Too humid air in the apartment. How to get rid of dampness in the apartment: removal of smell, mold, folk methods. Optimum humidity level

Home is the place where we come to rest. A healthy microclimate allows us to fully restore mental and physical strength by the next morning. But what to do when you feel dampness in the house and on the walls and ceiling? Let's take a closer look.

Sources of moisture

It should be understood that high humidity appears for a reason.

How to get rid of the damp smell in the house? - one of the most common questions. First of all, you should find the cause and location of this problem.

If we imagine a house as a structure, then several possible sources stand out:

  • foundation;
  • walls;
  • roof;
  • plumbing wiring;
  • ventilation.

Let us consider in more detail each type of construction, communication, the reasons that can lead to the appearance of humidity, as well as how to get rid of dampness in the house.


The main problem of private housing is the violation of construction technology:

  • Lack of geodetic research. The result is an incorrectly selected type of base design.
  • Poor waterproofing of the base leads to the penetration of moisture. Distinctive feature concrete - good ability absorb water. Therefore, waterproofing the foundation is recommended to be given Special attention during construction work.
  • Absence of vents. Such devices must be present in the house. They are sources natural ventilation underground space.
  • Destruction of the base, the appearance of cracks, violation of waterproofing.
  • Underground. Supply and exhaust ventilation must be provided. Its absence can lead to increased humidity in this room, which will later be transferred to the entire structure. They also provide waterproofing and insulation of the subfloor ceiling.
  • Close proximity to groundwater.
  • Plumbing wiring can cause high humidity. Excessive formation of condensate, system leakage.

As you can see, there can be many reasons, let's look at how to get rid of dampness in the basement of the house.

Eliminate moisture due to foundation problems

The integrity of the foundation is supported by its waterproofing, its violation leads to the destruction of the foundation.

Therefore, its examination allows you to determine the cause of moisture. Research to be done:

  • The presence of vents on each side of the building. Their absence will lead to the formation of dampness. If this is the reason, then you will have to open the floor in stages and make vents on each wall. This will provide the required natural ventilation of the underground space.
  • Underground. The first is the presence supply and exhaust ventilation. If it's missing, it needs to be done. Two holes are punched on opposite walls. One pipe is lowered to the floor at a distance of 200-300 mm from it, the second is mounted under the ceiling space. The second is the close occurrence of groundwater. Only high-quality waterproofing can save such a foundation from destruction and the appearance of moisture. Moreover, it must be done both inside and outside. So that moisture does not penetrate from the underground into the house, it is produced and insulated. In this case, maximum sealing should be achieved. It is carried out using mounting foam.
  • If the building does not provide for an underground, then you will have to make pits to examine the foundation. This will allow you to make a qualitative assessment. If cracks are found, lack of waterproofing, you will have to perform major restoration. Only high-quality sealing of cracks and waterproofing will help to cope with the problem of how to get rid of dampness in the house.
  • Plumbing wiring. Another reason for the appearance of moisture. They make a complete audit of communications and, if necessary, insulate, seal, change.
  • no tides, storm system. It leads to the accumulation of moisture near the foundation, which provokes its early destruction. This protection should be provided for the base.


There are not many causes of dampness associated with this type of construction:

  • Depressurization of heating. Leak at hidden wiring not always defined.
  • No hood. Especially critical in rooms with an aggressive environment: bath, toilet, kitchen.
  • Insufficient thickness of partitions, including capital ones. Causes condensation on their surfaces, windows in the cold season.
  • Destruction, cracks.

As a rule, the integrity of the walls depends primarily on the quality of the foundation and roof. But consider how to get rid of dampness in the house, if the walls are the main place of its appearance.

Eliminate moisture due to wall problems

The first step is to review the existing ventilation systems, their performance. Check with a lit match or candle. Fluctuation or attenuation of the flame indicates that the system is working. If the fire does not fluctuate, then the hood has failed. Accordingly, it must be cleaned. Especially important is the performance of forced ventilation of the bathroom, kitchen.

