Fashionable bathroom design - modern trends. Trends: bathroom design Varieties of bathroom design styles

Can't imagine life modern man without a comfortable, safe and beautiful bathroom. Therefore, every year designers from all over the world pay maximum attention and imagination to this space.

Find out what trends in bathroom design are relevant in 2019, choose a bath or shower, how to clad walls and why hang pictures and plant flowers in the bathroom - find out in our article right now.

What color to choose for bathroom design in 2019?

Flow of spaces

Do you want a super-actual apartment interior design? Do not separate visual spaces! Let them flow smoothly into each other, and finishes are duplicated from room to room. For example, tile from the bathroom can be used in .

Glass partitions

Fence off the shower area of ​​the bathroom with them or separate the bathroom area and the bathroom area.

Own sauna

Continuing the spa trend: if your bathroom is large enough, set up your own mini-sauna there.

How to clad the walls in the bathroom?

More than ever in 2019 fashion options for wall decoration in the bathroom.


Surprisingly, yes - in vogue for the bathroom. And with a bright, large print.


Moroccan tiles with a large monogram pattern are relevant not only for, but also for the bathroom.


You don't like drawings but like textures? Cover your bathroom walls with 3D volumetric tiles.


Ideal material for youth loft bathrooms.

Do not forget to treat the concrete with a special water-repellent protection!

Gray marble

Of all the varieties of marble, the most fashionable in 2019 is gray. By the way, it can be used not only for walls, but also for floors and even washbasins and countertops.


Terrazzo is crammed between monotonous concrete and costly marble. More interesting than the first, and at times cheaper than the second, it looks very unusual in the interior of the bathroom.

How to arrange the floor?

What plumbing should be in the new season?

Definitely quality. But as regards appearance, then the opinions of designers differ somewhat.


Do not hide plumbing and make it invisible, on the contrary, it should become a bright and stylish device in the interior of the bathroom. At least that's what Art Deco and loft fans think.


The black, chrome and (especially) brass elements of plumbing have been replaced by dark tin-colored objects, restrained and creative at the same time.

Matte white

And a completely new option for the bathroom is matte white sanitary ware, which stands out especially against the background of dark marble designs.

What sinks will be trendy in 2019?

It would seem that something new can be invented for such an everyday object as a washbasin?

But even here the designers surprise us.


In 2019, the bathroom sink is not just a functional item, but also a bright, stylish, unusual accessory. It can be in the tone of the walls or, on the contrary, effectively contrast with them. Terrazzo washbasins are considered especially fashionable.

Near the window

If a sink near a window is acceptable in the kitchen, why not repeat this trick in the bathroom?

What to choose: bath or shower?

This question is as eternal as the argument about the egg and the chicken.


If earlier most designers relied on functionality, then in 2019 bathtubs are returning to everyday life. And they do it loudly declaring themselves, as their design is designed to completely capture your attention and focus on yourself.


Shower cabins are becoming more spacious and more autonomous, more like a separate room than a capsule from space movies, as it used to be.

What kind of bathroom furniture to buy?

Nothing spoils the interior like everyday life. In order to enjoy the design of the bathroom not only after the renovation, but also throughout the entire period of its use, it is important to think in advance about the storage system for cosmetics and cleaning products.

wooden pedestal

As a universal solution even for a small bathroom, designers suggest using a wooden cabinet under the sink.

With stone top

A practical addition to the cabinet - stone countertop: marble or quartz.

What accessories to decorate the bathroom?

Even the bathroom has room for accessories. Proven!


Art as an axiom is the main trend in bathroom decoration. Now pictures can and should be hung not only in rooms.

living plants

Fashion for living plants has reached the bathrooms. The size of the plant and the way it is placed (pot or phytomodule) should be selected depending on the amount of free space - the more it is, the larger the plant can be.

Floor mirror

Complete mirror wall visually expands the space of even the smallest room. What can we say about the bathrooms in Khrushchev, where this issue needs to be resolved more than anywhere else?

Asymmetric mirrors

But ordinary mirrors are still relevant. True, in 2019, asymmetry of forms is in fashion.

