Why do doubts arise? When denial is justified as a defense mechanism

The fourth stage of sales is “Working with client objections.” This is one of the most important topics, the algorithm of which helps on the way to the goal. Having mastered the technique of how to deal with objections in sales, you can not only successfully negotiate, but also quickly conclude a deal.

It is not always possible to convince your interlocutor that he is right, to interest him and to make him a like-minded person. For this purpose, techniques for dealing with objections from potential clients have been developed.

You need to work out such a scheme again and again until the client agrees with you.

Work with objections is almost complete. Now you need to convince the client to complete the deal. The goal set must be specific. By giving reasons, you can quickly achieve what you want. We bring the matter to the end (we sign the contract, in sales we sell the goods).

It may be quite natural that in the first part you completely agree with the client, and in the second you begin to convince him of the opposite.

Your main goal is to deal with objections. In sales, the main thing is to get the client to agree with your opinion. Well, it depends on you and on how skillfully the algorithm will be built taking into account the current situation.

Classification of objections

To make the task easier, we will present types of objections. This will help during the “fight” with them. In general, customer contradictions can be divided into 3 main groups.

Hidden objections (false)

Most common. They are the most “dangerous”, because if work with hidden objections in sales is not successful, the person will purchase the product from a competing company. The difficulty of this task is that the potential client may not ask questions about the product. Or be very “modestly” interested in the product. The manager is forced to work very carefully, “pulling out” objections. The following questions may be useful for this purpose:

  • “What’s stopping you from making up your mind?”
  • “What makes you doubt your decision?”
  • “Your choice may be influenced by what the product can do...(exactly what a particular consumer needs).”

Aimed at postponing decision making

Dealing with deferred objections is largely based on focusing the client’s attention on the benefits of the product. Which he may not know about. These consumer contradictions are aimed at avoiding making a decision “here and now.” Often, consumers with such contradictions refer to another person. For example, “I need to talk to my boss first.” In similar situations, work with an objection can proceed according to the following scheme:

  • offer to involve a third party in the next stage of negotiations;
  • When meeting in person with the client and contact person, find out the limits of the “zone of uncertainty”.

In the future, using the advantages of the product/deal, lure your opponent out of the “zone of doubt”. Consider several different options for this.


In order for work with these objections to be effective, it is worth finding out what the contradiction is based on. Phrases like: “Can you help me understand what exactly denial is about?”. Perhaps the reason for the objection was the competitor’s price, which was lower. Or maybe the cost initially seemed too high to the client. When working with similar cases in sales, it is important to “win” the potential buyer to your side. For these purposes, it is recommended to use a technique that would force your opponent to agree with you. For example, “Do you agree that it’s not worth spending $20 on this?”

Arguments are used depending on the situation. Price denial first involves an analysis that would help determine why your products seem unreasonably expensive to him.

If the reason is the price offered by a competing company, make sure that the consumer is comparing products of equal value. In such situations, maintain an advantage by focusing the client's attention on the total cost of the acquisition. Maybe you can offer free shipping or connect at a favorable price.

When a customer is unable to afford the purchase based on his or her financial situation, it is appropriate to inquire under what conditions the customer would be able to purchase the product.

At the same time, it is necessary to focus on the feasibility of the proposal. Explain the value of the product specifically for this consumer.

Customer denials during telephone conversations

In parallel with the invention and improvement modern technologies, virtual business is developing. We are talking about online and telephone sales. Techniques for dealing with customer objections over the phone have their own characteristics.

When selling over the phone, working on denials should be done at the final stage of the conversation. At the same time, it is necessary to work with the first contradictions quickly and skillfully, using phrases like: “Our offer will allow you...”, “You can get from us...”.

The first 2-3 negatives are not considered “real”. If you effectively carry out techniques for working with contradictions in at this stage, in the future the client will tell the true reason why he is not ready to accept your offer at the moment.

Options for handling objections over the phone

Dealing with customer objections regarding the inflated cost of goods/services (for example, “Your services are more expensive”) can be based on possible options answers:

  • “That’s right, our services have such a cost. Tell me, what price would be acceptable for you?”
  • “The cost of goods and services is justified high quality, unlike analogues"
  • “Comparing our products with cheaper analogues, you will pay more (this is a minus), but you will receive (list the advantages to the client)”

When selling over the telephone, in order to deal with consumer objections regarding price, it is necessary to find out the reason for the denial.

