How to properly pick leaves from cabbage. When do you need to pick off the lower leaves of cabbage and is it possible to do this? The housewife picked the top green leaves of the cabbage to feed the rabbits. Did she do the right thing? This is for biology

​Similar articles​​Of course not! What are you doing?!​

The most common myth

​we kept rabbits. Cabbage makes rabbits swell. If they are highly purebred, it is better not to risk their poor health. about plucking the lower leaves, this is a deep misconception. the neighbors cut me off, but I didn’t. I had better cabbage. Now the neighbors looked at me and stopped interrupting me.​


​formed an understanding with my answer)))​

​There is no need to delete it for several reasons. If the climate is arid, they retain moisture. In other cases lower leaves provide the main nutrition to the head of cabbage, being additional source photosynthesis.​


But if it’s autumn, the head of cabbage has already grown, but it is too soft and loose, then you can tear off a few of the lower leaves. What will it give? The head of cabbage will no longer grow in size, but will become denser. Therefore, we do not touch small heads of cabbage - they will still grow in size, but for large, loose ones we carry out this procedure. This should be done about a month before harvest. In my case, this is the beginning - mid-September.​

Cabbage diseases

​I have never removed the leaves, but last year I removed them for the following reason - insects began actively gnawing on them, since they had easy access to these leaves from the ground. I didn’t see any difference between the harvest with torn leaves and unplucked ones. Therefore, you need to pick off the lower leaves “as needed,” depending on the reason. As a rule, this is the beginning of the formation of a head of cabbage or when the leaves turn yellow in appearance (if they lie on the ground, they begin to rot from excess moisture).​

​You can check it yourself and remove leaves from several plants (a couple of rows). In the fall, compare the heads of cabbage and you will make sure that the heads of cabbage where you picked off the leaves are smaller and not so dense. I have already done such an experiment.​

​The debate between opponents and supporters of removing the lower “extra” leaves of cabbage has been going on for a long time and everyone passionately defends their point of view. I never remove healthy lower leaves and rarely complain about cabbage, although there are crop failures. First of all, it is said that the lower leaves create high humidity under the head of cabbage and a shelter for various pests. In addition, they interfere with hilling, without which the cabbage may fall on its side and begin to rot on that side. This is true in many respects, but such care for the plant is needed more by gardeners themselves, since lantern cabbage without leaves is easier and more convenient to care for.​

​Like all cruciferous vegetables, cabbage is susceptible various diseases, but we will only consider those associated with yellowing of leaves.​

Cabbage has been grown in Russia for a long time. Over many centuries, culture

Cabbage leaves are torn off at the end of August, but only those that are close to the ground, this is done so that the cabbage is tied tightly and is not loose (which promotes better storage)

When should you remove the bottom leaves of cabbage?


lady v

​p. With. and my cabbage still doesn’t sprout heads ((((((((((((​

​I remove those that are on the ground


​The heads of cabbage set faster - the juice does not go to the lower leaves​ It is not necessary to pick off the lower leaves of cabbage.

​In fact, there is no need to tear off the lower cabbage leaves, because this will cause great harm to this vegetable.​

You can remove a couple of bottom leaves from the cabbage

​However, is removing leaves beneficial for cabbage? After all, these are not just rudimentary organs; cabbage initially deposits everything in these leaves nutrients, all reserves that are later used for the formation and growth of the head of cabbage. The larger these reserves, the better the head of cabbage grows, the more nutrients it receives. Removing these reserves stimulates the cabbage to grow new leaves and instead of spending all its energy on growing the head of cabbage, it stretches upward. But when the function of the lower leaves is completed, they themselves dry out and turn yellow, and then they can be removed.