Digital Gadgets

Smart home - smart bathroom. Digital gadgets and digital devices are absolute must-haves for bathrooms. And it seems to us that this trend will soon cease to be a tribute to fashion, but will become a familiar necessity for every person.

Which trends did you like the most, and which caused horror or bewilderment? Ready to implement something right now? Let us know about it in the comments!

The bathroom is often the smallest room in the house. Despite this, it performs important and even in some way irreplaceable functions. After all, you can imagine an apartment without a dining room or even a bedroom. As for the bathroom, it is an indispensable component of any residential building. Of course, the small footage of the room does not allow the designer's imagination to run wild. However, when right approach you can easily create not only practical, but also spectacular bathroom design, in which all the elements of the room are harmoniously combined.

The main trends of modern bathroom interior in 2020

Bathroom- the place where each new day begins and ends. And you must admit that it is much more pleasant to equip the room in such a way that it can resemble a cozy and atmospheric spa. Then you can relax and enjoy a bubble bath or contrast shower.

A few decades ago traditional design the bathroom consisted of three important elements - a bath (or shower), a sink and a toilet (if the bathroom was not separated from the bathroom). However, today everything has changed a little - now a bidet, hydrobox, washing machine(sometimes with a dryer) or even a home sauna. This is due to the fact that in new buildings, as a rule, the premises have a larger area than in "Khrushchev", and designers, as a result, have more space to implement any, even the most daring and non-standard ideas.

If we talk about latest bathroom design trends 2020, the following motives can be distinguished:

  1. The bathroom is primarily a practical place, the layout of which is thought out to the smallest detail. All plumbing and furniture should not interfere with movement around the room.

    Freedom of movement main criterion bathroom design 2020
  2. Even if your bathroom has a relatively large area, do not neglect the methods visual magnification space. Add to room more mirrors, transparent and glass elements.

  3. Plumbing, of course, in the first place should perform a practical function. However, take a closer look at the new current models of 2020 - today you can find quite non-standard (in color or shape) options on store shelves.

  4. Lighting. A stylish bathroom today is a room with multi-level lighting, which is the highlight of the interior and helps to visually enlarge the space.

    Versatile bathroom lighting
  5. Any decorative elements should also perform a practical function. Leave figurines and photo frames for the living room or bedroom.

Modern bathroom color scheme

Previously, people were not particularly fond of decorating a stylish bathroom design. Fortunately, today designers offer a large number of bathroom interior ideas so that you can choose the one that suits your particular space. Given the layout of the room and its footage, you can get a fashionable, comfortable and at the same time practical bathroom. The choice of the shade of the walls and furniture in the room will depend mainly on the preferences of the owners of the house. The most popular options are the following bathroom design colors:

  1. White bathroom. Classic variant, able to visually expand the space and add some light to it.

  2. Black. noble color, which is relevant for large spaces.

  3. Red. Bold and original solution for the bathroom. Such a shade will undoubtedly give cheerfulness and energy.

  4. Yellow and orange. Improves mood and allows you to recharge your batteries for the whole day.

  5. Brown. It has a huge variety of shades. It can be chocolate, wenge, brick, terracotta and other colors.

  6. Blue. A soothing color that suits a nautical bathroom design.

Surface finishing

When decorating any room of a house or apartment milestone is the process of selecting materials for finishing the premises. And the bathroom is no exception. In view of the fact that there is a risk of high humidity and condensation, the selection finishing materials should be approached with great care. Only in this way you can get not only beautiful, but also a durable result that will delight you for decades.

Even though the bathroom is different high humidity, there are a huge number of materials for its decoration. This is primarily due to the fact that many manufacturers today are trying to make their products universal for every room in the house.

Advice: To get rid of the humidity a little, set up good ventilation (natural and artificial) in the bathroom. Thus, you can significantly increase the life of all finishing materials.

Wall decoration in the bathroom

Market building materials offers a huge range of materials for wall design in the bathroom. The most popular options are:

  1. Ceramic tile. The most popular option, which differs a wide range shades and shapes (square, rectangular, polygonal, etc.). Resistant to moisture, temperature changes and mechanical damage. At correct installation able to last over 30 years. The main disadvantage of the material is the complexity of its installation. To do this, you will have to take the help of a professional who will carry out all measurements, tile installation, grouting, etc.

