Causes of breakdowns and repair of dishwashers. Common Dishwasher Failures Dishwasher malfunctions causes and solutions

The dishwasher (PMM) is a wonderful assistant for the hostess in the kitchen. It is able to work flawlessly for years and delight its owners with the impeccable quality of washing utensils and its functionality. Sometimes during operation you begin to notice that Dishwasher does not wash dishes well.

Some of the housewives are dismissive of various factors that affect the quality of washing, explaining this attitude by the fact that the device is doing its job so well. But if you began to notice white stains, food debris or plaque on the plates, then the cause of the trouble may be:

  • untimely preventive cleaning PMM details;
  • improper operation of the machine by the user;
  • wrong dosage or replacement special means for third-party washing;

Dishwasher like any other Appliances, requires careful care and timely cleaning of individual parts and assemblies. The following elements are subject to regular cleaning in the unit:

Flushing with PMM using special means should be carried out once every six months. And this does not depend on the frequency of use of the unit.

After each end of the washing program, the appliance should be checked for leftover food, which may be in the tank of the machine or under the door, especially if it is a Bosch dishwasher.


The reasons why the dishwasher does not wash dishes well can be in common mistakes use of the unit by the hostess:

  • the user loads a very large amount of dishes and cutlery;
  • utensils in baskets fit incorrectly;
  • Wrong washing program selected.

The instructions describe in detail about correct placement crockery in baskets. PMM manufacturers (Electrolux, Siemens, Bosch) pay great attention to this issue. Therefore, it is recommended that you read these tips carefully before using the machine.

One of the most important rules The arrangement of utensils in the basket is the arrangement of it in such a way that there are gaps between it, and the water can flow down without remaining in the plates.

You should also pay attention to the fact that the dishes in the lower basket do not block the flow of water to the upper basket. The stacked utensils should not interfere with the opening of the compartment with the tablet, as well as the rotation of the rocker arms. The more content is loaded, the denser it is. Such tight placement interferes with good water circulation soapy water, and it may remain unwashed.

Another reason why the dishwasher does not work well is the choice wrong program e.g. for washing heavily soiled utensils. This starts a quick wash (in this mode, the water is heated to a temperature of 45-50 ° C). In this case, with heavily soiled contents with dried food residues, you should not expect high-quality washing (it would be more correct to choose a washing program with soaking). This is also described in the instructions for the unit, which few people read.

In order to make the filter of the machine less dirty, before loading the utensils into the machine, thoroughly clean it from food residues.

Detergent replacement or incorrect dosage

Next possible reasons that the dishwasher is not working properly electrolux machine and others like it - Bosch, Hansa and others - can be directly related to the use of detergents. More often this problem occurs due to the change detergent on low quality or fake. This trouble is easily eliminated if you return to the previously used tool. Also, you can try to pick up a detergent until you find the best quality and effective option. If you did not change the detergent, and the dishwasher sometimes began to wash dishes poorly, the problem may be wrong dosage facilities.

If the user refuses to use a special salt that restores the ability of the ion exchanger to soften water, then over time (if the hardness of the water in the line is high), it becomes clogged and fails. The use of complex tablets “3 in 1”, with very hard water, is not able to replace salt and it still needs to be added to the unit.

When to call the wizard

The reasons for poor dishwashing with a dishwasher were discussed above, which are obvious and can be eliminated without contacting a service center. But there are times when you can’t do without calling the wizard.

These faults should only be repaired by a qualified technician with knowledge and experience in this type of equipment. Only the master is able to diagnose and repair the device. If you try to do this on your own, you can get a disastrous result, and even a specialist will not be able to correct the consequences of your actions.

Many dishwasher users are faced with a strange problem, it seems that the machine is working, the washing program is running, but at the same time it either does not wash the dishes at all, or it washes completely unsatisfactorily. It would be easier if the machine would give some kind of system error, but it turns out that the dishwasher "does not know" about the breakdown and continues to work. In this case, the user's task is to figure out what is the reason for this behavior of the equipment and find a solution to the problem - this is what we will do, and we will describe the result in the article.

