How to stuff pike the easiest way. We prepare stuffed pike according to all culinary canons. Stuffed pike, baked whole in the oven - recipe with photo

They say that pike is difficult to spoil when cooked. Maybe it is so. It is not always possible to cook pike so that its aroma and taste are emphasized in the best possible way. Pike stuffed with vegetables and lemon and cooked whole in foil and oven is truly a gourmet dish.

The finished dish is not only beautiful, but also incredibly tasty. And also, fish cooked in the oven retains all its beneficial features, which is extremely necessary for healthy eating person.
Stuffed pike is suitable for both the daily menu and festive table.
We present to your attention a step-by-step recipe for preparing this dish.
Required set of products:

Parsley and dill (greens) - a small bunch,
Large yellow lemon- 1 piece,
Fresh big pike- 1 piece,
Low-fat mayonnaise – 45 g (to decorate the finished dish)
Large carrots - 2 pieces,
Ground red pepper – 1-2 pinches (to taste)
Olive oil – 35-40 ml,
Medium sized bulbs - 2 pieces,
Leaf lettuce of any kind to decorate the dish,
Iodized salt - 1 level teaspoon,
Fresh tomatoes and cucumbers for garnishing fish in quantities at your discretion.

We begin processing the fish.

  1. We get the freshest pike.
  2. Remove fins, scales, and remove anything in the abdominal cavity.
  3. The gills must be removed from the pike head.
  4. It is advisable to leave the tail, because it is necessary to preserve the overall structure of the pike and, after cooking, will help to easily arrange the fish on the dish.
  5. Rinse the pike carcass thoroughly and pat dry with a towel.
  6. Rub the fish with the prepared salt and set aside for no more than 15 minutes. At this time we will deal with additional products.

Preparing vegetables for stuffing.

To prevent pike from losing its own flavor, you should be very careful in choosing the amount of vegetables. In our recipe, the amount of vegetables is calculated in such a way as to complement the aroma of pike with exquisite notes and not spoil its taste.

  1. Wash both carrots and both onions, peel and cut the onion into thin rings, and the carrots into thin rounds.
  2. Cut the lemon into thin slices.
  3. Wash and dry parsley, dill, lettuce, and cucumbers and tomatoes with a towel.

Let's begin the process of stuffing the pike with vegetables.

The products for stuffing are ready, now you need to prepare the pike. Take the big one cutting board and place the pike on it so that you can open its belly as wide as possible. Then we do the following step by step:

  1. Chopped carrots, onions and lemon must be seasoned with prepared salt and red pepper.
  2. Place the vegetables in the pike, place the lemon slices on the onion. If there is too much lemon, then squeeze out the juice from the remaining part and mix it with olive oil (this mixture is useful for lubricating the pike on top)
  3. Close the stuffed belly of the pike and carefully secure it in several places with wooden skewers or toothpicks.

Preparing stuffed pike for heat treatment, step-by-step recipe.

Prepare thick foil for baking.
Brush the top of the stuffed pike with the mixture. olive oil with lemon juice.
Wrap in foil and place in an oven-safe container.
Place the container with the fish in the oven and bake for 35-45 minutes at 180 degrees.
After the time has passed, remove the fish from the oven and let stand for 15-20 minutes.
Carefully unfold the foil - the pike should completely retain its shape.

Proper serving of stuffed pike on the table.

  1. Prepare a large flat dish that can accommodate the whole stuffed pike.
  2. Place lettuce leaves evenly throughout the dish, and sprigs of parsley and dill around the edges.
  3. Place the hot stuffed pike on top of the lettuce leaves.
  4. Decorate the top of the pike with a thin layer of mayonnaise.
  5. Arrange the prepared, chopped, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers around the fish. Garnish the dish with lemon slices.

You’ve got a complete and unique dish that doesn’t even need to be supplemented with salads and soups. If you prefer to eat stuffed pike with sauce, then here is one of the options for cream sauce.
You will need:
- shallots – 2 tbsp. spoons
- vinegar – 150 g,
- butter – 75 g
- salt and pepper - a pinch.

Preparation of the sauce: put chopped onion in a small saucepan, pour in vinegar, salt and pepper. Let it evaporate by one third over low heat. Add to the mixture butter and beat with a whisk. The result is a white and slightly airy sauce mass.
A unique and delicious culinary masterpiece is ready. Bon appetit!

Notes for your health, the benefits of whole stuffed pike.

