Some types of fish are healthy and not expensive. The healthiest fish, surprisingly, also turned out to be the cheapest! Which fish is the most delicious and healthy

We have all heard about how healthy salmon, trout, and salmon are. But we note that only wild-growing ones, and not those that are grown in special pools and fed with compound feed. Experts say that these elite varieties have a serious competitor among budget and affordable fish, which is also good source Omega-3 fatty acids.

The name of this proud fish is capelin. We'll tell you why it's so good. And also about how to prepare it correctly so that it brings maximum benefits.

The healthiest fish

Capelin fish has been familiar to people for a very long time. They buy it both for themselves and for pet. This fish is rich in protein: at least 20 - 25% easily digestible protein. Like all fish that live in the cold waters of the Atlantic and North Arctic Ocean, capelin is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. From a physiological point of view, she needs this fat to warm herself, so in autumn period she is fatter.

Capelin is valuable because it contains a huge amount of vitamins A and D. It contains more vitamin B12 than regular meat. The microelements it contains make it especially useful. It contains iodine, selenium and phosphorus. Selenium is involved in the formation of our bones and hair. Without phosphorus, bone tissue is destroyed.

For capelin to be beneficial, you need to buy it raw or frozen. Important: defrost it naturally, not in the microwave. You should not look towards the counters with the smoked version, because there is practically nothing useful left in it. Also, experts are categorically against frying capelin. With this preparation we kill almost everything useful qualities, which this fish has.

Boiled or steamed fish is ideal. You can also prepare very tasty baked capelin. Roll it a little in flour and add spices. On a baking tray food paper, put the fish in the oven for just 15 minutes.

Add lemon and enjoy your fish. It turns out very tasty, fast, inexpensive, and most importantly - healthy dish. It really is much better than salmon, because it is not fed with various additives so that it grows faster.

Hello friends! In this article we will talk about which fish is the healthiest for humans.

Yesterday I was asked if I now eat anything other than “”?☺

I talk about them too often and write everywhere.

No, I’m not a sweet tooth at all (from the word at all), but I just wanted to learn how to cook the right treats.

And, of course, they are not at all the basis of my diet.

Our family loves fish, and we eat it MUCH more often than meat.

I decided to write this article about her, and a trip to Karelia inspired me to do this.

There we visited a trout farm.

And despite the fact that the fish looked beautiful and fresh, I didn’t want to buy it at all.

After all, the information that the most healthy fish- this is a wild fish, the same one that was born and raised in its natural environment.

Let's talk in more detail about which fish is most useful and which you shouldn't eat.

From this article you will learn:

We have been told that fish is healthy since childhood.

This product is truly unique.

See for yourself, I will briefly list the main advantages of fish and how fish is useful:

  • Fish contains ESSENTIAL fatty acids

I think that many people know that our body needs a constant supply of two essential polyunsaturated ones - alpha-linolenic acid (OMEGA 3) and linoleic acid (OMEGA 6).

These acids are not synthesized by our body, so we must get them from food.

But, there are also two more OMEGA 3 fatty acids, which are also vital for our body:

  • eicosapentoenoic acid (EPA)
  • docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

These acids are not interchangeable, our body really needs them and are found mainly in fish!

This is one of the main factors indicating why eating fish is so beneficial.

The amount of OMEGA 6 to OMEGA 3 in our body should be approximately equal!

But, in fact, in practice, we consume much more OMEGA 6 due to the fact that they are more often found in products than OMEGA 3.

This creates an unhealthy imbalance in the body, which manifests itself in the most various diseases(arthritis, depression, baldness, atherosclerosis, dementia, etc.)

Based on this, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends eating two to three fish dishes per week.

  • Fish is a source of complete protein, which is quite easily absorbed in our body.
  • Fish is also a rich source of vitamins and microelements, such as vitamin A, D, potassium, phosphorus, iodine, which our body needs.

Salmon has the most optimal balance of OMEGA 3 to OMEGA 6.

The amount of EPA and DHA in this fish is perfect!

The daily dose of Omega-3 fatty acids is 85 milligrams.

This dose is found in just 100.0 salmon!

Wild fish vs farmed fish - which one to choose?

Today, all fish (including seafood) can be divided into two types: “artificial” or aquaculture (grown in artificial reservoirs on special feed) and wild fish (grown in natural conditions)

Here the opinion of nutritionists is clear: you need to choose the fish that has grown in its natural habitat, i.e. in rivers, seas and oceans.

