Which protein source is better for gaining muscle mass and burning fat: beef, chicken or fish? Which protein source is better: beef, chicken or fish?


The most protein-containing meats are horse meat and rabbit. 100 g of these types of meat contains 21 g of protein. Next come beef, veal, lamb. In 100 g of meat of these animals there is 20 g of protein. Next to


a bird is coming. Chicken and turkey meat also contain 20 g of protein per 100 g of meat weight. Less

total protein

contains pork. If it is a tenderloin, then it contains 19 g of protein, and in the fatty part - only 12 g per 100 g.

To saturate your body with protein, you need to consume 10-15% protein-containing foods. Excess protein can lead to digestive problems because it is not digestible and can rot. The products of decay are toxic, absorbed through the intestines into the blood, they spread throughout the body and poison the entire body.

Children under two years old need a lot of protein per day - 4 g per kilogram of weight. From two years of age until adolescence, the protein norm per kilogram of weight should be reduced to 3 g. Adolescents under the age of 20 need only 2 g of protein per kilogram of their weight. For adults, one gram of protein per kilogram of weight per day is enough.

One hundred grams of meat can be replaced in terms of protein content: 175 g of fatty fish; 480 g milk; 115 g cottage cheese. If you eat meat for lunch, fish in the evening, and cottage cheese or cottage cheese in the morning

drink milk

You can fully satisfy your daily protein requirement.

It is better to eat lean meat, having previously trimmed the fat from it. It is shown boiled, steamed or grilled, baked in the oven. It is better not to cook fried meat.

Meat contains purine bases. Once in the body, they turn into uric acid. When too much uric acid accumulates, the permeability of the renal capillaries is impaired and diseases develop - gout and osteochondrosis. Also, excessive consumption of meat reduces the body's immune reactivity and leads to a decrease in resistance to diseases.


Not only the quantity, but also the quality of the protein present in meat is important. Thus, veal is rich in more complete proteins, which are more easily absorbed by the body. The same can be said about rabbit meat and chicken.

Protein is needed by the human body for growth, renewal and the birth of new tissue cells of all organs, muscles and skin. It is also the main “transport” for the movement of oxygen particles in the blood, participates in all metabolic processes and increases the effectiveness of natural protective barriers.

Protein is a compound of amino acids, without which none of the metabolic processes in the body takes place, be it the processing of vitamins, the absorption of vital substances, renewal or rejuvenation. There are more than a hundred types of non-essential and essential amino acids that form proteins that enter the body in the form of animal or plant food components. Each of them is synthesized by one tissue or another, that is, it “works” on its specific task. The process of processing proteins obtained from plants differs from their animal counterparts, since the ratio of nonessential and essential amino acids in them is different.

Protein obtained from animal products is the most significant and beneficial for the human body, because it is involved in the renewal and growth of muscle tissue and epidermal cells. But it cannot be consumed in large quantities, since it creates a high load on the organs that are responsible for removing its breakdown products - the kidneys and liver. The main sources of this type of protein are meat and fish, dairy products, eggs; they contain up to 25% of the protein total mass. Moreover, fish is digested much faster, has virtually no medical contraindications and contains the maximum amount essential vitamins and other useful microelements. The most high content Protein meat includes rabbit and poultry.

The protein contained in plants is responsible for the functioning of the cardiovascular system, reduces the risk of the formation of cholesterol plaques and removes fat processing and breakdown products from the body. The most protein is found in legumes (peas, soybeans, beans, lentils, corn), nuts, grains and potatoes. In addition, they consist of unique fiber, which normalizes blood sugar levels and work. gastrointestinal tract. In terms of speed and quality of absorption, it is significantly superior to animals. But one type of protein will not bring the desired benefit and effect, that is, they must be combined.