Understand the symptoms and causes of failure

It is quite difficult to draw a line between the symptoms when or stopped washing it at all. We will consider them together, since the nature of such errors often turns out to be the same. What happens in this situation with the dishwasher?

  1. The washing program starts, goes on and ends, and at the exit the dishes not only remain dirty, they hardly get wet.
  2. After working out the program, the dishes are wet and completely dirty.
  3. The dishwasher works in a specific mode, but the dishes are washed unsatisfactorily.

Important! If the above symptoms appear repeatedly, it is imperative to observe how the dishwasher executes the washing program and note any oddities.

In this case, the main negative factor will be that the dishes remain dirty. But you need to understand that time has been spent, electricity, water, your nerves, after all. As a result, it turns out that this breakdown is even worse than if the dishwasher simply did not turn on - there are more harmful consequences. So, what causes the above symptoms?

  • These or those user errors, we will talk about them a little later.
  • Miscellaneous problems associated with water supply.
  • The impossibility of normal circulation of water inside the dishwasher.
  • Difficulties with the collection of dishwashing detergent.
  • Breakage of the heating element, in the event that the machine does not have a temperature sensor.
  • Breakage of the spray arm (impeller).

The reason lies in user error

As noted by the leading masters service centers around the world, the main reasons for the fact that the dishwasher does not wash the dishes are the various user errors that they make during the operation of the dishwasher. The most common errors are as follows.

  1. The dishwasher is not cleaned on time, or the user does not clean it at all.
  2. The user puts the dishes in the baskets incorrectly.
  3. The user pours detergent into the wrong compartment of the cuvette, or uses unacceptable detergents.

Much has been said about the need to periodically clean the dishwasher on the pages of our site, but users stubbornly do not do this. Cleaning is required at least 2-3 times a year, and with intensive use of the machine once every 3 months.

For your information! The dishwasher is cleaned not only with the help of chemistry, but also manually, if cleaning in only one way will be of little use.

You can find out in the instruction manual for your dishwasher or in the article of the same name on our website. In addition to cleaning, it is important to put the dishes in the baskets correctly. Experts note the following errors people when placing dishes in the dishwasher:

  • incorrectly lay out the dishes in the basket;
  • put large items in the upper basket, and small items in the lower;
  • put individual items on the bottom of the dishwasher tank, next to the rocker;
  • stack the dishes so that they touch the detergent drawer.

Each of these errors leads to at least a poor quality of washing dishes, and at the most to a breakdown of the moving element or the valve of the detergent cuvette. It is also a gross mistake to use invalid means. Some people, in an effort to save money, pour all sorts of rubbish into the car, thinking that this will help wash the dishes. In our opinion, the use of homemade powders and rinses is acceptable, but they must be prepared according to proven recipes and use safe chemicals.

In particular, it is unacceptable to use mustard powder instead of detergent. Already after the first wash, the nozzles of the rotating rocker will become clogged with mustard and dry out. After that, if they are not cleaned, the next dishwashing will be more than unsuccessful.

Problems with water inlet

Another reason for a dishwasher not washing dishes is a problem with the inlet valve. Everything is simple here, washing is impossible without water. But why does the machine continue to execute the program if it has not taken in water, why does the error not work and the wash does not stop? The fact is that on some models of dishwashers, water level sensors do not work correctly, or the connection between the control unit and the sensor is broken. As a result, the machine washes dishes without water.

Important! If the machine works without water, this is fraught with consequences for the heating element, because it can simply burn out.

If you suspect that something like this is happening to you, listen to the machine while it is running. Usually it is difficult not to hear the bay and the drain of water, because a characteristic murmur is heard. If you see that water does not enter the dishwasher, start acting immediately:

  • interrupt the washing program;
  • check if there is water in the water supply;
  • check if the water supply to the dishwasher is turned off;
  • check the operation of the electrical and mechanical parts of the filling valve.

To check and repair a valve, you must first find it. Usually the inlet valve is located in the front left corner of the dishwasher, but it happens that it is placed on the right or even at the back.

We unscrew the front decorative panel of the dishwasher, we find the inlet hose, which is screwed to the valve. We do the following.