  • Eat baked pike, because when cooked in this way, its meat retains the substances necessary for skin elasticity, to maintain the health of blood vessels, mucous membranes and the entire digestive system.
  • Useful microelements of pike meat help preserve optimal level blood sugar.
  • Pike meat is an antioxidant.
  • In order to recover from thyroid diseases and avoid heart problems, pike meat should be constantly present on your table.

If you have your own step-by-step recipe for making stuffed pike, then leave your answers and comments.

Stuffed pike in the oven is an incredibly tasty fish delicacy, the creation of which requires not only a lot of patience, but also endurance. The one who can prepare such a dish at home himself and have it turn out juicy and excellent is rightfully considered a true cook! Stuffed pike is the main fish appetizer at all celebrations and therefore it must be a table decoration.

So, it's time to prepare stuffed pike baked in the oven...

To ensure success, select only fresh fish by sniffing it and lifting the gills. Ideally, the pike should still be breathing when you acquire it. Buy lard right away, otherwise the fish, stuffed only with its own pulp and breadcrumbs, will remain dry and not juicy.

Since my crackers are made from whole wheat grains, I soaked them in warm milk in advance so that they would just swell by the time they were added to the minced meat.

Then you will need to remove scales from all the fish using a sharp knife or special device for cleaning fish. Let's cut off her head and take out all the insides, being careful not to damage the gallbladder. The insides come out perfectly. We wash all parts of the fish and lightly beat the carcass so that the meat comes away from the skin more easily.

By inserting a knife under the skin, we free it from the pulp and ridge. We will act very carefully, since any cut on the skin is an extra hole for the filling to come out. Using a knife, remove the pulp from the ridge and bones and add it to the container.

Chop the washed and peeled onions and garlic there.

Then wash and chop the lard.

Let's add all the spices.

Together with the soaked breadcrumbs, grind everything in a food processor or pass through a meat grinder several times. This way you will also get rid of unwanted bones in the minced meat if they accidentally got there.

Stuff the removed skin with the prepared filling, compacting it a little from the inside, but trying not to tear it under any circumstances! We sew the edges with culinary thread, since the toothpicks will not pierce the thick skin.

Place the pike carcass along with the head on a mold, which we first grease with vegetable oil. We also coat the carcass with oil to create a crust. Add the head and put the mold in the oven at 160-170C for 70-80 minutes, keeping an eye on the surface. Don't forget to make several punctures in the skin so that air escapes during baking and the pike does not tear.

Stuffed pike baked in the oven is ready. Garnish the king pike as desired and serve, cutting into portions.

Have a nice day!

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Stuffed pike is very tasty for us holiday dish and table decoration. You can stuff pike with different fillings, but this recipe is the traditional filling. Simple and quite accessible, you just have to tinker with the fish a little, but what is the result?

- 2.5 kilograms of pike;

- 300 grams lard;

— 150 grams of white bread or loaf;

- 1 onion;

- ½ glass of milk;

- a little vegetable oil for lubrication;

- salt, pepper to taste.

How to cook stuffed pike

In order to stuff the pike, we first clean it of scales, for this drainer close the shells, add water so that the fish is completely covered with water

Use a knife or fish scaler to remove the scales. We clean the fish in water so that the scales do not scatter throughout the kitchen. Place the scaled fish on the table, make a transverse cut near the base of the head

Through this incision we take out all the insides, remove the toads, wash the fish again, dry it and carefully cut the spinal bone, but do not cut off the head. We turn the head back and remove the skin from the fish with a stocking, helping with a knife and fingers

We also cut the bone near the tail and clear the skin of any remaining meat, then turn it inside out and remove the fish meat from the bone. Soak the loaf in milk, cut the lard into pieces so that it goes into a meat grinder. We pass fish meat, lard, onions, cut into pieces and bread soaked in milk through a meat grinder

Salt and pepper the minced meat and add the egg

Mix well

Stuff the fish skin with the prepared minced meat, do not stuff it too tightly, sew the hole over the edge with white thread

Using a spoon, carefully place the remaining minced meat into the gill openings of the pike; the gills are removed and an empty space is formed. The pike is ready for baking. Place baking paper on a baking sheet, grease with vegetable oil and place the stuffed fish on it, open its mouth and insert broken toothpicks so that after baking the mouth is open, you can insert anything when decorating

If you are planning a grand feast, but you haven’t come up with anything interesting yet, then try baking a whole pike. You can stuff the fish with whatever you can find: rice, mushrooms, potatoes and even spinach. Learn all the intricacies of preparing this dish.

