Perennials for shady places. Annual flowers in the garden and vegetable garden: types. Features of shade-tolerant, sun-loving, dwarf, undersized, medium-sized, tall and climbing plants, Planting Unpretentious shade-tolerant perennials for flower beds

Shade-tolerant annuals grow and bloom in light partial shade. Most of the beautiful and long-blooming annuals can withstand light afternoon shade from the scorching sun.

Shadow Intensity

Each area is illuminated unevenly. There are such areas of the shadow:

  • scattered - from the foliage of trees through which the sun's rays pass;
  • dense - often created by leafy trees;
  • partial - the sun gets here for a while;
  • stable - or deaf, located with north side buildings, fences, dense planting of conifers.

Shade-loving and shade-tolerant annuals can grow in deep and dense shade, but without flowers. For flowering annuals, areas with partial and scattered shade are most suitable. Many shade-tolerant annuals will do well in partial shade, especially in the middle of the day.

Important! Slightly shaded areas enliven shade-tolerant and shade-loving annuals with white and yellow flowers: cosmea, lobelia, calceolaria, mimulyus, fragrant tobacco, asters (Chinese callistefus).

How to choose annuals for shade

Flower growers divide plants into shade-loving and shade-tolerant. The first category includes flowers that grow mainly in the shade and give lush greenery, and in open areas become less picturesque. Shade-tolerant - these are flowering annuals, which have enough sunlight for several hours for full development. Annual flowers for shady places provide the required type of soil.

Shade-loving annuals are flowers that grow naturally in forests: balsam, begonia, mimulus, calceolaria, fragrant tobacco, climbing peas, saxifrage, alyssum. Beautifully flowering annuals belong to shade-tolerant ones: asters, ageratum, mirabilis, nasturtium, calendula, chamomile, mallow, kosmeya, iberis.

Advice! Lush flowering bushes of shade-loving begonia, shade-tolerant lobelia, nasturtium, low marigolds will help to hide the withered leaves of spring bulbs under the trees.

Annual shade flowers for the garden

Shade-loving annuals are planted in corners with diffused light, which have dense, green foliage.


Shade-loving balsam is indoor and garden. Sometimes in the flower beds there are domestic perennial species. A beautifully blooming shade-loving annual with a corolla, which differs from indoor plants, is planted in partial shade. They provide fertile, light soil, which is loosened and watered, fed to buds with mineral complexes.

Seeds are sown in March, moved to the garden in late May-June. Flowering seedlings have been painting the site since June. Sow in the garden, flowers appear from August to autumn. The palette of petals is diverse: red, pink, purple and white shades.


Typical annual flowers growing in the shade are ever-blooming begonias. From low, 15-20 cm, shade-loving plants designers arrange spectacular bedspreads on the flower beds. Flowers in different varieties are white, pink, crimson, red, orange, yellow; simple and terry. Flowering varieties differ in the shape and color of the leaves - green or bronze. Shade-loving culture develops on fertilized and moist soils, requires regular watering. Blooms from June to October.

Seedlings are planted, the seeds are sown very early, at the end or even in the middle of January, in a poorly nutritious substrate. Seedlings develop slowly at first and look weak. Dive in a month and a half. They move to the flower bed from the end of May. After transplantation, they are fed with nitrogen preparations for lush growth. Fertilize with mineral complexes with a low nitrogen content before bud formation and flowering. For begonias arrange drip irrigation.


Modest, unpretentious flowers of bright color in the shade-loving saxifrage, 20-30 cm high. This annual prefers dry shady places. The soil is suitable ordinary, garden, light. On heavy soils, drainage is sure to be arranged, since the shade-loving annual plant does not tolerate stagnant water. Feed once a month along with watering mineral fertilizers excluding nitrogen.

