Ways to develop human creative abilities. The concept of creative activity, its types and directions


In the creative activity of a great artist, as well as a scientist who makes genuine discoveries, the highest potential of human nature is revealed. To examine in detail, comprehend, understand the manifestations of such intense creative activity, to see the features of its course is necessary to understand the essence of man.

When turning to a scientific analysis of an artist’s work, we have to take into account the well-known difficulties in interpreting the nature of the mental processes that we encounter. They are associated with the specific features of the artist's work, which are related to its complexity and the fact that the creative process has a pronounced personal meaning for the artist.

So, for example, we can talk about that peculiar state and feeling that often arises in an artist, which they themselves call inspiration, creative delight, sudden insight, etc. This condition has very peculiar features.

This work does not pretend to be a comprehensive study of the psychology of artistic creativity. Its task is to trace general outline stages of creating a work of art, talk about the main laws of this process, which form the concept of the psychology of artistic creativity.

Creativity as a form of human activity

Definition of creative activity

Creative activity is a form of human activity aimed at creating qualitatively new social values. incentive to social activities is a problematic situation that cannot be resolved based on available data using traditional methods. An original product of activity is obtained as a result of an unconventional relationship between the elements of a problem situation, the attraction of implicitly related elements, and the establishment of new types of interdependence between them.

The prerequisites for creative activity are flexibility of thinking (the ability to vary solutions), criticality (the ability to abandon unproductive strategies), the ability to bring together and link concepts, integrity of perception, and more.

Creativity is the result of activity. However, within the activity itself one can see acts of extraordinary ingenuity, of radical novelty. Although there are also moments, acts of activity in which creativity is not so clearly expressed.

Thanks to many momentary impulses, an idea is born, carrying with it a certain creative potential, the embodiment of which can be admired after many, many years. So, for example, A.S. Pushkin, having seen Anna Kern, wrote the famous poem “I Remember a Wonderful Moment” and there are many such examples in any form of art. Yakobson P. M. Psychology of artistic creativity. M., Knowledge, 1971.

Human creativity is versatile. It shows up everywhere. There are many inventors and innovators among us. The Russian philosopher V.I. Vernadsky reflected on how a Martian sees our planet, if, of course, there is life on Mars. And an idea was born in the scientist’s head: probably the aliens contemplate not the blue of the seas, not the green of the forests, but a certain glow of thought.

In fact, above dead matter, in the life that followed it, another layer arose - the sphere of thought. The enormous spiritual riches that were created by man seemed to encircle the entire globe. The flame of thought hotly envelops our planet, spreading outside the biosphere, that is, the sphere of active life, above it... Vernadsky called it the “thinking layer” - this is the sphere of spiritualized thought, the majestic manifestation of the human mind.

It is not easy to distinguish between creative and non-creative human activities. Berdyaev emphasized: creativity is inseparable from freedom, and this should be, first of all. Freedom of spirit. The secret of creativity is the secret of freedom. The mysteries of creative abilities are inherent in every person, any normally developing personality.

The manifestation of creative abilities varies from large and obvious to modest and inconspicuous. But the essence of the creative process is the same for everyone. The difference lies in the specific material of creativity, the scale of achievements and their social significance. Elements of creativity are manifested in solving everyday creative problems (they can be observed in the normal thought process).


Creativity in the general sense is a process of human activity that creates qualitatively new material and spiritual values ​​or the result of the creation of a subjectively new one. Without creativity, there would be no advancement in science on earth.

Creativity covers all cultural aspects of human activity, this includes the art of representation, music, literature, sculpture, as well as design and architecture... there is not a single object on earth that was not created without a creative idea for its creation.

It may be reasonable to believe that everyone can create, but the degree of creativity varies within very wide limits. The work of people like Pablo Picasso, or Buckminster Fuller, or Wolfgang Mozart, or Thomas Jefferson is not only a manifestation of great talent; other than that, it is well known. There are, of course, other creative geniuses, but they remain unknown.

We will rely on the definition of creativity as a cognitive activity that leads to a new or unusual vision of a problem or situation. This definition does not limit creative processes to utilitarian actions, although the creators of some useful invention, manuscript or theory are almost always cited as examples of creative people.


Creativity is a sequence of the following mental states of an individual:

1) preparation of motives for discovery or invention;

2) incubation period or expression of motive by silent internal state;

3) activity of three components open system Man: organism, individuality and the relationship between Personality and Nature;

4) “insight” or psychological resonance, which is characterized by “illumination”, contemplation and similar states;

5) product awareness. An additional step that can be included in the sequence of mental states is experimental testing of the product. The result of creativity is the creation of new material and spiritual values ​​in any field of activity: scientific, industrial, technical, artistic, political, etc.

Types of creativity

1. Unconscious creativity. Natural inclinations of creative abilities are inherent in every person. Under certain objective and subjective conditions, such as education, creative climate, strong-willed qualities personality (perseverance, efficiency, courage, dissatisfaction, learning from mistakes, etc.), lead to the peak of the creative act - “insight”, when in the mind it is generated (generated) new idea- scientific, philosophical, technical or artistic. Usually, this often leads to a long path of preliminary work, during which the prerequisites for the birth of something new are created.