If the main condensate accumulates on the walls, they are insulated using waterproofing. They make insulation of either the facade or internal surfaces. For an additional effect of waterproofing, they are used. As for cracks, destruction, they are sealed with plaster.

If a heating leak is detected, it is eliminated, wet surfaces are dried with heating. It all depends on the scale of the disaster. Note that moisture also accumulates from human activity. In such cases, you can apply which will reduce the level of humidity in the room.


Very often, problems with the appearance of moisture are associated with the roof. This can be determined by the location of the spot. If it appears on the ceiling, at the top of the wall, this indicates that it is time to examine the roof.

To begin with, it is determined whether there is a drain on the roof and whether it is intact. Looking at the roof. They find out if there is destruction, whether waterproofing, insulation is done. Below we will look at how to get rid of dampness in a private house, if it is related to the roof.

Eliminate moisture due to roof problems

There are two main reasons:

  • Gutter - a properly installed system serves to drain precipitation from the roof. This protects the walls and foundation from their impact. You should know that the drain is made with a slope, and all parts are hermetically connected. Water must be diverted to the storm system.
  • Roof. According to the technology, the roof should have double waterproofing, insulation, a gap for natural ventilation of the under-roof space (this is the place where condensation most often forms). To assess the condition of the roof, it is better to contact a specialist who will determine the quality of the materials and whether they are installed correctly. It will also help to correctly eliminate the shortcomings.

We examined how you can get rid of dampness in the house, depending on the walls, foundation, roof, communications. But there are features of the struggle with high humidity depending on the material from which the building was erected.

How to get rid of dampness in a wooden house

Such structures can collapse due to high humidity. Wood under the influence of water begins to rot, a fungus and mold form. Therefore, at the slightest manifestation of moisture, it is worth looking for the cause and eliminating it urgently.

To the previously listed features of the fight against dampness, you can add a number of typical for wooden housing:

  • Foundation. The gasket between the base and the walls is made of two components: larch and waterproofing material. If the technology is broken, dampness will appear. This problem is solved with the help of an additional ventilation device, which must be installed so that moisture is not transferred to neighboring rooms.
  • Interventional seams. If during construction this stage is poorly produced, then moisture may also appear. In such cases, the places are treated with antiseptics and caulked, achieving maximum sealing.
  • Humidity in the short period after construction. One of the factors is uncured lumber. Such structures are subject to greater shrinkage than structures made of quality wood. This can cause cracks and gaps that lead to drafts and dampness. It is necessary to make a major drying of the entire structure.

If, nevertheless, the wood began to darken, this is an occasion to make a high-quality drying of the building. This is done in summer time, since it is desirable that the temperature inside the building and outside be the same. Next, the blackened areas are cleaned and treated with special compounds.

The smell of damp wooden house, which is quite difficult to get rid of, can also appear with improper use. It is impossible to dry wet clothes in such buildings. It is better to provide for this place on the street. It is necessary to make high-quality sealing of the bathroom and the bathroom.

How to get rid of dampness in a brick house

All of the measures listed above will help to cope with dampness in a brick structure. But if the masonry has ever been exposed to a lot of water, then it must be dried. Sometimes this requires jointing and sealing with a new solution. If brick walls do not dry in a timely manner, then in winter they will freeze, which will significantly reduce the heat in the building. In advanced cases, frost may appear, wallpaper peeling off.

Not every one of us pays attention to the level of humidity in the home, but it is this indicator, along with air temperature and light, that is involved in creating a microclimate and directly affects well-being. Both low and high humidity are harmful.

Optimal values. If you focus on sanitary norms, the normal level of relative humidity for a dwelling varies from 40 to 60%. In winter, when hot radiators dry up the air, the humidity “drops” to 15-20%, air humidifiers come to the rescue. But in warm time years, indicators often “go off scale” in reverse side, which leads to unpleasant consequences.