If the potential customer is not ready to make a deal because it is “overpriced,” again list all the benefits that he will receive. If the client cites a competitor’s price for comparison, offer him similar products at a lower cost.

In situations where the opponent relies on the fact that he already uses the services of another company, you can work with objections according to the following scheme:

  • Having clarified that the first impression of the company serving you may be wrong, give your advantages.
  • List factors that your organization could significantly improve.
  • Use a great marketing tactic by offering your client a “Unique Proposition”.

In general, handling objections in sales is based on the ability to listen to the client. Having the information of your opponent and the advantages of your company, you can easily manipulate the situation, attracting the consumer to your side.

Working with denials will become easier if you master the techniques described in this article.

- Why are you drinking?
- To forget...
- Forget what?
- I'm ashamed...
- Why are you ashamed?
- Because I drink...

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Denial is one of the effective forms of protection from feelings and facts that are uncomfortable for a person, the manifestation of which is expressed in shame. It is no secret that everyone who experiences shame is in a fairly strong affective (explosive, emotional) state that threatens self-esteem. Therefore, intolerance to such a painful state on a conscious level prompts a person to defend himself.

Besides the fact that in addition to denial, there are at least five more forms of manifestation psychological protection: withdrawal, arrogance, aggression, perfectionism and shamelessness, it is through denial that, most often, dependent and codependent people try to protect themselves from feelings of shame and, moreover, minimize awareness of existing problems in the family.

The root of denial is self-deception, the extreme degree of which consists in repressing the conscious thought of what is happening and all the feelings associated with it. Thus, people repress from their consciousness any painful experiences that may threaten them with the loss of themselves as individuals.

Closely related to denial is the process of minimization or, in other words, minimization. People are able to minimize the significance of what happened when they consciously understand the fact of its reality, but do not want to recognize the physical or emotional extent of the significance of the consequences. An example here is an alcoholic who is willing to admit that he drinks too much and yet refuses to realize how much it is harming him and his loved ones. Consequently, in order not to feel shame and not to take responsibility for the consequences of his behavior, the alcoholic seems to be trying to distance himself from people close to him, defending himself by not accepting the real situation. And it is precisely this detachment from reality - denial and minimization - that prevents addicts from recognizing their condition as a problem - an illness that requires treatment.

There are few people who could easily face the impending threat of losing their personality, which mainly happens in stages (alcohol, drugs, etc.) Therefore, dependent people choose denial as a form of protecting their personality from external factors, judgments, labels and other consequences of addictive behavior.

For example, the label “alcoholic,” once assigned to an addicted person by his environment, becomes paramount in the acceptance of this person as an individual, and only after it, on a secondary level, does society consider other aspects of his personality—as a family man, a hard worker, or a public figure. Therefore, by denying his alcoholism, the addict will try in every possible way to protect himself from peculiar behavior that causes a feeling of shame, and to distance himself from public judgments with his collapsing personality. Alcoholics, drug addicts or other addicts are protected in a similar way in cases where the threat of exposure hangs over their family.

But no matter how skillful self-deception may be, one should always remember that the feeling of shame tends to return, and it can be no less in its degree than at the initial stage. This means that you need to decide for yourself, either continue to live in denial of reality, or start

Hello! In this article we will talk about techniques for dealing with client objections.

Today you will learn:

  • How to deal with objections correctly;
  • What methods of dealing with objections exist;
  • What types of objections are there?
  • How to respond to each type of client objection.

Why do you need to handle customer objections?

Anyone who has worked or is working in sales knows this stage of the sales process as an objection.

Objection – a doubt or question from the consumer, to which the seller must give a reasoned answer. Otherwise, the consumer will not buy the product and will go to competitors.


— Your product doesn’t suit us.

— Have you encountered the “N” problem? Our product is designed in such a way that such a problem will never occur.

8. Looking to the future. If you come across a silent client, then this method is for you. It consists in formulating questions about the future.


— What product would you be completely satisfied with?

— What product would you buy?

This method is aimed not so much at working with objections, but at identifying the client’s needs for further persuasion.

9. “It’s customary”. Refer to accepted social norms. Such arguments begin with the phrases: “For a company of your level…”, “For a girl with such beautiful figure These jeans are perfect.”