​Many varieties have appeared, and gardeners have learned to notice all the features of the ripening of a head of cabbage. Many summer residents ask the question: “Do I need to pick off the lower leaves of cabbage?” Let’s figure it out.​ ​This is why our man’s hands itch so much?​


​I believe that to set cabbage heads, tearing off the lower leaves is the correct agronomic technique. In villages (where entire fields were planted with cabbage), peasant women went out to trample cabbage leaves, precisely for the purpose of removing the lower leaves, which had already fulfilled their function.​

​During hot weather, cabbage uses these leaves to protect itself from overheating, and it also captures moisture from the air.​

Leaves are the source of everything for the formation of heads of cabbage. Light, moisture. There is no need to remove unless they are dry and diseased.​


This is done only if a cabbage disease is detected, which is expressed in yellowing, blackening of the leaves of this plant (fungal diseases).


​And the process of photosynthesis in cabbage will completely slow down; it is only recommended to tear off those leaves that have rotted or turned yellow.​

​, when the head of cabbage will already be visible, but this is so that the air circulates better near the root and it does not rot in September.​

You can’t pick off the lower leaves of cabbage

The disease can affect seedlings, adult crops and testes. When infected, the lower leaves of cabbage turn yellow and become covered with a small white coating with reverse side. The infection can progress on leaves near the ground, so in this case they are removed or treated with a mixture of lime and sulfur in a 1:1 ratio.​

​At the end of summer, those leaves that are close to the ground begin to be torn off from the crop. At the same time, there is an opinion that the head becomes larger, since nutrients flow directly to it. A bad example is contagious; as a result, by the end of August, the vegetable becomes bare among all the neighbors. Well, what is really happening?​


​No, that's wrong. The process of photosynthesis occurs in the surface green leaves. The housewife deprived the cabbage organic matter, which are formed during photosynthesis and flow into white leaves

​No, not advisable.​

Nikolai Sosiura


Also, without these leaves, the nutritional properties are quickly lost when stored for the winter.

​Since the size of the fork depends on the number of leaves and given that they feed the plant, it is necessary to preserve the number of leaves on the cabbage as much as possible.​


​And if you pick off the green leaves that are located almost right next to the ground, you will thereby specifically reduce the cabbage yield.​

Do you remove the bottom leaves of cabbage? Why do this?

Alena Kisa

The lower leaves of the cabbage must be torn off when the ovary of the head of cabbage begins to set.

Avel Adamovich

​. Through them, the head of cabbage receives power from sunlight and air. Cabbage gets its strength and nutrition not only from the soil.​


​Vascular bacteriosis​


Is it necessary to pick off the lower leaves of cabbage? The roots of the plant supply the crop with water in which they dissolve minerals(phosphorus, nitrogen, potassium and others). Leaves are a “factory” of organic substances. In the light, as a result of photosynthesis, they produce proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, that is, all the substances due to which the vegetable grows, expands the underground and above-ground parts. The warmer the weather, the faster all the necessary elements are produced.​

Alexey K

​I tried growing it with and without removing the lower leaves. I decided unequivocally - 2-3 (4) bottom sheets - delete!

Serg Havr

​Only if they have turned yellow and dried out.​
​Now it is not advisable, because cabbage uses the lower leaves as a storehouse of nutrients, so if a drought or something else happens, cabbage can always take these substances from the lower leaves. If you decide to cut it off, the cabbage will begin to grow these leaves again, which will require a lot of effort and time.​
​I'm deleting​


​Pluck it a week before shredding it for pickling or squeezing it into brine, so that the cabbage can absorb more of it.​


The leaves of cabbage begin to curl into a head gradually, the upper ones form a head of cabbage, and the lower large, heavy leaves remain lying on the ground. It is at this moment that you need to tear off a couple of leaves, those that already look unpresentable. They look dirty, may be torn, but can be safely removed.​


​These leaves provide nutrients to the cabbage. They can form microcracks in cabbage, which will attract various insects and pests to it.​

I'm on the right

The lower leaves of cabbage usually lie on the ground and thereby attract all sorts of caterpillars and slugs; it is these leaves that need to be removed, and it is best to cut them with a knife.

. Natalia

​Don't forget about photosynthesis.​

Is it possible to remove the huge side leaves of cabbage if the head is not yet fully formed?

