Analysis and synthesis in the cerebral cortex. Dynamic stereotype, its structural and functional organization, general patterns and conditions of formation. The importance of dynamic stereotypes in the formation of a certain system of behavior. Analytical and synth

Analytical and synthetic activity of the cortex cerebral hemispheres

Analysis is the distinction, separation of different sensory signals, differentiation of various effects on the body. Although the analysis of sensory signals begins already in the receptor apparatus, and various subcortical centers are involved in this process, the main analytical process takes place in the cerebral cortex (therefore it is called higher analysis). It is here, in the cerebral cortex, that depending on the strength, duration and steepness of the increase in the stimulus, a unique spatio-temporal pattern of excitation arises each time, due to which the discrimination of stimuli with similar properties is achieved. A form of analysis specific to the cerebral cortex consists of distinguishing (differentiating) stimuli according to their signal value, which is achieved by the participation in this process of the mechanism underlying internal inhibition. The degree of analysis performed by cortical cells varies. It can be quite simple and primitive, for example, in conditions when the body is affected by only two separate stimuli. But the analysis can also be very complex, for example, when the body is exposed to a complex of stimuli. With the participation of the mechanism of internal inhibition, the cerebral cortex is able to perceive not only individually each component of this complex, and not only in total, but also in a certain sequence. In addition to analyzing stimuli, the cerebral cortex also carries out synthetic activity, that is, linking, generalization, and combining excitations that arise in different areas of the cortex. Cortical cells are characterized by both simple and complex forms of synthesis. It is believed that the brain’s ability to predict and foresee future events is realized thanks to the complex synthetic activity of the brain. The processes of analysis and synthesis in the cerebral cortex are inextricably linked. Therefore, it is customary to talk about the analytical-synthetic activity of the cerebral cortex as a single process that ensures the formation various forms human behavior.

The analytical and synthetic activity of the human cerebral cortex is characterized, in comparison with animals, by an immeasurably higher level of development. The higher level of development of the analytical and synthetic activity of the human cerebral cortex is due to the presence of a second signaling system. It is the participation of the word that gives specific features to the process of formation of systems of temporary connections.

Limbic system of the brain

In 1878, the French neuroanatomist P. Broca described brain structures located on the inner surface of each cerebral hemisphere, which, like an edge, or limbus, border the brain stem. He called them the limbic lobe. Subsequently, in 1937, the American neurophysiologist D. Peipets described a complex of structures (Papetz circle), which, in his opinion, are related to the formation of emotions. These are the anterior nuclei of the thalamus, mammillary bodies, hypothalamic nuclei, amygdala, nuclei of the septum pellucida, hippocampus, cingulate gyrus, mesencephalic Gudden nucleus and other formations. Thus, Peipetz's circle contained various structures, including the limbic cortex and the olfactory brain. The term “limbic system” or “visceral brain” was proposed in 1952 by the American physiologist P. McLean to refer to the Peipetz circle. Later, other structures were included in this concept, the function of which was associated with the archiopaleocortex. Currently, the term “limbic system” is understood as a morphofunctional association, including a number of phylogenetically old structures of the cerebral cortex, a number of subcortical structures, as well as structures of the diencephalon and midbrain, which are involved in the regulation of various autonomic functions internal organs, in ensuring homeostasis, in the self-preservation of the species, in the organization of emotional and motivational behavior and the “wakefulness-sleep” cycle.

