Autumn holiday in the senior mixed-age group “Bright colors of autumn. Golden colors of autumn. Bright colorful colors of autumn. Essay Autumn decorates the squares

Nerkararyan Ella Seyranovna
Scenario for the autumn holiday “Autumn Colors”

Child 1.

All guests together today,

It was not in vain that we collected

Dancing, games, jokes, songs,

They will be in this hall!

Child 2.

The brightest and Beautiful

Let's start the holiday,

Autumn! Autumn has come to us!

We invite you!

Child 3.

Autumn is a generous mistress

He gives us everything without hiding:

A scattering of berries at the edge,

Fragrant honey in a tub,

Fruits, vegetables, mushrooms...

All of us autumn, you give!

Child 4.

We are very happy about the gifts -

Let's talk...

Thank you, autumn!

Child 5.

Autumn, autumn - you are beautiful!

Everyone understands this!

Stay generous, bright -

This is a joy for the kids!

Dance with leaves

Song "What's happened".

We continue our holiday,

We invite you to visit us in autumn!

Together we will ask her.

Come visit us autumn!


On the screen - Autumn.


Hello my friends!

Golden Autumn - me!

I'll ask you guys:

Is everything okay in the kindergarten?

Leaves fall?

Are the birds flying away?

Are the fruits ripening?

Don't mothers scold?

Everyone is happy about autumn?

Does everyone like my outfits?

My dear friends

I have a gift for you!

(On the screen there is a demonstration autumn landscape)

Here is the landscape - autumn, bright,

There are trees in the clearing,

Rain autumn drizzle,

The golden leaf is circling,

A flock of birds flies south...

And next to it is a miracle garden -

What doesn’t grow there!

(On the screen - Autumn.)

I worked so hard, painted,

I I spent a long time choosing paints!

You while you admire the autumn colors,

And I'll collect gifts

And on holiday I will come to you!

We thank you

And we say thank you!

Put on your best clothes soon,

And hurry to visit us:

We will be glad to meet you!

(The screen appears autumn landscape presentation. Slides change as the action progresses)

(The sound of rain, thunder.

Cloud runs out.)

A! Gotcha guys

Girls and boys

I am an angry, thundercloud,

I don't like fun!

Let's rain cold rain on everyone! (splashes "rain" for children).

So! Everyone will miss me and be afraid of me!

And don't sing and don't laugh!

I'm canceling your holiday,

I'm kicking everyone out of here!

We're not going anywhere

We are We are waiting for you to visit us in autumn!

And why everyone admires her so much!

Just think, I found it gorgeous!

Only everyone should like me!

Can not be autumn without clouds and rain,

Therefore, guys, I am the most important of all!

Cloud, cloud, don’t make noise,

Take away your rains!

Better, little cloud, fly away,

And don’t scare the guys here!

Oh, you are!

I'll wash it out of the picture colored paints!

Reds, orange, gold!

Let everything be gray and transparent,

Let everything be faded and inconspicuous!

(Splashes "rain" to the picture, the colors disappear from the painting.)

(Rustling of leaves.)


Oh, who is that rustling the leaves?

It is seen, Autumn is coming to you!

Well, it's time for me to say goodbye,

Happy Stay Everyone! (runs away).

(It turns out Autumn.)


Did you guys call me?

Oh, how beautiful in your room!

I'm a little late -

Everyone worked hard and dressed up!

Here, I’ve collected some gifts,

And on the holiday has come to you!

Song "Conversation with in autumn» .


Accept my gifts,

Celebrate the holiday with joy! (Gives the basket to the teacher)

(Autumn pays attention to the picture.)

And where is paints in the picture

What happened, kids?

While I was visiting you? (children's answers).


Oh, this capricious Cloud! How many times did I explain to her that nature beautiful at any time of the year, and she’s back again yours: "I'm the most important, I'm the most beautiful. Well, it’s okay guys, we’ll fix everything - and we will return the paints, and we’ll make friends with Tuchka!

And friends will help us

My magic brush! (shows brush).

We begin to cast a spell - to decorate all the trees and leaves in the landscape... I will slowly wave a magic brush

I’ll swirl colorful leaves in the hall!

Autumn waves her brush, the Leaf girls run out.

1.Again golden autumn

He's inviting you to a wonderful ball,

Collects all the leaves

In a multi-colored round dance!

2. And from the birch tree, and from the aspen tree,

From oak, maple, and mountain ash!

The leaves are all different -

Yellow and red!

3. At the Queen's ball

We dance with the wind,

Wonderful ball, ball autumn

Will last until winter!

Dance "Falling Magician" with handkerchiefs.

