How to make homemade yogurt in a slow cooker. Step-by-step recipes on how to easily prepare yogurt in a slow cooker without jars

Let's talk about sourdough. If you are preparing yogurt in a slow cooker for the first time, then, without further ado, go to the nearest pharmacy and buy the starter there. My pharmacy sells only Evitalia sourdough. I highly recommend it - all natural microorganisms are listed in the instructions for use, and yoghurts based on it turn out to be very thick and tasty.

Alternatively, you can use ready-made natural yogurt from the store as a starter - but I avoid them because, despite their “naturalness,” I don’t really trust the composition.

If you get a taste for it and want variety, then try ordering sourdough via the Internet - Yandex will give you several online stores selling an assortment of sourdoughs.

I got to the point where I started ordering sourdough starters from America - because they were significantly cheaper than domestic ones. True, we didn’t really like the taste - American yogurts turned out to be sour, so after a while we again switched to Russian products.

Making yogurt in a slow cooker is much easier than in a yogurt maker! Especially if you have a “multi-cook” mode, which allows you to set the desired temperature and cooking time. I have such a mode, I’m lucky, so first I’ll tell you how to prepare yogurt in such an “advanced” multicooker.

Pour milk into the multicooker bowl. I usually take 2 liters of milk, “Evitalia” is designed for exactly this amount, and other starter cultures ferment this amount perfectly. In the “multi-cook” mode, set the temperature to 40 C and the cooking time to 15 minutes. During this time, the milk will definitely heat up to 40 C, the temperature at which lactic acid bacteria begin to multiply.

If you don’t have a “multi-cook” mode, you’ll have to tinker a little longer. Heat up required quantity milk in a saucepan. Two ways. Those who are more fearful bring the milk to a boil, and then cool it to 40 C. Those who are more courageous immediately heat it to 40 C.

If you use pasteurized store-bought milk (or ultra-pasteurized milk), then there is nothing to be afraid of and there is no need to boil it. If you prefer country milk, you need to boil it for a few minutes.

I have a thermometer, if you don’t have one, try it by touch - the milk should be warm, not hot. We need working temperature– 38-45 C, if lower or higher, then the lactic acid bacteria die. Pour the finished milk at the desired temperature into the multicooker bowl.

After the milk has been heated to the temperature we need, pour a little into a glass (100 ml is enough) and dissolve the starter in it. Stir well.

Pour the dissolved starter into the bowl with milk and stir. I have become so bold that I pour the starter directly into the yogurt maker without first dissolving it in the milk. I just mix the future yogurt a little more thoroughly.

Close the lid of the device and start the “yogurt” mode. The standard cooking time in this mode is 8 hours. Start yogurt overnight and in the morning you can enjoy this tasty and healthy product. However, before using, the yogurt needs to be stirred again (preferably with a whisk so that there are no lumps) and cooled in the refrigerator for at least one hour. Then it will become completely homogeneous, thick and dense. Just what you need.

It is recommended to consume natural (fresh!) yogurt on an empty stomach, before breakfast. In this case, it has the best effect on our body, and in particular on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. See how simple it is! And the multicooker has once again proven that it is the best workhorse in the kitchen, capable of replacing several appliances at once (in this case, a yogurt maker).

Before moving directly to the step-by-step recipe, let's figure out why yogurt is good for you. Firstly, it is necessary for proper operation Gastrointestinal tract. The lactobacilli it contains suppress pathogenic intestinal microflora. Secondly, it contains calcium, which strengthens the skeletal system. It has also been proven that people who frequently consume fermented milk are less likely to develop intestinal cancer.

If you eat only 300 ml. Sour milk per day can strengthen the immune system + improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract

And such fermented milk as Acidolact will protect your gastrointestinal tract when taking antibiotics. It prevents the beneficial intestinal microflora from dying from the harmful effects of antibacterial drugs. Plus, consuming this product daily can help you get rid of indigestion and diarrhea.

This product is suitable even for those who are lactose intolerant. Yogurt has been proven to be digestible better than milk. Live bacteria stimulate the production of lactase. It is this enzyme that is lacking in people with lactose intolerance.

Selection of sourdough for preparation

For self-cooking A fermented milk product needs a starter. They contain probiotics - a set of beneficial bacteria. By the way, a new series of Vichy cosmetics for the face with bifidobacteria was recently released.