2. Conscious creativity. For creative thinking An important ability is to break away from a consistent logical and figurative consideration of facts and go beyond the associations of acquired experience. This allows you to see something new in the old that has long been familiar. To do this, there is the possibility of expressing the motive with a silent internal state. In this case, creativity is carried out as a result of the work of both hemispheres of the brain, the feedback of the nerve currents of the brain, the main of which are the parietal, frontal and temporal parts, is especially helpful. Finally, control of peripheral functions nervous system and knowledge of their influence on the psyche adds a rich spectrum of qualities to the creative process: from beauty to value.

3. Unlimited conscious creativity. The pathos of man's limitless creative abilities is

a) unlimited expansion of the spectrum of “insight”, the criterion of which is the interaction of the field of the nervous system with the external environment;

b) awareness of the relationship between Personality and Nature;

c) development of individuality (“I am”). In the first case, the biofield of the nerve centers and the ability to control them develop. In the second case, there is an expansion of the Human-Nature connection or an expansion of the boundaries of the conscious energy of the physical organism, the soul. In the third case, the monad “I am” accumulates energy, generates a new world, or expresses itself as an internal engine of expediency for a specific part of Nature. These abilities open up for a person new and new horizons for creativity, both in breadth and depth of matter, when there is no break in the MAN-NATURE system.

Creativity as a process of creative thinking

Creativity as the spirit of human freedom; freedom as creativity of the human spirit; spirit as freedom of human creativity. The main criterion that distinguishes creativity from manufacturing (production) is the uniqueness of its result. The result of creativity cannot be directly derived from the initial conditions. No one, except perhaps the author, can get exactly the same result if the same initial situation is created for him. Thus, in the process of creativity, the author puts into the material certain possibilities that are not reducible to labor operations or logical conclusion, and expresses in the final result some aspects of his personality. It is this fact that gives creative products additional value in comparison with manufactured products.

The best known description today is the description of the sequence of stages (stages) of creative thinking, which was given by the Englishman Graham Wallace in 1926. He identified four stages of creative thinking:

Preparation - formulation of the task; attempts to solve it.

Incubation is a temporary distraction from a task.

Insight is the emergence of an intuitive solution.

Validation - testing and/or implementation of a solution.

However, this description is not original and goes back to the classic report of A. Poincaré in 1908.

Henri Poincaré, in his report to the Psychological Society in Paris (in 1908), described the process of making several mathematical discoveries and identified the stages of this creative process, which were subsequently identified by many psychologists.

1. First, a problem is set and attempts are made to solve it for some time.

“For two weeks I tried to prove that there could not exist any function similar to the one that I later called automorphic. I was, however, completely wrong; every day I sat down at my desk and spent an hour or two at it, researching big number combinations, and did not come to any result.”

2. This is followed by a more or less long period, during which a person does not think about the still unsolved task and is distracted from it. At this time, Poincaré believes, unconscious work on the task occurs.

3. And finally, there comes a moment when suddenly, without immediately preceding thoughts about the problem, in a random situation that has nothing to do with the problem, the key to the solution appears in the mind.

“One evening, contrary to my habit, I drank black coffee; I couldn't sleep; the ideas pressed together, I felt them collide until two of them came together to form a stable combination.”

In contrast to usual reports of this kind, Poincaré describes here not only the moment the decision appeared in consciousness, but also the work of the unconscious that immediately preceded it, as if miraculously becoming visible; Jacques Hadamard, paying attention to this description, points out its complete exclusivity: “I have never experienced this wonderful feeling and I have never heard anyone except him [Poincaré] experience it.”

4. After this, when the key idea for the solution is already known, the solution is completed, tested, and developed.

“By morning I had established the existence of one class of these functions, which corresponds to the hypergeometric series; All I had to do was write down the results, which only took a few hours. I wanted to represent these functions as a ratio of two series, and this idea was completely conscious and deliberate; I was guided by the analogy with elliptic functions. I asked myself what properties these series should have if they exist, and I easily managed to construct these series, which I called theta-automorphic.”


Creativity, as a process, was initially considered based on the self-reports of artists and scientists, where a special role was given to “illumination”, inspiration, contemplation, insight and similar states that replace the preliminary work of thought. The English scientist G. Wallace identified four stages of creative processes: preparation, maturation, insight and verification. The central, specific creative moment was considered insight - an intuitive grasp of the desired result. Experimental studies showed that a new solution arises in objective activity that can be deciphered on the basis of previous experience. Highlighting the specifics of mental regulation of the creative process, K.S. Stanislavsky put forward the idea of ​​human superconsciousness as the highest concentration of the spiritual forces of the individual during the generation of something new.

Vedic culture approached Creativity as an act of human interaction through lotuses (another name is chakras) with Nature. IN modern understanding The physical projection of the chakras are the nerve centers and their currents.

The present definition of Creativity combines and develops these traditions.

