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When importing meat, fish, poultry and seafood into Russia, every importer should know that the customs clearance procedure for meat products has its own characteristics. Distinctive features First of all, they are associated with a limited shelf life and special veterinary and sanitary control upon import.

Main features of import/export of meat and fish:

  1. Customs clearance deadlines. Meat, fish and seafood - perishable goods(“perishable”), i.e. refer to goods that have a limited shelf life and a limited period of sale to the consumer. That is why the recipient of the cargo must ensure that the time frame for customs clearance and veterinary control for imported meat products is reduced. Errors in the documents of the exporter and importer are the reason for the increase in customs clearance times and the increase in costs during storage in a temporary storage warehouse. If there are problems associated with incorrectly completed documents, only the owner of the cargo can quickly and promptly pay fines and resolve all issues that may arise due to illiterate execution of documents by the seller/exporter. Therefore, we always ask that before shipping the goods, the seller (Exporter) agrees with us on the correct completion of documents (import veterinary certificate, invoice and air waybill). The specified documents are sent to us for verification - in advance, so that there is an opportunity to change them.
  2. Temperature regime. When transporting and storing meat products in a temporary storage warehouse during customs clearance, mandatory temperature maintenance. Therefore, upon import by air transport, we recommend choosing Domodedovo Airport for customs clearance, where there is a customs warehouse where you can store goods with the temperature conditions you need. When placing meat, fish and seafood in a temporary storage warehouse, employees of the temporary storage warehouse of Domodedovo Cargo CJSC determine the temperature requirements based on the entry in the air waybills. Therefore, it is necessary to require the carrier or sender to indicate in advance temperature regime storage in the invoice. For example, 0-2 degrees for chilled beef. Otherwise, the employees of the temporary storage warehouse will relieve themselves of responsibility for the proper storage of meat products.
  3. Veterinary control at the border. Immediately after import and before customs clearance, veterinary control of imported meat products will be carried out in accordance with the Decision of the Customs Union Commission dated June 18, 2010 No. 317. Veterinary control includes:
    - Documentary control. The availability of an import phytosanitary certificate (download a sample) and the availability of an import permit from Rosselkhoznadzor (download a sample) are checked.
    - Inspection of consignment of goods. During inspection, the labeling of all boxes is checked. If there is no indication on the boxes - Names of goods, Sender, Recipient, Manufacturer and means of identification, i.e. air waybill or CMR numbers. In the absence of the specified markings on cargo packages, an official of Rosselkhoznadzor draws up a protocol on an administrative offense against the recipient of the cargo. In case of an administrative offense, the period for customs clearance of meat, fish and seafood increases - more than 1 day, until the fine is paid.
    - Llaboratory control. This type of control includes sampling and sampling and is carried out in cases where visible organoleptic changes are detected during the inspection of transported regulated goods and the exclusion of contagious animal diseases.
    Based on the results of the implementation of these types of control, the official of the border control veterinary point makes one of the following decisions in relation to regulated goods: - on admission; - about the suspension of movement; - about the import ban; - about the return. The decision made regarding meat is formalized by the veterinary supervision official by affixing the appropriate stamps. Typically, veterinary control lasts from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours.
  4. Control of customs value during customs clearance. Due to the fact that every participant in foreign economic activity is interested in reducing the amount of customs duties when importing meat, during customs clearance it is necessary to know all the risks (gate prices) for certain goods. Otherwise, if the customs value is underestimated, an additional check of the customs value will be carried out, which entails an increase in the terms of customs clearance and the cost of storing cargo at a temporary storage warehouse.
Product code Name of product Paraguay, Uruguay New Zealand, Australia Argentina, Chile
0201300005 tenderloin **$/kg **$/kg **$/kg
shoulder blade, sacrum, rump, shank, leg, hump (NEW) **$/kg **$/kg **$/kg
subscapular cut, back cut, thick edge, entrecote, ribeye, sirloin **$/kg **$/kg **$/kg
brisket **$/kg **$/kg **$/kg
intercostal meat, flank **$/kg **$/kg **$/kg
Korean **$/kg **$/kg **$/kg
thin edge, lumbar cut, roast beef **$/kg **$/kg **$/kg
trimming **$/kg **$/kg **$/kg
shoulder steak **$/kg **$/kg **$/kg
0201209002 saddle ribs, loin cut, thin edge on bone **$/kg **$/kg
thick edge on the bone **$/kg **$/kg


It is important to know!!! Based on Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated August 6, 2014 No. 560 “On the application of certain special economic measures to ensure the security of the Russian Federation,” restrictions were introduced on August 7, 2014 on the import of meat from countries unfriendly to us.

