How to clean brick walls. Cleaning brickwork. Chemical cleaning of bricks from mortar

The most common and very unpleasant contaminants that spoil the aesthetic appearance are: cement deposits, the appearance of salt, the appearance limescale on the facade or fence. Moreover, this does not depend on time - plaque can appear almost after laying or during brick laying. Often, efflorescence forms white, hardened streaks that can increase in size every day.

Unscrupulous builders try as much as possible to hide or disguise defects; unfortunately, their actions are temporary and in 99% of cases, plaque and streaks appear again. This is explained by the fact that by removing the efflorescence itself, we are fighting not the cause, but the effect.

What is the cause of efflorescence?

There are three main types of efflorescence:

  • Calcareous efflorescence appears in the form of hard, fairly thick deposits.
  • Lime stains appear thin layers in the form of dusty deposits, quite soft to the touch.
  • Lime efflorescence in the form of crystals of insoluble and soluble salts.

When do efflorescences form?

  • In a fresh mixture (primary efflorescence). With a porous mixture, OH and Ca ions move outward with the help of residual moisture, where humid air combine with CO2 (deposits form on the surface).
  • In the hardened mixture (secondary efflorescence). Water from precipitation groundwater, condensed moisture penetrates inside brickwork, thereby dissolving salts of various chemical elements, including calcium. In warm, dry weather, the salt solution rushes to the surface of the masonry. The water evaporates, leaving salt crystals on the wall in the form of a white coating.

What accelerates and makes possible the appearance of limescale efflorescence?

  • High Water/Cement ratio.
  • Insufficient mixing of the masonry mixture.
  • Large amounts of Ca(OH) 2 (calcium salts) and other foreign salts in mixtures.
  • Insufficient content of binder (cement) in masonry mixtures (increasing porosity and, accordingly, water permeability).
  • Poor seam care – incorrect seam profile.
  • Poorly prepared mixture - movement of water and lime.
  • Filler not washed from impurities
  • Filler of uncontrolled composition and quality.
  • The water is highly chlorinated, containing salt or other foreign substances, which contributes to prolonged drying.
  • Filling joints with mortar after precipitation until the base is completely dry.
  • Drying of cement mixtures too quickly.

How to clean cement deposits and efflorescence

Many, when faced with such a phenomenon, panic and partly they are right, is this how they imagined their house or fence during construction. But don’t panic, this is all quite easy to solve.

There are two ways:

  • Calling a cleaning company that cleans stone;
  • Clean it yourself.

What do we need for cleaning?

    1. Soap for natural stone. Specifically for stone, do not confuse it with conventional detergents.
    2. Cement and salt removal agent;
    3. A stone scraper and a small spatula, for cleaning heavily ingrained and hardened areas;
    4. Wire brush and regular brush;
    5. Grinder with a metal brush (recommended to be used only as a last resort, for severely ingrained dirt that a metal brush cannot remove).

Let's start cleaning

  1. The first thing we must do is wash off all non-surface dust and dirt. To do this, we dilute the soap concentrate for natural stone in water, in the proportion recommended by the manufacturer, and thoroughly wash the brick surface with the resulting solution using a regular brush. And rinse thoroughly with water. At the first stage, it is not recommended to overfill the stone with water so that it dries faster.
  2. We dilute the cleaning agent concentrate in the recommended proportion and apply it to the surface with a brush and use circular movements (the direction does not matter) to clean the surface. Leave for 5-10 minutes. And rinse thoroughly with water.
  3. After completing the first two steps, you will immediately notice the cleaning effect, but areas with heavily ingrained dirt will also begin to stand out. To deal with them, pour the undiluted concentrate into a small container and apply it to the contaminated areas with a brush. When applied there will be chemical reaction and the concentrate on cement and salt contaminants will foam, but don’t be alarmed by this, this is how it should be. Give it 5-10 minutes and begin rough cleaning using a scraper and, if necessary, a metal brush. And rinse thoroughly with water. Let it dry and repeat until the surface is completely clean.
  4. The main thing is to rinse thoroughly with water after complete cleaning, as chemicals can leave a white residue.