Evgeniy Buikov

The disease begins with yellowing of the leaf blade. Gradually the yellowness moves towards the middle, the veins become black and form a kind of mesh. Then the infection penetrates into the stalk and the fruit itself. When infected vascular bacteriosis the lower leaves must be removed in order to prevent the development of the disease.​


The head of the vegetable we are considering is filled with leaves. Do I need to pick off the bottom leaves of cabbage? No need: photosynthesis processes begin to slow down in the fall, all supplies are expensive. Therefore, you only need to pick off rotting or yellowed leaves, although they also drain essential elements.


​If you don’t remove 3 leaves now, growing “inside out” and touching the soil, then you will remove 5-6 top leaves, which will be stained and covered in snail poop.​

Vladimir Drozdov

Elena Gubaidullina

​Only yellowed lower leaves, rotten or diseased, can be removed from cabbage. The rest remains until the heads of cabbage are harvested.​


​Only 3-4 lower ones.​
​I don’t remove it while it’s growing, only when I pull it out.​

​In the Urals, the lower leaves of cabbage are torn off before pruning... so that the heads of cabbage do not rot during the rains, they are ventilated.

Vladimir Bendrikov

You can pick off such leaves in cabbage only if there are diseases or some kind of rot.

Lidiya Gultyaeva

The cabbage stalk should have no lower leaves adjacent to the ground.


​Plus, moisture is better retained under the leaves, and cabbage cannot grow in dry soil.​


​So we looked at the question: “Is it necessary to pick off the lower leaves of cabbage?” The answer is: it is not necessary if they are not infected and have not turned yellow.​

The housewife picked the top green leaves of the cabbage to feed the rabbits. Did she do the right thing? This is for biology


​By tearing off the green leaves that are close to the ground, gardeners, on the contrary, reduce the yield, because they deprive the crop of some of the stored nutrients. In addition, when broken off, cell sap is released, which attracts insects. Pests and pathogens enter the vegetable through micro-wounds.​


​I only pick off the yellowed ones and if they are already lying directly on the ground, but they don’t

Lyudmila Klochkova

​Of course not, otherwise the cabbage will have little earth power.​

Ksenia Kobzeva

​If the heads of cabbage are already ripe, then that’s absolutely correct. If there are no heads of cabbage, then this is a mistake; the surface area for photosynthesis has decreased; a head of cabbage may not form at all.​

Lyubov Andrukhova

​It’s better not to remove it yet, as soon as the head of cabbage is formed, and then we don’t remove it late in the fall, we just remove it, two weeks before harvesting

New day

​My cabbage does not grow at all​

Should I pick off the leaves of cabbage?

Lyudmila Gushchina

​for cabbage rolls​


​You need to pick off cabbage leaves when they have turned yellow or withered.​


​Opinions differ regarding the removal of the lower leaves of cabbage; most come to the conclusion that it is not worth removing them, since it is from these leaves that the rest of the cabbage comes from.​

Nadezhda Kotsareva

​It is a mistake that some gardeners tear off the lower leaves and say that they take away excess strength and nutrition. These are not tomatoes.​

Nikita Mironov

​When are the lower leaves of cabbage torn off?​

Alexandra Marchenko

In addition, the green lower leaves of cabbage are a kind of protection for the plant from overheating and excess moisture. You should not tear them off in the fight against slugs and caterpillars - there are other ways that do not reduce the yield. It is necessary to resort to “rough agricultural practices” only if the leaves are dry and do not participate in photosynthesis, or are affected by diseases. This will be discussed further.​

Andrey Proshkin

​Under no circumstances! A direct relationship between the size and quality of cabbage heads (the content of dry matter, sugars, fiber, vitamins, etc.) and the number of healthy and full-fledged leaves of the cabbage plant was revealed. By tearing off leaves you obviously reduce the harvest, its quality and safety.​