Excess protein, as well as its deficiency, negatively affect the quality of the human body. Lack of it important element leads to decreased functionality of the liver, endocrine, lymphatic and nervous system, pancreas and intestines. Excess protein compounds disrupt metabolism and hematopoietic processes, reduce performance and immunity, in addition, excess protein washes calcium from bone tissue, interferes with the absorption of many vitamins and has a bad effect on the functioning of the heart muscles.


  • What are proteins
  • Which protein is better absorbed?

The benefits of fish for the human body are obvious - with low calorie content and good absorption, it is a source of high-quality protein with a set of essential amino acids.


Fish is an irreplaceable source of complete protein, which in biological value is close to the protein of meat products, but at the same time has a higher degree of digestibility. Protein contains essential amino acids, some of which the body cannot synthesize, and the only source of These amino acids are protein obtained from food.

Athletes and people on protein diets who need food with a large amount of protein with a low calorie content should give preference to tuna. So, 100 g of this valuable fish contains on average about 20-25 g of complete protein, which is 50% of the daily value. Some types of this fish - yellowfin, white albacore tuna and deep sea bluefin tuna contain almost 30 grams of protein. In second place after tuna in terms of protein content are halibut, anchovies, lamprey and tilapia - approximately 26-28 g. Slightly behind them

– 19 g and mullet – 18.5 g. Protein

contains the essential amino acid methionine, which is not even found in the protein of meat products.

Slightly behind

in terms of the amount of protein, mackerel (mackerel) - this fish, which in ancient times was called the “elixir of youth”, contains about 18 g of protein. The amount of protein in pike is at the same level. Almost on par with sea ​​fish The noble freshwater sturgeon families also have the same protein content: sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, sterlet, thorn, and beluga. The protein content in 100 g of this fish reaches 16.5 g, but you need to remember that not only meat, but also caviar and milt can be an important source of protein. Moreover, the amount of protein in caviar exceeds the amount of protein in fish meat, and in

– is equal to this value. Salmon fish and their caviar are an equally valuable source of protein. So, rainbow trout, chum salmon, pink salmon, salmon, omul, chinook salmon, whitefish,


Sockeye salmon can contain 16 to 20 grams of protein. Salmon has the largest amount of protein - about 20 g. A hundred-gram piece of salmon provides the human body with half daily norm squirrel.

Flounder meat contains 15.7 g of easily digestible protein with a well-balanced set of essential amino acids. Almost the same level of protein is contained in cod, swordfish and fish of the carp family: carp, grass carp,

Tench, crucian carp, ide. Hake, pollock,


Herring, cod, river and sea bass complete the

fish with high protein content.

Which meat has the most protein?

Food and drink

The question of which fish contains the most protein is of interest to powerful weightlifters who are actively building muscles, to fragile beauties who are on a diet, and to people with hormonal disorders, pathologies of the liver, kidneys, and so on.

Every body, without exception, needs proteins, because they form the basis of all our cells - from bones and muscles to hair and nails. It is not for nothing that proteins are also called proteins, which in Greek means “most important”, “first”.

A large amount of protein is found in seafood, eggs, meat, dairy products, and legumes.

Presence in fish products such important microelements as phosphorus, zinc, potassium, magnesium, and a whole range of vitamins and other macroelements sets them apart even from the most protein-rich competitors.

Here are the ten most protein-rich foods, expressed as a percentage of their weight:

  1. Fish - different types contain from 15% to 25%.
  2. Cheeses – up to 30%. However, they are very high in calories. For example, the energy value of edam cheese is 352 kcal per 100 g, cheddar cheese is 392 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, cheeses are minimized in the diet of weight loss programs.
  3. Cottage cheese – from 0 to 14-20%. For diets, it is recommended to eat low-fat cottage cheese.
  4. Beef – 25%. It is preferable to eat veal or meat of young animals up to a year old, stewed or boiled.
  5. Poultry (chicken, turkey) – 15-20%. The calorie content of poultry meat is quite low. Brisket is the richest in proteins; moreover, it is also low-fat, so it is ideal for diets.
  6. Chicken eggs – 17%. Eggs are perfectly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, their calorie content is low and they do not contribute to the growth of the fat layer. Eggs can be eaten raw or boiled, as well as in the form of omelettes or scrambled eggs.
  7. Liver – 25%. Inexpensive by-product. It is perfectly digestible when steamed, crushed into pates and pastes, and stewed.
  8. Cereals - on average 10-12%. They are perfectly absorbed and contribute to the digestion process. From the point of view of nutrition and sports medicine, cereal side dishes are preferable to potato and pasta.
  9. Brussels sprouts – 9%. The highest protein content among vegetables. Other vegetables are saturated with proteins by an average of only 0.5-2.0%. Best to cook Brussels sprouts steam, stew or boil.
  10. Soybean – 14%. This legume serves as a meat substitute in dietary cooking, vegetarian diets, and can be eaten by believers during religious fasts. Well absorbed. An interesting fact is that there are no less essential amino acids in beans than in meat.

How much protein should you eat per day?

For normal functioning of the body, an adult needs approximately 2 grams of protein per 1 kilogram of body weight.

For building muscle mass, there is no nutrient more essential than protein. It also promotes fat burning, increasing or speeding up the feeling of fullness. Protein is also used in reduced calorie meal plans. In this article, we will determine the best source of protein for muscles.

Beef, chicken, and fish are all excellent sources of protein and carbohydrates. And the more protein, the better.

All animal proteins are complete, complex, which means that your body is not able to reproduce such a composition on its own - such a set nutrients and microelements can only be obtained from food that you “prescribe” for yourself.

However, depending on your goals, medical conditions and body type, some may be more beneficial than others. But this has more to do with fat (and calories) than the actual composition of the protein source.

Beef, being a cow's meat, generally contains significantly more fat than chicken or fish. The fat content of beef depends entirely on the diet of the cow. Compared to grain feed, grass for a cow is a much less fatty product.

Just remember that natural fat has a higher percentage of omega-3 fatty acids, which are anti-inflammatory and can seriously help build muscle and burn excess fat.

The fattest parts of the cow are pieces of meat from the pulp of the back part (37.6 g of fat) and steak from the back lumbar part of the beef carcass (25.6 g of fat).

I looked at many sites that publish data about proper nutrition, including on the Ministry’s website Agriculture USA, and found a surprising difference in the amount of fat in filet mignon, which many consider low-fat. Fat content can range from 3 to as much as 15 grams per serving.

White meat chicken is low in fat and high in protein. Like filet mignon, I found a wide range of fat content in chicken, ranging from 1 gram to 6 grams in 4 ounces (skinless breast).

Chicken skin is mostly fat. And if you eat skin, then you are adding unnecessary fats and calories to your daily nutrition plan.

Your best bet would be to ignore the skin and start getting your fat from healthy sources (such as olive and Coconut oil, nuts and avocados).

Fish is just about the healthiest protein choice. Fattier fish tend to contain significant amounts of cardiovascular (and muscle) healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

Wild fish tend to have a more favorable fat profile than farmed fish, particularly salmon. However, high fat content (even if it's the healthy kind) means more calories, and if you're trying to lose weight, you should keep this in mind.

Some types of fish can contain high levels of toxins, particularly mercury, and you should generally avoid, or at least try to limit, your consumption of such fish. Large fish are at the top of the food chain.

These are, for example, tuna, swordfish, shark and king mackerel. They contain a significant amount of mercury.

Smaller fish, such as sardines, are rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids. And all this with extremely low toxin content. In addition, such fish are much cheaper, as they are bred very quickly.

If you do decide to eat canned tuna, be aware that tuna still contains less mercury than albacore.

Canned salmon is the best option, although its fat content can vary significantly depending on the type of salmon. Canned Pink Salmon - High Protein, Low Fat and Minimal harmful substances. Also, it is relatively inexpensive.