How to protect brick from efflorescence and plaque

There are two types of protection:

  1. Transparent impregnation for stone. Apply to the surface with a brush 1-2 times. Creates a protective layer on the surface that does not allow water to pass through and counteracts subsequent deep contamination.
  2. Impregnation with color enhancement and wet effect. The most in demand and popular at the moment. Creates a protective layer and gives the stone a rich color.

Or another structure uses brickwork. The building, built of brick, looks not only solid, but also quite attractive from an aesthetic point of view. The fact is that when ordering a project, the owner of the future home can experiment not only with the appearance of the building, but also with color scheme bricks Most often you can find mansions built from red brick, and it is used everywhere, since this material has such characteristics as resistance to external influences, strength and non-flammability, so brick is perfect for the construction of stoves and fireplaces. At the same time, brick buildings in some cases do not require absolutely no external finishing.

Often after graduation construction work the brickwork remains in a very unsightly condition. Traces of mortar, dirt and dust leave unsightly stains and streaks on the brick wall. Eventually it becomes main problem for the owner of the building, since unattractive stains on the brick leave a feeling of unfinished construction and untidy appearance.

There are many ways to clean mortar from brick. Experts identify three main methods for cleaning brickwork from traces of mortar:

  • mechanical cleaning with a stiff brush, which allows you to remove remaining cement and dirt from the brick;
  • washing with water;
  • special cleaning of brickwork using various pastes.

However, no matter how good these methods are, it is worth paying attention to each of them separately, since they are not always acceptable in different situations.

Mechanical cleaning

Mechanical cleaning of bricks is good only in cases where we are talking about building masonry bricks, since they are strong enough and will not be damaged even by the use of the most radical cleaning methods.

Concerning facing bricks, then you should be careful here, since it is quite fragile and intensive cleaning can simply destroy it.

Application aqueous solution also poses several dangers. Sometimes, due to dampness, a greenish coating of mold appears on the brick, which is easily washed off with water from a hose. However, after some time, the home owner will be surprised to discover that the stains not only have not disappeared, but are also getting larger.

Moisture is an ideal environment for fungus, and with extensive wet cleaning, mold gets into microcracks in the brickwork along with water, so experts recommend using an antiseptic solution, which can be purchased at any hardware store.

Application of special pastes

Cleaning brick with pastes is the most universal means of cleaning the material from traces cement mortar, since its composition includes not only ingredients that help quickly dissolve contaminants, but also abrasive substances that will help completely remove all excess from the surface of the wall. The paste itself is easily removed with plain water, so the cleaning process will not take much time.

Traces of paint, tar, fuel oil and other petroleum products can be easily removed using any organic solvent, and traces of soot from the fireplace can be cleaned with ordinary soap solution water.

It is worth noting that to warn different kinds pollution is sometimes much easier than spending it later for a long time to clean them, so don’t neglect preventive measures and then your house will sparkle with all its colors, personifying the solidity and excellent taste of its owner.


Currently finishing country houses brick is very common. Brick finishing gives the building an aesthetic appearance and looks quite expensive. However, often the masonry does not have a very attractive appearance and has residues of adhesion. And here the question arises - how to clean the brick from the mortar? It can also occur when using old dismantled masonry material.

There are several cleaning methods. When choosing a method, you need to take into account the nuances of the type of surface, amount and structure of contamination. There are mechanical and chemical methods.

It should also be taken into account that each type of brick has individual approach to cleaning. So, for example, to clean silicate cement from cement, you cannot use chemical solutions, because such processing will lead to its scattering.

This method is suitable for almost any type of masonry brick, but if there is a high risk of damage to the surface, then it is better to use chemical solutions. This option is not suitable for removing small errors.

Important: When using the mechanical method to clean facing bricks, it is important to be extremely careful, because unlike masonry, this type is more fragile.

In the work they use tools such as a metal brush, trowel, and hammer. For small growths, use brushes, but for massive ones, it is better to use a heavier device.

Note: Before work, the brickwork is moistened with water. This will help soften mortar and greatly simplify the process.

To avoid notching the brick, blows are applied along the surface. After breaking off large pieces, these places are treated with sandpaper. When mechanically cleaning, it is important to consider some rules to prevent unwanted consequences.

To clean silicate and ceramic bricks, you need to use different methods because cement on silicate bricks holds much stronger. To clean the voluminous slats of sand-lime and red bricks, use a drill, hammer drill or grinder. If the cement layer is small, it is better to use a grinding machine.