10. “It’s been worse”. Suitable for those objections that are related to the complexity of making a purchase. For example, a client says that he needs a sofa custom size. In this case, the manager may respond: “We recently filled an order for a four-tier bed. It will be easy for us to fulfill your order.”

11. “What would convince you to buy our product?”. This method can be used when everything else has flown out of your head. Answer any objection from the client with the question: “What could convince you to purchase our product, even with the “disadvantage mentioned by the client?”

Objections in telesales

It is especially difficult to deal with consumer doubts when... You do not see the interlocutor’s reaction to certain arguments and your conversation can be interrupted at any moment.

In telephone sales, dealing with contradictions occurs only once, after the presentation of the product. In this case, your answer should begin with the phrase: “Our product will allow you...”, Our product will solve your problem.”

All other work should proceed according to the standard scheme. You just have to pay attention to how you speak. After all, the impression of you as a seller will be built on the basis of your voice. He must be calm and confident.

If a pause occurs, experts recommend resorting to the technique of rhetorical questions that will defuse the situation.

Example:“Isn’t it convenient when the goods are delivered directly to your home?”

Also in telesales, managers often deal with negative customer reactions. Try to interest such an interlocutor, but if he still does not want to continue the conversation, simply thank him for his time and say goodbye. This will help maintain a positive impression of you and your company.

There are several rules that allow you to carry out the stage of responding to objections most effectively:

  • Research the product you are selling. You must know everything about him;
  • Be sure that your product is really good, you should not deceive the client, talk about facts that you have no doubt about;
  • Be friendly and welcoming, even if the buyer is being insensitive.
  • Listen carefully, use the client’s words for argumentation, never interrupt your interlocutor;
  • Don’t be afraid of objections, they are a signal that the client is interested in your proposal;
  • Speak confidently, don't worry;
  • Do not hesitate to ask questions if you do not understand the reasons for the objections;
  • Agree with the client, show interest in his problem;
  • First, name the benefits that the product will bring to the client, and only then its price;
  • Prepare a list of the benefits of your product in advance;
  • Compose. A script is an approximate structure of a conversation between a manager and a buyer. It allows you to direct the seller’s actions in the right direction.

Sales objection script

The stage of answering objections occurs immediately after the presentation of the product.

Stages of the script for working with objections:

  1. Clarifying the situation. At this phase, the manager should ask the question: “Are you interested in this offer?”, “Would you like to receive more detailed information?”
  2. Listening to the buyer. We have already talked about this, so we will not dwell here for long. Here the manager must show that he understands the interlocutor’s indignations and shares them. This can be done using the phrases: “I agree with you,” “I also encountered such a problem,” “This sometimes happens.”
  3. Using all the methods of dealing with objections that we talked about above. Pick a few techniques and apply them.
  4. Answers to client questions. Work it out possible questions for each of the objections. This will allow you to respond quickly and confidently.
  5. Closing the deal and saying goodbye to the client. Even if the conversation did not go well for you, thank the failed customer for his time.

A century of tolerance. The concept itself, taken, by the way, from the field of immunology, has become a newfangled trend in the field of sociology and psychology. Restraint and tolerance are promoted as a desirable way of responding to literally every stimulus, and everything would be fine if at the same time a person did not remain a person with the physiology given to him by nature.

Basic operating principle nervous system of any creature, including humans, - “stimulus - reaction”. And no matter how much we want to convince ourselves that Man, who has gone through so many stages of evolution, is able to control primitive instincts, reflexes, and responses to stimuli, we cannot deny their actual presence. Simply put, a person can choose whether to show his aggression or not, but he simply cannot help but experience it.

If we don’t like something, if something is holding us back or irritating us, we (in an effort to gain the status of a socially approved person) are actually able to not give vent to the negative emotions we experience. However, in order to be completely objective and make a decision about restraining emotions with full responsibility, let’s figure out what effect this restraining can have on the human psyche.

Every day we experience irritation for both minor and very serious reasons. Every time a person experiences a negative emotion and holds it back, it is deposited and stored in us, and each subsequent one, which is obvious, only increases the volume of what is being held back.

To illustrate this process, many give the example of a spring that compresses more and more, and when it reaches a critical point, it shoots (and who it will shoot at is difficult to predict, but most likely it will be some kind of defenseless object in relation to you - that who, speaking in simple language, won’t give back, and if he does, it won’t hurt). I prefer a different image - a yogi lying on a mattress made of nails.

