Registration of elevation differences on the site. Cottage on a slope (35 photos): dealing with steep slopes. Manufacturing of supporting structures and solving the problem of excess moisture. Creating architectural layering

Man and nature are an eternal theme of any type of art. Landscape design is not only a way of self-expression, but also part of direct communication with pristine nature. The area adjacent to a private home provides ample scope for imagination, opening up endless possibilities for designers around the world.
Regardless of the size of the dacha plot, you need to strive to create a unique atmosphere for privacy and contemplation of nature, for a family holiday with children and friends, for romantic dinners under the rustling of leaves and for quiet lunches while reading books at the small home pond. Nature provides all the tools to create the necessary mood. You just need to know how to use them.

Basics of modern landscape design

Landscape design of a summer cottage is an integrated approach to landscaping personal plot. This space is designed to harmonize with the owner’s inner world, to be a reflection of his tastes and interests.

In landscape design, as in any other type of space improvement, there are modern tendencies which most professionals follow.

The origins of the aesthetic design of the site go far back into time. Over numerous centuries, styles and trends landscape design have undergone many qualitative changes. At the moment, among site improvement specialists there is a desire for naturalness and pristineness. Is very fashionable alpine slide, a Russian folk garden with a touch of technological progress: the use of glass, metal, clear geometric shapes, straight lines.

Eclecticism prevails in modern landscape design. You need to have real talent to harmoniously combine such two incompatible directions. But the result can exceed all expectations.

Modern landscape design styles

Over the long history of the existence of the art of decorating a personal plot, many of its directions have emerged.

The main ones are:

  • Classic or regular style. Famous French parks are typical representatives of this trend. The idea of ​​such design is the idea of ​​the elevation of the human mind above nature, its subordination to the laws of geometry familiar to us.
  • Landscape style. Historically formed as the opposite of the regular direction. It is a “free”, most pristine landscape. Landscape style is designed to surprise people with beauty natural nature, skillfully thought out and created by designers.
  • Rural style (country). “Home” trend of landscape style, representatives of which are ordinary village gardens in different parts of the world. Any direction that does not require large investments and careful care of the site. The placement of decorations is arbitrary and depends on the historical folklore of the area.
  • Architectural style. Relegating natural beauty to the background, it focuses attention on the decorative buildings of the territory: terraces, arches, paved areas, architectural reliefs, steps, etc.
  • Japanese style. Design of a suburban area in oriental style is art. It is filled with symbolism. The landscape design of the site is ideal for creating a classic oriental atmosphere. The main components will be stones, boulders, a small pond, a place to contemplate the beauty of nature.

Layout of the area around the house

After selection suitable style, followed by planning the design of the area near the house, identifying the constituent elements. Without the planning stage, it is impossible to competently build a site.

There are several standard layout types applicable to most spaces:

  • Rectangular layout. The most popular win-win option. The layout of a rectangular plot is easy to zone, conveniently divided into separate sections and is well suited for creating a successful geometric composition.
  • Round layout. This layout is artificially created from a rectangular version with the help of auxiliary elements: flower beds, lawns, green spaces, etc. Straight geometric shapes are masked by decor. Designing a landscape around the house in round motifs can be a non-trivial solution.
  • Diagonal layout. Based on the creation of diagonal parallels. Do-it-yourself landscape design of a small plot in a diagonal layout will help to visually expand the space and push its boundaries.
  • Free layout. The technique of free placement of design elements using the natural topography of the territory. It is important to correctly place accents in such a garden. Otherwise, the effect of neglect may appear and the area will lose its landscape attractiveness.

Zoning of the site

Dividing it into several will help make a spacious plot more comfortable and visually enlarge a small garden space. functional zones. Their number and size completely depend on the original area of ​​the area and its intended purpose.

The territory can be divided into:

  • Garden area;
  • Recreation area;
  • Economic zone;
  • Dining area;
  • Children's area;
  • Sports area.

All zones of the territory should form a single picture, without looking like separate islands on a personal plot. Zones should be united by a single idea and style.

One logical zone should smoothly transition into another. For this, it is best to use green spaces, arches and decor.

Whatever type of layout is used, it is better to place the largest zones along the edge of the area, while focusing small ones in the center.

Landscape design composition

Landscape design of a site is a combination of many functional and decorative elements. Below we will take a closer look at the main ones.


How a skilled builder lays on the floor of a house flooring This is how a skilled gardener covers his plot with lawn. If previously the lawn was the luxury of emperors, now modern world everyone can afford to decorate the area with a soft grass carpet.