Saxifrage is sown in early spring in boxes that are taken out for 15-20 days in the cold so that the seeds undergo stratification. Small grains are sprinkled with sand. The seedlings are transferred to the garden in June. Also, seeds are sown immediately after the snow melts. Under such conditions, natural stratification takes place. The annual shade-loving saxifrage blooms in July and adorns the garden until autumn. They sell a multi-colored mix of pink, light red and white shades.


Sometimes shade-loving indoor flowers of cheerful coloring are planted in the garden for the summer. But how are garden crops popularized by more unpretentious flowering species. Near the stream, under the trees, shade-loving Mexican calceolaria or wrinkled calceolaria are placed, a flower native to Chile. Bright annual shade-loving flowers need fertile land, organic matter, watering. To get flowering from May, seedlings are grown. Sowing seeds in the garden, admire the bright flowering lanterns on plants from June to autumn.

The corollas of both shade-loving species are light yellow. Mexican calceolaria, 20-50 cm high, with beautiful small flowers up to 5 mm in diameter, which enliven the shady area. The Chilean species is of the same height, but blooming with corollas is larger - up to 1.5-2 cm. Some hybrids with decorative brown dots on yellow petals.


Also, for a coastal zone or a swampy place, such short, shade-loving annuals that bloom all summer, like mimulus, are suitable. Among the people, expressive flowers that reach a diameter of 5-8 cm are often called sponges for the shape of the petals. Bushes rise to 20-30 cm. They are placed in curb plantings, on discounts, which are located on the north side. Shade-loving plants thrive best in moist, fertile soil that is loosened regularly. Feed with complex fertilizers.

Grow seedlings: seeds are sown in April, not covered with soil. After two months, the seedlings are transferred to a permanent place. Flowers decorate the site all summer. Shade-loving plant produces colorful buds regardless of the amount of sunlight it receives. Then the shoots are pruned, stimulating the appearance of a new wave of flowering, which continues until late autumn. A beautifully flowering annual that can tolerate early frosts down to 3°C. Corollas are bright, with stripes and strokes.

Shade tolerant annual flowers

Many beautifully blooming annuals will adapt to conditions of diffuse and partial shade if the sun illuminates them for 4-5 hours in the morning and evening. In some shade-tolerant flowers, the corolla retains a bright color, in others it becomes paler. Shade-tolerant annuals that bloom throughout the warm season, unlike shade-loving ones, grow well in the sun.


The unpretentious shade-tolerant annual retains cheerful colors everywhere: white, pink, purple in double-pinnate cosmea, bright orange and yellow in sulfur-yellow. Different varieties have been bred that differ in plant height and a border on the petals, semi-double and with a corolla up to 12 cm in diameter. On fertile soils and with a rare landing is formed more green openwork mass than flowers; tall varieties rise to 120-160 cm.

Shade-tolerant cosmea grows on fertile and relatively poor, loose soils, tolerates drought. Sown in the garden in May-April, blooms from July until frost. They grow a shade-tolerant annual and seedlings, planting in May. Cosmea reproduces successfully by self-sowing, sprouts are also transplanted. Samoseyki bloom earlier - from the second decade of June.

Attention! The rich flowering of cosmea is ensured by the timely removal of faded baskets.


Brightly flowering annuals are sun-loving, but also shade-tolerant. 3 types are widespread: erect, undersized, thin-leaved. The height of the flowers varies from 20 to 130 cm. Marigolds develop well on fertile loams and require abundant watering at the beginning of growth. Seeds are sown in the ground when it warms up to 15 o C. Shade-tolerant plants bloom from July until the end of the warm season.

For flowering in June, seedlings are grown, transferred to the garden when the threat of frost is gone. Erect or African marigolds are tall, with warm double flowers ranging from orange and yellow to creamy white. Shade-tolerant marigolds low rise to 20-60 cm, come with full and simple inflorescences. The colors are enriched with deep red-brown shades. Thin-leaved marigolds have bright red-orange and golden colors. This, still quite rare in our gardens, has beautiful openwork foliage.