  1. Turn off the water and unscrew the hose, and then the valve itself.
  2. We take a multimeter and set the toggle switch to the minimum ohm value.
  3. We connect the probes of the multimeter to the contacts of the filling valve.
  4. If the multimeter shows a value from 500 to 1500, the valve is in good condition; if 300 or less, the valve must be replaced.
  5. If the valve's electrical is OK, but it still doesn't work, then check the float switch for clogged dirt - this often happens.
  6. After fixing or replacing the valve, screw it into place along with the hose and turn on the water.

For your information! The valve can be cleaned of dirt by soaking it in alcohol.

Problems with water circulation, withdrawal of funds

Water may normally be drawn into the dishwasher, but this does not mean that it will come into contact with the dishes. In order for powerful jets of water to hit plates, glasses, forks and other utensils, it is necessary that the circulation pump works properly. It is thanks to him that water under pressure enters the rocker, and through its small holes rushes to the dishes, knocking dirt off it. If the circulation pump stops working, a big problem arises in which the machine does not wash the dishes.

What we can do? First of all, we must get to the circulation pump.

  • We disconnect the dishwasher from electricity, unscrew the hoses and pull it out of the niche in which it was built.
  • We spread several rags on the floor, which should absorb water from the machine.
  • We put the car on the rags with the back wall down, we need to get to the pallet.
  • We disconnect the front decorative panel, and then all the wires connecting the pallet and the main body.
  • We pull the pallet towards us and remove it, in the very center there will be a circulation pump.
  • We check its contacts with a multimeter as described above, but if the winding has broken through, then it will be difficult to do anything - you will have to change it.

Important! Circulation pump a dishwasher is a rather expensive item, so in order not to risk entrusting its diagnosis to a professional.

Quite often, the quality of washing dishes deteriorates sharply due to the fact that the machine cannot pick up the product from the cuvette. This problem may occur not through the fault of the user, but through the fault of the manufacturer. Often, on Chinese-made machines, the valves of the pill compartment are not adjusted as needed. From hot water The plastic expands and the valve sticks. As a result, the tablet does not dissolve, and the dishes are poorly washed. To solve the problem, you can either replace the detergent drawer, or fit the edges of the valve with fine emery.

Broken impeller or heating element

All modern dishwashers are equipped with temperature sensors, but this element was absent in older dishwashers. If you have just such a machine, then keep in mind that if the heating element fails, it will not give an error, but will continue to wash the dishes cold water. The problem is solved by replacing the heating element.

Also, the dishwasher will stop washing dishes if it breaks the rocker. If the rotating rocker touches any object (located incorrectly in the dishwasher tank), it may fly off or even burst, because it is made of flimsy plastic. The rocker cannot be repaired, especially if the mount is broken, you need to change it.

In conclusion, we note that if the dishwasher refuses to perform its main function - to wash the dishes, then this means that you need to immediately start looking for the cause of such a "disgrace". There are several main reasons, and we tried to talk about all of them at least a little. Happy repair!

The apparatus that helps housewives in household chores is very difficult. Despite this, some maintenance activities (filter cleaning, additional setting) can be done by yourself. Some of the recommendations described in this article will help you repair the dishwasher yourself.

Let's take a look at how these devices work. You can break the entire washing cycle into several stages:

  • prewash;
  • main;
  • rinsing;
  • drying.

These devices have both normal operating modes and several non-standard ones. The dishwasher is powered by a water supply, and water is drawn through a special salt softener. Pressurized water in the system enters the machine through the inlet valve. The float and pressure switch is designed to regulate required amount water. If enough water has accumulated, the water shuts off and starts to heat up.

It heats up to the temperature required for a certain step in the washing process. For example, the rinse cycle involves high temperature to dry as quickly as possible.

After the water is heated, it is pumped into the washing area by means of a pump, where it is sprayed around by means of sprinkler nozzles. The jets are directed in such a way that rotation of the impeller is created.

Water that has already been used is used for washing again, this is made possible by several stages of filtration. During washing in work area a certain amount of detergent, specified by the program, is supplied. Filtration occurs throughout the entire washing process, and only at the end the water is discharged into the sewer.