The process of establishing a lawn is labor-intensive and requires full dedication, but upon completion it will bring the owners a well-deserved result in the form of an ideal foundation for the rest of the landscape. In addition to its decorative function, a grass lawn has a positive effect on soil structure and air purity, and muffles excess noise.

The choice of lawn must be approached with the utmost seriousness: it will last for more than one season. Exist:

  • Regular lawn. It is a coating of a single color of medium density.
  • Sports turf. It is a denser type of lawn that is not afraid of loads.
  • Decorative lawn. A beautiful, perfect lawn, not meant for walking on.

garden path

A garden path is a functional element of landscape design. It plays the role of connecting special zones of the territory, they are the “skeleton” of the entire layout of the area. Depending on the chosen stylist, the paths can be of different shapes, sizes, and made of different materials.

Although the classic direction of site design is geometric and straight lines, they look more natural in landscape design winding paths. Attracting with their ease, they lead the guest through the garden, turn by turn.

The most important issue in garden paths is choice. suitable material. In landscape design, a variety of finishes is not welcome, but the use of only one material is not necessary. The main thing in this matter is harmony and uniformity.

The central paths should be larger and more solid. Decorating with mosaics of different colors will look good. The simultaneous combination of different figures and flower arrangements. Modern manufacturers offer services for individual production of paths. You can emphasize the central avenue with the help of built-in spotlights.

Dirt paths, decoratively sprinkled with sand or crumbs, will add special charm to the nooks and crannies of the garden.

Standard materials for garden paths are:

  • paving stones;
  • gravel;
  • concrete tiles;
  • a natural stone;
  • brick covering;
  • decorative tiles;
  • natural pebbles.

When choosing a material, its compatibility with specific soil and climatic conditions, in addition to standard operating conditions, must be taken into account.

Flower garden and planting

It is difficult to imagine the landscape design of a summer cottage without plants. The composition of flower beds can become a real art and the main accent of the entire site. It is important to select plants wisely. The main selection criteria will be not only their appearance, but also compatibility with each other, necessary climatic conditions, survivability, etc.

There are the following methods for placing plantings on a site:

  • . The most popular flower garden, which is a planting of a certain geometric shape of decorative foliage plants.
  • Group planting. Dense planting separate groups several types.
  • Discounts. A type of planting of decorative deciduous plants in rectangular strips to frame the borders of lawns, paths or other elements of landscape design.
  • Border. A type of flower garden in which plants are planted in layers.
  • Tapeworm. Single planting method.
  • Parterre flower garden. A geometrically correct complex flower garden located in front of the entrance to the personal plot. Usually consists of a combination of several plant species with architectural elements.
  • Mobile flower beds. Plants or flowers that are not adapted to certain features of the area (soil, certain weather conditions, a certain season) are exhibited in the landscape of the site in decorative pots or vases, without transplanting into the ground.
  • Arenarius. An exotic solution would be a corner of the desert in the garden. They are planted in an arena artificially covered with sand. different kinds succulents and the like.


A pond can become the highlight of any landscape. But before you start creating it as quickly as possible, you should think about its purpose. In areas of different sizes it will be appropriate different types reservoirs.

Owners of a large plot, of course, can afford absolutely any size, shape and depth of a body of water.

Reservoirs are very labor-intensive to maintain, so you should foresee in advance whether its maintenance will be feasible.

The pond must be in direct harmony with the overall style of the landscape project. At regular style the pool should have straight shapes, while asymmetrical streams made of natural materials are more suitable for a landscape pool.

The landscape design of a summer cottage qualitatively transforms the creation of the now fashionable alpine hill.

The Alpine slide is an imitation of a wild mountain landscape with characteristic plant species. Despite the labor-intensive creation process, such decoration can become the pride of the garden plot of any country house.

Typically, an alpine slide is a unique type of rock garden: compositions ornamental plants with a stone. To create a rock garden, materials available in our area are used: limestone, granite, gerbils. The living composition is combined from rock plants.

The main emphasis of the rock garden is given through the play of chiaroscuro. The corresponding effect can be achieved both by the initial selection of a place with beautifully falling rays of the sun, and by the creation of artificial lighting.

Relaxation area with barbecue or fireplace

Owning a country house, you can not only usefully spend time gardening work, but also to successfully relax in the company of friends by equipping your relaxation area with a barbecue or fireplace.