Consequences. Negative influence high humidity on the human body is not exaggerated. First, heavy wet air contraindicated in people with cardiovascular diseases, hypertensive patients and asthmatics. Secondly, in combination with elevated air temperature (more than 25 ° C), high humidity provokes overheating of the body, and if the temperature is lowered, hypothermia.

Under such conditions harmful microorganisms and bacteria multiply at an astonishing rate. Even in healthy adults, breathing is disturbed, efficiency decreases, allergic reactions occur, to say nothing of the “risk zone” - the elderly and young children.

High humidity leads to mold

In addition, high humidity in the apartment contributes to the appearance of mold and fungus on any surface, it can ruin furniture, books, bedding and mattresses, food (cereals, flour, vegetables). A persistent "swampy" smell appears in the house.

How to measure humidity level

At home, a hygrometer is useful. This device, more like a digital alarm clock, controls the increase or decrease in humidity.

Hygrometer - the simplest device for measuring humidity

However, you can find out whether the humidity is increased or not using ordinary water. Fill a transparent glass halfway and place it in the refrigerator for several hours (“outlet” water temperature should be no more than 5 ° C). Place the vessel in the “tested” room, away from household appliances and radiators, watch for 5-10 minutes. Large drops of condensate appearing on the walls of the container indicate that the humidity in the room is high.

Large drops are a sign of high humidity

How to deal with high humidity

First of all, you need to find and fix the problem. The following options are possible:

1. Non-working ventilation. Hoods tend to break, and ventilation shafts- get dirty. And if in the warm season you can open the window to ventilate a room or kitchen, then in winter it is problematic to do so. Be sure to check the ventilation of the apartment or house. If necessary, install a hood in the kitchen, more powerful fan Or a baffle in the bathroom.

2. Insufficient insulation or waterproofing. Poorly insulated and waterproofed walls and the floor, like a sponge, absorb moisture from the outside, becoming covered with condensate and "giving out" all this into the room. Constantly wet wallpaper or “chunking” linoleum is a reason to do repairs.

3. Lack of heating. The rooms that are heated to a minimum dampen most quickly. Installing an additional radiator or buying oil heater solve this problem.

4. The presence of sources of moisture. Perhaps the most common reason for high humidity in an apartment: poorly installed double-glazed windows that collect condensate, errors when connecting a washing machine or dishwasher, leaking pipes or plumbing. "Walk" through all nodes and connections, if necessary, replace or repair problem areas.

Wrong installed windows- the most common reason

If in an apartment, process the glass special composition: 5 parts clear dishwashing gel or liquid soap, 3 parts glycerin, 1 part turpentine, and then rub them to a shine with a clean rag.

Prevention of high humidity

Elementary, but effective preventive measures will not be superfluous even when everything is in order in the house with humidity.

  • Be sure to ventilate the apartment (even in winter) at least half an hour a day.
  • Heat the rooms evenly, preventing the already heated air from entering the "cold" room, creating a sharp temperature drop.
  • Do not dry clothes in the living quarters and bathroom, it is best to do it on the balcony or loggia.
  • Use simple but effective absorbents. Arrange in cabinets, on shelves in the toilet, bathroom, kitchen, bags with table salt, rice, coffee beans.
  • Run the dehumidifier periodically. This unit passes excessively humid air through filters, which helps in maintaining a natural and healthy microclimate.

An example of an electric dehumidifier

Regular tidying is necessary to create comfortable conditions living in the house. But maintaining cleanliness does not at all protect residents from the formation of dampness, and as a result, mold. We will tell you in detail about how to remove dampness on the walls on your own, and why mold fungi are dangerous for human health.

Reasons for education

Before you fight moisture, you need to find its source. Often dampness on the walls is the result of a combination of reasons. The most common of them:

  • Leaks - occur when the water supply system, sewer, roofing is damaged;
  • Poor ventilation;
  • Unusable waterproofing of floors and foundations;
  • A large number of house plants;
  • External factors - the proximity of the river, heavy rains, groundwater, etc.