Fish and seafood raised in captivity are fed diets laced with hormones, growth promoters, antibiotics, dyes and preservatives.

Today there are no strict requirements for food for this fish, that is, the dosage, quality, and safety of this food are not regulated in any way.

For example, artificially raised salmon contains 10 times more toxic substances such as diphenyl and dioxin than wild salmon. These poisons accumulate in our body and suppress the immune system, affect the liver, kidneys, nervous system and, most importantly, have a mutagenic effect.

The dye canthaxanthin is added to the food for “artificial” trout, which is very harmful to our vision.

And one more very important factor, in aquaculture fish, Omega 3 fatty acids are almost completely absent.

What kind of fish can be raised artificially?

So, the main list of fish that can be grown in aquaculture includes:

  • Salmon (salmon, salmon) - 90% of all salmon and trout on the shelves of our aquaculture stores
  • Dorada (fish are bred in rooms with special light and fed with special feed to make the meat white and tender)
  • Seabass - Wild seabass is listed in the Red Book. All that is sold in stores is farmed fish.
  • Pangasuis and Telapia are trash fish that live in the dirtiest rivers in the world. But they manage to grow this fish artificially, treating it with male sex hormones, such fish grow faster.
  • Sturgeon - most sturgeon are also listed in the Red Book, their fishing in wildlife prohibited. Everything we see on store shelves is mostly aquaculture fish.
  • Carp, crucian carp, haddock and carp can also be raised in fish farms.
  • Unfortunately, this also includes most seafood (mussels, oysters, shrimp, scallops, octopus, lobsters, lobsters)

What fish are wild?

So, wild fish, which grew in natural conditions, and therefore is healthier and tastier, is:

  • Far Eastern salmon (pink salmon, chum salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon, Chinook salmon, trout, lenok, char, whitefish, etc.) is the main fishery for this fish in Kamchatka, Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands. This is the healthiest red meat and red caviar. This fish feeds on phytoplankton and krill and is rich in powerful antioxidants and Omega 3.
  • Cod is a healthy dietary fish, especially cod liver, from which fish oil is produced.
  • Pollock - Pollock is the closest relative of cod and the most accessible wild fish, which has a lot of useful properties. Pollock protein is absorbed almost completely by the human body, and in terms of the amount of iodine, pollock simply cannot be found.
  • Saury - this fish cannot be raised in captivity. This wild fish is a real storehouse of vitamins and omega 3 fatty acids.
  • Herring - the common herring, is actually a valuable source of selenium, omega 3 and complete protein.
  • Mackerel - this fatty fish loved by many, has also never grown in captivity, and has all the advantages of wild fish.
  • Flounder - I was amazed, but flounder contains more omega 3 than salmon; this fish is recommended to be consumed in the postoperative period for quick recovery.
  • Also wild fish include: hake, whiting, navaga, greenling, capelin, sardines.
  • The best fish among river fish are pike and perch.
  • They have not learned to artificially breed squid from seafood, but imported fillets of it can be found on sale. It is better not to eat such fillet because of its chemical treatment, it is best to buy Russian-made Pacific unpeeled squid.

How to choose the right fish?

This instruction manual will tell you how to choose the right fish.

Read carefully and remember!

You shouldn't buy fish fillets.

Very often bones are dissolved in it with a special chemical solution, and so that the fillet has a beautiful marketable condition, it is filled with water, salt, polyphosphates, dyes, ammonia and a bunch of other chemicals.

How to cook fish correctly?

It is worth paying attention to the following facts:

Well, the most harmful way to cook fish is smoking, especially hot smoking. Not only does it kill everything beneficial in fish, but it is also a source of carcinogens that cause cancer.

Well, that’s probably all, friends!

What kind of fish do you buy most often? What do you think is the healthiest fish for humans?

Alena was with you, be healthy and eat right!


We have all heard about how healthy salmon, trout, and salmon are. But we note that only the one raised in the wild, and not the one raised in special pools and fed on mixed feed. Experts say that these elite varieties have a serious competitor among budget and affordable fish, which is also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.

The name of this proud fish is capelin. The editors will tell you why it is so good. And also about how to properly cook this fish so that it brings maximum benefits.

The healthiest fish

Capelin fish has been familiar to people for a very long time. They buy it both for themselves and for their pets. This fish is rich in protein: it contains at least 20–25% easily digestible protein. Like all types of fish that live in the cold waters of the Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, capelin is rich in omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. From a physiological point of view, she needs this fat to keep warm, so in the autumn she is fatter.