The corresponding area can be either open or closed. Although the first option is less labor-intensive, the design of a small canopy will not only give the place more comfort, but also protect it from direct sunlight or rain. A suitable place to place a recreation area would be one that is spacious and hidden from prying eyes. It would be good if there was an area for children next to this place, and a picturesque landscape to admire nearby. Proximity to a body of water will give additional freshness on hot summer days.

The location of a barbecue, hearth or outdoor fireplace in a recreation area is not only part of its interior, but also an important functional element. In addition to its main purpose, it can be used for heating and creating an atmosphere of comfort on autumn evenings.

Setting up an outdoor dining room

Landscape design of a summer cottage with an open dining room is a luxury accessible to everyone. Eating outdoors is not just a modern fashion trend, but also an extremely useful practice that improves metabolism and overall well-being.

To create a summer dining room, first of all, you need suitable free space. An excellent solution would be a site of about 10 square meters. For convenience, it is worth leading a stone path from the house to the location of the open table.

The outdoor dining room should not be too far from the main house, otherwise the process of carrying dishes and prepared food can become a rather long and labor-intensive process.

It is important to remember about possible weather surprises and climate changes: it is necessary to select furniture that is resistant to humidity and equip the dining room with a stationary or mobile canopy. As protection from the sun's rays, you can use the branches of a large tree, if there is one on the site.

The dining room can be decorated in quality, surrounded by hedges or left in the free space of the lawn - it all depends solely on the wishes of the owners.

Site lighting

The lighting system of any cottage or plot has two functions: practical and aesthetic.

The first involves illuminating areas for free movement in the dark, and the second is designed to create a special atmosphere and place accents in the landscape design.

With the help of a skillfully designed lighting system, you can achieve a radical transformation of the garden at night.

Landscape design lighting for a summer cottage can be:

  • Flooding. This is carried out through the use of floodlights on auxiliary parts of the perimeter.
  • General. The main part of the lighting consists of installing classic lamps along the main objects of the site.
  • Marking. Used to create visual effects to highlight (mark) functional parts.
  • Decorative lighting of plants, ponds, architectural structures.

Quite often, owners of plots on a slope encounter difficulties in arranging it. The main question is how to competently organize construction and landscape design on your property so that it is reliable, functional, and, of course, beautiful. This article will offer the best options for solving the problem.


The first thing you need to do is draw up a construction plan. When drawing up a project, the following points should be taken into account:

  • slope of the site;
  • location of outbuildings;
  • rest zone;
  • plantings;
  • locating storm drains.

The next point in the arrangement will be the maximum allowable leveling of the slope. The most suitable method for this would be terracing, the use of which involves removing soil in one place and moving it to another. On particularly steep slopes, buttress walls may be needed.

Slope strengthening

An important condition for this type of site is the strengthening of the slopes. To prevent soil sliding, several types of fortification structures are used:

Natural strengthening. Creeping shrubs are planted along the entire slope, root system, which will be created by a natural frame. The most popular plants are rose hips, willow and lilac.

Geomaterial. The material, coated with a special protective layer, is not subject to various harmful external influences. Placed under fertile soil layer.

Embankment. Suitable only for areas with a large area, as it significantly conceals space. One of the main disadvantages is the periodic addition of soil.

Retaining walls. The perfect solution, if you plan to design the site in the form of terracing. Can be used natural materials- stone or wood.

Gabions. Modular structures filled with large crushed stone, stone or pebbles.

Organization of the drainage system

To prevent landslides, gullies and slope destruction, it is very important to consider the location drainage system.

The installation of a drainage system is carried out after the location of all buildings on the site is known and all necessary work has been carried out. excavation, supporting walls have been installed and plumbing has been installed.

Basic rules for installing a drainage system:

  • trenches are laid along the slope throughout the entire area to the receiving collector;
  • a layer of sand (about 10 cm) is laid at the bottom of the trench, from 30 cm to a meter deep;
  • geotextiles are spread over the sand, covering the canal walls with a reserve;
  • the next step is to pour gravel (about 20 cm);
  • next – install and connect the pipes;
  • another layer of gravel;
  • covered with geotextile;
  • doesn't fall asleep fertile layer soil;
  • fertile soil is laid.

Let's start with the design

Landscaping a site on a slope is perhaps one of the most pleasant moments for its owner. You can use the services of a specialist or only your imagination. Below we will offer several design options for every taste.


The area above the slope in the form of a deck will be an ideal relaxation area with a beautiful view. You can install sun loungers on it, organize dining area and a barbecue area.

