When and how to plant cabbage seedlings. When to plant cabbage seedlings to get the best results When to sow cabbage in April

Cabbage is rightfully considered one of the oldest cultivated crops. Today it is represented by about ten varieties, and these, in turn, consist of varieties of different ripening periods. Cold resistance, high yield, wide use in cooking and “flexibility” are the reasons why cabbage is ranked on a par with potatoes and tomatoes in its importance. However, it is worth noting that some gardeners do not adhere to planting dates for this crop at all, but prefer to plant everything at once.

But it is early cabbage that gives us the opportunity to receive vitamins and microelements already in the middle of summer. And if you grow it in seedlings, then the ripening time will come even faster.

High yield can hardly be considered an advantage of early varieties, and storage in winter period in this case there is no question. But in almost every garden you can find a small piece of land allocated for several early heads of cabbage. After all, no one can refuse the pleasure of trying the first salad in the middle of summer.

The most common varieties that ripen in 100-120 days include:

If you grow them through seedlings, you can speed up the ripening time by a few more weeks, which is why most gardeners prefer the seedling method.

Features of seedling cultivation

In fact, all varieties of cabbage are grown using seedlings using the same technology, and the differences may only be in minor nuances. But no matter early varieties or late, work begins with preparing the seeds: they need to be sorted, then pickled, that is, soaked in hot water for about twenty minutes, then another two - in the cold. At the end, the seeds should be thoroughly dried.

Important information! Only seeds of “own” production need to be treated, while grains purchased in a store do not need to be prepared, since this has already been done by the manufacturer himself.

When to plant early cabbage seedlings?

If we talk about the differences between cabbage varieties, then we should not forget that the seeds should be sown only taking into account the climatic characteristics of the region and individual characteristics specific type of culture. Sowing seeds must be done within a certain period of time, after which the seedlings can be transplanted into open soil. Thus, the sowing time will look something like this.

Table. How many days before transplantation should cabbage be planted?

Name of varietiesTime after which the transplant is made (in days)

From 45 to 60

From 30 to 35

From 30 to 50

From 35 to 45

From 45 to 50 days

Based on this information, you can determine the approximate sowing time planting material.

  1. Early varieties of red and white cabbage should be sown from March 10 to March 25.
  2. For broccoli and cauliflower optimal time for sowing is the period from last numbers March to early June. What is typical is that several crops should be done at once, and the interval between them should be 15-20 days.
  3. Savoy cabbage is best planted from the second half of December to April, and early varieties should be planted first.
  4. The best time for sowing Brussels sprouts considered mid to late April.
  5. Finally, planting of kohlrabi cabbage begins at the beginning of March, thanks to which you can get early greens. Although, if desired, this process can be continued until the end of April.

Now, having familiarized yourself with the theory, you can begin to practice, that is, planting cabbage seedlings.

The procedure for sowing and growing seedlings

Regardless of the cabbage variety you choose and the specific sowing time, you should take the time to pre-prepare the soil. It is important that the soil is loose and moisture-permeable, so be sure to ensure that it contains sand, turf soil and peat.

In addition, decide in advance whether you will resort to picking or try to avoid such a traumatic event for the root system of young seedlings. It is worth noting that the technology of both methods is almost the same, and the differences are only in minor nuances.

Method one. Using picking

The algorithm of actions in this case should look something like this.

Step one. Take a large, deep box and fill it with pre-prepared soil mixture. Carefully level the surface of the soil and then water it.

Step two. Make shallow furrows. Place seeds in these furrows early cabbage, while maintaining a step between them of approximately one or two centimeters.

Step three. Sprinkle the planting material with a small amount of soil, then tamp it down lightly. Place the box on a sunny windowsill, try to maintain the room temperature between 18-20 degrees.

Step four. When the first shoots appear (and this usually happens about five days after sowing), reduce the temperature to 8-9 degrees.

Step five. After another two weeks, plant the seedlings in small individual containers measuring approximately 7x7 centimeters. Remove the seedlings along with the soil, being careful not to damage the young roots.

Step six. For several days, keep the seedlings at a temperature of about 17-18 degrees, then you can reduce this figure to 10-12 (at night) and 13-14 degrees (day).

Important information! Do not forget that cabbage seedlings are extremely demanding in terms of lighting, so caring for them should include, among other things, additional lighting. In open soil, additional lighting is not required, which makes the task much easier.