(After the dance is performed, the foliage of the trees in the picture becomes multi-colored.)


Well, there are trees in the landscape

Already standing all over beautiful...

Now, friends, it's time

Color the miracle garden!

Vegetables, stand in a row,

Show off your outfit!

Autumn waves her brush, Vegetables come out.

I have a surprise for you -

I am a juicy vegetable, I am a radish!

White and pink suit

Thin long tail

There is also a green forelock,

Spicy, but not very!

Everyone knows my taste and appearance

They'll work up a huge appetite!

And I am a green cucumber,

Vitamin swashbuckler!

I'm growing in the garden,

Loved by all the people!

I am a healthy vegetable - onion!

For health best friend!

Golden color,

Yellow, radiant

I taste a little bitter,

And rich in vitamins!


And I - handsome eggplant -

Purple caftan!

I'm in the garden almost all summer

Lying under ultraviolet light!

With a shiny skin - good!

Well, why don’t you take it with you!

I - red juicy tomato!

I'm ripening in an ordinary garden bed,

But, as in a fairy tale, for a long time

Everyone calls me sir!


And I am a round potato!

I'm handsome and dark!

Can't live a day without me,

You can't, friends!

VEGETABLES TOGETHER. We are growing under the sun,

Getting better every day! (diverge and take the starting position of the dance).

The Ogorodnitsa comes out.

Vegetables are just amazing:

And elegant, and beautiful!

They should be out of the garden and into the basket,

And they - jump onto the track!

Jump-jump, they started dancing -

The miracle polka has begun!

We won’t be able to sit still -

Let's clap our hands for them!

Dance of Vegetables


In the picture there is a vegetable garden,

Everyone blooms with colors!

Now gray we need a little

So that migratory birds color the clothes!

A flock of gray cranes,

Come here quickly...

Autumn waves her brush, the Crane boys come out.

1. The cold weather is coming - let's fly away from the nest!

2. Although the flight is difficult, only hunger awaits us here!

3. Soon, soon there will be neither a midge nor a beetle for us!

4. You won’t find an earthworm under the snow in a field!

TOGETHER. The cold weather is coming, it's time for us to hit the road!

Dance "Crane".

(After the dance is performed, the plumage of the cranes in the picture turns gray.)


Now we need, friends,

Color autumn rain!

Where are you, little drops?

Run onto the path!

(Autumn waves her brush, the Droplet girls run out.)

1. We are laughing raindrops,

Rain autumn girlfriends!

How wonderful our outfit is!

There are droplets hanging everywhere!

2. Cool, elegant,

Transparent water,

Silver drops

And baby blue!

3. We are merry little rains,

We dance with the clouds,

And lace patterns,

Let's draw in puddles!

Dance "Droplets" with balls.


Well, the landscape is already ready,

There are a lot of autumn flowers here

It's time for Tuchka and I to make peace,

Play and have fun!

On holiday let's call Cloud -

Let's sing a song about rain!

(Autumn reads poetry, children (according to the text) run out to the center of the hall on their places:)

The leaves need rain, the trees need rain!

The birds need rain! Vegetables need it!

Everyone in the world needs rain!

And, of course, you need...

CHILDREN. Children!

Song "Bad weather".

(Sit down.)

(Tuchka runs out).

What do I hear? Really!

The guys sang for me!

Sorry guys,

For all the pranks on me!

I want to make peace with you

I want to make friends with you!

And the game will help us!

Shall we play, children?

(To the music of Tuchka and Autumn is carried out"cloud" With "droplets"- blue fabric with balloons on it.)

(Game “Happy Rain”)

CLOUDS. Well, girls, run out

And everyone get up under the cloud!

A cloud walked across the sky,

A cloud danced in the sky... (children dance to "cloud").

I decided to surprise everyone -

It's raining and pouring from the sky! (toss up "rain").

Raise the rain

And return to the cloud! (children throw "rain" on "cloud").

CLOUDS. Well, boys, run out

And everyone get up under the cloud!

(The game is repeated.)

CLOUDS. We will continue the holiday

And play with the rain!

You guys are becoming

Divide into teams!

Children stand up and divide into two teams,

Autumn and Tuchka hold a rope between the teams (textile).


You throw raindrops,

CLOUDS. And you – return it back!

A game "Rainball".

We had a lot of fun!

We made peace and became friends!

I'll treat you guys -

I'll give you candy rain!

(takes out and gives "cloud" with rain -

sweets to the teacher).

AUTUMN. It was interesting with you

CLOUDS. Very fun, wonderful!

AUTUMN. But it's time for us to say goodbye

TOGETHER. Goodbye, kids!