So, in a calm state, we are yogis, we know how to lie on nails (we chose them ourselves, bought them, drove them in with love). However, each new stimulus is a burden placed on an arbitrary part of the yogi’s body. The cashier listed the item at a price other than what was on the price tag, we said nothing (well, we’re not petty, really) - a burden on our hands. They cut me off on the road, no big deal, I’m a balanced person – a burden on my stomach. At work, the boss scolded me, didn’t give me more salary - we remain silent, but next time he’ll fire me altogether - a burden on my chest. At home, my wife announced that nothing was being done, the repairs had been going on for two years and it was a burden on my head.

In such a state, it becomes unbearable for the yogi to lie on the nails, and a child who comes up with a request to play may receive from yesterday’s yogi a whole bombardment of all the loads that those around him have piled on him. This is the first option. But there is also a second one, and for some reason it is rarely talked about. Another outcome for a yogi in this situation is to fall into the nails, let them pierce him, and if we move from metaphors to specifics, let the burden of pent-up emotions pass through to the bodily level - get a psychosomatic illness (hypertensive crisis, for example, or, even more vulgarly, stumble on level place and fall just enough to get a concussion).

How do you feel about tolerance? Still sounds attractive and relevant?

Let's try to understand how we can simultaneously remain part of society, since it calls us to be tolerant (and from the point of view of society, this is probably the right position) and at the same time manage not to harm ourselves and our loved ones. The load on the psyche will not be so serious if we, first of all, learn for ourselves to identify and name the emotion that we experience. Yes, this is the same “look at yourself from the outside” or, as they call it in psychology, turn on the observing ego. If you feel discomfort, ask the question - what am I feeling now? What is my true emotion? Who provoked her?

The next stage is returning the emotion to the recipient. Let's take the situation with a product that was sold at the wrong price. Not out of pettiness, but out of a sense of internal justice and the ability to defend your rights (after all, the price tag is a public offer agreement), calmly tell the cashier that an error has occurred in the system and the store is obliged to sell the goods at the price stated on the price tag. The calmer and more confident you sound, the less likely she is to resist doing what she needs to do.

And so every time - when you can express your dissatisfaction, do it, even if we are talking about relationships with loved ones. Speaking about a negative emotion you are experiencing does not always sound rude or insulting, on the contrary, if you do it consciously, you will begin to be taken seriously as an adult, responsible for your human emotions. This way you will build your boundaries, and it will become easier for others to understand you - which is unacceptable in a relationship with you.

In a situation where it is difficult to object or defend your boundaries, since the offender is, say, your boss and he does not tolerate any bickering, you become aware of your emotion, admit to yourself that you are angry, allow yourself to experience this emotion, and from an adult position you accept decision not to enter into conflict, because it is disadvantageous to you in this situation, it can mean even greater losses for you personally.

Finally, I want to offer you a small exercise. Get to know your emotions. Imagine that you are at a casting for main role and you are asked to show a wide range of emotions - from delight to despondency and apathy. Listen to yourself and find out what each of your emotions sounds like so that it becomes easier to recognize them in the future. Try to teach your children, even the smallest ones, to identify and express their emotions in words, tell them what this or that emotion can be called, and ask them to always say in the future when this emotion appears in the child. For example, when a child starts crying, sit down, make eye contact with him and say, “I can see that you are upset. You are very sad about something, is that right? Tell me what upset you so much?” Or when it’s still completely Small child hits you with his fist, take his hand and say: “I see how angry you are, you are very angry now, and I understand this even without the help of your blows. You hurt me".

As you can see, the main thing in working with negative emotions is to recognize their existence, determine what kind of emotion has settled in you, name it and allow yourself to be in this emotion. In this case, you will no longer need to “explode” at all, because we already know that if we express some emotion so clearly now, it means that it remained unrecognized and unexpressed by us for too long before.

Yuliana Nurmukhamedova, psychologist
BeautifulSoul. ru

Anyone who has ever tried to actively sell has encountered buyer objections. High price, reluctance to change the existing supplier, lack of time to talk - this is not a complete list of such objections.

Types of objections

There are three general types of objections.