Healthy green leaves Picking cabbage is harmful; the yield of cabbage heads depends on the number of leaves in the rosette. The lower leaves of cabbage are the main assimilation apparatus that works for the harvest; nutrients from them enter the inner, white leaves of the head of cabbage. At the same time, the dry matter content increases from outer leaves head of cabbage to the central ones. In addition, the green leaves are covered with a waxy coating, which protects the plant from pests, diseases and mechanical damage. The outer green leaves of cabbage contain 57 mg of vitamin C, the middle and white leaves contain 31–36 mg, and the leaves of the central part of the cabbage contain 24–26 mg. Therefore, removing a large number of outer leaves leads to a depletion of cabbage in vitamin C. Each cut leaf provokes the death of the root system, and the head of cabbage receives less nutrients. It is not entirely advisable to remove even yellowed leaves, since the outflow of nutrients from them and the petioles into the head of cabbage continues. By cutting off the lower leaves, the gardener deliberately reduces the yield and quality of the product. In addition, through wounds they enter the plant. pests, causing diseases.

Mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties of cabbage in August-September very intensively gain the weight of the head of cabbage due to the lower green leaves. The daily weight gain is 100 g or more, and the head of cabbage itself becomes very compact. If you cut cabbage with green leaves, the outflow of nutrients into the head will continue and its weight can increase up to 15%.

Some gardeners cite the fact that the lower leaves are located close to the ground, they are attacked by slugs, pests lay eggs, and plants are affected by vascular bacteriosis. You should not pick off the lower green leaves in the fight against slugs and caterpillars; there are many other ways to do this. To prevent slugs, sprinkle the soil around the plants with wood ash. To prevent leaf-eating insects, plant celery, which repels butterflies from laying eggs. Dill, garlic, onions, mint, and sage have the same properties.

With vascular bacteriosis, the edges of the leaves turn yellow and become parchment-like, and the veins turn black. In this case, removing the lower leaves will not help; you need to remove the entire plant, but carefully so as not to infect the rest. It is very important to observe prevention against bacteriosis: warming the seeds for 20 minutes in hot water up to 50 degrees followed by rapid cooling. Pickling garlic in an infusion (25 g per 100 ml of water) and culling diseased plants during the seedling period help.

Spraying seedlings in the phase of 2-3 true leaves with phytolavine (20 ml per 10 liters of water) works well. initial period development of the disease, copper-based preparations can be used. When the first signs of the disease appear, the plants are sprayed with a 0.1% planriz solution. Here are the activities that need to be done, rather than picking the leaves, to keep the cabbage healthy.

Sometimes the lower leaves are removed early ripening varieties to prevent cracking of heads of cabbage that are already ripe, but which have nowhere to go yet. In this case better than cabbage pull the head of cabbage to tear the roots a little, or trim with a shovel, limiting the flow of moisture into the plant. In this case, the head of cabbage remains marketable for a long time and the leaves do not fade.

There is an opinion that the heads of cabbage are formed loose and the lower leaves are supposedly cut off to compact them. But the heads of cabbage are usually loose with an abundant supply of nitrogen and a low supply of potassium and phosphorus.

Remember! Leaves of any type of cabbage can be removed only when they have ceased to participate in photosynthesis and have dried out or are rotting due to oversaturation of the soil with moisture. In this case, it is necessary to first carry out deep loosening of the soil and drainage of water.

Experts differ on the need to remove the lower leaves of cabbage. Some suggest that since the heads of cabbage and not the leaves are eaten, the latter can be cut off. Others claim that these elements are necessary for the formation of bushes young plant, so they cannot be removed

It is quite difficult to find information on this matter in the specialized literature; for this reason, each summer resident must resolve this issue independently.

The role of the leaf in the formation of the head of cabbage

During its development, the plant forms a head of cabbage. The leaves perform their own function. Taking part in photosynthesis, they contribute to the appearance of elements that are the starting material for the head of cabbage. The large leaves below accumulate the nutrients necessary for its correct formation. If you cut them off, the plant will look for such a reserve and grow them again. Head formation occurs only if there are at least seven large lower elements. Their quantity also affects the yield. In addition, the covering leaves have a layer of wax that protects the head of cabbage from diseases and insects. In the summer months, they help regulate temperature and prevent the head of cabbage from overheating and cooling.

They contain twice as much vitamin C compared to the inner part. When ripe, this element is transferred to the head of cabbage.

Do I need to pick off the bottom leaves of cabbage?