Method two. Without using picks

In fact, there are no significant features in terms of sowing or conditions here, since all this is identical to the previous method. The only difference is that seedling containers with cassettes or, alternatively, peat/coconut tablets, inside of which the seeds will be sown, should be used as containers for planting.

In the absence of such containers, a simple box will be quite suitable, which will need to be divided inside into “compartments” using some kind of partitions.

And in the process of caring for early cabbage seedlings, you should:

  • observe thermal/light regime;
  • periodically ventilate the room with seedlings;
  • water sparingly when upper layer the soil will dry out;
  • harden off seedlings before planting in the garden.

Video - How to sow cabbage for seedlings

Transplanting cabbage seedlings

Any experienced gardener will tell you that you can grow this crop in one place for a maximum of two to three years, after which the plot should “rest” for about five years.

If speak about predecessors of cabbage, then the best of them include:

  • tomatoes;
  • potato;
  • beets;
  • beans;
  • cucumbers

Select a well-lit area of ​​the garden for planting. Do not forget that the plant responds well to organic fertilizers - apply them in spring time, and even in the first year (if we are talking about early species) or in the second (if about later ones).

The planting scheme itself depends on the specific variety and should look something like this.

  1. Early red and white cabbage varieties should be planted according to a 30x40 centimeter pattern.
  2. As for Savoy cabbage, then for it this indicator should correspond to 70-50 (late/middle varieties) and 70x30 centimeters (early).
  3. Broccoli should be planted according to the 40x60 pattern (to grow side shoots) or 20x50 centimeters (so that the heads grow).
  4. For early varieties of kohlrabi, a 25x35 centimeter pattern should be used.
  5. For Brussels sprouts this is 60x70 centimeters.
  6. Finally, cauliflower should be planted in a staggered pattern, approximately every 35-40 centimeters (although a 25x50 centimeter pattern can be used).

After the plants “move” to the garden bed, caring for them, of course, will not end. You should continue to periodically water the cabbage, loosen the soil and apply fertilizer in a timely manner.

Features of watering

Water the seedlings with special care immediately after transplanting. The interval between watering should be on average two or three days. Add approximately eight liters of water for each square meter beds. In the future, water less often, but more abundantly.

Loosening the soil

Try to loosen after each rain, but do not do it too deep - no more than six to eight centimeters. The fact is that the root system of cabbage is located superficially.

Three days after transplantation, hill up the seedlings; subsequently repeat this procedure every eight to ten days.

Fertilizer application

The first thing you must do is increase the green mass. In this regard, three weeks after transplantation, begin fertilizing. In general, during the entire development period, fertilizing should be applied no more than three to four times.

Video - Features of growing early cabbage

" Cabbage

Today cabbage is considered one of the most important and necessary garden crops. It is grown from seedlings at home. The timing of planting and proper care at home largely ensure the quality of the future harvest. Unfortunately, purchased seedlings often leave much to be desired, and they were grown in spite of all technologies. It is unknown from what planting material. That is why it is best to plant and grow cabbage yourself, personally monitoring the entire process. And this article will show you the step-by-step process.

The timing of sowing seeds can vary significantly depending on the specific region and its climatic conditions. As a rule, they begin to engage in this business in the second half of March. It's usually late in May. However, it is worth considering the characteristics of the selected varieties, as well as the ripening time. Often gardeners resort to tricks and do not sow all the material at once, but do it gradually (over several days). This allows you to extend the harvest period.

Cabbage grows quite quickly. When sowing early cabbage, it is necessary to take into account that permanent place growth it should be planted at the age of 30 to 40 days. For mid-ripening varieties, this period is slightly longer - 40-50 days, and for late-ripening varieties it can even be 2 months. In addition, the seedlings will need up to 1 week to germinate. Over the course of another 1 week, the transplanted seedlings will take root. Thus, you can accurately calculate the timing of when to plant cabbage specifically for your region.

Planting cabbage seeds in boxes

Favorable days for planting cabbage according to the lunar calendar

There are certain days in the lunar calendar on which it is best to sow cabbage. It is believed that if all procedures are carried out at this particular time, the plant will grow better, suffer less pain and produce an excellent harvest.

For each type of cabbage, as well as regarding the timing of its ripening, the lunar calendar has certain favorable days in each month. This is associated with a certain phase of the moon. This calendar changes annually. The following lucky days are provided in 2017:

White and red cabbage, savoy cabbage, kohlrabi:

Red cabbage:

Broccoli for picking:

Broccoli without picking

Planting Chinese cabbage:

Successful dates for early cabbage are March 15, 25 and 26, for middle cabbage - April 1, 2, and also April 7-10. Concerning late varieties, then they are sown in the same period as the average ones. During the full moon or new moon, sowing cannot be done at all.