The most important aspect of creativity is motives. Motives are divided into external and internal. The first includes the desire for material benefits, to ensure one’s position. This also includes “pressure of circumstances”, the presence of problematic situations, the presentation of a task, competition, the desire to surpass rivals, etc. Following such motives always leads to clashes of interests of an individual, a group of people, a community and leads, to one degree or another, to social defeat. The main importance for Creativity are internal motives, which are based on the innate need for search activity, the tendency towards novelty and innovation, the need for new impressions. For creatively gifted people, the search for something new brings much more satisfaction than material benefits. The leading motive for creativity is a personal inclination inherent from birth.

Creativity and personality

Creativity can be considered not only as a process of creating something new, but also as a process that occurs through the interaction of personality (or a person’s inner world) and reality. At the same time, changes occur not only in reality, but also in personality.

The nature of the connection between creativity and personality:

“Personality is characterized by activity, the desire of the subject to expand the scope of his activities, to act beyond the boundaries of the requirements of the situation and role prescriptions; orientation - a stable dominant system of motives - interests, beliefs, etc...." Actions that go beyond the requirements of the situation are creative actions.

In accordance with the principles described by S. L. Rubinstein, by making changes in the world around him, a person changes himself. Thus, a person changes himself by carrying out creative activity.

B. G. Ananyev believes that creativity is a process of objectification of a person’s inner world. Creative expression is an expression of the integral work of all forms of human life, a manifestation of his individuality.

In the most acute form, the connection between the personal and the creative is revealed by N. A. Berdyaev. He's writing:

Personality is not a substance, but a creative act.

Motivation for creativity

V.N. Druzhinin writes:

The basis of creativity is the global irrational motivation of human alienation from the world; it is directed by a tendency to overcome and functions as a “positive feedback”; a creative product only spurs the process, turning it into a pursuit of the horizon.

Thus, through creativity, a person’s connection with the world is realized. Creativity stimulates itself.

Mental health, freedom and creativity

Representative of the psychoanalytic direction D.V. Winnicott makes the following assumption:

In play, and perhaps only in play, a child or adult has freedom of creativity.

Creativity is linked to play. Play is a mechanism that allows a person to be creative. Through creative activity, a person strives to find his self (himself, the core of personality, the deepest essence). According to D.V. Winnicott, creative activity is what ensures a healthy state of a person. Confirmation of the connection between play and creativity can also be found in C. G. Jung. He's writing:

Creating something new is not a matter of intellect, but of the desire to play, acting out of inner compulsion. The creative spirit plays with the objects it loves.

R. May (a representative of the existential-humanistic movement) emphasizes that in the process of creativity a person meets the world. He's writing:

...What manifests itself as creativity is always a process... in which the relationship between the individual and the world takes place...

N. A. Berdyaev adheres to the following point of view:

The creative act is always liberation and overcoming. There is an experience of power in it.

Thus, creativity is something in which a person can exercise his freedom, connection with the world, connection with his deepest essence.


I believe that creativity is an inseparable part of human activity. Without the creative process, it would be impossible for humanity to develop, there would be no new discoveries and inventions, no treasures of art that any culturally developed person would be proud of.

The process of creative thinking is inherent in everyone from birth, the only difference is that not every person wants to develop their creative potential.

Creativity does not necessarily mean the creation of masterpieces and grandiose discoveries; creativity, to a greater extent, in my understanding, is the development of a person, human inner talents and capabilities, the search for oneself.

In my opinion, not every person can call themselves a creative person, since some are accustomed to using other people’s abilities and knowledge, while others achieve everything themselves, while always having their own view of what is happening. Creative people are characterized by receptivity, these people experience all events in the depths of their soul, therefore they are more vulnerable, but on the other hand creative people, it is much easier to experience difficult situations, due to the fact that they can pour out all their negative or positive emotions through their creation, for example, a musician will play a melody and with it will pour out everything that is in his soul, an artist will take certain colors and lay them on a sheet , will leave on him everything that is in his soul, the same with writers, poets...

I agree that creativity has four stages, but sometimes it gets by with smaller stages. This happens in cases where a person is not fixated on a task, because creating a picture or solving a problem does not always require abstraction from it.

Yes, creativity is the spirit of human freedom, it is the relationship of the human soul with the outside world, it is a process of human activity, the result of which is the creation of something new.

In conclusion of all that has been said, I would like to add: “Create, because if you turn off the creative processes in your head, then life will be uninteresting and boring!”

Literature and sources used

1. Rubinshtein S. L. Fundamentals of general psychology. 1946. P. 575.

2. Poincaré A. Mathematical creativity // Hadamard J. Study of the psychology of the process of invention in the field of mathematics. M., 1970. Appendix III

3. Ananyev B.G. Psychology and problems of human knowledge. Moscow-Voronezh. 1996.

4. Berdyaev N.A. Experience of eschatological metaphysics // Creativity and objectification / comp. A.G. Shimansky, Yu.O. Shimanskaya. – Mn.: Ekonopress, 2000. P. 20.

5. Druzhinin V.N. Psychology general abilities. St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002. P. 166.

6. Winnicott D. Game and reality. M.: Institute of General Humanitarian Research, 2002. P. 99.

7. May R. The courage to create: An essay on the psychology of creativity. Lviv: Initiative; M.: Institute of General Humanitarian Research, 2001. P. 43.