When the plant is young, then each torn leaf leads to the fact that the head of cabbage ripens a day later. Juice is released through the cut area, with which useful elements come out of the cabbage. This means that cutting off this part of a young plant is extremely undesirable.

However, many gardeners still tear off the lower leaves, holding the opinion that this procedure will help better air flow between neighboring heads of cabbage, thereby reducing the risk of rotting and other diseases.

In fact, the aroma of the flowing juice, on the contrary, can attract many pests.

Other proponents of picking determine this process by the fact that after their removal, the head of cabbage becomes denser. But this must be done in the fall, after its formation is completed. If you pick off the leaves early, the roots will begin to die.

When considering whether to remove leaves from below, you should evaluate the condition they are in. There is no need to do this if they are dense and green. Often these leaves turn yellow during the summer months, during periods of drought. They will not be able to turn green, even if it rains. For this reason, they can be carefully removed.

Why pick off the lower leaves of cabbage?

According to some gardeners, removing the lower leaves of cabbage is necessary to protect against various pests. These include slugs, which appear on the plant in the fall. By this time, quite good development of the head of cabbage is observed. Then it probably makes sense to pick off the leaves from below.

In summer, cabbage is attacked by fleas and cabbage white caterpillars. However, in this case, removing the leaves will not help. The plant needs to be treated chemicals or sprinkle with ash and tobacco dust. Much fewer pests are found in an area cleared of weeds.

Good protection for the plant is provided by calendula, marigolds, celery, and dill, which are planted between the rows.

Cutting off the lower leaves as a method of salvation from diseases and pests

Sometimes removing leaves can save you from some insects. Although this method does not help against all pests.

Does tearing off leaves prevent cutworms and cabbage flies?

If a plant is damaged by a cutworm or cabbage fly, plucking the lower leaves is quite acceptable. Because the cutworm lays eggs at the bottom of the leaves, and the cabbage fly lays eggs in the ground, the lower leaves can interfere with pest control.

Does plucking leaves prevent vascular bacteriosis?

Sometimes cabbage is affected by vascular bacteriosis. A sign of the disease is yellowed, dead edges on which dark veins appear. Pulling off the leaves will not help the plant in this case. Will need it complete removal. The procedure should be performed carefully to avoid infecting neighboring heads of cabbage. The disease can be prevented if, when preparing seeds for planting, you harden them by placing them alternately in heated and cool water. It is advisable not to plant unhealthy and weakened seedlings.

When to cut off

With the arrival of autumn, the leaves below give up useful elements for the formation of a head of cabbage and become yellow and withered. They will no longer be able to take part in photosynthesis, so there is no need for them.

When the covering leaves begin to rot, wither, or are severely damaged, they must be removed, since they can infect the remaining leaves and the head of cabbage itself.

But rotting occurs only when the soil is excessively moist. Then it is worth reducing watering or draining the water.

According to many experts, there is nothing wrong with removing leaves from below. It is believed that in the fall they no longer supply useful substances, but, on the contrary, they are taken from other parts of the cabbage. Strong evaporation of moisture occurs through the lower parts. If they contribute to strong shading of the head of cabbage, then you can cut them off. It is recommended to break them off completely.

Many inexperienced vegetable growers do not know whether to pick off the lower leaves of cabbage. The opinions of summer residents on this matter differ. Some of them claim that people eat the heads, not the leaves, and therefore they can be cut off.

Others say that the lower leaves are needed to form young cabbage bushes. It is quite difficult to find information on this matter in the specialized literature, so each gardener will have to decide everything on his own.

Landing in the ground

Before you think about whether you need to pick off the lower leaves of cabbage, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with tips for planting it. It is recommended to plant when the seedlings have more than five leaves and their height is about 15 cm. Quite often it grows to this size in mid-May. Some mid-season varieties have to be planted in early June.

To begin with, it is recommended to select a suitable site. Great suitable place, which will be illuminated by the sun throughout the day. It is advisable that the site have sandy soil, which is better suited than others for growing cabbage. Before planting, the acidity of the soil must be checked, the value of which should not exceed 7 pH. Site preparation should be done in the fall. At this time, you should carefully dig up the soil so that in the spring it can better absorb moisture.