How to plant cabbage seedlings in the ground in May

Cabbage is considered an unpretentious crop. But it depends on the care and availability of practical skills in growing seedlings. future harvest. So that it is not scarce, you need to choose the right soil, and also create the maximum comfortable conditions for plant growth.

Preparing soil mixture for sowing and growing seedlings

Absolutely all types of cabbage love loose soil. That is why peat must be included in its composition. It can be mixed with sand, as well as humus or rotted compost. You can also add wood ash to the mixture.

Soil for planting seedlings can be purchased either ready-made in the store or prepared independently. Only after the mixture has been obtained should it be disinfected. There are plenty of ways to do this. The most common, affordable and simple is to bake in the oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes.

Sometimes a microwave is used for the above procedure, turning it on at full power and keeping it for 5 minutes.

The soil mixture for cabbage should be loose mixed with peat

Pre-sowing preparation of seeds at home and required temperature

Now let's talk about instructions on how to care for the seeds until planting. Regardless of what type of cabbage you are going to plant, the preliminary seed preparation will be the same. The first step is to sort them and select those whose diameter is at least 1.5 mm. After this, gauze is taken, folded into three layers and the selected seeds are wrapped in it.

The resulting package is placed in a thermos with water heated to 45-50 degrees and kept there for 15 minutes. Then the seeds in gauze are lowered for a couple of minutes cold water, remove and leave in a damp cloth for another two days.

If the seeds were purchased from specialty store, then most likely they have already gone through all the stages preliminary preparation and no longer need one. The only thing that is recommended to do is to keep them in damp gauze for a couple of days. This procedure will speed up the emergence of seedlings in the future, since the seeds will already be well swollen and ready to sprout the first shoots.

Cabbage seeds should be correct size without visible defects

Step-by-step sowing technique at home

Seeds are sown depending on whether it is planned to plant the seedlings or not. If you plan, you can sow in a common box or other suitable container.

If picking is not planned, then sowing is done immediately in separate containers (pots or cups, peat tablets).

When choosing the picking method, you need to prepare boxes with a depth of at least 4 centimeters. A layer of prepared soil mixture is poured into them, the thickness of which is 3-4 centimeters. Small grooves about 1 centimeter deep are made at a distance of 3 centimeters from each other. Cabbage seeds are sown in them, the distance between which should also be about 1 centimeter. At the end, the crop is covered with soil.

Proper care of planted seeds

After the cabbage has been sown, the container is placed on a well-lit windowsill. The minimum air temperature in the room should be between 18-20 degrees. After 5 days, the first shoots should appear. After this, the box is moved to the most well-lit place. The temperature should be reduced to 10-12 degrees. Otherwise, the seedlings will become very stretched.

Initially, the seedlings do not increase their growth much, but then the rate increases significantly. Three weeks later, the third leaf begins to appear. It should be taken into account that the temperature regime for cauliflower should be increased by 6 degrees compared to other varieties.

Cabbage seedlings are very demanding on lighting. In the spring, when it gets dark early and dawns late, you need to take care of additional lighting. This can be done using an LED or phytolamp. Daylight hours should thus be at least 12 hours.

Incandescent lamps cannot be used, because there is almost no benefit from their light, but the air heats up additionally.

Plantings need to be watered as the top layer of soil dries out. Lack or excess of moisture can destroy seedlings. To avoid this, the soil should be loosened periodically. Watering is carried out only with settled water heated to room temperature.

As the seedlings grow, they need feeding. A week after picking, you can add a solution of ammonium nitrate, potash fertilizer and superphosphate in a ratio of 2:1:4 grams per 1 liter of water. After another couple of weeks, you can re-feed, but the amount of fertilizer per liter of water is doubled. If necessary, a few days before planting in the garden, a third feeding is carried out. The proportions are the same as for the first one.

Before planting cabbage, it must be hardened well. To do this, they take her out for several hours every day. open air and under open sunlight. The first takeout is done for an hour, and then the time is increased. Before planting, you can leave the boxes for a whole day. Watering is stopped a week before transplanting to the garden bed, but under no circumstances should the plants be allowed to wither.