Limbic system of the brain: 1, 2, 3 nuclei of the thalamus, 4 hypothalamus

The limbic system includes the prepiriform cortex, periamygdala cortex, diagonal cortex, olfactory brain, septum, fornix, hippocampus, dentate fascia, base of the hippocampus, cingulate gyrus, parahippocampal gyrus. Note that the term “limbic cortex” refers to only two formations - the cingulate gyrus and the parahippocampal gyrus. In addition to the structures of the ancient, old and middle cortex, the limbic system includes subcortical structures - the amygdala (or amygdala complex), located in the medial wall of the temporal lobe, the anterior nuclei of the thalamus, mastoid or mamillary bodies, mastoid-thalamic fascicle, hypothalamus, and also the reticular nuclei of Gudden and Bekhterev, located in the midbrain. All the main formations of the limbic cortex cover the base of the forebrain in a ring-like manner and are a kind of boundary between the neocortex and the brainstem. A feature of the limbic system is the presence of multiple connections both between individual structures of this system and between the limbic system and other brain structures, through which information, moreover, can circulate for a long time. Thanks to such features, conditions are created for effective management brain structures from the limbic system (“imposition” of limbic influence). Currently, such circles as, for example, the Peipets circle (hippocampus - mammillary or mamillary bodies - anterior nuclei of the thalamus - cingulate gyrus - parahippocampal gyrus - hippocampal base - hippocampus), which are related to memory processes and learning processes, are well known. A circle is known that connects such structures as the amygdala, hypothalamus and midbrain structures, regulating aggressive-defensive behavior, as well as eating and sexual behavior. There are circles in which the limbic system is included as one of the important “stations”, due to which important brain functions are realized. For example, a circle connecting the neocortex and limbic system through the thalamus into a single whole is involved in the formation of figurative, or iconic, memory, and a circle connecting the neocortex and limbic system through the caudate nucleus is directly related to the organization of inhibitory processes in the cerebral cortex .

Functions of the limbic system. Due to the abundance of connections within the limbic system, as well as its extensive connections with other brain structures, this system performs a fairly wide range of functions:

1) regulation of the functions of diencephalic and neocortical formations;

2) formation of the emotional state of the body;

3) regulation of vegetative and somatic processes during emotional and motivational activity;

4) regulation of the level of attention, perception, memory, thinking;

5) selection and implementation of adaptive forms of behavior, including such biologically important types of behavior as searching, feeding, sexual, defensive;

6) participation in the organization of the sleep-wake cycle.

The limbic system, as a phylogenetically ancient formation, has a regulatory influence on the cerebral cortex and subcortical structures, establishing the necessary correspondence of their activity levels. There is no doubt that an important role in the implementation of all of the listed functions of the limbic system is played by the entry into this brain system of information from olfactory receptors (phylogenetically the most ancient method of receiving information from external environment) and its processing.

The hippocampus (seahorse, or Ammon's horn) is located deep in the temporal lobes of the brain and is an elongated elevation (up to 3 cm long) on ​​the medial wall of the lower, or temporal, horn of the lateral ventricle. This elevation, or protrusion, is formed as a result of a deep depression from the outside into the cavity of the inferior horn of the hippocampal sulcus. The hippocampus is considered as the main structure of the archiocortex and as an integral part of the olfactory brain. In addition, the hippocampus is the main structure of the limbic system; it is connected with many brain structures, including through commissural connections (commissure of the fornix) with the hippocampus of the opposite side, although in humans a certain independence in the activity of both hippocampuses has been found. Hippocampal neurons are distinguished by pronounced background activity, and most of them are characterized by polysensory properties, i.e., the ability to respond to light, sound and other types of stimulation. Morphologically, the hippocampus is represented by stereotypically repeating neuron modules connected to each other and to other structures. The connection of the modules creates the conditions for the circulation of electrical activity in the hippocampus during learning. At the same time, the amplitude of synaptic potentials increases, the neurosecretion of hippocampal cells and the number of spines on the dendrites of its neurons increase, which indicates the transition of potential synapses to active ones. The modular structure determines the ability of the hippocampus to generate high-amplitude rhythmic activity. Background electrical activity of the hippocampus, as studies have shown in humans, is characterized by two types of rhythms: fast (15–30 oscillations per second) low-voltage rhythms such as the beta rhythm and slow (4–7 oscillations per second) high-voltage rhythms such as the theta rhythm. At the same time, the electrical rhythmicity of the hippocampus is in a reciprocal relationship with the rhythmicity of the neocortex. For example, if during sleep a theta rhythm is recorded in the neocortex, then during the same period a beta rhythm is generated in the hippocampus, and during wakefulness the opposite picture is observed - in the neocortex - an alpha rhythm and a beta rhythm, and in the hippocampus it is predominantly registered theta rhythm. It has been shown that activation of neurons in the reticular formation of the brainstem increases the severity of the theta rhythm in the hippocampus and the beta rhythm in the neocortex. A similar effect (increased theta rhythm in the hippocampus) is observed during the formation high level emotional stress (fear, aggression, hunger, thirst). It is believed that the theta rhythm of the hippocampus reflects its participation in the orienting reflex, in reactions of alertness, increased attention, and in the dynamics of learning. In this regard, the theta rhythm of the hippocampus is considered as an electroencephalographic correlate of the awakening reaction and as a component of the orienting reflex.