  2. A natural stone. The most common options are granite or marble. Certainly, a natural stone- pleasure is not cheap, which is explained by a number of its advantages:
  3. PVC panels. Today on store shelves you can find both plain PVC panels and more original variants that can decorate the interior of the bathroom. Some models imitate wood, brickwork, marble or even leather. Main Feature of such panels is the ease of their installation, which can be dealt with without resorting to the help of professionals. The main thing is to correctly carry out all the necessary measurements.

  4. natural wood. Do you think that wood is not suitable for the bathroom? It's not like that at all. Modern ways processing allow the use of this material in wall decoration, even in rooms with high humidity. As a rule, special impregnations and protective varnishes are used for this. The choice will be important right breed wood. Beech, cedar, larch, oak, teak, etc. are great for the bathroom.

  5. Glass. Great for decorating a bathroom in high-tech or modern styles. You can use plain, multi-color panels or glass plates with photo printing. As for the type of surface, it can be:
  6. Metal. Can be used as independent material, however, most often installed in combination with wood or stone. For bathroom design choose metal sheets coated with zinc or chrome. In addition to a long service life, this finish meets all the requirements fire safety(metal is a non-combustible material).

  7. Dye. Not all types of paints are used for the bathroom. The most common options are:
    • latex;
    • acrylic;
    • silicate;
    • silicone.

Important! Before applying paint, it is worth leveling the base of the wall as much as possible. Otherwise, you will emphasize all the defects on the surface, and the repair itself will not be durable..

Bathroom flooring

Today you can choose both classic plumbing models and more original options. non-standard forms and sizes. The main thing is to carry out all the necessary measurements before buying. So you can be sure that the sink or bathtub will fit exactly into the design of the bathroom.

Choosing non-standard options for plumbing, it is important not to overdo it. We do not recommend installing both a sink, a toilet, and a bathtub original colors and designs. In such a room, the emphasis should be on one of the largest elements, which, as a rule, is a bath. Today you can find it in a wide variety of designs - in the form of a hammock or boat, in the form of a circle or even a square, etc.).

Some interiors (especially in the classic or Provence style) are suitable for antique bathtubs with elegant faucets and high legs.

In addition to shapes, you can also experiment with the colors of products, choosing, for example, a red sink or a black toilet.

Bathroom storage systems

Please note that the correct lighting able to become a highlight of the bathroom interior. However, do not forget that in the bathroom all the fixtures need additional protection from moisture.

Decorative elements in the bathroom

Bathroom Decor 2020 should be practical first and foremost. Today it is not customary to install empty trinkets that will only accumulate dust. The most common decorative elements are:

Creating and designing a bathroom design is a process, albeit painstaking, but very entertaining. Don't be afraid to push boundaries and try new ones. non-standard ideas. So you can get a design that accurately reflects your character and can please you for as long as possible.

Bathroom design 2019 is possible in any style - minimalism and romantic Provence, eclecticism and baroque, loft and ethnic style Morocco. It will take too long to list interior styles, because modern bathrooms are planned and designed according to the principle of maximum comfort and saving resources. For small bathrooms apartment buildings design possibilities are much less, but with a competent approach and in a small bathroom, an exquisite interior and installation is possible modern plumbing. For bathroom design in line with the trend towards living space, and with respectable finishes, only large and spacious bathrooms are possible - but this is just one of the trends of 2019. Indeed, vintage bathrooms even had parquet floors, carpets and lacquered furniture. And in the design of bathrooms 2019, a similar approach is an undoubted trend, and in a fashionable bathroom, a soft and comfortable sofa is appropriate for relaxation after a shower or bath. Bathtubs are made in neoclassical styles and canopies, and window openings - with luxurious curtains. And yet, in a bathroom of any size, convenience is the main condition, and the design of small bathrooms in 2019 once again proves this.