Growing your own seedlings is a troublesome task, but it is completely worth it. Only in this way can you get strong and healthy seedlings a certain variety, and also harden it well and properly prepare it for planting in open ground. Often, when buying a ready-made crop on the market, we notice that it takes a long time to get sick, does not take root well, and does not subsequently produce a proper harvest. Yes, and with the variety you can miss. You can grow your own seedlings according to all the rules, harden them and get the best results in terms of yield. Yes, and it initially looks many times better than the store-bought one.

Favorable days for sowing cabbage Lunar calendar gardener and gardener for sowing seedlings and in the ground: February 2, 11–16, 20-21; March 4, 9–16, 20–22, 30–31; April 1, 8–9, 12–13, 19–21; May 9–11, 16–20; June 6–7, 20–21.

Cabbage is one of the most popular garden crops, which can be grown almost everywhere except in the desert and Far North. Most often, cabbage is grown in seedlings, especially early varieties of white cabbage, but some types and varieties can be sown directly into the ground.

Sowing time different types cabbage for seedlings and in soil for middle zone Russia and Moscow region:

white and red cabbage- for hybrids and early varieties - March 10–25, for middle and late varieties - April 10-30;

broccoli- can be sown from mid-March to the end of May, with an interval of 10–20 days;

cauliflower- mid-March - end of May, with an interval of 10–20 days;

Brussels sprouts- from mid to late April;

savoy cabbage- For early ripening varieties- from March 10 to 30, mid-season - from March 15 to April 15, late-ripening - from April 1 to 15.

In the Urals and Siberia The timing of sowing cabbage for seedlings is slightly shifted: for early varieties of white cabbage - April 10-15, and for middle and late varieties - the end of April.

In the south of Russia and Ukraine the timing of sowing cabbage, on the contrary, is shifted to February: sowing of early varieties of cabbage can be done in early February, and ready seedlings cabbages are planted in the ground already in April.

Sowing cauliflower seedlings

Early cauliflower can be sown as early as mid to late March. Cauliflower To obtain constant production, you can sow in several stages:

  • Stage 1: to obtain early cauliflower - mid - late March;
  • Stage 2: end of March - mid-April;
  • Stage 3: end of April - mid-May;
  • Stage 4: end of May - mid-June.

The age of cabbage seedlings from sowing seeds to planting in open ground should be:

  • for white cabbage and red cabbage: hybrids and early varieties - 45–55 days, mid-ripening - 35–45 days, late-ripening - 30–35 days;
  • for broccoli cabbage - 35–45 days;
  • for Brussels sprouts and cauliflower - 45–50 days;
  • for kohlrabi cabbage - 30–35 days;
  • for savoy cabbage - 35–50 days.

The sowing date for cabbage is easy to calculate. From sowing to the germination of white cabbage seeds, it takes 8–10 days. Another 45–55 days pass from germination to planting cabbage seedlings in the ground. If you do not have the opportunity to keep cabbage seedlings on a glass loggia or in a greenhouse at a temperature of +15...+17°C, then you will have to grow the seedlings at more high temperature V room conditions. Then postpone sowing early cabbage for 2 weeks, to the beginning of April.

With increasing daylight hours, cabbage seedlings become less stretched and turn yellow, even with excess heat you are more likely to get good seedlings. Seedlings ready for planting should have well-developed root system and at least 4–5 true leaves.

Favorable days for sowing cabbage according to the lunar calendar for gardeners in 2016

  • in February - 11–12, conditionally favorable - 2, 13–16, 20–21;
  • in March - 9–10, 13, conditionally favorable - 4, 9–16, 20–22, 30–31;
  • in April - 1, 8–9, 12–13, conditionally favorable - 19–21;
  • in May - 9–11, conditionally favorable - 16–20;
  • in June - 6–7, conditionally favorable - 20–21.

When to plant cabbage seedlings in the ground

The best predecessors for cabbage are cucumbers, potatoes, onions, and garlic. It is preferable to plant cabbage after carrots, beans and other legumes, but usually these crops are grown without application. organic fertilizers, so the soil needs to be replenished with organic matter. You cannot grow cabbage after radishes, radishes, arugula and other cruciferous vegetables. It is returned to its original place no earlier than after 3 years. 20 days after planting, the plants need to be earthed up and fed. Can be used for feeding mineral fertilizers for vegetables, but cabbage prefers organic ones: infusion of mullein, nettle or liquid organomineral complexes with humates.