Chemical cleaning

This method can be used to clean red and ceramic bricks. You need to carefully select a cleaning solution that matches your specific type of brick, otherwise the material may be damaged.

Chemical cleaning is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Preparation of the composition;
  • Application;
  • Biding time;
  • Removing solution residues.

As a rule, all cleaning solutions contain acid. The only difference is in the concentration and application conditions. Dissolved hydrochloric or sulfuric acid can also be used in a ratio of one to ten. Application is carried out on a pre-moistened surface, after a while the residue is washed off with water. If the cement pieces are large, then you need to give more time to soak and then remove the softened residues.

Important: When working with acids, it is necessary to use protective equipment to prevent contact with the skin and respiratory system.

Sulfuric acid is used to clean cement stains from ceramic bricks. Wet surface, carefully wipe with a cloth soaked in acid. Bricks not in masonry can be boiled in acid. For this purpose, a cast iron container is placed over the fire, into which the material is placed, filled with an acid reagent and boiled until the cement is completely dissolved. Afterwards, the material must be rinsed well.

Cleaning with water

Cleansing with water can also be dangerous. Under the influence of dampness, a brick can become covered with a coating of mold, which is very easy to wash off with water pressure. But after a certain period of time, the spots may appear again and even become larger.

The fact is that the fungus, along with water, gets into the smallest cracks in the brick. And the solution here is to cover the surface with an antiseptic solution.

Universal methods

You can also use brick chips mixed with sunflower oil. It is rubbed into the bricks after laying and left to dry. Then the growths are removed with a stiff brush. You can take any chemical agent for a car, apply to the wall, let dry and rinse with water under pressure. After any of these methods, you need to consolidate the result using a water repellent. It will protect the brick from moisture.

There are many cleaning methods, but if you combine different methods you can achieve high-quality results.

When building houses, many choose brick because of its universal qualities and properties, but in the process of work they have to face another, too obvious problem - cleaning the masonry from dried mortar. Today, this work can be done in several ways, which allows everyone to choose suitable option. In this article we will look at how to clean brick from mortar with your own hands at minimal financial cost.

Choose mechanical cleaning is only worth it for durable brickwork, as it can withstand all its stages. To perform this method, you must have a regular construction tool(metal brush, trowel, spatula, chisel, hammer) and a supply of patience. Among the advantages of the mechanical method, it can be noted that it is excellent for any type of brick. During this process, you can easily remove both small stains and large remnants of mortar on the wall.

First, you need to remove large and massive pieces that can easily be chipped off with a chisel and hammer, and brushes and spatulas are perfect for smaller stains. The blows must be applied along the surface of the brick so that there are no notches left on it. After all medium and large cement residues have been removed, it is necessary to go over the entire surface with fine sandpaper. To speed up the process, you can attach paper to wooden block.

Note! If the remaining mortar needs to be removed from the facing brick, then you should not choose this type of cleaning, as it will damage the surface, as a result of which the appearance of the product will deteriorate. To soften the building mixture, the wall must be moistened with water, which will simplify the task.

Solvent cleaning

If you don’t have time to clean the brickwork mechanically, then you can choose a more simplified option using by special means. Construction stores offer enough big choice chemicals that are produced on the basis of acid. The product applied to the wall will destroy the structure frozen solution, making it easy to clean it by hand. If silicate brick was used to lay the wall of the house, then acid cannot be used, as it will damage it, but for a ceramic type, this is the most suitable option.

Initially, you need to familiarize yourself with the range of these products, instructions, technology for carrying out work, as well as advice from specialists. The acid that was used to produce the product may be different, so the application and cleansing technology may differ. To save money, you can consider the option of using acid, which is used by motorists to ensure proper operation of batteries. Such products are sold in car dealerships, but before applying it to the brick, dilute it with water in a ratio of 1 to 10. After half an hour, you need to rinse everything with water so that the effect of the acid wears off.

Note! The use of acid-based solvents may result in white spots appearing on the brickwork.

When it comes to the need to remove cement mortar from facing bricks, it is worth considering more delicate options that will not damage the surface of the brick, as a result of which the wall will not lose its appearance. Facing bricks can be easily cleaned using water and special chemicals based on non-aggressive components. In most cases, specialists clean brick walls using water supplied under pressure, which is often sufficient.