However, the most main factor high humidity - the man himself. Under normal conditions, an adult produces up to 2.5 liters of water vapor per day, including that from cooking, washing, water procedures etc. Even a slight deviation from the norm, for example, when drying clothes in the bathroom, is fraught with consequences.


Having found the cause of the formation of high humidity and eliminated it, you can begin to dry the room. Expensive methods such as the use of heat guns are only necessary to eliminate the effects of flooding or for very large rooms. In the conditions of an apartment or a private house, the following measures can quickly eliminate dampness on the walls:

  • Heater - the device provides air convection; even a small heater will cope with the task in 1-2 days;
  • Household dehumidifier - the power of the unit is determined by the size of the dwelling; to eliminate dampness on 50 m², a device with a power of 400 W is enough;
  • Silica gel is a substance that absorbs moisture and organic vapors from the air; for use in everyday life, it is admitted in the form of granules, they must be decomposed in a damp room; drying can take up to a week;

Finally, dampness is negatively affected by an increase in the temperature in the house. Using the heating system or the fireplace at full power, you can dry the walls relatively quickly. At the same time, the method is poorly suited for houses made of timber - due to the direct effect of high temperatures. wooden structures may crack.

Mold on the walls

The appearance of mold fungi in the house is possible if high humidity (70% or more) has existed for a long time. Of the huge variety of mold species in nature, only a few can appear in a human dwelling:

  • Black is the most dangerous variety. Belongs to the fourth group of pathogenicity. Especially often affects building structures.
  • White - rarely forms on the walls, only if there is condensation for weeks;
  • Blue - amazing wooden walls, leads to rotting of the material from the inside, its cracking.

Beyond the unaesthetic appearance Mold has a huge impact on human health. The reason for this is the saturation with mycotoxins that destroy any kind of living tissue. Entry into the body occurs both through direct contact and through the excretion of spores and their penetration into the respiratory system. If you do not remove dampness in the house on the walls before mold develops on them, the following diseases are possible:

  • Skin lesions - mycoses, dermatosis;
  • Respiratory tract infections - asthma, bronchitis, cough;
  • Disorders of the digestive system;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases nervous system, musculoskeletal system.

The presence of mold is especially difficult for allergy sufferers and people with pulmonary insufficiency.


Molds are difficult to remove. In all cases, the final coating will have to be completely removed - wallpaper, plaster, and with a large depth of damage and putty to the very base of the wall. An exception can only be a painted surface, since the mold hardly penetrates through the paint layer, but spreads more strongly over its area.

The most reliable way to remove mold and dampness in the house is with the help of chemical compositions, some of which are easy to cook at home:

  • Antiseptic primers - special means With high content fungicides; with their help, you can process the wall to a depth of 0.5 cm;
  • Household bleaches - any types containing sodium hypochlorite are suitable;
  • Hydrogen peroxide - 3% composition is used; due to the bleaching effect, it is not suitable for the treatment of painted surfaces;
  • Potassium permanganate - in everyday life it is found in the form of a solution of potassium permanganate; used as a mixture - 15 g per 1 liter of water;
  • Vinegar and lemon acid- effective at the initial stage of mold development.

Even after the elimination of the fungus, the characteristic bad smell. A simple method to get rid of it is to treat the floors with a solution baking soda. For its preparation, 15 g of the substance is dissolved in 100 ml of water.

The optimal microclimate in the house

Much depends on the microclimate inside the premises, including the health of the inhabitants. But the design of the house, the safety of walls, floors, and ceilings suffer no less from temperature and humidity.

To avoid costly repairs, it is important to maintain an optimal microclimate in the premises. Such for humidity - no more than 60% in winter time year and 65% in summer. For air temperature – not less than 15°C. It is not difficult to notice a deviation from the norm, dampness is manifested by the following signs:

  • Condensation on glass and sections of walls articulated with the ceiling;
  • Characteristic "wet" smell;
  • Swelling of wooden structures; expressed, for example, in poorly covered doors;
  • Damp salt and sugar.