8. Jung K. G. Psychological types.

  • Valiakhmetov Denis Ramilevich, student
  • Bashkir State Agrarian University

The article is devoted to the problem of the role of creativity in professional activity. The problem is due to the increase in the number of “creative” professions and the demand for creative characteristics of workers today. Analyzing the features of human activity, the author discovers the need for creativity in its structure. The importance of creativity in the profession is due, from his point of view, to the dynamics of modern life, the personal basis of modern culture, the productive character modern professions, determined by the growing needs of man and society.

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Currently, issues of creativity are discussed by many people: specialists, teachers, scientists, creative professionals and other specialties.

The problem of creativity in human activity remains relevant and important, and the understanding of the structure of human and society development depends on the study of this topic, since the rapid development of the social system implies an increase in the importance of creativity in activity. In addition, the emergence of new technologies, on which comfort and efficiency depend, is the result of creative activity. Nowadays, human activity is increasingly increasing in the field of “technical and social creativity that creates the technosphere.”

There are various factors that influence the success of an individual. Such as health status, Family status, age, level of pre-university training; possession of skills of self-organization, planning and control of one’s activities; motives for choosing the main activity; adequacy of initial ideas about the main activity; Nature of activity; external conditions organization of activities; material base; qualification level; prestige and, of no small importance, the individual psychological characteristics of the individual.

Much depends on what place abilities occupy in the personality structure of a particular person, in the system of his life values ​​and how they affect the development of others personal qualities. First, the structure of abilities should highlight intelligence, special abilities and creativity. Definitely, the success of an activity is associated with relatively special abilities. These include such abilities as: phonemic hearing for a linguist, pitch hearing for a musician, sensitivity to distinguish colors for an artist, etc., in general, they are called sensory. In addition to the above, there are motor abilities - these are plasticity and fine coordination of movements for athletes, dancers, circus performers, etc. It is impossible to do without professional abilities. These include technical thinking, spatial thinking, and mathematical thinking.

Another important factor in a person’s successful work is creativity. Creativity ensures that a person creates something new (primarily new for himself, which is often new for others as well).

An activity is creativity to the extent that its result is new. The desire for something new, or “creativity of life,” sometimes manifests itself in small things, for example, from two stores, a buyer chooses the one that he has not visited before. But the choice may relate to more than just the purchasing situation. In scientific creativity, novelty manifests itself in working with new complexities, new groups of methods, or in considering a known subject in a new way. In a narrow sense, creativity is the creation of cultural products (science, art, technology, etc.).

Creativity is exceeding the initial level of activity in a unique and very effective way.

Many professions are essentially creative. Those professions in which there is the possibility of productive implementation of professional functions not only on the basis of acquired knowledge and skills. In other words, these are those professions in which it is possible and simply necessary to go beyond the limits of existing experience.

One of such professions is the profession of a process engineer precisely due to the fact that without this constant going beyond the limits of existing knowledge and experience, it is impossible to introduce processes and modes of production, establish the order of work, the sequence of labor operations. Despite the existence of standardized procedures, it is impossible to provide for everything in the technological process. The occurrence of emergency situations requires non-standard, creative solutions.

The profession of a technologist is a very popular and very difficult profession. If the designer decides and creatively creates a project for something that has not yet been invented, then the technologist decides how to reproduce this something at the factory in the most accessible, simple and cheap way, quickly and in the required quantity. To do this, you need to know a lot and provide for various subtleties. In this sense, the creative orientation in this profession has an extensive nature of creativity, which helps to design and transform the material world that surrounds us, to transform physical space. This type of creativity is most associated with scientific and technical creativity.

Development occurs in the process of self-organization. The ability to change oneself reveals a person’s ability to effectively build his or her life strategy. This efficiency is achieved by simplifying activities. It is impossible not to note that animals in their evolution followed the development of specialization of organs and systems, which led to a simplification of function. The man took a different path. And this path made it necessary to purposefully create means that would make it possible to obtain a product that would help preserve the human population and increase the safety of life.

It turns out that creativity is an integral characteristic of the human world. And if creativity disappears from a person’s life, then we are talking about a serious crisis. We can agree with the opinion that the presence of creativity in a person’s activity and his personality are closely related. Personality is impossible without creative effort. And the lack of creativity has a negative impact not only on productivity, but also on personal growth. And a shortage of bright personalities may be a sign of problems in some area. And we can say that it doesn’t make much difference whether a person engages in professional activity, or devotes his time to hobbies and personal interests. Both contribute to the creation and growth of his personality, the development of new abilities and qualities, which, in turn, helps a person in his profession.


  1. Leontyev A.N. Activity. Consciousness. Personality. M.: Politizdat, 1975.
  2. Lukmanova R.Kh., Stoletov A.I. On the transformation of the understanding of creativity in philosophy // Bulletin Bashkir University. 2013. T. 18. No. 4.S. 1237-1243.
  3. Simonov V.P., Ershov P.M. Creativity is the basis of development. M.: Nauka, 1991.
  4. Stoletov A.I. The essence of creativity and its types // Creativity in the space of tradition and innovation. Third Russian Cultural Congress with international participation: Abstracts of reports and communications. St. Petersburg: Eidos, 2010. pp. 6-7.
  5. Stoletov A.I. Creativity as the basis of personality. Ufa: BashGAU, 2005. 228 p.


