Match wallpaper to dark furniture. How to choose wallpaper color

The concept of “repair” affects every adult at least once in their life. Among important elements interior created in a living space, let us highlight the issue of wall decoration. Modern market finishing materials offers many options for wall decoration, let's focus on how to choose the color of the wallpaper.

Attention ! The atmosphere of the room, its comfort and coziness depend on the right choice.

Any mistake when selecting wallpaper leads to very unpleasant consequences: damage to the design, waste of time and money.

Rules for choosing wallpaper

When choosing wallpaper these days, factors such as the material wealth of the apartment owner, his personal preferences, and fashion trends in design and interior are taken into account. Let's try to figure out how to choose wallpaper for photo wallpapers, what you need to take into account in order to achieve your goal.

Choosing a color

IN modern design interior use two color compositions: warm and cold. In addition, you can use their various shades. Very bright colors are not the best solution for decorating residential premises. It will be difficult to choose tulle for such wallpaper. It would be right to make a bright color accent in the kitchen.

Advice ! When pasting adjacent rooms use wallpaper that is similar in tone.

If the room is well lit naturally sunlight, you can “mute” it a little with purple, lilac, blue shades. For rooms with windows facing north, be sure to choose light laminate or linoleum, transparent curtains, warm colors wallpaper

Advice ! For dark living spaces, pink, beige, red, and yellow tones are suitable.

If you know the rules for modifying patterns on wallpaper, you can get the visual effect of increasing or decreasing the size of the room. Discreet patterns give it additional volume; rich and expressive shades add coziness and home warmth into a spacious room. If the ceilings are high, it would be correct to use dark laminate or linoleum or light tulle. Bottom part the walls are decorated with dark canvases, and top part decorated with light colors. For dark room You don’t need to use thick curtains, but in a sunny room they will help you “escape” from the annoying sun “bunny” in the morning.

For lovers of unusual interiors, they will suit non-standard solutions. You can combine plain wallpaper with bright linoleum or laminate flooring. Neutral curtains will complement the created image.

Advice ! It is better not to use heavy patterns, but to limit yourself to a modest floral pattern, undemanding polka dots, and geometric shapes.

Unusual solutions

You can wallpaper a room with multi-colored wallpaper that has the same finish. One wall can be decorated with wallpaper with a pattern, the three remaining walls can be decorated with plain wallpaper, matching in color.

When decorating a room, be sure to take into account the color of the linoleum or laminate on the floor, window frames, curtains. Rules for selecting wallpaper for decorating a room are presented in the video fragment

If the room does not have cornices installed, you can not glue wallpaper to the ceiling, but use a wide border. For plain canvases, a frieze with an interesting architectural pattern is suitable. For wallpaper with a pattern, it would be correct to take a plain frieze.

Attention ! Wallpapering the panels through which heating is supplied to the room is not allowed, as this is a direct violation of safety regulations.

It’s better to simply paint them or apply a pattern on them identical to the pattern on the wallpaper, using a stencil.

Features of choosing wallpaper for the bedroom

This room is intended for complete relaxation; laminate flooring is mainly laid here; linoleum in the bedroom is a rarity. To properly decorate this room, it is important to follow certain rules.

The tulle in this room is chosen transparent, without bright ornaments. Linoleum or laminate should be in harmony with the furniture elements. For a small bedroom it would be correct to use plain wallpaper. With their help, you can visually expand the space in the room, fill the room with the atmosphere that is conducive to proper rest after a difficult working day. Smooth walls can be decorated with paintings, photographs, and other types of design. Fans of “convex” wallpaper or canvases with an original image can choose canvases that imitate natural materials, contain abstraction, a not very intrusive print, and identical elements. Choosing color scheme for wallpaper, you can be guided by personal preferences; for lovers of a romantic mood, peach, light green, beige, and silver tones are suitable. Fans of bright, passionate emotions will appreciate unusual tulle for windows and rich colors for wall decoration. You can choose a different color for each wall, for example, green, red, yellow, purple.

How to choose the right laminate, tulle, wallpaper? These questions concern any home owner. If the room is elongated, for it visual expansion they paste over the walls near the window opening with a bright color, and at the doors they use light colors. Interesting solution is the use of photo wallpaper. If you select a wall opposite the bed or at its head for them, you can get the effect of visually expanding the room.