After this cycle ends, it is time to dry. There are several types of this process:

  • Turbo dryer. In this case, heated wet air blown out with a fan.
  • condensation drying. Here, drying is carried out using the temperature that was obtained as a result of rinsing. In this case, steam collects on the walls and flows down.

Before washing, all dishes are loaded into the machine on special shelves that securely hold them during the entire process. Thanks to the rotation of the sprayer blades, water reaches all parts of the dishes.

Let's find out what malfunctions are most often manifested and methods for their elimination.

The device does not respond to key presses. No indication

If there is no indication, the first step is to check the voltage in the network using a tester or multimeter. If the device shows that there is voltage, then opening the device is indispensable. For cases where there is an indication, but pressing the buttons does not lead to anything, you can check whether the door is tightly closed. If this does not help, it will be necessary to analyze and find out why the dishwasher does not function. Do-it-yourself repair in this case involves the following steps.

Most machines have a terminal block near the main panel. The voltage comes to it and is distributed further with the help of control contacts. The first step is to open and check the quality of the broach of the contacts. Because they can oxidize electrical connections may be violated. In this case, it is necessary to clean the contacts, and maybe then you will not need further repair of the dishwasher with your own hands. Ariston recommends contacting original service centers for help.

If the above actions did not lead to anything, you will have to “ring” the power circuit in order to find out if there is damage. First you need to drain the water and disconnect the machine from the network. Using a multimeter, we check the resistance of the wires, after disconnecting them from the terminal block. If the wire is intact, then the device should show; if not, it means that a malfunction has been found, and the cable should be replaced. You can replace it yourself. Well, if this does not help and the dishwasher does not work, the most correct solution would not be to repair the dishwasher with your own hands (including Bosch). However, the manufacturers themselves recommend contacting official service centers.

If you have a deep knowledge of electrical engineering, you can try to find a malfunction and repair the dishwasher yourself. The circuit diagram of your machine will help with this. Again, using a multimeter, you need to check all the elements of the circuit, and in this way you can find a burnt or damaged element.

For those who are poorly versed in electrical engineering, below is a small reminder for reading circuit diagrams:

  • For the convenience of finding a faulty section of the circuit with the help of abbreviations, the colors of the wires are indicated on such diagrams. Black - VK, TR - tan, W-VK - black and white, BR-O - brown-orange.
  • Terminal blocks are indicated in the diagram in the form of circles. These places are subject to rupture when checking with a multimeter.
  • The dotted border indicates that the contacts enclosed in it are located in some block (keyboard, relay housing). In order to determine what kind of block it is, you need to read its designation - it is located somewhere near the borders of the dotted line.

A small digression. An electrical circuit always has both a beginning and an end. The principle is as follows: for the operation of any element of the circuit, it is necessary that both plus and minus approach it. When checking the circuit, each element that the dishwasher has is considered in this way. Do-it-yourself repair in this case will require patience and perseverance.

No water supply

If the malfunction is that when the water supply is open, water is not drawn into the machine, then most likely the water supply valve has failed or the filter mesh is clogged. These items can be found near the water inlet, at the bottom of your dishwasher. Do-it-yourself repair involves turning off the water, removing the panel and visually inspecting these parts. Clogged mesh must be cleaned with water pressure. Checking the valve is a little more difficult. Again, you will need a multimeter, with which you need to measure the resistance at the terminals of the valve coil. Knowing the resistance, we can draw some conclusions:

  • A short circuit means that there is a short circuit of the turns of the winding.
  • Resistance is zero - winding breakage.
  • If resistance is present, it means that the problem is not in the winding, but in the valve itself.

Be that as it may, you will have to remove the valve and purchase a new one that matches the characteristics of the broken one.

Water is drawn, but washing does not start

The first step is to listen: is the engine running - the main element that your dishwasher has? Do-it-yourself repairs will be needed both in case of work and in the opposite case. If it works, then it means that it could or the pump. In addition, the motor windings could be damaged. Whether this is so can be checked with a multimeter, similar to checking a valve. That is, in the case of a short circuit, we have, and if the resistance is zero, the winding is broken. There are few options for solving this problem - either replacing the electric motor or repairing it in a service.