In a year we will come again,

AUTUMN. Happy leaf fall!

CLOUDS. And rain!

Tuchka and Autumn leaves the hall, the children see them off with applause.

"What's happened?"

1. What happened? What's happened?

All nature has changed.

There was green everywhere

And now he's gone...

This autumn has come to us,

Their brought paints.

2. What happened? What's happened?

The whole weather has changed.

Rains have become frequent,

Don't expect any warmth...

This autumn has come to us,

It brought rain and cold.

3. It happens, it happens,

If autumn is coming.

Don't be sad and don't be bored

Welcome autumn with joy!

Autumn is a generous time,

Very happy kids!

"Bad weather"

1. Bad weather outside again

For some reason the cloud in the sky is frowning

Well, I really like it

It's raining, I'll go for a walk!

The rain is pouring on the roofs, there is water in the streets

I walk through puddles, I walk on water

La-la, la-la, I walk on water!

2. Cloud, you send rain for us,

And we shouldn’t be upset now!

The trees and flowers need rain,

And of course we all need it!

"Conversation with in autumn»

Children: Autumn, autumn there was a knock on our window - knock-knock!

Smiled kindly and tenderly at all the children - just like that!

Hello, autumn! Did you come to visit us?

What did you bring for the children?

Show us quickly what's in your basket?

Autumn: Reds, yellow leaves, look! You like?

Children: Yes!

Autumn: You're in collect their autumn bouquet! Fine?

Children: Fine!

Autumn: There are so many vegetables for salads and cabbage soup!

Always eat them with gusto

And you will never get sick!

Summer, of course, is a wonderful time of the year, but with the onset of autumn, the whole world seems to change. It becomes brighter and more colorful. The colors intertwine with each other, creating golden colors, displaces summer and begins to walk importantly through the forests and fields, decorating all the open spaces in its own way.


The trees obediently bow before her mighty majesty and begin to spread their golden foliage everywhere. In numerous gardens and city parks you can clearly hear the rustling of fallen leaves. Every morning a snow-white fog obscures the roads.

Everything suggests that the warm season has long passed and the time of magical autumn begins. The sky is the last to surrender to the power of autumn. It remains soft blue until the last minute, although sometimes gloomy clouds carrying raindrops float across it.

Autumn outfits

Autumn significantly transforms all trees. They begin to quickly change into golden outfits. Maples dress up in autumn with a reddish tint, and delicate birch trees gradually weave yellow ribbons into their long braids. Only old oaks lose their green colors and become gray and gloomy. Kalina, like a fashionable girl, begins to try on beautiful outfits and put on orange necklaces.

Each flowerbed pleasantly pleases people's eyes with its riot of flowers and colors that autumn brings with it. Dahlias pull their heavy and bright heads towards the setting sun, as if they want to last time enjoy its warm rays. Asters, like little stars in the sky, shine with their beauty on flower beds. Delicate marigolds are trying to show all their beauty for the last time.

Colchicum spreads along the ground in a lush and thick carpet. Its small leaves press tightly against each other. As if the autumn frosts do not allow them to warm up, and they begin to look for warmth among themselves. carefully preserves every drop of morning dew on its leaves. The leaves absorb the gentle dew, sip by sip, to get their fill and absorb the colorful colors of autumn.

Quiet music of nature

Only autumn time you can clearly hear her music in the middle of the field. This may be the call of cranes that fly to warmer climes to spend the winter. The howl of the wind, which walks importantly between the bare trees, fully complements the autumn melodies. But the thin threads of the web, which were picked up by the wind, are practically inaudible.

Of course, fall colors complement fall music perfectly. If it were not for the golden flowers and colors of this magical time, it would be the most dull time of the year. But autumn tries in every possible way to surprise us with the gift it gives to people every year.

These colors can fully convey in their shades the whole mood of nature, which has been waiting for many months for the onset of this time. Now you can throw off the leaves and prepare for the winter cold. It is for this reason that it is necessary to remember as much as possible all the colors of autumn before the cold weather comes with its soulless and pale colors.

Poets and autumn

Autumn is such a wonderful time of the year that almost every famous poet and writer has repeatedly tried to mention this time in their works. Even Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin himself wrote about the unique colors of autumn in his poems. Nekrasov mentioned her very often in his works. But not every poet was able to convey the individual character of autumn, which is so different from other seasons.

Talented artist: theme "Autumn Colors"

Autumn is a kind of talented artist who can convey an idea as beautifully as possible. It can quickly turn golden and orange colors all trees and plants. Despite the fact that everyone likes summer, the leaves on the trees at this time are exclusively green.

