Different types of cherry blossoms. What are the varieties of cherries. By maturity

Common cherry- Cerasus vulgaris Mill.

It is unknown in the wild, but widely distributed in cultivation. It can be used not only as a fruit, but also as a very ornamental plant group and edge plantings, in hedges.

Tree up to 10 m tall, with spreading crown, smooth bark, and scaly peeling bark. The leaves are broadly elliptical, pointed, crenate-toothed along the edge, smooth, shiny, bright or dark green, lighter below, up to 8 cm long, petiolate. The flowers are white, fragrant, up to 2.5 cm in diameter, on long peduncles, 2-3 in umbellate inflorescences. Flowering time is 10-20 days. The fruits are dark red, spherical, fleshy, usually flattened on top, sweet and sour.

Fast-growing, shade-tolerant, frost-resistant and drought-resistant breed. Smoke and gas resistant. It develops best on loose, humus-rich soils. It responds well to lime content in the soil. Forms numerous root suckers. Some scientists consider it a natural hybrid between shrub cherries and sweet cherries, which arose and repeated many times in places where the mother species coexist.

In addition to numerous varieties, it has a number of forms that are interesting only from a decorative point of view: spherical(f. umbraculifera) - a short tree with a compact spherical crown and small leaves; terry(f. plena) - see photo, with white semi-double flowers; Raksa(f. Rexii) - with white double flowers; peach blossom(f. persicifolia) - with light or bright pink flowers; always blooming(f. semperflorens) - a small tree or shrub with smaller leaves and flowers at the ends of shortened shoots of four, blooms all summer; motley(f. aureo-variegata) - with yellow and white-variegated leaves; aucubodial(f. aucubaefolia) - with yellow spots on the leaves; loose-leaved(f. salicifolia) - with large leaves, up to 13 cm long, with a width of 3 cm.

C. vulgaris "Rhexii" - V. vulgaris "Rhexii" Tree up to 3 m tall. Cultivated in the botanical gardens of Europe, North America, East Asia. Light-loving mesotherm, mesotroph. In GBS since 1956, 1 sample (1 copy), grafted plants, cuttings obtained from LSOS. At 33 years old, height 3.6 m, trunk diameter 6 cm. Plant grows from 7.V ± 8 to 15.X ± 7 for 161 days. The growth rate is average. Blooms from 25.V ± 7 to 1.VI ± 10 for 7 days. Doesn't bear fruit. Winter hardiness is high. Propagated by grafting and summer cuttings (60% rooted when treated with a 0.01% IMC solution for 16 hours). Very decorative thanks to double, large, white flowers.

Decorative forms are good as single or small group plantings in the foreground, and variegated - in complex compositions.

In central Russia varieties: Vladimirskaya, Lyubskaya, Shuiskaya, etc.; for the Leningrad region. standard varieties: Korostynskaya, Shpanka, Ostgeimsky, etc. The most famous Michurin varieties are Fertile, Michurina, Pionerka, Yubileinaya, Polka, etc.

close view Cherry sour- C. austera (L.) Rome. Tree up to 10 m tall. The drupe is easily separated from the pulp; juice dark red, coloring. In culture, everywhere in Russia, north to the latitude of the Karelian Isthmus - Sverdlovsk. In the forest-steppe and to the south it runs wild.

Photos EDSR.

» Varieties of cherries

All varieties of cherries differ from each other in various ways, whether it be ripening time, fruit size or region of growth. The most resistant to frost are those cherries that are grown in the northern regions.(Ob, Ashinskaya, Metelitsa), but the most productive and sweet varieties grow in the south of the country(Lyubskaya, Shpanka, Garland). Cherries, early ripening the most stable, but their taste is much more sour (Chocolate, Youth), mid-season varieties are the golden mean (Vladimirskaya, Zhukovskaya, Turgenevka). Another sign is the presence of flowers of both sexes, that is, self-fertility (Apkhutinskaya, Pamyat Enikieva). To choose which one is the most suitable variety cherries, you need to know all their characteristics.

Self-fertile varieties include those cherries that no additional pollination required, and they independently tie both male and female flowers.


A medium-sized tree that produces large and tasty heart-shaped fruits. Variety Apukhtinskaya begins its fruiting in the second year after planting, refers to late maturation, the ripening of the crop falls in mid-August. The tree has good resistance to frost and drought, but it is also susceptible to the appearance of fungal diseases.

Memory of Yenikiev

The tree grows up to 3 meters in height, crown of medium density, spherical shape. Fruit weight reaches 5 grams, so they can be considered large. The shape of the berries is oval, the color is dark red. The pulp of cherries Pamyat Yenikiev is very tasty and juicy. The variety is distinguished by the presence of a large bone. The tree begins to bear fruit already at 3-4 years of age, the period of full ripening of the crop falls at the end of June. From one cherry you can collect up to 15 kilograms of fruit. It has moderate frost and drought tolerance.

Also, self-fertile varieties of cherries include Garland, Brunette, Cinderella, Chocolate Girl, ErdiBetermo, Ksenia, Nochka, Meeting, etc.

early cherry varieties

Cherry varieties that ripen from early June to mid-July are called early. Their berries are less sweet, and the trees have good frost resistance.

chocolate girl

A tree of such a cherry of medium height, with a crown shape resembling an inverted cone. The berries are sour in taste and maroon in color. The pulp is rich red in color, dense, with an easily separated stone. Variety Shokoladnitsa tolerates frost and drought well, is resistant to many diseases, is self-fertile. Brings a stable harvest.


This variety is a cherry-cherry hybrid. A tall tree with freely growing branches resembles a ball in its shape. In addition, the fastening of the branches to the tree is rather weak, so when the crop appears, there is a risk that they will begin to break. The taste of berries is sweet and sour, on average, their weight is 4 grams. The color of the fruit is dark red, the shape is rounded flattened. The first harvest Shpanka brings for 6-7 years of life, but at the age of 20 years, up to 60 kilograms of cherries can be obtained from a tree. Fruiting occurs from late June to early July. The variety is highly resistant to frost and drought, needs pollinators.