For a square room, allocation is allowed bright accent only one wall. In a small room as ideal option pastel shades will be used, light laminate or linoleum. To create a visual division of the bedroom into two levels, you can use patterned wallpaper on the upper section, and plain wallpaper on the lower section. In this way you can emphasize the beauty of the drawing.

To identify the boundary between these levels, you can use a bright border. Designers use a technique in which one color is chosen as the dominant color, and the second simply emphasizes it. Accessories or unusual decorative elements will make the created image complete.

Rules for selecting wallpaper for the living room

The living room or hall are considered the most visited rooms in the apartment. Laminate is used to finish the floor in such rooms. upgraded class strength or linoleum. Dark shades of floor coverings are preferred to make them easier to care for.

Wallpaper for decorating the hall is chosen in several shades of the same tone. Using this option, the room is divided into several zones: the light part will be light, the dining area is decorated in a more dark colors. When decorating a living room in classic style, laminate is replaced parquet board made from expensive wood. The walls are covered with fabrics with tapestry or painting.

A non-standard option for decorating a living room is considered to be canvases made from a variety of plant fibers: reed, bamboo or papyrus. Such an interior will look exotic, and the materials used will be environmentally friendly, resistant to high moisture and sunlight.

How to choose wallpaper for a children's room

This room should be bright and cozy, so it requires a special approach. Of the shades suitable for this room, the best would be beige, light green, pink, and blue tones. When choosing wallpaper for this room, be guided by the following criteria: practicality, beauty, environmental friendliness. The drawing can be selected on any subject, taking into account the wishes of the owner of the room.

The main color is chosen to be neutral, the emphasis is on an unusual border or decorating one wall with bright wallpaper. Game Zone will look harmonious with a bright panel that has a storyline from a popular animated film or fairy tale. The sun and clouds on the walls will complement the green linoleum or carpet.

Choice for kitchen decoration

Modern sophistication kitchen furniture can be highlighted using plain wallpaper. You can hang bright wallpaper on one wall, for example, use it to highlight dining area. An excellent purchase for a room such as a kitchen would be materials that imitate tiles, wood, a natural stone. The convex structure will not only be similar natural materials, but also quite a budget option.

For classic cuisine a good solution would be patterns of the same type; for the “country” style you can purchase images with vegetables or fruits, and for the “modern” style a good decision will become geometric patterns.

To choose the right wallpaper for your interior, you need to take into account the functionality, size, shape and lighting of the room. The overall style and design of the room depends on the proper selection of wallpaper for interior items.

An interesting option for selecting wallpaper for the hallway is shown in the photo below:

How to choose a color

When choosing a wallpaper color, you should focus on:

  • room dimensions;
  • room illumination;
  • interior functionality;
  • planning and construction of the premises;
  • shades of furniture and accessories;
  • psychological characteristics of color perception.


In large rooms, wallpaper in bright and dark colors is chosen for gluing. Using light wallpaper inserts in a room in combination with dark accents will not disrupt the integrity of the interior. To visually reduce space, choose a nature theme with bright details or light wallpaper with rich prints. To expand the spatial boundaries of the room, use canvases in light shades:

  • beige;
  • white;
  • yellow;
  • soft pink;
  • peach;
  • light green.

It is worth taking care of the lighting. In rooms with bright natural light, you can hang wallpaper in dark or cool shades. Light colors will provide good illumination in the evening.


Consider the functionality of the room. In the bedroom, canvases in light shades would be appropriate: white, pastel, green tones will have a beneficial effect on sleep. For the living room and kitchen, you can choose dynamic colors: yellow, red, orange. Muted tones (cherry, emerald, burgundy) will add luxury and richness to the room.

A color scheme

The most popular combinations are:

  • blue with yellow, white, lavender, turquoise;
  • red with white, black, gray, pastel tones;
  • purple with blue, gray, lavender, yellow, pink;
  • green with yellow, orange, light brown.

How to choose the right wallpaper color, look at the photo.

Selecting photo wallpaper

When choosing photo wallpaper, consider:

  1. Thematically, the images should fit into the overall design.
  2. It is necessary that the shades of photo wallpaper and wallpaper on the remaining walls be combined in color and texture.
  3. The size of the drawings must correspond to the dimensions of the room.