The role of the hippocampus in the regulation of autonomic functions and the endocrine system is important. It has been shown that especially hippocampal neurons, when excited, are able to have a pronounced effect on cardiovascular activity, modulating the activity of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. The hippocampus, like other structures of the archiopaleocortex, is involved in the regulation of the activity of the endocrine system, including the regulation of the release of glucocorticoids and thyroid hormones, which is realized with the participation of the hypothalamus. The gray matter of the hippocampus belongs to the motor area of ​​the olfactory brain. It is from here that descending impulses arise to the subcortical motor centers, causing movement in response to certain olfactory stimuli.

Involvement of the hippocampus in the formation of motivation and emotions. It has been shown that removal of the hippocampus in animals causes the appearance of hypersexuality, which, however, does not disappear with castration (maternal behavior may be disrupted). This suggests that changes in sexual behavior modulated from the archiopaleocortex are based not only on hormonal origin, but also on changes in the excitability of neurophysiological mechanisms that regulate sexual behavior. It has been shown that irritation of the hippocampus (as well as the forebrain bundle and the cingulate cortex) causes sexual arousal in the male. There is no clear evidence regarding the role of the hippocampus in modulating emotional behavior. However, it is known that damage to the hippocampus leads to a decrease in emotionality, initiative, a slowdown in the speed of basic nervous processes, and an increase in the thresholds for evoking emotional reactions. It has been shown that the hippocampus, as a structure of the archiopaleocortex, can serve as a substrate for the closure of temporary connections, and also, by regulating the excitability of the neocortex, contributes to the formation of conditioned reflexes at the level of the neocortex. In particular, it has been shown that removal of the hippocampus does not affect the rate of formation of simple (food) conditioned reflexes, but inhibits their consolidation and differentiation of new conditioned reflexes. There is information about the participation of the hippocampus in the implementation of higher mental functions. Together with the amygdala, the hippocampus is involved in calculating the probability of events (the hippocampus records the most likely events, and the amygdala records the unlikely ones). At the neural level, this can be ensured by the work of novelty neurons and identity neurons. Clinical observations, including those of W. Penfield and P. Milner, indicate the involvement of the hippocampus in memory mechanisms. Surgical removal of the hippocampus in humans causes memory loss for events in the immediate past while retaining memory for distant events (retroanterograde amnesia). Some mental illnesses that occur with memory impairment are accompanied by degenerative changes in the hippocampus.

Cingulate gyrus. It is known that damage to the cingulate cortex in monkeys makes them less fearful; animals cease to be afraid of humans, and do not show signs of affection, anxiety or hostility. This indicates the presence in the cingulate gyrus of neurons responsible for the formation of negative emotions.

Nuclei of the hypothalamus as a component of the limbic system. Stimulation of the medial nuclei of the hypothalamus in cats causes an immediate rage reaction. A similar reaction is observed in cats when the part of the brain located in front of the hypothalamic nuclei is removed. All this indicates the presence in the medial hypothalamus of neurons that participate, together with the nuclei of the amygdala, in organizing emotions accompanied by rage. At the same time, the lateral nuclei of the hypothalamus are, as a rule, responsible for the appearance positive emotions(satiation centers, pleasure centers, positive emotion centers).