These annual flowers thrive in scattered shade, as well as in full sun. Compact spherical bushes 10-20 cm in height, with small, up to 1.5-2 cm flowers in white and blue, there are blue, purple, purple. Blooms from May to September.

A shade-tolerant annual seedling that blooms all summer propagates: seeds are sown from the beginning of February in a substrate of coconut fiber, sand, garden soil. Small grains are laid out on the surface, lightly sprinkled with sand so that the moisture does not evaporate so quickly. Watering is regular, and the temperature is not higher than 20 ° C. The first month, the sprouts develop slowly. Dive in two months, 2-3 seedlings in pots. When shade-tolerant plants rise to 6-7 cm, they are pinched for splendor. Planted in loam or sandy loam, watered abundantly.


A successful annual for shade, blooming all summer, is nasturtium. It is a hardy, drought tolerant plant. Plentifully watered young bushes. In the dense shade of flowering, you can not wait, but the leaves are lush, beautiful, used in salads. Low-growing shade-tolerant plants rise up to 20-50 cm, decorated with large corollas up to 5 cm in diameter. Coloring in warm colors - yellow, orange, red, crimson, sometimes fawn. Curly nasturtium, up to 3 m, requires a sunny place.

Seeds are planted in the spring on the site, deepening into the ground by 2-3 cm, when the heat finally sets in, in the middle, end of May. When propagating seedlings in April, they are sown in separate pots, because the root system is weak and superficial, easily injured. Shade-tolerant plants love slightly acidic, light soil, potassium-phosphorus top dressing before flowering.

fragrant tobacco

Fragrant evening plants with a height of 20 to 90 cm, depending on the variety, blooming in crimson, pink, white hues. Shade-tolerant flowers up to 4-8 cm across, open from June to October. Planted in partial shade on light loam, provide moisture, tobacco does not tolerate drought. Planted once, spreads by self-seeding, but blooms later.

Seeds are sown in March and early April, only slightly covered with a substrate. Planted in separate containers with the appearance of the second leaf. Move to the flower bed at the end of May.


Shade-tolerant annuals diversify unsightly areas under trees or in the yard. They are mostly unpretentious, easy care. Planted from seedlings or directly from seeds into the ground, the flowers will create a colorful impression.

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The shady corners of the garden are a favorite place to relax in the hot summer, so the desire to decorate them is natural. And someone wants to arrange beautiful flower garden under the trees growing on the site, or plant plants in the shade of a fence or buildings. For this, shade-tolerant and shade-loving representatives of the flora are suitable.

Demanding for light is one of the criteria by which plants are selected for planting in a shaded area. Flowers and shrubs that are in dire need of the sun will not be able to gain strength there or will die completely.

Other plants may be:

  1. shade-tolerant, that is, preferring penumbra.
  2. Shade-loving, growing well with minimal lighting.

This must be taken into account when planning landings. Ornamental-deciduous species usually like shade, although there are many beautiful flowering exceptions. When selecting plants, it is important to pay attention to preferences in the soil and its moisture content.

What plants to plant in the shade (video)

Popular Shade Tolerant Ground Covers

Crawling on the ground like a green carpet, ground cover plants will become excellent neighbors to the higher inhabitants of the garden, will help decorate the soil around trees and shrubs, decorate the slopes Alpine slide and fit into the rockery composition. Moreover, many of them perfectly survive the lack of sunlight.

tenacious creeping

A plant often found in forests, which has become a garden plant with light hand flower growers. This is a perennial with spreading shoots on the ground. Blooms early - in May. The inflorescences of the tenacious are spike-shaped: small blue or blue flowers are collected in axillary whorls. Such "candles" rise above the ground by 7–12 cm. Many decorative varieties with fancy colored leaves, thanks to which the tenacious looks original and noticeable, despite the small height.

tenacious creeping


It is a perennial plant, rarely bi- or annual. When planted alone, it forms green cushions, usually 5 to 20 cm high, in rare cases reaching 70 cm. Flowers with 5 petals, painted in pink or pink, rise from lush greenery on thin legs. White color. The main advantages of saxifrage are its unpretentiousness(the plant is frost-resistant and grows without problems on poor soils) and long flowering lasting all summer.