Capelin is valuable because it contains a huge amount of vitamins A and D. It contains more vitamin B12 than regular meat. The microelements contained in capelin make it especially useful. It also contains iodine, selenium and phosphorus. Selenium is involved in the formation of our bones and hair. Without phosphorus, bone tissue is destroyed.

For capelin to be beneficial, you need to buy it raw or frozen. Important: defrost it naturally, not in the microwave. You should not look towards the counters with smoked capelin, because there is practically nothing useful left in it. Also, experts are categorically against frying capelin. With this preparation we kill almost everything beneficial features this fish.

If you're thinking about celebrating, say, a birthday, then most likely the last ingredient you'll want to make into a main course is white fish. Everyone loves red fish. However, this is easy to explain; we were spoiled by fatty and expensive Norwegian salmon. There is no doubt that imported farm fish, firstly, looks beautiful both in and baked form, and secondly, it is quite easy to cook and difficult to spoil. And it’s easy to choose, the main thing is not to take the rotten one.

Another thing is white fish. It can taste delicious, or it can be dry and tough, completely uninteresting. This fish costs much less than imported red fish. And yet this does not mean that white is worse. You just need to be able to choose it without confusing it with another, cheaper type of fish, and after purchasing it, you also need to cook it correctly. Which is correct? Some fish will look great fried, while some need to be served with sauce, simmered over low heat.

We have selected the most delicious varieties of white fish that you can eat every day and cook for the holidays.

Fatty and tasty

Fat - best guide taste for our receptors. Our brain generally adores it and considers the fatty product tasty. Of course, up to a certain limit. It’s just that no one will eat raw and fatty lard, but salty... and with garlic... Therefore, the most delicious fish- fat.


Perhaps the most popular fish in Russia. We mainly use it salted, but fresh herring can also be fried - it will be delicious. The most popular fish right now is the Atlantic herring; it is light-colored, beautiful, and attractive. But the healthiest and tastiest is the Pacific one, undeservedly set aside by buyers in the European part of Russia. The meat of this herring is darker than the Atlantic one.


Very tender and quite fatty fish. Halibut is ideal for baking, frying, and magical in pies. Amazing smoked halibut. It has very few bones and the meat is tender and very white. It is rightfully considered one of the most delicious varieties of fish. In addition, halibut is not bred in captivity, so its meat is also very healthy, it contains a lot of Omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, and contains the essential amino acid tryptophan.


Smoked mackerel, and especially hot smoked mackerel, is simply a divine fish. It is aromatic, fatty, tender. But unsmoked fish, for example, stewed in white sauce or baked in foil, is no less tasty.


A wonderful and tasty fish, however, it is very fatty, so when cooking, half of it is lost in the pan. But this does not detract from the taste of the catfish, which seems simply made for frying. It is also suitable for minced cutlets, but paired with some less tender and fatty fish.

Dietary and gentle

Low-fat varieties of white fish can also be very tasty and healthy. They contain B vitamins, phosphorus, iodine, calcium, in general, those elements that we need every day. Moreover, these types of fish are low in calories and are especially recommended for dietary nutrition.


With only 70 kcal per 100 grams, selenium, vitamin B12, potassium and sodium make haddock an excellent fish for dietary table. It tastes a little like cod, only it is softer, more tender, and airier. It is especially worth noting that this fish is never caught rubbery and hard, like a sole, but other white varieties have been noticed this more than once.


Excellent fish, but only if it has not been defrosted many times and frozen again. The more times this happens, the tougher the cod becomes. The same fish that reached the buyer in a working refrigerator will delight you with the softness and tenderness of its meat. Cod can be very tasty in almost any condition: it can be baked, fried, stewed, steamed, made into soup and added to cutlets. By the way, this hot smoked fish is a wonderfully tasty thing!


It is slightly higher in calories than haddock and slightly higher in fat. But nevertheless, flounder is still a dietary fish and at the same time quite tasty. Due to the slightly higher fat content, flounder meat is quite easy to cook and difficult to spoil. One of the advantages of flounder is the small number of bones.

Expensive and unusual


Freshwater Siberian fish muksun is rightfully considered one of the most delicious and healthy northern species. It is rich in bromine and fluorine. It also contains a lot of copper, which is necessary for the addition of oxygen to hemoglobin, a protein that delivers oxygen to all organs and tissues. One of the most important qualities of muksun is that it is not susceptible to infection with opisthorchiasis, so you can make stroganina from it and eat fish raw. If you don’t want it raw, you can bake muksun, it also turns out very well. Looks great and salty - an ideal beer snack.