The amygdala, or cogrus amygdaloideum (synonyms - amygdala, amygdala complex, almond-shaped complex, amygdala), according to some authors, belongs to the subcortical, or basal, nuclei, according to others - to the cerebral cortex. The amygdala is located deep in the temporal lobe of the brain. The neurons of the amygdala are varied in shape, their functions are associated with the provision of defensive behavior, autonomic, motor, emotional reactions, and the motivation of conditioned reflex behavior. The involvement of the amygdala in the regulation of the processes of urine formation, urination and contractile activity of the uterus has also been shown. Damage to the amygdala in animals leads to the disappearance of fear, calmness, and inability to rage and aggression. Animals become gullible. The amygdala regulates eating behavior. Thus, damage to the amygdala in a cat leads to increased appetite and obesity. In addition, the amygdala also regulates sexual behavior. It has been established that damage to the amygdala in animals leads to hypersexuality and the emergence of sexual perversions, which are removed by castration and reappear with the introduction of sex hormones. This indirectly indicates control by the neurons of the amygdala in the production of sex hormones. Together with the hippocampus, which has novelty neurons that reflect the most likely events, the amygdala calculates the probability of events, since it contains neurons that record the most unlikely events.

From an anatomical point of view, the septum pellucidum (septum) is a thin plate consisting of two sheets. The transparent septum passes between the corpus callosum and the fornix, separating the anterior horns of the lateral ventricles. The plates of the transparent septum contain nuclei, i.e., accumulations of gray matter. The septum pellucidum is generally classified as a structure of the olfactory brain; it is an important component of the limbic system.

It has been shown that the septal nuclei are involved in the regulation of endocrine function (in particular, they influence the secretion of corticosteroids by the adrenal glands), as well as the activity of internal organs. The septal nuclei are related to the formation of emotions - they are considered as a structure that reduces aggressiveness and fear.

The limbic system, as is known, includes the structures of the reticular formation of the midbrain, and therefore some authors propose to talk about the limbic-reticular complex (LRC).

Many stimuli from the external world and the internal environment of the body are perceived by receptors and become sources of impulses that enter the cerebral cortex. Here they are analyzed, differentiated and synthesized, combined, generalized. The ability of the cortex to separate, isolate and differentiate individual stimuli, to differentiate them is a manifestation of the analytical activity of the cerebral cortex.

First, irritations are analyzed in receptors that specialize in light, sound stimuli, etc. Higher forms of analysis are carried out in the cerebral cortex. The analytical activity of the cerebral cortex is inextricably linked with its synthetic activity, expressed in the unification and generalization of excitation that arises in its various parts under the influence of numerous stimuli. An example of the synthetic activity of the cerebral cortex is

the formation of a temporary connection, which underlies the development of a conditioned reflex. Complex synthetic activity is manifested in the formation of reflexes of the second, third and higher orders. The basis of generalization is the process of irradiation of excitation.

Analysis and synthesis are interconnected, and complex analytical-synthetic activity occurs in the cortex.

Dynamic stereotype. The external world acts on the body not with single stimuli, but usually with a system of simultaneous and sequential stimuli. If a system of successive stimuli is often repeated, this leads to the formation of systematicity, or a dynamic stereotype in the activity of the cerebral cortex. Thus, a dynamic stereotype is a sequential chain of conditioned reflex acts, carried out in a strictly defined, time-bound order and resulting from a complex systemic reaction of the body to complex system positive (reinforced) and negative (non-reinforced, or inhibitory) conditioned stimuli.

The development of a stereotype is an example of the complex synthesizing activity of the cerebral cortex. A stereotype is difficult to develop, but if it is formed, then maintaining it does not require much effort in cortical activity, and many actions become automatic. A dynamic stereotype is the basis for the formation of habits in a person, the formation of a certain sequence in labor operations, and the acquisition of skills. Examples of a dynamic stereotype include walking, running, jumping, skiing, playing musical instruments, using a spoon, fork, knife, writing, etc. when eating.

Stereotypes persist for many years and form the basis human behavior, but they are very difficult to reprogram.

4. The phenomenon of inhibition in type, types of inhibition, conditions for their occurrence, biological significance.

Inhibition processes. Of great importance for the reflex reaction, along with excitation, is braking. In some cases excitation not only one neuron not getting through to another, and even oppresses him, that is, causes braking. Inhibition does not allow excitation to spread indefinitely in the nervous system. The relationship between excitation and inhibition ensures the coordinated functioning of all organs and the body as a whole.