To decorate hallways, you should select light-colored photo wallpapers, since such rooms, as a rule, lack lighting. It is not necessary to place images on the walls; you can paste them over the ceiling, doors or surfaces of a built-in wardrobe.

When selecting photo wallpaper for the sleeping area, consider the orientation of the windows. Cold shades can be used to decorate the bedroom, which is located with sunny side. Volumetric wallpaper with large floral compositions, sea and space images look good.

For northern and western sides choose light wallpapers with pictures sandy beaches, landscapes. Red, yellow, orange colors. Delicate photo wallpaper in a coral shade will add additional light to the room.

Floral themes and urban style are appropriate in living rooms. Panoramic panels with images of cities and landscapes of all seasons are popular. How to choose the right wallpaper for your photo wallpaper, look at the photo.

Selection of furniture for wallpaper

Wallpaper should not just be combined with furniture, but enhance each other’s advantages. Therefore, in order not to overload the interior, you should focus either on the walls or on the furniture. The design often uses contrasting combinations of white and black, red and white.

  1. Choose functionality based on how many compartments you need to store your items.
  2. It is important that the dimensions of the furniture and the dimensions of the room correspond to each other. You should not use sets with excessive decor or large details in small rooms.
  3. The shade should be 1-2 shades lighter or darker than the wall design. Take into account the color scheme flooring and the style of the room.
  4. To highlight the furniture, decorate this side of the room accent wall with original drawing.

How to choose the right tulle for wallpaper is shown in the photo below:

Combination of tulle and wallpaper

Vertical stripes on textile elements expand the space and are suitable for decoration window openings V narrow rooms. Horizontal stripes will visually enlarge the windows, so they are recommended for use in rooms with low ceilings. Large patterns on curtains are appropriate in a room with plain wallpaper. Tulle with geometric pattern Suitable for plain surfaces. Metallic curtains should be supported by the shiny pattern of the wall hangings. How to choose the right burgundy curtains for beige wallpaper is demonstrated in the photo.

Floor decoration

  1. It is best to choose beige, light brown and pistachio shades for linoleum. Bright patterns excite, while monotonous and muted patterns calm. Successful combinations dark colors with light furniture, black floor does not match warm wallpaper on the walls.
  2. Diagonal patterns on linoleum, reminiscent wooden boards or small tiles, visually expand the space. The abstract colors of linoleum will highlight other interior items: furniture, decorative elements.
  3. The color of linoleum should not match the color of the accessories on the floor.
  4. The colors of curtains and linoleum do not combine well with each other; this can create the feeling of too intense shades.
  5. Combinations of flooring colors with small pillows, vases, boxes and souvenirs look good.

Successful and correct selection linoleum for wallpaper is shown in the photo.

Laminate coating

It is advisable that the wallpaper be 2-4 shades darker than the floor covering; the transition between the walls and the floor should be clearly defined. You cannot use the following shades of laminate with light wallpaper: beech, birch, white oak.

Do not get carried away with color combinations in the design of small rooms - this helps to divide the space into zones and reduce the area of ​​the room. You cannot use a combination of more than two colors to finish the floor. How to choose wallpaper for laminate, look at the photo.

By following a few rules and adhering to these recommendations, you can create an original and interesting interior, cozy and comfortable environment in the house. We wish everyone success!

An interesting combination of laminate in the interior of rooms can be found in the following video:

In fact, changing wallpaper is cost-effective and at the same time very nice solution When redecorating a home, and even the work of gluing walls in rooms, anyone can do it; you don’t have to be a master for this. Let's try together to figure out the issue of choosing wallpaper that has the best price-quality-beauty ratio.

Which wallpaper is best for a modern interior?

Since childhood, we know what it’s like to glue wallpaper, and we remember this simple procedure to help our parents. In our modern times, changing the wallpaper in a room, due to the abundance of structures and colors of the material on the market, turns into an exciting quest.

Because even the most unusual fantasies of any person are now very easy to bring to life, and the opinion about best wallpapers is formed in each individual individually.