Gallery: shade-tolerant plants for the garden (25 photos)

European hoof

Another option for decorating the soil in a shady corner of the garden is a hoof that grows up to 30 cm in height. It has pretty leaves, the upper side of which is glossy, and the lower side is matte. Blooms in spring with heat setting, maroon bells.

European hoof


Cuff attracts attention primarily with its airy flowers, filling the garden with a honey scent in June and July. The multi-lobed leaves of the plant in many species have a silvery omission from the underside of the leaf. In conditions middle lane winters well, but for better preservation, the cuff bushes are still recommended to be mulched with peat.

sphagnum moss

IN wild nature is a swamp dweller, but due to its high decorativeness, it is also used in garden compositions . Traditionally white-grey, but there are red, pink and red specimens. The height of the stems ranges from 10 to 20 cm, from which branched shoots depart in bunches.

All of these plants are great for main task: decorate the surface of the ground with pretty greenery. Despite the small height, they definitely will not go unnoticed.

sphagnum moss

Choosing shade-tolerant flowers for the garden

If in some corner of the site there is not enough sunlight, this does not mean that there is no place for beautiful flowers. At least 5 plants are ready to fill the shade with their colors.


People often call her " broken hearted» due to the characteristic and very unusual shape colors. They are literally suspended in the air on long peduncles. The voluminous dicentra bush grows quite large in size: up to 1 m in height.

Doronicum orientalis

The plant has bright yellow flowers that look like daisies. Doronicum begins its flowering, which lasts more than a month, at the height of May. There are terry and dwarf varieties.

Doronicum orientalis


Very beautiful blooming liana, undemanding to lighting. In floriculture it is used for vertical decoration. The main wealth of clematis is its large flowers of various colors.: starting with white and ending with dark purple.


Or, as they call it, colchicum. This bulbous plant about 20 cm tall, which blooms in autumn. When in contact with colchicum, you need to be careful, because it is poisonous.

Lily of the valley

A modest and well-known lily of the valley willingly grows in the shade. Its snow-white bluebells usually appear in May. This is a perennial plant, undemanding to care.

In order for the plants to have abundant flowering, they need to be fed with special fertilizers. IN hot weather they need watering.

Flowers for shady areas of the site (video)

Shade-loving ornamental shrubs and trees

If herbaceous plants reign in the lower tier of a shady corner, then the upper one is made up of trees and shrubs. Some of them do not suffer from a small amount light while maintaining decorative characteristics.


Hydrangea is loved for its puffy hats, consisting of hundreds of small flowers. Abundant flowering lasts in July-September. To give the shrub a beautiful shape, it is usually cut in the form of a ball. It should be noted that in dry weather, he will need abundant watering.



There are various ornamental varieties of spruce. Some of them are creeping, shrub-like and even with falling branches, which looks very attractive. Even a spruce planted in the shade is actively growing. If desired, you can do pruning, giving the tree the shape of a cone or pyramid.


The holly holly, whose leaves are crowned with sharp thorns, is known as a Christmas plant in Catholic countries. Among gardeners, holly is famous for the fact that grows even in strong shade. The plant shows itself in all its glory in winter and autumn: against the background of green foliage, small berries turn red. This is true for those who want to enjoy the garden all year round.


A beautiful shrub whose double flowers reach a diameter of 4 cm. The leaves are lanceolate in shape, dark green with a glossy sheen. When planting a rhododendron, you need to know that it does not tolerate cold winds and waterlogging of the soil. The plant prefers acidic soil, so into earth with neutral alkaline balance add peat.


The evergreen yew endures any adverse conditions except stagnant water. The plant lends itself well to formation, so it is often used to create figures or green hedges. Yew is suitable for both single and group planting, becoming a green background for other plants.