Favorable days for caring for cabbage seedlings according to Lunnoy sowing calendar gardener of the year 2016

  • watering cabbage: 14–15, 23 and 24, with caution on March 9; April 10–11 and 19–21; May 1–2, 7–8, 16–18, 29–30;
  • June 4–5, 13–14, 25-26.
  • application of complex fertilizing for cabbage seedlings: March 1–4, 6, 28–31; April 1, 6, 24-30; May 3–5, 22–26, 31; June 4–5, 23–24, 27–28.
  • fertilizing cabbage seedlings with dry fertilizer: March 14–15; April 10-11; May 7–8.
  • treatments against pests and diseases of cabbage: March 2–4, 11–13, 18–19, 28–31; April 1, 6, 8–9, 14–16, 24–28; May 3–5, 12–13, 22, 24–25; June 1–5, 8–9, 27–30.

Sowing cabbage in open ground according to the Lunar sowing calendar

If necessary, cabbage can be sown directly into the ground. True, this is only possible for early varieties of white cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi and Chinese cabbage.

If you cover the bed with film at the beginning of April, then by mid-April the soil will warm up enough to sow cabbage under the film. And from May you can sow in open ground.

Chinese cabbage and kohlrabi are sown until the end of July.

Folk signs and secrets of the Lunar sowing calendar

Interesting point: in addition to the Lunar calendar, our ancestors also took into account the days of the week! According to their observations, one should not plant and sow on Fridays, and it is undesirable on Wednesdays. On Thursdays, you should refrain from picking cabbage and planting seedlings in open ground.

Favorable days for sowing cabbage according to the lunar calendar for gardeners and gardeners for sowing seedlings and in the ground: February 2, 11–16, 20–21; March 4, 9–16, 20–22, 30–31; April 1, 8–9, 12–13, 19–21; May 9–11, 16–20; June 6–7, 20–21.

Cabbage is one of the most popular garden crops, which can be grown almost everywhere except in the desert and the Far North. Most often, cabbage is grown in seedlings, especially early varieties of white cabbage, but some types and varieties can be sown directly into the ground.

The timing of sowing different types of cabbage for seedlings and in the ground for central Russia and the Moscow region:

  • white and red cabbage– for hybrids and early varieties – March 10–25, for middle and late varieties – April 10–30;
  • broccoli– can be sown from mid-March to the end of May, with an interval of 10–20 days;
  • cauliflower– mid-March – late May, with an interval of 10–20 days;
  • Brussels sprouts– from mid to late April;
  • kohlrabi cabbage– from March 10–20 until the end of June, with an interval of 10–20 days;
  • savoy cabbage– for early-ripening varieties – from March 10 to 30, mid-ripening – from March 15 to April 15, late-ripening – from April 1 to 15.

In the Urals and Siberia The timing of sowing cabbage for seedlings is slightly shifted: for early varieties of white cabbage - April 10-15, and for middle and late varieties - the end of April.

In the south of Russia and Ukraine The timing of sowing cabbage, on the contrary, is shifted to February: sowing of early varieties of cabbage can be done in early February, and ready-made cabbage seedlings are planted in the ground already in April.

Sowing cauliflower seedlings

Early cauliflower can be sown as early as mid to late March. To obtain constant production, cauliflower can be sown in several stages:

  • 1st stage: to obtain early cauliflower – mid – late March;
  • 2nd stage: end of March – mid-April;
  • 3rd stage: end of April – mid-May;
  • 4th stage: end of May – mid-June.

The age of cabbage seedlings from sowing seeds to planting in open ground should be:

  • For white and red cabbage cabbage: hybrids and early varieties – 45–55 days, mid-ripening – 35–45 days, late-ripening – 30–35 days;
  • for broccoli– 35–45 days;
  • For Brussels sprouts and cauliflower cabbage– 45–50 days;
  • for kohlrabi cabbage– 30–35 days;
  • For Savoyard cabbage– 35–50 days.

The sowing date for cabbage is easy to calculate. From sowing to the germination of white cabbage seeds, it takes 8–10 days. Another 45–55 days pass from germination to planting cabbage seedlings in the ground. If you do not have the opportunity to keep cabbage seedlings on a glassed-in loggia or in a greenhouse at a temperature of +15...+17°C, then you will have to grow the seedlings at a higher temperature in room conditions. Then postpone sowing early cabbage for 2 weeks, to the beginning of April.

As daylight increases, cabbage seedlings become less stretched and turn yellow; even with excess heat, you have a better chance of getting good seedlings. Seedlings ready for planting should have a well-developed root system and at least 4-5 true leaves.