If the engine does not make any sounds, then you will have to look for a malfunction in the control circuit, resorting to the help of a circuit diagram.

Water does not drain

The most common causes of this malfunction are a plug in the drain or dirty filters. It could also be a faulty pump. To check this, you need to remove the pump and check the windings with a multimeter. If you cannot repair your dishwasher yourself, Beko and other manufacturers will offer their professional assistance.

Dishwasher leak

This trouble can occur due to wear on the seal on the door. You can detect wear visually, and if it occurs, you must purchase a new one and replace it. If a puddle has formed under the car, you should find the place where it leaked from. Most often, water leaks from the pump seal, supply hose, or drain system. Do-it-yourself dishwasher repair - Bosch and other manufacturers - involves the replacement of these parts.

Strange noises

If instead of the usual noise you hear sounds that are completely uncharacteristic for the car, you should check the camera for the presence of glass fragments and metal objects. It is also possible that the bearings are worn out.

In the event that, in addition to a strange sound, you notice a poor quality of washing, then wear of the impellers is possible. After checking the chamber for foreign objects, you should disassemble the motor and pump to check for bearing wear and repair the dishwasher with your own hands. Electrolux advises to purchase original spare parts, otherwise you can lose the warranty.

Water does not heat up

The lack of water heating may be due to a malfunction of the heating elements, temperature sensor or timer. The condition of the heating elements can be checked with your own hands, having a multimeter at hand. If the device shows zero resistance, then you have a direct road to the store for a new device.

It is very problematic to check the quality of the operation of the temperature sensor and the timer on your own, because for this you need to know the algorithm of the electronics that is responsible for heating. Do-it-yourself dishwasher repair - Bosch or other brands - in this case requires special vigilance.

Dishes not drying

Dishwashers that have the option of turbo-drying dishes in their functionality, with this malfunction, have damage to the power circuit and fan windings. The process of checking the windings is described above, for its execution it is necessary to get to the fan, or rather, its terminals. If the fan windings are intact, then you should check its power circuit with a multimeter.

When you touch the body of the machine, it shocks

Do-it-yourself dishwasher repair (including Electrolux) tends to replace one part. Most likely, the problem is that the heating element “punched through”. It is necessary to turn off the machine and remove a heating element. visual inspection should detect its defect. In order to make sure that the heating element is broken, you can conduct a small check.

You should lower the element itself into a container with salt water and use a multimeter to measure the resistance between it and brine. If it is, it is an insulation breakdown. However, such a test is not a panacea, some faulty heating elements do not show up on this test. The breakdown occurs due to the fault and bad care. Therefore, in order not to have to repair the dishwasher with your own hands (Siemens, for example, as well as other well-known brands), you must carefully operate your device.

Overheating water in the dishwasher

It happens that, after water enters the apparatus, steam begins to pour out of it, and the washing of dishes does not start. This is mainly due to a breakdown of the temperature sensor or the heating control system. Most often, the thermostat fails. It is necessary to purchase a sensor with the same characteristics and replace it.

White streaks and streaks form on the dishes

This moment indicates that right process The wrong amount of rinse aid has been selected.

If universal detergents are used, this effect sometimes appears. These tools are designed to simplify the process of washing dishes as much as possible. They contain a rinse aid, however, to achieve a better result, it should still be added separately. To be precise, cloudiness on the dishes is a sign of an excess of rinse aid. If, as a result of washing, the dishes are streaked, the amount of rinse aid added should be reduced. In this case, do-it-yourself dishwasher repair is not required. Indesit and other manufacturers advise using professional detergents, and then they guarantee that the dishes will be clean.

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Among the common malfunctions of dishwashers, the defect of poor-quality washing of dishes is common. What causes such a malfunction of the dishwasher? As the practice of repairing household dishwashers shows, the reasons for the appearance of such a defect can be different. Let's try to cover, if not all, then most of the faults, due to which the dishwasher does not wash dishes efficiently.