The concept of “creativity” includes the following features:

1.Creativity is an activity aimed at satisfying a person’s need to create new spiritual and material values.

2.Creativity is original in its essence, since in the process of creative activity new techniques, methods and means are used.

3.Creativity - combining known actions to obtain a new result.

4.Creativity reflects reality. A person, in the process of creative activity, reveals the possibilities of new connections in his activities, expands and deepens his knowledge of reality. Consequently, creativity is a form of knowledge of reality.

5.Creativity is the process of setting and solving non-standard problems, the process of resolving various kinds of contradictions.

6.Creativity is a form of quality development of activity.

7.Creativity is the highest form of qualitative human development and is inherent only to humans.

8.Creativity - highest form human activity, it is primary in relation to performing activity.

9.Creativity appears in the unity of spiritual and material principles. In this unity, the spiritual principle precedes material creativity. In the process of spiritual creativity or thinking, future actions are planned, the materialization of which is carried out in practice. Thinking is revealed in two functions - reflection and creativity. The main reason for the emergence of consciousness - thinking lies precisely in the creative transformation of reality.

10.Creativity is the essence of man, the method and form of his initiative, self-development and self-affirmation.

11.Creativity is a manifestation of the laws and categories of dialectics. Dialectical logic is the logic of creative thinking. Dialectics, thinking, practice - they are all united in creativity.

The essence of creativity and its laws is learned through the structure of creativity. In the theory of creativity, the problem of structure is fundamental. Difficulties in identifying the structure of creative activity are associated with the variety of types, stages, stages, phases, subordination and features of the manifestation of creativity.

Creation– a psychologically complex process. It is not limited to any one aspect, but exists as a synthesis of the cognitive, emotional and volitional spheres human consciousness. Creativity is closely related to personality traits (character, abilities, interests, etc.).

With all the versatility of the creative process special place it is occupied by imagination. It is like a center, a focus around which, figuratively speaking, others crowd mental processes and the properties that ensure its functioning. Flights of fantasy in the creative process are provided by knowledge (acquired by thinking), reinforced by abilities and determination, and accompanied by an emotional tone. And this whole set of mental activity, where the imagination performs main role, can lead to great discoveries, inventions, and the creation of various values ​​in all types of human activity.

Creativity is the highest level of cognition. It cannot be accomplished without prior accumulation of knowledge. You can discover something new only after mastering all the knowledge already acquired in this area.

Creativity has general principles and stages regardless of the type of activity. At the same time, this does not exclude the patterns and stages characteristic of creativity within the limits of specific content.

Stages of the creative process, taken in general form.

1. The origin of an idea, the implementation of which is carried out in a creative act.

2. Concentration of knowledge directly and indirectly related to a given problem, obtaining missing information.

3. Conscious and unconscious work on the material, decomposition and combination, enumeration of options, insight.

4. Checking and revision.

Creativity can be considered in two ways - as a component of any activity and as an independent activity. There is an opinion that in any activity there is an element of creativity, i.e. a moment of something new, original approach to its implementation. In this case, any stage of activity can act as a creative element - from posing a problem to searching for operational ways of performing actions. When creativity is aimed at finding a new, original, perhaps previously unknown solution, it acquires the status of activity and represents a complex multi-level system. In this system, specific motives, goals, and methods of action are identified, and the features of their dynamics are recorded.

The basis of the creative process is an intuitive mechanism, which is determined by the duality of the result of the activity. One part of the result of an activity, corresponding to a consciously set goal, is called a direct product, and the other, not corresponding to the goal and obtained in addition to the conscious intention, is called a by-product. An unconscious by-product of activity can lead to an unexpected decision, the method of which is not realized. This decision is called intuitive. The main features of an intuitive decision are the presence of a sensory image, the integrity of perception and the unawareness of the method of obtaining the result.

In modern interpretations of the creative process, much attention is paid not so much to the principle of activity, but to the principle of interaction, since the activity approach is based on the correspondence of the goal and the result, and creativity, on the contrary, arises in conditions of mismatch between the goal and the result.

Creativity is understood as a developmental interaction, the movement mechanism of which has certain phases of functioning. If we compare the phases of solving a creative problem by an adult, mentally developed person with the formation of the ability to act in the mind in children, it turns out that the forms of behavior of children at the stages of development of the ability to act in the mind are similar to the forms of behavior of adults at the corresponding stages of solving a creative problem.

1. Phase of arbitrary, logical search. At this stage, the knowledge necessary to solve a creative problem, the solution of which cannot be obtained directly by logical deduction from existing premises, is updated. The researcher consciously selects facts that contribute to effective solution, generalizes and transfers previously acquired knowledge to new conditions; puts forward hypotheses, applies methods of analysis and synthesis of initial data. At this stage, a conscious idea of ​​the result of the activity and how to achieve it purposefully prevails.