1. Hidden objections: when objections are voiced.

For example, “I don’t have a budget” seems more acceptable to the speaker than the real reason(e.g., “I have no authority”). If it seems to you that you are dealing with exactly this kind of denial, then you should answer it in the style of “What else is bothering you?”

2. Deferred objections: objections that may also have hidden objections and are aimed at avoiding an immediate decision.

For example, “I need my boss’s consent,” “I’d like to think about it.” If the person you are contacting as a salesperson refers to a third party (Manager, colleague, etc.), you can respond by:

  • involving a contact person in the next stage of negotiations;
  • a personal meeting with a third party (it is advisable that a contact person be present);
  • defining the “zone of uncertainty” of the contact person.

The person who is asked to “think about the question” is likely not fully aware of the benefits of the proposal. Try to find out his “zone of uncertainty” by checking all possible options one by one.

3. Price objections : First of all, you must find out whether the price is unacceptable compared to the price of a competitor's product, or whether the price seems too high to the buyer.

When you encounter a price objection, use a phrase like, “Can you help me understand more about the price issue?” Remember the answers the client gave to your previous questions. For example: “You previously said that reliability was the main factor for you.” Then move on to defending the value of your offering.

At the same time, try to attract the buyer to your side, using phrases like this: “Do you agree that this is worth the extra 10 dollars?”

The reasoning when dealing with price negation may differ depending on what your interlocutor means when he says that your product is “expensive.”

If your product is more expensive than a competitor's, make sure the customer compares products of equal value. Comparisons with competitors are best done with an emphasis on total cost purchases for the client (for example, purchase price + cost of time saved + connection cost + overhead costs, etc.).

This helps explain how your offering differs from your competitors' offerings and shows that the value difference is more than a price difference.

If the client does not have a budget, find out how much money he can allocate for a similar product and what payment terms would be acceptable to him. If the price denial is because the customer thinks your product is expensive on its own, try re-arguing the value your product can bring to the customer - it sounds like you haven't done a good enough job.

Listen carefully.

When dealing with objections, the main thing is to learn to listen carefully to your interlocutor. Moreover, you need to listen not only to the words of the objection, but also try to recognize the emotions that accompany them. Listen actively, show interest, ask clarifying questions. Don't be afraid to hear even more objections in response.

The truth is that if you don't ask these questions now, these new objections may arise at the wrong time - when you are sure that the deal is already close to completion. Only when you correctly understand the reason for the client’s denials can you try to level it out through counterarguments.

There is usually a lot of room for improvisation when dealing with objections, but this improvisation should be carefully prepared. Prepare a set of responses to the negatives you hear most often. Remember that even the simplest question you ask the buyer will provide you additional information. “Why, how, what, when, why not, what and how” - all these questions will help you understand the real motives behind your customers' denials.

Once you've compiled a list of these responses to the most common objections, practice talking to customers by asking your colleagues to act as buyers.

Gatekeeper: friend or foe?

Gatekeepers (“gatekeepers”) are people whom the person making the decision to purchase your product has entrusted to protect their peace from uninvited guests.

These are administrative assistants, personal secretaries, registration secretaries, etc. Gatekeepers can become like yours evil enemies, and neutral people - it all depends on whether you can convince them that you are important enough to allow you to talk to their boss.

The most important rule for communicating with gatekeepers: try to build relationships with them. Think about how you can be useful to them personally, and not just to their managers.

Rule two: prepare for the conversation. Find out in advance the name of the person you need. Ask the gatekeeper to advise you on the best time to call his boss and what approach to take during the call. The sales process doesn't always last long enough to build real relationships with gatekeepers, but when it does, the effort is always worth it.

It is worth noting that in modern world Gatekeepers are not always real people. Sometimes this is electronic means of communication such as voice mail or e-mail. So, here's what to do if the person you need is not there and you are asked to leave a voice message:

  1. The beginning of your message should talk about your interlocutor and the benefit that he will receive if he talks to you.
  2. Please ensure that you provide accurate details about yourself and how to contact you. Some of this is worth saying at the beginning of the message, and then repeating with greater detail at the end.
  3. Invite your interlocutor to do a simple action (For example, call you).
  4. Be brief.

But what to do if the gatekeeper is email:

  1. Start your message clearly and clearly.
  2. Try to provide an incentive to respond. For example, suggest a time to talk.
  3. You can note that you will call later and ask the recipient to confirm a convenient time for this.