Apparatus for washing household dishes for household purposes - the technique is rather complicated. However, any level of complexity is built by separate simple mechanisms, parts, accessories. So let's start simple.

Top atomizer gasket

Poor washing of dishes may be due to low water pressure on the spray mechanism. And the reason for the decrease in pressure may well be the gasket of the nut that fastens the water hose to the nozzle of the sprayer.

This gasket is located inside the body of the mounting nut, which secures the rotating atomizer to the water supply pipe. The gasket may have simply lost its elasticity properties. Then the seal will have to be replaced.

The gasket of the dishwasher nozzle nut is often the reason for the dirty dishes to come out of the machine after passing through. full cycle sinks

If it is decided to replace the gasket, make sure that after removing the old gasket, no dirt or debris remains on the surface for seating the seal. The presence of contaminants can cause a poor seal even with a new gasket.

Pressurized water sprayer

Dishwasher sprayers are conventionally divided into “designs by location” inside the washing tub. In this case, depending on the model, one or more sprayers can be installed:

  • lower,
  • upper,
  • average.

These items can cause the dishwasher to not clean the dishes properly.

The function of the sprayers is to evenly distribute hot water under pressure to the dishes loaded inside the dishwasher tub. Make sure that the atomizer(s) rotates freely, the movement of the device is not slowed down by the loaded dishes.

Violation of the free play of the dishwasher atomizer also manifests itself in the event of bearing wear. If the bearing is worn or damaged, the atomizer vibrates and does not provide a proper water spray pattern.

Inoperability - low water pressure, a change in the direction of spraying may occur due to clogging of the spray holes. Such a malfunction is easily detected visually.

It is also necessary to inspect the dishwasher nozzle(s) for cracks or clogged body openings.

All kinds of food remnants, toothpicks, cellophane film, glass or other foreign objects can prevent the passage of water through the sprayer holes, which worsens the pressure force and spray direction.

The filter system of the mechanism, if any, should be checked. On a dishwasher with a top spray, inspect the sprayer mounting bracket to make sure it is not loose, which could cause correct work devices.

Medium sprayer dock

If the dishwasher has a middle spray attached to an adjustable top rack, check the dock along with its valves.

The docking station is on back wall dishwasher tub on the water pipe. The docking station supplies water to the middle atomizer and usually has two outlets.

Checking the operation of the valves of the docking station. These components of the design of washing machines can also create conditions for poor-quality washing of dishes.

Make sure that the docking station is securely connected to water pipe. It is recommended to check the valves for free movement.

Valves must close tightly and prevent pressure loss. It is also recommended to check plastic parts for cracks and chips. Replace parts if necessary.

Dishwasher and food grinder

The food grinder mechanism is designed to process large pieces of leftover food. This mechanism performs the function of protecting the dishwasher pump from clogging the impeller area with food debris.

Residual food grinder. Damage or loss of performance of this structural element leads to blockage of the water supply lines. As a result, the dishes remain dirty after washing due to lack of flush pressure.

If large pieces of food are not crushed enough, they can clog the drain of the dishwasher. As a result, food residues are recirculated inside the dishwasher tub.

When the dishwasher does not properly clean the dishes, it is recommended to check the drain part of the pump. With a high probability, residual food will be found there - the cause of the defect. Clean the pump and check the chopping device for defects.

Inlet valve for water

The water inlet valve is one of the most problematic dishwasher parts. It is possible that it is the inlet valve that is the reason why the dishes are of high quality.

The inlet valve ensures the correct water level in the dishwasher tank. And when there is not enough water, naturally dishwashing quality is impaired.

Solenoid valve through which water is supplied for washing dishes. If this part does not work or works intermittently, the quality of the wash will deteriorate.

The water valve is usually located on the back of the dishwasher, behind the bottom decorative panel. When the proper water level is not reached or there is no filling at all, first of all, the water supply to the valve is checked.

It is necessary to check the connection of the valve, to make sure that power is supplied to the device during the dishwasher filling cycle. This can be done using a measuring electrical device - a multimeter. If water does not flow through the valve, but power is supplied to it, then the valve needs to be replaced.

