Rituals for the acquisition and development of magical power. Free online testing "I am a magician or what"

Many people would like to have these or other superpowers. For example, the ability to predict the future or heal people. Someone wants to be able to influence the life events that happen to him and to other people by the power of thought. If you are a Seeker of knowledge, how to develop superpowers in yourself, remember: these skills do not just come if they are not given to you from birth. You will need time and perseverance to discover in yourself some of these amazing superpowers. But it’s not enough just to discover them in yourself - in order to use them for good, you will definitely need to learn how to consciously manage them.

The first step in the development of superpowers

Those who decide to pursue the development of superpowers often do not know where to start. After all, now there are many schools and teachers who promise to help with this. But few of them can really teach you, because there are a lot of charlatans divorced. Know on initial stage you can quite manage on your own. Just believe in your strength, because anyone can develop superpowers! If you are ready for daily workouts, then you will succeed.

The most important thing that you will have to learn is the ability to enter an altered state of consciousness, a trance, at any time you need. It is in a trance that all healers and magicians work. There are many ways to enter this state, they are quite simple to master. For example, you can use Jose Silva method from his book Getting Help from the Other Side. By studying it, you can literally within a month learn how to enter a trance and gain contact with your higher self. It is truly powerful best teacher which can only be found. It will help you and guide you on your path.

Remember that if you want to actually develop superpowers in yourself, and not just know a lot about the world of magic, the most important thing is to practice more trance states and work in them. It is not worth going deep into theory. Moreover, almost every magical school has its own explanation of why and how their methods work. True, this explanation will be different every time.

Exercises that develop superpowers

After you have some experience of being in a trance, you need to start developing your intuition. It works for almost everyone, but we very rarely listen to it. It is very easy to develop, no special techniques are required. Just learn to listen to it every day in difficult situations. You can train on the simplest situations. For example, when the phone rings, ask yourself who it is and try to guess. Each time your intuition will sharpen, and little by little it will grow into the ability to foresee events.

And now you can try to learn to feel things at a distance. Just look at that other thing and try to feel its taste, smell, color, mass - perceiving the thing as a whole and in separate parts. This workout can be done anytime, anywhere, even when you're on the bus or just walking down the road.

Necessarily learn to control your emotional state, without this it is impossible to develop superpowers in oneself. If you cannot contain your anger, be your own master, then you will not be able to control the new acquired abilities.

Can't do without ability to concentrate. This can be learned by meditating on the flame of a candle. Light a candle and focus all your attention on it. Discard all extraneous thoughts, try to turn off the internal mental dialogue. Does not work? Just start again over and over again when this or that extraneous thought crept into your head.

When you master these simple exercises, you will feel that you can already do a lot of things that you can’t. ordinary people. And those around you will be amazed at your abilities.

Magic is an unusual and not fully known phenomenon. Someone treats her indifferently, someone is afraid of her. But there is also a third category of people: everything magical attracts them, fascinates them, they want to touch it, to become a part of it. Usually such people from childhood or from adolescence suspect that they have some magical abilities. Over time, interest in magic can intensify and reach its climax. But many of them face the question: how to develop magical abilities? Is it even possible? Of course, this is quite real. But it is required that a person has at least some inclinations and prerequisites (well-developed intuition, hypersensitivity). We will discuss two main directions for educating a real magician in oneself.

  • You can enroll in the school of magic (magic school, courses for beginner magicians). They specialize in training magicians (both black and white). The main condition for admission to such organizations is to be of legal age (sometimes admission is from the age of sixteen). Teaching magic in schools consists of two parts - theoretical and practical (lectures and assignments). In each school of magic, the duration of training and the course varies, but in any case, an exam awaits you at the end.

Advantages: over, working with experienced mentors can give a lot to an aspiring magician. You can also learn absolutely any kind of magical abilities (from clairvoyance to telekinesis).

Flaws: Not everyone will be able to afford such training. Moreover, such schools are not in all cities. And the main danger here is to run into scammers who want to take your money.