Ornamental trees and shrubs need care, as do herbaceous flowers. For example, the application of nitrogenous fertilizers will be beneficial for foliage growth.

Shade-tolerant fruit trees and berry bushes

Those gardeners who wish to use shady areas to harvest fruits and berries can plant certain crops. The crop of most trees and shrubs suffers greatly from lack of sun, but there are those among them who endure shade.


This tall shrub is notable for its foliage, which can be yellow, green, purple. Not far behind in beauty and sour barberry berries, rich in vitamin C. The plant lends itself perfectly to shaping, and dwarf varieties are used for borders.


One of the few fruit trees, which tolerate penumbra relatively well. A little more demanding on the lighting of cherry plum and plum. But a crop from a shady area will still be inferior in taste to a crop grown under a sufficient amount of light.


This is a very tall shrub, the woody shoots of which often grow up to 2 m in height, which must be taken into account when planting next to a flower garden or vegetables. In the middle of summer, blackberries are covered with white flowers, and in August, almost black berries with a sour taste appear in their place.


Kalina is one of the plants loved by the people. An extremely unpretentious tall shrub, the branches of which are covered with carved leaves. The special charm of viburnum is given by its scarlet berries collected in bunches. They remain to decorate the bush until late winter.


Dogwood blooms in early spring, attracts bees to the site for a month. For the whole summer, he decorates the garden with green foliage, and in autumn - with red berries, from which delicious and healthy jam is obtained. The only drawback of dogwood is its love of warmth., so the plant needs to be covered for the winter.

To make fruits and berries larger and tastier, it is recommended to use potash fertilizers for feeding - this slightly compensates for the small amount of sun.

Flower bed plants for the darkest places in the garden

Some plants can be called the most "resistant of the resistant", because they grow even where there is very little sunlight. And it does not worsen their appearance!


original plant, attracting attention with original flowers in the form of callas of various, often fantasy colors: white with pink, green with burgundy. The height of arizema grown in the garden usually reaches 50 cm.


Lush astilba bushes can grow up to 2 m. But this plant is remarkable not in size, but in panicle inflorescences. The flowering period is in June and July.


The beauty of ferns lies in their openwork green leaves. In the wild, the plant is located on the lower tier of dense forests, so the shade is familiar to it. There are also ground cover species of ferns that cover the ground with their lace.



Tiarca inflorescences are panicles of white, pink or purple. The most common tiarka is heart-leaved, with leaves in the shape of a heart.


The plant has leaves collected in lush rosettes and often variegated with all sorts of shades of green and white. Hosta is very unpretentious so it won't be a problem.

These plants can be planted in the most secluded corner of the garden.

What vegetables can be planted in the country in the shade

Shady places on the site are suitable for growing vegetables. Here are some of them that grow well in such conditions:

  • root crops (radish, beets);
  • members of the legume family;
  • cruciferous: cabbage and broccoli, as well as cauliflower and Beijing.

The shade is also suitable for perennial onions and leafy plants like sorrel, rhubarb, lettuce. You can also plant fragrant mint, tarragon, creeping thyme or cilantro: spicy herbs will certainly be needed in the kitchen.

Shade tolerant plants for the home

Flower growers are faced with a lack of light not only in the plots, but also in the house. What plants should not be afraid to put in the far corners of the room?

  1. Aspidistra, which is called "cast iron flower" for its amazing durability. It is a plant with several leaves on long petioles.
  2. Chamelodorea, resembling a palm tree with its airy leaves.
  3. Philodendron. Liana, stretching up to 2 m in length.
  4. sansweria("Mother-in-law's tongue") is distinguished by tall, long leaves that have a dense structure and are pointed at the edges. Sansveria has a variegated color and often a yellow border around the edges of feather-like leaves.
  5. Anthurium- a flowering plant of various colors.