Bush cherry, with a low, slightly drooping crown. The fruits of the Youth variety are large in size, their weight can reach up to 4.8 grams, the skin and pulp have the same maroon color. The pit separates well, and the taste of the cherries themselves has a slight sourness, such berries are perfect for canning and freezing. The first harvest appears at 5 summer tree, fruiting mainly occurs on last year's wood. Youth is a frost-resistant variety. It has medium disease resistance.

miracle cherry

Tree cherry with medium vigor. The crown of the tree needs constant shaping; with a free form of growth, it looks like a cone, and the fruits will accumulate at the very top. The taste of berries is dessert, sweet, in all their external characteristics they resemble cherries, can reach a weight of 9.5 grams. The variety is self-infertile, needs pollinators. The tree begins to bear fruit already from the 3rd year of life, while bringing a large, stable harvest. You can collect fruits in early June. Miracle cherry is resistant to frost and most diseases.


The tree has a medium height and a spherical shape. Brings beautiful fruits dark red color with a pleasant sweet and sour taste, the stone is easily separated from the pulp. The shape of the berries is round, evenly flattened, weight reaches 5 grams. Variety Malyshka Differs in good transportability, immunity to fungal diseases and frost resistance. Productivity is inferior to other varieties, from one tree you can get 17 kilograms of cherries. Their full ripening falls at the end of June.

There are also other varieties of cherries with an early ripening period. For example, Memory, Bulatnikovskaya, Enikeeva, Bagryanka, Saniya, Vasilievskaya.

Varieties of cherries of medium ripening

Mid-early cherries are called cherries that ripen in mid-summer, they are distinguished by the best taste.


- one of the oldest varieties grown in the central regions of Russia. Bushy tree, greyish bark. The branches grow in a downward direction, so the shape of the crown is called weeping. On one inflorescence 5-7 flowers of tender white color. The leaves are matte green, elongated, gradually tapering to the base and top, the edge is double-serrate. The fruits are sweet and sour, slightly fibrous, well suited for all forms of processing. The color of the skin is dark red, almost black, the weight of the berries does not exceed 3.7 grams, the shape is rounded flattened. The first fruiting occurs in the 3rd year of life, cherry ripening occurs at the end of July. This variety tolerates winter cold well, but spring frosts can completely destroy the inflorescences, and, accordingly, the entire crop. It grows best in central Russia; with good care, it can bring 25 kilograms of fruit. In the northern regions, the yield drops sharply to 6-7 kilograms.. Vladimirskaya needs pollinators and additional protection from diseases and pests. If the berries are not picked in time, they will begin to crumble very quickly.


Cherry grows up to 2.5 meters, the crown of the tree is sprawling, but rare. The leaves are narrow, oval, dark green. Forms inflorescences of 3-4 flowers, medium in size with rounded petals. Fruiting occurs on one-year-old last year's wood. Most often, the berries are located singly, sometimes two. Zhukovskaya cherries are medium in size, up to 4 grams, dark red in color, core shaped. The pulp is tender, juicy, with a dessert taste. Disease resistance is average.


The tree grows to medium size, the flowers are large, white. The berries themselves are evenly rounded, the skin is bright red, the flesh is orange. They have a sweet and sour taste, the stone is easily separated. Good immunity to various diseases, frost resistance is normal. Variety Kharitonovskaya needs additional pollination.


A cherry tree of this variety grows up to 3 meters, forms inflorescences of 4 white flowers. Fruiting occurs on bouquet twigs. Berries are wide-heart-shaped, large in size with a mass of up to 6.5 grams. The color of the skin is dark red, the pulp is juicy, sour-sweet, the taste is normal. The first harvest ripens at 5-6 years of age, full ripening of fruits occurs in early July. tolerates winter frosts well, but may die when spring frosts appear. Possesses high resistance to diseases, needs pollinators. The variety brings a good, stable harvest.


The tree grows to medium size, the crown is wide, sprawling. Fruiting occurs on bouquet twigs, rounded berries with a hole at the stem, weight can reach 5.5 grams. The skin is maroon in color, the pulp is juicy, dessert flavor with an easily detachable stone. Such berries are suitable both for fresh consumption and for processing, they are well transported. The tree begins to bear fruit at the 3rd year of life, the ripening of the fruits of the Morozovka variety falls at the end of July. The harvest is stable, up to 500 kilograms per hundred square meters. The variety is resistant to frost, drought and disease. Needs pollinators.

Also, the varieties Radonezh, Meeting, Toy, Nochka have an average ripening period.

Late cherry varieties

Late varieties ripen the latest, in late summer and early autumn..


The variety is intended for cultivation in central and southern Russia, it is very demanding on soil fertility and quality of care. Forms a large crop with blood-red, transportable fruits with a mediocre taste. These berries are ideal for processing. The tree is self-fertile, but with additional pollination it gives larger yields. young tree brings up to 26 kilograms of fruit, and an adult up to 60. does not have frost resistance, is often subject to various diseases.


Bushy cherry with shoots raised upwards. The weight of one cherry is about 4 grams, the shape is round, the color is bright red. pulp with good taste, the bone is easily separated. The presentation of the berries is at the highest level, they are resistant to cracking. Variety Generous gives an annual, plentiful harvest, ripens in autumn. The tree gives its first cherries as early as 3-4 years. Generous is distinguished by high frost resistance, it can easily tolerate even spring frosts, and the variety is also resistant to pest attacks, tolerates drought well. Susceptible to diseases, especially fungal.


Tree of medium height with a spherical crown. Leaves with a wide plate, glossy, green, crenate edge. Cherries are small, on average, the weight of one berry is 3-3.5 grams, the shape is rounded. The taste is sweet and sour, pleasant, the pulp is dense. The variety gives an annual, abundant harvest that ripens in early August. The robin needs additional pollinators and protection from diseases. Frost resistance - medium.

Other varieties of late-ripening cherries are Zhuravka, Polevka, Ruby, Lotovaya, Rusinka, Gorkovskaya.

Large varieties of cherries

Varieties of cherries with large dessert berries are not inferior to cherries in their taste. But compared to other varieties, they are whimsical to climatic conditions and the quality of care.

Consumer goods Black

A short tree with very tasty berries with a dark skin of almost black color. The pulp is juicy, tender, with an easily detachable bone. The fruits of consumer goods Black ripen in early June, the harvest of the variety is moderate. It has poor frost resistance. The tree needs additional pollination.