Main types of wallpaper and features of their gluing:

  • Paper based wallpaper. The most common and inexpensive type of material. This wallpaper is suitable for any room where excess moisture does not fall on the walls. They come in both single-layer and double-layer. Their most important features are the ability to pass air through them, as well as low cost purchases, which allows you to frequently and inexpensively change interior colors. For example, we hung emerald wallpaper, and a week later we changed it to lemon color, and then to khaki coral. And all this will cost a relatively small amount.
  • Vinyl wallpapers. Durable and also very affordable option room decoration. During their production paper base apply a vinyl layer and special machine emboss the desired design. This type of wallpaper is perfect for rooms with relatively uneven walls, since due to their texture, they perfectly hide small unevenness in the walls. They also wash well without losing their beauty.
  • Silkscreen printing. This is a more expensive version of vinyl wallpaper, which resembles silk fabric in its structure. They will look very rich in your living room or hall.
  • Non-woven wallpaper. The basis for their production is non-woven fabric, as well as cellulose and textile fibers bound with a special adhesive. This wallpaper can withstand up to ten layers of paint, and due to its durability, it is suitable for houses with old walls.
  • Velor wallpaper. During their production, an adhesive pattern is applied to a paper base, onto which fabric fibers are then applied by spraying. As a result finished products appearance resembles fabric.
  • Paintable wallpaper. Represent white base with applied patterns, which after pasting requires painting. If you have a question about which wallpaper to choose for new furniture, curtains or any fashionable room accessories, of course, buy paintable wallpaper. For example, you asked yourself: what wallpaper is suitable for wenge-colored furniture? The answer is simple - of course, paintable wallpaper, painted in a color close to wenge!

Choosing modern wallpaper for walls (video)

How to choose wallpaper for the interior

Any wallpaper can be classified according to its general characteristics.


  1. By the presence or absence of a pattern on the wallpaper, whether it is large or small, an ornament or pattern, with geometric shapes or a bright field of flowers.
  2. By color: there are wallpapers of all possible colors, even the most exotic, emerald, terracotta, gold, tiffany, coffee, color sea ​​wave. The list can be endless, as a rule, the selection of options in any store is quite large.
  3. The texture of the surface is smooth or glossy, silk, with an embossed or sprayed pattern.
  4. According to the density of the material from which they are made - There are light and dense wallpapers on the market.
  5. According to the level of protection from water (water resistance) - The cheapest paper ones, as a rule, are not waterproof, washable, vinyl wallpapers very often happen with strong defense from moisture.

After the service life has expired, or simply when a desire arises to change the home environment, the rooms are redecorating for changing wallpaper, which, as a rule, does not take a lot of effort, time and money and can be done on your own, without the involvement of third-party specialists.

We select wallpaper to match the furniture and room features

Correctly selected wallpaper and kept in the same style as the furniture guarantees the creation of cozy atmosphere in the house. At first glance, this task is very simple.

But in reality, to accomplish it, you need to answer three simple questions:

  • What kind of atmosphere do we want to create in each room, relaxing or invigorating;
  • How are your rooms lit?
  • What type of wallpaper to choose for existing furniture to create symbiosis and harmony in the setting.

So where to start?

Selecting wallpaper by color

By choosing the right color, you can create the right atmosphere in each room.

For example, in a bedroom or living room, wallpaper in pastel shades or light chocolate color. These colors create a relaxing atmosphere in the rooms.

Important: Motley wallpaper, although good, is good in moderation. In small rooms, try to cover only one wall with them; cover the remaining walls with plain wallpaper.

See how your room is lit - for rooms with good lighting, use wallpaper in cool shades, blue, emerald, coral, etc. Select the color of the wallpaper for a north-facing room with insufficient lighting, taking into account the fact that it should warm the eye and create a visual atmosphere of warmth - these are colors close to red or brown.

Wallpaper: selection according to furniture parameters

When choosing wallpaper, sit down and calmly think about what combination of materials, colors and patterns on the ceiling, walls, floor and furniture should be in order to get harmonious interior. Take a few test pieces of wallpaper from the store, or look at manufacturers' catalogs.

With effort, you can choose wallpaper so that the geometry of its pattern will repeat or resemble the geometry and texture of the pattern and material used in furniture.