To houseplants feel good and develop, they need to pick up suitable pot and soil; and ensure proper care in the future.


Examples of a combination of shade-loving plants in landscape design

How to create a harmonious composition from flowering plants? You need to analyze each "candidate" and its features, and try to create the perfect flower garden. Here are some of the good examples:

  • green fern in one corner of the flower garden and the host in the other will be a wonderful green background for the flowering tiarka heartifolia. If you add to the composition small stone or a snag, then this will add showiness to the flower bed.
  • Cuff and hoof will good neighbors on an alpine hill.

In any garden with fruit or ornamental trees, there are areas that are in the shade most of the time. Some of them are permanently shaded, so the grass and flowers are deficient in sunlight. To the delight of summer residents, there is a large category of plants that develop perfectly in an unlit area - these are shade-loving perennials for the garden, with which you can create beautiful flower and herbal compositions.

Depending on the location of the flower garden, its significance and degree decorative design Plant groups can be divided into three categories:

  • classical compositions;
  • natural areas;
  • accent flowers.

On small edges, along paths and fences, that is, in places with an open perspective, there are classic compositions created to decorate areas not lit by the sun. This is a series of varietal herbaceous plants with decorative foliage, as well as developing and gaining color over several years.

Natural areas are on the periphery, their main purpose is to fill empty spaces and prevent the emergence of weeds. For natural growth ideal plantings of periwinkle, Siberian brunner, lungwort, May lily of the valley, shield.

In slightly shaded conditions, the brunner develops and blooms beautifully - a beautiful plant with blue or blue flowers that look like forget-me-nots

In addition to shade-tolerant flowers, plants with decorative leaves, which are ideal for simulating wild, natural cover

Garden centerpieces and seating areas are also often located in areas hidden from the sun, so there is a selection of accent plants specifically for them, which differ beautiful flowering and decorative foliage: elecampane, Japanese anemones, Rogers, black cohosh, astilbes.

In shady places, flowers with pale petals usually grow, but there are exceptions. Multi-colored anemones are an opportunity to create a bright flower arrangement in a darkened area.

Shade-loving perennials by season

In early spring, primroses appear, tender and modest, which delight with their beauty for a month. These include European kandyk, various varieties snowdrops, blueberries. A little later, doubtful Jeffersonia, liverwort and oak anemone (anemone) hatch.

Primroses actively reproduce by self-sowing, therefore, during the flowering period, new foci should be identified and their distribution in the summer cottage should be controlled.

At the end of spring, ruby ​​corollas of the common lumbago and tiny flowers of soldanella appear. Against the background of low shrubs, uvularia looks great, similar to a bell with yellow buds and silvery foliage. The yellow carpet also creates spring celandine, blooming in small rounded bushes. It is usually alternated with a fern. A bright composition can be made up of saxifrage, hybrid primroses and phlox, creating a dense flower cover.

To create a spectacular flower garden, a round-leaved saxifrage is suitable - a bushy plant with small white flowers and bright green decorative foliage

The summer period is marked by the flowering of martagon (curly lily). At the initial planting, it does not differ in luxurious buds, but in subsequent years it will look more and more beautiful. Among the lilies there are varieties that reach one and a half meters in height - this factor must be taken into account during planting. Areas under low-lying tree crowns are not suitable. The company of lilies can be made up of a dotted bell and a corydalis sinuous, which also chose the warmest summer period for flowering.

The first colds do not like perennial shade-loving flowers, so only a few of them open their buds at the beginning of autumn. An example of late flowering is palm-shaped kirengeshoma with large decorative leaves and bell flowers.

Three flower garden ideas for a shady garden

With the help of plants of different heights and colors, you can create original compositions. Of course, they will not be as bright and lush as, for example, rose bushes, but still they are able to charm with their modest charm and delicate shades.