A medium-sized tree capable of producing an annual crop. Berries are sweet, juicy with dense pulp and easily removed stone. Ripening falls in mid-July. The variety does not tolerate frost well, in the rainy season there is a risk of rot. Volochaevka forms both female and male flowers, self fertile.


A low tree, the weight of the fruits of which exceeds the mark of 10 grams. The berries are bright red, with tender and juicy pulp.. The harvest of the variety Meeting is stable and annual, ripening falls on the 20th of June. The variety tolerates frost and drought well, resistant to fungal diseases.

Also, varieties with large fruits include Molodezhnaya, Dessert Morozova, Pamyat Enikeev, Podbelskaya, Naughty, Toy, etc.

Varieties of undersized (dwarf) cherries

Trees of such varieties grow no higher than 2.5 meters.. They are very convenient for breeding and harvesting, so they are very popular among gardeners.


Bushy cherry with a wide crown, its maximum growth is 2 meters. The skin of the berries is dark, almost black, the flesh is blood red.. Fruit weight is 4-5 grams, good taste. Cherries ripen in mid-summer and are well transported. The variety Anthracite is resistant to frost, drought and fungus.


small tree forms a spherical crown. The berries are burgundy in color, with the same color pulp, their weight ranges from 3.5-4.2 grams, they are well transported. The taste is sweet and sour. The harvest period falls at the beginning of July. The resistance of the Bystrinka variety to frost is average. There is a risk of damage by moniliosis.


The tree rarely exceeds 2 meters in height, crown oval shape. Average, one berry weighs 4 grams, the skin color is maroon. Most often, the fruits of the Mtsensk variety are processed. Trees have good resistance to frost, drought and most diseases. They also have an attractive appearance, which is why they are often used in landscape design.

There are many undersized varieties of cherries, these include Lyubskaya, Youth, Memory of Mashkin, Chocolate, Vladimirskaya, Tamaris and Saratovskaya baby.

The best varieties of cherries for the southern regions of Russia

Such varieties are distinguished by excellent taste, low or medium frost resistance. Their cultivation is possible only in warm climatic conditions.


On average, the tree grows up to 3-4 meters, the foliage is average. Fruiting occurs on annual shoots. The fruits are large, juicy, red. They have excellent taste. Variety Sashenka is frost-resistant, rarely exposed to diseases. The first fruiting occurs in the 5th year of life, the ripening period is early.


The growth of the tree is 3 meters, a large amount of foliage is formed on the branches. Variety Garland is distinguished by the presence of inflorescences, of which 5 fruits appear. The berries are very large, juicy and tasty, the skin color is slightly darker than the flesh. The first harvest can be harvested in mid-June already in the 3rd year of life. The tree does not need additional pollination.

Also for the southern regions are suitable varieties such as Lyubskaya, Shpanka, Shokoladnitsa.

The best varieties of cherries for the northern regions


It is considered the best variety for the northern regions. A low-growing shrub whose growth does not exceed 1.5 meters can tolerate frosts down to -55 degrees. Also has drought tolerance. The berries are dark in color, with dense pulp, slightly astringent, sweet and sour taste. The bone is small and easy to remove. Flowering occurs from the beginning of April, the shrub gives the first harvest at the age of 4.


A low shrub, whose growth is only 130 centimeters. Fruiting occurs on annual growths. The berries are small, dark red in color, with a good taste and a small, well-separable stone.. Fruit ripening occurs in mid-July. The Ob is able to endure severe frosts and drought, but is highly susceptible to attack by pests. The variety is self-fertile and does not need pollination.

Altai swallow

Low-growing bush, no more than 150 centimeters high. The berries are rounded and medium in size, they are distinguished by excellent taste and juiciness.. Fruit ripening occurs in mid-July. The yield of the variety is very different from the trees growing in the southern regions, and is only 5 kilograms. The Altai swallow tolerates frost and drought well, is immune to many diseases. It is also a pollinator for many varieties of cherries.

For the northern regions, Novoaltayskaya and Metelitsa varieties may be suitable.

The most delicious cherry varieties for Siberia and the Urals

Such varieties of cherries adapt well to the changeable climate of Siberia and the Urals, and are also distinguished by good yield and taste.

Ural ruby

Shrub, whose growth is 1.5 meters, the crown is wide, branches are weeping, grow downwards. The leaves are wide, shiny, dark green in color, their shape resembles a boat. Fruits weigh only 3-4 grams, rounded, dark red, juicy, sweet and sour taste. Ripens in mid-August. The variety is self-fertile, but has a stable and good yield, mature tree brings up to 10 kilograms of berries.


Lighthouse- a bush 2 meters high with a wide spreading crown and leaves folded into a boat. The Siberian variety is self-fertile, but when planted next to such varieties as Polevka and Shchedraya, it gives the most abundant harvests. Fruits gain weight up to 6 grams, dark red color, sour-sweet taste. Harvest can be harvested in early August, on average, one bush produces from 5 to 15 kilograms of fruit.

Also for these territories, the varieties Standard Ural, Shchedraya, Sverdlovchanka, Zagrebinskaya and Gridnevskaya are suitable.

The best varieties of cherries for the Moscow region, description and care

Varieties that are best suited for the Moscow region should have good resistance to frost, and be unpretentious to the composition of the soil, a description of which can be found below.

Early varieties

Among the mid-season varieties, Turgenevka, Excellent Veniaminova and Griot Moskovsky can be distinguished.

Griot of Moscow

A tree with a spherical crown and matte leaves. The berries reach 3.5 grams in weight, the taste characteristics are at the highest level, the fruits are suitable for various types of processing. This variety ripens in mid-July, the yield is above average, you can get up to a ton of cherries per hundred square meters. Resistance to winter cold and return frosts is excellent. Subjected to coccomycosis and monial burn.

Late varieties

Among the varieties of late ripening Zhukovskaya proved herself in the best way.

Undersized (dwarf) cherry varieties for the Moscow region include Molodezhnaya, Mayak, Tamaris, Bystrinka, Memory of Mashkin and Malyshka.


The crown of the tree is small, rounded. The fruits are dark red with occasional brown dots. The pulp of the berries is juicy, the taste is sour. Cherries can be used both for fresh consumption and for various processing, fruit transportability is average. You can harvest as early as the beginning of August. The variety has good resistance to frost and drought.