At a time like autumn, they take on a variety of shades that can delight the eye for hours. It’s not for nothing that most people collect herbariums. This is an opportunity to capture the bright colors of autumn in your memory for many years to come. This is the time of year when the whole world begins to change dramatically.

All the colors of autumn in bright vegetables

At this time, the collection of vegetables and fruits begins. You can especially see all the colors and colors of autumn during the harvest. The pumpkin turns bright orange, and the newly dug potatoes turn brown and pink. Tomatoes are distinguished by a bright tint of red, and cabbage dilutes all these colors with green shades. This is perhaps the only vegetable that reminds us of summer days.

However, most people love autumn because at this time of year large and fragrant mushrooms begin to rapidly emerge from under the thickness of fallen leaves. in the autumn forest it is impossible to compare with anything. After all, the smells of mushrooms and forests are closely intertwined with the bright colors of fallen leaves.

But it is worth noting that autumn can radically change not only surrounding nature, but also many people. After all, it is precisely at this time of year that in my soul creative people there comes a time when inspiration strikes them. They are ready to write poems and glorify in them the bright colors of autumn, which they need to enjoy to their fullest before winter covers everything with a snow-white blanket.

Memories of childhood

Children also like autumn. After all, it is at this time of year that parents put colorful rubber boots on them, in which they can run through puddles and enjoy their carefree life. Only at these moments will the mother not be able to scold her baby for getting his feet wet or getting his clothes dirty.

After all, in her memories, mom is little again and also frolics with her friends in the rain, hiding from the big drops under a colored umbrella. I immediately want to return to a carefree childhood, when I didn’t have to go to work and worry about various things. You could just run through puddles all day and get things dirty, which a caring mother would certainly wash, even though she would yell at her for prevention.

Autumn and us

Every person has special memories associated with autumn. For some, this is the first kiss with a loved one, which both have been waiting for for so long, but no one dared to take the first step. And for some, the birth of a baby. When you stand under the falling leaves under the windows of the maternity ward and wait for your beloved son or daughter to be shown through the window.

But be that as it may, without autumn, life on the planet would be boring and monotonous. This time is a great time to forget about the hot summer and prepare for the onset of cold weather. But the bright colors of autumn that it brings with its onset live in people's memories all the time. These are exactly the memories that can warm the soul on long winter evenings, when it’s frosty outside, and you and your family are drinking hot tea near the burning fireplace.

Autumn is the most beautiful time of the year, which inspires poets and writers to create magical works, and inspires artists to draw real beauty nature. Autumn time is playing different colors: yellow, green, red, brown, golden because this is not the end. Because for three months the trees change into colorful outfits. Children with their classmates go to the forest, collect colorful Maple leaves, weave wreaths, make bouquets.

Not only does the color of the leaves change, fruit trees give us apples, pears and other fruits that Mother Nature gives us, they also change their color, from green to red or yellow. Autumn colors not only vegetables, fruits, trees, but also the sky; in September the sky is light, azure, and closer to the middle and end of autumn it becomes darker, blue colors are mixed with dark gray tones, often it's raining, from time to time snow flies by, nature plunges into deep sleep.

Complete essay

The ability to see and distinguish colors is one of the most unique in the world; only the human eye has similar characteristics. In order to see the beauty of nature, you just need to open your eyes and look around. The blue tints of streams, the green foliage of trees and bushes, the blue vault of heaven - the variety of colors cannot be listed. Color perception can influence mood (red), calm (green), and even improve performance (yellow), and some colors have the ability to depress (purple).

Many people, including artists and poets, often describe spring as a natural phenomenon and a crown of beauty. But there are those who defined her as a “consumptive maiden” (A.S. Pushkin), and gave their preference to “ sad time" The natural cycle of the seasons can be roughly described as: spring - birth and autumn - withering. Nature accompanies the end of its life process with incredible changes. From the usual cessation of photosynthesis, with the help of which the fiber of the tree is nourished, the appearance familiar flora.

The autumn trimester of amazing changes begins in September. Already starting from school age, while attending school, you begin to follow the palette changes environment on the way to class. The juicy green leaves become thin and veiny, transparent, and a little later they become completely dry and curled at the edge. But the magic of this time lies in the palette of shades that glow around. One object can be simultaneously: yellow, light green, brown and even blazing red.

Just walking down the street at this time is so pleasant to kick fallen leaves and hear their soft rustling caused by friction against your feet and asphalt. On a sunny day, when the crowns are fully colored by autumn, the world seems golden. The rays of the sun penetrate the earth, reflecting warm notes, once again reminiscent of the extreme fine days of this season. When at these moments a light wind blows and tears off the foliage, it creates the feeling of a golden rockfall or meteor shower.