You can take as a basis:

  • Natural yogurt– the shelf life of a live product should not be more than 5-7 days. And the composition itself should not contain sugar, dyes, or pieces of fruit.
  • Liquid starter- It is also sold in the store. The best known to me is under the brand name “Prostokvashino”.
  • Previously prepared portion- It is better to use as a base no more than a couple of times. If you do this more often, you get lost beneficial features product. And also its taste deteriorates, it becomes sour. This method of making fermented milk is called “without sourdough.” Those. prepare your next batch of yogurt without buying special powder or liquid bases.
  • Dried lactic acid bacteria- They are sold at the pharmacy. These are probiotics; they contain 1.5 - 2 billion live bacteria with specific polysaccharides. In addition, they contain retinol, ascorbic acid, and tocopherol. Plus vitamins B1 and B2, B6, B12. The base is enriched with microelements: calcium, magnesium, iron.

The most famous dry foundations: Narine, Vivo, Evitalia, Good Food. They are all good. So far I have tried Evitalia and Narine, I like them both. It is best to store pharmaceutical starter in the refrigerator.

Yes, probiotics are sold even for infants. Therefore, I recommend it to young mothers. The price of the base is justified - after all, you get natural products. Not the dead bacteria that is found in most shelf-stable yogurts.

The advantage of homemade yoghurts

Store-bought fermented milk products contain different ingredients. Most of which are not at all useful - they are preservatives to increase shelf life. As well as various dyes, taste substitutes to reduce its cost. The maximum natural thing that can be added is sugar or fruit.

But homemade yogurt contains only milk and bacteria. From one serving of starter you can make up to 3 times sour milk. The first time you use the foundation itself. Then you make yogurt “without starter”. From the fermented milk product you got. The third time, again take the resulting yogurt as a basis. It turns out to be very profitable.

Do you want to improve your intestinal function or restore your body after taking antibiotics? Then take a 2-week course. During which, consume homemade yogurt 3 times a day before meals.

The principle of making homemade yogurt

Many people think that fermented milk products can only be made in a slow cooker with a yogurt function. This is wrong. It doesn’t matter what brand your device is – Polaris, Redmond, Philips, etc. Even without the sour milk yogurt function, you will still succeed.

If the milk is homemade or pasteurized, it must be boiled. If the milk is ultra-pasteurized, it does not need to be boiled. The main thing before adding the starter is that it should be at room temperature.

If you took pasteurized milk, boil it, then let it cool. Optimal temperature 40 degrees. But I don’t have a thermometer at home to determine the temperature of food. So I try it with my finger. It should be a little warmer than the temperature of my finger :)

Next, take the starter. It is better to dilute the dry and liquid base separately in a clean glass. Pour warm milk into it, then add bacteria. Mix the contents of the glass well and then add to the main volume of milk.

We prepare the fermented milk product without jars, so we have the entire mixture in a clean multicooker container. Select the heating mode and leave for 6-8 hours. How quickly the mixture turns sour depends on the base and fat content of the milk. Usually it is advised to take with a fat content of 1.5-2.5%. Although I prefer to use 3.2% fattier milk. Then the yogurt turns out thicker. So give it a try different types and choose what you like - a more liquid product or so that the spoon stands :)

Also, the fermentation time may depend on the amount of starter you added. If you add 250 ml of ready-made yogurt per liter of milk, then such yogurt will be ready in 4 hours.

Step-by-step recipe for cooking in a slow cooker

  1. First boil 2 liters of milk. Then wait until it cools down to 40°C. It is very important that it is not too hot. The fact is that fermented milk cultures die at temperatures above 50° C. If you pour them into such a liquid, there will be zero benefit.
  2. The foam from the milk must be removed before adding the starter.
  3. Pour the cooled mixture into the multicooker container. Evitalia is supplied in glass bottles. Add some of the warm liquid directly there. Shake the bottle so that the cultures mix well with the milk. Then pour the contents of the bottle into the multicooker container.
  4. If there is a “yogurt” mode, select it and set the time to 6-8 hours. Divide the finished dessert into 2 servings. 1.8 liters for consumption, and 0.2 liters for further fermentation. Everything needs to be stored in the refrigerator.
  5. Pour the resulting product into a clean jar (or portioned jars) and leave to “ripen” for several hours. Separately, everyone can add nuts, fruits or sugar to their portion.