In memory of Mashkin

The crown of the tree is spreading, drooping, spherical in shape. The fruits are large in size, grow up to 5 grams, with their dessert taste, they often become the decoration of any garden. Ripening occurs in mid-July. Frost resistance and immunity to disease is average.

Self-fertile varieties

The most popular self-fertile varieties for the Moscow region are Apukhtinskaya, Lyubskaya, Zagoryevskaya, Volochaevka, Shokoladnitsa, Meeting, Garland and Cinderella.


Medium-sized tree, producing fruits weighing 4 grams, round-oval in shape and light red in color, sweet and sour taste. Harvest ripening occurs in mid-July, from one tree you can get up to 15 kilograms of berries. The frost resistance of the tree itself and flower buds is excellent. The variety does not require additional protection against fungal diseases.

Breeders have bred a huge number of cherry varieties, which makes it possible to grow this crop in all corners of Russia. For the most part, all trees have good or medium frost resistance and bear sweet and sour fruits. Each gardener can choose and plant the cherry that will decorate his particular plot.

More than two thousand years have passed since the cherry took root on the European continent. Today, there are a huge number of varieties of this popular culture. How do they differ, which varieties can be called the best?

Description of cherry varieties

Like any berry crops, it can have different ripening periods. Early cherry pleases with a harvest of berries in the first half of June. It is possible to distinguish varieties Memory, Bulatnikovskaya, Enikeeva, Bagryanka, Saniya, Vladimirskaya, Vasilievskaya.

An average ripening cherry gives a harvest in early July. Popular varieties: Zagoryevskaya, Youth, Radonezh, Meeting, Toy, Night. late deadline maturation is considered the period from late July to early August. Popular varieties in this category: Zhuravka, Turgenevka, Polevka, Ruby, Lotovaya, Rusinka, Gorkovskaya.

The indicated ripening dates are relative - they are shifted in one direction or another, depending on climatic conditions(berries ripen earlier in the south and later in the north).

All varieties of cherries can be divided into two groups - these are bushes and trees. Bushy forms form dense shoots and have a spherical crown. Harvest mainly produce annual branches. The height of bushy forms does not exceed four meters. Popular varieties: Crimson, Vladimirskaya, Lyubskaya. The bush bears fruit for about twenty years.

Tree-like forms produce a crop on bouquet twigs. Popular varieties: Rusinka, Bulatnikovskaya, Turgenevka, Nord Star. Tree fruiting period: about thirty years.

Self-fertile cherry varieties

Cherry is in many cases self-fertile (plants require proximity to pollinating varieties). There are also self-fertile varieties (without the participation of a pollinator, such plants are able to set a certain percentage of fruits). If next to self-fertile varieties plant pollinator varieties, then the yield will increase. Popular varieties: Garland, Brunette, Cinderella, Chocolate Girl, Erdi Betermo, Ksenia, Night, Meeting.

The late variety, the Youth cherry, has proven itself well (the fruit ripening period is the end of July). The self-fertility of this variety is at the level of 18%. The percentage of fruit set increases when adjacent to such varieties as Meteor, Nord Star, Turgenevka. You can plant this variety and next to the cherry. Plants are characterized by high productivity and good frost resistance. This variety is not afraid of drought. The berries are large (average weight - 5-6 g). They hold up well to transportation. The fruits are tasty, juicy, with dense pulp and a pleasant aroma. The plant is stunted, with a weeping crown. It can be a pollinator for many late varieties.

Cherry varieties grown in the Moscow region are characterized by a high degree of resistance to low temperatures and diseases (mainly to coccomycosis). Most popular varieties: Lyubskaya, Turgenevka, Apukhtinskaya, Coral, Crimson, Renaissance, Volochaevka, Toy, Zhukovskaya, Crystal, Youth.

Varieties for the Urals and Siberia are characterized by high resistance to frost. In these regions, high-yielding early-growing varieties are grown, such as Zagrebinskaya, Sverdlovchanka, Gridnevskaya, Michurin's Polevka, Ural Standard.

In a temperate continental climate (in Central Russia), the following varieties are recognized: Turgenevka, Morozovka, Lebedyanskaya, Zhukovskaya, Dessert Morozovoy, Vladimirskaya, Apukhtinskaya. All these varieties are adapted to moderately frosty winters and wet summers.

The best varieties of cherries

The best varieties of cherries are those that are characterized by high yields and good taste of fruits. The rating of people's favorites includes the varieties Turgenevka, Molodezhnaya, Nefris, Waiting, Nochka, Biryulevskaya, Malyshka, Alpha, Hydrangea.

Of great interest is the variety Griot Moscow. The fruits of such cherries are suitable for any type of processing. They can also be consumed fresh. The variety is self-infertile - pollinators are varieties such as Flask pink and Vladimirskaya. The variety is early-growing, the ripening period of berries is July 15-20. Yields are above average. This cherry is not afraid of frost. The plant has an average height (2-2.5 m). The fruits are large, round, juicy, quite dense, dark red, sweet and sour.

The sweetest varieties of cherries

The greatest sweetness is characterized by varieties of cherries bred by crossing with another popular berry culture – . hybrid varieties adopted from their parents useful features: large-fruited, frost resistance, disease resistance. The category of sweet berries includes varieties such as Toy, Vladimirskaya, Pink Flask, Meteor.

Miracle cherry is one of the most famous varieties. It is characterized by resistance to fungal diseases, good winter hardiness, large berry weight (10 g). The fruits are juicy and sweet. They are painted dark red. The average yield is 15 kg per tree. Ripening time is average.

Large varieties of cherries

Berries weighing more than 5 g are considered large. Varieties Volochaevka, Black large, Youth, Dessert Morozova, Memory of Enikeev, Podbelskaya, Shalunya, Toy can be attributed to this category.

Cherry variety Meeting

Well proven variety Meeting. The height of the plant does not exceed two meters. The crown is dense and drooping. The variety gives large yields of berries. Plants are resistant to drought and cold, as well as to diseases (coccomycosis, moniliosis). The average fruit weight is 8.6 g. The shape of the berries is flat-round, the color is dark red. The variety belongs to the category of partially self-fertile. To increase the yield, it is worth planting nearby such varieties as Shalunya, Primetnaya, Samsonovka.