Game meats such as venison, elk and bison are high protein meats. However, such meat is quite expensive. It's difficult to cook. Even a slight burning of such meat makes it tough and practically inedible.

However, if you ever manage to “make friends” with this source of protein, you will seriously expand your physical capabilities and improve muscle performance. This is an excellent substitute for chicken and beef.

There is no one ideal protein source for muscle nutrition. The perfect solution– variety. For example, on a low-carb meal plan, focus on proteins that are high in fat.

If you are seriously concerned about the number of calories you consume, then you should focus on low-fat sources of protein. However, we should not forget that natural sources of fat have many benefits.

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Protein is one of the main structural elements of any living creature. This rule applies not only to animals, but also to plants. It follows from this that, to one degree or another, protein is contained in everything that is commonly referred to as “living nature.”

Meat is a truly valuable source of protein that is easily absorbed by the body. The big advantage of meat over other products is big choice methods of preparation, and the ease of consuming it in large quantities, which is very important in those moments when it is necessary to quickly replenish protein reserves in the body.

The table shows data on the protein content per 100 grams:

Protein is preserved almost completely in meat by-products, but at the same time they sometimes contain a higher content of fats, carbohydrates, calcium and other beneficial microelements. Meat and its meat products are products with a high protein content.

The table below shows average values ​​based on content per 100 grams:

Chicken liver (broil) 18-21
Chicken heart (broil) 15-22g
Chicken stomachs 20-22g
Beef brains 11g
Lamb liver 19g
Beef liver 17g
Pork liver 18g
Lamb kidneys 12.5g
Beef kidneys 12.5g
Pork kidneys 14g
Lamb heart 14g
Beef heart 15g
Pork heart 15g
Sausages 10-20g
Beef tongue 16g

Many of the above products are low in calories, which makes them indispensable for use during

How much protein is in milk and dairy products?

Milk - natural spring a whole range of useful substances. It is not surprising that the protein content in milk and dairy products is very high.

The given data may differ greatly from the values ​​indicated on the packaging.

This is due to the fact that manufacturers add proteins and carbohydrates to many dairy products themselves. Be sure to carefully read the product packaging.

For many athletes of the past, before the invention of special dietary supplements, coaches recommendedDuring training, drink 3-5 raw eggs. It was believed that in this way the athlete received a high dose of proteins, and the muscles tired more slowly and grew faster.

As can be seen from the table, the coaches’ advice was only partly correct. The same chicken contains much more protein, but it will take almost 5 times longer to digest.

Values ​​are based on protein content per 100 grams.

Beluga 24g
Pink salmon 21g
Flounder 18.2g
Carp 19.9g
Mullet 21.4g
Icy 17.4g
Bream 21g
Macrurus 15.3g
Pollock 17g
Sea bass 20g
Sturgeon 16.5g
Blue whiting 17.9g
Saberfish 20g
Saira 18.6g
Salaka 18.0g
Sardine 23.7g
Herring 15.5g
Salmon 16.3g
Smoked salmon 25.4g
Whitefish 19g
Mackerel 18g
Horse mackerel 18.5g
Sterlet 17g
Som 17g
Zander 21g
Trepang 7.0g
Cod 17g
Smoked cod 23.5g
Tuna 23g
coal fish 14g
Trout 15.5g
Hake 16.6g
Pike 18g
Ide 18.2g

In addition to protein, seafood contains a high content of other macro- and microelements,whichcontain in small quantities or not at all meat and plants.

Vegetables have very little protein content Moreover, most of it is not contained as a whole, but in a divided form (in the form of protein-constituting amino acids). However, there are exceptions.

The table below shows vegetables that contain protein in pure form. Contents are indicated in 100 grams.

If you are a vegetarian, you need to find one for yourself. additional source protein, otherwise its content in the body will slowly but surely decrease.

In nuts, dried fruits and mushrooms

In nuts and mushrooms, as in vegetables, protein is contained mainly in scattered form. Some types of nuts contain large amounts of protein, which will help restore protein balance in the body on a plant-based diet.