Option # 1 - a combined flower bed of 11 plants

This is an example of a non-standard sample composition. For planting, plants are taken, different in height and color scheme, and planted in a flower bed with dimensions of 2 m x 3 m. The flower bed takes its final form only after 2-3 years, when the plants reach full development and gain maximum color.

1. Oak anemone. 2. Astrantia. 3. Lily of the valley. 4. Corydalis. 5. Dicentra. 6. Foxglove. 7. Geranium versicolor. 8. Geranium is magnificent. 9. Liverwort. 10. Hosta. 11. Shield

Plants are planted depending on their size: higher flowers in the background, border and integumentary flowers in the near

Plants bloom at different times, one after another, as a result, the flower bed looks presentable throughout the summer season. Suppose the flowering time of anemones and corydalis is the end of April, lily of the valley - the beginning of May - June, astrantia - July and August. Many varieties of geranium actively bloom buds throughout the summer.

A special role belongs to such plants as the shield. They decorate the flower bed not with flowers, but with leaf plates. The decorative foliage of the hosta is distinguished by a bluish tint and a unique “waffle” texture, and pinnate leaves thyroid gland - scaly texture.

Option # 2 - perennials with bulbous

Well-known varieties of bulbs - daffodils, tulips, hyacinths - can be used as a bright accent in natural areas of shade-loving flowers for the garden. They will decorate the site at a stage when perennials have not yet bloomed. So that the faded bulbs do not spoil the picture in the future, they must be carefully dug up, and planted again in the fall for wintering. Another option is also possible: hazel grouses, tulips, daffodils, crocuses perfectly tolerate winter without a transplant, and the next year they delight with even more violent flowering.

Along with perennials, tulips get along well in gardens, copses and parks, despite the minimum of sunlight and planting density.

Together with tulips, blue forget-me-nots look great. With the help of several varieties of tulips and forget-me-nots, you can create a multi-tiered composition; against the background of decorative shade-loving perennial flowers, they will look most impressive. Do not forget about marigolds: they perfectly tolerate shade and have a protective phytoncidal aura, which is also useful for tulips. and a sports lawn, but the presence of fescue in the mixture will come in handy. There are numerous varieties of fescue, therefore, for each region, its own, most suitable species are recommended.

For example, hard red fescue tolerates a lack of sunlight, but does not like even short droughts, so it should be planted only if there is frequent watering. In addition, it is prone to fungal diseases and restores for a long time. root system when damaged. Longleaf fescue, on the other hand, tolerates droughts easily and is not afraid of disease, so it is good for planting in hard-to-reach places that require minimal care.

Red fescue is ideal for creating a lawn base in shady areas: it is unpretentious, grows quickly and can replace other types of lawn grasses

Creating compositions from flowers for a shady garden is a real art that requires knowledge and patience, but the result exceeds all expectations: a flowering garden appears in the place of a wasteland, and amazing flower beds appear in the farthest corners.

What flowers can be grown in the shade? - This question is relevant for any amateur gardener. In a garden where there are many trees and shrubs, it is sometimes difficult to find open areas for flower beds that will be illuminated by the sun throughout the day.

According to lighting requirements sunlight garden plants are divided into light-loving, shade-tolerant and shade-loving. We have prepared a small list of popular shade-tolerant and shade-loving perennials. These perennial flowers are suitable for planting in shady and lightly shaded areas of your garden. They tolerate shade well.

Shade-tolerant perennials can be grown under the shade of trees and shrubs, in the shade of the house. They can grow and flower with more or less direct sunlight.

Host "Cadillac". Photo: Hardyplants.

Perennial flowers for lightly shaded areas of the garden

These perennials prefer partial shade. They will grow well in partial shade. These flowers love the sun, but they need only a few hours of direct sunlight a day. Penumbra is when the area is exposed to the sun in the morning or afternoon, approximately 6 hours during the day.
Of course, in sunny areas, flowering in these perennials will be more abundant and longer than in the shade.

(Astilbe Buch.-Ham. ex D.Don)

oak anemone
(Anemone nemorosa L.)