The soil also needs to be leveled using a rake. This is done so that the soil retains water longer. Before planting, weeds may appear on the site, which should be removed immediately.

At the end of spring, holes are made on the site for seedlings. Their size depends on the size of the root system of young seedlings. 100 g of ash, a handful of sand and humus are placed in each hole. Then a spoonful of nitrophoska and a glass of water are added to them. Having prepared all the holes, you can begin planting. The seedlings are lowered into the ground and sprinkled with dry soil on top. Seedlings that are too tall are planted so that the cabbage leaves below are flush with the surface of the ground.

Features of cultivation

The first few weeks it is necessary to carefully care for the young seedlings. Young seedlings are not yet accustomed to the sun's rays, so during the day they need to be covered with newspapers or cloth. Further care for cabbage is as follows:

  1. Watering. It is recommended to water the plant on cloudy days or in the evening so as not to harm the bushes. It is enough to do this once a week. In summer, the amount of watering can be increased several times so that the cabbage has enough moisture. To keep water in the soil longer, it is recommended to create a peat mulch layer.
  2. Feeding. The first feeding is carried out 10-15 days after planting the seedlings in the soil. During this period, a mixture prepared from nitrate, potassium, superphosphate and water is added to the ground. Fertilizers should be applied only to moist soil so as not to accidentally damage the plant. The second is applied a few weeks later and consists of the same fertilizers as the previous one.
  3. Treatment. To protect the bushes from diseases and insects, it is recommended to treat them. First, the cabbage is treated with ash, which can protect young seedlings from fleas and slugs. Then you can use an infusion of tomato tops or onion peels. There are also special preparations that can be used to protect cabbage from most diseases.

Is it worth plucking the lower leaves?

Not all vegetable growers know whether it is possible to tear off the bottom leaves of cabbage when growing. Most gardeners prefer to trim them. They claim that this helps to accelerate the growth of the plant, since now it does not need to waste its energy on the lower shoots. Also, many people prefer to remove the lower leaves because over time they begin to rot and the bush loses its attractiveness.

It must be remembered that tearing off leaves is quite a serious stress for the bushes. Because of this, the ripening time of the head of cabbage can seriously increase. Therefore, picking off leaves on very young seedlings is not recommended. Many people immediately wonder whether the lower leaves of cabbage are removed if the head of cabbage is almost ripe.

Agricultural rules prohibit doing this, since open wounds remain on a bush with a torn leaf, due to which the plant can become infected with various diseases.

However, there are still a lot of supporters of breaking off shoots. The main thing is that the head of cabbage is fully ripe and the procedure is performed correctly. Also, before carrying out work, you need to pay attention to the condition of the sheets. If they are green and fresh, then there is no need to prune them. They are torn off only if they begin to rot and dry out.

When to tear off leaves

Not all gardeners know when to pick off cabbage leaves. There are several most common reasons why you have to do this.

Vascular bacteriosis

It is quite simple to determine that a plant has become ill with vascular bacteriosis. The bushes immediately begin to turn yellow below, and black spots appear on the leaves. In this case, you need to pick off not only the leaves, but also get rid of the entire bush. If you do not trim them in a timely manner, the disease will quickly spread to neighboring cabbage.

Cracking of heads of cabbage

Kochany early varieties They often begin to crack if the lower leaves are not cut off in a timely manner. If we tear them off, the development of the head of cabbage slows down and it stops cracking. However, some experts argue that this method is not very effective. Instead, they advise pulling the plant out of the ground a little and turning it. With help this method You can also slow down the growth of the plant so that the heads of cabbage do not crack.

Pest protection

Not everyone knows why to remove the lower leaves of cabbage. Quite often, cabbage plants need to be removed to protect the bushes from insects. For example, scoop or cabbage flies most often settle in the lower part of the bushes. Insect pupae overwinter in the soil and, after warming, move to the lower leaves, where they will lay eggs in the future. If pest eggs were found on their surface, the leaves should be removed.