Fruits do not have the highest protein content and should not even be considered as a main source. The only advantage of fruits over vegetables is that protein is not lost during cooking, which means that both in canned form and in jam the level of protein will be similar to fresh fruits.

Based on 100 grams of product, the following comes out:

According to manufacturers, various cereals and “healthy” baked goods are rich in all the elements necessary for the body. Everyone has their own truth, but let’s look at the hard numbers.

This protein content table contains data for 100g of uncooked product:

The values ​​are quite high at first glance, but heat treatment Most of the beneficial substances contained in cereals and flour products disappear. You can read more about vitamins in bread

Despite all the beliefs in the usefulness of vegetarian diets, from the standpoint of the balance of protein in the body, they are absolutely failures or are too expensive.

By the way, in more detail about

vitamins in the liver

Some vegetables also have their own important features, such as carrots or garlic.

Rye bread indicated in the table also has its own beneficial features, more details here

In this video you can learn more about the role of protein in nutrition, as well as gain information about the time and volume of its consumption!

A flight attendant is one of the few professions that is still shrouded in an aura of mystery. On board, smiling young ladies politely answer even the most crazy questions. What's going on behind the curtain with the lunch carts? What questions do beauties discuss in a strict manner?

Recently, many profiles have appeared on Instagram in which flight attendants allegedly share the ins and outs of their profession. But behind the loud announcements of stories, most often you won’t learn anything new. The contract concluded with the flight attendant prohibits disclosing the specifics of the work. However, we managed to get one flight attendant to talk, and we talked with Irina, an employee of a world-class airline.

Irina is a bright, pretty blonde with a beautiful athletic figure and chiseled abs. She shows it to subscribers on her Instagram account. And the locations in the photo are different every day - France, Spain, New Zealand...

Not life, but a dream! - fans and envious people often write in the comments. But behind this beautiful life- hours of lack of sleep, a strained smile when communicating with yet another boor on board. There is no other way, because the passenger is always right.

Confession of a flight attendant


I had an interview eight years ago and applied through a special agency. And from there they sent a list of recommended people to the international company. I was invited to an interview, which consisted of several stages.

The interview lasted the whole day, we were given many tasks. Something had to be done in a group; there was a separate English test. After each stage, people were eliminated. Like in some show: they gave us envelopes in which on a piece of paper it was written whether you were moving on or going home. I was hired at the first interview, but it was difficult. After selecting 300 people, the company eventually employed nine. Attention is also paid to appearance, weight and age, but there are cases when the recruitment is carried out by, so to speak, unique flight attendants. It's unclear how they got into the company because they look disgusting.

I know girls who go through interviews six times and are not accepted, but they do not despair - they follow their dreams. Many people want to become a beautiful and smiling “mistress” of the liner. In a stylish, figure-fitting shape. Everyone's work clothes are standard, with company logos. In the studio they take our measurements and periodically give us new sets to replace the worn ones.


There is no competition with colleagues - a good relationship. But here you need to take into account that I work for a large airline that employs more than 15 thousand people. Often the girls and I simply don’t know each other - almost every flight you fly with new people. And then, there is a hierarchy - economy, business class, first class employees, personal service. There is simply no time to chat or intrigue.

My salary depends on the number of flying hours. Everyone starts in economy class. At the first stage it is about $2,300 per month. Now, after eight years with the company, I am a “supervisor,” meaning I am assigned to certain sections of the plane. My salary is now about 4000-4500 dollars a month. There are busy months and very quiet ones. The "persal", the person in charge of all sections on board, receives $5,000 or $6,000. This is the highest position we can have.


Often the passenger does not know that a famous actor or athlete will fly with him on the plane. And it’s not surprising - you simply won’t notice public people on the plane. We arrive for a briefing a few hours before the flight. There they examine appearance– Are your clothes fresh, are your nails and makeup in order? Then a sheet is issued with the names of the passengers, where the VIPs are registered.