Usually, one-room apartments, due to limited space, cannot boast of great opportunities for the implementation of design talents. There is a lot of space; they are occupied by pieces of furniture and vital things. Let's try to find out which wallpaper color is best to choose for a one-room apartment.

To visually increase the space, you need to use wallpaper in light colors, such as:

  1. Cream;
  2. Ivory;
  3. Sand;
  4. Coral;
  5. Sea wave;
  6. Light green;
  7. Blue.

It is not recommended to use wallpaper in such apartments bright colors, for example, red, burgundy, or orange. They'll do it too small room visually even smaller, and we will need powerful lamps to illuminate the walls.

If you live in a large and spacious studio apartment, the most suitable option for you, there will be use of saturated bright colors colors and combination of contrasting shades. For example, we will wallpaper the room in gold, and the kitchen in the color of coffee with milk, and at the same time we will put tiles on the wall below, similar to the wallpaper, in ivory color. Some designers, when designing interiors, use wallpaper with transition colors for walls in different rooms. In any case, after thinking carefully, you can choose a color option that is close to ideal. At the same time, we should not forget that in addition to the walls, our one-room apartment also has a floor, and the most common covering is linoleum. Let's try to choose linoleum according to the color of our wallpaper.

How to choose linoleum for wallpaper

In the visual perception of the decor of any room, the color of the flooring plays an important role; in the example we are describing, it is linoleum.

If we want to emphasize the beauty of our walls, for example, photo wallpaper, then try to make sure that the geometric pattern on the linoleum visually leads the viewer’s eyes to the pasted photo wallpaper.

Which wallpaper to choose for uneven walls

Not all apartment owners can boast of smooth walls; wallpaper manufacturers have also provided many solutions for them. There are special wallpapers for uneven walls.

Of course, they can easily be glued to smooth walls, just them the main task, hide surface irregularities due to a certain texture and fuzzy pattern.

The main thing is not to choose wallpaper with regular geometric shapes, because on the contrary, they will emphasize all the unevenness on the wall.

Let’s also not forget that windows, and therefore the curtains that cover them, also play an important role in the design of a room.

How to choose curtains to match the wallpaper

The main principle when choosing curtains is that if you use heavy wallpaper in the room, then there should also be heavy curtains on the windows.

When using light, light wallpaper, use light curtains accordingly.

If the room is from the south, then you should choose cold and pastel colors for the curtains.

Now let's do it short review wallpaper manufacturers.

The best wallpaper manufacturers

IN Russian Federation In the wallpaper market, there are several domestic companies offering huge selection products.

Why should you choose a Russian manufacturer? Yes, because, while maintaining low prices for products, their quality is in no way inferior to the world's leading brands.

The most famous and widespread companies on the Russian wallpaper market are the enterprises “Art”, “Palitra”, “Saratov Wallpaper”, “Moscow Wallpaper Factory”. Some manufacturers across the country have branded stores where big choice wallpaper, and smart managers, with soul and sparkle, will approach your question - how to choose wallpaper for any room and for any pocket.

Suppliers from former countries Soviet Union, who also supply us with wallpaper at affordable prices:

  • Ukraine: Plants “Argo”, “Vinyl”, “Versailles”, “Koryukovskaya technical paper factory”. Unfortunately, the volume of Ukrainian products on the Russian market has decreased significantly over the past 2 years, due to the outbreak of the crisis between our countries.
  • Belarus: Today in the Russian Federation, the following manufacturers supply wallpaper products: Gomel-Wallpaper, the Hero of Labor factory, and the Bel Wallpaper company.

Of course, with all the efforts of manufacturers in the Russian Federation and the CIS to be at the level of world brands, the leadership in the wallpaper market is undoubtedly occupied by European manufacturers, who supply us with products from France, Italy, Sweden, Belgium and other countries, so when selecting wallpaper, in this case, you will get a huge advantage compared to the average buyer.

In France, the brands “Casamance” and “Casadeco” are especially popular, in Sweden the company “Eco”, in Belgium the companies “Arte” and “Omexco”

With all my high quality, a product brought from Europe to Russia, has one undoubted property that prevents its mass use among the population of the Russian Federation - its rather high price. But maybe it’s for the better, because we need to develop our own, high-quality producers

A wide variety of brands on the wallpaper market makes it easy to decide which wallpaper is best for a specific task. If you need good quality at a low price, then choose Russian manufacturers, or suppliers from the CIS countries. If you want to create a special and unique atmosphere in your home and turn the selection of wallpaper into a celebration of quality and design, then you should take a closer look at European brands.