How to cook stuffed pike

A complex dish suitable for any celebration - pike with various fillings. The advantage of this fish is that you can buy it in the store throughout the year. To prevent the preparation of stuffed pike from turning into a real test for the housewife, it is first important to choose the right carcass. To do this, take note of the following tips:

  • To choose a good fish, pay attention to the mucus that covers the scales. It is necessary for good maneuverability of the fish in the water, and also tells the buyer about the freshness of the carcass.
  • The next selection criterion is the color of the tissues under the gills. If you lift the outer shell of the gills, the meat inside should be a bright, rich pink hue.
  • Stuffing pike will be easier, and the finished dish will be tastier if you buy fish that are under two years old. Its approximate weight is 1.5-2 kg, and its length is 45-50 centimeters.
  • To remove the smell of mud and algae, fish can be soaked in vinegar and water or lemon juice with spices.

Stuffing for stuffed pike

Stuffed pike is also good because you can fill its insides with almost anything you can find in the refrigerator. Traditionally, the filling for stuffed pike consists of a mixture stewed vegetables, a soaked white loaf and a few grams of lard. In such classic line-up the last component plays an important role. Lard impregnates the inside with fat and prevents the skin from remaining dry after frying. Fish also goes well with unusual foods, for example: fresh mushrooms, eggs and soft cream cheese.

How to cut pike for stuffing

You can put any filling into the fish, but first it must be properly cut. There are three options for step-by-step processing:

  1. Cut up the pike whole for stuffing. To do this, a small transverse incision is made near the head, the entrails are carefully removed, and the backbone is separated from the meat using a sharp knife.
  2. How to stuff pike from the ridge side? Start peeling the fish from the head, making 2 cuts along the ridge. Gently push the meat apart, pull the ridge towards you along with the dorsal fin and intestines.
  3. Before stuffing peeled pike, you must carefully remove the skin from the fish without damaging it. Prying the meat with a sharp knife, pull off the skin, and when reaching the tail, cut off the ridge with scissors. After such cutting, it is necessary to wash the skin with water.

How to decorate stuffed pike

Pike has long been called the queen of fish: not only for its taste, but also for its presentable appearance. appearance on the festive table. In order for a dish to attract the attention of guests and arouse appetite, you need to be able to present it. You can decorate the stuffed pike with lettuce, mayonnaise, pomegranate seeds, lemon and olives. Although they don’t eat the pike’s head, they always put it on the dish to create a holistic impression.

Stuffed pike recipes

You can make delicious steamed cutlets from large pike, and use the bones of the fish for your fish soup. However, if you are lucky enough to buy fish up to two kilograms, it would be a sin to let the tender meat go into meatballs. Try stuffing it, especially since there are a lot of options. For example, in Israel, stuffed fish is boiled in onion skins, in Europe the carcass is stuffed with spinach, and in Russia there is great recipe stuffed pike with rice. Try baking fish using one of the suggested options.

Stuffed pike in the oven

  • Cooking time: 40 minutes.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 120 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: European.

Stuffed pike is almost always prepared in the oven, and this recipe with photos is no exception. As a filling, try using frozen or fresh spinach leaves, fortunately these greens are sold in the store all year round, which cannot be said about some other species. In summer, the fish will be stuffed with sorrel, beet or carrot tops. And if you bake pike with garlic, it will become even tastier.


  • pike – 1.2-1.5 kg;
  • spinach – 4 bunches;
  • cream cheese – 400 g;
  • horseradish - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Clean the fish by removing the entrails and the spine and bones through the spine.
  2. Wash the spinach thoroughly to remove sand, dry with a towel and chop.
  3. In a food processor, beat the eggs with the cream cheese.
  4. Combine spinach, egg-cream mixture and horseradish.
  5. Place the fish belly down and stuff the carcass through the cut in the back.
  6. Wrap the fish in parchment and place on a baking sheet. There is no need to sew up the skin.
  7. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

Pike stuffed with mushrooms

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 3-4 servings.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 130 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Pike, stuffed with mushrooms, it turns out especially tasty if you add a little cream to the filling. Even medium-fat milk will do, since you won’t have to beat it until it’s thick. As for mushrooms, here you can completely rely on your intuition. Both artificial champignons and noble porcini mushrooms are suitable. However, it is not recommended for chefs to use dried ones. Learn how to cook and decorate fish from a recipe with photos.