Actress Paris Hilton, comedians from the Comedy Club, TV presenter Olga Buzova, and singer Rihanna flew with me. Everything is normal and adequate. Will Smith flew with his girlfriend - he was such a bunny. Celebrities usually behave very quietly and do not show off. They travel first class, lock themselves in their cabin and don't bother anyone.

Flight attendants have a hierarchy - economy, business class, first class, personal service. Photo: Ivan MAKEEV


Of course there are times when flying different situations both funny and scary. Somehow the plane was unable to take off and stopped in the middle of the runway. The worst thing: once our engine failed. It's scary - I can't put it into words. And so we fly with one engine running, and we ourselves smile at the passengers so that panic does not begin on board. There were a couple of serious turbulences when everything on the plane flew around, food carts and hand luggage overturned, and in the end I ended up at the other end of the cabin.

We also need to be prepared for the fact that a passenger may feel ill at any moment. After all, it is we who perform the role of doctors on board.


Service in economy class and in business is heaven and earth. In Economy, you go out with a cart and hand out food and drinks. Then you collect the trash. All. In business, meals are more like being served in a restaurant. People choose a dish from the menu on the screens of special mobile devices. I approach, we communicate in person, I clarify the details of the order.

First, drinks with nuts are served, and these can be completely different drinks, from some fancy cocktails to elite wines and champagne. When you offer wine, you must tell what year it is and what grape variety it is. You need to know a lot of details. Then we bring snacks, hot dishes, and a bread basket. I have to know the name of every passenger in business class, because this is a different standard of service.

They say airplane food isn't very healthy, especially in economy class. This is not a myth, but the truth. Sandwiches, chicken and fish are frozen and contain a lot of preservatives. The former and the business serve food the same day it is prepared. But the dishes contain a lot of calories, oils, and sauces. I always take containers of my snacks with me from home.


Relationships on board are not uncommon. We have had cases where a passenger fell in love with a flight attendant. A close friend of mine got married precisely after such a meeting with the man of her dreams on board an airplane.

But sex is a separate issue. I personally haven’t had sex with anyone on board and never will – I know how unsanitary and dirty it is. But she caught passengers - the girl somehow gave the man pleasure right in the economy class cabin. They were drunk, we seated them. This is prohibited, you can call the police and it won’t be fun anymore.


At work, inappropriate people irritate me. There are too many of them. I didn't know before that these existed. The most popular and stupid questions to flight attendants: why raise the back of the seat, where the smoking room and ladies' room are located.

Sometimes a passenger may deliberately spill something or knock over his lunch onto the next seat. To see how we would clean up after him. But we are primarily responsible for safety on board; there is no task of serving. Therefore, such a smart guy will fly in the company of his inverted puree until the end. And the cleaning service employees will already come and restore order after arrival. Or some people are stupidly trying to get acquainted. It all starts out banal: “Aren’t you afraid of heights?”, “Give me your phone number.” Men, come up with something original.


Now there is a small crisis in my company - we fly a lot. They don't hire new staff, they just keep the old guys busy for hours. There are flights where you don’t even have time to go to the toilet or have a snack. In such moments of stress, when you get to the hotel, you just pass out and sleep - no strength. But I try to go out and take a walk at every “deportation”. I make lists of what I want to see in this or that country. If you often fly to the same destinations, you already have your favorite places, cafes, shops. Yes, I get to see the world. But in the express version, as if from the window of a high-speed train.

We make decisions every minute. Left or right? Chicken or fish? To speak out or remain silent? Should you accept a job application or look further? New town? New house? Some decisions are completely ordinary, while others can affect your entire life.

The decision-making process itself can affect our efficiency, ability to manage time, and even our stress levels. Let's look at what errors arise in the decision-making process and how to deal with them.

Cognitive biases that (usually) help make decisions

One part of our brain, the so-called reptilian brain, can have a huge influence on human decision-making.