A bright and unique time of transition from hot summer to cold winter everyone has their own beauty. There is a story about how a passerby wrote on a sign to a blind beggar: “It’s autumn now, but I don’t see its colors.” And during this day the tramp earned more than ever. Because every person understood how much happiness this unfortunate person, unable to see the beauty of nature, lost.

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The Russian forest is beautiful and sad in the early autumn days. Bright spots of red-yellow maples and aspens stand out against the golden background of yellowed foliage. Slowly circling in the air, light, weightless yellow leaves fall and fall from the birches. Thin silver threads of light cobwebs stretched from tree to tree. Late autumn flowers are still blooming. The air is transparent and clean. The water in forest ditches and streams is clear. Every pebble at the bottom is visible.

Quiet in the autumn forest. Only fallen leaves rustle underfoot. Sometimes a hazel grouse whistles subtly. And this makes the silence even more audible.

It's easy to breathe in the autumn forest. And I don’t want to leave it for a long time. It’s good in the autumn flowery forest... But something sad, farewell is heard and seen in it.

The mysterious princess Autumn will take tired nature into her hands, dress her in golden outfits and drench her in long rains. Autumn will calm the breathless earth, blow away the last leaves with the wind and lay it in the cradle of a long winter sleep.

I. Sokolov-Mikitov

P.I. Tchaikovsky - "The Seasons" Autumn song

...The night smoothly turns into the twilight of dawn...
In the depths of the night a glow arises...
The charm of a drunken dream creates...
And dreams of transparent blue... Like an obsession...

The warmth merges with the freshness of the dew...
A fragrant aroma curls over the park,
With a sigh quiet and free from melancholy
And weaving with relief the moans of the sun...

...The day wakes up... Sends a call to nature...
And, promising to become an irresistible dream,
Transforms the night with a melting motif
To the spring anthem, like the song of a nightingale!!!

Sliding gracefully through the grass like fog...
And, resurrecting the ancient dance of yellow leaves,
Suddenly he gives you a whole handful of coins!!!
Crimson-red... And amber-golden...

...A stream of vaguely gray air
Soars into the superstar world on the wings of happiness...
Watching the splendor from above,
Gathers fragments of the blue sky...

Sparkles temptingly with the whole spectrum of the rainbow
And the light of an immaculate smile spreads...
And, enjoying the wondrous tenderness of the dawn,
He drives away clouds of bad weather...

...Happy bunnies made of sun rays
He throws gems at mischievous...
And they replace the shine of night candles...
And with rapture... whispers to the young dawn... name...

From sleepy trees he tears openwork of tears...
Shines with the glare of sparkling puddles for passers-by...
Carries leaves into the sky blue...
And lavishes light!!! Doesn't look like autumn...

Elena Butorina

The air is fresh and clear,
flies by yellow leaf,
There is no heat and the smell is delicious
Autumn grasses... The wind whistles.

Autumn, delighting with coolness,
He walks with wet steps,
Delight after hot days
A drop of moisture will fall.

Crane wedge across the sky
He rushed into the distance, to the south,
Giving us your bliss,
In the village we made a detour.

Autumn, carefully removing
Multi-colored sundress,
Before winter completely naked
The camp will present its wondrous presence.

Autumn forest, playing with colors,
Weaves wreaths from the crowns of trees,
With your sunny caresses
Warm days are pampering.

This is immeasurable pleasure -
Walk along the holiday path
Along the rainbow maples, probably
With a deciduous bouquet in hand.

And very quietly, confidentially
Autumn in the ear with a breeze
Whispers something with which it is speculative
Everyone had known each other for a long time.

Autumn rain will knock on the window,
Bringing to mind the past,
Maybe someone can't sleep,
But that’s not what we’re talking about today.

We'll talk about rainy autumn,
About fogs, icy dew,
About such a leisurely time
And about one sunny autumn day.

We will talk about stormy autumn,
What makes everyone sad,
And a voluptuous piece of her,
About which they talk a lot.

The meaning of the words is a little routine,
It consists in one thing:
The series of chilly autumn days is long,
But there will be a beautiful day in it.

I don't want to rush anywhere,
I won't let my soul fuss,
I would like to last in the transparent dawns
And drink the calm sky.

Touch the withered leaves
Caressing this fragile old age,
Share my heartfelt joy with her,
What is quietly breathing inside me now.

And float over the earth like a mystery,
The green eyes dissolved in autumn,
It's you who is an illusory shadow
You illuminate my golden path.