You need to prepare yogurt from the resulting starter in the same way as from dry one. First boil the milk and cool it. Afterwards, add 150-200 ml of base with a clean spoon. Mix everything thoroughly and leave it to ferment on the heating mode.

Recipe with sourdough "Prostokvashino"

You can make homemade fermented milk using liquid basis. Take the sourdough starter "Prostokvashino". To prepare, we need 1 liter of milk, 100 ml of base, 100 g of sugar. Pour the prepared milk into the multicooker. Shake the base well before mixing with milk. Mix all ingredients until sugar dissolves. Select the yogurt function and set the time to 6 hours. For a thicker dessert, choose 8 hours.

Before use, the product must cool for 2-3 hours. Despite the fact that this recipe contains sugar. I think it's better to add it in portions when the dessert is ready. Sugar is not sterile. When we add it during the cooking process, excellent conditions are created for the proliferation of unwanted microflora. It's better not to take risks!

Recipe with natural Activia

For this recipe, prepare a liter of milk, 150 ml of Activia. Add it to the warm liquid and mix everything thoroughly. Set the desired mode for 6 hours. In principle, after 4 hours the mixture can ferment. So it's better to check. Before use, the product must be kept in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Video recipe with Vivo sourdough

Here's another great video explaining how to do everything when using Vivo starter

How to get a safe and healthy product

The basic rule is cleanliness on the table and sterility of utensils. If you do not follow hygiene conditions and preparation rules, you can get poisoned. Since fermented milk dessert is an excellent basis for pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, I pour boiling water over all containers, glasses, and spoons before cooking. A glass jar, where I then pour everything into and quickly sterilize it in the microwave.

Second condition - good quality milk and sourdough. These products must be properly stored before consumption. The next rule is compliance temperature regime. As I wrote above, the main thing is not to overheat the dessert.

The ripening time is of no small importance. On average it is 6-8 hours. But since all multicookers are different, you may need 10-12. Here you must regulate the process yourself. In addition to the “warm up” and “yogurt” modes, you can select the “multi-cook” mode and set the maximum temperature there to 40 degrees.

Once prepared, the product can be stored for only a few days. It is advisable to drink it 3 days before. We didn’t have any problems with this in our family :) I don’t think you will either. It is important to store it in the refrigerator. After the expiration date, do not use, and especially not use as a basis.

I have selected a video for you showing how yogurt is fermented in a slow cooker. Perhaps you have your own secrets for preparing this dessert. Let's discuss. Don't forget to subscribe for updates and join me on in social networks. Bye everyone!

In the USSR, yogurt was produced with
1920s. It was sold in pharmacies
as a remedy called

Material from Wikipedia

Natural, “real” yogurt is found on store shelves, but not as often as the yogurt with fillers that we are all familiar with. Most often, what is sold in bright jars can only be called yogurt conditionally, since upon careful examination the composition will certainly reveal dyes and flavors “identical to natural”, as well as thickeners, stabilizers, emulsifiers and preservatives - that is, everything that which can’t be called useful at all. You can, of course, buy real yogurt in the store, but in this case you will face considerable expenses - calculate how much your health from store-bought jars will cost you, even if you buy one every day for each family member?

That is why yogurt makers are increasingly being installed in our kitchens. But multicooker owners don't need this kitchen gadget - a smart pan will help you prepare yogurt in a multicooker without much hassle. Moreover, having a separate “Yoghurt” program is not at all necessary! But first you need to understand the principles of making yogurt. Yogurt is a fermented milk product formed as a result of the joint work of living microorganisms: thermophilic streptococci and Bulgarian bacillus. These microorganisms live at a temperature of 36-40°C. The required amount of starter is added to milk heated to this temperature and left alone for several hours. The longer the bacteria work, the thicker our yogurt will end up. But you can’t overexpose it either, the product may become acidic. To stop the activity of microorganisms, the finished yogurt is cooled and stored in the refrigerator.