Alpine slide

This is a kind of composition of flower beds, lined with natural rough stone. Plants on a hill are planted according to the principle, the lower, the higher. The main condition is that they must be suitable for growing on inclined surfaces.


This type of design requires mandatory reinforcement with supporting walls. The number and size of platforms depends on the functionality of each of them.

Despite the fact that supporting walls with this design technique take up a lot of space, it is very convenient if you want to clearly divide the boundaries of your site. The terraces can be connected with each other by paths or steps.

Waterfall and stream

An excellent solution would be to organize artificial reservoirs. A waterfall can decorate a supporting wall, and with the right choice of plants that will be located along the stream, the impression of a natural spring will be created.

vertical garden

On the most prominent wall of your site, you can organize a plant composition of your favorite garden plants and flowers. For the main background it is usually used climbing plants, bright accent on which they will various flowers, planted in pots and placed on the wall according to your taste.

Observation deck with bench

An observation deck can be set up on one of the upper tiers of the site. A wonderful privacy area where you can relax and unwind while enjoying the views of the blooming garden. As an option - an open gazebo covered with ivy.

Decorative vegetable garden

It’s a good idea to use even narrow spaces between supporting walls functionally by placing small beds for vegetables, herbs and spices in them. They should be high enough and filled with fertile soil.

"Wild" slope

If you are a fan of “wild” nature, it is quite acceptable to decorate the site in this style. It will be enough to arrange the ascent and descent in the form of stairs, paths or steps, along which to plant plants that do not require special care.

Choose ground cover plants, which will not only give aesthetic pleasure to their appearance, but also strengthen the soil.

Viewing various photos of the design of a site on a slope will help you make a final decision on what your site will look like.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the development of a site on a slope requires large material and physical costs. But it is precisely this kind of relief that will make it possible to turn it into a place unlike any other, where you will want to return and host family and friends.

Photo of a site on a slope

Owners of a plot on a slope are in an ambiguous position. Standard methods for placing beds are unacceptable here, and the arrangement of such a site involves significant material costs. However, after studying existing approaches to design, the owner most often comes to the conclusion about the advantages of such a situation. Landscape design for a site on a slope will be developed and implemented by specialists. The ideas presented can transform the territory, making it unique, immersing it in the beauty of mountain landscapes.

Strengthening the slopes on the site with your own hands

Landscaping begins with work to strengthen the slopes on the site. This will prevent further destructive processes that can damage buildings and landscape design.

Preparatory actions

When strengthening slopes, various methods and designs are used. Landscape design allows the use of stones and concrete blocks, biomats and gabions, logs and lawn grates. To properly strengthen the slopes, it is necessary to study and calculate the following points:

  • how close the groundwater is;
  • what slope is the slope at;
  • geological features of the soil;
  • is there a danger of the area being washed away if a body of water is nearby;
  • take into account the soil pressure on the slope;
  • decide on the material for strengthening;
  • identify the area in need of strengthening.

With a slight slope, it allows you to solve the problem of fixing the soil by planting trees and shrubs with a developed root system. If the slope is significant, terracing or the use of geotextiles will be required.

Ways to strengthen slopes

The simplest and inexpensive option landscape design when strengthening the slope on the site - planting plants with a developed root system. This solution is acceptable provided that the slope and its area are small. Plants are planted in cells, which act as a reinforcing structure. In the future, the developed root system is intertwined with the fastening elements and prevents landslides or soil erosion. Juniper is the leader in this method of strengthening the soil; it is also recommended to plant Chinese blackberry, lilac and hawthorn.

Slopes on summer cottage often reinforced with fences made of concrete slabs, sandstone, brick or limestone. The advantage of this method of landscape design is as follows:

high level of resistance to external destructive factors;

  • does not require significant care efforts;
  • does not interfere with the growth of green spaces;
  • durability of the structure.

They are erecting similar fences subject to certain conditions:

  • a solid foundation is laid;
  • minimum height of the fence – 1 m;
  • the thickness of the fence is 1/3 of the height;
  • mandatory equipment for a drainage system (water flowing down the slope should not wash away the structure)
  • fences are built from the bottom up;
  • it is recommended to build a cascade structure;
  • it is necessary to provide a slight slope towards the slope.

The landscape design of the site provides the opportunity to decorate such a structure with flower beds, decorative stairs, and lanterns.

Another option for strengthening the slope on the site is the use of stones and logs. They are dug into the ground after first studying the type of soil and the condition of the surface. At the same time, do not forget about the aesthetic appearance of the site and take care of the presence of drainage. Such inexpensive way landscape design is acceptable on both small and large slopes.