To ensure adequate behavior, not only the ability to form conditioned reflexes is required, but also the ability to eliminate conditioned reflex reactions, the need for which has disappeared. This is ensured by braking processes.

Inhibition of conditioned reflexes can be unconditional (external and beyond) and conditional (internal).

    External braking occurs if at the moment of action of the conditioned signal an extraneous stimulus begins to act.

    Extreme braking observed when the intensity of the conditioned signal exceeds a certain limit. In both cases, the conditioned reaction is inhibited.

    Internal inhibition manifests itself in the extinction of a conditioned reflex over time if it is not reinforced by the action of unconditioned reflexes (that is, if the conditions for its development are not repeated).

There are different classifications of conditioned reflexes.

Formation and inhibition of conditioned reflexes. The main conditions for the formation of conditioned reflexes include:

    recombination a previously indifferent (neutral) stimulus (sound, light, tactile, etc.) with the action of a reinforcing unconditioned (or well-developed conditioned) stimulus;

    slight precedence in time an indifferent stimulus in relation to the reinforcing stimulus;

    sufficient excitability of an unconditioned response (active state of the cerebral cortex);

    absence of extraneous irritation or other activity during the development of a reflex.

Analysis and synthesis of stimuli, irradiation, concentration and mutual induction of the process of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex.

Irradiation of nervous processes.

Nervous processes - excitation and inhibition - constantly interact in the cerebral cortex. Both excitation and inhibition are not always limited to neurons of a certain center; they can spread throughout the cortex, capturing neighboring areas. This “diffused” state of the process in the cortex is called irradiation. Irradiation process -- general property nervous system. For example, Small child At the sight of his mother, he twists his legs, waves his arms, laughs loudly, and impatiently reaches out to her.

Another example: after watching a cartoon, an older preschooler, telling his friends an exciting episode, seems to act out the roles of its characters. At the same time, both the narrator’s facial expression and his intonation quickly change. Organic part the story becomes animated by gestures.

Not only excitation, but also inhibition can radiate. An example of irradiation of inhibition is the depressed state of a preschooler who was unable to complete the teacher’s task. Inhibition, having developed in one area of ​​the cerebral cortex, spread throughout the cortex and caused loss of appetite, apathy, and reluctance to do any business.

Concentration of nervous processes. Induction.

The concentration of excitation or inhibition processes is associated with the phenomenon of induction. IP Pavlov, observing the processes of irradiation and concentration of excitation and inhibition, established that when they are localized in the original focus, the opposite state is established in neighboring areas of the cortex. This phenomenon was called induction by him. Induction can be simultaneous, when inhibition of surrounding areas is established around the focus of strong excitation in the cortex, and, conversely, excited areas appear around the focus of inhibition. Induction can also be sequential: excitation that has developed in some center is replaced by inhibition, and inhibition by excitation. When inhibition develops around the focus of excitation, negative induction occurs; in the same cases when excitation develops around the focus of inhibition, positive induction occurs.

When a child is deeply interested in an adult's story, a strong focus of excitation develops in his cerebral cortex. Then, due to the inhibition that has developed around this focus, extraneous stimuli are not perceived by the child. Captivated by the story, he does not fixate his attention on extraneous stimuli. That's an example negative induction. On the contrary, when adults present lesson material in a boring way, inhibition develops in the centers associated with the story. As a result, foci of excitation arise in the surrounding areas of the cortex and the child is easily distracted from the content of the activity by numerous extraneous stimuli. This is an example of positive induction. Positive induction is also observed when, at the end of the lesson, students exhibit increased muscle activity. In this case, sequential induction takes place. Especially during the learning process big role education of inhibition plays a role, which helps preschoolers concentrate their attention on the material being studied.

Pupils with weak inhibitory processes do not have self-control and do not know how to observe ethical standards social behavior, do not know how to think purposefully, cannot suppress all extraneous influences that interfere with concentration and purposeful activity. It is especially important to train braking in older adults. preschool age when excitation easily radiates to the cortex. The consequence of such training is an increasing concentration of excitation and inhibition processes, which has a beneficial effect on both cognitive activity, and on the behavior of pupils.