Dishwasher and water pipe dispenser

Dirty dishes coming out of a top spray dishwasher can again be due to problems with the water supply. But in this case, the cause is the water supply pipe from the pump to the upper spray arm.

By the way, a similar malfunction also occurs on models where a sprayer is installed in the middle area of ​​​​the dishwasher bath.

It is necessary to check the correct position of the tube in relation to the atomizer, the absence of restrictions on the movement of the water flow. Some dishwasher models are equipped with a water pipe with a filter that may be clogged.

Loose fasteners of the tube supplying water for spraying under pressure - this is also the reason why washing dishes may end poor quality result

Almost all dishwashers have one or more filters to remove food particles. These filters usually have a self-cleaning function, but under certain conditions or when detergents are used, they can become clogged.

The main filtration takes place in the circulation part of the dishwasher pump. There are also filters that need to be cleaned or replaced if necessary. Replacement will definitely be required if the filter is torn or otherwise damaged.

Wash spinner - third level cleaning

Washing - the cleaning stage of the third level, which is used in household dishwashers. The part looks like a small flushing sleeve located on the water supply pipe or on the manifold at the back of the bathtub of some dishwasher models.

The spinner of the dishwasher is a mechanical part, the malfunction of which also entails a violation of the cycle of the washing mode. The result is dirty dishes

Failure of the washing spinner, its incorrect installation or cracks in the body - all this can be the reason when the dishes are not washed to perfect cleanliness.

Need to check . If there is none, take steps to restore or replace this part of the dishwasher.

Detergent is an indirect reason that the dishwasher does not wash dishes well. Therefore, a high quality detergent powder should be used. since the gel or tablets may cause purely operational problems.

For example, the dishwasher does not dissolve the tablet? The reasons for this are most likely the inability of the detergent dispenser to work with tablets or other difficultly soluble dishwashing detergents.

Some dispensers of dishwashing equipment do not take well some detergents - tablets, gels. For this reason, dirty dishes may come out after washing.

Therefore, it is worth considering switching to a powdered detergent here. Powders dissolve easily and quickly, unlike tablets. Or there is an option - manually grind the tablets before loading into the dishwasher dispenser.

It is possible that the detergent dispenser bowl is clogged with debris or detergent residue from previous washes. Therefore, intending to put the dishwasher into operation, you should first check the dispenser and clean the existing deposits.

You also need to check that the bowl of the dishwasher's dosing mechanism is completely freed from the detergent during the washing cycle. This moment shows the correct operation of the detergent dosing device.

Heating element failure

Any dishwasher will charge hot water what predetermines a high-quality washing of ware. The standard washing temperature is at least 60ºС.

Additional heating is provided by electric heaters. When the heating element is not working, the water does not warm up to the desired temperature. As a result, the dishes are not washed efficiently.

The heating element, located at the bottom of the dishwasher tub, is used to maintain the desired temperature in the dishwasher.

The lower area of ​​the bath of washing technology and the heating element located around the perimeter. Its failure does not provide the required temperature for high-quality washing

Due to the heating element, water is heated above the established norm, if a certain dishwashing cycle is applied. On some models, the extra mode heating temperature can reach 90ºС.

Dishwasher and pump impeller malfunctions

Dishwashers are often equipped with a pump that has two impellers. One impeller is designed to create pressure on the water atomizer, the second one works as a drainage impeller. But there are also separate options.

Traditional malfunctions of the dishwasher pump impellers are broken or damaged blades. As a rule, these parts are made of plastic and if large hard food waste (bones, grains, bones, etc.) gets in, there is always a risk of damage to them.

The plastic impeller of the pump is a potential object for breakage from large, hard residual food entering the pump. Impeller failure is accompanied by a decrease in water pressure

Breakage of one or more blades is accompanied by a loss of pump performance. Hence, a decrease in spray pressure and poor-quality washing of dishes.

To fix the problem, you need to open the dishwasher pump housing, dismantle the damaged impeller and replace it with a new one.

Bosch dishwasher repair