Varieties of undersized cherries

The height of a dwarf cherry (shrub or tree) usually does not exceed 1.7-2.5 m. undersized varieties are not inferior to their high "relatives". They have a lush, spreading, fast-growing crown. The average weight of the berries is 5 g. Their color and shape depend on the particular variety - the berries can be either dark or light red. The advantage of low varieties is that they are not afraid of the winds (branches break less). Low trees are easier to care for, and harvesting is also easy. Dwarf cherries are unpretentious to growing conditions, are not afraid of frost. Berries, as a rule, have dense pulp, which allows them to be transported. Popular undersized varieties: Lyubskaya, Mtsensk, Tamaris, Bystrinka, in memory of Mashkin.

Cherry variety Chocolate

The Chocolatnitsa variety is widely known. The weight of the berries of this variety is 3.5 g, they are painted in dark red, almost black. Fruits have moderate sourness (sweetness is felt more). The yield is high, the ripening period is medium (mid-summer).

Cherry varieties: reviews

Judging by the reviews, low-growing high-yielding varieties are of the greatest interest. Of course, not all berries have ideal taste indicators, but finding the best variety in all respects is not difficult at all.

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Among the huge variety of fruit trees and shrubs growing in gardens, home gardens and summer cottages In our region, the most common fruit crop, which is known and loved everywhere, is cherry. The cherry plant belongs to the Pink family, its homeland is the Crimea and the Black Sea coast, from where it spread to Europe, America, Canada and Asia, where it is used as an ornamental plant and for economic purposes. Planting cherries in your garden or dacha is an easy task even for a novice gardener, since cherries are the most unpretentious and frost-resistant of fruitful trees that grow and bear fruit on any soil and any climatic conditions. How to plant a cherry and properly care for it?

Cherry is a deciduous tree or shrub with a height of 2 to 7 meters. The bark of the tree has a gray-brown tint. Cherry leaves are petiolate, dark green in color, oblong, oval, pointed at the top of the shape. The length of the cherry leaf is up to 8 cm, the width is up to 5 cm. The cherry blooms with white or pale pink flowers with a pleasant aroma, collected in inflorescences - umbrellas, which during flowering are magnificently dotted with tree branches. Cherry blossoming and fragrant in the garden is an incredibly beautiful sight.

Cherry fruits are juicy drupes. Delicious, richly red shades of spherical berries with a sour or sweet and sour taste, rich in vitamins and minerals, can be eaten fresh, boiled compotes, jams, used to prepare many delicious dishes. Cherries are perfectly stored both in dry and frozen form, while retaining all the beneficial healing properties.

cherry varieties

In nature, there are more than 150 plant species distributed in many European countries, North America and Asia. Most of them are home crops bred by breeding. Varieties of wild cherries are also common in nature.

Common cherry

This is a home culture, which is practically not found in the wild, one of the most common species, cultivated since antiquity. There are varieties of bushy and tree-like forms.
Bushy cherry ordinary has a spherical crown, the branches of which go down, shoots are abundantly formed in it, the fruits have a dark bright almost black tint. Bushy varieties bear fruit from 10 to 18 years. Frost-resistant look.
Tree-like varieties are a tall tree from 2 to 7 meters with a shiny dark bark with a sprawling luxurious crown and branches. The leaves are oval in shape, with a pointed end of a dark green color. Flowers - fragrant, white, collected in umbrellas, pollinated by insects. The fruits are a drupe (with a hard stone surrounded by a pulp of red or burgundy hues). The most popular varieties of common sour cherries:

  • Anthracite. A low tree with a dense crown of medium yield. The fruits are large, maroon, almost black in color with dense juicy pulp, sweet and sour in taste.
  • Victoria. The tree is medium in size, the crown has a rounded, slightly raised crown. The fruits are medium in size, rounded spherical in shape, dark red shades with a long stem, which is easily separated from the fruit.
  • Vladimirskaya. Bushy variety with good yield. Winter hardy. The fruits are large, dark in color, have excellent taste.
  • Youth. High-yielding frost-resistant bushy variety. The tree is short, with drooping branches. The fruits are maroon in color and have a sweetish taste. Ripe berries can remain on the branches for a long time without falling off,
  • Turgenevka. A tree-like winter-hardy variety, the tree can reach a height of up to 3 meters, the crown is raised. Fruits - large, juicy, dense, dark red shades.
  • Chocolate girl. Winter-hardy and drought-resistant variety with rich burgundy berries, almost black. The taste of berries is sweet, the pulp is of medium density.

  • Shpanka early An early ripe variety that begins to bear fruit in early June. Frost resistant. The fruits are juicy, sweet in taste, pink in color.

steppe cherry

Frost-resistant species, widespread in the northern regions. It is a tree or undersized shrub with an extensive crown. The branches are erect, the leaves are oblong, slightly pointed at the top. It blooms with white small flowers collected in a bunch. The fruits of the steppe cherry are small, juicy, with a pronounced sour taste, pink and boron. Berries ripen in late summer or early autumn. Known varieties:

felt cherry

A low tree or shrub (from 1 to 3 meters) with a luxurious crown. China is considered to be the birthplace of the species, sometimes this type of cherry is called Chinese. Felt cherry blooms incredibly beautifully - the branches of the tree are thick, from the very base of the branches to their tops, strewn with pale pink flowers that bloom long before the leaves appear. For attractive appearance during flowering, Chinese cherry is used for decorative purposes to decorate the garden. Felt cherry looks no less decorative during the ripening period - its branches, with bright juicy berries, surrounded by small oval-shaped velvety leaves with notches, beautifully lean towards the ground. The lower part of the leaves is slightly pubescent, due to this the effect of their velvety is created, and they resemble a felt coating, hence its name. This is a frost-resistant species, the fruits are small, juicy, sweet with a small bone that does not separate from the berry. Ripe fruits can remain on the branches for a long time and not crumble, retaining their taste. The most famous varieties:

Japanese cherry or sakura

This decorative tree originally from Japan, where it is a kind of symbol of the arrival of spring. Blooming sakura is incredibly beautiful, the tree is simply strewn with delicate fragrant terry inflorescences of pink hues. The sakura tree is tall, up to 4 meters with a luxurious spreading crown and long branches falling to the ground. The leaves are narrow ovoid, pointed, dark green in color. For cultivation in our climatic conditions, frost-resistant varieties of Japanese cherries are used:

  • Kanzan is a profusely flowering cherry with bright pink double buds that begin to bloom in May. The fruits are of medium size.

