Coral warm or cold color. color theory. Warm and cold colors. Tone and semitone. Shades of blue vary in tone

Warm, cold, chromatic, achromatic, and why they are needed.

1. All colors are divided into chromatic and achromatic.

achromatic colors are white, black and all shades of grey.

Chromatic colors- these are all colors of the visible spectrum from red to purple and their shades, in other words, this is a rainbow.

The entire color spectrum, in turn, is divided into warm and cold colors.

It is very easy to distinguish them.
All colors that are associated with fire, sun, heat, warmth, summer are warm colors.
All colors that are associated with cold, cold, ice, winter, depth - belong to the cold color scheme.

On the color wheel, you can clearly see which colors are considered cold and which are warm.

Green can be warm (if it has more yellow) or cool (if it has more blue), just like purple, pink, brown, and other complex colors can be warm or cool, depending on the hue.

Now they will be useful to us, and also brushes different sizes, watercolor paints or gouache.

Let's remember childhood and coloring books, and at the same time we will learn how to mix colors and shades. And at the same time we will learn, more accurately and accurately work with paints.

Paint one sheet with figures with shades of colors in cold colors, as in my drawing, and the other in warm colors. Try mixing colors so that all shapes are different shade and tone.

Working with gouachethere are differences between paints and watercolors.

Not used in watercolors White color, and in order to make the paint lighter, watercolor is diluted more strongly with water and written with a transparent layer, and in order to write white space on the sheet just cover the paper clean water, or even leave this place white, clean, because the color of the paper on which they write with watercolors is usually white. In order for the watercolor to lay down in an even layer or in gentle stains, the paper is moistened and they wait for the moisture to be absorbed into the paper, and then paint is applied.

Gouache paints use white. Therefore, to obtain light pastel shades, colored gouache is mixed with white. Gouache paints are applied with dense opaque strokes, and it is not necessary to use for the base white paper, gouache can be written on gray or colored cardboard.
To work with any water-soluble paints, it is better to take paper that is denser, so that the paper does not warp when it dries. Stores sell special paper for watercolor, on which the color of the watercolor does not fade after drying, but remains bright. But not all watercolor paper has this property, I found such paper for myself, through trials in practice.

Here is an example of a watercolor with a cold base, which is why the warm (yellow-orange) strokes of the centers of the irises attract the eye. The petals of irises are painted in a transparent layer, in watercolor, strongly diluted with water. White paint was not used in this work.

Color in painting is a very important and complex concept. This follows from the physical nature of light and from the structure of the human system of vision, from the process of color perception. It has long been known that there are no two people who see the same objects and landscapes in the same way, but with all the richness of colors in the color sensations of artists, there are common principles.

The division of the pictorial palette into warm colors and cold colors is one of such concepts.

Spectrum separation

The great physicist Isaac Newton (1643-1727) was the first to figure out the color composition sunlight. The beam, passing through a glass prism, decomposed into seven basic shades. Further scientific developments led to the creation color wheel of the twelve primary colors, from which, by mixing, you can get that color variety that surrounds us, that richness of shades that has long inspired painters. This color wheel is named after the Swiss painter and scientist Johannes Itten (1888-1967).

The color spectrum and the color wheel are usually divided into two parts - from green to red are warm, from blue to purple - cold. Green is considered by some to be a cold color, while others give it a special concept - neutral.

Such a division is clear to everyone, everyone agrees with it, but the objectivity of the reasons for such a division has long been argued, putting forward their own versions.

The main criterion is temperature associations

Of course, the first thing that can be accepted when discussing the origin of the division into warm colors and cold colors is natural associations. Yellow, red, orange are the colors of the sun, fire. No wonder there is a phrase in Russian that explains the heating of the metal: red-hot. Such temperature changes in color can be seen in a fire or in a fireplace, although some gases during combustion can turn into seemingly cold colors: how not to recall the bluish combustion of household gas fuel. And yet, bluish and bluish colors evoke a logical feeling of coolness: this is the color of the sky, water, ice, snow.

Day-night, summer-winter

The “temperature” of color is clearly related to the time of day: the rising sun, warming the world, paints the sky in a blazing range: red, pink, orange shades, and the coolness of the night is more clearly felt in the bluish moonlight, which gives the natural environment a muted and soft color, although the evening dawn - the sunset - can also flare up with a hot gamut.