In any case, approach the issue of choosing wallpaper with soul and sparkle, and your rooms will greet everyone who enters with comfort and peace.

How to choose wallpaper (photo)

It would seem that the choice of wallpaper, well, what could be simpler? Estimate the color, calculate the area “by eye” and you’re done. This is exactly what most people think when choosing a material. But it's not that simple. Let's figure it out together, how to choose the right wallpaper?

What do you need to know?

Condition of the walls. Thin, glossy and other wallpapers with with the right pattern striped is not the best choice for uneven walls. Such material will only highlight defects. In this case the best solution will become embossed wallpaper. If the flaws in the walls are not too noticeable, you can use colored spotted wallpaper; the pattern visually hides the unevenness.

Shape of the room. For indoors irregular shape with niches, recesses, alcoves and radiators, large and flashy patterns are best avoided. Material with a small pattern will be more appropriate.

Wear resistance. If there are children in the room, or it is a high traffic area, or there is any other “threat” to the walls, then it is best to use wallpaper that can be cleaned and washed. The most suitable option would be paper wallpaper on a dense base - vinyl. If sunlight constantly falls on the walls, then you should choose non-fading wallpaper with increased light resistance. Read more about other types of wallpaper, gluing, preparation and other nuances.

How to choose the right wallpaper color? It's no secret that bright colors invigorate and energize, while calm pastels, on the contrary, calm. But it’s worth remembering that bright colors on the walls and large wallpaper patterns don’t go well together, they quickly get boring, and sometimes even irritate. If the windows in the room face south, choose wallpaper in cool shades or dark with a rich color (burgundy, green). If to the north - warm colors will become great solution(coffee, peach, apricot or orange). Red-yellow wallpaper visually brings the walls closer together, while blue-blue wallpaper expands it.

For newbies. Finishing with self-adhesive wallpaper is easier, faster and more convenient. For beginners, it is better to work with wallpaper of the same type or with a small pattern. Material with a larger motif is more difficult to fit. Try to avoid very expensive and very cheap wallpapers. The first ones can be easily ruined due to inexperience by applying, for example, glue to the front side. The latter are easily torn and stretched.

How to choose the right wallpaper, taking into account the features of the room

  1. to increase the height of the room, use wallpaper with a longitudinal pattern;
  2. if you want to make the room visually wider, wallpaper with wide transverse stripes is suitable;
  3. if the room is high, try to choose a material with large drawing;
  4. if it’s wide, choose bright-colored wallpaper with a large pattern;
  5. if you do repairs often, then best choice there will be single-layer printed wallpaper, they are easy to remove;
  6. It is better not to buy monotonous and too contrasting wallpaper;
  7. if you plan to decorate the wall with paintings, photos or a carpet, then underneath there should be smooth wallpaper with a small pattern;
  8. the edges of the canvas should always be protected by packaging;
  9. always buy wallpaper from the same batch;
  10. Be sure to check the quality of the material. Different thicknesses are not acceptable;
  11. Avoid opaque packaging, as the design is not visible on them.
Pay attention to the manufacturer's stamp, it should indicate:
  1. manufacturer information;
  2. serial number;
  3. part of the drawing (report). It should be the same both in height and at the joints;
  4. quality of material (washable wallpaper is designated 100%);
  5. direction of the drawing.
  6. The instructions also indicate if the wallpaper requires special treatment.
  • What types of wallpapers are there?
  • How to choose wallpaper for different rooms
  • Using photo wallpaper

Wallpaper is the most common type of decoration for residential premises. The question of how to choose wallpaper, how to stick it, what color and material to choose cannot but worry everyone who is planning an apartment renovation. Many people do their own renovations using wallpaper. Listed below useful recommendations will help you choose the right wallpaper for each room in your apartment.

Wallpaper is the most popular material for wall decoration.