  • mushrooms – 8 pcs.;
  • pike – 1 pc.;
  • cream – 1 tbsp;
  • white wine – 1 tbsp.;
  • sour cream – 200 g;
  • starch - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • thyme – 2 sprigs;
  • parsley - a bunch.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the fish along the ridge, remove the entrails and bones. Rinse and let dry a little.
  2. Boil fresh champignons in white wine for about 5 minutes, drain in a colander.
  3. Boil the cream, add starch dissolved in water in a thin stream.
  4. Chop the parsley and thyme sprigs. Mix with cream.
  5. Cut the mushrooms into cubes and mix with the creamy mixture.
  6. Fill the insides of the pike with this mixture and sew up the back with thread.
  7. Coat the fish with sour cream on top and place on a baking sheet.
  8. Bake until fully cooked at 180 degrees.

Jewish stuffed pike

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 146 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Jewish.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Jewish stuffed pike, or gefilte fish, is a signature dish for any holiday in Israel. Every housewife knows how to cook pike correctly, and does it in her own way, which is necessarily different from the neighbor’s version. As a result, there are millions of recipes for the dish. Try to make delicious fish with a simple vegetable filling in the Jewish style.


  • pike – 1 pc.;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • onions – 4 pcs.;
  • sugar – 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil– 50 ml;
  • bread crumbs – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • onion peel - 1 handful;
  • allspice – 3-4 pcs.;
  • bay leaf – 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Carefully separate the spine from the fillet. Don't cut off the head.
  2. Peel and fry half the onion, just chop the other part coarsely.
  3. Grind the pike fillet in a meat grinder and mix with onion.
  4. Add egg, seasonings, sugar, breading to the mixture and stir.
  5. Fill the insides with minced meat, do not put the filling too tightly. Sew up the hole.
  6. Make broth from carrots, onions and fish bones. There is no need to pepper or salt the water.
  7. Place the onion skins into the bowl, and then the fish.
  8. After an hour, remove from heat, drain the water, and put the carcass in the cold to cool.

Pike stuffed with rice

  • Cooking time: 2.5 hours.
  • Number of servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 198 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Stuffing pike is a simple process. All you need is to spoon the minced meat into the pre-peeled skin. However, even here there are some nuances. The filling does not need to be diligently compacted with a spoon, otherwise the skin will burst during baking and the appearance of the dish will be ruined. If you stuff fish with rice, as in the following step-by-step photo recipe, then boil and cool the cereal in advance.


  • pike – 1 kg;
  • rice cereal – 100 g;
  • carrot – 1 pc.;
  • Crimean onion – 1 pc.;
  • egg – 1 pc.

Cooking method:

  1. Separate the skin from the bones. Remove all bones from the pulp.
  2. Grind the onion with carrots and fish fillet in a blender.
  3. Add your favorite spices, add herbs if you like. Mix everything.
  4. Mix boiled rice with minced meat. Fill the skin with the mixture.
  5. Place the carcass on foil, put the head on it, and wrap it up.
  6. Bake fish at a temperature of 180 degrees.
  7. After an hour and a half, open the foil and continue baking.
  8. Ready pike stuffed with rice looks beautiful on a plate with lemon slices and mayonnaise mesh.

Stuffed jellied pike

  • Cooking time: 1 hour.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 156 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

There are many options for stuffing pike. Some people love this dish with a creamy filling, others prefer to add dried apricots, apples and even pineapples. However, pike looks best in jellied form. In addition, there is no need to prepare the broth in advance: you will get it while cooking the stuffed fish. Be sure to add a little gelatin to the broth, otherwise your aspic will simply remain liquid.


  • pike – 1 pc.;
  • semolina – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrot – 1 pc.;
  • gelatin – 1 sachet;
  • wheat bread - 2 slices;
  • milk – 1/3 cup;
  • black pepper - to taste;
  • nutmeg - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Gut the insides without damaging the skin.
  2. Grind the fillet food processor along with the onion.
  3. Soak slices of bread in milk and add them to the minced meat along with semolina.
  4. Place the filling on the skin and give it the shape of a fish.
  5. Bandage the carcass so that the gauze tightens the skin well.
  6. Make broth from fish bones and carrots.
  7. Boil the carcass for a quarter of an hour in water, then cool.
  8. Place pieces of fish and carrots in deep salad bowls.
  9. Pour the contents with broth mixed with gelatin. No need to stir.
  10. The stuffed jellied pike should stand in the cold for 5-6 hours until it completely hardens.