It is interesting that before the onset of cold weather, in the pre-winter period, the warm colors of summer flash brightly in the fiery colors of autumn to give way to the bluish and bluish color of snow, ice and cold sky.

Bottom line: the defining meaning of the concept of color "temperature" has an emotional component, which makes it more subjective, although agreement with the generally accepted division into warm colors and cold colors among all objects dealing with color characteristics is global.

close - far

Since the Renaissance, a well-established theory of aerial perspective has emerged, which is based on yet another emotional and psychological characteristics warm and cold colors: an object painted in cold color, seems to be farther than yellow, red, orange or their shades. Not even a landscape, but simply a table containing warm and cold colors can give an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis.

It is clearly seen how one of the titans of the Renaissance Titian Vecellio (1488-1576) uses this property of color in the painting “Bacchus and Ariadne”.

The master clearly divides color space diagonally into two parts in full accordance with the Itten color wheel, which will appear four and a half centuries later. Cold and warm shades of colors are used to build a huge picture space. Warm colors dominate in the foreground, the bluish whitened colors of the sky, the sea and the land receding into the distance are in the background, and on the border is the greenery of the trees, which according to all theories is considered neutral, and the cold-colored drapery of the main character and the warm color of the cloak of the central character make color scheme refined and harmonious.

Everything is relative

It is necessary to understand that the "warm-coldness" of colors in painting is not an absolute concept, that is, it cannot be measured, and this property can be correctly assessed only in comparison with another color.

The use of spectral, unequivocally warm or definitely cold colors is an exotic thing in painting, paintings from planes that are significant in area, painted with one color, are more of a conceptual thing, for example, the abstract painting of Mark Rothko.

In more traditional painting, the relationship of colors of different “temperatures” occurs at the level of a combination of small strokes, due to optical mixing, making neighboring colors warmer or colder. It is impossible to understand which colors are warm and which are cold, considering the areas of the pictorial space containing them separately from the environment.

Hue is more valuable than color

One of the most obvious qualities of high pictorial skill is the ability to see and apply to the canvas those millions of shades that are contained in every element of the nature around us. The ability to distinguish warm notes in cold colors and vice versa gives a special expressiveness to the image. Here it is important to mention the principle of color modeling of the volume: if light, colored with a warm color, falls on an object, the shadow should be cold and vice versa. Not all painters agree with him, but this law is applied very widely.

Some researchers talk about the incorrectness of the expression "warm and cold colors". The table shows colors that are very rarely used without mixing with other shades, and for more exact definition colors should be said "warmer" or "colder". For example, Prussian blue and ultramarine are shades of the blue sector from the cold part of the color wheel, and each of these colors will be clearly colder than any shade of red, but even a novice artist will say that blue is warmer than ultramarine.

The use of complex color combinations and shades obtained by mixing, allows you to enrich the palette, even if it is predominantly neutral colors. So, make the desired "temperature" green color- warm or cold - you can add the desired paint from blue or red to it.

Saturation and purity

In the process of creating paintings, artists take into account some more properties of sensations of warmth or coolness in color. So, in order to “raise the temperature” in the desired area of ​​​​the picture space, an experienced painter uses less pure and less saturated shades that will approach achromatic white or gray. Accordingly, the purest and most saturated shades are colder.

Such a definition goes back to questions of psychology: we consider colder everything that looks stricter, more correct, more concise, more symmetrical, more logical, etc. More soulful and warm always contains some kind of irregularity, reticence, incompleteness. This can be used to characterize not only painting, but also architecture, design, printing and other similar branches of art.

Theory is just a help

The historical experience of those masters of the past who used warm and cold colors in painting shows the importance of this aspect of color perception. Knowledge about him, but only in combination with experience and talent, helps modern artists in their work.

What is color temperature and what does it affect? The concept of warm and cold colors in color is different from the generally accepted in the study of the exact sciences, it defines not real physical properties, and its perception by a person, the impact on well-being and mood. Although this knowledge is subjective, it has been verified by many years of practice in areas such as art, design or color therapy. In addition to color temperature, stylists and makeup artists work with shade temperature. The temperature of color and shade are often confused, so we will analyze them separately.

Color temperature.

It has long been known about psychological impact colors on people and some animals, especially if large areas are painted. Therefore, it is important to distinguish between warm or cold colors when choosing color schemes interiors.