2. Intuitive decision phase. This phase is characterized by an unconscious search for a way to solve problems, which is based on the principle of duality of the result of a person’s action, that is, the presence of direct (conscious) and by-products (unconscious) of action. Under certain conditions, a by-product can have a regulatory effect on human actions. These conditions are:

Availability by-product in unconscious experience;

High level search motivation;

A clearly and simply formulated task;

Lack of automation of the method of action..

The need for an intuitive solution to a problem arises if, at the previous stage, the selected logical techniques were inadequate to solve the problem and other ways to achieve the goal were required. The level of awareness of behavior at the stage of an intuitive decision is reduced, and the solution found looks unexpected and spontaneous.

3. Verbalization phase of the intuitive decision. Intuitive problem solving at the previous stage of the creative process is carried out unconsciously. Only the result (fact) of the decision is realized. At the stage of verbalization of an intuitive solution, an explanation of the solution method and its verbal presentation are carried out. The basis for understanding the result and the method of solving a problem is the inclusion of a person in the process of interaction (communication) with any other person, for example an experimenter, to whom the process of solving the problem is described.

4. Phase of formalization of the verbalized decision. At this stage, the task of logical formulation of the solution method is formulated new task. The process of formalizing a decision occurs at a conscious level.

The phases of the creative process are considered as structural levels of organization of the psychological mechanism of behavior, replacing each other in the course of its implementation. The solution of creative problems is carried out through various combinations of levels of organization of the psychological mechanism of creativity. A general psychological criterion of creativity is a change in the dominant levels of organization of the psychological mechanism of creativity, i.e. those levels that are involved in the process of solving a creative problem (posing the problem, choosing means of solution, etc.).

Creative activity arises in the context of solving creative problems, and anyone can feel like a creator for some time. Nevertheless, differential psychological analysis of people's behavior in various life situations shows that there is a type of personality that uses original ways to solve any life problems - this is a type of creative personality. The main feature of a creative person is creativity.

Creativity - an integrative quality of the human psyche, which ensures productive transformations in the activities of the individual, allowing one to satisfy the need for research activity. A creative personality differs from other people in a number of features:

- cognitive (high sensitivity to subsensory stimuli; sensitivity to the unusual, unique, singular; ability to perceive phenomena in specific system, comprehensively; memory for rare events; developed imagination and fantasy; developed divergent thinking as a strategy for generalizing multiple solutions to one problem, etc.);

- emotional (high emotional excitability, overcoming anxiety, the presence of sthenic emotions);

- motivational (the need for understanding, exploration, self-expression and self-affirmation, the need for autonomy and independence);

- communicative (initiative, tendency to lead, spontaneity). Creativity as one of the types of activity and creativity as a stable set of traits that contribute to the search for new, original, atypical, ensure the progress of social development. At the level of public interests, creativity is indeed considered as a heuristic way of life, but at the level of a social group, the behavior of a creative person can be assessed as a type of activity that is not consistent with the norms and regulations accepted in a given community of people. Creativity can be seen as a form of behavior that does not comply with accepted norms, but does not violate the legal and moral regulations of the group.

The content of human labor in modern conditions is measured not only by the degree of its intensity, but also by the level of manifestation of creativity. Moreover, there is an objective tendency - with the development of society, the intensity and quantity of physical labor decreases, while intellectual and creative labor increases.The assessment of labor and the worker also changes . Creative work, and therefore a creatively working person, is becoming increasingly important in society.

In modern conditions, philosophers, sociologists, teachers, and psychologists pay attention to the problem of creativity and creative personality. It has been convincingly proven that the inclinations of creative abilities are inherent in any person, any normal child. The difference lies only in the scale of achievements and their social significance.

An important conclusion from psychological and pedagogical science is that creative abilities must be developed from an early age. In pedagogy, it is considered proven that if creative activity is not taught from a sufficiently early age, the child will suffer damage that is difficult to repair in subsequent years. Therefore, creativity must be taught from a very early age, and it can be taught.

A common way to develop creative abilities is to involve children in creative activities.

As you know, the main work of children is studying. Therefore, it is necessary to make this work of students creative.

Unfortunately, reproductive education predominates in our school. The learning process often involves the transfer of information from the teacher to the students. In this case, the teacher acts as a transmitter of “memory devices”. And the student performs better the more accurately he reproduces what he has learned in the next lesson. finished form knowledge.

Reproductively acquired knowledge and skills do not find application in practice.

In labor training, even more so than in others academic subjects, reproductive teaching methods are used. Teachers rarely resort to solving technical problems, using problems, technical experiments, heuristic conversations, etc. The polytechnic principle of training requires significant deepening. On modern stage development of science and technology, labor training must be organized in such a way that students not only become acquainted with modern achievements in technology and production, but also received generalized knowledge about them and were involved, even in the smallest way, in improving production.

It can be argued that only in the process of studying at school, even the most creative one, it is impossible to adequately develop creative personality traits. What is needed is direct, practical activity in a specific type of creativity - technical, artistic, etc.

Children's technical creativity of students – the most widespread form of attracting students to creativity.

In the definition of the concept"children's technical creativity" there are 2 points of view -pedagogical and psychological.