Alpine catchment
(Aquilegia alpina L.)

Dicentra is magnificent
(Lamprocapnos spectabilis(L.) T.Fukuhara)

Dicentra is beautiful
(Dicentra formosa(Haw.) Walp.)

Primrose Julia
(Primula juliae Kusn.)

Japanese primrose
(Primula japonica A. Gray)

(Paeonia L.)

(Scilla L.)

Stonecrop large
(Sedum maximum(L.) Suter.)

corydalis noble
(Corydalis nobilis(L.) Pers.)

Caucasian ash tree*
(Dictamnus caucasicus(Fisch. & C.A. Mey.) Grossh.)
Photo: Øyvind Holmstad, Karlafg, Juan José Sánchez, dalbera, Danny Steven S., KENPEI, Meneerke bloem, Poco a poco, Axel Kristinsson, Bjoertvedt, Rolf Engstrand, Hedwig Storch.

Perennial flowers for shady areas of the garden

Almost every garden has shady areas under the crowns of old trees. What to plant in a shady garden?

Not all plants can grow under trees. Under the canopy of old trees, only species resistant to root pressure get along. Therefore, it is worth planting flowers with a superficial root system under the trees.

Majority shade-tolerant plants- spring blooming. Nature itself has taken care of them: they bloom when there are almost no leaves on the trees, and they have enough sunlight.

From shade-tolerant plants, do not expect abundant long flowering, large, double flowers. Shade-tolerant plants are decorative, primarily due to their foliage and appearance(habitus). Therefore, a shady garden is mainly a decorative leafy garden.

These perennials are suitable for planting and growing in shady areas of the garden. They tolerate shade and lack of sunlight well. They can be grown under the canopy of trees. Fill in areas of your garden where the sun rarely shines. And then a beautiful shady garden will grow on your site all summer long.

Badan thick-leaved
(Bergenia crassifolia(L. Fritsch)

(Vinca minor L.)

Volzhanka common
(Aruncus dioicus(Walter) Fernald

Saxifrage shadow
(Saxifraga umbrosa L.)

Saxifrage wedge-leaved
(Saxifraga cuneifolia L.)

May lily of the valley*
(convallaria majalis L.)

Lunar resurrecting
(Lunaria rediviva L.)

(Pulmonaria L.)

(Helleborus L.)

(Digitalis L.)


Noble liverwort
(Hepatica nobilis Mill.)

(Galanthus L.)

Soldanella mountain
(Soldanella montana mikan)

(hosta Tratt.)

Astilboides lamellar ( Astilboides tabularis
(Hemsl.) Engl.)

Darmer thyroid ( Darmera peltata(Torr. ex Benth.) Voss)

Rogersia horse chestnut leaf ( Rodgersia aesculifolia Battal.)

Fragrant violet
(Viola odorata L.)

Epimedium or Goryanka ( epimedium L.)

Spike cohosh* or black cohosh* ( Actaea spicata L.)

Podophyllum thyroid ( Podophyllum peltatum L.)

Pachysandra apical ( Pachysandra terminalis Siebold & Zucc.)

Lady's slipper ordinary or real slipper ( Cypripedium calceolus L.)

Photo : Salvor Gissurardottir, H. Zell, Epp, Jerzy Opioła, Hectonichus, Hans B., Hedwig Storch, Wildfeuer, Jebulon, Meneerke bloem, Jonas Bergsten, Redsimon, Zdeněk Pražák, Qwertzy2, nestmaker (Rbrausse), Wouter Hagens, Jerzy Opioła , Fritz Geller-Grimm, brewbooks, Andrey Korzun, Sten Porse, Algirdas, Manuguf.

* poisonous plants. Require great care and safety precautions when dealing with them. If you have small children, then you should stop growing these plants in your garden.

Most shade-tolerant plants are primroses. They bloom in the spring, when the trees do not yet have dense foliage, so they have enough sunlight to bloom.