The quality of milk is great importance. Ideally, you need to take fresh milk from the market, so you will be 100% sure that it will not contain any additives like powdered milk or vegetable fats. But even the freshest, “just from the cow” milk still needs to be boiled in order to destroy unnecessary bacteria that could interfere with the process, otherwise you will end up with an equally healthy fermented milk product, but it will not be yogurt. For the same purposes, all containers in which yogurt will be prepared, as well as spoons and spatulas for mixing, should be scalded with boiling water or even sterilized in boiling water. If you don’t have the opportunity to buy village milk, opt for reliable brand and use store-bought milk. Milk with a short shelf life will also have to be boiled, as it contains a lot of living bacteria. Therefore, most often the choice of housewives falls on ultra-pasteurized milk in tetra-packs - it is completely free of “unnecessary” microorganisms, but at the same time it has not been subjected to long-term heat treatment, which makes it possible to preserve the maximum usefulness in the product.

Sourdough is another component of the success of homemade yogurt. The highest quality sourdough is dry. You can buy it at a pharmacy or specialty store healthy eating. When purchasing, pay attention to the storage conditions - dry live starter should be stored in the refrigerator. If you don’t want to bother with dry starter cultures, buy non-drinkable yogurt with a short shelf life without fillers (Activia or Actimel).

How to prepare yogurt in a multicooker Regardless of the presence of the “Yogurt” program, the process of preparing a healthy product is the same for both the yogurt maker and the multicooker. Prepared milk, heated to the required temperature (not higher than 40°C!) is mixed with required quantity leaven and pour into jars. Cover the bottom of the multicooker bowl with a cloth so as not to damage the coating, pour warm water at 40°C to a level ⅔-¾ of the height of the jars and turn on the “Yogurt” or “Warming” program for 2-3 hours. Afterwards, turn off the multicooker and let the yogurt sit for another 2-3 hours without opening the lid. After this, the yogurt is cooled and placed in the refrigerator. The neck of the jars must be covered with lids or covered with cling film to prevent condensation from getting inside. You can prepare yogurt in a multicooker without jars - just in the multicooker bowl, and then pour the finished product into another container. This makes it possible to prepare a large amount of yogurt at once.

Properly prepared yogurt has a smooth and shiny surface. If you want drinkable yogurt, keep the yogurt for less time. Accordingly, for thicker yogurt the holding time should be increased. For thickness finished product The fat content of milk also affects. If you are watching your figure and counting calories, use milk with low fat content or completely skim, and for the rest of the family, and especially for children, take milk with normal or high fat content. Our site has talked about the benefits of fats in the human diet more than once. To increase the fat content of milk, you can add 1-3 tbsp. cream. And, frankly speaking, yogurt made from high-fat milk tastes much better than yogurt made from low-fat milk!

You can add any toppings to homemade yogurt. This can be grated chocolate, cocoa, pieces of berries and fruits, jam, jam, natural juices, nuts, dried fruits, vanillin... It is important to remember that all these products can only be added to ready-made yogurt. Under no circumstances put them in milk at the same time as the starter, otherwise you will get a completely unexpected result.

There are not many recipes for making yogurt, and this is understandable - it’s impossible to come up with anything simpler. But for those housewives who decided to make yogurt at home for the first time, our site offers several recipes, after trying which you will soon learn to determine the ratio of products and cooking time. For multicookers with the “Yoghurt” program, there are instructions and recipes included with the “cyber-saucepan”, but you choose the operating time of the “Heating” mode yourself. The recipes below give the minimum values; you have the right to decide for yourself how long to keep the yogurt heated.

Method No. 1

2 liters of milk 2.5% fat,
500 ml 10% cream,
5 tbsp. Sahara,
1 jar of Activia without fillers.

Pour the milk and cream into the multicooker bowl and turn on the “Steam” or “Baking” mode. Bring, stirring constantly, to a boil, boil for 5 minutes and turn off the multicooker. Let the milk cool under the lid to a temperature of 40°C. Add yogurt, mix well and close the lid. Turn on the “Warming” mode for 1-2 hours, then turn off the multicooker and leave for 3-6 hours without opening the lid. Pour the finished yogurt into another bowl, stir with sugar and place in the refrigerator. Fillings - according to your taste.

Method No. 2

1 liter of milk 3.5% fat,
1 bottle of Actimel.