  • Therefore, we will consider the second option: how to discover magical abilities in yourself? This will require a lot of effort and patience from you. Therefore, they are definitely worth stocking up. First, let's try to train our attention and memory. Every mage needs them. Remember all the events of today. No, not just where you went today and what you did. Try to restore the clothes, hairstyles of the people with whom you communicated. Or remember how much your lunch in the dining room cost. Does not work? This means that memory and attention definitely need training. To do this, we advise you to memorize poems, every evening to restore the events and the smallest details of the past day. The following is a good exercise. After you have visited a place for the first time, reproduce its decor, the color of curtains, wallpaper, furniture, views indoor plants and other little things.

How else can you awaken magical abilities? Every mage should have a good developed bodies feelings. Therefore - keep it up! If there are usually no big problems with vision, then hearing and smell often do not fully fulfill their functions. Breathe in full chest and try to catch all the smells that are in the air. Everything! You will be surprised how, it turns out, ordinary freshly cooked soup or trees in the garden can smell. Surely smells have never been an object of such deep study for you.

And, of course, the development of magical abilities cannot occur without regular training. Practice magic every day. Try to predict the future, feel the past of a person and his present, heal diseased organs. Train on your relatives, friends. Develop your intuition! There are a lot of different tasks and exercises. For example, you can use the power of thought to try to influence another person by transferring a certain energy to him. It remains only to remember to fulfill them. Perhaps the first time it will be difficult, not everything will work out. But patience and work, as you know, can do a lot.

Benefits of self-development of one's magical abilities: First, it won't cost you anything financially. Secondly, you can do it when it is convenient for you, and not according to a schedule drawn up by someone. After all, each person is individual: this applies to both daily biorhythms and physiological characteristics. Thirdly, your education will not be limited by any framework (the duration of the course or semester in a special school for magicians). Fourthly, the magical energy of other people will not interfere with you (as it might have been at school). Fifthly, all your training and development of magical abilities will be built according to your own developed plan.

Flaws: You will not be controlled by an experienced mentor, will not point out to you shortcomings and shortcomings (and this is very important in any training and even work). You may not learn some secrets and difficulties in magic, the algorithm of actions in a given situation. You can do exercises and tasks irregularly, be lazy. No one will be able to properly test you and make a "conclusion" about your magical abilities.

Thus, it is up to you to decide which method of developing magical abilities is better to choose. But, in any case, we wish you good luck in achieving your goal of becoming a magician!

How to develop psychic abilities?

We welcome you again. What is magic? This whole system thinking, when a person with the help of secret forces influences the spirit and matter. Man is a thinking being, therefore, the makings of such abilities are in each of us. You just need to know how to develop magical abilities in yourself. Is it possible? Is it easy or simple? That is what we are going to tell you about today.

In our time there are many different, so-called magical schools or circles, especially in major cities, in which they allegedly teach all the wisdom of superpowers from clairvoyance to telekinesis.

We will not tell you about them, because often the organizers of such institutions have the same attitude to magic as the ancient shamans of Mesopotamia to the device of a modern computer. And their main goal is to lighten your wallet for a certain amount of "crunchy pieces of paper".

We will talk with you about how to develop your secret abilities at home. It is clear that for this you need to develop all your feelings to such a level that you can literally feel the energy of any person, see the aura, and, most importantly, absolutely control your own will, feelings and sensations.

A few steps will help us with this. Only if you really need results, then you need to work them out more than once through careful training, you yourself will understand when the goals of a particular step are achieved.

Learning to relax

So much literature has been written about complete relaxation, everything seems to be clear and it seems, well, what's so difficult? But in reality, nothing happens, there remains internal tightness, tension and it is impossible to completely relax. And we'll try.

So, you need to lie on the bed, on the floor or on the sofa, so that it is comfortable, and no one interferes. Starting at the tips of your toes, feel them and relax completely, then go to the feet, heels, ankles, shins, knees, thighs, just imagine every inch of your body. Sacrum, lower back, abdomen, solar plexus, arms (from fingertips), back, shoulders, neck.

Special attention devote to relaxing the facial muscles, the most difficult thing is with the eyes (it is better to close them). This practice should be carried out every day for several minutes, when you completely manage to relax (and this will not happen immediately), remember this state, feel it, so that later you can calmly enter into it. ordinary life;

Memory and attention training

Try to describe in detail what the people with whom you spoke today were wearing? What kind of hairstyle did they have? It's hard to remember all the little things, isn't it? Let's practice.