  • Kiku-Shidare (weeping cherry or Japanese bird cherry) Flowering time - late March, inflorescences are densely located on branches hanging down to the ground. The fruits are edible and sour in taste.

cherry planting

For rapid growth and the fruiting of the cherry tree, it is important to choose a suitable site for planting it and determine the time of planting, which depends on the region. You can plant young cherry seedlings in spring or autumn for the southern regions, and for the northern and central parts - in the spring.

Choose a plot

When choosing a site for planting a fruit tree, you need to remember that cherries do not tolerate transplanting, so consider in advance a permanent dwelling in the garden for her, where she will grow and produce crops for 15 years. Cherry trees prefer bright, well-lit areas of the garden or windless slopes, they should not be planted in lowlands where stagnation occurs. melt water or in areas where there are high ground water. The soil for cherry trees should be sandy, loamy, light and slightly acidic. At hyperacidity soil, the soil must be dug up to the depth of a shovel bayonet, after pouring it with dolomite flour or lime (400 g per m²), and later, after a week, fertilize the soil, you can use compost or rotted manure (15 kg per m²). It is not recommended to add lime at the same time as organic matter.
When planting several trees, it is important to keep a distance between them - at least 3.5 meters, planting in a checkerboard pattern.

Planting in autumn

Autumn planting of cherries consists in digging seedlings acquired in the fall. If seedlings are planted immediately in the fall in the ground, they will not have time to take root before the onset of frost. Therefore, choose on the site shady place where the snow does not melt for a long time in spring, dig a small trench at an angle of 45 º 30-40 cm deep, lay the seedlings in it at an angle, laying the roots and sprinkling them with earth. Roots covered with soil should be watered abundantly. Cherry seedlings are covered with spruce branches so that they completely cover them, while the spruce needles should be outward to scare away rodents. As soon as the snow falls, cover the spruce shelter with snow before spring planting.

spring planting

Spring planting allows seedlings to take root well and begin active growth. Cherry seedlings are planted in mid-April in well-warmed soil. Seedlings can be purchased in the spring, or you can dig them in in the fall, as described above. When buying, choose two-year-old trees, Special attention pay attention to the inspection of the root, if it is damaged or rotten areas are found, they must be cut off and the cut points should be treated with crushed powder activated carbon. It is recommended to hold the tree roots in water for about 3-4 hours before planting so that they are saturated with moisture.
The pit for planting seedlings should be 50-60 cm deep, up to 80 cm in diameter. The top layer of soil is mixed in equal amounts with humus, and the following is added to the soil:

  • 1 kg of ash;
  • 30-40 g of superphosphate;
  • 20-25 g of potassium chloride.

If the soil is clayey, a bucket of river sand is added to it.

It is necessary to drive a peg into the planting hole, to which the seedling will be tied, in order to prevent its damage from gusts of strong wind. The seedling is placed in a hole, the roots need to be well straightened and covered with soil so that the root collar is 3-4 cm above the ground level. The soil around the seedling must be well compacted and make a hole for watering. Within 2-3 days, a young tree needs abundant watering. It is recommended to mulch the soil around the trunk circle with sawdust or humus (layer 3-5 cm)

cherry care

Throughout the season, young cherry trees need care that is different from caring for a mature tree. When caring for young trees, it is necessary to periodically loosen the soil around the trunk circle, removing weeds, watering and pruning in a timely manner. Fruiting adult trees need the following care:

  • need abundant watering, especially during the period of active growth of shoots and flowering;
  • in order to attract pollinators in a rainy spring, the trees must be sprayed with a honey solution (1 tbsp of honey per 1 liter of water);
  • loosen the soil;
  • in early spring, before the buds begin to bloom, the root shoots are pruned and the trunk circle is mulched with sawdust or compost;
  • carry out preventive work on the processing and protection of cherry trees from pests and diseases. As a preventive measure, a 3% solution of copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture is used.

In summer:

  • abundant watering is carried out, especially in dry summers;
  • nitrogen fertilizers are applied in summer, and after 3-4 weeks - phosphorus and potassium, trees are treated with Fufanon and copper oxychloride;
  • harvest as the fruits ripen


  • as soon as the leaves begin to turn yellow, after watering or rainfall, organic matter and mineral fertilizers are applied to the tree trunks.
  • make a cut.

Cherry wintering:

mature trees, especially winter-hardy varieties do not need winter shelter, unlike young animals. For the winter, the trunks of young trees must be tied with spruce branches, before which they have been whitewashed in the fall with a solution of lime and copper sulphate.

cherry pruning

When to prune cherries

Cherry pruning - milestone plant care, on which its productivity depends. The first pruning is done in March, before the buds swell and the sap flow begins. If spring pruning is late, it is better not to produce it, but to postpone it until summer, after harvesting, otherwise the branches will simply dry out. Proper pruning of excess branches in the spring contributes to a better tree yield. Autumn pruning of cherries is carried out at the end of the growing season, it helps the trees to better endure frost and cold. Sanitary pruning to remove damaged, diseased or dry branches is carried out throughout the season.

How to cut a cherry

Cherry is an early ripening fruit tree that begins to bear fruit early, so regular pruning allows you to prolong the youth of the tree longer and avoid rapid exhaustion. Correctly carried out pruning of branches gives them more strength to form fruits and increases the yield of the tree many times over. The older the tree, the more carefully pruning is done.

How is spring pruning done?

  1. Pruning is carried out in April, during the swelling of the buds, when it is already clear which branches did not survive the winter, which are removed. Also, spring pruning contributes to the formation of the crown. Steps for spring pruning:
  2. Removal of those tree branches that thicken the crown. Branches that stretch upwards are removed to the very base. Those branches that run parallel to the ground are left.
  3. Shoots up to 30 cm long - do not cut. Those branches that interfere with the growth and development of other branches are subject to pruning.
  4. Trimming the main trunk. It should not rise above the main skeletal branches by more than 20 centimeters.