Favorable days for sowing cabbage according to the lunar calendar for gardeners in 2016

  • in February – 11–12, conditionally favorable – 2, 13–16, 20–21;
  • in March – 9–10, 13, conditionally favorable – 4, 9–16, 20–22, 30–31;
  • in April – 1, 8–9, 12–13, conditionally favorable – 19–21;
  • in May – 9–11, conditionally favorable – 16–20;
  • in June – 6–7, conditionally favorable – 20–21.
  • Leaf species cabbage can be sown at the same time and on February 22, 27–29; March 3 and 25.

When to plant cabbage seedlings in the ground

The best predecessors for cabbage are cucumbers, potatoes, onions, and garlic. It is preferable to plant cabbage after carrots, beans and other legumes, but usually these crops are grown without applying organic fertilizers, so the soil needs to be replenished with organic matter. You cannot grow cabbage after radishes, radishes, arugula and other cruciferous vegetables. It is returned to its original place no earlier than after 3 years. 20 days after planting, the plants need to be earthed up and fed. You can use mineral fertilizers for vegetables for feeding, but cabbage prefers organic ones: infusion of mullein, nettle or liquid organomineral complexes with humates.

Favorable days for caring for cabbage seedlings according to the 2016 gardener’s Lunar Sowing Calendar

  • P olive cabbage : 14–15, 23 and 24, with caution on March 9; April 10–11 and 19–21; May 1–2, 7–8, 16–18, 29–30;
  • June 4–5, 13–14, 25–26.
  • application of complex fertilizing for cabbage seedlings: March 1–4, 6, 28–31; April 1, 6, 24–30; May 3–5, 22–26, 31; June 4–5, 23–24, 27–28.
  • feeding with dry fertilizer cabbage seedlings: March 14–15; April 10–11; May 7–8.
  • treatments against pests and diseases of cabbage: March 2–4, 11–13, 18–19, 28–31; April 1, 6, 8–9, 14–16, 24–28; May 3–5, 12–13, 22, 24–25; June 1–5, 8–9, 27–30.

Sowing cabbage in open ground according to the Lunar sowing calendar

If necessary, cabbage can be sown directly into the ground. True, this is only possible for early varieties of white cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi and Chinese cabbage.
If you cover the bed with film at the beginning of April, then by mid-April the soil will warm up enough to sow cabbage under the film. And from May you can sow in open ground.
Beijing cabbage and kohlrabi are sown before the end of July.

Folk signs and secrets of the Lunar sowing calendar

An interesting point: in addition to the Lunar calendar, our ancestors also took into account the days of the week! According to their observations, one should not plant and sow on Fridays, and it is undesirable on Wednesdays. On Thursdays, you should refrain from picking cabbage and planting seedlings in open ground.

Soil for cabbage seedlings

The soil mixture for sowing cabbage for seedlings consists of equal parts of peat, turf land and sand with the addition of wood ash (0.5 cups of ash per 2 liters of soil mixture).

Sift the resulting mixture. After this, it is advisable to add perlite to the soil for sowing cabbage. It loosens the soil well, provides air access, and absorbs when watering. excess moisture, and then gradually gives it away, which is very important for young seedlings.

If you have not steamed the soil mixture, be sure to water it with a Trichophyte solution or a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Before sowing, place cabbage seeds in a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes, then rinse them in clean water. Instead of potassium permanganate, you can use drugs such as Mikosan N, phytosporin, trichophyte, Em-preparation.

Also, to prevent blackleg, mold and other fungal diseases, use Fitosporin according to the instructions.

After preventive treatment, lightly dry the cabbage seeds until they flow and spread one at a time on the surface of the soil according to a 1x1 centimeter pattern, since the seedlings do not tolerate thickening.

Place labels with the names of the varieties.

Cover the seeds with soil mixture in a layer of 1-1.5 centimeters.

If cabbage seeds are not planted deep enough, they often sprout with their skins on. The seed coat is carried to the surface with the seedlings and interferes with the development of seedlings. Wet the top layer of soil with a spray bottle.

Place the bowl in plastic bag and keep sowing until germination at a temperature of about 20°C.