You enter a room or an unfamiliar place with a lot of people. Take a close look at all the details contained in this new location. Turn away and try to restore them to memory. Or count certain objects, and then reproduce them in your mind.

You can train your visual attention when you are in traffic, in line, at the beach, in the library, and anywhere else. Over time, this will become a habit and it will be enough for you to look at an unfamiliar environment and you will remember all the details;

We train the sense of smell. Try to feel all the smells that surround you. Often we do not think about how our sense of smell works. Break down all the smells into components. What do you feel?

The smell of flowers, pizza (what it is made of, smell each ingredient), perfume (what notes are present in it) and all other smells. Assess your feelings, mentally say what your olfactory organs feel. You will be surprised when you realize how many different smells fill your life;

Ear training. Usually, before going to bed, a person tries to “turn off” from all the surrounding sounds. You, on the other hand, try to listen to everything you hear for a few minutes. Perhaps you will hear the sound of a passing car, what is it, a truck or a car?

Practice this way. This is necessary in order to, if necessary, hear the quiet voice of the higher consciousness (or, as it is also called the “voice from above”), which is usually barely distinguishable;

Energetic message of positive energy. Surely you have acquaintances, friends, relatives who have certain problems, troubles, deadlocks. Try to mentally send them a positive message, wish, form a source of light in your mind, direct it mentally certain person, wish him joy, happiness, harmony, healing.

Perform such a ritual several times, and then see if your message helps. Don't stop if it doesn't work right away, because the sure way to achieve nothing is to do nothing;

Set up an internal alarm clock. Try it and you will be very surprised. How to do it? Before going to bed, lying in bed, you need to suggest to yourself the time at which you want to wake up. Imagine the clock face, put the arrows on the desired numbers.

Set a mental alarm clock. Think about it, give yourself the installation to wake up at this particular time. In order not to oversleep and not be late for work, set your internal alarm clock ten to twenty minutes earlier than your usual alarm clock. Stay with this thought for a few minutes. Now you can sleep peacefully. Almost always, this exercise succeeds the first time. Check if you can?

In the ways described above, you need to develop your all five senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, taste). Training of the sense organs is necessary in order to be able to perceive signs and signals at a subtle level. higher powers(higher consciousness), and most importantly, to hear the quiet voice of your own inner "I", that is, your sixth sense - intuition, which in essence is extrasensory (supersensitive) perception.

Now that your senses have been sufficiently trained, you can learn how to enter the basic psychic level. This is the level at which practicing magicians and psychics work. Access to deeper levels of consciousness is not often used for deeper practices, but more on that another time.

Access to the main psychic level.

  1. Relax, close your eyes;
  2. Imagine a spiral staircase of ten steps that leads to the basement (into the depths of your subconscious), you are standing on the highest tenth step;
  3. Visualize yourself going down, on each step say to yourself "I have reached a deeper level of consciousness";
  4. When you find yourself on the lowest rung (you should clearly understand this), say to yourself: "I have reached the main level of psychic abilities, now, to reach it, it will be enough for me to count from three to one";
  5. Open your eyes, try to do the same exercise with your eyes open. Practice this exercise when you need a special state of consciousness to solve certain problems, find answers to questions that have arisen, and help other people.

Thank you friends for your attention. Even more interesting information you will receive if you subscribe to our new articles. Share with friends, develop your hidden abilities for the benefit of yourself and all living, happiness to you.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, experts in esotericism and occultism, authors of 14 books.

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Development of magical abilities

Difficulties in developing magical abilities

"Hello! I stubbornly and persistently developed magical abilities this summer in various ways available to me. But unsuccessfully. On the pages of your site I read that uncontrolled, spontaneous development of magical abilities(and it seems to me that this is partly what happened to me) can cause serious harm to loved ones. Recently my mother died. True, before this event she had been ill for many years, and in Last year her ailments increased greatly. Is it really true that my "such" development of my magical abilities could have a strong impact in the direction of deterioration of her health and even lead to death. I ask you to give me a qualified answer, as this may affect my future life."

The development of magical abilities activates a person has all the life programs that he has at the moment. These programs can be directed both for good and for evil. For example, if a person is in a state of negative attitude towards some people, this program is aimed at evil. Thus, when a person tries to develop magical abilities in himself, regardless of whether he succeeds or not, his close people always feel it.