Modern developments in landscape design suggest using geotextiles in arranging a site on a slope. This product in rolls, consisting of polyester and polypropylene fibers, has the following advantages:

  • waterproof;
  • protection of soil from freezing;
  • when water converges, it prevents the mixing of soil layers;
  • plastic;
  • has high resistance to damage;
  • ease of installation on the ground.

Another option acceptable when developing landscape design on a slope is laying geomats. This waterproof material consists of polypropylene grids, superimposed on each other and connected by exposure to high temperatures. Geomats have the following features:

  • do not contain toxic substances;
  • UV resistance;
  • maintaining the natural beauty of the landscape;
  • are not afraid of aggressive substances;
  • resistant to low and high temperatures;
  • easy to install.

The presented methods of landscape design when strengthening a slope can be done with your own hands or with the help of professionals. Their choice depends on the preferences of the owner and further plans for the development of the site.

Design options

The landscape design of a site on a slope opens up wide prospects for the realization of bright fantasies and bold ideas. Considering the need for serious financial investments in landscaping, the approach to planning a site on a slope requires special care and thoughtfulness. Development design work landscape design must be preceded by study technical indicators water supply and soil characteristics. The location of future outbuildings and recreation areas deserves special attention. Already starting from their location, they plan the construction of future terraces, flights of stairs, retaining walls and other landscaping elements. When landscaping a site on a slope, its location relative to the cardinal points must be taken into account.


Having decided to use terracing in the landscape design of a site on a slope, avoid excessively long retaining walls in a straight line. This design will create the impression of a huge staircase. Landscape design experts recommend arranging terraces randomly with ledges or cascades. This will create a picturesque picture of the overall view.

Winding paths or paths are provided between the terraces, and several steps are designed on steep slopes. Retaining walls on the site are made of various materials: natural stone and brick, wood and concrete. It is better to equip a steep slope with retaining walls using cement mortar; on a flat site, dry masonry will be sufficient.

Original ideas in the design of retaining walls on the site are welcome. Avoid straight lines; rounded shapes will ensure smooth relief transitions and visually make them less conspicuous. Terraces with different functional purposes will allow you to move away from standard approaches. Landscaping design allows you to place on separate areas , vegetable beds and shrub plantings. Combining them with winding paths will visually create a single picture of incompatible things.

The location of the terrace on wet ground requires the presence of drainage fill made of crushed stone. It is located between the wall and the ground with a width of 10-15 cm. It is recommended to supplement the masonry with pipe scraps, which will ensure the release of moisture to the outside and will not allow it to accumulate behind the retaining wall. The absence of such protective measures will provoke rapid destruction of the structure.

Arrangement of paths and stairs

An indispensable attribute of landscape design are neat paths that help achieve an organic connection between the terraces. To ensure compatibility, it is better to make them from similar material.

Important ! Large decorative elements, be it stones, tiles or circles of wood, can create good visibility and a bright perception of the path.

The winding shape of the path hides the steepness of the slope, while the serpentine layout, on the contrary, emphasizes it. Following the rules of landscape design for a site on a slope, it is better to emphasize the bends of paths with low trees, shrubs or evergreens. A staircase is a must on a steep slope. In width it can correspond to the path that continues it or be slightly narrower, but not less than 60 cm. If the staircase has many steps, it is better to separate them with landings. It is advisable to equip them in places where the direction of movement changes. If the size is sufficient, the area is decorated with a bench, an elegant statue or an original flowerpot. Landscape design experts recommend a staircase located in shady place, made from building materials of a lighter shade.

Remember! The beauty of landscape design must be combined with safety; choose non-slip material for paths and stairs.

Thoughtful landscape design will provide comfort during evening walks with the help of proper lighting. There are many ways to design it, and choose the appropriate one general style option will be easy.

Floristry of the site

Choosing a floristry concept, the best option For landscape design there will be a mountain area style. In this case, the location of the territory relative to the cardinal directions must be taken into account. In this aspect, a site on the northern slope has its advantages, due to the possibility of decorating it with moisture-loving plants that are accustomed to a shady location. For south side herbs and flowers that can withstand high temperature and drought.

Landscape design is developed in such a way that the planted plants have different flowering periods. Tulips, hyacinths and crocuses will be the first to delight owners in early spring. They may be replaced by decorative onions, California poppies and marigolds, and autumn will delight bright colors asters and chrysanthemums. Disembarkation perennial plants will make gardening easier.