Conditions for growing cabbage seedlings

Cabbage shoots appear 8-10 days after sowing. Perhaps the most crucial moment in growing seedlings comes. At this time, the temperature must be reduced to 8... 10°C. Compliance with the correct temperature regime- one of the most important conditions. At higher temperatures, seedlings quickly become stretched, get sick and often die. Therefore, at home, cabbage seedlings develop poorly. In a city apartment, the most appropriate place for growing cabbage seedlings - glazed loggia or balcony. After 1-2 weeks, the temperature can be increased to 15... 17 ° C, but even at this time, the difference in night and day temperatures and frequent ventilation are very useful for plants. At this time, crops should be watered very sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. When the seedlings have 1-2 true leaves, you can start picking cabbage.

Picking cabbage seedlings

The soil mixture for picking cabbage seedlings consists of 2 parts peat, 2 parts turf soil, 1 part humus and 0.5 parts sand. For 5 liters of this mixture, add 1 cup of wood ash. Stir.

Fill the pots 2/3 full with soil mixture and compact. Make holes of such depth that the roots of the seedlings fit into them freely, without bends.

Pinch roots that are too large by a third. After backfilling, lightly compact the soil around the seedling.

Gently water the picked cabbage seedlings, starting from the edge of the pot. After the water is completely absorbed, add as much to the pots as soil mixture so that it reaches the cotyledon leaves.

Cabbage is very demanding on lighting, so after picking, place the seedlings in the brightest place. The temperature at this time should be 15... 17°C.

Watering cabbage seedlings

Carried out with water at room temperature. Watering at this time is very moderate. Although a lack of moisture inhibits the growth of seedlings, its excess is even more harmful to cabbage: it leads to rotting of the roots, lodging and blackleg damage. Frequent ventilation and differences in night and day temperatures are very useful for seedlings.

Feeding cabbage seedlings

Before planting seedlings in the ground, cabbage needs to be fed twice. Apply the first feeding at the stage of 2 true leaves. If you have added enough ash to the soil mixture, then there is no need to use expensive fertilizer. The ash contains all the necessary elements except nitrogen in a form accessible to the plant. Simply feed the seedlings with nitrogen fertilizer, such as Azotophyte. When feeding, try not to get it on the leaves. If the ash was not used to prepare the soil mixture, feed the cabbage seedlings with any special fertilizer for seedlings containing nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and microelements (Good owner, Reanimator for seedlings).

At the stage of 3-4 true leaves (about 2 weeks before planting), feed the seedlings a second time. With the onset of warm weather, take the seedlings out into the fresh air as often as possible. If possible, place it in a greenhouse or greenhouse.

Planting cabbage in the ground

Cabbage seedlings are planted in open ground at the stage of 5-6 well-developed true leaves.

If the seedlings are strong and well hardened to fresh air, then you can plant it in warm weather, even if frost is possible in the morning. Cabbage seedlings tolerate short-term temperature drops down to -3...-5°C. If the weather is cold not only at night, but also during the day, then it is better to postpone planting, since the long-term influence low temperatures may lead to bolting of some early varieties.

After what to plant cabbage? The best precursors for cabbage are onions, garlic, carrots, potatoes, and various legumes. Cabbage plantings can be returned to their old place no earlier than after 3-4 years. You cannot plant cabbage after radishes, radishes, arugula and other cruciferous vegetables.

Water the seedlings well two hours before planting.

While the seedlings are saturated with moisture before planting, prepare the holes for planting. Add 1 cup of wood ash, 1 tablespoon of vermicompost or compost into each hole. Dig it thoroughly.

Make a hole so deep that the seedlings fit in it up to the first true leaf. Place a cube with seedlings in it.

Fill the hole with water.

When the water is half absorbed, fill the hole with soil. There is no need to compact it.

Mulch the soil around the planted cabbage seedlings so that moisture remains in the soil longer after watering and a soil crust does not form.

At the same time as cabbage seedlings, plant tall marigold seedlings in the garden bed.

This will protect your crop from cabbage whites and other pests.

Favorable days for caring for cabbage seedlings according to the 2016 gardener’s Lunar Sowing Calendar

watering cabbage: 14–15, 23 and 24, with caution on March 9; April 10–11 and 19–21; May 1–2, 7–8, 16–18, 29–30; June 4–5, 13–14, 25–26.

application of complex fertilizing for cabbage seedlings: March 1–4, 6, 28–31; April 1, 6, 24–30; May 3–5, 22–26, 31; June 4–5, 23–24, 27–28.

fertilizing cabbage seedlings with dry fertilizer: March 14–15; April 10–11; May 7–8.

treatments against pests and diseases of cabbage: March 2–4, 11–13, 18–19, 28–31; April 1, 6, 8–9, 14–16, 24–28; May 3–5, 12–13, 22, 24–25; June 1–5, 8–9, 27–30.