Most people who practice magic and try to develop magical abilities do not know how to control their thoughts and emotions. At the same time, their negative programs are activated much more strongly than programs aimed at good. Naturally, this negatively affects loved ones and the person himself. In close people, against this background, negative programs are also activated in the first place. Because of this, their energy (life force) decreases and they become more vulnerable.

All of the above applies not only to the development of magical abilities, the conduct of magical rituals and magical wars. The same thing can happen if a person begins to intensively engage in his self-improvement or a set of energy. Because in any case, there is an increase in the concentration of energy in a particular person and all his life programs are also activated.

Therefore, without a clear control of one's thoughts, emotions and actions, it is impossible to engage in a set of energy, spiritual improvement, the development of magical abilities, and various magical actions.

Before approaching this, it is necessary to think carefully, to weigh everything. Because on any of these paths, a lot will have to be abandoned. And not everyone is ready for it. For example, many serious strong magicians and healers do not develop a personal life, or do not have children, or their wives and children get sick and die prematurely. Therefore, some of these professionals deliberately lead a secluded life, and also abandon all their relatives and cease to maintain relations with them. It's theirs conscious choice to preserve the health and life of your loved ones. Few people are capable of it. This is confirmed by history. All serious occultists who lived at different times and different countries, lived alone, alone, they did not have a family. They abandoned their personal lives in order to devote themselves entirely to the knowledge of the world, the study of the occult sciences and spiritual development.

In India where people traditionally understand these things, men only get on the spiritual path after they have raised their children. They leave the family and begin to engage in spiritual practices, without substituting their family. Or young men who do not yet have a family embark on the spiritual path. Everything happens thoughtfully and consciously.

Many people who have read our books, articles, materials from our website and club, refuse magic, and even more so from magical actions against their offenders (debtors, traitors, enemies), and also refuse love spells. There is a reassessment of values. There is so much evil in the world.

Besides, really any a person can develop good magical abilities only if in his soul the amount of love prevails over desires, over the energy of evil, over selfishness.

Quickly develop magical abilities during a year maybe a person who already has a base. That is, he has already been engaged in spiritual practices in past incarnations and he has specific achievements.

For everyone else who does not have these developments, quickly develop magical abilities will not work. They, too, will have to go through this difficult path. In other words, the starting conditions are different for everyone, and therefore the results are different.

If a person is in a state of magical war, which he unleashed himself, and indignation and even aggression prevail in his soul, it is unlikely that he will be able to develop magical abilities. It is one thing to learn how to shoot accurately, to learn how to use karate or other martial arts to physically attack the enemy. It is quite another thing to learn to feel the energy and work with this energy. A person who is at a high emotional level is not able to feel the subtlest vibrations of energy. This requires peace of mind. And peace of mind gives the energy of love and understanding.

Therefore, many people try to develop magical abilities for months and years, but they do not succeed. You need to start with control over your thoughts and emotions.. And also set a clear goal - for what these abilities are needed. If the goal is noble, aimed at positive, then the chances of this person increase. If the goal is to take revenge on the enemy, punish the offender, or get money out of the debtor in a magical way, then the chances of positive success in developing magical abilities are minimal.

Conclusion: Before you begin to develop magical abilities or engage in any spiritual practice, you must clearly understand your goal, your capabilities and consequences.

Many people do not set themselves the goal of developing magical abilities. They lead a monastic life, and abilities they themselves appear as they grow spiritually.


"Hello, dear Oleg Petrovich and Valentina Vladimirovna!

Of course, somewhere inside myself, I understood that there could be consequences from my attempts to develop magical abilities. And with what you wrote - I completely agree! I think a lot of people understand possible consequences, but few people believe that all this can affect him. But when, due to his own stupidity, the most close person

I hope that at least someone will learn from my experience!

Thank you very much! With all respect, Andrew"

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

The book "The Energy of the Name"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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The magical abilities of the zodiac signs to black and white magic, who is the most vulnerable, characteristic

Aries are those who do not think about what cannot be touched, smelled or eaten. But they have excellently developed that same seventh sense, popularly called intuition. To engage in magic, Aries must know all the subtleties and nuances, so as not to climb where it is not required. Self protection, immunity to various types black magic, protects from various damage, evil eye or love spell.