He makes decisions based on habits. Moreover, a habit is a decision made in the past, which we unconsciously reproduce.

The reptilian brain makes decisions very quickly based on feelings, while the more developed part of the human brain uses logic. Therefore, it takes us longer to make decisions. If we are not talking about urgent decisions, then this is even better.

We choose what is familiar to us. If you ask a person which berries he would eat: familiar or unfamiliar, he will most likely choose the first option - for reasons of survival. We prefer everything familiar to save time and energy.

The reptilian brain works very quickly to reduce the amount of time and energy needed to make a decision. There are many other cognitive biases that can be seen in decision making. Here are three thinking mistakes that happen most often:

1. Tendency to confirm one's point of view. We often scan the news feed and select information that matches our ideas. It's the same with decisions: we determine for ourselves what information should be taken into account when making a decision based on how consonant it is with our beliefs.

2. Anchor effect- attention is paid to one aspect of the decision, which may or may not be the main factor. Example: The decision to purchase a used car is made based on the odometer reading, rather than on the condition of the engine, the car's safety features, manufacturer reliability, and other factors.

3. Tendency to self-confidence. For example, you are sure that you are on the right path, although in fact you are lost.

All these cognitive distortions, on the one hand, help make decisions faster and easier, but this does not mean that they are more effective. On the other hand, if we try to abandon them, decision-making will become a more labor-intensive process. So what should we do?

5 Ways to Overcome Mistakes and Accept right decisions

1. Pay attention to internal sensations. If you're having a hard time making a decision, take a break and focus on how you're feeling. If you're hungry, angry at someone, tired, or feeling lonely, don't make responsible decisions. Try to do this when you are fit.

2. Consider who will be affected by your decision (or lack thereof). Sometimes, by assessing the consequences, you can make things easier for yourself and make the right choice.

3. Conduct a rational analysis. Although we sometimes intuitively make the right decisions, we need to evaluate the facts and weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. If you still haven't succeeded, you might want to find more information.

4. Don't be shy about asking other people's opinions. Sometimes it's difficult to make a choice because we don't have enough data or experience. Sometimes conflicting values ​​and priorities can get in the way. In this case, people with a different point of view will help you. Even if their opinion differs from yours, it may give you a fresh idea.

5. Think about the past. Look back and remember if you have ever found yourself in this situation before. What are the similarities? What are the differences? How did it all end? How did you make this decision, and what influenced your choice? If you analyze this, perhaps a different perspective will open up for you.

While these skills may take some time to hone, they can save you time and energy in the long run.

Travelers often talk about their flights, make reviews and comparisons of airlines, and I most often sleep on the plane if everything is in order. At the same time, if something is wrong, I will not miss the opportunity to write an angry post. But you can’t swear all the time :) So here’s a positive story about flying with a Russian airline.

This time I flew directly from Moscow to Italy: when the trip lasts only five days, it is not rational to waste time on transfers.

1 We took off from Vnukovo. Getting there is inconvenient, the Aeroexpress train only runs once an hour, but the terminal is new and almost always, in 90% of cases, boarding will be via the jet bridge. How much more convenient is it than buses!

2 I noticed a small bump in the tail of the plane; this is not usually seen on Boeing 737s. This is equipped for Internet access during the flight! Let's see if it still works.

3 The interior of a Transaero aircraft today looks completely different from what it did a couple of years ago. In most of the planes, the “stuffing” was completely changed, the seats were replaced, or even the planes were simply updated. It has become much better, I remember their old chairs.

4 There was a blanket on each seat: airlines usually don’t provide this on short flights: the flight to Milan is a little over three hours.

5 The distance between my legs and the chair in front. For economy class, this is a lot; on many planes, your knees rest against the in-flight magazines.

6 Before takeoff, sweets are distributed: in Russia only three companies do this: Transaero, S7 and Vim-Avia. Surely, sweets are officially recognized as useful for nausea and motion sickness during takeoff, but all passengers gobble them up just because they are delicious.