How to prune cherries in summer

Pruning in the summer consists in a slight adjustment of the crown of the tree, damaged or diseased branches are removed.

How to prune cherries in autumn

Autumn pruning prepares the tree for a long winter hibernation, the time of work depends on the region. For southern latitudes, the pruning time can last until November, and it is recommended for the northern regions to carry it out as early as mid-September, so that the cuts have time to drag on until frost. The branches of young seedlings are not pruned in autumn.
Stages of work:

  1. It is necessary to remove large branches that do not allow other branches to develop. The skeletal branches that form the crown are not pruned.
  2. Small branches should not be pruned in autumn; postpone pruning until spring.
  3. Before cutting a branch, it is necessary to plan its replacement, which will rejuvenate the plant and preserve the productivity of the tree.
  4. After pruning in the fall, the cherry should not have branches coming from an acute angle.
  5. Slices must be treated with a var or other special agent.
  1. Tree-like varieties of cherries must be shortened gradually, do not cut all the shoots at once, this can injure the tree.
  2. If cherry branches grow fast enough (40-50 centimeters per year), they should not be thinned out. If the growth of the tree has decreased, it is worth cutting off those branches that do not give new branches during the season.
  3. branches bush varieties cherries are shortened by 50 cm. Pruning of skeletal and secondary branches is carried out in 2 stages. If the frame branches were pruned this year, then it is better to cut the secondary branches next season. Particular care should be taken when pruning young shoots so as not to remove fruitful branches.
  4. When pruning branches of young trees, use a garden saw or knife, for adults trees fit secateurs.

cherry breeding

Cherry trees can be propagated by seeds, cuttings, root cuttings, or grafting. Propagation by seeds is rarely used, as it is a long and laborious process. Most often, cherries are propagated by grafting, by planting a cutting, using root system tree or propagation by green cuttings.

Diseases and pests

  • Brown spotting. The leaves are covered with yellow reddish spots, dots appear on them, which eventually dry out and crumble, forming holes in them, later the leaves fall off. Treatment is carried out by adding 1% Bordeaux liquid to the soil.
  • Klyasterosporioz (perforated spotting). This disease affects not only the leaves, on which brown spots appear, but also the fruits, on which neoplasms similar to warts are formed, the buds on the branches turn black. The affected areas of the branches must be removed and disinfected with 1% copper sulphate.
  • Coccomycosis. When the disease leaves are covered with red dots, then they turn brown and fall off. After flowering, the tree is treated with Horus (2 g per 10 liters of water), repeat the procedure after three weeks, the third time - three weeks after harvest.

  • Witch's broom - fungal disease, which leads to the formation of many barren shoots, and the foliage becomes pale, shrinks and wrinkles over time. At the end summer season on the underside of the leaves gray coating and spores of the fungus are clearly visible. The branches affected by the disease must be removed, the tree should be treated with 5% iron sulphate.

Cherry pests:

Observing all the rules for planting and caring for cherries, as well as with regular and correct pruning trees, you will get an unusually rich harvest of useful and delicious berry for many years. A fragrant cherry blossom garden will delight you every spring, decorating lush bloom garden plot.

There are so many varieties of cherries that it’s time for a novice gardener to get confused. The State Register contains over 150 species approved for breeding. Therefore, the question of which variety of cherries will be the best for central Russia is heard more and more often.

The situation is complicated by the fact that there is no such information on the Internet, and gardening guides are difficult to get. The reader has to revise dozens of sites, get acquainted with hundreds of varieties, and then independently choose ordinary cherries, at their own peril and risk.

Homemade berry - strawberries and wild strawberries in your home!!!

My name is Zoya Pavlovna, I am 52 years old. The cottage is small - only 6 acres. But the harvest is not enough. All the same, help, saving the family budget.

We went to meet our readers and prepared the TOP 15 best varieties for the middle lane. Used as a source of information State Register of Selection Achievements, approved for use, dated 04/09/2015. This allowed us to provide an up-to-date and reliable selection, which has no analogues on the Internet.

Selection criteria:

  1. Resistance to fungal diseases.
  2. Frost resistance.
  3. Maturing period.
  4. yield

It is these characteristics that are most often of interest to both beginner amateur gardeners and owners of industrial gardens. Before reading further, take a look at the table, it will help you decipher some of the terms and get a clearer understanding of the cherry.

Please note that the ripening data is relevant only for central Russia. In other regions they will be different.

As for the height of the tree, there are no uniform standards. Cherry can be in the form of a tree or a bush. Therefore, we have presented averaged data.


15 best cherry varieties for central Russia.

Tamaris - first place

The variety receives the leading position due to its high resistance to fungal diseases, in particular, to coccomycosis. At the same time, Tamaris can be considered a unique culture. This low tree, which is dwarf, has a high yield, with a fruit weight of up to 4.8 g.

Cherry is universal, intended for processing or fresh consumption. The fruits are juicy, sweet, with a slight sourness. The stone separates from the pulp easily.

The variety is included in the register for the Middle Volga region, but it also feels good in other areas of the European part of Russia, with the exception of the northern latitudes.

Zhyvitsa - second place

Cherry is not inferior to Tamaris in terms of resistance to diseases: coccomycosis, moniliosis and others fungal diseases affect culture only in especially rainy and cold summers. The fruits are large, weighing 5-5.2 g, juicy, dark red. The taste is sweet and sour.

The main purpose is to eat fresh. But the fruits of the Zhyvitsa variety are also suitable for preservation, the stone is easily separated, which facilitates the processing process.

The variety is in the register for the Central region. However, according to gardeners, it is also suitable for more southern regions of Russia. Winter hardiness of Zhyvitsy is high, buds and branches are practically not affected by frost.

Cherry Rossoshanskaya black - third place

This culture was included in the register of breeding achievements 30 years ago, but in many respects it is not inferior to modern varieties. The tree differs from other varieties in high productivity, with a fruit weight of 4.5 g. The color of cherries is almost black, the flesh is dark red, dense, but juicy.

The variety is self-fertile, medium ripening, universal. Resistant to fungal diseases. The disadvantage is the average winter hardiness of wood. Kidneys, on the contrary, tolerate frosts easily, they are not afraid of spring frosts.

Novella - fourth place

The purpose of this cherry is processing, conservation, fresh consumption. The tree is very tall, the crown is spreading.