Analysis and synthesis.

An important role in the body is played by the ability to isolate from a variety of irritations those that currently have for it highest value. This distinction is called stimulus analysis. The analysis of irritations begins already in the receptors, since each type of receptor perceives irritations specific to it. The analysis of stimulation continues in the lower parts of the central nervous system. But subtle discrimination of stimuli is one of the main functions of the cerebral cortex. It is known that impulses from receptors of each type arrive in certain areas of the cortex. Depending on the strength of the irritation and the duration of its action, the number of cells participating in the reaction and the frequency of impulses in them are different. This facilitates the analysis of irritations. Finally, very important factor analysis of stimulation is differential inhibition.

Along with the analysis of stimuli in the cortex, their synthesis is continuously taking place, i.e., the unification of excitations that arise in different areas cortex, due to which interaction occurs between the nervous processes occurring in its various zones.

The synthetic activity of the cortex is manifested in the development of conditioned reflexes, which is based on the formation of temporary connections between groups of cells located in different zones of the cortex.

Analysis and synthesis are inextricably linked and are physiological basis such manifestations of mental activity as categories of logical thinking.

3. Analytical and synthetic activity of the cerebral cortex

The mechanisms of higher nervous activity in higher animals and humans are associated with the activity of a number of parts of the brain. The main role in these mechanisms belongs to the cerebral cortex (I.P. Pavlov). It has been experimentally shown that in higher representatives of the animal world, after complete surgical removal of the cortex, higher nervous activity sharply deteriorates. They lose the ability to subtly adapt to the external environment and exist independently in it. In humans, the cerebral cortex plays the role of “manager and distributor” of all life functions (I.P. Pavlov). This is due to the fact that during phylogenetic development a process of corticalization of functions occurs. It is expressed in the increasing subordination of the somatic and vegetative functions of the body to the regulatory influences of the cerebral cortex. In the event of the death of nerve cells in a significant part of the human cerebral cortex, it turns out to be non-viable and quickly dies with a noticeable disruption of the homeostasis of the most important autonomic functions. A feature of the cerebral cortex is its ability to isolate individual elements from the mass of incoming signals, to distinguish them from each other, i.e. she has the ability to analyze. Of all the perceived signals, the animal selects only those that are directly related to one or another function of the body: obtaining food, maintaining the integrity of the body, reproduction, etc. in response to these stimuli, impulses are transmitted to the corresponding effector organs (motor or secretory). Analysis and synthesis of stimuli in simplest form Peripheral parts of analyzers - receptors - are also capable of carrying out. Since receptors are specialized in the perception of certain stimuli, therefore, they produce their qualitative separation, i.e. analysis of certain signals from the external environment. With a complex structure of the receptor apparatus, for example the organ of hearing, its structural elements may differ in sounds of unequal pitch. At the same time, a complex perception of sounds is also produced, which leads to their synthesis into one whole. Analysis and synthesis carried out by the peripheral ends of the analyzers are called elementary analysis and synthesis. But excitation from the receptors also reaches the central cortical ends of the analyzers, where more complex forms of analysis and synthesis occur. Here, excitation, in the process of forming a conditioned reflex, comes into contact with numerous foci of excitation in other areas of the cortex, which contributes to the unification of numerous stimuli into a single complex, and also makes it possible to more subtly distinguish between elementary stimuli. Analysis and synthesis carried out by the cortical ends of the analyzers are called higher analysis and synthesis. The analytical activity of the cortex is based on the process of inhibition, which limits the irradiation of excitation. As a result of the analysis of perceived irritations, their differentiation is possible. IN environment constantly changing biological significance its individual elements with others. In this regard, in the cerebral cortex the relationship between analysis and synthesis is constantly changing. Both processes are constantly interconnected, and therefore they are considered as a single analytical-synthetic process, a single analytical-synthetic activity of the cerebral cortex.