Teachers consider children's technical creativity not only as a type of activity aimed at introducing students to the diverse world of technology and developing their abilities, but also as one of the effective wayslabor education and political education.

Psychologists In children's technical creativity, more attention is paid to the timely identification ofabilities to a certain type of creativity, established level their formation and sequence of development. In other words, psychologists are importantmethods for correctly diagnosing creative abilities students who will help to understand in what type of activity and under what conditions students can express themselves most productively.

Taking into account pedagogical and psychological points of viewchildren's technical creativity - This effective remedy education, a purposeful process of learning and developing the creative abilities of students as a result of the creation of material objects with signs of usefulness and novelty.

What is new in children's technical creativity is mainly subjective. Students often invent something that has already been invented, and the manufactured product or the decision made is new only for its creator, but the pedagogical benefits of creative work are undoubted.

The result of students' creative activity iscomplex of qualities of a creative personality:

    mental activity;

    the desire to acquire knowledge and develop skills to perform practical work;

    independence in solving the assigned task;

    hard work;


Analysis of psychological and pedagogical research and experience allows us to come to the conclusion thattechnical creativity creates, first of all, favorable conditions for the development of students’ technical thinking.

Firstly , it develops on the basis of ordinary thinking, i.e. all components of ordinary thinking are inherent in technical thinking. For example, one of the most important operations of ordinary thinking is comparison. It turns out that without himtechnical thinking is unthinkable . The same can be said about such thinking operations asopposition, classification, analysis, synthesis, etc. The only characteristic thing is that the above-mentioned operations of thinking in technical activity are developed on technical material.

Secondly, ordinary thinking creates psychophysiological prerequisites for the development of technical thinking. As a result of ordinary thinking, the child’s brain develops, its associative sphere, memory, and flexibility of thinking is acquired.

However, the conceptual and figurative apparatus of ordinary thinking does not have the concepts and images that are necessary for technical thinking. For example, concepts taken from metal technology, include information from various sciences (physics, chemistry, etc.)They do not represent a mechanical conglomerate of information, but are a unity of essential features technological process or phenomena considered from the point of view of different sciences.

In technical thinking, in contrast to ordinary thinking, the images with which the student operates are significantly different. Information about the shape of a technical object, its size and other features is given not by ready-made images, as in ordinary thinking, but by a system of abstract graphic signs and lines -drawing. Moreover, the drawing does not provide a ready-made image of this or that concept,you have to present it yourself.

The features of technical thinking discussed above allow us to conclude that the formation of its main components should be carried out not only in the learning process, but also in all types extracurricular activities on technical creativity.

In the process of technical creativity of students, special attention should be paid to the formation of technical concepts, spatial concepts, and the ability to draw up and read drawings and diagrams.

In the process of technical creativity, students inevitably improve their mastery of machine tools and tools.

Technical creativity is of no small importance for expanding the polytechnic horizons of schoolchildren. In the process of creative technical activity, students are faced with the need for additional knowledge about technology:

♦♦♦ in the study of specialized literature;

♦♦♦ in getting acquainted with new technologies;

♦♦♦ in consultations with specialists.

Creative activity contributes to the formation of a transformative attitude towards the surrounding reality in schoolchildren. A person who is not engaged in creative activity develops a commitment to generally accepted views and opinions. This leads to the fact that in his activity, work and thinking he cannot go beyond the limits of the known.

If children at an early age are included in creative activities, then they develop an inquisitive mind, flexibility of thinking, memory, ability to evaluate, vision of problems, the ability to foresight and other qualities characteristic of a person with developed intelligence.

One of the main pedagogical requirements to student creative activity is to take into account the age characteristics of schoolchildren. Without taking into account the peculiarities of the development of the psyche of children, it is impossible to correctly correlate the goal, motives and means of achieving the goal.

Of great importance in creative activity iscontinuity of the creative process.

In nurturing creative personality traits great importance It hasthe effectiveness of creative work. Of particular value is work aimed atimproving production, increasing equipment efficiency, etc.

Creation as the spirit of human freedom; freedom as creativity of the human spirit; spirit as freedom of human creativity. The main criterion that distinguishes creativity from manufacturing (production) is the uniqueness of its result. The result of creativity cannot be directly derived from the initial conditions. No one, except perhaps, can obtain exactly the same result if given the same initial situation. Thus, in the process of creativity, the author puts into the material certain possibilities that are not reducible to labor operations or logical conclusion, and expresses in the final result some aspects of his personality. It is this fact that gives creative products additional value in comparison with manufactured products.

The manifestation of creativity in any sphere of human activity has allowed modern research on this problem (F.I. Ivashchenko, A.I. Kochetov, N.V. Kuzmina, V.P. Parkhomenko, E.S. Rapatsevich, I.M. Rozet) highlight the following main types:

a) scientific creativity, which is directly related to research work, to the development of scientific ideas, their logical validity and evidence, to the generalization of the experience of scientists, to the latest recommendations for the development of science, etc.;

b) artistic creativity, which is embodied in works of literature, music, visual arts and so on.;

c) technical creativity, which relates to constructive and technical activities, to the process of developing creative initiative and independence, technical abilities, the formation of rationalization and inventive skills, ensuring the scientific and technical progress of society.