Heat the milk to 40°C and stir with Actimel yoghurt. Pour the resulting mixture into sterile jars or cups, cover them with lids, but do not screw them on. Place a napkin on the bottom of the multicooker bowl, place the glasses and pour in warm water. Set the “Warming” mode for 15-20 minutes, then turn off and leave the multicooker for 5 hours without opening the lid. Cover the finished yogurt with lids and refrigerate overnight.

Method No. 3

1 liter of milk of any fat content,
1 bag of dry starter.

Thoroughly stir the dry starter in milk heated to 40°C. It’s better to do it this way: pour out 1 glass of milk, add the starter and mix well. Then pour the contents of the glass into the rest of the milk and stir. Remember that all utensils must be sterile! Pour the milk with the starter into cups, cover the top with cling film or foil and place them in the multicooker bowl. Pour in warm water, turn on the “Heat” mode for 15 minutes, then turn off the multicooker. Do not open the lid! After 5-6 hours, transfer the cups to the refrigerator.

As you can see, making yogurt in a slow cooker is not at all difficult. It should be noted that when preparing yogurt using dry starter, the first portion turns out a little slimy, similar to jelly. This does not affect the taste and useful qualities yogurt. Set aside 2-3 tbsp. prepared yogurt in a separate bowl and use it as a starter for the next portion, and each time your yogurt will become tastier and tastier.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Yogurt is a unique product. It is a source of protein and calcium, tidies up the intestinal microflora, and promotes better absorption of vitamins. However maximum benefit brings only natural product without preservatives and flavors. It’s not easy to find one in stores - it spoils too quickly, which means it’s not profitable. Therefore, homemade yogurt is beyond competition!

To make yogurt, you only need milk and starter culture. This product is obtained as a result of milk fermentation, which occurs best at a temperature of about 40 °C. The yogurt maker maintains the necessary heat. But in its absence, a multicooker copes with this function perfectly. Models with a “yogurt” mode are best suited for this purpose. However, it is quite possible to do without it.

Milk for yogurt.
You can use almost any kind of milk. One has only to take into account that high-fat milk will produce a thicker and fattier product. For light yogurt, it is better to choose low-fat milk.
Pasteurized milk with a long shelf life ferments just as well as whole milk. However, yogurt made from “live” raw materials has a softer consistency and natural aroma. Unpasteurized milk should be brought to a boil before use, cooled and strained to remove any foam.

Sourdough selection.
As a starter you can use:

  • Natural yogurt without additives, which you can buy in the store. It is worth paying attention to expiration dates. How fresh product, all the better.
  • Previously prepared homemade yogurt. You should not store it for more than a week. You can only use your yogurt as a starter a few times. Over time, its benefits decrease and it becomes more sour.
  • Dry enzymes sold in pharmacies. Their selection is quite large. It is not difficult to ferment milk with them, and their cost is fully justified by the savings on the purchase of ready-made yoghurts.

Features of preparing yogurt in a slow cooker.

  1. All utensils used in the production of yogurt must be clean and the yogurt jars must be sterile.
  2. To avoid damaging the multicooker bowl with jars, it is better to place a small towel or silicone mat on its bottom.
  3. If desired, you can ferment the yogurt directly in the bowl, without using jars.
  4. If there is no “yogurt” mode, you can set the required temperature using the “multi-cook” function or using the heating mode.
  5. Cooking yogurt in a slow cooker can take 6 to 12 hours. It’s good to ferment it overnight so that you have a ready-made delicacy by the morning.
  6. After preparing the yogurt, it should be placed in the refrigerator for at least an hour.
General cooking principle.
The milk is heated to a temperature of 40 °C. A small part of it is mixed with ready-made yogurt or dry sourdough. The mixture is then combined with the remaining milk. It is mixed and poured into jars that are placed in the multicooker bowl. There is no need to screw the jars, you can close them cling film. Pour warm water into the bowl to approximately the middle of the containers with the workpiece. Close the lid and turn on the “multi-cook” or “yogurt” mode for 6-8 hours. If you do not have such programs, then you can set the “warm” program for 20 minutes, then wait another 6 hours until ready, without opening the lid. Or, pour warm milk and warm water, just close the lid and use the multicooker as a thermos. In this case, you need to wait about 10 hours for the result. There are many options for preparing yogurt in a slow cooker.
And here are some of them in more detail:

Homemade yogurt with rose flavor from

2 liters of milk 3.5-4% with a shelf life of 5 days
200 ml plain yoghurt
3 tablespoons rose petal syrup or jam

Cooking method:
1. Boil the milk in a multicooker on the “multi-chef” mode for 25 minutes at 100 degrees, add syrup, strain to remove any foam. Wash the bowl and return the milk to it. Cool to 55 degrees and add yogurt, stir. Close the lid tightly and leave to ferment for at least 8 hours without turning on the “warm” function. In my multicooker model, the temperature is maintained for a very long time due to the sealed lid.
2. Place the finished yogurt in a linen bag or gauze folded in several layers and hang for several hours until it becomes completely thick. If it becomes very thick, you can dilute it back with the whey or yogurt you used to ferment it.
3. Transfer the yogurt from the bag to a bowl, puree with a blender until completely smooth and place in jars. Keep refrigerated.

Vanilla yogurt with apples and cinnamon from Orange_Dahlia

To prepare this yogurt, pour a liter of milk into a heavy bottom pan, cut two vanilla pods and put them in the milk. Bring to a boil, remove from heat and cool. Remove the resulting film and pods, add the starter to the milk, stir well and pour into jars. Place the jars in the multicooker for the yogurt program. At the end of the program, remove the jars and put them in the refrigerator.
Peel the apples, cut into cubes, place in a frying pan along with a tablespoon of poppy seeds, honey and cinnamon. Add a little water and cook, stirring, until the apples are soft. Cool and spoon on top of the yogurt before serving.

Step-by-step recipes yogurt from TimeCook:

Today, more and more often, every housewife thinks about how healthy the food we buy in stores is. This is especially true for dairy products.

After all, it will be much healthier for the whole family to eat those products that are created at home without adding any preservatives or other excipients.

This question is also relevant regarding yoghurts, which children love so much. After all, if you have a multicooker, preparing yogurt becomes enough simple process, and as a result you get a healthy product without preservatives.

What to look for when choosing milk and sourdough?

The first question that needs to be resolved when preparing yogurt at home is - what kind of milk and starter should you use as a base?

If you are considering milk, here are some things to know:

  1. Not all that homemade milk healthier than store bought. In fact, if you have your own cow (which is modern world it’s quite difficult to implement) and you feed her, care for her, etc., then yes, such milk will be healthier than store-bought milk. But if you buy milk from aunts at the market, you should understand that you have absolutely no idea what this cow ate and whether the milk was diluted with anything. In this case, it is better to pay attention to store-bought products that have been processed and controlled;
  2. When choosing milk in the store, pay attention to super-pasteurized milk. His the positive side is that it has been processed and is sterile. This is what will create optimal conditions for fermenting yogurt. In other cases, you will have to boil the milk before using it;
  3. The fat content of the milk is up to you to decide. If you're cooking for kids, look for 2.5-3.2%. For those who want to lose a little weight and make low-fat yoghurts, 0.5-2.5% is suitable.

You should also know what to look for when choosing a sourdough starter. Now this spectrum is represented quite widely on the market by both domestic and foreign manufacturers.

At the same time, prices in relatively equal categories are confusing. To choose the right starter, pay attention to:

  • Composition of sourdough bacteria: the more various types bacteria, the healthier the yogurt will be;
  • If you are preparing yoghurts for babies, you should not use those starter cultures where the bacterial composition is not indicated. After all, not all bacteria are suitable for small children, so if you do not see a clear list on the package, it is better to move on to choosing another product.

The simplest way to make homemade yogurt using a slow cooker

To begin with, we turn on our device and set the “Extinguishing” program. Pour milk into the bowl and heat it to about 40ºC.

The next step is to add the remaining main components: sourdough and sugar. They need to be well dissolved in milk. If desired, you can also add a small amount of cream. That's basically all: the mixture for the future yogurt is almost ready.

After 8 hours you can enjoy yogurt. You are also allowed to add your favorite jam, fresh fruit or nuts. However, it should be remembered that such a product can be stored for no more than 5 days in the refrigerator.

Multicooker Polaris: secrets of creating live yogurt

The main difficulty when creating a delicate dessert in a slow cooker is their wide variety. And for every manufacturer various programs cooking this or that dish.