4. Reality signaling systems

In 6935, Pavlov wrote about the “extraordinary increase in the mechanisms of nervous activity” that occurred in the developing animal world during the process of human development. In an animal, afferent impulses signal phenomena and events that directly affect the body's receptors. So spontaneous signaling system reality is also inherent in man. However, there is another, specifically our, human signaling system of reality. In humans, “signals of the second degree appeared, developed and were extremely improved, the signals of these primary signals - in the form of words, spoken, audible and visible” (Pavlov). Thus, a person is characterized by a double signaling of reality: 1. A common system of direct signals of reality with animals; 2. A special system of indirect, speech signals. Speech signals underlie a special principle, a special form of reflection of reality. They can not only replace direct signals, but also generalize them, highlight and abstract individual features and qualities of objects and phenomena, establish their connections and mutual dependence, as well as the processes of their formation and change. It is this system of signals that determines the most important features higher nervous activity of man and makes possible “specially human, higher thinking” (Pavlov), leading to limitless orientation in the surrounding world, to the development of science and its practical reflection - technology. A remarkable feature of the second signaling system is the speed of formation of conditioned connections: it is enough for a person to hear something once or read something in a book for new conditioned connections to appear in the cerebral cortex. Sometimes they are so strong that they last for many years without needing reinforcement. The second signaling system, associated in its development with mental activity, each person has characteristics that depend on the individual life experience , and is not inherited. An illustration of this is when children grow up among animals and are deprived of the influence of human society. Such people experience a sharp decline in intelligence and an inability to develop abstract, abstract thinking. Many people ask the question: do the mind, speech, and human psyche develop if a child grows up in isolation from human society? Nature itself answered this question. Such children were physically strong, ran quickly on all fours, saw and heard well, but were devoid of intelligence."In 1920, in India, Dr. Singh discovered two girls in a wolf's den along with a litter of wolf cubs. One of them looked 7-8 years old , another year 2. The girls were sent to an orphanage. At first they walked and ran only on all fours, and only at night, and during the day they slept, huddled in a corner and huddled together like puppies. The youngest girl soon died, and the eldest, they named her Kamala, lived for about 10 years. All these years, Singh kept a detailed diary of observations of Kamala. She walked on all fours for a long time, leaning on her hands and feet. She drank by lapping, and only ate meat from the floor, and did not take it from her hands. ". When they approached her while eating, she bared her teeth like a wolf and growled. Kamala saw well in the dark and was afraid of strong light and fire. During the day she slept, squatting in the corner, facing the wall. She tore off her clothes and even in cold weather she threw off the blanket.After 2 years, Kamala learned to stand, but poorly. After 6 years, she began to walk, but still ran on all fours. Within 4 years she had learned only 6 words, and after 7 years she had learned 45 words. Kamala's vocabulary subsequently expanded to 100 words. By this time, she fell in love with the company of people, stopped being afraid of light, and learned to eat with her hands and drink from a glass. Having reached approximately 17 years of age, Kamala, in terms of mental development, resembled a 4-year-old child" (Kuznetsov O.N., Lebedev V.I. "Psychology and psychopathy of loneliness" 1972). There are cases when children were deliberately isolated from the team "Growing up, they were no different from children who grew up among animals. "About 350 years ago, the Indian padishah Akbar argued with his court sages, who argued that every child would speak the language of his parents, even if no one taught him this. Akbar doubted the validity of this opinion and conducted an experiment worthy of the cruelty of the eastern feudal lords of the Middle Ages. Small children of various nationalities were seized and placed one at a time in separate rooms. The children were served by dumb servants. During the 7 years of this “experiment,” the children never heard a human voice. When people came to them 7 years later, instead of human speech they heard incoherent screams, howls, meows" (Kuznetsov O.N., Lebedev V.I. "Psychology and psychopathy of loneliness" 1972)

These examples convince us that the process mental development person depends on learning, starting with early childhood. A child isolated from human society does not develop a second signaling system. The influence of human society on the formation of a child’s mental sphere is very important for proper upbringing. The more adequate stimuli a child receives, the better abstract thinking and consciousness develops. This is better perceived in childhood, when a certain morphological restructuring of the nervous system occurs, which has huge hereditary reserves. Isolation from the social environment of an adult also causes known functional disorders and mental illnesses.