The loft style is one of the most popular, and for a bathroom, a loft is not only possible, but functional, practical and original. Traditional tiles are replaced with imitation brickwork - in white or terracotta colors. Clinker tiles, which have close to zero water absorption, are wonderful for lining a loft bathroom. concrete walls based on microconcrete and microcement, they look shockingly rough, but very comfortable tactilely, and the whole entourage of a loft-style bath does not scream at all about a bad repair, but, on the contrary, about chic originality. Plumbing fixtures are also used expensive - sometimes simple shapes, but unusual up to the exclusive.

Particularly interesting are black bathtubs “under glass”, transparent bathtubs and sinks, and stylization of aluminum bathtubs under a “tin trough”. The combination of comfort and a funny mismatch of form with content makes loft bathrooms and their plumbing especially positive, funny and cute. The walls can be finished not only under a brick, but also under an aged board, the floor - under a laminate or wood.

Antique style bathrooms, pompous Empire style bathrooms, Victorian style bathrooms with carpets and chandeliers are possible in spacious rooms. For a small bathroom, the features of any style you like can be set by applying an eclectic design.

Modern lighting fixtures may look vintage, but for bathrooms, a designer chandelier, even with crystal pendants or hanging from a long wire, has a degree of protection for use in a wet room.

Minimalism is the absolute trend for bathrooms in 2019. Laconic forms and cleanliness, nothing superfluous - only comfort, air, space and neutral tones of decoration. As an alternative to strict minimalism - a bathroom in Japanese style, with red, white and black color, symbolic decor, sakura flowers and stylization of bamboo and ink drawings - everything for perfect relaxation and comfort of water procedures.

bathroom in vintage style, eclectic and even retro - in 2019, there is complete democracy in the design and decoration of bathrooms; but the main task of the bathroom is provided not so much by the effects of the external surroundings - they are chosen according to personal tastes. The main tasks of the bathroom are determined and performed by modern plumbing.

Photos and novelties of modern bathroom design in 2019

New products for bathrooms modern houses more and more connected with technology, and new plumbing surprises not only with high prices. The expansion of the functionality of bathrooms also defines new trends - not just to wash in the bathroom and take a shower, but to fully experience comfort and practical benefits - and sanitary brands offer appliances and equipment that amaze with both high design aesthetics and rationalism. The design of plumbing fixtures is not just practical, it combines modern technology with natural exoticism and a fairy tale.

Faucets still perform their task, but the water supply is turned on - for example, when moving the spout. The shape of the mixer resembles a bird on the water. The design makes the washbasin faucet practical and easy to use, requiring a minimum of attention and a slight movement to instantly turn the water on and off. And at the same time - the device is the dominant line of the bathroom interior. Finishing, shades, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdesign - everything is built on the basis, that is, plumbing. High-end sinks today scream the enjoyment of life, and are more reminiscent of jewelry and sculpture than sanitary ware. Extravagance emphasizes functionality: the latest additions to the series of jet massage jets in modern designs have become a familiar attribute of comfort.

Ecology and comfort are two ideas of modern bathroom design. Intelligent systems shower complexes with automatic maintenance of temperature and water flow rate, with built-in “light water” devices - a special mixing of water with air to create a light and voluminous water flow. This is not just the maximum pleasure from the hygienic washing procedure, but also savings. natural resources. Touch control and self-cleaning for modern sinks are no longer new, and for high-quality cleaning the sink will only need one liter of water and 10 ml of household detergent. Smart plumbing doesn't give germs a chance to thrive.

Designers say that modern design is more philosophy than technique. Shapes and colors determine the first impressions of the interior, and then it's time to feel - space and air, optimal lighting for vision, well-organized heat flows and air exchange. Bathroom and toilet - these rooms are likely to be the first to "support" the idea of ​​the primacy of the ecological approach to the life support system of the home, including in terms of saving energy resources.

Motion-responsive lighting is not only luxurious and convenient, but also economical. For small bathrooms, individual lighting for each piece of furniture is especially pleasing. Furnishings of modern bathrooms are increasingly modular, transforming cabinets give more options to store accessories. The mirror surfaces of the cabinets expand the space of the bathroom and create a magical play of light.