At the first sign of high humidity, do not hesitate. If you do not remove dampness from the walls in time, mold will soon form. It will take weeks to eliminate it, may lead to the need cosmetic repairs. "By eye" to determine the humidity above the norm is problematic, this will help a simple home appliance hygrometer.

Note that high humidity has a destructive effect not only on wooden structures, leading to their decay, but also on stone structures - brick, concrete. Soaked in water, they crumble, a process accelerated in regions with cold winters. Slightly less suffering metal constructions but they are susceptible to corrosion.


So that residents do not have to worry about how to remove dampness on the walls, it is important to know effective ways to prevent its occurrence. It is enough to take a number of simple steps:

  • Ventilate the room for at least 10-15 minutes every day, creating a draft;
  • Dry clothes only on the balcony or on the street;
  • Equip the ventilation system in the kitchen;
  • Use air filters- models equipped with a non-filter are more preferable;
  • Install air conditioners in combination with fungicidal filters against mold fungi;
  • Do not abuse wet cleaning.

It is not so easy to remove the fungus from dampness on the walls. It often reappears from spores that have survived processing in the depths of the floor structure.

Ensuring your own health and the safety of your home is not so difficult. For this, it is sufficient to observe elementary rules room care. And when mold appears, in no case should the problem be left to chance.

Reading 5 min. Published on 20.10.2018

Before you decide how to get rid of dampness in an apartment, you need to find out whether moisture comes from outside or is generated inside the room.

To do this, take a small piece of glass, press it firmly against the wall and hold it for a while. If, after tearing off the glass from the wall, it is wet, you can be sure: dampness comes from the outside. Otherwise, it is necessary to look for an internal cause.

What is the reason

What can cause high humidity in the apartment? First of all, the absence or bad job ventilation. First, check if you covered it with wallpaper or when installing kitchen appliances.

It is easy to eliminate such a reason: cut out the desired square on the wallpaper in place of the ventilation grill or make the correct outlet for household appliances.

Perhaps your neighbors are heating you upstairs. Inspect carefully the ceiling throughout the apartment, especially in the bathroom, toilet, kitchen. When identifying wet spots on the ceiling or walls adjacent to it, go to a neighbor to sort things out.

The accumulation of moisture in your room could be due to poor thermal insulation of the walls, flaws in the seams of housing construction. In this case, these shortcomings must be eliminated.

How to prevent

If you dry a large amount of laundry at home, high humidity in the apartment cannot be avoided. It’s worth thinking about, maybe there is a way to stretch the laundry in time, and use the balcony instead of the bathroom to dry the clothes.

With chronic dampness in the house, it is worth buying a dehumidifier, preferably with an automatic mode of operation. It will independently maintain optimal humidity in the apartment.

If the source of dampness is in the bathroom, install an electric
. It will dry not only towels, but also the air in the room.

Any damp room should be periodically heated, dried and ventilated. This must be done even in winter. When preparing food in the kitchen, use
. It will successfully cope with the absorption of moisture formed during cooking.

First floor

The reason for the dampness in the apartment on the first floor is the flooding of the basement. If this happens all the time, and complaints to the housing office do not give results, you should think about installing waterproofing. But she does not give a full guarantee against dampness.

The apartment on the ground floor also needs additional heating.

How the room is heated - by the rays of the sun, warm air from the air conditioner or underfloor heating with a built-in electric heater - does not matter. By heating the apartment, you will expel moisture from it.

If you are thinking about how to get rid of dampness in an apartment on the 1st floor, you should know that the flow of moisture from the basement increases dramatically in spring and autumn.

Therefore, if correctly placed in the room heating appliances, the problem will be solved. You should not be afraid of energy overruns: they will only need to be turned on twice a year, in spring and autumn, for periods lasting a maximum of a month.

