathroom, will allow you to decorate the bathroom and thus complete the design of this room.

Bathroom will turn into a cozy room, in which performing hygiene procedures will become a pleasant experience. Ceramic corners laid along the side of the bathtub will perform not only a decorative, but also a practical function - they will prevent the penetration of moisture into the cracks between the wall and the side of the bathtub.

Ceramic borders to the bath

Even a professional experienced craftsman When installing a bathtub, there remains a slight gap between it and the wall, let alone a novice craftsman who does the installation with his own hands.

The gap in this vulnerable spot occurs due to the curvature of the wall surface, a violation of the sequence of work, or uneven edges of the product itself. If the bathtub is tiled beautiful tiles, then a ceramic border for the bathroom will help to seal the joint, which will organically blend into the interior of the room. In this article we will tell you what a tiled corner is, how to choose it, and then install it.

Types of ceramic corners

Ceramic corner is a decorative element made from tiles of the same color and texture as the tiles, used to protect the joint between the bathtub and the wall from moisture penetration, which often causes dampness, unpleasant odor or the spread of mold or mildew.

Professional craftsmen call this element a “fillet,” but this term is much less common. The border is selected to match the tiles used for wall cladding, so as not to destroy the integral appearance of the room. There are the following types of tile fillets:

Note! Typically, one tile collection includes a ceramic corner of 1-2 types. If you have chosen a tile that does not come with a special border, you can choose a border suitable color in other collections. As a last resort, you can make a corner yourself by cutting the tiles into strips 3-4 cm wide.


It is quite easy to choose a beautiful and high-quality ceramic corner for tiles, thanks to the extensive range. Professional masons strongly do not recommend using plastic borders to seal the joints between the bathtub and the wall if the room is finished with tiles. The advantages of ceramic corners are:

Please note that it is not recommended to seal the joint between the tiles and the bathtub using a plastic border, which costs much less than a ceramic one, since due to the low porosity of the tile, it is problematic to securely fix such a border. In addition, the service life plastic products much less than the service life of the tiles.


Ceramic corner – effective remedy eliminating the gap between the tiles and the bathtub, into which water flows and splashes when using the shower. However, the high cost of this element makes homeowners wonder whether fillets are really needed to decorate this room. disadvantages tiled borders consider:

Please note that when choosing a ceramic corner to seal the gap between the tile and the wall, you need to take into account the width of this element. It is important that the width of the curb exceeds the thickness of the gap by 2-3 cm.


Installation of the ceramic border is carried out after installing the bathtub and tiling the walls. For work, use tile adhesive, silicone sealant with antibacterial additives, a spatula and grout for joints. The work is performed in the following order:

Please note that the space between the joints is the most vulnerable place to moisture and mold, so it is recommended to use special moisture-resistant grout with antibacterial additives to fill it.

Video instruction