A room such as a bathroom can be designed in various styles. One of the most popular design options is the Provence style. Despite some simplicity inherent in this style, repairs in this case will cost a decent amount. After all, Provence is easily recognizable, and requires certain accessories. Bathroom design 2020 - see 80 photos of design options in our gallery.

Bathroom Design Rules

For example, porcelain stoneware under a tree would be appropriate here. Although, of course, at the origins of the style were natural materials- stone and wood.

Separately, it should be noted color scheme bathroom design, appropriate in this case - relevant White color with dilution bright colors, that is:

  • light blue,
  • pinkish,
  • sand and so on.

The most expensive elements in a modern bathroom will be furniture. It must be copies made "antique". Such items may seem somewhat cumbersome, but they are not without grace.

It can be both a variety of chests of drawers and shelves - necessarily richly decorated, on curved legs. Carving elements, varnishing and so on are quite acceptable.

The floor in such a bathroom can be both dark and light.

Ceiling decoration in the bathroom 2020

As for wall and ceiling surfaces, then they should be light. In such a bathroom in the apartment, paintings and fresh flowers will look great. On the floor, you can place a rug with a floral pattern.

In general, floral motifs are one of the most important distinguishing features Provencal style. They can be placed both on walls and on furniture or decorative elements ceramic tiles In bathroom.

In such a room, the placement of fresh flowers is also welcome - for example, tulips, hyacinths and other bulbs.

Bathroom finishing materials

As for the materials used to decorate the bathroom 2020, here, first of all, natural materials.

Moreover, modern technological processes, for example, grinding natural stone, allow you to get surfaces that are different in texture. See photo examples of bathroom design:

If you cannot afford natural materials for financial reasons, choose high-quality imitations.

It is desirable that the materials you choose are products of trusted manufacturers. In this case, it will be possible to say that the money for the purchase was not spent in vain.

The most expensive purchase for a Provence-style bathroom design is plumbing. Indeed, modern standard designs are too simple for such a bathroom, they lack sophistication.

Modern bathtubs 2020 are:

  • graceful,
  • decorated with bronze or gilding,
  • with many decorative details And
  • necessarily with rounded, smooth shapes.

Naturally, in this case we should not talk about any chrome-plated mixers - products with a touch of antiquity are welcome.

Various functional little things - holders and so on should also overlap with general design premises. In most cases, this is not difficult to achieve, since today the choice of offers on the market is huge. For example, see photos of bathroom design options - 2020:

How to make lighting in the bathroom

The bathroom, more than others, needs proper and rational lighting, because it has no windows - sources of natural light.

When creating a bathroom lighting project, consider the following points:

Particular attention is paid to the lighting of the mirror, which needs individual lighting. It is recommended to install lamps in the bathroom either on both sides, or in the form of a suspension, which is adjusted so that there is a lot of light, but it does not hit the eyes and does not give a shadow.

The light spectrum itself should be as close to natural as possible, sunlight so as not to distort the complexion. At this point, special attention is paid to women who prefer to apply makeup in front of a mirror in the bathroom.

When choosing lighting devices for a small bathroom, do not forget about electrical safety, the lamps must be waterproof. Degree of protection against steam, splashes and high temperatures indicated on the label as the abbreviation IP and numbers from 0 to 8.

Bathroom countertop under the sink

Any bathroom should be conducive to relaxation and rest, so its interior should be pleasing to the eye, cozy and comfortable. Main element design of this room is the countertop for the sink.

It is best to make them from an elegant and noble material, such as natural marble. Such natural stone is very popular due to its attractive decorative properties.

A marble countertop can become a decoration of a bathroom. In addition, it is reliable and practical. One of the main advantages of this material is its beauty.

Bathroom sinks with a marble top, which have an elegantly processed figured profile, can give not only elegance, but also make it truly unique.

Marble top, properly matched to color solution interior, able to bring a sense of luxury. This is achievable as marble has a rich and varied texture and color palette his breeds.

Sink built into a marble countertop - black marble which blends perfectly with various materials:

However, these countertops are not only decorative ornament, but also carry practicality and functionality.

Another advantage of marble is its excellent malleability during processing. The shape of the countertop under the sink is able to emphasize the design of the room, its exclusivity and originality.