Fifth floor

If you are facing the opposite problem and do not know how to get rid of dampness in an apartment on the top (stained) floor, perhaps these tips will help you.

In Khrushchev on the 5th floor, the cause of dampness is usually external. The high humidity here is a direct consequence of the lack of gable roof, wall insulation, low-quality interpanel seams, cast iron batteries heating with extremely low efficiency.

Oddly enough, technological progress only exacerbates these problems. The design of the Khrushchev suggests that fresh air constantly enters the room through the cracks in the windows, and goes outside through the ventilation shafts.

Installing plastic windows closes the flow of air from outside. And the ventilation on the last floor of the five-story building does not work well, since the lower floors are ventilated in such a structure. As a result, always on the 5th floor
in the corners and rivers on the windowsill.

To solve the problem, it is necessary to install an alpine window. This is a system of valves punched into the walls of each room, combined with a powerful hood.

Fresh air enters the apartment through the valves, the hood draws out the exhausted moist air from it.

It is easy to verify its effectiveness in winter: large icicles are necessarily formed on the valve pipes in frosts outside. This is the moisture from the air in your apartment.

Folk remedies

Is it possible to get rid of dampness in an apartment with time-tested folk remedies? Let's turn to the experience of our grandmothers.

Salt, sugar, coffee grains perfectly absorb moisture from the air. If you place open bags or jars with these products in the corners of the room, in cabinets, the apartment will “dry out”.

For the same purpose, the furniture in the room should be regularly wiped with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. At
wipe all wet surfaces dry. Thoroughly ventilate the room after each cleaning.

Against mold

The mold must be scraped off the wall, then the walls should be smeared with a solution blue vitriol or a special antifungal mixture.

You can use bleach, bleach, soda, vinegar, tea tree oil and ordinary soap solution for this.

It is necessary to make high-quality ventilation in the house - fresh air will not allow mold to develop.

When cooking, it is better to use forced ventilation. It is also necessary to repair the leaking water supply in time, do not supercool the room, and wring out the laundry well before drying.

Should be for the winter
a special cord in a cotton sheath or porous pads. Fill gaps in frames with plain window paper.

And from replacement wooden windows on plastic with problems with dampness it is better to abstain.

If you decide to install plastic windows think over the ventilation system. Fresh air will not be able to get to you through the window now. And not everyone will dare to open the window in a twenty-degree frost.

Dampness and repair

If you started a renovation and intend to radically solve the problem of dampness in the apartment, it is advisable to use natural materials. They usually absorb excess moisture from the air.

When repairing, you must also apply waterproofing materials. Include antifungal ingredients in grouts.

Think ahead about the future installation of furniture. It should not be placed close to the walls, be sure to leave a gap.

To eliminate the causes of dampness, it is necessary to thoroughly deal with floor insulation, external and internal insulation walls. The walls must be wiped with a bleach solution and re-plastered.

Humidity in the apartment is important for the health of all households, but not everyone thinks about this problem and let everything take its course.

Human health can deteriorate significantly if its optimal level is not maintained. This can be done in several ways.


Maintaining an optimal level of humidity in the house is necessary not only for the health of all residents, but also for furniture.

If it is too high, first of all, you should find out the reason. After finding the reason why the humidity in the room is high, you can look for how to get rid of the problem.