Sowing cabbage in open ground according to the Lunar sowing calendar

If necessary, cabbage can be sown directly into the ground. True, this is only possible for early varieties of white cabbage, broccoli, kohlrabi and Chinese cabbage.
If you cover the bed with film at the beginning of April, then by mid-April the soil will warm up enough to sow cabbage under the film. And from May you can sow in open ground.
Beijing cabbage and kohlrabi are sown before the end of July.

Folk signs and secrets of the Lunar sowing calendar: In addition to the Lunar calendar, our ancestors also took into account the days of the week! According to their observations, one should not plant and sow on Fridays, and it is undesirable on Wednesdays. On Thursdays, you should refrain from picking cabbage and planting seedlings in open ground.

When to sow cabbage for seedlings?

The timing of sowing cabbage seedlings depends on the ripening period of the variety.

Early varieties of white cabbage begin to be sown in mid-March; average in mid-April,
late varieties - in early April.

These are, of course, tentative dates; they largely depend on the growing area. It is easy to calculate the favorable sowing date yourself. It takes 8-10 days from sowing to sprouting of cabbage seeds. Another 50-55 days pass from germination to planting cabbage seedlings in the ground. If you do not have the opportunity to keep cabbage seedlings on a glassed-in loggia or in a greenhouse at a temperature of 15...17°C, then you will have to grow the seedlings at a higher temperature in room conditions. Then postpone sowing early cabbage 2 weeks later, to the beginning of April. With increasing daylight hours, cabbage seedlings become less stretched and turn yellow; even with excess heat, you have a better chance of getting good seedlings.

Favorable days for sowing cabbage according to the Lunar calendar gardener and gardener for sowing seedlings and in the ground:

Cabbage- one of the most popular garden crops, which can be grown almost everywhere, except for the desert and the Far North. Most often, cabbage is grown in seedlings, especially early varieties of white cabbage, but some types and varieties can be sown directly into the ground.

Timing for sowing different types of cabbage for seedlings and in the ground:

white and red cabbage – for hybrids and early varieties – February 10–25, for middle and late varieties – March 10–30;

broccoli– can be sown from mid-February to the end of May, with an interval of 10–20 days;

cauliflower– mid-February–end of May, with an interval of 10–20 days;

Brussels sprouts– from mid to late March;

savoy cabbagefor early ripening varieties – from 10 to 30 February, mid-season until March 15, late ripening – from April 1 to April 15.

Sowing cauliflower seedlings

Early cauliflower can be sown as early as mid to late March. To obtain constant production, cauliflower can be sown in several stages:

  1. stage: to obtain early cauliflower – mid – late March;
  2. stage: end of March – mid-April;
  3. stage: end of April – mid-May;
  4. stage: end of May – mid-June.

The age of cabbage seedlings from sowing seeds to planting in open ground should be:

for white and red cabbage: hybrids and early varieties – 45–55 days, mid-ripening – 35–45 days, late-ripening – 30–35 days;

for broccoli– 35–45 days;

for Brussels sprouts and cauliflower– 45–50 days;

for kohlrabi cabbage– 30–35 days;

for savoy cabbage– 35–50 days.

As daylight increases, cabbage seedlings become less stretched and turn yellow; even with excess heat, you have a better chance of getting good seedlings. Seedlings ready for planting should have a well-developed root system and at least 4-5 true leaves.

Favorable days for sowing cabbage according to the lunar calendar for gardeners in 2016

  • in February– 11–12, conditionally favorable – 2, 13–16, 20–21;
  • in March– 9–10, 13, conditionally favorable – 4, 9–16, 20–22, 30–31;
  • in April– 1, 8–9, 12–13, conditionally favorable – 19–21;
  • in May– 9–11, conditionally favorable – 16–20;
  • in June– 6–7, conditionally favorable – 20–21.

The best predecessors for cabbage are cucumbers, potatoes, onions, and garlic. It is preferable to plant cabbage after carrots, beans and other legumes, but usually these crops are grown without applying organic fertilizers, so the soil needs to be replenished with organic matter. You cannot grow cabbage after radishes, radishes, arugula and other cruciferous vegetables. It is returned to its original place no earlier than after 3 years. 20 days after planting, the plants need to be earthed up and fed. You can use mineral fertilizers for vegetables for feeding, but cabbage prefers organic ones: infusion of mullein, nettle or liquid organomineral complexes with humates.

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