A facing plinth is installed along the edge of the tabletop, thanks to which the product acquires compositional completeness. Natural marble belongs to environmentally friendly materials. In addition, it is characterized by antibacterial properties. See further bathroom design ideas - 2020 in our photo gallery:

We invite you to read the article on the topic: "bath design 2019" with the comments of our expert. You can ask all questions in the comments.

  • Modern bathroom design: photo ideas for a stylish interior

    Have you thought about the fact that no matter how comfortable it was in our house, no matter how beautiful furniture and the decor was not located in it, and no matter what technologies improve our home, none of this can be compared for us with such an indispensable part of the living space as the bathroom.

    It is the bathroom that is the place where we imperceptibly spend a lot of time taking care of ourselves in the early morning, it is in the bathroom that we relax and wash off all the burden of a hard day's work ...

    Long gone are the days when all bathrooms were standard, like a blueprint. The design of the bathroom in importance is no different from the same living room or kitchen, because Beautiful design bathroom is the guarantee of our pleasant relaxation and comfort.

    Today we will offer you a modern bathroom design in different styles 2019-2020, outlining the features of bathroom interior design, as well as offering fifty great photo ideas on which bathroom design to choose.

    We will not only show you the design of the bathroom, but also name the most current trends and trends in bathroom interior design 2019-2020.

    Modern bathroom design 2019-2020: trends, trends

    If the bathroom design is done by a specialist for you, you are very lucky, because the pros can easily cope with the zoning of space, the choice of tiles and plumbing, decorating your bathroom in the best traditions of modern design.

    If you create your own bathroom design, the best way to do this is to help you. beautiful photos bathroom interior design ideas 2019-2020 that you will find below.

    Besides whatever you choose original design bathroom, you need to make this room as functional, comfortable, beautiful, cozy as possible.

    First of all, you need to start from what size your bathroom is, and what design ideas you can implement in it.

    The design of a small bathroom 2019-2020 must be created taking into account ergonomic factors, because if there is not enough space, this does not mean that you do not need to look for ways out of how to equip it to the maximum.

    The fashionable interior design of a large-sized bathroom gives endless opportunities for experimentation, because it can be equipped not only with the necessary communications and original plumbing, but also play with decor, interior options, even choose paintings and textiles for the bathroom.

    And so, let's model your unique modern bathroom design 2019-2020 step by step, breathing your individual character into its arrangement.

    Modern bathroom design 2019-2020: stylistic features of the interior

    Considering the trends in bathroom interior design, we note that the absolute trend for today is minimalism. Simplicity and conciseness, in harmony with modern technologies, highlights the functionality and comfort of the bathroom, in harmony with the simplicity of design.

    Professionals offer to evaluate the design of the bathroom in beautiful natural shades, mostly white, oil, sand, gray, black.

    It is these shades that show best design bathroom interior 2019-2020 in a minimalist style, because materials that imitate natural surfaces are used to create it. Mixing many colors in one interior is not acceptable for minimalism.

    In addition to minimalism, modern bathroom design has become very popular in scandinavian style, which also strives for simplicity, the absence of everything superfluous, the combination of a black and white palette interspersed with elements of bright and saturated colors. This style is characterized by the imitation and use of wood, concrete, linen, cotton, copper, brass, stone, ceramics, etc.

    If you really want to get stylish design bathroom 2019-2020, pay attention to such an interior style as a loft, which gradually began to influence modern designs not only of the main ones, but also of bathrooms.

    For those who are not in the know, the loft style offers us an urban interior design reminiscent of warehouse or attic space at home, decorating the walls brickwork, concrete, cement, wooden surfaces, aesthetics and at the same time the manufacturability of the premises.

    If urban and urban motifs in the interiors are uncomfortable for you, then we advise you to look at other interior options, for example:

    Bathroom design in a classic style;

    Provence style bathroom design;

    Japanese style bathroom design;

    Original colorful design bathroom with drawings and ornaments;

    3D bathroom design with natural motifs.

    When you have decided on the style, you need to consider the following issues for arranging the space. Choose the finishing material - it can be ceramic tiles, stone, marble, etc. Also you should choose good plumbing.