List of agricultural products, raw materials and food, the country of origin of which is the United States of America, the countries of the European Union, Canada, Australia and the Kingdom of Norway and which are prohibited for import into the Russian Federation for a period of one year.


Name of product *)***)

Against the background of current sanctions and food embargo, Russian farmers have noticeably perked up. Meat producers are no exception. The largest agricultural holdings are not only increasing production and export volumes, but also expanding their sales markets.

Meat records

The production of meat and meat products is, perhaps, one of the few industries in which import substitution works exactly as it should work. Unlike other industries, which simply reoriented toward exports in order to receive revenue in foreign currency, agricultural industrialists actually managed to increase the share of domestic meat on the market, displacing imported products from countries Latin America and Asia. Today, the share of domestic products on the Russian market has already exceeded 90%, while five years ago it did not even reach 60%. However, the devaluation of the ruble, which made foreign meat much more expensive, also played into the hands of domestic producers.

The volume of meat production has been growing steadily throughout recent years largely thanks to multi-billion dollar subsidies and investments in large agro-industrial holdings. Companies created new projects and expanded production capacities. Based on the results of 8 months of 2016, the production of the main types of livestock and poultry for slaughter in agricultural organizations increased by 7.4% to 6.6 million tons (in live weight). The best dynamics were shown by pig farming, the production volume of which increased by 14.9% to 2.3 million tons, and poultry farming (+4.1%0 to 3.7 million tons).

The pace of processing also increased - the production of meat products increased by 4.1%, mainly due to the production of steamed, cooled and chilled pork (+15.6%) and meat culinary products (+14.2%)

Despite overall growth inflation, an increase in production contributed to a decrease in prices on the domestic market, both wholesale and retail. On the one hand, this had a beneficial effect on the end consumer, but significantly reduced profitability for small industries and farmers


New export horizons

Sales of meat and meat products abroad have become especially profitable in the context of ruble devaluation for large agro-industrial holdings. Over the seven months of 2016, supplies abroad increased by 87% in value terms to $105.2 million and by 104.4% in physical terms to a record 90.8 thousand tons. The greatest increase in exports was typical for February-March, when the low ruble exchange rate stimulated manufacturers to export their products abroad. Since April, export volumes began to fall, but were still noticeably higher than last year.

In addition to devaluation, state support for exporters also became an incentive for manufacturers - companies were given preferential loans and subsidies.

The commodity structure of Russian exports is still quite homogeneous. 70% of all supplies come from meat and food by-products poultry. In January-July 2016, its exports almost doubled to 63.4 thousand tons. In second place are products of commodity item 0206 - food by-products of cattle, pigs, sheep, goats and other animals, supplies of which also doubled to 16.91 thousand tons. Pork supplies showed record growth - they increased almost six times to 8.08 thousand tons.

The geography of Russian meat exports can hardly be called wide - the main buyers are the CIS countries and East Asia. The leader in purchases in January-July 2016 was Ukraine, which increased the volume of meat imports from Russia by 5.6 times to 27.09 thousand tons due to an increase in supplies of beef, pork and poultry. Other countries also showed positive dynamics. Kazakhstan increased purchases by 13% to 21.12 thousand tons, Hong Kong by 64% to 16.28 thousand tons, Vietnam by 254% to 8.89 thousand tons.

In addition to previous trading partners, already over these six months, the geography of Russian exports has become noticeably wider. New buyers include Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Norway, as well as many offshore countries.

However, in general, meat export volumes remain very modest compared to the amount of products produced annually in the country. For domestic producers, there are still too many obstacles from foreign countries in the form of protective duties, technical barriers and various quotas. Over the past years, the authorities have been trying to agree at the interstate level on expanding Russian meat exports, but so far little has been achieved during all this time. Agreements have been concluded with the UAE, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Tanzania. By the end of the year, it is planned to resume supplies to Iran and China.

China today seems to be the most promising destination for Russian meat exporters. Over the past ten years, the country has had bans on the import of pork, beef, poultry and other products from Russia due to the unfavorable epizootic situation. However, today work is already underway to remove these barriers. At the same time, the level of consumption in the Middle Kingdom is growing, and Russia has already established itself in this market as a supplier of high-quality and inexpensive products.