Problems leading to its increase:

  1. Bathroom. Condensation often occurs in this room. The hotter the water is, the more moisture enters the air. Condensation is a serious problem, so you need to equip the bathroom in such a way that the steam does not penetrate into other rooms.
  2. Boiling water on the stove, soup or borscht also lead to its increase. The vapors emitted enter the air, increase its humidity, and can damage cabinets.
  3. Drying laundry inside. If possible, hang or lay out the washed items on the balcony or outside in the shade. The moisture that evaporates during drying is released into the air.
  4. Gas boilers burn gas to produce heat. This process is called incineration. This creates harmful combustion products and steam. A leaky gas heater does not have a chimney and releases pollutants and water vapor directly into the apartment.
  5. Bad ventilation. Poor air quality in a room depends on the level of ventilation, including how much fresh air is brought into the apartment from outside. Good ventilation eliminates stagnant indoor air and reduces indoor air pollutants. It also helps limit the buildup of internal moisture, which can encourage mold growth.
  6. Coastal air. Relative humidity depends on temperature and geographical location. More warm air contains more moisture than cool weather, and warmer weather promotes evaporation. Areas with a lot surface water, such as coastal areas, have high levels of water vapor in the gas.
  7. Regions with high level precipitation. During the cold winter months, moisture levels in a home can become quite high.

In order for the humidity in the room to be normal, it is necessary that the air circulate freely. You can also create your own conditions for lowering it.


In addition to the obvious inconvenience, high humidity has a negative impact on health, sleep and home. Due to its increase, a fungus develops and which progresses rapidly.

This phenomenon negatively affects all residents of the house. And the consequences can be dire.

What threatens:

  1. Mold. Check for fungus in the premises. Most often it is formed in the bathroom and kitchen. Also check areas such as the shower stall, sink, and window sills. Also, check the walls, ceilings, and corners of the room. If you see small dark spots, this is a sign that there is a mold problem.
  2. Smell. Due to the humidity in the apartment it becomes damp, appears. Moldy odors are the result of mold growth.
  3. Rotting wood. Due to the high humidity in the apartment, the furniture begins to rot.
  4. Allergies. If one of the relatives at the entrance to the room has a runny nose, pain in the eyes, sneezing, then an allergy has begun. Such a reaction is possible for too many microbes and other substances that are in the air. Especially their number increases with an increased content of water vapor in the air.
  5. The appearance of insects and pests. Termites and cockroaches usually appear in apartments.

This must be carefully monitored, especially if there is a child in the room. Most problems, including reduced immunity, occur for this reason or when the amount of moisture is too reduced.

Optimal Level

Often this factor is not taken into account at all. Most families do not even measure the humidity in the apartment, and then they will not understand where the mold came from and why all of a sudden everyone started to get sick.

Dust mites, allergens and other pathogens thrive under these conditions.

The optimal level of moisture in the house should be 30-50% in winter and up to 60% in summer.

Having created ideal conditions, it will turn out to protect yourself from many diseases and furniture from decay.

The bedroom needs all year round maintain humidity around 50% to reduce dust mites and allergens.

Heating radiators

Getting rid of excessive amounts of water vapor in the air with conventional batteries.Everyone who lives in cold weather must have heating appliances.

How to lower humidity? Everything is very simple. Turn on the gas boiler or light a fire in the stove. Let them do some work. An increase in air temperature will lead to a decrease in moisture.

Heat treatment will not only solve this problem, it will kill the fungus. Try to avoid condensation, if it does, open windows and ventilate the room.

Dehumidifiers are a device that dries the air and controls the amount of moisture in a room.Exist different types these devices, from small portable to industrial.

Desiccant dryers work thanks to small packets of silica gel. Water vapor absorbs this substance, and the output is dried air. Adsorption plants come with cold and hot regeneration.

Mechanical/refrigeration dryers essentially work like a refrigerator or air conditioner. A mixture of gases passes through a cooled metal plate (coil), condensing, then dripping into a tank of water. Unlike the air conditioner, these units slightly increase the air temperature.

Best suited for moderate to high humidity and moderate to warm conditions, as this type of dehumidifier does not perform well in cool conditions.


Its increase can be influenced by a large amount in the room.

In this case, the only solution is to take the flowers outside for a while until the level returns to normal.

You may have heard of indoor plants, which is known to absorb moisture from a mixture of gases. With their help, you can get rid of the humidity in the room.