However, this does not always help get rid of dangerous insects. Sometimes you have to use special protective equipment which are more efficient. To do this, you can treat the cabbage bushes with Agrofit or any other anti-insect preparation.

Increasing the mass of heads of cabbage

Many gardeners prefer to pick off the lower leaves of cabbage when they need to increase the weight of the cabbage heads. It is recommended to do this at the end of summer or early September. It is during this period that rapid growth of young heads of cabbage is observed. Most often, people plan to tear off the lower leaves before harvesting. However, it is recommended to collect the heads of cabbage along with them. In this case, the cut crop will continue to develop until the supply of nutrients in the leaves runs out.


It is quite difficult to determine unambiguously whether leaves need to be plucked. However, every gardener must make this choice for himself. To do this, it is enough to familiarize yourself with what positive and negative sides this procedure has. You should familiarize yourself in advance with situations where you simply cannot do without removing leaves. It is also recommended to familiarize yourself with when you can pick off leaves and when you should not do this.

Kirill Sysoev

Calloused hands never get bored!


Wanting to provide good care vegetable crops, many gardeners remove cabbage leaves from below closer to autumn. There is a widespread belief among gardeners that these parts of the plant interfere with the formation of a dense head of cabbage, taking up nutrients. Is it really so? This question needs detailed consideration.

How to care for cabbage in open ground

Obtaining an excellent harvest is possible under certain rules. Seeds obtained with your own labor require preparation. To do this, you need to keep the material immersed in water heated to 50 degrees for 20 minutes, then cool it for a couple of minutes in cold water and dry it. There is no need to do this with seeds purchased at the store. Before sowing, the material is soaked cold water for a day. Hardening increases the ability to germinate and frost resistance. Loose soil mixed with peat, moderate watering, and compliance with temperature and light conditions are favorable for seedlings.

In open ground you need to place strong seedlings of a dark green color with 4-5 leaves. The growing area is marked depending on the size of the fork. The larger the head of cabbage, the further the holes and rows should be made. The average distance between plantings is 50-60 cm. The row arrangement is 70-80 cm. The soil must be watered and fertilized before planting. Compost and wood ash mixed with soil are suitable as top dressing. After fertilizing, the soil needs to be watered again. It is important that the aboveground part of the plants is not covered with soil.

Successful planting of seedlings is already half the battle. However, this is not limited to concern for vegetable crop. Caring for cabbage open ground assumes 2-3 waterings weekly. Then you need abundant irrigation every 7 days using the sprinkling method. Loosening the soil is required every two weeks. Attention should be paid to protection from pests and diseases. For this there are folk remedies, effective chemicals. It is necessary to fertilize the plants several times. Harvesting must take place on time. It is important to allow the forks to mature, but not to allow them to crack.

When can you pick off the lower leaves of white cabbage?

The fork is filled with foliage, where photosynthesis occurs. Absorbed sunlight turns into nutrients. Do I need to pick off the bottom leaves of cabbage? This should not be done if this part of the plant fulfills its function - it provides the head of cabbage with useful substances. In August, closer to autumn, photosynthesis slows down, and all reserves are expensive to ripen. So when should you pick off the bottom leaves of cabbage? Only completely dried or rotten parts need to be removed. Cutting off green foliage, according to agronomists, reduces yields.

In addition, as experience shows, when broken off, cell sap comes out, serving as a bait for insects. Micro-wounds are formed through which pests and pathogens can enter the vegetable. Foliage helps create a microclimate, protects the plant from overheating, excess humidity. It should not be removed even when fighting caterpillars and slugs. There are other ways to do this that do not affect yield.

Should I pick off the bottom leaves of cauliflower?

There is an opinion that removing parts of the plant promotes the formation of fork. Do I need to pick off the bottom leaves of cabbage? It's better not to do this. Foliage is needed for the growth of the head of cabbage. These parts garden crops contain nutrients. Sometimes the leaves are removed to protect the head from the sun when it begins to set. Otherwise, the head of cauliflower or broccoli will become rough. For guard would be better suited burdock or rhubarb.