And again the miracle autumn floats in the heights,
Dropping amber tears,
Maple flags flutter in the window,
Returning you, my pain.

You are in every blade of grass, you are in every leaf,
That are silently sad under your feet,
To you, as to a distant, beautiful dream,
I reach out with the golden winds.

And autumn rustles barely audibly, “Sorry,”
Hugging me with a shower of sunshine,
And in it, as if teasing, your image floats,
Otherworldly, mysterious, wondrous!

I hear the breath of autumn
Cool, sugary-fresh,
Trees with purple graying
The caresses of the wind are pampered...

The streets smell like maples,
Rain and damp fogs,
And the sky sadly frowns,
Glowing with torn clouds.

A bright leaves wet
I want to collect it in my palms
And in front of the open windows
Scatter them with rich colors

I want to get lost in silence
Hide from the raindrops
Walk barefoot through the streets
In a transparent and light dress.

This warm wine autumn
Intoxicates with its beauty,
And among the stillness of the pines
The birch leaf rings golden.

These groves are like an oasis in the steppe,
Like a priceless gift for everyone,
Like shrines, like temples, like relics,
As a rite that atones for sin.

Autumn dresses them up in outfits,
Gives them dresses delicate flowers,
They sing ballads goodbye
Birds for which the path is ready.

Walks in these groves are leisurely,
The aroma of autumn reigns in them,
In them dreams and thoughts are sinless,
You don’t feel the bitterness of loss in them.

Autumn in the groves is as soft as velvet,
Autumn in the groves beckons and intoxicates,
Back to the pines, like monarchs
Autumn gives gold leaves.

Come enjoy the beauty
Come, just get up from sleep,
Clean air drink from the forest,
Like a sip of expensive wine.

This warm wine autumn
She's not sad, she's not sad
Wander between the birches and pine trees,
And she will help you forget everything.

Cleanse tired souls
The scent given to her
Admire how airy that forest is,
Its beauty is stronger in autumn.

Forgetting about the difficult things between the pines,
Updating here your soul,
Ah, wonderful wine autumn,
I'm singing this song to you!

Migratory birds have flown away, there is a golden carpet underfoot,
A gloomy autumn has replaced a joyful summer.
Someone sunny days seemed to erase a blot on paper,
The days have become so short, and the blanket of night covers the planet.

Chestnuts were hidden in a malachite box,
Sharp thorns guard that box in vain.
The fountains stopped playing like crystal,
The sound of city water has not been heard for so long.

Autumn is a season of mild sadness and mushroom rains,
Such a foggy, slightly dreary time,
And the birds of the forest can no longer hear the ringing,
At this time of year, I’m even too lazy to get up in the morning.

The linden tree cried, the alder tree cried,
Tears rolled down the wide paws of the maple tree,
And the forest, closing its eyes, trembled slightly,
Trying not to let out a complaint or a groan.

But he suffered, because the gray rain extinguished the fire,
Which autumn generously burned in the leaves.
The sparkling-bright forest became sad and as if old -
The torrents of rain left gray streaks in the crowns.

A bright ray of autumn trill

It will fall like a glare on the asphalt.

Will sparkle with seven colors

Our life is like falling leaves.

Leaves are like our thoughts
The thoughts of each of us
Everyone flies like a bird
Returning back.

Autumn golden carpet,
All strewn with gold
Gives people inspiration
Joy, a different view of the world.

And sorrows disappear
A moment of happiness comes
The joy of life warms
Miracle of autumn gifts.

A bright day replaces a gloomy one.
The firmament is shrouded in darkness.
Here comes the wind - a cold friend
Covers with a veil.

They knocked, the drops rang
Friendly round dance.
It's like they haven't sung for so long
And they didn’t expect them to come.

Ekaterina Vishnyakova
Autumn holiday in the senior mixed age group " Bright colors autumn"

Tasks: improve children’s understanding of autumn and its features, continue to introduce the adaptation of the animal world to winter, intensify motor activity, develop musical and artistic abilities in children, develop speech and diction, develop the ability to behave confidently during public speaking, cultivate aesthetic perception beauty of autumn and a desire to help birds in winter.

The hall is decorated autumn garlands, bouquets, autumn leaves.

(A cobweb, a spider flies on a cobweb. A flock of birds or a wedge of cranes flying south).


Again autumn, birds again

They are in a hurry to fly to a warm land,

And again autumn holiday

He comes to our kindergarten.

We said goodbye to the warm summer,

Already autumn has come to us.

Golden – in red

All she painted.


What an artist he is!

I gilded all the forests,

Even the heaviest rain

This didn't wash the paint.