This experience is backed by research. It turned out that cold colors lower, and warm colors increase blood circulation. For example, the room was painted in specific color and people were asked to determine the temperature. In rooms painted blue and green, people felt the temperature was 2-3 degrees lower than in a room painted red and orange. Not accidental designations in the everyday life of cold in blue, hot - red on taps with water, thermometers, and other items. These household designations further fix the temperature-color associations in the mind. Reinforce associations and natural phenomena. The sky, ice, water, have blue hues. The sun, fire, sand are orange.

How to determine warm or cold color?

Color temperature is easy to determine with . It is absolute and relative.

Absolute color temperature.

Divide the color wheel into two halves. At the top pole is the warmest color - orange. It is considered the warmest, because it does not have cold shades, later we will consider this property in more detail. At the lower pole is the coldest color - blue. On the sides of the color wheel are the temperature-neutral colors green and magenta. Both are formed by a mixture of cold and warm colors, green - yellow and blue, purple - red and blue. All the colors of the upper half are considered warm, and the lower half are considered cold.

Achromatic colors: white, black and gray are neutral.

relative temperature. Cold and warm shades of colors.

Understanding relative temperature is important when working with multiple colors and a color palette. It helps, for example, to convey space and volume in an image or surface using color.

In addition to orange and blue, all colors can be both warm and cold relative to others at the same time. Using the color wheel, this is as easy to determine as absolute temperature. Warmth decreases as it approaches the lower pole and blue, for example, red or yellow will be colder than orange, and lemon or magenta will be colder than red and yellow. The same principle works in increasing warmth: cyan and violet will be warmer than blue, turquoise and purple even warmer. Temperature gradations are especially evident in and palettes.

A color can be warm or cold not only in relation to other colors, but also to its own shades.

Cold and warm shades of colors.

With the determination of the temperature of the shade, difficulties most often arise. Such concepts as cold red or warm red have become firmly established in everyday life, but not everyone understands the same thing by them. First, relative hue temperature is often confused with color temperature. Secondly, subjectivity: there is no precise definition of where red begins and ends. Meanwhile, the ability to determine cold and warm tones is important when working with a person’s appearance, for example, determining color types and selecting individual color palettes. This skill can be developed through experience and understanding of a simple principle.

Any color other than orange can have warm, neutral, or cool undertones. How to determine the temperature of a hue using the color wheel?

We take any color and define its boundaries. Then we find the approximate center. Shades of color lying on the side of orange will be warm. From the blue side - cold. Intermediate colors without impurities of warm or cold are called local or neutral.

Let's start with green. It is formed by warm yellow and cold blue colors. A cold or warm green tint is obtained due to the predominance of blue or yellow. Moving up to yellow, we get warm shades, down to blue - cold.

The same principle applies to other colors, such as yellow. Approaching orange, the color warms up. Going down, yellow acquires a greenish, lemony, cold hue. Neutral yellow does not have a clear greenish or orange cast.

The orange color stands out in particular. This is the warmest and only color that does not have cold undertones. In addition, it spreads warmth to the surroundings. The nearest colors: yellow-orange and orange-red are also exceptionally warm.

Red. The same principle applies here: the upper shades, highlighted by yellow, are warm, the lower ones from the purple side are cold.

Purple itself is neutral, like green, it is formed by a mixture of cold and warm colors. A large proportion of red makes it warm, blue - cold. From the point of view of use in warm or cold scales, this is a rather complex color. The differences between warm purple and cool red or cool purple and violet are difficult to distinguish. It is also difficult to isolate the local magenta color.

The same boundary difficulties apply to purple. When adding red, it warms up, blue - it gets colder.

The difficulty in determining the temperature of a shade is that there are no exact and generally accepted distinctions where the warm shade of one color ends and the cold shade of another begins. There are no clear boundaries and local shades. Usually, when we are dealing with primary colors: red, blue, yellow and green, this division is intuitive, experience helps to distinguish between other colors.

The blue color is the coldest of the entire palette, it is the opposite of orange. But if orange makes neighboring colors exceptionally warm and does not have cold shades, then blue does not have similar properties. It is conditionally possible to allocate a warm blue color. Some people think that blue, by definition, cannot be warm, but a warm range of colors can contain blue, if you choose its right shade. Its cold, they are local shades are located in the middle, and warm at the edges: on the one hand, blue is highlighted with yellow, on the other with red. These shades will be warmer relative to cold blue.