An important advantage of decorating walls with wallpaper is that you don’t have to level the wall so that it is completely smooth, and this makes repairs much easier. Pasted wallpaper hides minor imperfections (irregularities and cracks). But in this case they should not be completely smooth. There must be a relief on the surface. It is also recommended to cover walls with wallpaper when carrying out renovations in new buildings, which may shrink.

What types of wallpapers are there?

The simplest wallpaper is stripes thick paper a certain color or with any design. Standard width 50-60 cm, length - 10-10.5 m. They are coated with wallpaper glue and glued to the wall. This job is quite simple and can easily be done by two people. No professional skills are required, and the only materials and tools you will need are the wallpaper itself, glue for it, a brush and a stepladder. This finishing material is cheap; if you wish, you can even change the wallpaper yourself a couple of times a year. To the disadvantages simple wallpaper This includes their low strength and ability to fade under the sun.

If the material strip consists of two paper strips glued on top of each other, then the wallpaper becomes stronger and is called duplex. If three layers are glued together, then, accordingly, triplex. This material is already quite strong, but its crate becomes more difficult.

Vinyl wallpaper is a wallpaper in which a PVC film is glued to a layer of paper. They are also called washable. Walls covered with such wallpaper can be wiped with a damp cloth.

Non-woven wallpaper belongs to the category of expensive finishing materials. During their manufacture, textile fibers are applied to a material called non-woven fabric. It becomes like fabric. In another case, the finest fibers are applied, making the material look like velor. Such wallpaper cannot be wiped; it can only be carefully vacuumed. The advantages of non-woven wallpaper are high strength and light fastness. But they are quite difficult to glue.

Various wallpapers can be either smooth or have a pronounced texture. From different materials They also produce wallpaper specifically for painting. That is, you can stick them on and paint them on top. This material can be repainted several times. However, it is recommended to do this no more than 6 times.

To make it easier for buyers to navigate, manufacturers put appropriate pictograms on their products. Using them, you can very easily figure out what the moisture resistance of the wallpaper is, its light fastness, and resistance to mechanical stress. You can easily learn how to apply glue and how to place wallpaper on the wall. After all, there is a material that involves applying glue to the wall. You can learn about all this from the pictograms.

This is especially important when you intend to carry out repairs yourself. The drawings depict everything so clearly that they are understandable even intuitively. And in every store you can find a transcript of these drawings. There are also special tables that make it easy to select required quantity material if you know the area of ​​the room.

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How to choose wallpaper for different rooms

  1. There is a choice of colors general rule: the darker the room, the lighter the wallpaper should be. If the windows face north side, you need to choose wallpaper in sunny shades. And vice versa.
  2. According to the invoice. You should not put wallpaper with pronounced embossing in the kitchen, as it is difficult to clean. Moisture-resistant vinyl wallpaper is best suited for this room, just like the bathroom.
  3. The colors of the walls in different rooms should not be too contrasting.

The living room is the heart of the apartment. This is where guests are received; the whole family gathers in this room in the evenings. Therefore, every owner wants to arrange the living room as best as possible. Expensive textile or velor wallpaper is pasted here, if the budget allows. Or you can stick on high-quality triplex, which will also very well decorate the walls, hiding all their imperfections.

If the area of ​​the room is large enough, then high-quality wallpaper with a large pattern will work well. If the ceiling is low, then the location of the pattern should be vertical. The color must be chosen so that it does not blend in with the color of the furniture. But too much contrast is also undesirable. The exception is the original design solutions, for which, for example, white furniture is located against the background of a black wall. But such interiors are a thing professional designers, everything must be thought out to the smallest detail.

In the living room, walls with a frieze look good, which can be located at a distance of 1.5 m from the floor or under the ceiling. If the living room is designed in ethnic style, then you can also find many wallpaper options. For example, bamboo. Or glue the material for painting and apply a bright design on it if you are decorating the room in an African style.

If the living room is small, then it is better to decorate it in the spirit of minimalism by gluing smooth, light wallpaper without a pattern to the walls.

The bedroom is a relaxation room. There should be minimal dirt in it, therefore, you can paste ordinary paper wallpaper in pastel colors here. This will make the room attractive and save your budget. True, if the side is sunny, you will have to buy products with good light resistance so that they do not quickly fade.