One of the most popular brands of multicookers is Polaris. To prepare unsweetened yogurt with live bacteria in it, you need to follow the following plan.

Preparing the necessary ingredients:

  • Milk – 2 l;
  • Dry starter – 1 pc.

Cooking with your participation takes a minimum of time. You just need to do the following steps:

  1. Prepare the multicooker, turn it on and pour milk into the bowl;
  2. Wait until the milk boils, cool it and pour the starter into it;
  3. Pour the liquid into containers and turn on a suitable cooking program (cooking time 6 hours);
  4. After the allotted time, take out the finished yogurt and put it in the refrigerator for storage.

Multicooker Redmond: fruit fantasies

Fruit yoghurts are the most delicate delicacy that neither adults nor children will neglect. Especially if it's lovingly homemade from fresh ingredients.

You should take:

  • Milk – 1 l (suitable fat content 3.2%);
  • Natural yoghurt – 250 ml;
  • Fruits: apricots or others to your taste - about 200-300 g;
  • Powdered sugar – 1 teaspoon.

From the utensils we will need a whisk, a small bowl or bowl (capacity 2 liters), containers for yogurt.

Take a prepared bowl or bowl, put yogurt in it and add powder. Mix the mixture with a whisk and gradually add milk. However, you shouldn’t be too zealous: we don’t beat the mass, but stir it.

The selected fruits must be thoroughly washed and peeled. Dry it a little and cut it into small cubes.

Now you can take on the yogurt containers. First we put fruit in each, then fill it with the resulting mixture of milk, yogurt and powdered sugar. Stir the mixture a little in each so that the fruit and liquid are evenly distributed throughout the jar.

We prepare the Redmond multicooker: you need to lay either a napkin or a silicone mat on the bottom of the bowl. After this, arrange the jars and cover them with lids. Next, we proceed to setting up the programs: select “multi-cook”, set the temperature to 40º and set the time period to 10 hours.

After the allotted time, we take out the jars and put them in the refrigerator for another half a day.

Panasonic multicooker: vanilla perfection

Vanilla yogurt is a real must have for any housewife. Tender and aromatic, you can happily eat this for breakfast or enjoy it during the working day.

In order to make this masterpiece, you will need:

  • Milk – 0.6 l;
  • Sugar (you can use powdered sugar) – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Vanilla sugar – 1 sachet (2 g);
  • Liquid starter – 3 tbsp. spoons.

First of all, if you took non-super-pasteurized milk, you should boil it. After that, add sugar and vanilla to it and stir thoroughly so that the bulk components are completely dissolved.

The next step is to add the starter and mix well again. And that’s all – all the rest of the work is done with the multicooker.

Pour the resulting mixture into jars and place in a bowl. Select the “Yoghurt” mode on the screen and let Panasonic continue to work. After 8 hours, you can get the finished dessert, which needs to be cooled and you can enjoy the vanilla taste.

When serving, you can add fresh fruits and berries, jams, coconut flakes and ground nuts - whatever your heart desires.

Dairy products are healthy and tasty, so take note, the recipe for which is easy to prepare and does not take much time.

Do you know how to properly prepare kefir batter for a pie? Read.

Take note of the royal cheesecake with cottage cheese and sour cream and prepare it this coming weekend.

Making yogurt is not such a complicated process. Its only drawback is its duration.

Depending on the model, it can cook from 6 to 10 hours. But we can say with confidence that the resulting dessert is worth it.

In addition, if you follow some tips, you can make the process easier:

  • If you are preparing yoghurts for yourself with the goal of losing a few pounds, get tested by a nutritionist and he will be able to give recommendations on what bacteria you need. Also try to choose milk with the lowest fat content;
  • It is optimal to cook yogurt in a slow cooker at night. In the evening, you can prepare everything and put everything in the bowl and press “Start” and go to bed with a clear conscience. In the morning you will have delicious fresh yogurt;
  • Do not place containers of yogurt directly into the multicooker bowl. If there is no special form, then put several napkins on the bottom.

Yogurt with beneficial bacteria, cooked at home with love in a slow cooker, can become your children's favorite dish. In addition, it not only has good taste, but is also much healthier than those sold in stores and supermarkets.