The variety is of interest to homeowners. In industrial horticulture, Novella did not take root because of its size.

Amateur gardeners appreciate Novella for large and juicy fruits, disease resistance, good resistance low temperatures.

Igritskaya - fifth place

Cherry comes into fruiting for the 5th year of growth, ripens by the end of July - the beginning of August. The tree is medium-sized, with a short trunk and a wide, spreading crown.

Productivity is average, fruits weighing 4.1 g, dark red. The pulp of the same color, dense, juicy, sweet and sour taste. The purpose of the fruit is universal.

The variety is characterized by high resistance to coccomycosis and moniliosis, tolerates frosty winters well. It is in the state register for the Central region.

Radonezh - sixth place

A low-growing tree with a rounded crown is suitable for growing in suburban areas and industrial gardens. It enters fruiting at the age of 4, the yield, according to the observations of breeders, is about 36 centners / ha. The pulp and fruits are dark red, juicy.

The mass of Radonezh cherry fruits is 4 g. The ripening period is average, the first harvest is already at the end of June.

The variety is universal, resistant to diseases, tolerates frosty winters and spring frosts. Recommended for cultivation in the Central region.

Shpanka Bryansk - seventh place

A medium-sized tree with a short trunk and a rounded crown will delight you with fruits weighing 4 g. The skin of the cherry is light red, the flesh is creamy, the juice is pink with a sweet and sour taste. The stone is well separated from the pulp, the taste of the fruit is not lost during canning.

When ripe, the fruits practically do not crumble, which makes it convenient to grow cherries in summer cottages.

The variety is self-fertile, early, disease and frost resistant. In the register for the Central region. Suitable for cultivation in the suburbs.

In memory of Vavilov - eighth place

In the middle of our list is the old and well-known to many gardeners variety Vavilov's Memory. It was included in the state register in 1985, but in 2016 it is also popular with the population.

A tall tree with a pyramidal crown is unpretentious in care, slightly affected by fungal diseases, the fruits ripen in early July. Cherries are dark red in color with a characteristic sourness and weigh no more than 3.8 g.

The variety is characterized by high winter hardiness and drought resistance; it can be cultivated both in the forest-steppe zone and in arid steppes. The yield is average.

Cherry is self-fertile. For fruit set, plant nearby cherries of other pollinating varieties. The most suitable regions for cultivation are Belgorod, Lipetsk, Tambov and Volgograd regions.

Abundant - ninth place

Cherry in the form of a shrub, up to 1.5 meters high, with a hemispherical crown. Plant this variety and get the first harvest in 3 years. The fruits are small, the weight does not exceed 3.6 g. The skin of cherries is red, and the flesh is creamy pink, quite juicy, sweet with a sour taste.

The yield of the variety is average, ripens by the end of July. Resistance to coccomycosis is high, to moniliosis - good.

The variety is intended for cultivation in the Middle Volga region, but it also feels good in other areas of central Russia.

The memory of Sakharov - tenth place

A medium-sized culture with a pyramidal crown was included in the register in 2009. During this time, the variety has earned the recognition and love of gardeners for its low degree of damage to various diseases, frost resistance, unpretentious care.

The fruits, although small (no more than 3.2 g in weight), have dense and juicy pulp, excellent taste. The photo shows that the shape of the fruit is oval, and the skin at the time of ripening is dark red. At the same time, the yield is high, the fruits are suitable for processing and fresh consumption.

Bulatnikovskaya - eleventh place

A compact spherical crown and a medium-sized tree - this is how Bulatnikovskaya cherry can be described. This early ripe variety average ripening period, fruiting begins 4 years after planting the seedling. The fruits are approximately the same size, weighing about 3.7 g.

Gardeners and breeders note the high resistance of the tree to fungal pathogens, especially to coccomycosis. The disadvantage of the variety is the uneven ripening of cherries. The tree can have both ripe and unripe fruits. This should be taken into account by amateur gardeners.

The average yield of Bulatnikovskaya cherries is about 50 c/ha, in some years it may be less. The indicator depends on climatic conditions and compliance with agricultural technology.

Volochaevka - twelfth place

A medium-sized tree with a crown of medium density and straight, brown shoots. Ripening time is average. The fruits of Volochaevka are dark red, small, weighing 2.7 g. The purpose of the variety is universal, resistance to diseases and pests is good.

Worker of Tataria - thirteenth place

Bush up to 2.5 m high with a paniculate crown, medium-early ripening. The fruits are medium, semi-round, red. When fully ripe they are dark red, almost black. The taste is good, sweet, with a sour taste. The fruits are juicy, suitable for canning in the form of compotes, jams.

The worker of Tataria has a high resistance to various diseases, especially to coccomycosis. It tolerates winters perfectly, there are practically no frost holes on the branches. It tolerates drought moderately, additional watering is required. These findings were made during state test variety before entering it in the register.

Brunette - fourteenth place

The tree is medium-sized, has a sprawling shape, therefore it is inconvenient for cultivation in industrial gardens. It enters fruiting late, 6 years after planting. Fruits are about the same size, medium, dark red, almost burgundy. The pulp is dense, sweet, with a noticeable sour taste.

The main purpose is processing and preservation, but it can also be eaten fresh.

Of the advantages of the Brunette variety, gardeners note a high resistance to coccomycosis. In addition, ripened fruits hold firmly on the stalks and do not crumble.

Bystrinka - fifteenth place

The Bystrinka cherry closes the TOP 15 best varieties for central Russia. The bush grows quickly, reaches medium height, the crown is spherical, raised. Fruiting begins 4 years after planting the seedling in the ground. The fruits of Bystrinka are round, medium-sized, red.

The variety is characterized by high resistance to frost and disease. Cherry is partially self-fertile, to improve the formation of ovaries, the neighborhood of pollinators is necessary. Recommended for cultivation in the central part of Russia, suitable for the Moscow region.

You have got acquainted with the fifteen best varieties of cherries according to our website. It remains to be recalled that the concept the best variety for every gardener. Someone prefers high yields at the expense of disease resistance, for other garden owners, taste is a priority.

Remember that the variety itself is not a guarantee of the result you want. Read literature on gardening, communicate with like-minded people, follow the news, and you will be rewarded with good harvests.