Taurus until the last believe that magic does not exist, these are fairy tales for children. Even when the stick turns into a flower, and the nail into a mansion. They have the ability to heal people with herbs, and they have a dog-like instinct for choosing the right herbs. Their thoughts are material, as soon as the calf says something, how it can turn into reality.

Gemini and magic are incompatible. They cannot focus on various love spells, conspiracies, most often believing that this does not exist at all. They themselves cling to magic from other people like a fish on a hook. They do not have immunity at all, they are easily corrupted and enchanted.

Cancers are subject to magic, a very subtle nature, they will feel bad energy. It is worth appearing in the place where evil reigns, as they immediately become uncomfortable. If desired, cancer can achieve great success in the occult.

The lion has sufficient strength to practice magic. But since he sees no one else around except himself, he does not notice these forces. Not wanting to develop, not believing in their own abilities, more often it remains so ordinary person unrelated to magic. His own protection does not allow him to do evil.

Virgo is too superstitious, and her own energy is not strong enough to protect against magic directed at her. In every action she can see a sign, a hint.

Libra is not only well versed in love magic, but also excellent at using it. To bewitch, to help make love stronger, all this is their part. They themselves are practically invulnerable to love spells from the outside. If desired, achieve great success in magic.

Scorpio is born with the gift of a magician. But not everyone can manage it. The curse from the scorpion is very strong, which cannot be removed. There are many black magicians among scorpions. The desire and attempt to harm this sign is reduced to zero. Beautiful prophets, a lot comes true, you should be more attentive to their words.

Sagittarians are capable of any kind of magic. Passion can turn into professionalism. Initially, they consider themselves weak. In fact, they can harm others, only with words. They have the ability to knowledge that other people are not available. Own protection helps to resist damage, but before love magic they are powerless.

Capricorn is completely incompatible with magic. He denies what he cannot see, cannot taste. The sign itself is difficult to jinx, harm in other ways. As soon as Capricorn wants to try his hand at magic, something immediately happens. Aquarius has a real sense of smell for everything inexplicable. He is directly drawn to where there is the occult. They work great with cards. Their dreams often turn out to be prophetic, and their words are prophetic.

Pisces should not do magic, they are too weak and vulnerable. Competitors will trample in seconds. You should not take revenge on enemies with the help of magic, only fish will be harmed.

The magical abilities of the signs of the zodiac how to determine by date and year of birth

With the help of numerology, you can determine whether you have the ability to magic. Adding your date of birth to a single digit.

For example, 11.01.1986 1+1+0+1+1+9+8+6=27 2+7=9

1. People with this figure can inspire others with whatever they want. Hypnosis is their forte. Often, people around you listen with their mouths open, doing what you need.

2. Such people perfectly feel the pain of others; with age, the gift of healing with hands appears. From one presence next to the Deuce, it becomes easier as in physical plane, as well as in the soul.

3. The three are lucky in everything, but they don't always notice it. She has no such abilities. Thoughts and words often materialize, so think about what to say.

4. Own protective immunity, will not let anyone harm you. What can we say about personal abilities, if they exist, they are too weak for great magical deeds.

5. You see through people. Excellent intuition tells right choice. The ability to predict certain events is scary at the beginning, but over time it becomes the norm.

6. You feel the energy of others, it is impossible to deceive you. Beautiful white magicians come out of sixes.

7. You often see dreams in which there is an answer to all questions. Often, dreams come true. You can also say about your luck, wherever you go, whatever you do everything will be fine.

8. Damage, love spells, lapels, these words are familiar to you. The desire and ability to harm, and to help someone, it's all about you. Do not flirt, you have to pay for everything in life.

9. You see and hear things that others can't. The world of the dead, communication with the souls of the dead. The underworld will open its doors to you.

How to develop magical abilities in yourself at home, and which ones, practice

To become a good magician, you need to be attentive. The ability to relax will help you go into a trance. First, train your memory and attention and learn to relax. Then try to learn how to send your energy in the right direction. Look among friends or acquaintances for people with problems. Try using energy messages to direct your energy to improve his life.

Once you understand that success gradually comes. Try to use simple conspiracies, rituals to attract good luck.

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