Blue-green colors stand out separately. Here, heat-coldness is conditional and depends on whether to allocate them in separate group with its local color or considered as part of greens and blues.

So, we come to the influence of lightness and saturation on the color temperature. Up to this point, we have considered the properties of warmth-coldness on pure colors and one parameter - tone. But this is not enough, since most often you have to deal with complex colors in which there is an admixture of achromatic, that is, take into account all three parameters. Lightness changes with the addition of white and black, saturation - with the addition of gray.

Temperature of achromatic colors.

Pure are neutral. However, in nature it is difficult to find absolutely neutral gray, white or black, they always have an advantage in one direction. So, cold or warm white color is obtained from the admixture of other tones. Yellow-red make it warm, blue make it cold. The same applies to gray and black.

The temperature of the mixed colors.

For clarity, it will be convenient here to return to and look at its vertical slice. Along the edges are the cold and warm poles of the color wheel, in the center are neutral colors. Moving from the extreme temperature characteristics to the middle, the color approaches the opposite pole and is thereby neutralized. In other words, as saturation decreases, lightness increases or decreases, the color will mix with neutral achromats and become neutral itself.

Warm group - reds, yellows become less warm, their diluted shades seem colder.

Dilution with gray and black most quickly changes the character of light yellow and lemon shades, they seem greenish and cold.

Orange color does not acquire cold shades, but becomes more neutral. With dilution, it quickly ceases to be recognizable and turns into brown.

Blues and purples with the addition of white and gray lose their cold properties and seem warmer.

As you can see, with the help of the color wheel it is easy to distinguish cold shades from warm ones. Difficulties arise with the definition of blue-red and blue-green shades, it all depends on which color is considered local. Complex and mixed colors are more difficult than pure colors in determining warmth-coldness. Here it is necessary to distinguish nuances and see how the same tone changes along with lightness and saturation.

Warm and cold purple differs in the content of a blue undertone. Although it is the spectral color that has the shortest wavelength, its relative purple is the result of both the longest (purple) and the shortest (red) hitting the retina.

True violet is a dark, deep, cold tone, however, such a pure color in nature is a rare occurrence, most often we are dealing with complex colors. The main impurities of this tone are red, which inclines towards the warm side and blue leads to the cold range. In addition to this, there are also gray, black and white tones that significantly affect the perception of color. And since they are cold, it would be logical to suggest that cold scales should prevail over warm ones, but this is not so. Derivatives of purple and red-violet are much more widely represented, and even if they contain black, white or gray, they still do not cross the threshold of winter tones.

With a decrease in brightness, the colors of cold purple do not lose their properties, but warm ones become cooler, but do not equal the first ones.

Darker ones are colder than light ones. This applies to both cool and warm tones.

From purple to purple there is a whole gradient bright colors based on changing the pure spectrum from 100% violet to 100% + 100% (violet + red) = magenta. In essence, these are two different colors, but their line has been so erased in our representation that they began to represent for us one color class.

Cold purple and its shades

Cold purple is not only a deep cosmic tone, but also light, medium shades, formed both from the main one and with an admixture of blue, gray, black and white. This range contains the most dark colors, lilac and the lion's share of gray-violet tones.

Cold purple photo

Intense purple (1), blue-violet (2), dark purple (3), black-violet (4), bright lilac (5), blue-lilac (6), light lilac (7), pale - lilac (8), blue-violet (9), light gray-violet (10), charoite color (11), dark gray-violet (12).

Warm purple and its shades

Warm purple hues originate from lilac derivatives, which, next to rich purple-purple tones, look pink, but, in fact, are already leaving this range.
They are followed by the amethyst scale: light, bright and muted shades are close relatives of purple.
Purple is rich, juicy. According to its temperament, it can be put on a par with red, raspberry, burgundy. And, therefore, its dark shades, such as plum, eggplant, will take a “warm position”.
The red-violet gamma occupies almost an intermediate value between warm and cold, but loses to dark purple and blue-violet.

warm purple color photo

Glycine (1), mauve (2), thistle (3), amethyst (4), orchid (5), blackberry (6), purple (7), red purple (8), brown purple (9) , grape (10), plum (11), eggplant (12).