Please guess the riddle:

Who is this artist?

Children: Autumn.

Children read poetry (together)

Following the summer autumn has come

She dressed everything around in gold,

The willow tree outside the window has turned yellow

And a birch tree in a gold dress.

Oh, what magnificent outfits,

How many paints, How beautiful pattern!

The golden thread of leaf fall,

Embroiders autumn your carpet.

A song is being sung about Autumn.

Masha appears (child)

Masha: - Where are you going? (to the spider)

Don't fly away! (rushes to the birds)

Wait! Well, where are you all going? (stomps his feet angrily)

Everyone is in a hurry to get somewhere.

Nobody needs me…

Don't talk to me

Don't play with me...

Leading: - Don’t be angry, Masha. It always happens in the fall. Everyone is busy preparing for winter.

Masha: - How do you prepare for winter?

Leading: - Birds fly away to warmer lands...

Masha: - But why, is it bad for them here?


The cold scares them so much

They fly to warm countries,

They can’t sing, have fun,

Birds gathered in flocks.


The birds are seen off on their way forests:

A long echo flies into the sky.

The birds are seen off on their way meadows:

The grass grew into large stacks.

Even following them, as if with a wing,

The scarecrow waves his empty sleeve.

(V. Stepanov)

Leading: - It gets cold in autumn, all the bugs and midges are hiding, by winter all the rivers and lakes are covered with ice. The birds have nothing to eat, so they fly away to warmer climes until spring. But, Masha, not all the plits fly away; many remain to spend the winter with us. Therefore, you need to hang feeders on the trees and pour food into them for the birds so that they do not get hungry on cold days. Now we will play a game with the guys and you will learn to distinguish between migratory and wintering birds.

*Game being played "Flying away or not".

The presenter shows pictures of birds. Children They say: "Yes" or "No".

Children read poetry:

Birds are gathering in flocks again,

Long roads await them beyond the seas.

Bright, cheerful, green

Goodbye, summer, goodbye!

The cranes fly far to the ends of the earth,

For fields and meadows, for tall haystacks.

In a bright golden dress

Wanders Autumn over the stream.

Leaves are flying in the wind,

They want to catch up with the cranes.

Leaves autumn ones are quietly circling

Rug bright and softly lie down.

The birds are already flying south,

Everything turned yellow and red all around.

Masha: - What about the animals? They don't fly away.

Leading: - Animals are also preparing for winter. Wolves and foxes wear warm fur coats, and the bunny exchanges his gray fur coat for a white one. And the hedgehogs will string leaves onto needles, curl up into balls and sleep until spring...

Masha (upset): - And Misha? Misha?

Leading: - And bears sleep in the den until spring.

Masha: - It wouldn’t be better Autumn, no need for cold weather! It would be better if it were always summer!

Leading: - All seasons are good, each period has its own time, all are important. Stay with us here holiday, listen, you will find out everything and you will love it too Autumn.

(Have a seat Masha)

Children read poetry:

All paths and paths

As if in motley shreds,

This Autumn unnoticed

Walks with paint in hands.

Beautiful autumn, look:

And the yellow leaf and red

Forests and groves and bushes

Put on the outfit different.

Autumn the time has come and it's your turn!

Everywhere autumn we feel breathing.

And leaf fall and bird flight,

Both the forest and the garden are full of charm!

How autumn can be beautiful!

Let's remember its fall of leaves.

Autumn bunches of rowan,

The fire is bright - lit red!

Poem "Leaf Fall" is reading:

Fallen leaves barely talk audible:

We are from maples...

We are from apple trees...

From the aspen tree...

From bird cherry...

From the oak...

From a birch...

Leaf fall everywhere:

Frost is on the way!

A song about leaf fall is sung.

*Game being played "Wreath of Leaves".

Hoops, silhouettes of leaves made of cardboard. The hoops are placed on the floor, and children lay out leaves along the inside circle. The hoops are removed, the wreaths are taught.

2 players per hoop.

Leading: - Listen to more poems about Autumn.

The yellow leaf is spinning, flying slowly,

The rain is relentlessly dripping and knocking.

Autumn the golden one came to visit us,

The summer season has suddenly ended.

Autumn touches the leaves,

He pours out handfuls of acorns,

In a moment he will come from a gray cloud,

Flooding everything with rain.

Summer has come and gone

Time autumn has come.

Whoever autumn said?

Come to our bright hall.

Appears Autumn.

Autumn: - How beautiful in your room

A world of comfort and warmth.

You called me poems,

Finally, I came to you.

With your magic brush

I'm repainting everything autumn nature ,

And trees and fields.