Trees on a site with a slope are planted according to the rules of landscape design in a special way. If the house is located at the top, tall plantings in the form of thuja, spruce or pyramidal poplar are located next to it. Barberry or lilac will help create an interesting composition.

Please note! Planted trees and shrubs should not cover the house.

The shorter plants are found further down the slope. Evergreen shrubs and colorful flower beds can add nobility and sophistication. Juniper, magnolia, and boxwood would be appropriate here. The region in which the site is located also plays a role. Therefore, when choosing green spaces, take into account the features climatic conditions your locality.

The basic rules for landscape design of a site on a slope are as follows:

  • correctly organize the division into zones;
  • build strong retaining walls;
  • protect the site from soil erosion with the help of a competent drainage system;

The gardener is extremely lucky if he gets an excellent, flat plot without a slope. Unfortunately, this doesn't happen often. What to do if the cottage is located on a hillside? Don't despair, there is a way out.

It’s worth starting with the fact that some gardeners simply dream of a summer house located on a slope. They can be used to implement design solutions on multi-level areas that the average person would never have dreamed of. Why is it that such seemingly unprofitable land appeals so much to smart landscape designers?

The fact is that on a multi-level site you can recreate several types of landscape, and successfully combine them. For example, a waterfall with a pond, a rock garden or rock garden, steps and terraces, paths and fountains. Combining what is incompatible in nature is the beauty of such solutions.

Photo example:

Terracing a site in landscape design

Terracing a site is leveling it horizontally, simultaneously turning the slope into clear steps. Terraces are the simplest and most logical way to turn a permanent slope into several horizontal steps, much more convenient to use.

To create terraces, you need an ordinary building level, rope and wooden stakes. Using this simple tool, the horizon of the site is verified. According to the steepness of the slope, it is divided into several steps.
Next, you will have to take up a shovel or order heavy equipment, depending on the steepness and the number of expected steps.

Retaining walls for a site on a slope

Very impressive and at the same time necessary engineering structures on multi-level areas are retaining walls.

Depending on the height of the wall and the structure of the soil, the material from which it will be built is selected. The strongest walls are poured from reinforced concrete. The beauty of the design lies in its strength and durability. If desired, the concrete can be decorated with anything on top. The main thing is not to violate its integrity.

The supporting walls are also raised from masonry. The right compromise between strength and aesthetics would be natural stone masonry. Do not use limestone - it breaks down too easily. Natural stone in the exterior looks monumental.

How to use steps for site design

The most profitable solution without redevelopment of the site level will be the use of steps in landscape design. Steps from natural stone will easily fit into any exterior and will be able to connect all levels of the garden.

The most interesting thing is that when terracing, the steps will be used everywhere, but taking into account the use of retaining walls they will take on an artificial straight shape. Photo:

Which tracks are best to lay out?

Garden paths are necessary for every garden, regardless of its layout. Beautiful winding paths made of natural stone, brick, paving slabs, clinker paving stones - will only add beauty to the garden and perfectly connect all the existing zones of the summer cottage.

Wooden floorings, lightly sanded or untreated, look especially original. Wooden plank protected from rotting by treatment with special substances.

A stream is an excellent solution for a sloping slope

An excellent way to use the natural slope of the site is to create an artificial stream. To create this element, you need to strengthen the riverbed by laying it out natural stone and bring water to its source. Not bad design solution will form the source of the stream. It can be a jug, a suitable figurine, a barrel, a bottle, etc.

A logical engineering solution would be a reservoir into which a stream flows. It will allow you to place it in an artificial pond submersible pump, due to which water will circulate in both reservoirs with minimal costs.

How to create a waterfall on a steep slope

A waterfall is very similar to a stream, but to create it you need a steeper slope, which will have to be strengthened accordingly. To create a waterfall bed you need to remove upper layer soil, fill in the drainage and pour a layer of concrete. In this concrete, before it hardens, you can lay a foundation under a bed of natural stones.

The rapids and rifts themselves are created from a combination of large and small stones fastened together cement mortar, so that the flow of water does not wash away stones from the bed of the waterfall.

Place a rock garden on the site

Alpine coasters are designed to imitate a specific section of the Alpine mountainous terrain. A multi-level plot is ideal for these purposes. You can recreate a mountain slope, a rock, terraces, a mountain valley, a lawn.

To create a rock garden you need little: suitable stone, which you won’t have to look for for a long time, the right plants and a lot of patience in order to lay the stones in the right order, figure out which plants should be planted and at what level and how to take care of all this.