Cool purple blends

Cold mid-violet tend to enter into a temperature contrast, although it is better to observe average values. So couples with light green, herbal, peach shades, brown, sunset pink, dark red, etc. will be pleasant. Cold combinations with turquoise, gray-green are also possible, but they leave a feeling of incompleteness. Dark- purple tones are combined according to the principle of black: high light contrast or according to the principle of a color spot.

Warm purple blends

To create a warm-cold contrast, such shades of purple will need warmer colors: orange, yellow, gold, but at the same time we will not see a sharp resonance: a rich, cheerful color will open before us.

Cold purple and warm combined

And yet, more often than not, warm and cold purple tones end up together, creating a deep range that is in the spotlight. In this case, the warm-cold contrast fades into the background, allowing the viewer to completely immerse themselves in the mysterious, bewitching world of purple-purple.

Apartment design is a creative, interesting, and informative process. When decorating rooms, it is necessary not only to choose the right building and Decoration Materials in terms of quality, but also to pay attention to aesthetic characteristics. When furnishing a room, you need to choose the right one color design depending on the size, functions of the room, the proportions of the walls, ceiling, personal preferences.

All colors are conditionally divided by temperature. Correct selection colors, their combinations allows you to achieve amazing optical effects - increase, reduce the room, raise or lower the ceiling, make the climate of the room warmer, more comfortable or, on the contrary, more ascetic. How to combine warm and cold colors correctly, a table for combining shades, the basic rules for arrangement and optical tricks are discussed in this article.

What is a color table?

Color table - traditional scheme, showing the relationship of colors and shades to each other. Thanks to her, even a non-professional in the use of colors can easily learn the principles of color combinations, choosing the perfect shades, contrasting colors. The table is indispensable assistant when mixing paints, coordinating the right pigments, selecting tones and includes:

  1. primary and secondary colors;
  2. chromatic (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, violet, their shades) and achromatic (white, black, shades of gray).

The color wheel includes three primary colors:

  1. yellow,
  2. red,
  3. blue.

Additional colors have been added to the main colors:

  1. orange,
  2. violet,
  3. green.

What are cold and warm colors? Warm tones are located on the left side of the color wheel, cold tones are located on the right.

The correct selection of colors in relation to each other (in accordance with the descriptions placed on the wheel) will answer the key questions: how to get perfect color, how to combine shades, which colors match each other and what is the best contrast?
Understanding the principles of colorimetry has a huge impact on professional design and color reproduction.

What the table gives:

  • understanding the nature of flowers;
  • familiarity with the principles of combination of shades;
  • how to distinguish between warm and cold colors, primary and secondary;
  • training in the use of shades.

Table of cold and warm colors

warm colors

The color scheme affects the mood. Before decorating the interior, it is worth studying the effect of colors on a person.

Why are warm colors popular? Warm shades of colors in the interior make visitors want to stay. Surrounded by warm colors it is comfortable to relax, it is pleasant to spend evenings with loved ones, eat, create. Interior temperatures can range from mild soft beiges and browns to hot orange-red geysers.

Warm colors render next influence:

  • stimulate;
  • make the room more comfortable;
  • add optimism;
  • poisonous tones are sometimes considered aggressive.

What palette to choose? How to choose a combination of warm tones? Below is our mini guide to the "warm side" of color.

Cozy ecru

Ecru is a combination of white with shades of yellow and gray. This natural shade linen, cotton, sand, beige, cream and cream white. Ecru gently but effectively reflects light. Due to the neutral tone, it is easy to match beige with other colors. Surrounded by ecru tones, it is difficult to ignite feelings, they relax.

Ecru excels in:

  • living room,
  • bedroom,
  • bathroom,
  • kitchen.

earth colors

The color palette of the earth includes:

  • brown,
  • beige,
  • olive,
  • grey,
  • yellowish green.

They are tinted, unobtrusive, elegant, natural, exude a pleasant, safe warmth. Such an environment will help to relax, distract from everyday worries.

  • living room,
  • bedroom,
  • bathroom,
  • kitchen.