Creativity is a process of human activity that leads to the creation of a new and original product, new material or spiritual values. Creative activity is one of the main determinants of a person’s essence; it emphasizes the superiority and originality of his psyche. Thanks to this feature, man created cities, cars, spaceships, computers and much more.

Nowadays creativity is becoming necessary tool for solving many problems, both for creating new objects, developing ideas, and for planning and anticipating situations. The demand for human creative skills is increasingly growing.

What exactly is creative activity? What is its essence and structure? What is a product of creative activity? This work will provide the most concise and succinct answer to the questions posed.

Creative activity

“Creativity is the spiritual and practical activity of a person, the result of which is the creation of original, unique, never before existing cultural values, the establishment of new facts, the discovery of new means and patterns, as well as methods of research and transformation of the world. In fact, human activity can act as creativity in any sphere of his life: scientific, production and technical, artistic, political, etc. Creativity can be considered in two aspects: psychological, when the process, the psychological mechanism of the act of creativity as a subjective act of the individual is studied, and philosophical, which examines the question of the essence of the phenomenon of creativity.”

In the general structure of creative activity, several main subsystems can be distinguished:

  • · The process of creative activity
  • Product of creative activity
  • · The personality of the creator, reflected in the process and product
  • · The environment and conditions in which creativity takes place.

When studying creativity, all these subsystems are considered together. Each aspect influences each other, the personality on the subject of activity, the subject on the personality. Through the interaction of personality and reality in the process of activity, a creative product is born. The environment and conditions also leave their mark; creativity is partly a reaction of the individual to the environment, due to the peculiarities of human psychology.

“The main thing in creativity is not external activity, but internal activity - the act of creating an “ideal”, an image of the world, where the problem of alienation of man and environment is resolved. External activity is only an explication of the products of an internal act.

Highlighting the signs of a creative act, almost all researchers emphasized its unconsciousness, spontaneity, the impossibility of its control by the will and mind, as well as a change in the state of consciousness.

One can cite characteristic statements by A. de Vigny (“I don’t make my book, but it is made on its own. It ripens and grows in my head like a great fruit”), V. Hugo (“God dictated, and I wrote”), Augustine ( “I do not think for myself, but my thoughts think for me”), Michelangelo (“If my heavy hammer gives solid rocks one look or another, then it is not the hand that holds it, guides and guides it that moves it: it acts under the pressure of an outside force"), etc.”

This means that another aspect that influences creative activity is the intuitive principle in the individual. Perhaps intuition and the unconscious influence the final product much more than the environment or conditions. For example, a particular effect of “powerlessness of will” during inspiration, when the author is completely immersed in work, not noticing the world around him and the passing of time.

At the moment of creativity, a person becomes unable to control the flow of images and experiences. Images appear and disappear spontaneously, struggle with the primary plan (plan of work), more vivid images crowd out less vivid ones from consciousness. This leads to the problem of unawareness of the method of obtaining the result, when the author cannot explain the reason, the source of his fantasies.

It is also important to emphasize that creativity and creativity can be considered as a form of behavior that is not consistent with the norms accepted in a certain community of people, but at the same time does not violate the legal and moral regulations of the group.

At psychological analysis creativity, we can say that this is one of the most difficult sections of psychology due to the vagueness of the very concept of creative activity; in fact, all life is creativity, since it is impossible to repeat a simple movement in the same way or pronounce the same word in the same way. Every moment of a person is unique, like the person himself, every person is individual and his activity is individual. However, there is a separation between ordinary activity and purely creative activity. What, then, can be called creative? Society’s subjective assessment of novelty and originality is not very specific; different groups may evaluate the same work differently. Convincing the authors of a work is of little use, just as the works themselves cannot prove their originality. Even the concept of relativity may be at work here, and therefore a clear answer to the question posed is difficult to formulate.

Some scientists believe that creativity: “an extremely diverse concept... creativity is a necessary condition for the development of matter, the formation of its new forms, along with the emergence of which the forms of creativity themselves change. Human creativity is only one of these forms.” Ya. A. Ponomarev considers creativity as an interaction leading to development. With this approach to creativity, this concept becomes unnecessary, since by it Ya. A. Ponomarev understands any development of living and inanimate nature.

Others: in the “Dictionary” of S. I. Ozhegov: “Creativity is the creation of cultural and material values ​​that are new by design” or the definition of A. G. Spirkin (1972): “Creativity is a spiritual activity, the result of which is the creation of original values, establishment of new, earlier unknown facts, properties and patterns of the material world and spiritual culture.”

The absence of strict criteria for determining the boundary between creative and non-creative human activity is now generally recognized. At the same time, it is obvious that without such criteria it is impossible to identify with sufficient certainty the subject of research itself. The majority of modern foreign scientists involved in creativity issues admit that in the field of the problem of creativity criteria, work has been done big job, but still not received yet desired results. For example, the authors of many studies conducted in recent decades in the United States believe that determining the difference between creative and non-creative activities remains completely subjective.