For a long time, Russia has been trying to negotiate meat supplies to the countries of the European Union, but so far there has been little success in this matter. Several years ago, due to the detection of cases of foot and mouth disease, Europe banned the import of meat from Russia. Last year, the EU allowed the import of poultry meat, but so far the volume of tariff quotas for it is very small, and only seven enterprises are accredited for its export.

Certain difficulties for the further development of meat exports are also created by the fact that a significant part of Russian food supplies is focused on Asian countries. At the same time, Russian pork (like any other) is not in demand in Muslim countries, poultry exports face high competition, and supplies of cattle meat are still insignificant to talk about conquering new markets.

Major exporters of meat and meat products

According to IMEXP ANALITICS estimates, in Russia the number of companies engaged in the export of meat and meat products has increased significantly. If in eight months of 2015 there were only 131 of them, then in 2016 there were already almost two hundred. Moreover, in addition to large companies Two dozen representatives of small businesses and individual entrepreneurs entered the markets.

Due to the increase in the number of companies exporting, the market leaders slightly lost their positions. If last year the top twenty companies in terms of supply volumes accounted for over 77%, then in 2016 it was already 62%.

According to the results of eight months, the largest volume of exports was shown by the Stavropol group of agricultural companies LLC TK Resurs-yug, increasing supplies compared to the same period last year by 75% to 8.53 thousand tons. The company mainly specializes in the production and export of chicken.

In second place is CJSC Korocha Pig Farm, whose supplies increased by 13% to 5.44 thousand tons. The company is part of the Miratorg agro-industrial holding and is engaged in slaughter and primary meat processing. It is worth recognizing that the Miratorg holding has become one of the fastest growing and most progressive companies in the industry. Its production volumes increase by tens of percent annually, and the total volume of investments in livestock farming and meat processing projects over the past five years has exceeded 140 billion rubles. At the same time, the factories included in the holding are today leaders in terms of the volume of government subsidies received.

In third place in the ranking is TD Petelino LLC, which increased exports more than fourfold to 4.16 thousand tons. The company is part of the Moscow Cherkizovo group and specializes in the production and supply of poultry meat.

In turn, some companies that were in the top five last year reduced supplies - Rusvneshtorg LLC, Prioskolye Trading House CJSC and Megapolis LLC.

1 / 435

Russia Moscow. Import of meat and meat products, Wholesale, Producer of raw meats, Retail, Export of meat and meat products

MCSIS Halal, LLC 5 / 137

Russia Moscow. Import of meat and meat products, Wholesale trade, Producer of raw meats, Producer of livestock and poultry, Retail trade, Services for the meat market, Export of meat and meat products

RUSFUD, LLC 3 / 36

Russia Moscow. Import of meat and meat products, Wholesale trade, Producer of meat raw materials, Producer of livestock and poultry, Retail trade


Russia Moscow. Import of meat and meat products, Wholesale trade, Retail trade, Services for the meat market, Export of meat and meat products

TD Tortsnab, LLC 0 / 185

Trading house "Milk-West", LLC 0 / 41

Russia Moscow. Import of meat and meat products, Wholesale trade, Manufacturer finished products, Retail trade, Services for the meat market, Export of meat and meat products

Techno-Promis Int., LLC 0 / 16

Russia Moscow. Import of meat and meat products, Equipment, packaging, Wholesale trade, Retail trade, Export of meat and meat products

Cold trade international, LLC 1 / 77

Russia Moscow. Import of meat and meat products, Equipment, packaging, Wholesale trade, Retail trade, Storage, Export of meat and meat products


Russia Moscow. Import of meat and meat products, Wholesale trade, Transportation, logistics, Manufacturer of finished products, Producer of livestock and poultry, Retail trade, Services for the meat market, Storage, Export of meat and meat products

CISSA+, LLC 0 / 61

Russia Moscow. Import of meat and meat products, Wholesale trade, Manufacturer of finished products, Producer of livestock and poultry, Retail trade, Storage

Best Product, LLC 1 / 50

Russia Moscow. Other, Import of meat and meat products, Transportation, logistics, Manufacturer of finished products, Retail trade, Services for the meat market, Storage, Export of meat and meat products

TK Lankor, LLC 0 / 97

Russia Moscow. Import of meat and meat products, Wholesale trade, Manufacturer of finished products, Producer of raw meats, Producer of livestock and poultry, Retail trade, Services for the meat market, Storage, Export of meat and meat products