To eliminate the solution in a small area, you can prepare it yourself detergent, for which water, soda and vinegar are used. If you decide to purchase the product in specialty store, then choose from organic solvents, which can easily cope not only with cement mortar, but even with soot stains on the surface.

Note! When choosing a means to clean a wall made of facing bricks, you should not use chlorine, because it will ruin the masonry.

Regardless of which cleaning option is chosen to remove grout from masonry, a final step is required. To ensure that the result is secured, experts recommend using a water repellent, which will not interfere with air circulation in the walls, but will also create a protective layer from moisture.


This video shows how you can clean brick from not very hardened and completely dried mortar:

Each of us at least once in our lives has encountered the problem of cleaning cement from brickwork. This situation could arise if it was necessary to use used bricks to build new walls, or the builders “tried their best” by leaving a large amount of cement cakes on the walls. In this case, you need to clean the brick or masonry from dry residues. mortar. This problem can be solved different ways. We will tell you the rules that will help you do this job efficiently.

The processing of each type of brick is individual. For example, sand-lime brick cannot withstand exposure to aggressive chemical environments, so the use of hydrochloric and sulfuric acids for its cleaning is unacceptable. If you decide to experiment, be aware: this treatment will simply cause the material to crumble.

Mechanical cleaning method

If time permits, the issue of cleaning bricks can be solved by removing remaining cement mechanically. This option is suitable for any variety masonry material, but with one caveat. Only large and medium blots can be removed; this method is not suitable for jewelry work.

Let's take the most ordinary tools for work - a spatula, a metal brush, a trowel, a hammer and a chisel. We begin to chip off pieces of dried cement from the bricks. If the growths and stains are small, you can get by with a brush, spatula and trowel. In the case of large and massive pieces of the mixture, you will have to use “heavy artillery” - a hammer, chisel and chisel. You can use a hatchet as a little help, although it gets dull quickly.

It is advisable to strike along the surface of the brick so as not to leave marks. Once you have broken off large chunks of cement, you can begin sanding. For convenience, you can nail sandpaper to a wooden block on the side of the surface being treated.

Advice. Don't forget to wet the brick surface with water. It perfectly softens the construction mixture, which makes the work much easier. Wet it generously, the masonry will absorb about five percent of the water, and the solution will come off much easier.

Cleaning red brick from mortar

The bricks need to be boiled in a solution of sulfuric acid. To do this, prepare a place for the fire, set it up with your assistants cast iron bath, place the material in it and fill it with a solution of sulfuric acid and water (1:10). Now build a fire and boil until the liquid has completely evaporated. Instead of sulfuric acid, you can use hydrochloric acid.

Cleaning silicate

You will have to tinker a little with sand-lime brick. We will need a drill with a special attachment and sandpaper. You can soak the cement blots with water and remove the remaining residue with a stiff metal brush. In this case, the most important thing is to protect your eyes and respiratory organs from brick dust using a respirator and goggles. Sometimes the mixture is removed with a grinder, but it needs to be worked very carefully: each touch leaves a deep mark on the brick.

Ceramic brick

How to wash bricks from mortar if they are ceramic? The finished masonry can be cleaned of cement stains and stains using of hydrochloric acid, diluted with water. First, wet the wall generously with water. Then carefully wipe off the dirt with a rag soaked in an acid solution. Do not forget to wear gloves and a respirator, as the solution is very aggressive and can harm the skin of your hands or the respiratory tract.

Advice. Try not to get it on the seams (mortar), otherwise they will turn white. If this happens, wash with soapy water and rinse with water.

Universal cleaning methods

  1. You can use a mixture of brick chips and sunflower oil. Rub the masonry with it and wait until it dries. Clean with a stiff wire brush.
  2. Buy any automotive chemical, dilute it with water and apply it to the wall with a roller or rag. Once dry, rinse off with a hose.

Any of the cleaning options requires consolidation of the result. For these purposes, you need to use a water repellent. It will not interfere with “breathing”, and at the same time will protect it from moisture.

There are many options for cleaning masonry. Before work, you need to decide and choose the one that is suitable for each specific case. Chemical methods Cleaning can make physical activity easier, but you still have to work. Mechanical method Suitable for any type, but with its help it is impossible to completely clean the surface. That is why it is necessary to combine different methods.