Stuffed pike in foil

  • Cooking time: 60 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 120 kcal.
  • Purpose: for lunch.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Stuffed pike in foil turns out to be especially tasty, because it is actually cooked in own juice. In that step by step recipe not simple stuff is used for filling fish fillet with bread crumbs, and mashed potatoes, which makes the dish juicier. Fish stuffed in this way keeps its shape perfectly during and after frying, so there will be no problems with decorating the dish. Find out how to make this holiday treat.


  • pike – 1 pc.;
  • lard – 200 g;
  • potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic – 2 heads;
  • soy sauce – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • juice of half a lemon.

Cooking method:

  1. Clean the fish. Remove the fillet and separate the bones from the meat.
  2. Grind the fillet along with potatoes and lard in a blender.
  3. Add sauce and lemon juice, salt and pepper to the minced meat. Stir with a silicone spatula.
  4. Fill the skin with minced meat. Carefully sew the skin of the fish together. Place the carcass in foil.
  5. Place the pan in the oven for 1 hour.

Video: how to properly stuff pike


(6 servings)

  • 1 medium pike (1.2-1.5 kg)
  • 2 large onions
  • 1 medium carrot
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp Sahara
  • 1.5 tsp. salt
  • 0.5 tsp ground black pepper
  • vegetable oil
  • 100 gr. white bread or 1 medium potato
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • mayonnaise
  • To stuff a pike, we need one good pike weighing more than a kilogram. If the fish is frozen, then carefully defrost it, preferably in the refrigerator, or at least at room temperature.
  • We clean the pike from scales. Carefully cut the skin and meat around the head. We separate the head, trying to pull the giblets out of the pike along with the head. We do not cut the belly; stuffed pike requires a whole body. There is no need to cut off the fins.
  • We wash the pike in cold water to remove any remaining scales and entrails.
  • Now you should remove the skin. To ensure that the pike skin is easily separated, lightly beat the pike over its entire surface with an ordinary kitchen hammer. Usually, after such a massage, the skin comes away from the meat much easier.
  • After beating, use a sharp knife to trim the skin around the cut. We grab the skin with our hands and pull it towards the tail (remove it like a stocking). We carry out the procedure carefully, without unnecessary enthusiasm, so as not to accidentally tear the skin.
  • When we reach the tail, cut off the ridge from the inside, at the base of the tail. After this, the skin along with the tail is completely separated from the carcass.
  • We turn the skin “on its face” and hide it in the refrigerator for a while.
  • Using a fork, separate the fillet from the bones from the carcass itself. Makes about one kilogram of fish fillet.
  • Peel the onion and then finely chop it. Since onions add not only taste, but also juiciness to the filling, it must be stewed in vegetable oil. Simmer over low heat, the onion should become soft and transparent, light golden in color.
  • Boil the carrots.
  • Soak a loaf or white bread in milk. Instead of a loaf soaked in milk, you can put raw potatoes grated on a fine grater into the filling. Try both options and choose which one you like best. With potatoes, the filling turns out to be more integral, with a loaf it is more crumbly and tender.
  • We pass the fish pulp, onions, carrots and garlic through a meat grinder.
  • Add grated potatoes or bread pulp soaked in milk to the minced fish (squeeze out excess milk first).
  • Place the egg, add the vegetable oil remaining after frying the onions, salt and pepper to taste, and don’t forget to add a little sugar.
  • Add one or two tablespoons to the minced meat mineral water. Mix the minced meat thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  • Stuff the pike skin, distributing the filling evenly throughout the entire volume. We do not place the filling very tightly, the pike should take on a natural shape and not resemble balloon. In addition, overly compacted filling during cooking can tear the skin, and the dish will not turn out very beautiful.
  • Usually minced fish a little remains, from which you can make several fish cutlets.
  • Place the stuffed pike on a baking sheet covered with parchment or baking paper.
  • If this dish is planned for a festive table, and the pike will be decorated in a festive way, then we also place the pike head with the gills removed next to the stuffed carcass. We secure the skin with wooden skewers, or sew on the head with regular thread.
  • Lubricate the carcass with mayonnaise and put the fish in a hot oven.
  • Bake the stuffed pike in the oven for 30-40 minutes at 180°C.
  • Stuffed pike is a cold dish, so be sure to cool it. And only after complete cooling, cut the pike into portions and decorate with lemon, herbs, and vegetables. Depending on the significance of the moment, a casual or festive design of our dish is made.