Children (the three of them leave):

Autumn how glad we are for you,

Variegated leaf fall is swirling.

Leaves near the trees

They lie like a golden carpet.

Autumn decorates the parks

Multi-colored foliage.

Autumn feeds with harvest

Birds, animals and you and me.

And in the gardens and in the vegetable garden

Both in the forest and by the water

Prepared gifts -

All kinds of fruits.

Autumn: - I brought it for you too fruits: cones, acorns and chestnuts. You will play with them.

Masha: - The guys have a lot of toys to play with, and you brought some pine cones.

Autumn: - It’s also interesting to play with cones.

*Game being played "Tell someone else".

Children stand in a semicircle. Four cones are passed along to the music. The music stops, those with cones in their hands start dancing.

*Game being played "Who will transfer it faster".

They carry it one at a time. Other children are already moving in the other direction. Each player gets 5 cones.

Leading: - And finally, you can do various crafts. Look, Masha (shows crafts).

Round dance with Music in autumn(or round dance song).

Autumn: - And I also give you guys tassels and golden ones paints, like mine.

You will draw and remember me. (gives to the presenter)

Oh, what a problem! (looks in the basket)

My gold brush disappeared to God knows where.

The magic brush that I use to repaint

All autumn nature, and trees, and fields!

What should I do, friends?

Baba Yaga appears. (not noticing anyone, holding a golden brush).

Baba Yaga: - Yaga lived in a hut at the edge of the forest,

The little house is completely warped from its antiquity.

And by the way, I even found a brush,

I'll repaint the hut so it can be a tower.

Golden ceiling and window,

Even the door behind the wall is like the sun.

I'll paint the path in front of the house,

I won’t forget you chicken legs!

Leading: - Autumn! Look, that's who took your magic brush! Come on, Baba Yaga, give us the brush!

Baba Yaga: - Well, I do not! What came to me was lost.

Leading: - Well, you have this brush Autumn stole, what about now Autumn without a magic brush it will be bring beauty? Look how it is in our hall Beautiful. This Autumn dressed up so much. And also Autumn we need to give golden outfits to the trees and the earth cover with a multi-colored carpet.

Baba Yaga: - Oh, how cunning you are! Sami will bring beauty, and what do you order me to live out my whole life in such a warped, shabby hut? No, now I'm at home I'll bring beauty, may I live happily ever after. And I won’t let anyone in!

Leading: - I came up with an idea. Baba Yaga we will share with you paints with brushes what do we need Autumn gave. And you Autumn return her magic brush. Stay with us on holiday- make friends with the guys. (Exchange, Baba Yaga sits on a chair)

Children read poetry:

Autumn, Autumn you are very beautiful!

Colored leaves are flying in the wind.

And they sing us a song with the breeze,

They fall at your feet and rustle quietly.

I’m not at all sad to walk in the kindergarten,

Multicolored I want to pick up leaves.

Raindrops are falling from the sky

Autumn is golden, I love you!

*There is a game with Baba Yaga "Mushroomer"

Children - mushrooms - squat down and cover their faces with their palms.

Baba Yaga: - I went to the forest to pick mushrooms,

But I didn’t find any mushrooms there.

Where did they hide?

Under the trees? Or under

Mushrooms children: - And here we are! (get up)

Try us together! (they scatter around the hall, B. Yaga catches up).

Baba Yaga: - Oh, you guys are so playful, you tired me old. (holds his sides, it hurts).

Leading: - Sit down, Baba Yaga, rest and listen to some more poems. (Everyone sit down)

Will spin above me

Rain of mischievous leaves

How good is he?

Where else can you find something like this?

Without end and without beginning?

I started dancing under it.

We danced like friends -

Rain of leaves and me!

*Dance (girls)

Baba Yaga: - You have a good one holiday, but it’s time for me to go - to put the hut in order for winter. Goodbye!

Leading: - Goodbye, Baba Yaga, come to us and other holidays.

Autumn: - Me too, guys, it’s time to say goodbye.

I'll go and gild the whole forest.

I'll give you some beads red rowan trees,

Birches have yellow scarves,

Lay the carpet on the ground,

I'll insulate the hedgehog's hole.

And the wind - how happy he will be,

When the leaves fall!

And to you from Hello autumn-

Autumn holiday bouquet. (gives a bouquet - composition of treats)

Leading (Pays attention): - Guys, this is not just a bouquet. Here Autumn I have prepared a treat for you.

Leading: - We sang, played, welcomed guests. It's not common for us to be bored. Business before pleasure!

Leading: - We thank all the guests who came to us for holiday and we tell you:

All: - See you again!