Tropical plants, called epiphytes, such as ivy, lilies, cane palms, and Boston ferns, get all their water from the air, not through their roots.

All plants release more water into the atmosphere than they absorb. Think about terrariums and greenhouses, where the air is always humid and less likely to get into the apartment.

Taking a shower

Open windows while taking a shower. Of course, this should not be done in wet weather, so as not to get sick, but in the summer be sure to open them.

The steam will immediately go out the window, the condensate will not have time to form and the humidity will not rise.

It is worth remembering that the longer you take a shower, the more steam is produced.

If it is not possible to open a window or door, put a fan nearby, or open them after taking a bath.

In summer, you can take a cold shower. It will be useful not only for the home, but also for health.

Drying things

Damp things should not be hung in rooms with poor ventilation. If it is good in the bathroom, or there are special dryers, then you can.

In the bedroom, hall and corridor, ventilation is usually not good enough, so the humidity starts to rise.

Carpet replacement

Carpets tend to trap moisture, especially when indoor humidity levels are high.

If you notice it smells moldy or gets wet, take it to the dry cleaners.

If possible, hang the carpet outside to dry well.


Good ventilation is another great and effective method. Dealing with high humidity can be enjoyable.

It's so good to breathe fresh air and drink hot tea near the open window.

Always ventilate the rooms, especially the bathroom and kitchen. Open doors and windows if possible. Turn on fans.

Turning on the air conditioner not only cools the room, but also helps to reduce the humidity in the room.


Walls that have cracks or holes can also let moisture in.Warm, humid air from outside can travel indoors through openings during warm or cold weather. This leads to the appearance of condensation on the materials.

If mold appears, it should be removed. Simple sprays will not help here, you need to remove a layer of plaster, protect, use sealant and other means, only then glue the wallpaper.

If the humidity is high, you can lower it by correcting the breakdown. You need to check where the pipes or mixers are leaking. If this is the problem, swipe repair work.

Joints in the bathroom where water enters are treated with sealant.

Other Methods

You can also deal with the problem with folk remedies. Do not rush to immediately use the first method that caught your eye on how to lower it.

Learn all the ways to remove dampness in the room, choose the most suitable option.

Sugar and salt

Another way to reduce indoor humidity without a dehumidifier is to use rock salt, a hygroscopic material. This product absorbs moisture very well.

How to reduce humidity in the apartment?

Put a 5 kg bag of salt or sugar in the room, open it. Periodically you need to mix the funds. Can be poured into a separate basin.


This method will also remove excess moisture in the room. Just be careful, you can get serious burns.

How to reduce humidity in the apartment?Glow the bricks and place them on a fire-resistant surface in a room that requires it to be lowered.Repeat until its level is normal for you.

Throw away the bricks after 10 incandescences. They lose their absorbency.

Coffee beans

Excellent moisture absorption coffee beans. Just do not buy ground product.

How to remove humidity in the apartment?

Pour coffee beans into several cups or glasses and arrange different angles premises. This method not only fights moisture, it removes the smell of dampness in the apartment.

wood briquettes

Thanks to the adsorption properties, charcoal briquettes can help. They absorb moisture.

Buy a cheap bag of charcoal and put it in your shopping cart. It will last 2-3 months.

Search if possible charcoal from coconut shell. It has a high adsorption capacity.

How to avoid?

To avoid such a problem, it is better to carry out repairs correctly. You should think in advance where the furniture will stand and not put it close to the walls.

You should also make waterproofing, use only natural materials and use antifungal agents.

All these manipulations will prevent problems with a high content of water vapor in the apartment, and prevent the appearance of mold.

Particular attention should be paid basement and semi. In most cases in homes, this is the reason for the increase in moisture.

These tips on how to reduce indoor humidity without a dehumidifier are based on a few things, namely maintaining good indoor air flow with proper ventilation, as well as moisture absorption with smart, moisture-wicking materials.

If none of these methods work in lowering it, it is better to buy a special dehumidifier.