TD Agrokombinat Dzerzhinsky, LLC 0 / 47

Russia Moscow. Import of meat and meat products, Wholesale trade, Manufacturer of finished products, Producer of raw meat, Producer of livestock and poultry

Sventa mashprom, LLC 1 / 16

Russia Moscow. Import of meat and meat products, Equipment, packaging, Wholesale trade, Manufacturer of finished products, Retail trade, Export of meat and meat products

RusProdResurs, LLC 0 / 23

Russia Moscow. Import of meat and meat products, Wholesale trade, Transportation, logistics, Manufacturer of finished products, Producer of meat raw materials, Producer of livestock and poultry, Retail trade, Services for the meat market, Storage, Export of meat and meat products

Rustemov T.M., IP 1 / 32

Russia Moscow. Import of meat and meat products, Equipment, packaging, Wholesale trade, Transportation, logistics, Manufacturer of finished products, Producer of meat raw materials, Producer of livestock and poultry, Retail trade, Services for the meat market, Storage, Export of meat and meat products

Steidtech, LLC 0 / 50

Russia Moscow. Import of meat and meat products, Wholesale trade, Manufacturer of finished products, Retail trade, Services for the meat market, Export of meat and meat products

Sagittarius, LLC 0 / 34

Russia Moscow. Import of meat and meat products, Equipment, packaging, Wholesale trade, Transportation, logistics, Retail trade, Storage, Export of meat and meat products

Eurasia-Impex, LLC 1 / 26

Russia Moscow. Import of meat and meat products, Wholesale trade, Transportation, logistics, Services for the meat market, Export of meat and meat products

In 2017, the consumption of beef and pork continues to grow. Therefore, the largest players are increasing meat exports, trying to make the most of the emerging opportunities. In the US, pork production is expected to grow at 2-3%, poultry and beef - 3%. These plans can only be disrupted by a rapid strengthening of the dollar, which has already affected the export of beef and pork. But experts still agree that this year Americans will be able to find buyers for almost all types of products, which will ensure a stable 2-3% increase in production.

Pork and beef exporting countries are keeping a close eye on China, which is gradually reducing the growth of imports of these types of meat. Import growth is expected to decline by 3% between 2017 and 2020. This is explained by the fact that exporters of beef and pork have almost completely covered the demand for these types of meat from Chinese citizens with average and high level income.

Russia, like others large exporters meat, is increasing production with all its might. At the end of last year, poultry and livestock production increased by 5%. The Ministry of Agriculture believes that over the next three years production volumes will increase by at least another 10%.

Where is the best meat produced?

Experts consider American meat to be the best. The homeland of cowboys was able to earn the title of a country exporting meat of the highest quality thanks to the culture of raising livestock and assessing the quality of the product. Thus, to produce high-quality beef, American farmers cultivate elite breeds of Heriford and Angus bulls. Another important feature is fattening. At first, the animals are kept on a grass diet and only after a while are switched to a grain diet.

The leading countries in pig meat production are traditionally considered to be the USA, Canada and the Netherlands. American and European manufacturers pay Special attention selection, which makes it possible to achieve high quality final product and balanced biological value. The meat of large black pigs, distinguished by high content muscle tissue.

New Zealand is considered the leader in the export of lamb meat. New Zealand's climate allows for plenty of green pastures to grow. Thanks to this, farmers have no shortage of good, environmentally friendly feed. In addition, New Zealand lamb is the meat of young animals, distinguished by its juiciness and excellent taste.

This is interesting

New Zealand farmers are extremely sensitive to the stress hormone content in meat. To achieve the highest quality meat, they developed a special technology for slaughtering animals.

The world's largest meat exporting companies

The world's largest meat producer is the Brazilian group of companies JBS. In terms of supply volume, the holding exceeds individual meat exporting countries. The company employs about 200 thousand employees at more than 150 factories, who daily produce tens of thousands of tons of finished products - from marbled beef to elite varieties of pork. JBS's annual turnover is more than $53 billion.

The Chinese WH Group is considered the world's largest exporter of pig meat. The company owns 13 large enterprises that supply meat to more than 15 million pigs annually. Pork is exported to dozens of countries around the world, including Russia after the recent lifting of the ban on the import of meat from China.

The largest producers continue to increase not only the volume, but also the quality of meat production. This positive trend cannot but rejoice, because regardless of which country is the leading supplier, the consumer in any case receives a product that is increasingly nutritious and healthy.