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Complexes of these properties, since a scientifically based solution depends entirely on knowledge of individual properties and the relationships between them. I will now turn to the fundamentally important question of the relationship between the properties of the nervous system, on the one hand, and the characteristic forms of behavior or mental properties of the individual, on the other. I have already emphasized that the properties of the nervous system are ...

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Many stimuli from the external world and the internal environment of the body are perceived by receptors and become sources of impulses that enter the cerebral cortex. Here they are analyzed, differentiated and synthesized, combined, generalized. The ability of the cortex to separate, isolate and distinguish individual irritations, differentiate them is a manifestation analytical activity of the cerebral cortex.

First, stimulation is analyzed in receptors that specialize in light, sound stimuli, etc. Higher forms of analysis are carried out in the cerebral cortex. The analytical activity of the cerebral cortex is inextricably linked with its synthetic activity, expressed in the unification, generalization of excitation that arises in its various parts under the influence of numerous stimuli. An example of the synthetic activity of the cerebral cortex is the formation of a temporary connection, which underlies the development of a conditioned reflex. Complex synthetic activity is manifested in the formation of reflexes of the second, third and higher orders. The basis of generalization is the process of irradiation of excitation.

Analysis and synthesis are interconnected, and complex analytical-synthetic activity occurs in the cortex.

Dynamic stereotype. The external world acts on the body not with single stimuli, but usually with a system of simultaneous and sequential stimuli. If a system of successive stimuli is often repeated, this leads to the formation of systematicity, or a dynamic stereotype in the activity of the cerebral cortex. Thus, a dynamic stereotype is a sequential chain of conditioned reflex acts, carried out in a strictly defined, time-fixed order and resulting from a complex systemic reaction of the body to a complex system of positive (reinforced) and negative (non-reinforced, or inhibitory) conditioned stimuli.

The development of a stereotype is an example of the complex synthesizing activity of the cerebral cortex. A stereotype is difficult to develop, but if it is formed, then maintaining it does not require much effort in cortical activity, and many actions become automatic. A dynamic stereotype is the basis for the formation of habits in a person, the formation of a certain sequence in labor operations, and the acquisition of skills. Examples of a dynamic stereotype include walking, running, jumping, skiing, playing musical instruments, using a spoon, fork, knife when eating, writing, etc.

Stereotypes persist for many years and form the basis of human behavior, but they are very difficult to reprogram.

Additionally: Analytical-synthetic function of the cortex

Irritation analysis consists in distinguishing, separating different signals, differentiating different effects on the body.

Synthesis of stimuli manifests itself in the binding and generalization of excitations arising in various parts of the cerebral cortex.

Analysis and synthesis are inextricably linked.

Formsanalytical and synthetic activities bark are:

Conditioned reflex, dynamic stereotype, dominant, different kinds induction and other yet undeciphered mechanisms that ensure the functioning of the cerebral hemispheres.

№40 Describe the systemic architectonics of a purposeful behavioral act.

The central architectonics of a behavioral act is built by the activity of the brain, being an attribute of complex dynamic cortical-subcortical relationships.

First, proactive stage The central architectonics of the behavioral act is the stage of afferent synthesis, which consists of several components.

The leading component is the dominant biological motivation, which is built on the basis of neurohumoral signaling and various metabolic needs.

The dominant biological motivations of hunger, fear, thirst, sexual arousal, etc., due to the ascending activating influences of special hypothalamic centers, selectively cover various parts of the brain, including the cortex. Biological motivations can independently shape a behavioral act. Wherein external factors play the role of key ones, revealing in certain conditions the genetic mechanisms of behavioral acts.

The influences of the external environment are second component afferent synthesis - environmental afferentation , which continuously enters the central nervous system under the influence of various environmental factors on numerous exteroceptors of living organisms.

The relationships between the dominant motivation and the environment are dynamic; they are built according to the principle of dominance - first of all, biological or environmental influences that are most significant for survival or social adaptation are satisfied.

The third component afferent synthesis is memory . First of all, this is genetic memory, to which innate biological motivations are constantly addressed in the construction of behavior. Under certain conditions, memory mechanisms can independently form a behavioral act or significantly influence its organization.