In addition, it is quite easy to choose a combination of brown with other colors. brown reminds natural wood, thanks to which it harmoniously combines with most colors, it is included in many combinations.

sunny interior

Yellow will give the interior a dose of positive energy. There are many various shades yellow:

  • citric,
  • honey,
  • mustard,
  • pineapple,
  • oil,
  • linen,
  • amber,
  • gold.

The combination of yellow shades forms an interesting composition. Perfectly complement her white ecru with warm tones and delicate in gray.

The influence of yellow is positive:

  • stimulates creativity;
  • encourages action;
  • creates comfort;
  • adds optimism;
  • solves problems with lack of motivation.

Orange color stimulates fun, symbolizes fire. Fire is a home symbol of the hearth, warmth, comfort. Combination orange color, brick terracotta and rust works in rooms where they spend their leisure time with family and loved ones.

Orange is especially suitable for:

Dark red, scarlet, ruby, burgundy - juicy shades of love, passion. Red is the hottest of all colors.

The influence of red is as follows:

  • increases blood pressure;
  • heats the atmosphere, kindles a fire;
  • used for registration of romantic meetings;
  • stimulates appetite, recommended when eating;
  • adds spice to the atmosphere.

Warm colors help create cozy atmosphere, feel comfortable. Shades that are far from the hottest reds are safe, bring calm, relaxation, rest. The closer to the opposite end of the scale, the hotter the shades, the more stimulating they are. Therefore, using yellow, orange, red, it is worth combining them with cold tones, observing moderation. The right combination of cold and warm colors will help to avoid cacophony, congestion of rooms with temperature. Too hot interior begins to irritate, and too cold design - will bring sadness, despondency.

It is worth remembering that some warm shades become cold if they contain the following impurities of cold tones:

  • green,
  • violet,
  • blue,
  • grey.

cold colors

Cool tones on the color wheel start with shades of green (mint, emerald green), as well as shades of blue and purple. Why is a cold shade often used?

Cool colors affect as follows:

  • soothe;
  • relax;
  • make the room visually larger, optically expand the space small rooms;
  • help to concentrate, recommended for study rooms, classrooms;
  • those who want to lose weight should remember that the blue color suppresses appetite (it is not used in restaurants, cafes, canteens).

Cold shades are used in all rooms.

How to decorate a cold interior? Below are a few interesting ideas how to choose the right, harmonious combination of cool tones.

purple living room

Purple walls, furniture, living room decorations will help you relax after a busy day. Purple looks especially beautiful paired with gray. The purple-gray combination is beautiful, relaxing, elegant.

Using silver accessories with the addition of black will make the room glamorous. The use of architectural concrete will create a loft-style atmosphere, give the room a modern gloss, a touch of minimalism.

blue bedroom

The bedroom, decorated with blue and its shades, is suitable for people who have difficulty falling asleep, relaxing after a hard day's work, stressful situations. You can bet on the following combinations:

  1. pastel blues combined with crisp grays and whites;
  2. dark blue and white;
  3. dark blue and light blue.

The blue bedroom will become a place where it is good to relax, gain strength in the process of healthy, restorative sleep. Just do not use a computer, tablet, smartphone in the bedroom, which impedes the relaxation process. blue light emitted electronic devices disrupts the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. It is advisable to leave work in the office.

Cold green - for a teenager's room, office

Cool green is recommended for people working on the computer - it will help the eyes to relax. Green is ideal where work causes eye strain. Green cool colors in the palette below are shown on the left.

In the children's room, mint, pastel green shades are useful. They look harmonious in the company:

  • bleached blue (boy's version),
  • cool pink, purple (girls version).

Looks great on a green background.

  • white furniture,
  • turquoise accessories,
  • gray furniture, accessories,
  • pastels.

In a green room, it is easier for a child to relax and fall asleep. Optimistic green helps children to create, learn, develop, stimulates mental activity. Depending on the size of the rooms, you should choose a shade of green, using light colors to decorate small rooms.

Marine climate in the bathroom

The blue design of the bathroom gives a feeling of freshness. Blue looks especially harmonious in bathrooms in a marine style, retro style, shabby chic. Looks great with blue walls and white fixtures stylish furniture.

Adding elements related to the coastal climate, the beach, the sea, will make the room look like a sea coast. Modern interior make it warmer wooden elements, houseplants.

Correct use colors will help to achieve interesting effects, have a positive effect on mood, activity, help to relax, unwind or, on the contrary, recharge your batteries.