7 All children on board receive a gift set that will keep the child occupied during the flight. I don’t know what’s inside, maybe you flew with Transaero children and received such a gift? What's there?

8 Safety instructions. The main rule is to always remain calm.

9 Transaero was most surprised by the fact that now there is no need to turn off mobile devices during takeoff and landing, just switch them to flight mode! Many American and European air carriers have long since reached this point, but in our country they still require that everything be turned off and are strictly monitored. And Transaero turned out to be the first airline in Russia to lift this stupid ban!

10 Narrow-body aircraft do not have an individual entertainment system, but they do have a TV and several audio channels with music. From the TV I learned that already in next year Transaero's fleet will be supplemented by such giants (literally) as the Boeing 747-8 and Airbus A380! It seems that not a single Russian airline has “three hundred and eightieth” yet?

11 After takeoff, I went to the tail of the plane to “cool up.” Above the last row of seats hang pictures that clearly demonstrate the attractiveness of some flights. Yes, the 527 is a good flight to Thailand!

12 I met the crew: flight attendants Olesya, Maxim and Lyudmila were flying with us to Milan.

13 I watched their work for a bit. At the very beginning of the service, passengers are given a newspaper. Business Traveler magazine is what I need; I have enough reading news on the Internet.

14 Transaero usually does not offer alcohol to its economy class passengers, but on the way to Milan they “pour”: white and red wine.

15 I would like to single out flight attendant Maxim and say a personal thank you to him for his attention, politeness and friendliness. He was the complete opposite of the other “AviaMaxim”, whom I met a year and a half ago in Istanbul. As you remember, this particularly valuable Aeroflot employee from the caste of “non-fireables” forever discouraged me from flying with the “national carrier”. But people like Maxim the steward create a pleasant image of the company.

16 Time to check the Internet on board. Three hundred rubles per hour and six hundred for the entire flight. When I flew Lufthansa to America, the Internet cost 20 euros, but also unlimited. For reference, Aeroflot requires you to pay for traffic, and it costs almost three dollars per megabyte. This is more than a hundred rubles! You don’t have to tell me that just checking your mail costs a couple of megagrams?

17 If you don't want to spend money on the Internet, it still makes sense to connect to the plane's Wi-Fi to find out information about the flight, where you are flying right now, how long until landing and altitude.

18 Internet speed is low, about the same as Egde on a mobile phone. But for communication on LiveJournal and Facebook, for working with mail - it’s enough. In the end, don’t forget where you are surfing the Internet from :)

19 What did they bring to eat? Choose from “classic” chicken or fish. I chose the bird with pasta. In addition to the hot dish, they gave us a piece of smoked halibut with lemon, vegetables in the form of cucumber, tomato and pepper, butter, a bun and a piece of black kleb, salted nuts and a muffin.

20 Alexandra, senior flight attendant. Economy class passengers usually don’t see her, but she is the one who solves all the problems that arise on board.

21 One of the most common is that passengers persistently try to smoke in the aircraft cabin. Despite the fact that all airlines in the world have been non-smoking for many years, and they remind you of this before each flight, prohibition signs hang in the toilets. All the same, someone will try to smoke quietly. The smoke detector reacts instantly, even if you try to close it or break it. Usually they get off with a reprimand, but if the passenger begins to behave inappropriately, he may be handed over to the police. In Russia, the fine for smoking is not yet very large, and the police often simply release the detainee, but abroad you can “get caught” a large sum because of his impatience.

22 Aircraft emergency rescue equipment. Megaphone, fire extinguisher and several oxygen cylinders. Sometimes they have to be used if a person becomes ill during a flight.

23 There are always two first aid kits on board: one is similar to a car kit, it contains plasters, bandages, peroxide and brilliant green. Another first aid kit is more serious, with a “medical style”. Only a doctor from among the passengers on board can use it. Doctors fly not as rarely as you might think. There's the Kyiv doctor