Smoked eel is one of the most delicious delicacies. But eel can also be sold fresh. Then you need to make soup from it. It will be quite fatty, because the fish itself is very fatty, but memorable, because once you try eel, you won’t forget it, and if you liked it, you’ll buy it again and again. In addition to soup and smoking, this fish is stewed, used as a filling for pies, and finally, wrapped in rice to make rolls.

Fish is a nutritious, but often dietary product. But what types of fish are the healthiest? This article will tell you about the benefits of seven types of fish.

Fish is, without a doubt, a very healthy product. What fish is the healthiest? Which type should you prefer? Doctors strongly recommend adding fish dishes to the menu at least twice a week. It contains easily digestible protein, such food does not create a feeling of heaviness. It contains a lot of vitamins A and D, as well as fatty acids that prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Which fish is healthier: top 7 types

We have prepared a rating of the seven most beneficial types of fish for the body, the inclusion of which in the diet will improve your mood, raise your tone, and improve the condition of your skin and hair. Besides, regular consumption of fish in the absence of contraindications- This is an excellent prevention of many health problems.

1. Tuna

You can find many lists of healthy fish on the Internet. And each of them contains tuna. It is the leader in vitamin content and nutrients. Moreover, its calorie content does not exceed 80 kcal per 100 g. Tuna meat is pure protein. It has very little fat and contains zinc, phosphorus, calcium, selenium and vitamin D. You can try it in Sicily.

There are a few general rules to choose healthy fish:

  • It must be marine. It is the sea fish that collects everything necessary for the body substances, and salt water is a natural disinfectant.
  • The fish should be fatty. This has a higher concentration of vitamin D and fatty acids necessary for the body.
  • The fish must be small or young. There is an opinion that fish are able to absorb toxins from water and therefore, than smaller fish stayed in the water, the less toxins accumulated in it.

2. Salmonids: trout, pink salmon and salmon itself

Trout is one of the favorite types of fish

Eating fatty red fish improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and prevents the formation of blood clots. It contains a lot of vitamins B, A and D, as well as selenium, phosphorus and folic acid. Trout has slightly less calories, but also contains sodium, potassium, calcium, manganese, magnesium, and fluorine. And, of course, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids are essential for the functioning of the heart and the body as a whole. In addition to their basic properties, they help the functioning of the endocrine system, promote correct formation bones and metabolism.

3. Cod

The cod is ready for steaks!

The most useful part of this fish is the liver. Cod has almost no cholesterol. Its white meat contains 19% protein and only 0.3% fat. Regular consumption of cod strengthens the immune system and improves functioning nervous system and metabolism.

6. Carp, crucian carp, carp

Future Christmas carp (popular)

These are relatively fatty fish species. They contain up to 11% fat and up to 17% protein, and therefore the benefits of this fish for the body cannot be overestimated. In addition, they contain a lot of calcium and sulfur. They are useful for the beauty of the skin and nervous tissue.

7. Catfish

Do not be afraid! This is a catfish :) Or just CatFish.

Catfish - although not marine, is useful. Its tender, sweetish meat contains all the necessary fats and proteins. The amino acids contained in soma are beneficial for the mucous membranes, nervous and digestive systems.

But it’s not even a matter of which fish is healthier. The main rule is that it should always be fresh. Even river fish, large and relatively dry, but fresh, will be much healthier than not very fresh tuna.

- photo and description
- GOSTs and evaluation rules

Months when you should not eat fish

In anticipation of the summer holidays, do not forget to be twice as careful when handling fish and seafood. Especially those that you buy in markets and order in coastal restaurants.

Remember the old saying that fish should not be eaten in those months that do not have the letter “r” in their names? Of course, you shouldn’t take it to heart and deny yourself fish for the entire month of May, June, July and August. But it wouldn’t hurt to be vigilant. Remember that the already short shelf life of fresh fish during the summer heat is reduced significantly, and catering establishments, market sellers and even large supermarkets often ignore this fact.

Now that you have a list of the most useful species fish, it's time to go shopping and adjust your menu. Be always healthy!

82% Behind

Should you include fish in your regular diet? Yes, because it is in no way inferior to meat - and some types of fish even surpass it - in protein content. A whole set of vitamins, macro- and microelements also favors a positive answer. And, of course, the fats in fish (85% of them are based on unsaturated acids) are more easily absorbed by the body.

    Taste qualities 87 %

    Benefits for the body 95 %

    Security 63%